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The Growing Business Handbook
by Adam JollyThe Growing Business Handbook is a superb reference tool for all businesses with growth potential, filled with invaluable insights and guidance from SME specialists in finance, HR, marketing, innovation, people and IT, as well as help on enterprise risk and useful legal advice. It is the reference source of choice to help you ensure and manage business growth, particularly in challenging economic conditions. Now in its 16th edition, this book looks at all the areas ripe for exploitation by your growing business and discusses ways you can manage the associated risks. It gives a comprehensive insight into the challenges involved in building a high-growth venture in 2015 and beyond.
The Growing Business Handbook
by Adam JollyThe Growing Business Handbook is a superb reference tool for all businesses with growth potential, filled with invaluable insights and guidance from SME specialists in finance, HR, marketing, innovation, people and IT, as well as help on enterprise risk and useful legal advice. It is the reference source of choice to help you ensure and manage business growth, particularly in challenging economic conditions. Now in its 15th edition, this book looks at all the areas ripe for exploitation by your growing business and discusses ways you can manage the associated risks. It gives a comprehensive insight into the challenges involved in building a high-growth venture in 2013 and beyond.
Growing Business Innovation: Book 2 (Cm Ser. #8622)
by Jonathan ReuvidInnovation is the lifeblood of a growing businesses. Traditionally it means ‘a new idea, device, technique or method’ but increasingly it is now also referred to ideas that provide better solutions, meet the needs or even provide the answers to something not yet a problem. This book address areas such as collaboration, challenges for large and small organisations, measuring innovation and getting a return on your investment. It provides answers to questions such as, can you teach innovation? What are the different types of business model for innovation? Growing Business Innovation address areas such as collaboration, challenges for large and small organisations, measuring innovation and getting a return on your investment. No matter what stage, innovation needs nurturing and this book will act as an invaluable guide with support and advice from authors who are themselves innovators. It provides answers to questions such as:Can you teach innovation? What are the different types of business model for innovation? Are there support services? Challenges for businesses Collaborate and protecting your IPAI as a spur to innovation Adapting your business to new thoughts, products and processesGetting a return on your investment
Growing Business Innovation: Creating, Marketing And Monetising Ip
by Jonathan ReuvidInnovation is the lifeblood of a growing businesses. Traditionally it means ‘a new idea, device, technique or method’ but increasingly it is now also referred to ideas that provide better solutions, meet the needs or even provide the answers to something not yet a problem. This book address areas such as collaboration, challenges for large and small organisations, measuring innovation and getting a return on your investment. It provides answers to questions such as, can you teach innovation? What are the different types of business model for innovation? Growing Business Innovation address areas such as collaboration, challenges for large and small organisations, measuring innovation and getting a return on your investment. No matter what stage, innovation needs nurturing and this book will act as an invaluable guide with support and advice from authors who are themselves innovators. It provides answers to questions such as:Can you teach innovation? What are the different types of business model for innovation? Are there support services? Challenges for businesses Collaborate and protecting your IPAI as a spur to innovation Adapting your business to new thoughts, products and processesGetting a return on your investment
Growing Business Innovation: Creating, Marketing and Monetising IP
by Jonathan ReuvidInnovation is the lifeblood of growing businesses. Indeed, it is difficult to sustain business growth without innovation. Innovation may take many forms: technical advances, new products or manufacturing processes, new applications of established products, new channels to market, new marketing techniques based on social media, or the development of unexploited markets.In commercial terms, the end product of innovation is intellectual property (IP) which can be packaged with copyright, registered with a unique trademark and then patented.The aim of Growing Business Innovation is to take the directors and corporate officers of success-driven businesses with defined innovation objectives on the journey from research to marketable product, to creating, managing and onwards to marketing and monetisation of their innovation’s IP.
