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H.J. Heinz Co.: The Administration of Policy (A)

by Kenneth E. Goodpaster Richard J. Post

Relates the April 1979 discovery of improper income transferal practices used at the H.J. Heinz Co. Background data on the company is presented, along with a detailed description of the organizational practices, the management incentive system, and the corporate ethical policy then in use. Also contains an organization chart and financial data for the 1972-78 fiscal years.

H.J. Heinz Company (Images of America)

by Debbie Foster Jack Kennedy

A photographic history of one of America's oldest and best-loved companies, and a study in how to “do the common thing uncommonly well.”In 1869, the American diet was a dreary affair. Kitchen staples included bread, potatoes, other root vegetables, and meat. Tomatoes—at the time called “love apples”—were an exotic fruit. Then, twenty-five-year-old Henry J. Heinz helped to change all of that. Heinz established his company based on a single premise: quality. He demonstrated this commitment by bottling his first product, grated horseradish, in clear glass jars to showcase its purity. From his hometown near Pittsburgh, Heinz sparked a revolution. A colorful marketing genius, he was a foresighted entrepreneur whose peripatetic travels birthed the global H.J. Heinz Company, which today is the most international of all United States-based food companies. This book contains vintage images from the archives of one of America’s first industrial photography studios—capturing both the products and the memorable and creative marketing from the “57 Varieties” company.

H Partners and Six Flags

by Michael Gorzynski Robin Greenwood

Rehan Jaffer, the founder of hedge fund H Partners, is considering what to do with his investment in Six Flags. H Partners had invested a significant amount of the firm's capital in the senior bonds of U.S.-based Six Flags, following that company's bankruptcy filing.

H&R Block 2006

by Emily Mcclintock Arijit Roy Peter Tufano

Mark Ernst, the Chairman, CEO and President of H&R Block, has to decide how to respond to a competitive threat posed by a competitor's refund lending product. Block is the largest U.S. tax preparation firm, which competes not only on its tax preparation services, but also through the provision of related financial services. A rival offers a pre-season refund lending product that has drawn away Block customers. Ernst feels that the product as structured is not good for Block, its customers, or the industry. As an added complication, Block is facing an imminent suit brought by Eliot Spitzer about one of its saving products.

H&R Block and "Everyday Financial Services"

by Daniel Schneider Peter Tufano

H&R Block, the U.S. market leader in tax preparation services, must decide whether to offer financial services to its low-income clients. H&R Block is facing increased competition from branded and nonbranded tax preparers, and the number of returns prepared by the company has declined in recent years. The CEO, Mark Ernst, considers a proposal for Block to differentiate itself from these competitors by offering its low-income clients a range of financial services, including check cashing, money transfer, and savings products. Ernst must decide whether this new suite of services would be profitable for the company and determine its impact on Block's brand and how the company and the marketplace would receive it.

H&R Block and "Everyday Financial Services"

by Daniel Schneider Peter Tufano

H&R Block, the U.S. market leader in tax preparation services, must decide whether to offer financial services to its low-income clients. H&R Block is facing increased competition from branded and nonbranded tax preparers, and the number of returns prepared by the company has declined in recent years. The CEO, Mark Ernst, considers a proposal for Block to differentiate itself from these competitors by offering its low-income clients a range of financial services, including check cashing, money transfer, and savings products. Ernst must decide whether this new suite of services would be profitable for the company and determine its impact on Block's brand and how the company and the marketplace would receive it.

H vding: The Airbag for Cyclists

by Emilie Billaud Joseph Fuller

In 2012, Anna Haupt and Terese Alstin, cofounders of the H vding company, reflect on the evolution of their venture and the way forward. Since 2005, Haupt and Alstin had been working on a new type of bicycle helmet-an "airbag for cyclists". What had begun as a thesis had grown into a seven-year journey of research and development, including raising over $5 million of venture capital. The product had been granted Europe's CE certification in 2011 and had been launched simultaneously in Sweden and Norway. Yet, a year later, the company had still not reached the breakeven point. To help them establish a commercialization strategy, the H vding board had prevailed upon the founders to hire a professional CEO. But surrendering management control was an emotional process for Haupt and Alstin, while the CEO struggled to assert his leadership and build the company's commercial capabilities. Should Haupt and Alstin collaborate with their CEO despite their misgivings or should they step away from the company they had dedicated seven years to building?

