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Growth for Good: Reshaping Capitalism to Save Humanity from Climate Catastrophe

by Alessio Terzi

From the front lines of economics and policymaking, a compelling case that economic growth is a force for good and a blueprint for enrolling it in the fight against climate change. Economic growth is wrecking the planet. It’s the engine driving climate change, pollution, and the shrinking of natural spaces. To save the environment, will we have to shrink the economy? Might this even lead to a better society, especially in rich nations, helping us break free from a pointless obsession with material wealth that only benefits the few? Alessio Terzi takes these legitimate questions as a starting point for a riveting journey into the socioeconomic, evolutionary, and cultural origins of our need for growth. It’s an imperative, he argues, that we abandon at our own risk. Terzi ranges across centuries and diverse civilizations to show that focus on economic expansion is deeply interwoven with the human quest for happiness, well-being, and self-determination. Growth, he argues, is underpinned by core principles and dynamics behind the West’s rise to affluence. These include the positivism of the Enlightenment, the acceleration of science and technology and, ultimately, progress itself. Today growth contributes to the stability of liberal democracy, the peaceful conduct of international relations, and the very way our society is organized through capitalism. Abandoning growth would not only prove impractical, but would also sow chaos, exacerbating conflict within and among societies. This does not mean we have to choose between chaos and environmental destruction. Growth for Good presents a credible agenda to enroll capitalism in the fight against climate catastrophe. With the right policies and the help of engaged citizens, pioneering nations can set in motion a global decarbonization wave and in parallel create good jobs and a better, greener, healthier world.

Growth Frontiers in International Business

by Kevin Ibeh Paz Estrella Tolentino Odile E. M. Janne Xiaming Liu

The ACADEMY OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS (UK and Ireland Chapter) Published in association with the UK and Ireland Chapter of the Academy of International Business Reflecting the aim of the 43rd AIB-UKI Conference on re-invigorating the still faltering global economy, this new book brings together fresh and interdisciplinary perspectives on avenues for further advancing the growth of international enterprises and the global economy. Growth Frontiers in International Business includes contributions from a diverse number of established and emergent IB scholars, who richly illustrate contemporary international business growth frontiers. The book presents discussion and thought into four main foci; policy frontiers, emerging market frontiers, innovation pathways and ethical growth avenues.

Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing, and Advertising

by Ryan Holiday

A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing and AdvertisingA new generation of megabrands like Facebook, Dropbox, Airbnb, and Twitter haven't spent a dime on traditional marketing. No press releases, no TV commercials, no billboards. Instead, they rely on a new strategy--growth hacking--to reach many more people despite modest marketing budgets. Growth hackers have thrown out the old playbook and replaced it with tools that are testable, trackable, and scalable. They believe that products and businesses should be modified repeatedly until they're primed to generate explosive reactions.Bestselling author Ryan Holiday, the acclaimed marketing guru for American Apparel and many bestselling authors and multiplatinum musicians, explains the new rules and provides valuable examples and case studies for aspiring growth hackers. Whether you work for a tiny start-up or a Fortune 500 giant, if you're responsible for building awareness and buzz for a product or service, this is your road map.

Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing and Advertising

by Ryan Holiday

Your new business went online yesterday and you've got a marketing budget of zero. How are you supposed to create a movement around your product? How can you get to your first thousand - or million - customers? Starting from zero, it feels impossible. Enter the growth hacker. You may not have heard of growth hacking yet, but you've certainly used the billion dollar brands built by it: Hotmail, AirBnB, Facebook, Dropbox, amongst many others.Growth hackers thrive on doing what traditional businessmen would consider impossible: creating something from nothing. They 'hack' their company's growth to create a narrative of sensational success, turning excited media, users and social media into a viral marketing force that will help their business grow exponentially.Silicon Valley has realized that growth hacking - not television commercials and billboards - is the successful start-up's secret weapon. Now growth hacker extraordinaire Ryan Holiday is ready to share his experience, teaching you how to harness the power of growth to propel you to success. Featuring insights from leadinggrowth hackers, Growth Hacker Marketing is the essential guide to the revolutionary new approach to growing your business.

