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The Great Mental Models, Volume 4: Economics and Art (The Great Mental Models Series #4)
by Shane Parrish Rhiannon BeaubienFrom the New York Times bestselling author of Clear Thinking and Farnam Street founder, Shane Parrish. The fourth and final installment in the timeless Great Mental Models series.Time and time again, great thinkers such as Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett have credited their success to mental models–representations of how something works that can scale onto other fields.Mastering a small number of mental models enables you to rapidly grasp new information, identify patterns others miss, and avoid the common mistakes that hold people back.Volume 4 of The Great Mental Models series delves into the realms of economics and art, presenting more than twenty-four valuable ideas with clear language and style. This book equips you with an understanding of the dynamics shaping our world. It will teach you strategies to leverage these principles and give you a significant edge in the aspects of life you value most.Some of the mental models covered in this book include: Creative destruction: New innovations must sometimes come at the cost of maintaining the status quo.Representation: The depiction of an idea can be visual, but it can also rely on symbols or other ideas.Genre: Creative expressions tend to be grouped according to socially constructed norms; while a work can play with or bend genre, it can&’t exist outside of genre.The Great Mental Models series demystifies once elusive concepts and illuminates rich knowledge that traditional education overlooks. This series is the most comprehensive and accessible guide on using mental models to better understand our world, solve problems, and gain an advantage.
Great Minds in Entrepreneurship Research: Contributions, Critiques, and Conversations
by Vishal K. GuptaAwarded every year since 1996, the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research (GAER) recognizes outstanding contributions in quality and importance to scientific research in entrepreneurship. This book examines the work of GAER award winners (1996–2020), discusses major contributions to the field, identifies critiques of their work, and highlights directions for future research. Students and faculty will find this book to be a rich resource for understanding the impact of leading entrepreneurship scholars.
Great Minds in Regional Science: Volume 1 (Footprints of Regional Science)
by Peter Batey David PlaneThis is the first volume in a new series on 'Great Minds in Regional Science,' which seeks to present a contemporary view on the scientific relevance of the work done by great thinkers in regional science. It presents, among others, Walter Isard, Martin Beckmann and Gunnar Myrdal. Each contribution combines factual biographical information, a description of their major contributions, and a discussion of the broader context of the work, as well as an assessment of its current relevance, scientific recognition and policy impact. The book attempts to fill a gap in our knowledge, and to respond to the growing interest in the formation and development of the field of regional science and its key influential figures.
Great Minds in Regional Science, Vol. 2 (Footprints of Regional Science)
by Peter Batey David PlaneThis book is the second volume in a new series on 'Great Minds in Regional Science,' which seeks to present a contemporary view on the scientific relevance of the work done by great thinkers in regional science. This volume presents, among others, Adam Smith, Johann Heinrich von Thünen, and Alan Wilson. Each chapter combines factual biographical information about the ‘Great Mind,’ a description of their major contributions, and a discussion of the broader context of their work, as well as an assessment of its current relevance, scientific recognition, and policy impact. The book attempts to fill a gap in our knowledge and to respond to the growing interest in the formation and development of the field of regional science and its key influential figures.
Great Minds of Business and Economics: My Life and Work, Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie, and Lombard Street
by Henry Ford Andrew Carnegie Walter BagehotThree classic works on the art of succeeding in business, life, and high finance from three of modern history&’s most influential thought leaders. My Life and Work: A legendary inventor and industrialist, Henry Ford pioneered the American automotive industry. In this combination of memoir and business treatise, he describes his early life as a mechanically inclined farmer&’s son, the inner workings of his eponymous motor company, and the development of the Model T. He also discusses key workplace principles such as compensating workers beyond the prevailing wage and building a diverse workforce. The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie: Scottish immigrant Andrew Carnegie worked his way up from bobbin boy to telegraph operator to railroad man, learning lessons along the way that would lead to his unparalleled success in the steel industry. In this acclaimed memoir, he shares his story of living the American dream, as well as insights on education, business, and the need to give back for the common good. Lombard Street: Written in response to a nineteenth-century banking crisis in England, Walter Bagehot&’s influential treatise was one of the first to clearly explain complex financial systems in accessible language. As editor in chief of the Economist, Bagehot also makes proposals for strengthening the economy, such as allowing irresponsible banks to collapse and creating strong central banks to combat inflation. His insights are as relevant today as they were when the book was first published in 1873.