H2H Marketing: The Genesis of Human-to-Human Marketing

by Philip Kotler Waldemar Pfoertsch Uwe Sponholz

In H2H Marketing the authors focus on redefining the role of marketing by reorienting the mindset of decision-makers and integrating the concepts of Design Thinking, Service-Dominant Logic and Digitalization. It’s not just technological advances that have made it necessary to revisit the way everybody thinks about marketing; customers and marketers as human decision-makers are changing, too. Therefore, having the right mindset, the right management approach and highly dynamic implementation processes is key to creating innovative and meaningful value propositions for all stakeholders. This book is essential reading for the following groups: Executives who want to bring new meaning to their lives and organizations Managers who need inspirations and evidence for their daily work in order to handle the change management needed in response to the driving forces of technology, society and ecology Professors, trainers and coaches who want to apply the latest marketing principles Students and trainees who want to prepare for the future Customers of any kind who need to distinguish between leading companies Employees of suppliers and partners who want to help their firms stand out. The authors review the status quo of marketing and outline its evolution to the new H2H Marketing. In turn, they demonstrate the new marketing paradigm with the H2H Marketing Model, which incorporates Design Thinking, Service-Dominant Logic and the latest innovations in Digitalization. With the new H2H Mindset, Trust and Brand Management and the evolution of the operative Marketing Mix to the updated, dynamic and iterative H2H Process, they offer a way for marketing to find meaning in a troubled world.

H2H Marketing: Case Studies on Human-to-Human Marketing (Springer Business Cases)

by Philip Kotler Waldemar Pfoertsch Uwe Sponholz Maximilian Haas

H2H Marketing focuses on redefining the role of marketing by reorienting the mindset of decision-makers and integrating the concepts of Design Thinking, Service-Dominant Logic and Digitalization. Following the authors' successful book on H2H Marketing, this book brings foward selected case studies showcasing various aspects of the concept, its fundamental elements, and its implementation.

H2H-Marketing – von Menschen für Menschen: Marketing mit mehr Verantwortung und Nachhaltigkeit – Konzeption und Umsetzung

by Philip Kotler Waldemar Pförtsch Uwe Sponholz

Dieses Buch zeigt, warum sich Marketing zu einem nachhaltigeren und verantwortungsvollen Handeln weiterentwickeln muss und wie das professionell gelingen kann. Unternehmen müssen heute die Beziehung zu den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt ihres unternehmerischen Wirkens setzen. Neue Angebote, Kommunikations- und Vertriebskonzepte sind dafür notwendig, um die gestiegenen Erwartungen der Menschen von heute erfüllen zu können. Für Unternehmen ist damit die große Chance verbunden, sich als proaktive Change Agents zu positionieren und eine authentische, sinnstiftende sowie verantwortungsvolle Rolle bei der Lösung der Probleme ihrer Kunden einzunehmen. Das H2H-Modell integriert dafür in einzigartiger Form aktuelle Managementkonzepte sowie Design Thinking und Service-Dominant Logic, gepaart mit den Chancen der Digitalisierung. Zugleich vereinfacht es kompliziert gewordene Marketingprozesse und implementiert fortschrittliche Management- und Entscheidungskonzepte. Die junge Generation kritisiert zu Recht, dass zu viel über Klimawandel, Nachhaltigkeit und wachsende Armut geredet, aber zu wenig gehandelt wird. Stattdessen wird der Hyperkonsum weiter angeheizt. Die Jugend legt den Finger in die Wunde. Es ist Zeit, jetzt umzudenken. Unternehmen, die dieser Botschaft keine Taten folgen lassen, werden Kunden verlieren. Wer diesen Weg in die Zukunft beschreiten will, muss bereit sein, neue Gedanken zuzulassen und den Menschen mit seinen Bedürfnissen und Erwartungen konsequent in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen. Den Leitfaden dazu bietet dieses Buch – mit gut durchdachten Konzepten und inspirierenden Beispielen.