The Growing Challenge of Youth Unemployment in Europe and America: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
by Radha JagannathanMuch of the literature that addresses youth unemployment has been framed within an economic paradigm and much less attention has been focused on the role played by country-specific value orientations in structuring economic activity. Drawing on extensive fieldwork research and the work of experts in Europe and the United States, this book provides a culturally nuanced analysis of key issues relating to youth unemployment. Examining the causes and consequences of youth unemployment, it explores ways forward to promote economic self-sufficiency. This pioneering work offers invaluable tailored policy solutions to tackle one of today’s most important socioeconomic issues.
Growing Christmas Trees: Select the Right Species, Raise the Best Trees, Market for the Holidays. A Storey BASICS® Title (Storey Basics)
by Patrick White Lewis HillGrowing beautiful Christmas trees is a great way to generate off-season farm income and make better use of your land. From selecting a site and planting the right species to marketing and selling trees, this Storey BASICS® guide shows you how to build and maintain your own small tree nursery. Including handy tips for making handcrafted kissing balls and holiday wreaths, Growing Christmas Trees covers everything you need to know to successfully cultivate stunning evergreens that will provide income and bring holiday cheer.
Growing Community Forests: Practice, Research, and Advocacy in Canada
by Ryan Bullock Gayle Broad Lynn Palmer M. A. Peggy SmithCanada is experiencing an unparalleled crisis involving forests and communities across the country. While municipalities, policy makers, and industry leaders acknowledge common challenges such as an overdependence on US markets, rising energy costs, and lack of diversification, no common set of solutions has been developed and implemented. Ongoing and at times contentious public debate has revealed an appetite and need for a fundamental rethinking of the relationships that link our communities, governments, industrial partners, and forests towards a more sustainable future. The creation of community forests is one path that promises to build resilience in forest communities and ecosystems. This model provides local control over common forest lands in order to activate resource development opportunities, benefits, and social responsibilities. Implementing community forestry in practice has proven to be a complex task, however: there are no road maps or well-developed and widely-tested models for community forestry in Canada. But in settings where community forests have taken hold, there is a rich and growing body of experience to draw on. The contributors to Growing Community Forests include leading researchers, practitioners, Indigenous representatives, government representatives, local advocates, and students who are actively engaged in sharing experiences, resources, and tools of significance to forest resource communities, policy makers, and industry.
The Growing Economy
by J. E. MeadeIn this sequel to his widely praised classic study of The Stationary Economy, Nobel Prize winning economist J. E. Meade continues his systematic treatment of the entire fi eld of economic analysis. He uses a series of simplifi ed models designed to show the interconnections between various specialist fi elds of economic theory.The Growing Economy departs from the position of static equilibrium Meade assumes in The Stationary Economy. Here he deals with equilibrium growth. Meade introduces capital goods and allows for growth through capital accumulation, population expansion, and technical progress. He still assumes perfect competition and the absence of indivisibilities, so that there are constant returns to scale in the productive system and a given set of consistent and independent preferences for each consumer.In this volume, an attempt is made to discuss the theory of economic growth with a minimum of mathematical analysis. In the main text no diff erential or integral calculus is employed; such mathematical techniques are used (sparingly) only in footnotes and appendices, which the general reader may avoid. Meade's treatise off ers students and specialists alike a general survey of theory in a form that is assessable even for those with little mathematical training. He takes into account the dynamics of trade, increased demand, and new technology and their impact on growth. Th is book carries the discussion a long way from the harmonious quiet of the abstract model to the untidy, real world.
The Growing Economy: Principles of Political Economy Volume II (Collected Works of James Meade)
by James E. MeadeFirst published in 1968, this is the second part of Professor Meade’s Principles of Political Economy, which presents a systematic treatment of the whole field of economic analysis in the form of a series of simplified models which are specifically designed to show the interconnections between the various specialist fields of economic theory. In this volume, Professor Meade is concerned with the theory of economic growth and the rates at which various economic quantities are growing. In order to do this, he introduces capital goods into the system and allows for growth through capital accumulation, population expansion and technical progress. His analysis is divided into two models: a one product model and a many-product model.
