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Hampton Machine Tool Co.

by David W. Mullins Jr.

A bank lending officer must decide whether to extend and increase a loan to a small machine tool company. Case provides sufficient data for preparation of cash budgets and pro forma financial statements in order to analyze the lending officer's problem. Other issues that can be addressed include the impact of stock repurchase, dividends, advanced payments by customers, as well as general sensitivity analysis.

Hamptonshire Express

by Ananth Raman V. G. Narayanan

Presents a series of problems that face a newspaper publisher, including inventory level, effort level, subsidy for unsold inventory, and commission for sales. Students must make various operational decisions.

The Hamster Revolution: How to Manage Your Email Before It Manages You

by Mike Song Tim Burress Vicki Halsey

Offers an easy-to-implement solution to a problem--e-mail and information overload--that plagues millions of people • Draws on the authors' extensive experience working with major corporate clients • Includes a real-world case study of how the principles in the book were implemented at Capital One Do you spend so much time dealing with e-mails--reading them, writing them, responding to them, responding to responses--that you feel like you're just going round and round and getting nowhere? Meet Harold, an HR director so overwhelmed by email he feels like a hamster on a wheel. Just in time, Harold meets a coach--a leading expert on email efficiency and etiquette with a simple system that helps Harold eliminate needless emails, write better messages, and file and find information in a flash. He gets immediate results--and reclaims his life. This delightful and much-needed fable is based on the authors' extensive experience helping employees at companies like Clear Channel, Procter and Gamble, and Pfizer manage e-mail more efficiently. The book includes a remarkable case study of the authors' work with Capital One, where employees estimated they saved thirteen days a year by applying Hamster Revolution techniques. This book is perfect for time-starved professionals eager to restore balance and order to their busy lives.

The Hamster Revolution: How to Manage Your Email Before it Manages You

by Mike Song Vicki Halsey Tim Burress Ken Blanchard

The Hamster Revolution is a timely solution to both the widespread problem of email overload as well as most people's inefficient (or nonexistent) systems for categorizing and storing email messages.

The Hamster Revolution for Meetings

by Tim Burress Mike Song Vicki Halsey

Are meetings taking over your life? You're not alone. Meet Iris, a sales director so overwhelmed by meetings that she feels like a hamster on a wheel--in fact, she's turned into one. Just in time, she meets a coach--a leading meeting efficiency expert--with a simple system that helps her regain her sanity and humanity. The coach's secret is a laser-like focus on the five biggest meeting pain points: 1. Meeting overload: Professionals waste twenty-four days a year in useless meetings. 2. Missing success ingredients: ninety percent of all professionals attend meetings that lack a clearly stated objective and agenda. 3. Virtual-meeting chaos: Disinterested participants + endless technical glitches huge amounts of wasted time. 4. Agenda adrift: Goals are missed when meetings veer off course. 5. Action distraction: Incomplete action items result in delayed projects and missed deadlines. The coach demonstrates that these five challenges are damaging Iris's career and costing the world over a trillion dollars each year. He provides practical new solutions that rapidly transform Iris from victim to victor. These solutions are tailored to the technology-driven world in which Iris lives--she discovers how to use e-calendars, PDAs, and virtual meetings to make her life easier, not more complicated. She applies the solutions, gets immediate results, and reclaims her life. The Hamster Revolution for Meetings focuses on a small number of high-impact best practices that really work. Included is a landmark case study that shows how 3,000 Capital One associates reclaimed ten days per year while improving meeting effectiveness by over 35 percent.

The Hand Behind the Invisible Hand: Dogmatic and Pragmatic Views on Free Markets and the State of Economic Theory

by Karl Mittermaier

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND Made famous by the Enlightenment thinker Adam Smith, the concept of an ‘invisible hand’ might be taken to imply that a government that governs least governs the best, from the viewpoint of society. Here an invisible hand appears to represent unfettered market forces. Drawing from this much-contested notion, Mittermaier indicates why such a view represents only one side of the story and distinguishes between what he calls pragmatic and dogmatic free marketeers. Published posthumously, with new contributions by Daniel Klein, Rod O’Donnell and Christopher Torr, this book outlines Mittermaier’s main thesis and his relevance for ongoing debates within economics, politics, sociology and philosophy.

