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Gruppenarbeiten vorbereiten und moderieren: Eine kleine Trickkiste für die erfolgreiche Leitung von Teams und Projekten (essentials)
by Steffen HillebrechtSteffen Hillebrecht erläutert die Grundlagen erfolgreicher Gruppenarbeit - von der Themeneinführung über die Bearbeitung bis zum Abschluss. Er erklärt, warum Gruppenarbeiten, Besprechungen und Moderationen als regelmäßiger Bestandteil des Studiums sowie des Arbeitslebens ein wichtiger Erfolgsfaktor sind. Entscheidend sind dabei unter anderem eine sorgfältige Vorbereitung der jeweiligen Arbeitsschritte und eine klare Rollenverteilung. Das essential zeigt auf leicht verständliche Weise, wie Gruppenarbeit optimal gestaltet werden kann. Tabellen, Übersichten und Checklisten erleichtern die Umsetzung in die Praxis.
GSK's Acquisition of Sirtris: Independence or Integration?
by Toby Stuart James WeberAn executive from pharmaceutical company GSK must choose how much to integrate a recently acquired biotechnology firm, Sirtris. Moncef Slaoui, GSK's Global head of R&D, championed the acquisition of Sirtris to gain access to its potentially revolutionary science. Slaoui must balance the need to recoup shareholder value after paying a two-times premium for Sirtris with his desire to retain Christoph Westphal, Sirtris's co-founder and CEO, and other key individuals at the company. His desire to protect Sirtris from GSK's size and bureaucracy occurs in a period when GSK has launched major changes in its R&D organization, which focus on decentralizing and externalizing R&D, as well as revamping the resource allocation process to parallel more of a venture capital-based model. The case also explores the views of Christoph Westphal on the early challenges of the integration and the impact GSK was having on Sirtris. Can be used in conjunction with a separate case that focuses on Sirtris's business model.
GSN - The Goal Structuring Notation
by John SpriggsGoal Structuring Notation (GSN) is becoming increasing popular; practitioners use it in the railway, air traffic management and nuclear industries, amongst others. Originally developed to present safety assurance arguments, GSN need not be restricted to safety assurances only; in principle, you can use it to present (and test) any argument. Anyone wishing to support, or refute, a claim can use GSN. Written by an experienced practitioner, The Goal Structuring Notation is both for those who wish to prepare and present compelling arguments using the notation, and for those who wish to review such arguments critically and effectively. To emphasise the versatility of this approach The Goal Structuring Notation presents examples and questions based on diverse subject areas including Business Management, Drama, Engineering, Politics and Astrobiology. Simple examples introduce each symbol of the notation before introducing more complex structures which illustrate how the symbols work together in practical scenarios. To aid learning, questions and problems augment the text, so that the reader may reflect upon and try out the new concepts and principles presented. As a comprehensive instruction in the basics of GSN and it's application, The Goal Structuring Notation also serves as a references or manual for the practitioner to dip into as problems are encountered or as a key resource for engineers working in those industries which require a clear description of the notation, covering the initial principles and showing why each piece of the notation is necessary. Originally developed to present safety assurance arguments, GSN need not be so restricted. GSN - The Goal Structuring Notation presents examples from diverse subject areas, including business management, drama, engineering, politics and astrobiology.
GST and Its Aftermath: Is Consumer Really the King?
by Govind Bhattacharjee Debasis BhattacharyaGST and Its Aftermath: Is Consumer Really the King? takes a close look at the ongoing debate on the indirect tax reform initiative in India. It explains in simple, layperson parlance the complex structure of indirect taxation in India—both in the past and in the present—and sheds light on the various dimensions of the tax system and how it affects all our lives. This thought-provoking assessment of GST presents the ideas and concepts that gave birth to this new system of taxation and discusses its immediate implications on the Indian economy. Just as GST is meant to empower consumers, this book is designed to empower citizens!
