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Showing 48,876 through 48,900 of 100,000 results

Guide: Preparation, Compilation, And Review Engagements 2017 (AICPA)

by Aicpa

Issued under the authority of the AICPA’s Accounting and Review Services Committee (ARSC) and a go-to guide for accountants performing preparation, compilation and review engagements, this title contains the most up-to-date guidance, including the recently issued Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS) No. 22, Compilation of Pro Forma Financial Information, SSARS No. 23, Omnibus Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services - 2016, and SSARS No. 24, Omnibus Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services – 2018 for the preparation, compilation and review of engagements. The most important update to this publication is the addition of a chapter on international reporting issues resulting from SSARS No. 24, which will become effective for periods ending on or after June 15, 2019. This edition also contains updates related to illustrative inquiries for review engagements and more illustrative accountant's reports.

Guide: Preparation, Compilation, and Review Engagements, 2019 (AICPA)


Whether you're a new or seasoned accountant, it's time for a PCRE refresher. Issued by the Accounting and Review Services Committee (ARSC), this edition contains the latest developments in performing preparation, compilation and review engagements. You'll find ARCS's best advice on: Recently issued Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS) No. 22, Compilation of Pro Forma Financial Information, SSARS No. 23, Omnibus Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services, 2016, and SSARS No. 24, Omnibus Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services, 2018 In addition, enhanced updates and illustrative accountant's reports, plus coverage of international reporting issues are provided--including SSARS No. 24, which is effective on or after June 15, 2019.

Guide des entrepreneurs sur le cannabis: Comment gagner de l'argent dans l'industrie du cannabis

by Adidas Wilson

L'industrie légale du cannabis a augmenté de 75% au cours de sa première année. Ce n'est que le début. Il continuera de croître à mesure que de nouvelles lois seront adoptées ou révisées en sa faveur. Certains experts prédisent que l'industrie pourrait valoir des milliards au cours des cinq prochaines années. Alors, comment pouvez-vous gagner légalement de l'argent avec de la marijuana? Si vous possédez un ensemble de compétences précieux, trouver un emploi dans l'industrie sera facile. Cela pourrait être les ventes, le marketing, la technologie, la comptabilité, la conception et essentiellement tout ce dont une entreprise du secteur de la marijuana pourrait avoir besoin. Il existe également une forte demande de postes auxiliaires. Le marché de la marijuana est strictement réglementé, ce qui crée de nombreuses opportunités.

Guide du revenu passif : pour gagner de l'argent en ligne en 30 jours

by John King

Voulez-vous créer facilement une richesse automatisée et générer des revenus en 30 jours seulement ? Guide du revenu passif : le système simple pour gagner de l'argent en ligne en 30 jours. Saviez-vous que le millionnaire moyen a plus de 7 sources de revenus ? Voulez-vous créer facilement une richesse automatisée et générer des revenus en 30 jours seulement ? Si votre réponse est oui, alors cet ouvrage est fait pour vous ! Ce guide est rempli de tonnes de stratégies pour créer de multiples flux de revenus automatisés. Vous n'avez pas besoin d'être lié à un endroit spécifique et vous pouvez faire tout cela dans le confort de votre propre salon ! Voici les sujets qui sont inclus dans le livre : Aperçu des revenus passifs Investissements, types et stratégies Revenu basé sur les services Vente de livres Marketing d'affiliation Marketing de réseau Vente de fichiers numériques + BIEN PLUS ENCORE ! Si vous voulez apprendre comment créer de multiples flux de revenus passifs, alors ce livre est pour vous !

A Guide for Substitute and Interim Teachers: Practical Tools for Success

by Barbara Washington

If you're a substitute or interim teacher, or thinking of becoming one, you won't want to miss the techniques and strategies in this user-friendly, easy-to-read book. Author Barbara Washington guides you through every step, including the application process, lesson planning, classroom management, and school safety. Each chapter offers practical examples and current best practices to support you on your way to success. The book also includes essential tools such as reproducible lesson plans, worksheets, graphic organizers, and more. Concise but complete, this is an ideal resource for substitute teacher professional development.