Handboek arbeid & gezondheid

by André Bieleman Marcel Balm Josephine Engels Harald Miedema Yvonne Heerkens

Dit boek helpt professionals om de meest optimale ondersteuning te bieden aan mensen die (weer) aan het werk gaan, of aan het werk willen blijven. Het is met name bedoeld voor zorg-, arbo-, en HR-professionals.In Handboek arbeid & gezondheid staat de relatie tussen arbeid en gezondheid centraal. Daarbij wordt gezondheid breed opgevat – vanuit een holistische visie. Het boek beschrijft arbeidsparticipatie vanuit verschillende perspectieven, en legt uit hoe daarmee om te gaan. Bijvoorbeeld in relatie tot  de steeds ouder wordende doelgroep van werkenden, op mensen met chronische aandoeningen, en de speciale situatie van ZZP’ers. Thema’s als wet- en regelgeving, duurzame inzetbaarheid en multidisciplinaire samenwerking komen daarbij ook aan de orde. Daarnaast beschrijft Handboek arbeid & gezondheid wat er nodig is om de organisatie waar het werk plaatsvindt ‘gezond’ te houden. Het beschrijft bijvoorbeeld gedrags- en cultuurveranderingen en aandacht voor een gezonde en veilige werkomgeving.  Deze vierde editie van het Handboek arbeid & gezondheid is geheel geactualiseerd. Het sluit naadloos aan bij de recente ontwikkelingen in werk en gezondheid, zoals de gevolgen van de COVID-19-pandemie. 

Handboek arbeid & gezondheid: Een Handboek Voor Paramedici En Arboprofessionals

by Yvonne Heerkens André Bieleman Harald Miedema Josephine Engels Marcel Balm

Dit boek geeft antwoord op de vraag hoe je integratie, inclusieve arbeid, duurzame inzetbaarheid en re-integratie bevordert. Werk is belangrijk voor mensen; werk draagt bij aan zelfstandigheid, zelfrespect en ontplooiing. En met de toenemende vergrijzing en flexibilisering van de arbeidsmarkt is het bevorderen van duurzame arbeidsparticipatie een steeds grotere uitdaging. Hoe pak je dat aan? Deze derde editie van het Handboek Arbeid & Gezondheid is geheel geactualiseerd. Daarnaast is de focus van het boek aangepast. Er is meer aandacht voor de verschillende perspectieven van waaruit je naar arbeidsparticipatie kunt kijken, de grote variëteit aan professionals die in de verschillende contexten van arbeid werkzaam zijn en de wijze waarop zij samenwerken. In het traject van het aan het werk krijgen (inclusie / integratie), aan het werk houden en het weer terugbrengen naar het werk (re-integratie) spelen – naast de werkende zelf - veel professionals een rol, waaronder paramedici, arbeidsdeskundigen, arboverpleegkundigen en toegepast psychologen. Zij vormen samen de doelgroep van dit handboek. Ook andere (arbo)professionals zijn betrokken, zoals bedrijfs- en verzekeringsartsen, HRM-managers en preventiemedewerkers. Het Handboek Arbeid & Gezondheid is onmisbaar voor iedereen in opleiding tot beroepen gericht op het bevorderen van duurzame arbeidsparticipatie. Ook voor alle professionals die al werken in het mooie maar complexe veld arbeid en gezondheid is dit boek een nuttige bron van informatie.

Handboek Onderhandelen voor insiders: Hoe onderhandel je op het randje en kom je ermee weg

by Passos Dias Aguiar

Je krijgt niet wat je verdient… je krijgt wat je onderhandelt! Als je je onderhandelingsvaardigheden wilt verbeteren, is dit boek iets voor jou. Onderhandelingsvaardigheden bepalen sterk het professionele en persoonlijke leven van elk individu. Deze vaardigheden kunnen je toekomstige succes voor een groot deel voorspellen. Mensen met betere onderhandelingsvaardigheden zijn anderen routinematig de baas door superieur intellect, meer kennis en ervaring, en zelfs meer lef. Veel mensen waren ten onrechte van mening dat onderhandelingsvaardigheden slechts van belang zijn voor die paar mensen die op speciale plekken bijeenkomen om deals te sluiten die de meesten van ons niet aangaan. Niets is minder waar: de baas onderhandelt met de medewerker, de man onderhandelt met de vrouw, de leerling onderhandelt met de leraar, de verkoper onderhandelt met de koper en de zoon onderhandelt met zijn moeder. Mensen die denken dat ze niet aan onderhandelingen deelnemen, doen het eigenlijk dagelijks, en ze winnen en verliezen bij elk van die interacties. Helaas hebben maar heel weinig mensen het voordeel gehad dat ze een onderhandelingstraining hebben gedaan. Dit boek neemt die handicap weg: het onthult de geheimen, tactieken en strategieën die worden gebruikt door gehaaide professionele internationale onderhandelaars. Hier is alles te vinden wat je nodig hebt om betere resultaten te behalen bij je persoonlijke en professionele onderhandelingen. Het leest makkelijk weg, dit is een boek dat je er vaak even bij zult pakken. Onderwerpen zijn onder meer: •    De drie cruciale onderdelen van elke onderhandeling. •    Bronnen van macht  bij een onderhandeling. •    Onderhandelingsstijl. •    Openingstactieken.  •    Middenspeltactieken •    Eindspeltactieken. •    Omgaan met agressieve confrontaties. •    Telefonisch onderhandelen. •    Wat d