Guadagna Online: Guadagnare con un lavoro freelance e costruirsi un’intera carriera online
by Allen GreenVuoi fare soldi online? Sei stanco di sentirti dire che è facile fare i milioni su internet? Hai voglia di conoscere una strategia realistica che funzioni per la gente normale? E se potessi costruirti davvero un business online in grado di offrire elevati margini di profitto senza alcun investimento iniziale? Ti interesserebbe? Questo libro ti insegna alcune lezioni fondamentali su come iniziare correttamente un’attività di trading di opzioni, su come evitare molti errori, sulla gestione dei rischi e su come massimizzare i profitti. Se leggerai questo libro, sarai in grado di iniziare il trading quasi subito e di guadagnarci. Il modo più facile di guadagnare un reddito extra online è svolgere questionari online nel tempo libero. Se vuoi metterti in tasca dei soldi extra alla fine del mese senza compromettere il tuo lavoro quotidiano e al tempo stesso non intendi impiegare troppo tempo su internet e non vuoi nemmeno investire denaro, allora questo è il miglior modo di guadagnare un reddito extra online.
Guadagnare soldi usando internet per costruirsi una seconda entrata e creare il proprio business
by Richard G Lowe Jr Paola GiorgioCostruisci una seconda entrata, o addirittura lavora a tempo pieno, vendendo prodotti e servizi su internet! Hai bisogno di un po’ di soldi in più? Ti piacerebbe fare qualche soldo per il futuro, pagare qualche bolletta, fare in una piccola vacanza o semplicemente dare un po’ di respiro alle tue finanze? L’idea di lavorare da casa in pigiama ti sembra la situazione ideale? Vuoi evitare un lungo tragitto per andare a lavoro o semplicemente stare più vicino alla tua famiglia? La ricerca di un lavoro è impegnativa, e se ricevere uno stipendio fisso è bello, essere un impiegato può significare rimanere bloccato a fare qualcosa che odi solo per guadagnarti da vivere. A volte ti ritrovi a fare quello che ti viene detto, anche se non sei d’accordo o non ti fa stare bene. So esattamente quello che stai attraversando. Ho fatto un lavoro a tempo pieno per 33 anni, ho sgobbato per qualcun altro, il mio sangue e il mio sudore si sono aggiunti ai loro profitti. E il risultato è stato stress, emicranie e avere a che fare con un management incompetente. Vale a dire che andava tutto male, ma ho capito che non sarei andato da nessuna parte lavorando per le grandi aziende Americane. Scopri come iniziare a vendere su eBay senza costi per giacenze di magazzino, usando una buona descrizioni dei prodotti, foto e titoli per convincere i clienti a guardare i tuoi prodotti e acquistarli. PUOI fare una discreta quantità di denaro, anche vivere bene, con le opportunità presenti su internet. So che questo è reale, perché è quello che ho fatto io. Ho colto l’occasione, ho lasciato il mio lavoro, e ho creato la mia attività redditizia lavorando su internet. In questo libro, ti darò 27 modi diversi per crearti un reddito comodamente da casa tua: Puoi vivere vendendo su eBay? I banner pubblicitari funzionano? Puoi crearti un reddito con un blog? Hai un hobby – musica, scrittura, arte – che può esse
Guano and the Opening of the Pacific World
by Gregory T. CushmanFor centuries, bird guano has played a pivotal role in the agricultural and economic development of Latin America, East Asia, and Oceania. As their populations ballooned during the Industrial Revolution, North American and European powers came to depend on this unique resource as well, helping them meet their ever-increasing farming needs. This book explores how the production and commodification of guano has shaped the modern Pacific Basin and the world's relationship to the region. Marrying traditional methods of historical analysis with a broad interdisciplinary approach, Gregory T. Cushman casts this once little-known commodity as an engine of Western industrialization, offering new insight into uniquely modern developments such as environmental consciousness and conservation movements; the ascendance of science, technology, and expertise; international relations; and world war.