A Guide for the Idealist: Launching and Navigating Your Planning Career

by Richard Willson

A Guide for the Idealist is a must for young professionals seeking to put their idealism to work. Speaking to urban and regional planners and those in related fields, the book provides tools for the reader to make good choices, practice effectively, and find meaning in planning work. Built around concepts of idealism and realism, the book takes on the gap between the expectations and the constraints of practice. How to make an impact? How to decide when to compromise and when to fight for a core value? The book advises on career "launching" issues: doubt, decision-making, assessing types of work and work settings, and career planning. Then it explains principled adaptability as professional style. Subsequent chapters address early-practice issues: being right, avoiding wrong, navigating managers, organizations and teams, working with mentors, and understanding the career journey. Underpinning these dimensions is a call for planners to reflect on what they are doing as they are doing it. The advice provided is based on the experience of a planning professor who has also practiced planning throughout his career. The book includes personal anecdotes from the author and other planners about how they launched and managed their careers, and discussion/reflection questions for the reader to consider.

A Guide for the Idealist: Launching and Navigating Your Planning Career

by Richard Willson

A Guide for the Idealist is a must for young professionals seeking to put their idealism to work. Speaking to urban and regional planners and those in related fields, the book provides tools for the reader to make good choices, practice effectively, and find meaning in planning work. Built around concepts of idealism and realism, the book takes on the gap between the expectations and the constraints of practice. How to make an impact? How to decide when to compromise and when to fight for a core value? The book advises on career "launching" issues: doubt, decision-making, assessing types of work and work settings, and career planning. Then it explains principled adaptability as professional style. Subsequent chapters address early-practice issues: being right, avoiding wrong, navigating managers, organizations and teams, working with mentors, and understanding the career journey. Underpinning these dimensions is a call for planners to reflect on what they are doing as they are doing it. The advice provided is based on the experience of a planning professor who has also practiced planning throughout his career. The book includes personal anecdotes from the author and other planners about how they launched and managed their careers, and discussion/reflection questions for the reader to consider.

A Guide for the Young Economist: Writing and Speaking Effectively about Economics

by William Thomson

This book is an invaluable guide for young economists working on their dissertations, preparing their first articles for submission to professional journals, getting ready for their first presentations at conferences and job seminars, or facing their first refereeing assignments. In clear, concise language--a model for what he advocates--William Thomson shows how to make written and oral presentations both inviting and efficient. Thomson covers the basics of clear exposition, including such nuts-and-bolts topics as titling papers, writing abstracts, presenting research results, and holding an audience's attention.

A Guide for the Young Economist: Writing and Speaking Effectively about Economics

by William Thomson

This book is an invaluable guide for young economists working on their dissertations, preparing their first articles for submission to professional journals, getting ready for their first presentations at conferences and job seminars, or facing their first refereeing assignments. In clear, concise language--a model for what he advocates--William Thomson shows how to make written and oral presentations both inviting and efficient. Thomson covers the basics of clear exposition, including such nuts-and-bolts topics as titling papers, writing abstracts, presenting research results, and holding an audience's attention.

A Guide for the Young Economist: Writing and Speaking Effectively about Economics

by William Thomson

This book is an invaluable guide for young economists working on their dissertations, preparing their first articles for submission to professional journals, getting ready for their first presentations at conferences and job seminars, or facing their first refereeing assignments. In clear, concise language—a model for what he advocates—William Thomson shows how to make written and oral presentations both inviting and efficient. Thomson covers the basics of clear exposition, including such nuts-and-bolts topics as titling papers, writing abstracts, presenting research results, and holding an audience's attention.

Guide on Resource Revenue Transparency

by International Monetary Fund

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Guide pour une Retraite Heureuse