The Great Mindshift: How a New Economic Paradigm and Sustainability Transformations go Hand in Hand (The Anthropocene: Politik—Economics—Society—Science #2)
by Maja GöpelThis book describes the path ahead. It combines system transformation researchwith political economy and change leadership insights when discussing the needfor a great mindshift in how human wellbeing, economic prosperity and healthyecosystems are understood if the Great Transformations ahead are to lead to moresustainability. It shows that history is made by purposefully acting humans andintroduces transformative literacy as a key skill in leading the radical incremental change
The Great Mistake: How We Wrecked Public Universities and How We Can Fix Them (Critical University Studies)
by Christopher NewfieldA remarkable indictment of how misguided business policies have undermined the American higher education system.Winner of the CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title of the Choice ACRLHigher education in America, still thought to be the world leader, is in crisis. University students are falling behind their international peers in attainment, while suffering from unprecedented student debt. For over a decade, the realm of American higher education has been wracked with self-doubt and mutual recrimination, with no clear solutions on the horizon. How did this happen? In this stunning new book, Christopher Newfield offers readers an in-depth analysis of the "great mistake" that led to the cycle of decline and dissolution, a mistake that impacts every public college and university in America. What might occur, he asserts, is no less than locked-in economic inequality and the fall of the middle class. In The Great Mistake, Newfield asks how we can fix higher education, given the damage done by private-sector models. The current accepted wisdom—that to succeed, universities should be more like businesses—is dead wrong. Newfield combines firsthand experience with expert analysis to show that private funding and private-sector methods cannot replace public funding or improve efficiency, arguing that business-minded practices have increased costs and gravely damaged the university’s value to society. It is imperative that universities move beyond the destructive policies that have led them to destabilize their finances, raise tuition, overbuild facilities, create a national student debt crisis, and lower educational quality. Laying out an interconnected cycle of mistakes, from subsidizing the private sector to "the poor get poorer" funding policies, Newfield clearly demonstrates how decisions made in government, in the corporate world, and at colleges themselves contribute to the dismantling of once-great public higher education. A powerful, hopeful critique of the unnecessary death spiral of higher education, The Great Mistake is essential reading for those who wonder why students have been paying more to get less and for everyone who cares about the role the higher education system plays in improving the lives of average Americans.
The Great Moderation, Dead or Alive?
by Diego CominThe Great Moderation is a significant decline in the volatility of fluctuations in most macroeconomic variables that the United States and other developed and developing economies have experienced at least since the mid 1980s. This case describes the basic facts, presents contending explanations and explores the consequences of the Great Moderation for the likely amplitude of future business cycles.
The Great Money Binge: Spending Our Way to Socialism
by George MelloanPrestigious newspaper editor George Melloan, who worked for The Wall Street Journal for more than half a century, is no stranger to the wild ups and downs of the American and world economies. This brilliantly argued book explains -- using detailed examples from the Crash of 1929 and from the Carter era -- how government intervention actually prevents the economy from recovering its natural balance. Unless lawmakers realize the true importance of using supply-side economics in our current crisis, warns Melloan, nothing will save us from a new era of disastrous inflation and widespread global depression. Citing the importance of historical example, Melloan explains how the world of economics was completely changed in the 1930s under the influence of English economist John Maynard Keynes. His theories advocating government interventionist policies were wholeheartedly adopted as a response to the Great Depression, and remained unquestioned until the "supply-side revolution" of 1980, after the stagflation of the 1970s showed the inherent weaknesses of neo-Keynesian economics. By employing what is sometimes called "Reaganomics," President Ronald Reagan and his economic advisers sparked a quarter century of unparalleled prosperity. Unfortunately, as Melloan demonstrates, government policy soon began to revert to Keynesian theories, even though they are widely misunderstood and misapplied. Now, with the Crash of 2008, our new president and government appear committed to ignoring the lessons of the past. With multibillion-dollar "stimulus packages" becoming the norm, and a multitrillion-dollar national debt that will keep growing so long as present policies are continued, America can look forward to a very grim future indeed. There is only one solution: we must return to our eroded supply-side principles. In the face of general misunderstanding, the vastly experienced Wall Street Journal editor George Melloan outlines a lucid and detailed explanation of exactly why we are currently sinking so rapidly, how this crisis compares to similar situations in the past, and exactly what must be done to return the United States to the economic vitality it enjoyed not so long ago.
