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The Greek Crisis: Tragedy or Opportunity?

by Jonathan Schlefer Dante Roscini Konstantinos Dimitriou

After its 2009-2010 fiscal crisis shook the euro, could the Greek government stabilize debt, avoid default, and stay on the euro? This case looks at the Greek social and political road to fiscal crisis; the economics of that crisis and efforts to recover from it; the danger the crisis posed to the euro; cooperation and conflict among European states, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund to try to help Greece emerge from crisis; and the role financial markets played in these events.

The Greek Crisis and European Modernity

by Anna Triandafyllidou Ruby Gropas Hara Kouki

This collection explores the current economic and political crisis in Greece and more widely in Europe. Greece is used to illustrate and exemplify the contradictions of the dominant paradigm of European modernity, the ruptures that are inherent to it, and the alternative modernity discourses that develop within Europe. By critically reviewing the 'alternative' path to modernization that Greece has taken, the authors question whether the current Greek economic and political-moral crisis is the resulting failure of this 'alternative' or 'deviant' modernization model or whether it is the result of a wider crisis in the dominant European economic and political modernity paradigm.

The Greek Crisis: Tragedy or Opportunity?

by Dante Roscini Jonathan Schlefer Konstantinos Dimitriou

After its 2009-2010 fiscal crisis shook the euro, could the Greek government stabilize debt, avoid default, and stay on the euro? This case looks at the Greek social and political road to fiscal crisis; the economics of that crisis and efforts to recover from it; the danger the crisis posed to the euro; cooperation and conflict among European states, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund to try to help Greece emerge from crisis; and the role financial markets played in these events.

Greek Culture After the Financial Crisis and the Covid-19 Crisis: An Economic Analysis (The Political Economy of Greek Growth up to 2030)

by Panagiotis E. Petrakis Kyriaki I. Kafka Pantelis C. Kostis Dionysis G. Valsamis

This book studies the evolution in human thought, action, and behavior as a result of the 2008 fi nancial crisis and the Covid-19 crisis. Through the presentation and analysis of data, as recorded for at least a decade, and using the Greek economy as a case study, the authors examine the changes in social and human capital, increasingly risk-averse behavior, and changes in people’s general psyche and economic action in Greek society and economy.

The Greek Debt Crisis

by Christos Floros Ioannis Chatziantoniou

This book sheds new light on the Greek economic challenges and helps readers understand the current debt crisis. Chapters from leading experts in the field identify and outline potential solutions to the on-going decline of the Greek economy by considering both Eurozone-adopted current policy framework explanations and potential alternative explanations. In contrast to the standard chronological approach toward the Greek debt crisis typically adopted by other texts, this book draws on the experience and views of specialized economists and offers divergent opinions that could potentially form alternative solutions. It will be of interest to researchers and academics interested in the Greek economy, modern financial modelling, and risk management.

The Greek Economy and the Crisis: Challenges and Responses

by Panagiotis Petrakis

The book "The Greek Economy and the Crisis. Challenges and Responses" targets all those who think about the present and future of this (culturally) long-lived small geographic region (Greece), to form a personal view of its social and economic problems. A society that repeats the same types of behaviour over the centuries does not do so due to random mistakes. It contains intrinsic forces that affect it. These should be understood, to allow us to delineate future developments. However, the manner in which the social and economic process is perceived must be comprehensive and multidisciplinary: Economics, politics, social psychology and organizational psychology are essential to this analysis. Thus, the book is useful to those seeking information for their professional, scientific and personal development, allowing them to shape their social attitude. It is also useful to those responsible for taking decisions at national, European or enterprise level, in relation to the social and economic problems of Greece.

The Greek Economy in the Twentieth Century (Routledge Revivals)

by A.F. Freris

The Greek Economy, first published in 1986, presents a detailed survey of the development of the Greek economy in the twentieth century. It examines the different sectors of the economy, traces the different stages of development and relates economic development to the social, political and natural resource background. The book concludes by examining the likely future development of the Greek economy within the enlarged EEC – a key question at the time being, Will the Greek economy be transformed into a ‘developed economy’, or continue to be like that of a less developed country?