Guanxi: Relationship Marketing in a Chinese Context
by Thomas Leung Erdener Kaynak Y.H. WongDevelop a network of successful business relationships in China!This systematic study of the Chinese concept of guanxi--broadly translated, ”personal relationship” or ”connections”--offers a comprehensive social and professional model for doing business in China. In addition to a clear analysis of the origins and meanings of this vital concept, Guanxi: Relationship Marketing in a Chinese Context empowers you with practical tools for establishing guanxi in order to facilitate successful business relationships. Guanxi is based on an original research study as well as the authors’twenty years of experience of doing business in China. Their understanding of the implications of face, favor, reciprocity, honor, and interconnectedness--all vital parts of guanxi--will enable you to understand the unstated assumptions of Chinese business culture. Moreover, the book discusses the legal implications of guanxi as well as cultural expectations.This valuable handbook offers a wealth of information on guanxi: case studies of guanxi in action managerial implications of saving face and reciprocity measuring guanxi quality and performance indicators step-by-step instructions for building guanxi detailed strategies for penetrating the Chinese marketGuanxi is an indispensable tool for anyone wanting to do business in China, for students of international business or Chinese culture, and for scholars interested in international business culture.
Guanxi and Local Green Development in China: The Role of Entrepreneurs and Local Leaders (Routledge Studies in Environmental Policy)
by Chunhong ShengThis book examines the factors which contribute to local green development in China and employs political ecology to analyze the relationship between power and the environment. Specifically, it looks at which actors control access to resources and are therefore able to promote environmental progress. Following the reform and opening-up of China in the 1970s, entrepreneurs and local officials profited economically and politically and formed close relationships, known as guanxi in China. As a result, they have also been criticized as those responsible for the associated ecological damage. This book does not contest this association, but instead argues that the current literature places too much emphasis on their negative influence and the positive influence of their environmental work has been neglected. Building on three case studies where local green development is being pursued, Shanghai Pudong New Area, Baoding, and Wuning, this book shows how local officials and entrepreneurs can also be the crusaders of a greener environment at the local level in China. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of Chinese studies, with a particular interest in environmental policy and politics, business and society, as well as those interested in sustainable development more broadly.
Guanxi (The Art of Relationships)
by Robert Buderi Gregory T. HuangHalf a world away from the calm beauty of Puget Sound, there's a lab where Bill Gates's software dreams come true. . . . So begins Guanxi, the compelling on-the-scenes tale of the allure of China today -- and of a unique partnership between the world's most famous capitalist and the world's largest communist nation that showcases what it takes to compete in the age of global innovation. Guanxi (gwan-shee), the Chinese term for mutually beneficial relationships essential to success in the Middle Kingdom, tells the story of the juggernaut research lab that underpins Microsoft's relationship building in China. Unfurled through a gripping narrative that moves between Beijing and Microsoft headquarters in Redmond, Washington, it follows the lab's emergence as a mecca for Chinese computer-science talent -- a place where 10,000 résumés arrive in a month, written exams are farmed out to eleven cities to screen applicants, and interns sleep on cots next to their cubicles. So far, the company has invested well over $100 million and hired more than 400 of China's best and brightest to turn the outpost into an important window on the future of computing and a training ground to uplift the state of Chinese computer science -- creating dramatic payoffs for both Microsoft and its host country that are helping the company overcome many of the challenges of China. Guanxi traces the arc of the lab's stunning success from a memo by erstwhile Microsoft visionary Nathan Myhrvold to its early days under maverick speech recognition guru Kai-Fu Lee (since plucked away by Google for some $10 million), and to its more recent tutelage under former child prodigies Ya-Qin Zhang and Harry Shum. The two China-born stars, who both attended college in their native country by the age of thirteen, have orchestrated the Beijing lab's recent emergence as an epicenter of Microsoft's intensifying battles against Google in the search wars, Nokia in the wireless arena, and Sony in graphics and entertainment. As pundits rail about the "China threat" to U.S. competitiveness and offer often-hackneyed arguments against outsourcing, Guanxi explores the true ramifications of China's high-tech buildup -- and the means by which it can be turned to competitive advantage, in part by "insourcing" the untapped talent in the country's top universities. Sprinkled with telling observations, compelling characters, and lively anecdotes about the brilliant successes and sometimes painful stumbles of the world's most powerful software company, Guanxi is essential reading for business leaders, entrepreneurs, and technologists around the globe.