The Great Money Reset: Change Your Work, Change Your Wealth, Change Your Life
by Jill SchlesingerTen timely financial steps to build the life you really want.The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to rethink everything. Now, when it comes to envisioning a post-pandemic future, noted financial expert Jill Schlesinger hears one question over and over: How far should I really go to change my life?The Great Money Reset is your guide to getting serious and building your best life. A road map for navigating our present era, this book shows us how to take advantage of the seismic changes unfurling all around us to make big life improvements. Whether it’s negotiating a better deal with your boss, starting or selling a business, moving to a new locale, retraining for a new career, taking time off to find yourself, or saying “the heck with it” and retiring early, The Great Money Reset provides an essential frame-work for strategizing and planning your next move.Is quitting your job a wise decision or the biggest mistake of your life? Should you pursue that graduate degree or are you throwing away your money for a few meaningless letters after your name? What kinds of lifestyle sacrifices will you need to make—and could you tolerate—in order to realize your dreams? What tax and investment moves should you make to secure your future as you head into uncharted territory? And how can you put yourself in a strong position to undertake future life transitions that you can’t fully imagine now?The Great Money Reset answers these and many other questions with Jill’s signature clarity, wit, and no-nonsense honesty. You’ll learn how to change your work, change your wealth, and change your life.In ten simple steps, this book empowers you to break free of your unsatisfying pre-pandemic reality and thrive, regardless of whatever surprises might come next.
The Great Mutual Fund Trap
by Gregory Baer Gary GenslerConvinced that your star mutual fund manager will help you beat the market? Eager to hear the latest stock picking advice on CNBC? FORGET ABOUT IT!TheGreat Mutual Fund Trapshows that the average mutual fund consistently underperforms the market, and that strategies for pickingabove-averagefunds -- everything from past performance to expert rankings -- are useless. Picking individual stocks on the advice of brokers and analysts works no better. The only sure things are the fees and commissions you’ll pay. Fortunately, the news is not all bad. Investors willing to ignore the constant drumbeat of “trade frequently,” “trust the experts,” and “beat the market” now have the opportunity to do better. Using new investing products investors can earn higher returns with lower risks. Drawing on their years of Wall Street, Treasury and Federal Reserve experience, Gary Gensler and Gregory Baer offer a fresh and realistic look at how money is managed in America. From new indexing strategies to risk-managed stock selection,TheGreat Mutual Fund Trapoffers investors an escape from high costs and immunity from seductive marketing messages.
Great Negotiators: How the Most Successful Business Negotiators Think and Behave
by Tom BeasorWhat is it about the great negotiators? How is it they seem to manage to recover from disadvantageous positions? How do they adapt their approach to turn an unpromising start into a value creating deal? And why is it that they never seem to lose their appetite for negotiation? Some of this may be down to genes. There may genuinely be born negotiators but, as far as the rest of us go, it's down to preparation and knowledge; knowledge of how people think and how they behave. Tom Beasor's Great Negotiators is a collection of techniques that illustrate how the most successful negotiators think and behave. Good negotiators are always well prepared and there is a host of tips to help you prepare your strategy and your thinking before an important negotiation. There are also ideas to help you understand the philosophy behind your negotiating approach; to help you handle international negotiations; and to ensure every negotiation is a potential learning experience. Great Negotiators is a treasure trove of ideas from a highly successful international negotiator and trainer.
The Great Neighborhood Book
by Project for Public Spaces Jay WalljasperAbandoned lots and litter-strewn pathways, or rows of green beans and pockets of wildflowers? Graffiti-marked walls and desolate bus stops, or shady refuges and comfortable seating? What transforms a dingy, inhospitable area into a dynamic gathering place? How do individuals take back their neighborhood?Neighborhoods decline when the people who live there lose their connection and no longer feel part of their community. Recapturing that sense of belonging and pride of place can be as simple as planting a civic garden or placing some benches in a park. The Great Neighborhood Book explains how most struggling communities can be revived, not by vast infusions of cash, not by government, but by the people who live there. The author addresses such challenges as traffic control, crime, comfort and safety, and developing economic vitality. Using a technique called "placemaking"--the process of transforming public space--this exciting guide offers inspiring real-life examples that show the magic that happens when individuals take small steps and motivate others to make change.This book will motivate not only neighborhood activists and concerned citizens but also urban planners, developers, and policymakers. Jay Walljasper is a senior fellow of Project for Public Spaces (PPS), whose mission is to create and sustain enriching public places that build communities. He is a former editor of The Utne Reader and currently executive editor of Ode magazine. Inspired by European cities, The Great Neighborhood Book highlights practical solutions for the revitalization of North American cities.