by Isabelle Weissmann Hunter Harris

Plan pour une retraite financièrement réussie, même si vous n'avez pas commencé à épargner, ne l'avez pas encore envisagée, ou ne savez pas par où commencer. Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé si vous aurez assez d'argent à l'heure de prendre votre retraite? Craignez-vous de ne pas être en mesure de la prendre ou d'être obligé de continuer à travailler? Cherchez-vous des conseils pratiques concernant l'information dont vous avez besoin, ainsi que les démarches à suivre pour vous assurer une retraite réussie? Sachez exactement de combien d'argent vous avez besoin afin de prendre votre retraite. Comment calculer votre budget de retraite. Où trouver de l'argent « flottant ». (à ne pas manquer) Les placements à toujours avoir dans vos comptes de retraite. À tenir compte en cas de changement d'emploi. La différence entre 401 (k), traditionnel IRA et Roth IRA. Que faire pour payer le collège de vos enfants. Éviter de payer un excédent d'impôts. Comment commencer à épargner pour la retraite sur le tard.. Que signifie un HSA et quand en avoir besoin. Et bien plus... Faites de votre retraite une étape heureuse et en sécurité ...

Guide sur le Minage de Bitcoin, la Cryptomonnaie, la Blockchain, le Commerce et l’Investissement

by Warran Muffet

Cette publication est truffée d’aide et de liens pour vous aider à comprendre le Bitcoin, la cryptomonnaie, la blockchain, le commerce et l’investissement. Les cryptomonnaies ont du succès et présentent un super investissement pour l’avenir. Voici les sujets inclus dans ce livre -Présentation du Bitcoin - Où acheter des bitcoins - Comment fonctionnent les cryptomonnaies - Comment les stocker -Comment acheter et vendre des bitcoins - Comment protéger votre argent - Fiscalité et mesures gouvernementales - Fraudes à surveiller - Informations sur d’autres cryptomonnaie Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur les cryptomonnaie et commencez à acquérir quelques Bitcoins, ce livre est pour vous !

The Guide to Achieving STEEEP™ Health Care: Baylor Scott & White Health's Quality Improvement Journey

by David J. Ballard MD PhD.

Achieving health care that is safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered (STEEEP) is not an endpoint, but a journey. This journey requires a commitment to quality improvement (QI) from the highest levels of leadership combined with the interdependent development of several key components of health care delivery: administrat

Guide to African Political and Economic Development

by Guy Arnold

First Published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Guide to American Graduate Schools: Tenth Edition, Completely Revised

by Harold R. Doughty

Newly revised and updated-the most comprehensive and up-to-date graduate school manual available In this, the industry standard for graduate school guides for more than thirty years, Harold R. Doughty draws on his insider's knowledge to present this impeccably organized and streamlined resource essential to selecting the right graduate or professional school. It includes: * profiles of more than 1,250 accredited institutions, including enrollment, locations, libraries and other facilities, and housing situations * admissions standards and requirements * tuition costs and opportunities for financial aid and grants * details on scholarships, fellowships, assistantships, and Internships * helpful indexes for quick and easy references and comparisons The Guide to American Graduate Schools is an indispensable and user-friendly tool for any student hoping to continue their graduate or professional education.

Guide to America's Federal Jobs

by Karol Taylor Janet Ruck

Cuts through the complexity to help anyone interested in federal employment find and achieve the right opportunity. This extensive reference provides step-by-step guidance for applying for federal jobs; using the federal jobs Web site more productively; and writing competitive applications, resumes, and personal essays.

Guide to Analysing Companies (Economist Guide To Analysing Companies Ser.)

by Bob Vause

In today's volatile, complex and fast-moving business world, it can be difficult to gauge how sound a company really is. An apparently strong balance sheet and impressive reported profits may be hiding all sorts of problems that could even spell bankruptcy. So how do you: Know whether a company is well run and doing well? Decide which ratios and benchmarks to use to assess performance? Work out if a company has massaged its results? Recognise the danger signs on the corporate horizon? Compare companies operating in different sectors or countries? These and many other important questions are answered in a completely updated and revised sixth edition of this clear and comprehensive guide. It is aimed at anyone who wants to understand a company's annual report, judge a customer's creditworthiness, assess a company's investment potential, and much more.