Guanxi im chinesischen Geschäftsleben: Erfolgreich verstehen und anwenden (essentials)
by Johannes KernChinesische Geschäftspraktiken drehen sich um spezielle, persönliche Beziehungen, genannt Guanxi. In diesem essential wird die Frage beantwortet, was Guanxi ist, aus welchen Bausteinen das Phänomen besteht und welche Vorteile, aber auch Kosten damit verbunden sein können. Es wird diskutiert, ob Guanxi mit Korruption gleichzusetzen ist und ob Guanxi wirklich kulturell einzigartig ist. Da China seine globale Präsenz weiter ausbaut, zunehmend zum geografischen Mittelpunkt der Weltwirtschaft wird und – anders als früher vermutet – im Zuge seiner Modernisierung nicht automatisch westliche Geschäftspraktiken übernimmt, ist es gerade für Deutschland als „Chinas engem Partner in einer sich rasch wandelnden Welt“ wichtig, sich differenziert mit dem Phänomen Guanxi im Geschäftsleben auseinanderzusetzen.
Guanxi in the Western Context: Intra-Firm Group Dynamics and Expatriate Adjustment
by Barbara Xiaoyu WangDeeply rooted in Chinese culture, the concept of guanxi has been widely researched from historical, cultural and political perspectives. As Chinese multinational corporations (MNCs) expand, expatriates are increasingly carrying guanxi with them to host countries, yet little has been written on how this indigenous construct is employed in the Western world. This book takes a theoretical approach to the examination of this phenomenon and proposes a conceptual framework for the ‘guanxi capitalism structure,’ illustrating its fundamental role as the invisible hand in China. Providing empirical analysis, the author demonstrates how guanxi affects intra-firm multicultural group dynamics involving Chinese expatriates and host-country natives in Chinese MNCs. With insights for scholars researching Asian business and globalisation, and practitioners working in Chinese MNCs, this book argues that guanxi significantly alters an expatriate’s adjustment, and offers practical suggestions for cross-cultural management and the process of initiating, building, and utilising guanxi in a Western context.
Guaranteed Pure: The Moody Bible Institute, Business, and the Making of Modern Evangelicalism
by Timothy GloegeAmerican evangelicalism has long walked hand in hand with modern consumer capitalism. Timothy Gloege shows us why, through an engaging story about God and big business at the Moody Bible Institute. Founded in Chicago by shoe-salesman-turned-revivalist Dwight Lyman Moody in 1889, the institute became a center of fundamentalism under the guidance of the innovative promoter and president of Quaker Oats, Henry Crowell. Gloege explores the framework for understanding humanity shared by these business and evangelical leaders, whose perspectives clearly differed from those underlying modern scientific theories. At the core of their "corporate evangelical" framework was a modern individualism understood primarily in terms of economic relations.Conservative evangelicalism and modern business grew symbiotically, transforming the ways that Americans worshipped, worked, and consumed. Gilded Age evangelicals initially understood themselves primarily as new "Christian workers--employees of God guided by their divine contract, the Bible. But when these ideas were put to revolutionary ends by Populists, corporate evangelicals reimagined themselves as savvy religious consumers and reformulated their beliefs. Their consumer-oriented "orthodoxy" displaced traditional creeds and undermined denominational authority, forever altering the American religious landscape. Guaranteed pure of both liberal theology and Populist excesses, this was a new form of old-time religion not simply compatible with modern consumer capitalism but uniquely dependent on it.