The Greek-Turkish Maritime Dispute: Resisting the Future (Contributions to International Relations)

by Andreas Stergiou

The study provides an extensive legal, geopolitical and historical analysis of all controversial issues making up the Greek-Turkish maritime dispute: the delimitation of territorial waters, the national airspace, the delineation of exclusive economic zones and continental shelf as well as the issue of military presence on the Eastern Aegean islands and its relation to the Greek sovereignty over them. By immersing thoroughly into international jurisprudence, international treaties and historical facts, the book offers a detailed survey of legal precedents and legal regimes over similar issues worldwide. In this way, the reader has the opportunity to ascertain where every single legal and historical argument has been drawn from and its relevance in the international jurisprudence. Consequently, it follows the evolution of the dispute together with all its twists from 1973 to 2022 that saw a new low in the historically tense Greek-Turkish relationship. The book finally re-examines the dispute in the light of the new green energy geopolitics and the ongoing climate crisis and comes up with some suggestions for an alternative paradigm of co-existence in the Aegean Sea which in the author’s view is urgent and inevitable.

The Greeks And Hedging Explained

by Peter Leoni

A practical guide to basic and intermediate hedging techniques for traders, structerers and risk management quants. This book fills a gap for a technical but not impenetrable guide to hedging options, and the 'Greek' (Theta, Vega, Rho and Lambda) -parameters that represent the sensitivity of derivatives prices.

The Greeks and the Rational: The Discovery of Practical Reason (Sather Classical Lectures #76)

by Josiah Ober

Tracing practical reason from its origins to its modern and contemporary permutations The Greek discovery of practical reason, as the skilled performance of strategic thinking in public and private affairs, was an intellectual breakthrough that remains both a feature of and a bug in our modern world. Countering arguments that rational choice-making is a contingent product of modernity, The Greeks and the Rational traces the long history of theorizing rationality back to ancient Greece. In this book, Josiah Ober explores how ancient Greek sophists, historians, and philosophers developed sophisticated and systematic ideas about practical reason. At the same time, they recognized its limits—that not every decision can be reduced to mechanistic calculations of optimal outcomes. Ober finds contemporary echoes of this tradition in the application of game theory to political science, economics, and business management. The Greeks and the Rational offers a striking revisionist history with widespread implications for the study of ancient Greek civilization, the history of thought, and human rationality itself.

Greeks of the Merrimack Valley (Images of America)

by E. Philip Brown Elaine Kevgas

The Merrimack Valley became home to Greeks after the great immigration to the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries. After its independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1832, Greece had inadequate resources for its citizens, which led to much hardship. Many of these refugees came to the Merrimack Valley in search of a better living. They settled in Haverhill, Lawrence, and Lowell, Massachusetts, or Concord, Manchester, and Nashua, New Hampshire, where they secured jobs in factories and mills. Those who were unable to gain employment in the manufacturing industries went into the service sector; others became self-sufficient, building restaurants, shoe shops, and grocery stores. Although they suffered discrimination because of their distinct language and culture, they were not deterred; instead, they remained focused, went about their activities in peace, and contributed immensely to the socioeconomic development of their newfound home.

Greeley Hard Copy: Portable Scanner Initiative (A)

by Michael L. Tushman Daniel B. Radov

Hewlett-Packard's Greeley Hard Copy Division is the market leader in the production of desktop flatbed scanners for personal computers. The division has been working to develop a portable scanner product for the past five years with mixed results. The new general manager, Phil Faraci, faces mounting pressures in the flatbed scanner markets, but is also presented with a new technology that has the potential to be a breakthrough for portable scanners. Faraci must decide whether or not to pursue the new portable technology, and if so, how to structure the organization to make product development successful where it has failed in the past.

Greeley Hard Copy: Portable Scanner Initiative (B)

by Michael L. Tushman Daniel B. Radov

Supplements the (A) case.

Greeley Hard Copy: Portable Scanner Initiative (C)

by Michael L. Tushman Daniel B. Radov

Supplements the (A) case.