The Great Ocean: Pacific Worlds from Captain Cook to the Gold Rush
by David IglerThe Pacific of the early eighteenth century was not a single ocean but a vast and varied waterscape, a place of baffling complexity, with 25,000 islands and seemingly endless continental shorelines. But with the voyages of Captain James Cook, global attention turned to the Pacific, and European and American dreams of scientific exploration, trade, and empire grew dramatically. By the time of the California gold rush, the Pacific's many shores were fully integrated into world markets and world consciousness. The Great Ocean draws on hundreds of documented voyages--some painstakingly recorded by participants, some only known by archeological remains or indigenous memory--as a window into the commercial, cultural, and ecological upheavals following Cook's exploits, focusing in particular on the eastern Pacific in the decades between the 1770s and the 1840s. Beginning with the expansion of trade as seen via the travels of William Shaler, captain of the American Brig Lelia Byrd, historian David Igler uncovers a world where voyagers, traders, hunters, and native peoples met one another in episodes often marked by violence and tragedy. Igler describes how indigenous communities struggled against introduced diseases that cut through the heart of their communities; how the ordeal of Russian Timofei Tarakanov typified the common practice of taking hostages and prisoners; how Mary Brewster witnessed first-hand the bloody "great hunt" that decimated otters, seals, and whales; how Adelbert von Chamisso scoured the region, carefully compiling his notes on natural history; and how James Dwight Dana rivaled Charles Darwin in his pursuit of knowledge on a global scale. These stories--and the historical themes that tie them together--offer a fresh perspective on the oceanic worlds of the eastern Pacific. Ambitious and broadly conceived, The Great Ocean is the first book to weave together American, oceanic, and world history in a path-breaking portrait of the Pacific world.
Great on the Job: What to Say, How to Say It: The Secrets of Getting Ahead
by Jodi GlickmanGreat on the Job offers a much-needed "people skills" primer and masterclass in all facets of workplace communicationDo you know how to ask for help at work without sounding dumb? Do you know how to get valuable and useful feedback from your colleagues? Have you mastered your professional elevator pitch so that every time you meet someone, they remember and are impressed by you? If you answered "no" to any of these questions, you need Great on the Job. In 2008, Jodi Glickman launched Great on the Job, a communications consulting firm whose distinguished client list includes Harvard Business School, Wharton, The Stern School of Business, Merrill Lynch, and Citigroup. Now, Glickman's three-step training program is available in book form for the first time. With case studies, micro strategies, and example language, readers will learn communication skills that can be practiced and implemented immediately. In today's economy, it's not typically the smartest, hardest working or most technically savvy who succeed. Instead, the ability to communicate well is often the most important precursor to success in the workplace. So whether you're a star performer or a struggling novice, Great on the Job will give you the building blocks you need for every conversation you'll have at work.
The Great Orchestrator: Arthur Judson and American Arts Management (Music in American Life)
by James M. DoeringThis biography charts the career and legacy of the pioneering American music manager Arthur Judson (1881-1975), who rose to prominence in Philadelphia and New York at the beginning of the twentieth century. A violinist by training, Judson became manager of the Philadelphia Orchestra in 1915 under the iconic conductor Leopold Stokowski. Within a few years, Judson also took on management of the New York Philharmonic, navigating a period of change and the tenures of several important conductors who included William Mengelberg, Arturo Toscanini, and John Barbirolli. Judson also began managing individual artists, including pianists Alfred Cortot and Vladimir Horowitz, violinist Jasha Heifetz, and cellist Gregor Piatigorsky. He also organized the U.S. tours of several prominent composers, including Igor Stravinsky and Vincent d'Indy. At the same time, Judson began managing conductors. His first clients were Stokowski and Fritz Reiner. By the 1930s, Judson's conductor list included most of the important conductors working in America. Drawing on rich correspondence between Judson and the conductors and artists he served, James M. Doering demonstrates Judson's multifaceted roles, including involvement with programming choices, building audiences, negotiating with orchestra members and their unions, and exploring new technologies for extending the orchestras' reach. In addition to his colorful career behind the scenes at two preeminent American orchestras, Judson was important for a number of innovations in arts management. In 1922, he founded a nationwide network of local managers and later became involved in the relatively unexplored medium of radio, working first with WEAF in New York City and then later forming his own national radio network in 1927. Providing valuable insight into the workings of these orchestras and the formative years of arts management, The Great Orchestrator is a valuable portrait of one of the most powerful managers in American musical history.