Growing Financial Services in India: Aditya Birla Financial Services Group
by Paul M. Healy Rachna TahilyaniAditya Birla Financial Services Group is a large, broad-based, Indian financial services institution offering products ranging from life insurance and mutual funds to private equity. The company has witnessed a turnaround in recent years and regained lost market share. However, in recent years, concerns about investor protection has increased financial sector regulatory oversight specifically in the asset management and life insurance space and changed the rules of the game. Additionally, the central bank has invited new banks to apply for licenses to operate in the country. In the face of these changes, the company has to figure out what its strategy should be to realize its vision of becoming a leading integrated financial services player offering customers a menu of products that support their needs at different stages of their life.
Growing from the Core: Developing and Refining Your Growth Strategy
by James Allen Chris ZookInternational bestseller Profit from the Core was originally published in 2001 and helped many companies find their way back to profitable growth after the Internet bubble burst. Now, the fully updated edition points the way forward in today's economy with new examples and data that demonstrate how companies have met the challenges and opportunities of turbulent times by returning to their core businesses. In today's unstable business environment, change--in company strategies, structures, and people--is crucial to achieving sustained profitable growth. To master change, managers must pursue it, not resist it. This chapter summarizes the opportunities and risks of seeking to grow the core in a turbulent business environment. It concludes with ten key questions managers should ask about their companies as they embark on growth initiatives. This chapter was originally published as Chapter 5 of Profit from the Core (Updated Edition): A Return to Growth in Turbulent Times.
Growing Global Executives: The New Competencies
by Sylvia Ann Hewlett Ripa Rashid TyagarajanaTHE CENTER FOR TALENT INNOVATION (CTI) is an NYC-based think tank which focuses on global talent strategies and the retention and acceleration of well-qualified labor across the divides of gender, generation, geography, and culture. CTI’s research partners now number 86 multinational corporations and organizations.
Growing Great Employees: Turning Ordinary People into Extraordinary Performers
by Erika Andersen"If life were fair, employees would be perfect. They would do exactly what we asked them to do, exactly when we asked them to do it - except, of course, for the fantastic ideas they would cook up on their own...Back to reality. Your employees are, like you and me, flawed and hopeful human beings whose success is at least partly dependent on your skill as a manager, human beings who will thrive with skillful and consistent attention and wither without it. "In business today we're told that management development is a thing of the past. Staying limber, preparing to change hats at a moment's notice, and keeping your finger on the pulse of the "new" - that's what we're told is critical. At this moment when companies and managers aren't focusing on the long haul, Erika Andersen says just the opposite. If you want to compete with the market leaders, grow your business, and succeed in your field, you need support: an all-star staff that epitomizes your company's mission and has the skills to implement it. How do you achieve this? Grow great employees. For twenty-five years Erika Andersen has been helping some of the best-managed companies in the world develop their employees. In Growing Great Employeesyou'll learn how they stay ahead of the competition by investing in their people. You'll discover that: Listening is your most powerful asset. Use it to motivate and build commitment. Everything you know about interviewing is wrong. Find out how to discover what you really need in a potential employee and how to find it. Successful companies hire for keeps. Get people feeling like part of the team from day one. Great leaders surround themselves with the best. Recognize who has potential and develop them into tomorrow's leaders. Whether you're a manager or a senior executive, Growing Great Employeesis your guide to creating a dynamic workplace where the efforts you make with your employees today will blossom into success for years to come.
Growing Great Employees: Turning Ordinary People into Extraordinary Performers
by Erika AndersenIntroductory people management book that uses a gardening metaphor to talk about employee management.