A Guide to Asian High Yield Bonds

by Sharon Tay Florian H. Schmidt

An up-to-date, comprehensive analysis of the high-yield bond market in AsiaBeginning with a general definition of high-yield bond products and where they reside within the corporate capital structure, this newly updated guide looks at the development of high-yield bonds in the United States and Europe before analysing this sector in Asia. It covers issuer countries and industries, ratings, and size distributions, and also covers the diversification of the high-yield issuer universe. It includes a thorough technical analysis of high-yield bond structures commonly employed in Asian transactions, including discussion of the respective covenants and security packages that vary widely across the region. Chapters and sections new to this edition cover such subjects as high-yield bond restructuring, the new high-yield "Dim Sum" market, and the high-yield placement market shutdown of 2008 - 2009. Finally, the book looks at the new characteristics of Asian economies for indicators on how the high-yield market will develop there are the near future.Offers an extremely detailed analysis of Asia's high-yield bond marketFeatures new and updated material, including new coverage of the key differences between Asian structures and United States structuresIdeal for CFOs of companies contemplating high-yield issuance, as well as investment bankers, bank credit analysts, portfolio managers, and institutional investors

A Guide to Assessing Needs: Essential Tools for Collecting Information, Making Decisions, and Achieving Development Results

by Ryan Watkins Maurya West Meiers Yusra Laila Visser

The earliest decisions that lead to development projects are among the most critical in determining long-term success. This phase of project development transforms exciting ideas into project proposals, setting the stage for a variety of actions that will eventually lead (if all goes well) to desirable results. From deciding to propose a sanitation project in South Asia to selecting approaches that strengthen school management in South America, these decisions are the starting place of development. This book is your guide to having assessing needs and then making essential decisions about what to do next. Needs assessments support this early phase of project development with proven approaches for gathering information and making justifiable decisions. Filled with practical strategies, tools, and guides, you will find that this book covers both large-scale formal needs assessments, as well as less-formal assessments that guide daily decisions. Included in the book is a blend of rigorous methods and realistic tools that can help you make informed and reasoned decisions. Use the tools featured in the book to conduct focus groups, develop surveys, prioritize needs, and lead group decision-making; developing a comprehensive, yet realistic, approach to identifying needs and selecting among alternative ways forward.

Guide to Audit Data Analytics

by Aicpa

Designed to facilitate the use of audit data analytics (ADAs) in the financial statement audit, this title was developed by leading experts across the profession and academia. The guide defines audit data analytics as “the science and art of discovering and analyzing patterns, identifying anomalies, and extracting other useful information in data underlying or related to the subject matter of an audit through analysis, modeling, and visualization for planning or performing the audit.” Simply put, ADAs can be used to perform a variety of procedures to gather audit evidence. Each chapter focuses on an audit area and includes step-by-step guidance illustrating how ADAs can be used throughout the financial statement audit. Suggested considerations for assessing the reliability of data are also included in a separate appendix.

A Guide to Basic Econometric Techniques

by Elia Kacapyr

This economical text is intended for use as a universal supplement to introductory econometrics courses. This edition contains two new chapters on economic forecasting. Extensive online supplements include teaching PowerPoints, solutions to test questions/problems, new instructor questions, and software programs with data to download.

Guide to Basic Garment Assembly for the Fashion Industry

by Jayne Smith

Garment assembly is fundamental to the creation of designs. This guide provides fashion students and designers with the knowledge of the techniques and components essential to the assembly of sewn products. Guide to Basic Garment Assembly for the Fashion Industry develops your understanding of which stitch and seam types to select for particular fabrics and garments. As well as the knowledge to construct a range of basic techniques to assemble entire garments using the correct components. It can be difficult to master the skills of garment assembly by reading alone: a visual demonstration of online videos, showing the steps of garment assembly for the following: Sewing darts Sewing front edge fasteningsInserting zip fastenings Attaching waistbandsAssembling and attaching simple and complex pocketsSleeve opening constructionAssembling and attaching cuffsAssembling and attaching collars Guide to Basic Garment Assembly for the Fashion Industry explains the essentials so you can turn your design ideas into reality

Guide to Business Info on Russia, the NIS, and the Baltic States

by Tania Konn

First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Guide to Business Information on Central and Eastern Europe

by Tania Konn

This guide is an introduction to English language sources, in electronic and conventional print forms, dealing with Central and Eastern European business issues. It gives evaluative descriptions and costs of all listed sources, and concentrates on recent sources. Sources in respect of some of these countries can be difficult to locate, and the author provides guidance on how to go about finding them.

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