Handboek organisatie van de huisartsenpraktijk (Basiswerk AG)

by B. van Abshoven

Dit handboek geeft (aanstaande) doktersassistenten handvatten voor het uitvoeren van administratieve en organisatorische werkzaamheden in de huisartsenpraktijk. Zo leer je hoe je een kwaliteitssysteem kunt opzetten en aanpassen en welke vormen van declareren er zijn. Dit is de tweede geheel herziene druk van Handboek organisatie van de huisartsenpraktijk.In deze versie staat meer informatie over ICPC-codering en episodegericht registreren. Bovendien worden er nieuwe onderwerpen besproken, zoals de AVG (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming) en de klachtenwet Wkkgz (Wet kwaliteit, klachten en geschillen zorg). Ook is er veel aandacht voor ketenzorg. Handboek organisatie van de huisartsenpraktijk bestaat uit hoofdstukken die oplopen in complexiteit. Het begint met het beschrijven van alledaagse taken die je als doktersassistent uitoefent. En eindigt met het uitleggen van de achterliggende visies over kwaliteit en veiligheid. Je leest wat procesmatig werken is en wat het inhoudt om protocollair te werken. Het onderwerp ketenzorg vind je in verschillende hoofdstukken, vanuit verschillende invalshoeken terug. Dit handboek levert een belangrijke bijdrage aan deeltaken B1-K1, B1-K3, B1-K4 van het kwalificatiedossier Doktersassistent (01-08-2015).Het boek is toegankelijk dankzij ondersteunende foto’s en dankzij tekeningen van Rosali Dewi Bosma die je laten nadenken over de praktijkorganisatie.Barbara van Abshoven doceerde assistenten in de gezondheidszorg op het ROC Midden Nederland. Momenteel werkt zij als praktijkmanager bij Praktijk Catharijnesingel in Utrecht. Zij is medeauteur van de boeken Voetstappen in de samenleving en Assistent en maatschappij, burgerschap voor AG.

Handbook Factory Planning and Design

by Hans-Peter Wiendahl Jürgen Reichardt Peter Nyhuis

This handbook introduces a methodical approach and pragmatic concept for the planning and design of changeable factories that act in strategic alliances to supply the ever-changing needs of the global market. In the first part, the change drivers of manufacturing enterprises and the resulting new challenges are considered in detail with focus on an appropriate change potential. The second part concerns the design of the production facilities and systems on the factory levels work place, section, building and site under functional, organisational, architectural and strategic aspects keeping in mind the environmental, health and safety aspects including corporate social responsibility. The third part is dedicated to the planning and design method that is based on a synergetic interaction of process and space. The accompanying project management of the planning and construction phase and the facility management for the effective utilization of the built premises close the book. The Authors Prof. em. Dr. -Ing. Dr. mult. h. c. Hans-Peter Wiendahl has been director for 23 years of the Institute of Factory planning and Logistics at the Leibniz University of Hannover in Germany. Prof. Dipl. -Ing. Architekt BDA Jürgen Reichardt is Professor at the Muenster school of architecture and partner of RMA Reichardt - Maas - Associate Architects in Essen Germany. Prof. Dr. -Ing. habil. Peter Nyhuis is Managing Director of the Institute of Factory Planning and Logistics at the Leibniz University of Hannover in Germany.