Guaranteed to Fail: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Debacle of Mortgage Finance
by Viral V. Acharya Matthew Richardson Stijn van Nieuwerburgh Lawrence J. WhiteWhy America's public-private mortgage giants threaten the world economy—and what to do about itThe financial collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2008 led to one of the most sweeping government interventions in private financial markets in history. The bailout has already cost American taxpayers close to $150 billion, and substantially more will be needed. The U.S. economy--and by extension, the global financial system--has a lot riding on Fannie and Freddie. They cannot fail, yet that is precisely what these mortgage giants are guaranteed to do. How can we limit the damage to our economy, and avoid making the same mistakes in the future?Guaranteed to Fail explains how poorly designed government guarantees for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac led to the debacle of mortgage finance in the United States, weighs different reform proposals, and provides sensible, practical recommendations. Despite repeated calls for tougher action, Washington has expanded the scope of its guarantees to Fannie and Freddie, fueling more and more housing and mortgages all across the economy--and putting all of us at risk. This book unravels the dizzyingly immense, highly interconnected businesses of Fannie and Freddie. It proposes a unique model of reform that emphasizes public-private partnership, one that can serve as a blueprint for better organizing and managing government-sponsored enterprises like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In doing so, Guaranteed to Fail strikes a cautionary note about excessive government intervention in markets.
Guaranty Trust Bank PLC Nigeria (A)
by Lynn Sharp Paine Harold F. Hogan Jr.Fola Adeola, the CEO of Nigeria's Guaranty Trust Bank and one of its founders in 1991, is considering what should be done to maintain the bank's original vision and vitality in the face of its rapid growth and success in the marketplace. Known for its high ethical standards, the bank is planning to expand inside and outside Nigeria. Among Adeola's concerns is what to do about employees' insistence on underpaying their personal income taxes--a practice he regards as inconsistent with the bank's mission of being a role model for society. A rewritten version of an earlier case.
A Guarded Life: My story of the dark side of An Garda Síochána
by Majella MoynihanA GARDA, A FORCED ADOPTION, A FIGHT FOR JUSTICEIn 1984, Majella Moynihan was a fresh-faced young garda recruit when she gave birth to a baby boy. Charged with breaching An Garda Síochána's disciplinary rules - for having premarital sex with another guard, becoming pregnant, and having a child - she was pressured to give up her baby for adoption, or face dismissal. It forced her into a decision that would have devastating impacts on her life. Majella left the force in 1998 after many difficult years and, in 2019, following an RTÉ documentary on her case, she received an apology from the Garda Commissioner and Minister for Justice for the ordeal she endured as a young garda. Here, for the first time, she tells the full story. From an institutional childhood after the death of her mother when she was a baby, to realising her vocation of becoming a guard only to confront the reality of a police culture steeped in misogyny and prejudice, A Guarded Life is both a courageous personal account of hope and resilience in the darkest times, and a striking reflection on womanhood and autonomy in modern Ireland.
A Guarded Life: My story of the dark side of An Garda Síochána
by Majella MoynihanA GARDA, A FORCED ADOPTION, A FIGHT FOR JUSTICEIn 1984, Majella Moynihan was a fresh-faced young garda recruit when she gave birth to a baby boy. Charged with breaching An Garda Síochána's disciplinary rules - for having premarital sex with another guard, becoming pregnant, and having a child - she was pressured to give up her baby for adoption, or face dismissal. It forced her into a decision that would have devastating impacts on her life. Majella left the force in 1998 after many difficult years and, in 2019, following an RTÉ documentary on her case, she received an apology from the Garda Commissioner and Minister for Justice for the ordeal she endured as a young garda. Here, for the first time, she tells the full story. From an institutional childhood after the death of her mother when she was a baby, to realising her vocation of becoming a guard only to confront the reality of a police culture steeped in misogyny and prejudice, A Guarded Life is both a courageous personal account of hope and resilience in the darkest times, and a striking reflection on womanhood and autonomy in modern Ireland.