Great Pajama Jobs: Your Complete Guide to Working from Home
by Kerry E. HannonFind out how to secure and thrive in a work-from-home or remote-access job. Get out of your work clothes and into pajamas for good! Did you fall in love with working from home during the months of coronavirus restrictions? Is working in your pajamas appealing? Do you want to earn some income on the side?In 2020, the workplace has been transformed and working from home has exploded. It may, in fact, be the new reality of working for many of us, some full-time, some as a hybrid work scenario. With some information and expert guidance, you can transform your workday, take control of your time, and explore exciting new opportunities. Great Pajama Jobs: Your Complete Guide to Working from Home is your playbook. Until recently, you may have gone to an office that was uninspiring or chaotic, or spent a large part of your busy day responding to emails and working on computer–tasks that could easily be accomplished from home. You may have spent hours commuting each day. Then too, you may be a military spouse in search of an ideal remote job to take with you to a new base, or you may need to manage your personal health issues or caregiving duties. Or you may simply want to inch a little closer to a more favorable work-life balance. The truth is you may need the autonomy and flexibility of working remotely for a myriad of reasons. Great Pajama Jobs is your ultimate guide to finding a job where you can work remotely and advance your career while working in pajamas (or certainly something more comfortable than traditional work garb). Learn the nuts and bolts of how to land a remote-access job you love that will allow you to thrive in your career or bring in extra income in retirement Discover up-to-date resources for finding a solid work from home job for professionals Read insightful interviews with professionals who have already made the move successfully Learn more about leading companies recognized for providing remote employment opportunities Explore great remote jobs in a variety of fields There’s something here for everyone, a job-hunter’s smorgasbord. No, this is not the master list of every job under the sun, but you’ll discover plenty of ideas to spur your imagination about how you can make the most of your talents to create work that, well, works for you. Each job description follows this format: the nitty-gritty, pay range, and qualifications needed, with a smattering of job-hunting tips tossed in. In “Kerry’s Great Pajama Jobs Workshop,” you’ll reap the benefits of professional advice and strategies with information to help you land that work-from-home job, including a resume revamp, the best online job boards for home-based positions, tips on time management and organizing a productive home office, tax advice, and help with saving for retirement when you're on your own. Working from home is here, and it’s real. This year’s work-from-home mandates for many workers around the world, due to the coronavirus, has pushed many employers to embrace and trust remote work. Technology has already boosted the phenomenal growth of home-based employment in recent years and continues to do so. Remote jobs are popular for a good reason. They save you commute time and allow you to focus on completing your work productively and successfully, and they typically provide employers significant cost savings as well. You have the flexibility to choose career opportunities that do not require you to commit long hours inside an office environment. Experience all that a more flexible position can offer when you look to the guidance found in this remote employment roadmap. If you land home office work, comfortable work clothing or even PJs may be your wardrobe of the future. Great Pajama Jobs will
The Great Pensions Robbery: How New Labour Betrayed Retirement
by Alex BrummerOnce upon a time Britain's pension system was admired around the world. Now, it's in tatters and vast numbers of people face the grim choice of enduring a poverty-stricken future or working until they drop. What on earth went wrong?In The Great Pensions Robbery award-winning journalist Alex Brummer ventures into the corridors of power to find out how politicians bent on penny-pinching, a civil service cowed into submission and individuals more interested in their careers than public service have all taken a part in fatally undermining a 100-year-old system. It's also a story of breathtaking hypocrisy, where those in charge have feather-bedded their own pensions while destroying those of ordinary people. And, as Brummer convincingly argues, we're only just starting to live with the appalling consequences.