Growth Hacking – konsequent umsetzen: Prozesse, Instrumente und Mindset für ein schnelles und nachhaltiges Wachstum – mit Roadmap und Checklisten

by Lukas Gassner

Der Nimbus des Silicon Valley ist ungebrochen. Doch was ist das Geheimnis hinter dem gigantischen Wachstum dieser Firmen? Wie ist es Facebook, Dropbox, Tesla, Airbnb und Co. gelungen, innerhalb von wenigen Jahren zu Unternehmen mit Milliarden-Bewertungen heranzuwachsen? Fragen, auf die Growth Hacking Antworten liefert. Diese Technik erfordert neben einem kreativen und innovativen Mindset zugleich tiefes Produkt- und Zielgruppenverständnis sowie eine strukturierte Vorgehensweise. Die Anleitung dazu liefert dieses Buch – mit Beispielen und Checklisten. Es bietet Growth-Hacking-Einsteigern und -Fortgeschrittenen einen praktischen Leitfaden zur Entwicklung und Überprüfung eigener Growth-Hacking-Aktivitäten. In einer Roadmap hat Lukas Gassner die Erkenntnisse und Growth-Hacking-Erfahrungen der letzten zehn Jahre zusammengetragen und zu einem roten Faden verknüpft. Sie erfahren, wie Sie regelmäßig individuelle Growth Hacks entwickeln können, die sowohl skalierbar als auch wiederholbar, messbar und wirksam sind. Dabei wird bewusst auf Veteranen-Storys und Anekdoten verzichtet. Hier geht es ausschließlich darum, wie Sie nachhaltige und reproduzierbare Ergebnisse erzielen. Ein umsetzungsorientiertes Buch für Start-ups und KMU sowie für Großunternehmen, die agil handeln können.Aus dem Inhalt Was ist Growth Hacking – und was ist es nicht? Und was ist ein Growth Hack?Der Growth-Hacking-Prozess: Mit Struktur zum ErfolgCustomer: Der Kunde steht immer im MittelpunktExperiments: Wachstum ist kein Zufall, sondern das Ergebnis planvollen VorgehensCulture: Einordnung des Growth Hackings im UnternehmenProduct: Die fünf Produktphasen im Growth Hacking Anwendung der Growth-Hacking-RoadmapGrowth-Hacking-Fallstudien digitaler und analoger Produkte

Growth Hacking at Bazaart (A)

by Jeffrey J. Bussgang Matthew Preble


Growth Hacking at Bazaart (B)

by Jeffrey J. Bussgang Matthew Preble


Growth Hacking For Dummies

by Anuj Adhiya

Hack your business growth the scientific way Airbnb. Uber. Spotify. To join the big fish in the disruptive digital shark tank you need to get beyond siloed sales and marketing approaches. You have to move ahead fast—with input from your whole organization—or die. Since the early 2010s, growth hacking culture has developed as the way to achieve this, pulling together multiple talents—product managers, data analysts, programmers, creatives, and yes, marketers—to build a lean, mean, iterative machine that delivers the swift sustainable growth you need to stay alive and beat the competition. Growth Hacking for Dummies provides a blueprint for building the machine from the ground-up, whether you’re a fledgling organization looking for ways to outperform big budgets and research teams, or an established business wanting to apply emerging techniques to your process. Written by a growth thought leader who learned from the original growth hacking gurus, you’ll soon be an expert in the tech world innovations that make this the proven route to the big time: iteration, constant testing, agile approaches, and flexible responses to your customers’ evolving needs. Soup to nuts: get a full overview of the growth hacking process and tools Appliance of science: how to build and implement concept-testing models Coming together: pick up best practices for building a cross-disciplinary team Follow the data: find out what your customers really want You know you can’t just stay still—start moving ahead by developing the growth hacking mindset that’ll help you win big and leave the competition dead in the water!

Growth Hacking für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Anuj Adhiya

Wer will das nicht: Marketing betreiben und dafür weniger Geld ausgeben? Growth Hacking wurde genau dafür entwickelt, es sollte Startups helfen, ohne viel Geld zu wachsen. Dieses Buch gibt Ihnen einen Einblick in die Grundlagen des Growth-Hacking-Prozesses. Der Autor erläutert außerdem, wie Sie Kommunikationslinien mit Ihren Kunden eröffnen, wie Sie Testmodelle etablieren und wie Sie sich die nötigen Werkzeuge aneignen, um erfolgreich kostengünstiges Marketing zu betreiben. Zudem geht er noch darauf ein, wie Sie sich das richtige Team zusammenstellen und eine passende Firmenkultur einführen. So ist dieses Buch der verständliche und übersichtliche Start zu Ihrem schnellen Erfolg.