Handbook for a Sustainable Economy

by Roberto Bermejo

Since the 1992 World Scientists' Warning to Humanity, the looming prospect of Earth's changing climate has inspired a broad movement dedicated to a sustainable future. In this Handbook, the author explains the elements of a sustainable economy, the development of which must be undertaken if we are to retain our civilization. The first section offers a critical analysis of orthodox economical thinking, and the tools used by the conventional economy to solve the "environmental problem. " The author examines the theory and tools of Environmental Economics addressing the commodification of nature, and offers analysis of the theoretical and practical contradictions which arise from attempts to combine environmental protection and free trade. Part II discusses the principles and tools needed to build a sustainable economy, including the concept of biomimicry as a guiding principle of sustainability, a brief description of the adaptive cycle of ecosystems and explains the concept of transformability and the factors that determine it. Discussion includes a broad evaluation of the capacity for transformation of National Sustainable Development Strategies and an analysis of the essential requirements of ecology-based tax reform. Also included is a critical vision of the dominant paradigm of science and technology. The third section explores sustainable production and consumption, discussing energy, transport, the circular economy of materials and sustainable consumption. Included are a detailed analysis of factors that determine the limits of fossil fuels, a description of the peak oil structural effect and its sectoral impacts, an overview of a sustainable electric system and a review of biofuels, electricity and hydrogen. The author concludes that only hydrogen associated to fuel offers a sustainable alternative to oil. Discussion includes a view of the structural causes of the current high-level consumption model through the lens of motivation, provision and access systems and a detailed description of policies that must be adopted as part of a sustainable consumption strategy. The final chapter undertakes the task of analyzing the capability of our societies to transform themselves to reach sustainability. The author broadly evaluates each factor, as a prior step to carrying out an overall evaluation and demonstrates that in order to accomplish a comprehensive analysis, a multidisciplinary group is necessary.

Handbook for Creative Team Leaders

by Susan Moger Tudor Rickards

Every worthwhile organization strives continuously to improve. What the authors of this groundbreaking book offer is nothing less than a system for achieving peak performance. As a result of their work with more than 2000 teams, in some 40 countries across the globe, the authors identified the 7 factors that distinguish what they call ’dream teams’ and on that basis they developed the structured approach described in the Handbook. Part I sets out the principles that underlie team performance. Part II shows how to train teams to become more creative. Finally, in Part III, the authors demonstrate their ideas in action with real-life examples from a wide variety of organizational settings. They emphasize throughout the role of leadership in stimulating creativity and innovation, and they explain how to inject new dynamism into existing organizational systems and practices. Anyone involved in teamworking would profit from a close study of the Handbook. It will be especially valuable to team leaders and facilitators, to project managers and to HRD practitioners and consultants.

Handbook for Developing Emotional and Social Intelligence

by Henry L. Thompson James Bradford Terrell Marcia Hughes

Handbook for Developing Emotional and Social Intelligence is an authoritative collection of practical content--best practices, case studies, and tools--that showcases the application and development of emotional and social intelligence in the workplace. The authors are some of the best-known experts in the field and the book includes practitioners, academics and thought-leaders that contributed to this rich collection of knowledge and solutions that will appeal to anyone involved in developing leaders and teams. The handbook features topics such as leadership, recruitment, conflict resolution, team development, and stress management.

Handbook for Distance Learning in Tourism

by Kaye Sung Chon

Deliver quality instruction to your students-on-campus or offThe Handbook for Distance Learning in Tourism is a practical, down-to-earth guide to developing and using print-based and Internet-based flexible learning resources for courses where students rarely, if ever, attend on-campus classes. Whether you&’re a teacher who needs to develop course notes into a flexible learning package, a Web site, or both, or you just want information about how to teach in a flexible environment, the book will provide the help you need-in language you can understand. Designed to guide you through the completion of a project-or a semester-this hands-on book offers strategies, suggestions, hints, and examples, and includes a hotel and tourism case study that illustrates effective concepts and strategies.Written by Gary Williams, co-editor of The Internet and Travel and Tourism Education (Haworth), this unique book will help you develop print-based and Internet-based learning resources instead of focusing only on one or the other, breaking down the barriers placed between learning environments. The strategies presented are timeless, with no comparisons of specific commercial or noncommercial products to become outdated and no Web site addresses to become useless. The book makes extensive use of tables, graphics, and illustrations and has its own Web site that&’s regularly updated, listing online resources arranged on a chapter-by-chapter basis.The Handbook for Distance Learning in Tourism examines: the roles and characteristics of a project manager developing and buying resources considerations before committing to a project maximizing project ownership ensuring quality content educational design guidelines media foundations production, design, and maintenance of print resources developing and using Web sites computer-mediated contact course management systems (CMS) and much more!The Handbook for Distance Learning in Tourism is an invaluable guidebook for educators working in the field of hotel and tourism management as well as academics, project managers, and educational designers who are interested in flexible learning developments.