A Guarded Life: My story of the dark side of An Garda Síochána
by Majella MoynihanA GARDA, A FORCED ADOPTION, A FIGHT FOR JUSTICEIn 1984, Majella Moynihan was a fresh-faced young garda recruit when she gave birth to a baby boy. Charged with breaching An Garda Síochána's disciplinary rules - for having premarital sex with another guard, becoming pregnant, and having a child - she was pressured to give up her baby for adoption, or face dismissal. It forced her into a decision that would have devastating impacts on her life. Majella left the force in 1998 after many difficult years and, in 2019, following an RTÉ documentary on her case, she received an apology from the Garda Commissioner and Minister for Justice for the ordeal she endured as a young garda. Here, for the first time, she tells the full story. From an institutional childhood after the death of her mother when she was a baby, to realising her vocation of becoming a guard only to confront the reality of a police culture steeped in misogyny and prejudice, A Guarded Life is both a courageous personal account of hope and resilience in the darkest times, and a striking reflection on womanhood and autonomy in modern Ireland.
The Guardian: Transition to the Online World
by David J. Collis Peter W. Olson Mary FureyThe Guardian had been an early innovator in online newspapers and had not only become the leading U.K. newspaper web site, but was making strides with audiences outside of the U.K. However, The Guardian had been losing money since 2000, and, in spite of the relative success of the website, online revenue remained less than 20% of the newspaper's total revenue. What changes would The Guardian have to make to sustain its mission of being "the world's leading liberal voice in perpetuity?"
The Guardian
by Patrice DutilFinance departments have often been portrayed as guardians of the public purse. In The Guardian, a multidisciplinary group of contributors examines the Ministry of Finance of Ontario since the Second World War. During the last sixty years the Ministry was transformed from a relatively small 'Treasury' to a sophisticated policy machine. What started as a modest bookkeeping operation evolved into a key bureaucratic and policy agency as the government of Ontario assumed a leadership position in developing the province.These essays reveal Ontario's 'finance' as a dynamic policy issue shaped by the personalities of premiers and ministers, the energies of public servants at all levels, and a critical dialogue between political and administrative worlds. Drawing on different methodologies, this collection profiles a ministry as policy entrepreneur, spender, revenue generator, capacity builder, budget director, program manager, and intergovernmental agent. The Guardian fills a significant gap in public administration literature and in so doing describes how Ontario's Ministry of Finance defined its role as 'guardian.'
El guardián entre el ibuprofeno
by Enfermera SaturadaEs triste amar sin ser amado, pero más triste es quedarte sin gasas en la habitación del aislado. ¿Cuál es el colmo de una enfermera? Ponerse enferma. Y si esto sucede en sus días libres, es todavía peor porque no puede automedicarse y tiene que ir a su centro de salud a por recetas. Así empieza esta nueva entrega de las aventuras de Satu. Aquí descubrirás que los puntos para la bolsa de empleo son los bitcoins de la sanidad, que los pijamas también van de Erasmus ya que si echas a lavar uno del Servicio Galego de Saude pueden devolverte otro del Servicio de Salud de Castilla y León, que escuchar "paciente independiente, orientado y colaborador" puede producir más placer que el satisfyer y que a final de mes una enfermera con turno de noche ha visto más lunas que Joseba el de Carglass. Bienvenidos una vez más al mundo de Enfermera Saturada, porque ya sabemos que el humor no cura las heridas... pero las hace más soportables. Si no tienes claro si una enfermera que pincha en el turno de noche es una DJ. Si estás convencido de que la persona que inventa el tamaño de las pastillas no es buena persona. Si no soportas a las señoras que te dicen en qué vena tienes que pincharlas, este es tu libro. La crítica ha dicho...«Enfermera Saturada, el tuitero gallego que te cuenta lo que no sabes de los hospitales.»El Español. «Su autor consigue lo que parece imposible, describir con humor la precaria situación de la enfermería española.»Cadena SER. «Una saga de libros que muestran el poder de las historias que nos tocan.»La Voz de Galicia.