Great People Decisions
by Claudio Fernández-AráozPraise for Great People Decisions"Fernandez-Araoz has captured the essence of building great teams with a masterful and entirely practical study of what goes into getting people selection right."--JACK WELCH"Fernandez-Araoz does a great service with this wonderful book, teaching us how to accomplish the first task of any exceptional leader: get the right people on the bus, and into the right seats. His enduring passion, deep practical experience, and analytical methods make his approach refreshing and powerful." --JIM COLLINS, bestselling author of Good to Great"No matter your business or product, your service or strategy, it's all done with people. Great results only come when great people fill the right roles. In Great People Decisions, Fernandez-Araoz clears away the fog of myth and fad that has long clouded people decisions, bringing passion, sound experience, and wisdom to these all-important questions."--DANIEL GOLEMAN, bestselling author of Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence"Great People Decisions is a groundbreaking, myth-busting, and standard-setting work. To prepare yourself for the dramatic workforce changes that are expected in the next decade, the first thing you should do is read this book. The second thing you should do is put Fernandez-Araoz's advice into practice immediately."--JIM KOUZES, bestselling coauthor of The Leadership Challenge and A Leader's Legacy"Too many people say 'people are our most important assets' but then don't act on it. In this important and eloquent book, Fernandez-Araoz provides compelling evidence for why making great people decisions is essential for anyone who aspires to become a great leader or build a great company. If you follow the sage advice he offers in this book, you are sure to make great people decisions."--NITIN NOHRIA, Senior Associate Dean of Faculty Development, Harvard Business School, and coauthor of Paths to Power and In Their Time
Great People Make People Feel Great: How Leaders Elevate Teams with Cloud 9 Thinking
by Stuart Holah Adrian Webster“If you want to grow, start by making other people feel taller.” In Great People Make People Feel Great: How Leaders Elevate Teams With Cloud Nine Thinking, accomplished management coach and business veteran Adrian Webster and Stuart Holah set out an inspiring and practical collection of insights into how to unlock the full potential of yourself, colleagues, team members and collaborators. You’ll learn to elevate your workplace by shifting assumptions, and choosing new perspectives which generate better outcomes for managers, team members and entire businesses. You’ll discover the culture shift that’s possible when you give people permission to bring their undiluted selves to work and inspire them to get more out of themselves than they thought possible. The book will show you how to: Find clarity of meaning by simplifying goals and strategies so you focus on what’s most important Build effective teams and foster collaboration by understanding how to motivate people with diverse skills and strengths Celebrate failure for its rich learning opportunities, as well as building on the lessons of success Recognize the power of incremental small changes that add up to powerful transformations An essential handbook for leaders or would-be leaders in any size of organisation, Great People Make People Feel Great will benefit entrepreneurs and founders, as well as senior leadership and board members in established businesses. Each chapter takes a familiar aspect of leadership and examines it from a new angle to show that when we are prepared to ask why we often think and react automatically in certain situations, we can learn to ‘re-programme’ our thinking and consciously adopt more effective strategies.
The Great Persuasion: Reinventing Free Markets Since The Depression
by Angus BurginJust as today's observers struggle to justify the workings of the free market in the wake of a global economic crisis, an earlier generation of economists revisited their worldviews following the Great Depression. The Great Persuasion is an intellectual history of that project. Angus Burgin traces the evolution of postwar economic thought in order to reconsider many of the most basic assumptions of our market-centered world. Conservatives often point to Friedrich Hayek as the most influential defender of the free market. By examining the work of such organizations as the Mont Pèlerin Society, an international association founded by Hayek in 1947 and later led by Milton Friedman, Burgin reveals that Hayek and his colleagues were deeply conflicted about many of the enduring problems of capitalism. Far from adopting an uncompromising stance against the interventionist state, they developed a social philosophy that admitted significant constraints on the market. Postwar conservative thought was more dynamic and cosmopolitan than has previously been understood. It was only in the 1960s and '70s that Friedman and his contemporaries developed a more strident defense of the unfettered market. Their arguments provided a rhetorical foundation for the resurgent conservatism of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan and inspired much of the political and economic agenda of the United States in the ensuing decades. Burgin's brilliant inquiry uncovers both the origins of the contemporary enthusiasm for the free market and the moral quandaries it has left behind.