H3 Leadership: Be Humble. Stay Hungry. Always Hustle.

by Brad Lomenick

The patterns we cultivate shape the person we each become.Be Humble. Stay Hungry. Always Hustle. These powerful words describe the leader who is willing to work hard, get it done, and make sure it&’s not about him or her; the leader who knows that influence is about developing the right habits for success.Brad Lomenick, former president of Catalyst, shares his hard-earned insights from more than two decades of work alongside thought-leaders such as Jim Collins and Malcom Gladwell, Fortune 500 CEOs and start-up entrepreneurs.Operating within the framework of three core character qualities – humble, hungry, hustle – Lomenick identifies 20 essential leadership habits that help readers embody those qualities, including:Staying open and sharing the real you with othersOwning your convictions and sticking to your principlesDeveloping an appetite for what&’s nextPursuing innovation by staying current, creative, and engagedDemanding excellence by setting standards that scare youFostering collaboration with colleagues and competitorsOffering practical steps to embrace these habits, H3 Leadership provides a simple but effective guide on how to lead well in whatever capacity the reader may be in.

Habilidades de comunicación escrita

by Sonia Gonzalez

Escribir para ser leído.Para un liderazgo más asertivo y de alto impacto, hay que empoderara los profesionales en la competencia de la comunicación. Empoderar alfuncionario en la asertividad de su comunicación lleva a la empresa a un mayornivel de impacto en la rentabilidad de su negocio. Durante quince años comoconsultora de empresas del sector financiero y de multinacionales, Sonia Gonzálezha desarrollado una metodología muy práctica para lograr la claridad, fluidez yconcreción de la forma de comunicarse de los profesionales.Estelibro, número uno de la serie Comunicación inteligente, ofrececlaves prácticas para eliminar los bloqueadores comunes de la expresión escrita,tales como claves para ordenar las ideas; profundización para una transmisiónde ideas más asertiva y persuasiva; puntuación como clave de oro para alcanzarritmo y armonía de los textos; y casos concretos para apreciar el efecto sorprendente"antes y después" de los textos.

Habilidades de comunicación hablada

by Sonia Gonzalez

Vale más saber poco pero decirlo bien, que sabermucho y no tener idea de comunicarlo.Para un liderazgo más asertivo y de alto impacto, hay queempoderar a los profesionales en la competencia de la comunicación. Empoderaral funcionario en la asertividad de su comunicación lleva a la empresa a unmayor nivel de impacto en la rentabilidad de su negocio. Durante quince añoscomo consultora de empresas del sector financiero y de multinacionales, SoniaGonzález ha desarrollado una metodología muy práctica para lograr la claridad,fluidez y concreción de la forma de comunicarse de los profesionales.Estelibro, número dos de la serie Comunicacióninteligente, ofrece unametodología práctica, de comprobados resultados, que permite corregir las debilidadescomunes de los líderes en sus presentaciones. Con claves sencillas y aplicables,se efectuará un cambio extremo a la comunicación hablada, tanto en el fondo dequé se dice como en la forma de cómo se lo dice.

Habilidades de comunicación y escucha: Empatía + alto nivel + resultados

by Sonia Gonzalez

Hablar para ser escuchado.Para un liderazgo más asertivo y de alto impacto, hay que empoderar a los profesionales en la competencia de la comunicación. Empoderar al funcionario en la asertividad de su comunicación lleva a la empresa a un mayor nivel de impacto en la rentabilidad de su negocio. Durante quince años como consultora de empresas del sector financiero y de multinacionales, Sonia González ha desarrollado una metodología muy práctica para lograr la claridad, fluidez y concreción de la forma de comunicarse de los profesionales.Este libro, número tres de la serie Comunicación inteligente, expone la virtud superior de la gente inteligente, el escuchar. El escuchar es la capacidad de atender en forma dinámica, de desarrollar el "músculo" de guardar silencio o callar los pensamientos, para atender y entender al otro. Es mucho más que apenas oírlo, es poder escuchar no sólo lo que dice, sino lo que no dice pero lo transmite con el metalenguaje de sus actitudes, expresiones y gestos.