Growing Industrial Clusters in Asia: Serendipity and Science
by Shahid Yusuf Kaoru Nabeshima Shoichi YamashitaIndustrial clusters in Silicon Valley, Hsinchu Park, and northern Italy, and in the vicinity of Cambridge, U.K., have captured the imagination of policymakers, researchers, city planners and business people. Where clusters take root, they can generate valuable spillovers, promote innovation, and create the critical industrial mass for sustained growth. For cities such as Kitakyushu, Japan, that are faced with the erosion of their traditional industrial base and are threatened by economic decline, creating a cluster that would reverse the downward trends is enormously attractive. Growing Industrial Clusters in Asia offers practical guidance on the nature of clusters and the likely efficacy of measures that could help build a cluster. It draws on the experience of both established dynamic clusters and newly emerging ones that show considerable promise. The insights that result from its analysis will be of particular interest to policy makers, urban planners, business people, and researchers.
Growing Innovation Clusters for American Prosperity: Summary of a Symposium
by The National Academy of SciencesGrowing Innovation Clusters for American Prosperity
Growing Local: Case Studies on Local Food Supply Chains (Our Sustainable Future)
by Robert P. King Michael S. Hand Miguel I. GomezIn an increasingly commercialized world, the demand for better quality, healthier food has given rise to one of the fastest growing segments of the U.S. food system: locally grown food. Many believe that “relocalization” of the food system will provide a range of public benefits, including lower carbon emissions, increased local economic activity, and closer connections between consumers, farmers, and communities. The structure of local food supply chains, however, may not always be capable of generating these perceived benefits.Growing Local reports the findings from a coordinated series of case studies designed to develop a deeper, more nuanced understanding of how local food products reach consumers and how local food supply chains compare with mainstream supermarket supply chains. To better understand how local food reaches the point of sale, Growing Local uses case study methods to rigorously compare local and mainstream supply chains for five products in five metropolitan areas along multiple social, economic, and environmental dimensions, highlighting areas of growth and potential barriers. Growing Local provides a foundation for a better understanding of the characteristics of local food production and emphasizes the realities of operating local food supply chains.
Growing Local Value: How to Build Business Partnerships that Strengthen Your Community
by Laury Hammel Gun DenhartHanna Andersson, founder Gun Denhart, and successful entrepreneur Laury Hammel, show how every aspect of a business (from product creation to employee recruitment to vendor selection) holds dual promise of bigger profits and a stronger local community.
growing local value: how to build business partnerships that strengthen your community (The Social Venture Network Series)
by Laury Hammel Gun DenhartGrowing a successful business is about meeting the needs of customers--and, by extension, the needs of the entire community. Turn your business into a good citizen and you can help ensure its success and contribute to making your community a great place to live and work. Growing Local Value shows how to build a values-driven business that is deeply embedded in local life.Drawing on real-world examples from Greyston Bakery, Wild Planet Toys, Powell's Books, and many other companies, Laury Hammel and Gun Denhart show how you can leverage every aspect of your business--from product creation to employee recruitment, vendor selection, and raising capital--to benefit both the community and the bottom line. Growing Local Value explores in depth how your business can contribute to its community--and the benefits it will receive when it does.