Green Academia: Towards Eco-Friendly Education Systems (Academics, Politics and Society in the Post-Covid World)

by Sayan Dey

This book studies the importance of adopting Green Academia as a systemic long-term counter-intervention strategy against any form of impending pandemics in the post-COVID era and beyond. It argues that anti-nature and capitalistic knowledge systems have contributed to the evolution and growth of COVID-19 across the globe and emphasizes the merits of reinstating nature-based and environment-friendly pedagogical and curricular infrastructures in mainstream educational institutions. The volume also explores possible ways of weaving ecology and the environment as a habitual practice of teaching and learning in an intersectional manner with Science and Technology Studies. With detailed case studies of the green schools in Bhutan and similar practices in India, Kenya, and New Zealand, the book argues for different forms of eco-friendly education systems and the possibilities of expanding these local practices to a global stage. Part of the Academics, Politics and Society in the Post-COVID World series, this book will be an essential read for scholars and researchers of sociology, cultural studies, decolonial studies, education, ecology, public policy social anthropology, sustainable development, sociology of education, and political sociology.

Green Adsorbents for Pollutant Removal: Innovative materials (Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World #19)

by Grégorio Crini Eric Lichtfouse

This is the second volume on adsorption using green adsorbents and is written by international contributors who are the leading experts in the adsorption field. Together with the first volume they show a typical selection of green materials used in wastewater treatment, with emphasis on industrial effluents. This second volume focuses on innovative materials. It presents hemp-based materials for metal removal, and the use of leaves for metal removal. It describes the biosorption of metals and metalloids on various materials and discusses the recent advances in cellulose-based adsorbents used in environmental purposes. Furthermore, activated carbons from food wastes, aerogels and bones, and municipal solid waste biochar as efficient materials for pollutant removal, respectively are reviewed as well as biosorption of dyes onto microbial biosorbents and the use of mushroom biomass to remove pollutants are looked at. The volume also includes detailed review of green adsorbents for removal of antibiotics, pesticides and endocrine disruptors and the use of pillared interlayered clays as innovative materials for pollutant removal. Finally, the use of green adsorbents for radioactive pollutant removal from natural water is discussed. The audience for this book includes students, environmentalists, engineers, water scientists, civil and industrial personnel who wish to specialize in adsorption technology. Academically, this book will be of use to students in chemical and environmental engineering who wish to learn about adsorption and its fundamentals. It has also been compiled for practicing engineers who wish to know about recent developments on adsorbent materials in order to promote further research toward improving and developing newer adsorbents and processes for the efficient removal of pollutants from industrial effluents. It is hoped that the book will serve as a readable and useful presentation not only for undergraduate and postgraduate students but also for the water scientists and engineers and as a convenient reference handbook in the form of numerous recent examples and appended information.

The Green Agenda: A Business Guide

by Alan Calder

'Climate change', 'global warming' and, before that, 'the new ice age' have all been fashionably topical issues about which individuals and organizations have worried themselves over the course of the last twenty years or so. This guide was written to introduce, to a business audience, the opposing groups and the key climate change concepts, to provide an overview of a Green IT strategy and to set out a straightforward, bottom line-orientated Green IT action plan. The fact that this will also enable the organization to comply with the growing range of ecologically- focused range of regulations is an additional benefit!

Green and Competitive: Ending the Stalemate

by Michael E. Porter Claas Van Der Linde

The lingering belief that environmental regulations erode competitiveness has resulted in a stalemate. One side pushes for tougher standards, the other tries to roll standards back. The authors' research shows that tougher environmental standards actually can enhance competitiveness by pushing companies to use resources more productively. Managers must start to recognize environmental improvement as an economic and competitive opportunity, not as an annoying cost or an inevitable threat. Environmental progress demands that companies innovate to raise resource productivity--precisely the new challenge of global competition. It is time to build on the underlying economic logic that links the environment, resource productivity, innovation, and competitiveness.