Growth Imperative

by Michael E. Raynor Clayton M. Christensen

Growth is important because companies create shareholder value through profitable growth. However, the pursuit of new platforms for growth often entails daunting risk. This chapter addresses many of the reasons why achieving and sustaining growth is so hard, and outlines the book's format, each chapter offering a different theory to help managers make important decisions that will allow them to grow new competitive businesses with predictable success.

Growth in East Asia

by Michael Sarel

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Growth In A Traditional Society: The French Countryside, 1450-1815 (Princeton Economic History Of The Western World #3)

by Philip T. Hoffman

Philip Hoffman shatters the widespread myth that traditional agricultural societies in early modern Europe were socially and economically stagnant and ultimately dependent on wide-scale political revolution for their growth. Through a richly detailed historical investigation of the peasant agriculture of ancien-régime France, the author uncovers evidence that requires a new understanding of what constituted economic growth in such societies. His arguments rest on a measurement of long-term growth that enables him to analyze the economic, institutional, and political factors that explain its forms and rhythms. <p><p> In comparing France with England and Germany, Hoffman arrives at fresh answers to some classic questions: Did French agriculture lag behind farming in other countries? If so, did the obstacles in French agriculture lurk within peasant society itself, in the peasants' culture, in their communal property rights, or in the small scale of their farms? Or did the obstacles hide elsewhere, in politics, in the tax system, or in meager opportunities for trade? <p> The author discovers that growth cannot be explained by culture, property rights, or farm size, and argues that the real causes of growth derived from politics and gains from trade. By challenging other widely held beliefs, such as the nature of the commons and the workings of the rural economy, Hoffman offers a new analysis of peasant society and culture, one based on microeconomics and game theory and intended for a wide range of social scientists.

Growth in Transition

by Friedrich Hinterberger Elke Pirgmaier Elisabeth Freytag Martina Schuster

Stimulating growth through adjusting macroeconomic conditions remains the principal policy responses to pressing problems of unemployment, poverty and environmental degradation. However, are the current policy approaches capable of tackling these problems by generating win-win solutions or are they the root causes of these problems? The current growth trajectory has neither lead to a reduction of our overall resource use – as we use resources and energy more efficiently we consume more – nor create the conditions for employment and well-being. Increasingly, there is the realization that it is necessary to make substantial interventions into our national economies and create better framework conditions and incentive systems in order to more widely and rapidly develop and disseminate workable, innovative solutions for realizing sustainable development. This is the task of politics, and the concrete design of the measures must be built upon a broad public debate and shared long-term visions. The authors of this book intend to trigger a dialogue among stakeholders about how we can shape this transformation process towards sustainability. Following a detailed presentation of the key arguments for reconsidering the necessary conditions for sustainable economies, an international cast of commentators from politics, administration, civil society, business and science engage with the central question: is there an alternative trajectory for Western economies that sustains wellbeing whilst confronting ecological and social breakdown?

Growth, Inequality and Social Development in India

by R. Nagaraj

With six essays exploring different aspects of economic growth, poverty, inequality and social security, this book offers a critical perspective on India's development experience since independence. Incisive and empirically rich, the book opens up new vistas in development discourse and informs current policy debates.

Growth IQ: Get Smarter About the Choices that Will Make or Break Your Business

by Tiffani Bova

Do you know the best way to drive your company's growth? If not, it's time to boost your Growth IQ.Trying to find the one right move that will improve your business's performance can feel overwhelming. But, as you'll discover in Growth IQ, there are just ten simple--but easily misunderstood--paths to growth, and every successful growth strategy can be boiled down to picking the right combination and sequence of these paths for your current context.Tiffani Bova travels around the world helping companies solve their most vexing problem: how to keep growing in the face of stiff competition and a fast-changing business environment. Whether she's presenting to a Fortune 500 board of directors or brainstorming over coffee with a startup founder, Bova cuts through the clutter and confusion that surround growth.Now, she draws on her decades of experience and more than thirty fascinating, in-depth business stories to demonstrate the opportunities--and pitfalls--of each of the ten growth paths, how they work together, and how they apply to business today. You'll see how, for instance: * Red Bull broke Coca-Cola and PepsiCo's stranglehold on the soft drink market by taking the Customer Base Penetration path to establish a foothold with adventure sports junkies and expand into the mainstream. * Marvel transformed itself from a struggling comic book publisher into a global entertainment behemoth by using a Customer and Product Diversification strategy and shifting their focus from comic books to comic book characters in movies. * Starbucks suffered a brand crisis when they overwhelmed their customers with a Product Expansion strategy, and brought back CEO Howard Schultz to course-correct by returning to the Customer Experience path.Through Bova's insightful analyses of these and many other case studies, you'll see why it can be a mistake to imitate strategies that worked for your competitors, or rely on strategies that worked for you in the past. To grow your company with confidence, you first need to grow your Growth IQ.