The Great Pierpont Morgan: A Biography
by Frederick Lewis AllenA revealing biography of J. P. Morgan, one of the most powerful and enigmatic financiers in history, from bestselling author Frederick Lewis Allen. Celebrated as a titan of industry by some and decried as a monopolizing robber baron by others, John Pierpont Morgan was without a doubt a dominant player in American finance at the turn of the twentieth century. He founded U.S. Steel, a conglomeration of leading steel and iron producers, which was the nation&’s largest coast-to-coast railroad system, and the first company to be worth more than $1 billion. Morgan was also instrumental in developing the Federal Reserve after working with political leaders to prevent a potentially devastating fiscal crisis in 1907. Indeed, he was a driving force in the modernization of American business, and the effects of his acumen and foresight continue to resonate today—on Wall Street and beyond. Additionally, known for his displays of wealth and power, Morgan was a prominent figure of the New York society scene—a member of the original one percent—as well as a notable art connoisseur with a sizable collection now housed in Manhattan&’s lavish Morgan Library & Museum, once his own private library. In this meticulously researched and comprehensive biography, Frederick Lewis Allen, former editor of Harper&’s magazine and author of Only Yesterday, delves into the life and character of a fascinating, multidimensional man. Allen also probes the evolution of the business landscape during Morgan&’s lifetime, when giant corporations with unparalleled economies of scale began to absorb and replace smaller competitors. This richly detailed portrait of a man whose name is inseparable from American finance is essential reading for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of banking and business history.
A Great Place to Work For All: Better For Business, Better For People, Better For The World
by Michael C. Bush Great Place to WorkGreatness Redefined for the 21st CenturyToday's business climate is defined by speed, social technologies, and people's expectations of “values” besides value. As a result, leaders have to create an outstanding culture for all, no matter who they are or what they do for the organization. This groundbreaking book, from the creators of the gold-standard Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For list, shows how it's done. Through inspiring stories and compelling research, the authors demonstrate that great places to work for all benefit the individuals working there and contribute to a better global society—even as they outperform in the stock market and grow revenue three times faster than less-inclusive rivals. This is a call to lead so that organizations develop every ounce of human potential.
The Great Polarization: How Ideas, Power, and Policies Drive Inequality (Initiative for Policy Dialogue at Columbia: Challenges in Development and Globalization)
by von Arnim, Rudiger L.; Stiglitz, Joseph E.Inequality of income and wealth has skyrocketed since the 1970s. As the super-rich have grasped the vast majority of the gains from economic growth, labor’s share of income has declined. The middle class has stagnated, and those at the bottom have become even worse off. Persistent structural discrimination on the basis of race and gender exacerbates these economic disparities.The Great Polarization brings together scholars from disparate fields to examine the causes and consequences of this dramatic rise in inequality. Contributors demonstrate that institutions, norms, policy, and political power—not the “natural” operation of the market—determine the distribution of wealth and income. The book underscores the role of ideas and ideologies, showing how neoclassical economics and related beliefs have functioned in public debates to justify inequality. Together, these essays bear out an inescapable conclusion: inequality is a choice. The rules of the economy have been rewritten to favor those at the top, entrenching the imbalances of power that widen the gap between the very rich and everyone else.Contributors reconsider the data on inequality, examine the policies that have led to this predicament, and outline potential ways forward. Using both theoretical and empirical analysis and drawing on the knowledge of experts in policy, political economy, economics, and other disciplines, The Great Polarization offers a kaleidoscopic view of the processes that have shaped today’s stark hierarchies.
The Great Power Competition Volume 6: The Rise of China
by Adib Farhadi Mark Grzegorzewski Anthony J. MasysChina’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) represents a monumental shift in the global power landscape. Through ambitious infrastructure projects and strategic economic investments, China has emerged as a formidable challenger to U.S. dominance in the modern Great Power Competition (GPC), leveraging a unique blend of soft power and non-interference policy. This distinctive strategy has allowed China to rapidly gain footholds in resource rich regions such as Central Asia-South Asia (CASA) and the Middle East, compelling the U.S. to rethink its foreign policy approach in response. Given China’s adept leveraging of soft power in these geostrategic regions, the critical question arises: how can the U.S. meet the nuanced challenges of the modern GPC? The Great Power Competition Volume 6: The Rise of China delves into China’s calculated rise, exploring how the BRI has captivated nations spanning pivotal regions, entrenching Chinese influence across critical sectors. This edited volume brings together distinguished global experts and thought leaders to provide comprehensive analyses of China’s expanding influence across economic, political, technological, and security domains. The collection of essays offers critical insights and recommendations for navigating the modern-day great power competition in an era defined by China’s ascent. The book highlights China’s BRI brand diplomacy and its strategic use of soft power and non-interference policy to reshape the geopolitical landscape. The authors’ final analyses underscore that in the modern era of the GPC, strategic competition and soft power are deeply intertwined.