Green and Lean Management

by Carolina Machado J. Paulo Davim

This book focusses on the challenges and changes organizational management faces in an era when the need to develop environmentally aware processes meets high levels of competition. It covers the synergetic effects, how re-use, recycling, waste reduction, and other sustainable production strategies can add value, low costs and time of production. Sustainable business behavior is not only an environmental perspective on management, but more and more contains an organizational perspective. Taking into account these issues, green and lean management appears as the way managers can drive their employees to continuously improve the management processes that add value to the organization and costumers. This book provides information on principles, strategies, models, and applications of green and lean management, and at the same time communicates the latest research activity relating to this scientific field world-wide.

Green and Social Economy Finance: A Review

by Karen Wendt

Green and Social Economy Finance is a compilation of chapters by experts, linking research and practice. This anthology provides a new thinking on social economy green finance, showing emerging themes and trends. It spans from stock markets, green finance, innovations, digitalization to social finance, governance and theories of change. It concentrates on impact, opportunity recognition and development of financial products designed to finance the green and social economy. Without the attraction of capital, social entrepreneurship, and innovations, green finance can face difficulty in addressing business solutions. Green and social economy is a nascent field. The authors address the conceptualization of green and social solutions and identify new trends in the finance industry products and approaches. The book demonstrates that aligning finance and investment with the Paris Agreement, sustainable development goals and needs and interests of society are feasible.

Green and Sustainable Finance: Principles and Practice in Banking, Investment and Insurance (Chartered Banker Series)

by null Simon Thompson

The finance sector has a crucial role to play in delivering a sustainable future for the planet. To address the Triple Planetary Crisis of climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss, it is vital that the finance sector rapidly accelerates the mobilization of capital to support a successful and just transition to net zero. This requires enhancing both the capabilities of financial institutions and developing the knowledge and skills of finance professionals so that every financial decision takes account of climate change and sustainability.Green and Sustainable Finance is a comprehensive guide to the principles and practice required to manage sustainability risks, engage and support clients, and take advantage of the opportunities presented by the transition of sectors and firms to new, low carbon and nature positive models.This fully updated third edition incorporates a wider perspective with nature-based impacts, risks, dependencies and opportunities considered alongside climate change. It introduces the work of the new International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) and the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) along with extensive coverage of wider regulatory and market developments. There is also additional content on adaptation finance, transition finance and transition planning. Endorsed by the Chartered Banker Institute as the core text for the global benchmark Certificate in Green and Sustainable Finance, this book is essential reading for finance professionals, university students and individuals working to embed sustainability in business, finance, policy and regulation.

Green and Sustainable Finance: Principles and Practice (Chartered Banker Series #6)

by Simon Thompson

More than 120 countries have committed to net zero targets by 2050, requiring systemic economic transitions on an unprecedented scale and with the finance sector playing a leading role. Green finance will power the transition, ensuring capital flows to the firms, investments, projects and technologies looking to create a sustainable, low-carbon world. To achieve net zero, every professional financial decision must take climate change and broader sustainability factors into account. Green and Sustainable Finance provides a comprehensive guide to the application of common green and sustainable principles and practices in banking, investment and insurance to help finance professionals embed these in their daily activities and decision-making. Focusing on the necessity of mainstreaming green and sustainable finance globally, this book includes a clear explanation of the science underpinning climate change. Green and Sustainable Finance covers a wide range of green finance products and services in retail, commercial and corporate banking, insurance, investment and fintech. It provides an overview of emerging regulation and international market frameworks and standards, particularly in relation to climate and environmental risk. Consideration is also given to the ethical dimensions of green and sustainable finance, including how professionals can promote market integrity and take active steps to avoid greenwashing. Endorsed by the Chartered Banker Institute as the core text for the benchmark Certificate in Green and Sustainable Finance, this book is essential reading for finance professionals and students, and individuals working to embed sustainability in business, policy and regulation.