Growing Old
by Yasuyuki Fuchita Robert E. Litan Richard J. HerringWhile the immediate dangers from the recent financial crisis have abated-much of the financial system has returned to profitability and the economy is growing, albeit slowly-the damage to the economy will linger for years. Among the many impacts is the problem that may be most acute in the United States: how state and local governments and private companies will honor their obligations under defined benefit (DB) pension plans. Institutional investors also confront new difficulties in the low-interest-rate environment that has prevailed since the onset of the crisis. East Asian economies, namely in Japan, Korea, and China, also face pension issues as their populations age.In Growing Old, experts from academia and the private sector consider the hard questions regarding the future of pension plans and institutional money management, both in the United States and in Asia. This volume is the latest collaboration between the Brookings Institution and the Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research on issues confronting the financial sector of common interest to audiences in the United States and Japan.Contributors: Olivia S. Mitchell (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania), Akiko Nomura (Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research), Robert Novy-Marx (Simon Graduate School of Business, University of Rochester), Betsy Palmer (MFS Investment Management), Robert Pozen (Harvard Business School), Joshua Rauh (Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University), Natalie Shapiro (MFS Investment Management)
Growing Old
by Yasuyuki Fuchita Robert E. Litan Richard J. HerringWhile the immediate dangers from the recent financial crisis have abated--much of the financial system has returned to profitability and the economy is growing, albeit slowly--the damage to the economy will linger for years. Among the many impacts is the problem that may be most acute in the United States: how state and local governments and private companies will honor their obligations under defined benefit (DB) pension plans. Institutional investors also confront new difficulties in the low-interest-rate environment that has prevailed since the onset of the crisis. East Asian economies, namely in Japan, Korea, and China, also face pension issues as their populations age.In Growing Old, experts from academia and the private sector consider the hard questions regarding the future of pension plans and institutional money management, both in the United States and in Asia. This volume is the latest collaboration between the Brookings Institution and the Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research on issues confronting the financial sector of common interest to audiences in the United States and Japan.Contributors: Olivia S. Mitchell (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania), Akiko Nomura (Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research), Robert Novy-Marx (Simon Graduate School of Business, University of Rochester), Betsy Palmer (MFS Investment Management), Robert Pozen (Harvard Business School), Joshua Rauh (Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University), Natalie Shapiro (MFS Investment Management)
Growing Old Doesn't Mean Growing Up: Hilarious Life Advice for the Young at Heart
by Ian Baker Clive Whichelow Mike HaskinsSee the funny side of ageing with this collection of amusing observations, silly suggestions and humorous illustrations – the perfect gift for any birthday girl or boy with more than a few candles on their cakeSo you’re a little bit older. So what? Just because you’re getting on a bit doesn’t mean you have to start acting ancient. The universe is over 13 billion years old, and you’re probably nowhere near that yet – well, not quite anyway.Frankly, it’s never too early to start enjoying your second childhood, to stop taking life so seriously and to start acting a bit silly again. This book will be your go-to guide for inspiration and merriment while clocking up birthdays like they’re going out of fashion.Across these pages, you’ll find all kinds of wild recommendations and questionable advice, including:Things it’s never too late to doGrown-up and less grown-up ways to behave at workHow to keep up with modern technologyWays you can blend in with younger peopleThings you can have tantrums about as you get olderSo forget the creaking joints or fleeing follicles and embrace the opportunities for mischief and mirth – after all, growing old doesn’t mean growing up!
Growing Older: Tourism and Leisure Behaviour of Older Adults
by Ian PattersonThis book provides the latest research about the characteristics of tourism market, tourist behaviors and leisure needs of baby boomers, seniors and older people generally and how to effectively market to this expanding group in the future.
Growing Pains
by Yvonne Randle Eric G. FlamholtzAn insightful and practical toolkit for managing organizational growth Growing Pains is the definitive guide to the life cycle of an organization, and the optimization strategies that make the organization stronger. Whether growth is rapid, slow, or not occurring at all, this book provides a host of solid tools and recommendations for putting everything in order. Now in its fifth edition, this invaluable guide has been fully updated to reflect the current economic climate, and includes new case studies and chapters discussing nonprofit life cycle tools, leadership challenges and the "leadership molecule", and real-world applications of the frameworks presented. The latest empirical research is presented in the context of these ideas, including new data on strategic organizational development. Mini-cases that illustrate growth management issues have been added throughout, with additional coverage of international entrepreneurship and companies that provide a frame of reference for the perspective being developed. Growing pains are normal, and a valuable indicator of organizational health, but they indicate the need for new systems, processes, and structure to support the organization's size. This book provides a practical framework for managing the process, applicable to organizations of all sizes. Understand the key stages of growth and the challenges of each Measure your organization's growing pains and development Deploy new tools that facilitate positive organizational development Make the necessary transitions required to ensure sustainable success Some companies, even after brilliant beginnings, lose their way as growth throws them for a loop. Growing Pains identifies the underlying factors that promote long term success, and gives you a framework for successfully managing the transitions of growth.