Habilidades de Conversación. Cómo Hablar con Cualquiera y Lograr un Rápido Entendimiento en 30 Pasos

by The Blokehead

Este libro contiene información sobre cómo puedes desarrollar tus habilidades de conversación para llegar a un entendimiento y hablar con gente en cada esfera en tu vida. Este libro tiene como objetivo ayudar a los que tienen problemas para entablar conversaciones exitosas con diferentes tipos de personas. También contiene 30 consejos sobre cómo puedes llegar a un entendimiento casi con quien sea. ¡Compra este libro ahora!

Habit Changers: 81 Game-Changing Mantras to Mindfully Realize Your Goals

by M. J. Ryan

What would you like to change in your life? Be more focused at work? Communicate more effectively? Find work-life balance? Make smarter decisions? Be more patient with your team or family? Have greater self-confidence? Less stress? Just . . . be happier? Often, the biggest obstacle to change lies in our most deeply ingrained habits: those automatic thought processes that operate outside our consciousness, and yet have a profound impact on our behavior, shaping everything from how we respond to challenges to how we engage with others. The good news is that we can literally rewire our mental habits for the better. In Habit Changers, executive coach M.J. Ryan shares the secret weapon that has helped her highest performing clients improve their focus, better manage under pressure, enhance their emotional intelligence, become more effective leaders, and more. Inspired by the Buddhist tradition of Lojong, or "slogan practice," habit changers are simple, one-line aphorisms that, when recited, reprogram your brain's automatic responses. Here, Ryan explains how to use the 81 Habit Changers that have demonstrated the most profound and lasting results. They include: § You can't say yes if you can't say no § Don't push buttons that don't need to be § Handshake your fear § Stand where you'd rather not § Remember your highest intention § Outsource your worry § Reach for the better thought Our capacity to change is our greatest gift as human beings. Habit Changers will help you take control of your destiny and more easily achieve the success and happiness you desire.

The Habit of Excellence: Why British Army Leadership Works

by Lt Col Langley Sharp

The official British Army book on what makes its leadership so successful, and how to become a better leader yourself - whatever your field. ___________________'If you want to become a better leader, read this book' Eddie Jones'An extraordinary read for any leader. Truly brilliant' General Stanley McChrystal, author of Team of Teams'Excellent. Offers proven tools and strategies' Matthew Syed___________________ The Habit of Excellence is a unique insight into British Army leadership, explaining what makes it unique, what makes it so effective and what civilians can take from it to become better leaders themselves. Drawing on the latest research in military history, business, sociology, psychology and behavioural science, and with compelling illustration from British Army operations across the centuries, Lt Col Langley Sharp MBE goes beyond the latest leadership fads to distil into one peerlessly authoritative work the essence of leading and leadership from one of the world's most revered institutions.___________________'Excellent. It's hard to see how any leader, whatever their field, wouldn't benefit from reading and rereading it' New Statesman 'Offers lessons for all managers' Financial Times 'Valuable in any walk of life' General Sir Mike Jackson, former Chief of the General Staff 'Very readable. I could not recommend this exceptional book more' General The Lord David Richards, former Chief of the Defence Staff 'Comprehensive and clearly written' Karin von Hippel, Director-General of RUSI 'Terrific. Full of insights and lessons' General David Petraeus, former Director of the CIA

The Habit of Labor: Lessons from a Life of Struggle and Success

by Stef Wertheimer

&“There&’s no better way to explain the miracle of Israel than to examine the life of Stef Wertheimer . . . A story to be read by everyone&” (Warren Buffett). Forced to flee Nazi Germany with his family at age ten, Stef Wertheimer came to British Palestine in the late 1930s. He promptly dropped out of school, learned a trade through apprenticeship, and played a meaningful role in Israel&’s War of Independence. He also started a company—ISCAR—that began in a shed and ultimately made him one of the world&’s great self-made industrialists. In The Habit of Labor, Wertheimer shares the lessons he learned from a life of hardship and struggle in one of the world&’s newest industrial powers. Both a pragmatist and a visionary, Wertheimer has devoted much of his life to promoting Jewish and Arab economic development through innovative educational and vocational programs, along with the establishment of a series of thriving industrial parks in Israel and in Turkey. The future of Israel, he believes, is not in military might or diplomatic alliances but in its growing economic clout.