Growth, Jobs and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: No Country Left Behind

by Moazam Mahmood

Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) should not be defined by the structural parameters and opportunities of low-income countries, given that it also comprises a number of higher-income countries. This book finds that SSA is tightly constrained in its growth, employment and poverty outcomes. Rather than taking this as a conceptual downside, these constraints to growth and development have to be recognised and overcome—not just by a few countries able to escape them more easily, but by all countries in SSA, such that no country is left behind. The book observes a weakness in the quantum of growth in SSA. It relates this to a growth path based more on extractives than manufactured goods. While SSA is endowed with extractives, global demand for these is very volatile. These boom-bust cycles in export demand come to affect not just the export sector in SSA as a resource curse, but also the production of output of the entire economy. The book captures this through the working out of equilibrium in four major markets: the tradeables market, the domestic goods market, the labour market, and the money market.

The Growth Manager

by Jeffrey J. Bussgang Nadav Benbarak

Industry and Background Note

The Growth Map

by Jim O'Neill

In 2001, Jim O'Neill predicted the fastest growing economies of the past decade. Now he's back to explore the new growth markets we should all be watching closely today.It's been ten years since Jim O'Neill conceived of the BRIC acronym. He and his team made a startling prediction: Four developing nations- Brazil, Russia, India, and China (the BRICs)-would overtake the six largest Western economies within forty years. The BRIC analysis permanently changed the world of global investing, and its accuracy has stood the test of time.The Growth Map features O'Neill's personal account of the BRIC phenomenon, how it has evolved, and where those four key nations currently stand after a turbulent decade. And the book also offers an equally bold prediction about the "Next Eleven" countries: Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Turkey, and Vietnam. These developing nations may not seem exceptional today, but they offer exciting opportunities for investors over the next decade, just as BRIC did before them.O'Neill also shares several compelling insights about the world economy. He reveals the value for growing countries in being "willing to play" by meaningfully committing to policies that encourage further growth and engagement with globalization. He explains how the g20 can adjust to better incorporate the BRICs and to better reflect the balance of the global economy.Finally, O'Neill makes the counterintuitive claim that good things can quite often come from crises. While established economic powers may see the rise of the BRICs as a threat, international trade benefits us all over the long term. Likewise, the recent financial crisis revealed deep problems in our economic systems, problems we now have the opportunity to fix.A work of astute and absorbing analysis, The Growth Map is an indispensable guide for every investor and every participant in the global economy. Anyone who wants to understand the developing world would do well to heed the man called "one of the most sought-after economic commentators on the planet." (The Telegraph)

Growth Marketing: Halbes Budget, doppelte Wirkung. Wie Sie Ihr Marketing hochprofitabel machen

by Jens Weinmann-Eichinger

Dieses Buch ist eine umfassende Anleitung, wie Sie Ihr Marketing auf eine effiziente und gewinnbringende Weise optimieren können. Das Buch konzentriert sich auf drei Schlüsselaspekte des Wachstumsmarketings. Erstens, Abwanderung verringern: Hier erfahren die Leser:innen, wie sie Kundenabwanderung minimieren können, indem sie die richtige Unternehmensstrategie entwickeln, Produkte und Angebote anpassen, sich vor Wettbewerbern schützen und vom Kunden ausgehende Abwanderung verhindern. Zweitens, Empfehlungen erhöhen: Das Buch zeigt auf, wie wichtig Empfehlungen für das Unternehmenswachstum sind und wie man sie durch Empfehlungsmarketing, Netzwerkmarketing, Referenzverkauf, Affiliate Marketing und Co-Creation gezielt steigern kann. Drittens, Wachstum beschleunigen: Hierbei geht es darum, die Markenbekanntheit zu steigern, zusätzliche Kunden zu gewinnen, die Konversionsrate zu erhöhen und effiziente Strategien für das Unternehmen zu entwickeln. Das Buch basiert auf fundierten Analysen, Experimenten und iterativen Schritten, um eine nachhaltige Wachstumsstrategie zu entwickeln, die selbst mit halbem Budget maximale Wirkung erzielt. Es bietet konkrete Beispiele und wertvolle Ratschläge, die in jeder Branche umsetzbar sind.