Green and Sustainable Finance: Principles and Practice in Banking, Investment and Insurance (Chartered Banker Series #7)

by Simon Thompson

To achieve society's goals, as set out in the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement, the finance sector has a crucial role to play in driving sustainable business and the transition to a net zero economy.To achieve this change, it is vital for the finance sector to allocate capital to the firms, investments and activities looking to create a more sustainable world. Green and Sustainable Finance offers a comprehensive guide to green and sustainable principles and practice in banking, investment and insurance to help finance professionals manage sustainability risks and support their clients and customers in transition. Given the need for urgent, rapid and sustained change, it is essential that all finance professionals understand and apply these principles so that every professional financial decision takes account of sustainability.Written by the CEO of the Chartered Banker Institute this fully updated second edition includes the most recent assessments of climate science from the IPCC, extended coverage of sustainability reporting and carbon accounting, and regulatory and market developments in sustainability risk management. It also features material on the rapid growth of sustainable lending and investment and the latest finance sector alliances and initiatives. Endorsed by the Chartered Banker Institute as the core text for the global benchmark Certificate in Green and Sustainable Finance, this book is essential reading for finance professionals, university students and individuals working to embed sustainability in business, finance, policy and regulation.

The Green and the Black: The Complete Story of the Shale Revolution, the Fight over Fracking, and the Future of Energy

by Gary Sernovitz

Gary Sernovitz leads a double life. A typical New York liberal, he is also an oilman - a fact his left-leaning friends let slide until the word "fracking" entered popular parlance. "How can you frack?" they suddenly demanded, aghast. But for Sernovitz, the real question is, "What happens if we don't?"Fracking has become a four-letter word to environmentalists. But most people don't know what it means. In his fast-paced, funny, and lively book, Sernovitz explains the reality of fracking: what it is, how it can be made safer, and how the oil business works. He also tells the bigger story. Fracking was just one part of a shale revolution that shocked our assumptions about fueling America's future. The revolution has transformed the world with consequences for the oil industry, investors, environmentalists, political leaders, and anyone who lives in areas shaped by the shales, uses fossil fuels, or cares about the climate - in short, everyone. Thanks to American engineers' oilfield innovations, the United States is leading the world in reducing carbon emissions, has sparked a potential manufacturing renaissance, and may soon eliminate its dependence on foreign energy. Once again the largest oil and gas producer in the world, America has altered its balance of power with Russia and the Middle East.Yet the shale revolution has also caused local disruptions and pollution. It has prolonged the world's use of fossil fuels. Is there any way to reconcile the costs with the benefits of fracking?To do so, we must start by understanding fracking and the shale revolution in their totality. The Green and the Black bridges the gap in America's energy education. With an insider's firsthand knowledge and unprecedented clarity, Sernovitz introduces readers to the shales - a history-upturning "Internet of oil" - tells the stories of the shale revolution's essential characters, and addresses all the central controversies. To capture the economic, political, and environmental prizes, we need to adopt a balanced, informed perspective. We need to take the green with the black. Where we go from there is up to us.

The Green and Virtual Data Center

by Greg Schulz

The Green and Virtual Data Center sets aside the political aspects of what is or is not considered green to instead focus on the opportunities for organizations that want to sustain environmentally-friendly economical growth. If you are willing to believe that IT infrastructure resources deployed in a highly virtualized manner can be combined with other technologies to achieve simplified and cost-effective delivery of services in a green, profitable manner, this book is for you. Savvy industry veteran Greg Schulz provides real-world insight, addressing best practices, server, software, storage, networking, and facilities issues concerning any current or next-generation virtual data center that relies on underlying physical infrastructures. Coverage includes: Energy and data footprint reduction, Cloud-based storage and computing, Intelligent and adaptive power management, Server, storage, and networking virtualization, Tiered servers and storage, network, and data centers, Energy avoidance and energy efficiency. Many current and emerging technologies can enable a green and efficient virtual data center to support and sustain business growth with a reasonable return on investment. This book presents virtually all critical IT technologies and techniques to discuss the interdependencies that need to be supported to enable a dynamic, energy-efficient, economical, and environmentally-friendly green IT data center. This is a path that every organization must ultimately follow. Take a tour of the Green and Virtual Data Center website. CRC Press is pleased to announce that The Green and Virtual Data Center has been added to Intel Corporation's Recommended Reading List. Intel's Recommended Reading program provides technical professionals a simple and handy reference list of what to read to stay abreast of new technologies. Dozens of industry technologists, corporate fellows, and engineers have helped by suggesting books and reviewing the list. This is the most comprehensive reading list available for professional computer developers.

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