Habitat for Humanity International: Brand Valuation

by Nathalie Laidler John A. Quelch

Habitat for Humanity underwent a brand valuation study and found that its brand was worth $1.8 billion, equivalent to Starbucks. Senior management reviews the issues facing the organization; students are afforded insights into what drives brand value for a major nonprofit and what is critical for building and protecting brand value.

Habitat for Humanity International

by Gary W. Loveman Andrew Slavitt

Habitat for Humanity, a not-for-profit, volunteer-based home builder, is coping with years of rapid growth and success. They now face a series of options to continue their successful course and must make corresponding organizational adjustments. Teaching objectives involve applying lessons learned in the Service Management course to this unique organization: specifically, can they think of themselves as a customer-focused organization and maintain their mission and culture, what are their best options for strategic growth, and how do they mobilize human resources and a headquarters organization at a grassroots nonprofit?

El hábito de liderar: Cómo piensa actúa la gente de éxito

by Adidas Wilson

Escuchará a las personas poner excusas diciendo que no nacieron con el talento necesario para lograr el éxito. Es cierto que hay personas que han nacido con ventajas de alguna manera. Sin embargo, lograr el éxito en algo se condensa en comprometerse y dedicar el tiempo necesario para aprender y perfeccionar una habilidad. De hecho, el talento es solo un comienzo. Nadie niega que existe el talento natural. Hay personas con ventajas genéticas, especialmente cuando nos referimos a las habilidades físicas. Sin embargo, el éxito no siempre es un asunto físico para la mayoría de las personas. Solo quieren hacer algo y ser buenos en eso. Quieren ganar un salario decente mientras hacen algo que los satisfaga, todo para tener una vida cómoda. Cada persona exitosa que ves tuvo que trabajar duro para llegar allí; del velocista olímpico al músico de renombre mundial. ¿Quieres triunfar? De acuerdo, deja de meterte en tu camino. "Para ser una estrella, debes reflejar tu propia luz, seguir tu propio camino y no preocuparte por la oscuridad, porque es cuando las estrellas brillan más intensamente". Napoleon Hill

Los hábitos cotidianos de las personas que triunfan: ¿Eres búho, alondra o colibrí?

by Begoña del Pueyo

¿Sabías que la eficiencia del reloj biológico aumenta con la rutina, que la siesta puede ser beneficiosa siempre que no supere la media hora, que el ejercicio físico y la meditación estimulan las endorfinas que nos hacen sentir felicidad, o que puedes ganar más dinero, pero que es imposible recuperar el tiempo? ¿Eres búho, alondra o colibrí? Las alondras son madrugadoras y rinden más al mediodía. Los búhos, por el contrario, son productivos de noche. Y los colibríes son quienes mejor se ajustan al ciclo de noche y día. ¿Te gustaría ser alondra, como a la mayoría de las personas que desean triunfar, pero te tienes que conformar con comportarte como un colibrí, igual que el 70% de los españoles? ¿O perteneces al 20% de los búhos? Los testimonios de profesionales de referencia y de especialistas recogidos en este libro permiten arrojar luz sobre los hábitos de nuestra vida cotidiana que influyen en la posibilidad de alcanzar nuestros objetivos. Y con extraordinaria amenidad, salpicado de anécdotas de famosos empresarios, políticos, banqueros, deportistas y artistas, el libro ofrece las claves para optimizar la gestión del tiempo y el rendimiento. «¿Qué es bueno para ti? ¿Qué necesitas para tener éxito? Puede que ya lo sepas o puede que este libro te ayude a descubrirlo.» Del prólogo de Nathalie Picquot, directora general de Twitter España