Guardians of Finance: Making Regulators Work for Us (The\mit Press Ser.)
by James R. Barth Gerard Caprio Ross LevineHow the unaccountable, unmonitorable, and unchecked actions of regulators precipitated the global financial crisis; and how to reform the system. The recent financial crisis was an accident, a “perfect storm” fueled by an unforeseeable confluence of events that unfortunately combined to bring down the global financial systems. Or at least this is the story told and retold by a chorus of luminaries that includes Timothy Geithner, Henry Paulson, Robert Rubin, Ben Bernanke, and Alan Greenspan. In Guardians of Finance, economists James Barth, Gerard Caprio, and Ross Levine argue that the financial meltdown of 2007 to 2009 was no accident; it was negligent homicide. They show that senior regulatory officials around the world knew or should have known that their policies were destabilizing the global financial system and yet chose not to act until the crisis had fully emerged.Barth, Caprio, and Levine propose a reform to counter this systemic failure: the establishment of a “Sentinel” to provide an informed, expert, and independent assessment of financial regulation. Its sole power would be to demand information and to evaluate it from the perspective of the public—rather than that of the financial industry, the regulators, or politicians.
Guardians of Finance: Making Regulators Work for Us
by James R. Barth Gerard Caprio Ross LevineThe recent financial crisis was an accident, a "perfect storm" fueled by an unforeseeable confluence of events that unfortunately combined to bring down the global financial systems. And policy makers? They did everything they could, given their limited authority. It was all a terrible, unavoidable accident. Or at least this is the story told and retold by a chorus of luminaries that includes Timothy Geithner, Henry Paulson, Robert Rubin, Ben Bernanke, and Alan Greenspan. In Guardians of Finance, economists James Barth, Gerard Caprio, and Ross Levine argue that the financial meltdown of 2007 to 2009 was no accident; it was negligent homicide. They show that senior regulatory officials around the world knew or should have known that their policies were destabilizing the global financial system, had years to process the evidence that risks were rising, had the authority to change their policies--and yet chose not to act until the crisis had fully emerged. The current system, the authors write, is simply not designed to make policy choices on behalf of the public. It is virtually impossible for the public and its elected officials to obtain informed and impartial assessment of financial regulation and to hold regulators accountable. Barth, Caprio, and Levine propose a reform to counter this systemic failure: the establishment of a "Sentinel" to provide an informed, expert, and independent assessment of financial regulation. Its sole power would be to demand information and to evaluate it from the perspective of the public--rather than that of the financial industry, the regulators, or politicians.
Guardians Of The Nation?: Economists, Generals, and Economic Reform in Latin America (Kellogg Institute Series on Democracy and Development)
by Glen BiglaiserCentral to the question of how to promote economic growth in Latin America is the role different types of regimes play in determining economic performance. Guardians of the Nation? challenges conventional wisdom regarding the expected advantages of military rule for economic growth. Glen Biglaiser explains why many military regimes in Latin America have not performed noticeably better than their democratic counterparts. <P><P>Biglaiser argues that economic policy-making under military regimes is essentially an unintended by-product of the military's strategy to retain power. Using this premise, he examines the economic performance of regimes in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. Biglaiser shows that the appointment of neoliberal economists occurred not because military rulers possessed inherent interest in following market-oriented policies, but because they saw the appointments as a way to solidify their power. <P><P>Biglaiser's study also depicts Pinochet's one-man rule as unique vis-a-vis the military regimes in Argentina and Uruguay. He concludes by demonstrating that his study is also applicable for understanding economic policy choice under democratic rule, and by comparing the similarities and differences between presidential and parliamentary governments.
Guardians of Prosperity
by Richard X. BoveSince the financial crisis, amid outrage at the likes of Citigroup and JPMorganChase and Washington’s rejiggering of the financial system, the banking industry has had one major defender: Richard X. Bove. Now he explains why big banks are the nation’s lifeline to success, and why financial disaster will ensue if we make it impossible for them to fill their role in the economy. Bove argues that big banks are necessary to ensure America’s position in global finance; to assist corporations in achieving their goals against foreign competition; and, most importantly, to defend the average household’s access to financial services. Limiting the major banks, he shows, is an attack on our future growth. Bove offers ways to improve the economy’s stability, including allowing some banks to be "too big to fail” and lessening the demand on liquidity so they won’t need to sell existing loans. His main argument, that we need to stop fighting our greatest guardians of prosperity, is sure to be controversial. .