The Handbook for Investment Committee Members

by Russell L. Olson

Comprehensive coverage of what it takes to be a responsible member of an investment committeeIn a clear, organized, and easy-to-understand manner, this handbook explains the responsibilities and expectations of investment committee fiduciaries for pension funds, endowment funds, and foundations. Emphasizing all the do's and don'ts to follow for prudent investment management, this invaluable resource covers topics ranging from investment policy, asset allocation, and risk assessment to understanding information presented at committee meetings, asking meaningful and productive questions, and voting on recommendations knowledgeably. This book will empower readers with all the knowledge they need to feel confident in the investment decisions they make for their organizations

A Handbook for Managing Mentoring Programs: Starting, Supporting and Sustaining

by Laura Gail Lunsford

Despite the interest and pervasiveness of mentoring there has been little attention devoted to professionalizing mentoring for program managers in learning organizations, especially post-secondary institutions, and there are scant resources available for mentoring coordinators. This book fills that gap. Drawing on research on mentoring and coaching in psychology, education and organizations, this guide translates research into practice by helping program administrators learn more about the behaviors of mentoring, stages of mentoring relationships, elements of high quality relationships, and recognizing and avoiding dysfunctional ones. The book includes diagnostic surveys and case studies that coordinators might use in their programs and makes an important contribution to the literature on mentoring, providing a practical, up-to-date resource for those working in the field on how to set up, run, and evaluate their mentoring programs.

The Handbook for Market Research for Life Sciences Companies: Finding the Answers You Need to Understand Your Market

by Jean-Francois Denault

As innovation moves from the lab to the market, a new research phase begins for the entrepreneur: the market research phase. Inspired by a new technology that can change the world, critical questions need to be addressed. Is there a market for my innovation? Who are my clients? What do they need? Is my innovation filling that gap in the market? Who are my competitors? How are they approaching the market? If these questions are unaswered, entrepreneurs meet potential investors or partners with only a basic understanding of their market. The objective of this book is to fill this gap. It is a practical manual that gives entrepreneurs real-world advice and tools to build a solid market model. The book provides tips, models and tools entrepreneurs can use to collect, interpret and present their market and integrate it into their business plan. What the entrepreneur learns in this book will help him throughout his journey. After going over the market research process, he will learn how to design and use a number of market research tools, and how to adapt them in a life science context. From building a web survey to preparing interviews to doing your own secondary research, this handbook will help him gain a comprehensive understanding of how to perform his own market research activities and how to analyze his data. Finally, a number of frameworks (such as the TAM-SAM-SOM as well as the KANO Model) are described so that he can efficiently share what he has learned, using models that simply yet effectively shares findings.

Handbook for Muni-Bond Issuers (Bloomberg Financial #18)

by Joe Mysak

From Bloomberg, the authority on municipal bond valuation, this is the first book to give issuers (municipalities and their officers, attorneys, and other advisers) step-by-step tips on (1) lowering the cost of financing and (2) how to do it right and avoid trouble--with the press, with the market, with constituents, and with the Securities and Exchange Commission. With an insider's perspective, Joe Mysak debunks the myths and reveals thepractical realities of today's municipal bond market. Fresh and clearly written, this excellent primer on issuing municipal bonds is a key to the market that no participant should be without.

Handbook for Museums (The\heritage: Care - Preservation - Management Ser.)

by David Dean Gary Edson

Handbook for Museums is the definitive guide of need-to-know information essential for working in the museum world. Presenting a field-tested guide to best practice, the Handbook is formed around a commitment to professionalism in museum practice. The sections provide information on management, security, conservation and education. Including technical notes and international reading lists too, Handbook for Museusms is an excellent manual for managing and training.

A Handbook for New Stoics: How To Thrive In A World Out Of Your Control--52 Week-by-week Lessons

by Gregory Lopez Massimo Pigliucci

A pragmatic philosophy more popular than ever—here are 52 ancient lessons to help you overcome adversity and find tranquility in the modern world Stress often comes from situations that are beyond our control—such as preparing for a meeting, waiting for test results, or arguing with a loved one. But we can control our response to these everyday tensions—through the wisdom and practice of Stoicism. Stoicism is an ancient pragmatic philosophy that teaches us to step back, gain perspective, and act with intention. In A Handbook for New Stoics, renowned philosopher Massimo Pigliucci and seasoned practitioner Gregory Lopez provide 52 week-by-week lessons to help us apply timeless Stoic teachings to modern life. Whether you’re already familiar with Seneca and Marcus Aurelius, or you’re entirely new to Stoicism, this handbook will help you embrace challenges, thrive under pressure, and discover the good life!