Hábitos de alto impacto

by Brendon Burchard

Cómo incrementar tu rendimiento y productividad en todas las áreas de tu vida Hace veinte años, Brendon Burchard se obsesionó con responder tres preguntas: - ¿Por qué algunos individuos y equipos obtienen el éxito más rápido que otros y lo sostienen a largo plazo? - De aquellos que lo logran, ¿por qué algunos se sienten miserables mientras otros son felices en su trayecto? – ¿Qué motiva a las personas a alcanzar niveles más altos de éxito y qué prácticas les ayudan a mejorar más y continuamente? Después de una extensa investigación y más de una década como uno de los mejores entrenadores de alto rendimiento en el mundo, Burchard encontró las respuestas que nos entrega en este bestseller de The Wall Street Journal. Resulta que sólo seis hábitos marcan la diferencia. Para convertirte en un actor de alto rendimiento sin importar tu edad, carrera, fortalezas o personalidad, debes concentrarte en buscar claridad, generar energía, aumentar la necesidad, incrementar tu productividad, desarrollar tu influencia y demostrar valor. Estos seis hábitos te harán vencer cualquier obstáculo sin sacrificar tu felicidad ni vitalidad. Ya sea que desees liderar mejor a tu equipo, desarrollar habilidades más rápido o aumentar tu alegría y autoconfianza, los hábitos que aquí se explican te ayudarán, sin duda, a lograrlo más rápido.

Hábitos de Poder

by Smart Reads Patrícia Pinto

Já alguma vez pensou qual é o segredo dos homens e mulheres mais bem-sucedidos da história da nossa humanidade? Pretende descobrir quais são as experiências que lhe irão proporcionar uma mudança de vida que o / a conduza à concretização dos seus objetivos? Sente-se preso(a) a uma vida de mediocridade, mas não sabe como deve libertar o potencial que existe dentro de si? Este livro irá desvendar muitos Hábitos de sucesso que foram praticados por alguns dos maiores líderes e ícones de sucesso e grandes Empreendedores muito influentes na área dos negócios que geram fortunas, tais como: • Comemorar as Realizações Pessoais • Aprender a Ultrapassar Obstáculos • Proteger os Seus Interesses • Porque Será Que Eles Fazem o Que Fazem? • Acordar Cedo • Ser Generoso Para Com os Outros • Levar a Vida Com Calma E muito, muito mais! Este livro contém fatos da vida real que contam determinadas experiências de alguns ícones e celebridades da nossa sociedade que viveram entre nós. Se procura uma leitura que oferece a melhor das visões acerda dos sucessos e das derrotas de homens e mulheres de grande influência na nossa sociedade, então encontrou o livro certo. Género: NEGÓCIOS E ECONOMIA / Empreendedorismo Género secundário: AUTO-AJUDA / Geral Línguas: Inglês, Português, Espanhol, outras versões poderão estar disponíveis. Palavras-chave: hábitos de sucesso, pessoas bem-sucedidas, como alcançar o sucesso, como ser bem sucedido, ganhar dinheiro online, hábitos de poder, auto-disciplina, sucesso, produtividade Número de Páginas: 77 Informação de vendas: Este livro faz parte de uma coleção com mais do que 50 livros. O tamanho da coleção e a popularidade dos tópicos contidos nestes livros garantem as suas respetivas vendas mensais.

Hábitos de poder

by Karla Cabello Rodríguez Smart Reads

Aristóteles alguna vez dijo que la excelencia es un hábito que nace de la repetición, no un evento. Para poder alcanzar el éxito y mejorarnos a nosotros mismos, debemos dar pequeños pasos cada día. Pequeños hábitos, buenos o malos, repetidos a través del tiempo, determinaran nuestro futuro. Este libro arroja una luz a los hábitos positivos que tienen el poder de transformar tu vida. Cada capítulo habla sobre un hábito de poder distinto practicado por algunos de los líderes e íconos más influyentes de nuestro tiempo. A través de su diligencia en cultivar pequeños hábitos positivos, lograron alcanzar sus metas y sueños. Tienes la oportunidad de considerar este libro como una fuente de entretenimiento o una fuente para examinar las vidas de éstas personas extraordinarias para ganar un poco de motivación e inspiración. Espero, puedas lograr ambas.

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