Growth Marketing Strategy: Drive Profits and Sustained Business Growth

by Rose Jia

In an era when growth marketing has become a buzzword for quick fixes, this book provides a clear roadmap for how marketers can move on from short-term hacks and utilize their full marketing funnel to gain and retain customers across any size business in any economic environment. Growth marketing is no longer just a short-term tactical approach suitable only for start-ups and SMEs looking for easy wins. Instead, it has become a real source of long-term sustainable growth for any business, and a strategic approach that can deliver results regardless of economic environment. With marketers under pressure to consistently deliver growth in rapidly changing landscapes, this invaluable guide will provide a clear roadmap so that any marketer can develop a growth marketing strategy that delivers. Packed full of cutting-edge insights from companies like Fujifilm, GoPro, Twitch, Disney, Amazon Grocery, Tesla and American Express, Growth Marketing Strategy gives marketers practical ways to drive their business forward, moving beyond initial organic growth to a strategy that is both sustainable and resilient to changing market conditions. From exploring how to shift the mindset of the team to long-term investment and adaptability, to how your marketing team should be best structured and resourced within your organization to allow your growth marketing team to thrive, this book takes you from the fundamentals of growth marketing to how to apply it and adapt it to any challenge your business faces.

Growth Mechanisms and Sustainability: Economic Analysis of the Steel Industry in East Asia

by Jun Ma Masashi Yamamoto

This book provides a broad investigation of various issues in East Asia’s steel industry since the 1980s, including international specialization and trade relations, the sustainable use of resources, technological innovations, and environmental mitigation, alongside a consideration of the rapid growth in Chinese steel industry. Using macro and firm-level data, and case studies based on field research to discuss issues concerning the steel industry in East Asia. In search of an easy understanding, we try to simplify complicated economic models and statistical analyses, and concentrate on policy implications based as much as possible on the results of empirical analyses. We believe that this book will be of interest to policymakers, economists, practitioners and advocates of sustainability.

Growth Mechanisms and Sustainable Development of the Chinese Economy: Comparison with Japanese Experiences

by Xinxin Ma Cheng Tang

What can Chinese economists learn from the Japanese economic boom and subsequent stagnation? This project aims to institutionally and empirically investigate the growth mechanism and determinants of sustainable development in China compared with Japanese experiences. This is the first challenge in conducting a comparative study on China and Japan’s economic growth and development. We aim to investigate the economic system transition and its influence on the Chinese and Japanese economy from macroeconomic and microeconomic perspectives. This book will interest economists, scholars of comparative politics, and scholars of China or Japan's economic development.

The Growth Mindset: Leadership Makes a Difference in Wealth Management

by Rick Capozzi

It takes a bold approach to leadership to thrive in the era of disruption The Growth Mindset provides a roadmap to the future for financial professionals. While the FinTech revolution is changing the wealth management industry, there is one thing that technology cannot offer—the human component of advisory services. Your client can pull numbers out of a computer, but they come to you for analysis, perspective, and interpretation based on your understanding of their goals and your years of expertise. Great leadership forms strong relationships and allows you to quickly adapt the best strategies to grow assets and revenues. It understands this dynamic, understands the alignment of company culture, and realizes that the metrics for "top talent" are shifting. This book offers new perspective and expert insight for wealth management professionals looking to distinguish themselves from the competition. The focus is on being client centric and solution driven. Disruption is now the new normal, and successful leaders must be able to adapt quickly and operate with an eye toward growth. Here, you'll find expert analysis of wealth management's future, and clear guidelines for leaders who want to thrive amidst the constantly-shifting financial services landscape. Master the fundamental elements of wealth management Shift to a growth mindset and deal successfully with change Attract, develop, and retain the top talent to grow your business Offer a unique value proposition to better serve high net worth clients The wealth management industry is facing its greatest challenge to date, and whether your business fails, survives, or thrives depends on leadership. You simply cannot rely on old methods to win a brand new battle. It's time for a change in strategy, methods, processes, and approaches—are you flexible enough to bend without breaking? The Growth Mindset lights the way forward, with the leadership skills that are quickly becoming essential in the new era of wealth management.

The Growth of Firms, Middle East Oil and Other Essays (Routledge Revivals)

by Edith Penrose

Published in 1971: At first glance it might seem that the three subjects dealt with in the essays written over the last twenty years and now collected in this volume could hardly be more diverse, beginning with the growth of the firm and moving from the international petroleum industry to the Middle East generally. Oddly enough, however, these subjects are connected by the same type of historical logic that characterizes the diversification of an industrial firm: the logic in the simple principle that one thing leads to another.

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