A Handbook for Psychological Fitness-for-Duty Evaluations in Law Enforcement

by Cary D. Rostow Robert D. Davis

While some books about police psychology contain a chapter on the fitness-for-duty question, this is the first comprehensive publication focused exclusively on psychological fitness-for-duty evaluations (FFDEs) for law enforcement personnel. This handbook is ideal for professionals and for coursework designed to prepare individuals for careers as police or municipal officials, psychologists, students, behavioral science specialists, human rights advocates, and attorneys. A helpful glossary makes the book even more useful for students and those who do not have extensive academic or formal training in psychology or public administration. A Handbook for Psychological Fitness-for-Duty Evaluations in Law Enforcement describes in detail the mechanics of setting up a fitness-for-duty methodology and examines the effectiveness of FFDEs in law enforcement. You’ll find clear instructions for developing a FFDE system from the law enforcement executive’s viewpoint (valuable for attorneys, police psychologists, and civil service board members as well), and an extensive bibliography with particular emphasis on laws and cases that provide guidance to psychological and law enforcement professionals. Several appendices provide examples of documentation that can be used in the evaluation process. This book brings you reliable information on: legal precedents, with a review of legal cases (in language appropriate for law enforcement executives and psychologists) the interaction between police culture, psychological assessment, and therapy federal laws that impact FFDEs, including the HIPAA, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family Medical Leave Act and the Fair Credit Reporting Act case law and FFDEs, with emphasis on civil rights laws, labor issues, professional ethical dilemmas, and the psychologist as a potential expert witness the proper uses—and the misuses—of the FFDE approach police departmental civil liability and the role that the FFDE plays in addressing legal risks In addition, this book contains a succinct review of psychological testing (psychometrics), and the technicalities of employing a professional psychologist to determine the fitness of commissioned officers. A Handbook for Psychological Fitness-for-Duty Evaluations in Law Enforcement proposes a model law that could be used to improve the utility and effectiveness of FFDEs, and presents a forward-looking discussion of FFDE issues that may become controversial in the near future.

Handbook for Strategic HR: Best Practices in Organization Development from the OD Network

by John Vogelsang Maya Townsend Matt Minahan David Jamieson Judy Vogel Annie Viets Cathy Royal Lynne Valek

The role of human resources is no longer limited to hiring, managing compensation, and ensuring compliance. Since the 1990s, a transformation has occurred. Companies are calling upon a new breed of HR professionals to behave as organization development consultants, helping to determine priorities in running the business, design how work gets done,craft strategy, and shape culture. A compendium of the best thinking on the subject, Handbook for Strategic HR includes more than 80 articles from the renowned OD Practitioner. It introduces readers to core organization development strategies and skills, giving them creative approaches, practical tips, and proven methods to help them: - See the big picture, think systemically, and strategically identify where best to foster change in their organization - Team up with consultants and senior-level staff in leading a change project - Put employee engagement to practical use and involve "minds, hearts, and hands" in the important work of the organization - Operate effectively in cross-cultural and virtual working situations Comprehensive and practical, this forward-thinking book enables readers to become key partners in leading their organizations forward.

Handbook for Strategic HR - Section 2: Consulting and Partnership Skills

by John Vogelsang Maya Townsend Matt Minahan David Jamieson Judy Vogel Annie Viets Cathy Royal Lynne Valek Od Network

The role of the HR professional has shifted from personnel administrator to business adviser, which includes consulting and partnering with the organization’s leadership and other service providers. This section will help you learn what core skills are needed for consulting; how to develop partner relationships to support innovation and change; how to work with clients in a consultative mode; and how to deal with the challenges of being an internal consultant.

Handbook for Strategic HR - Section 3: Use of Self as an Instrument of Change

by John Vogelsang Maya Townsend Matt Minahan David Jamieson Judy Vogel Annie Viets Cathy Royal Lynne Valek Od Network

“Use of self” is what Organizational Development practitioners call the complex set of awareness and behaviors that make it possible to be genuinely helpful to others. Effective use of self is essential for influencing change in an organization. This section will help you understand how your assumptions influence your behavior and your perception of others; how to counter covert dynamics in the workplace that undermine productivity; how to encourage ethical leadership; how to foster inclusion; and how to continually learn about greater self-awareness and better working relationships with colleagues.

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