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Halal Business Management: A Guide to Achieving Halal Excellence

by Marco Tieman

The halal industry is a fast-growing industry due to demographics and industry expansion. Halal certification of products, outlets, and services is essential for doing business in Muslim-majority countries. This book shares the building blocks of professional halal business management, covering halal certification, halal supply chain management, branding and marketing, and halal risk and reputation management. Drawing on years of academic research and advisory experience, the book provides practical advice and guidance on how best to organise and upscale your halal business operations. Successful companies in the halal industry are those that embrace halal excellence by design. Halal excellence is a process – a pursuit of excellence. Halal business management is beyond halal certification, and needs to address supply chain management, branding and marketing, and risk and reputation management. Halal excellence needs measurement through adopting the right key performance indicators, to protecting your halal reputation and licence to operate in Muslim markets. This book gives proven, practical strategies to guide you in the halal industry. The book is for all organisations involved in serving Muslim markets, and also serves as a coursebook for graduate and postgraduate education in halal business management.

Halal Cryptocurrency Management

by Mohd Ma’Sum Billah

The growth of Islamic finance today is significant, making it timely to meet the market demand across the world and particularly for Muslim countries by producing a cryptocurrency model under the Shari’ah ethical principles. This book addresses core components of cryptocurrency within the Maqasid al-Shari’ah in enabling students, academics, users, traders, issuers, promoters, facilitators, managers, regulators, decision makers, blockchain technology providers, financial authorities, and other relevant professionals to understand Shari’ah cryptocurrency and its practical mechanisms. Among the issues covered are corporate understanding, global phenomena and world view, the Shari’ah model, SWOT analysis, innovation, conventional practices and the Halaldichotomy, regulatory standards, blockchain and its technological paradigm, practicality, establishment, and operational mechanisms, Zakat and Waqf through cryptocurrency, risk factors, and takaful solution. This book establishes a Halal alternative model of cryptocurrency management within the Maqasid al-Shari’ah to meet the contemporary global market demand.

Halal Development: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Halal Development (ICHaD 2020), Malang, Indonesia, October 8, 2020

by Heri Pratikto

The increasing demand for halal products, including goods and services, every year, especially for food and beverages, has resulted in a growing need for products with halal guarantees. Along with the increasing trend of the global demand, it has resulted in an increase in producers of halal food and beverages in both Muslim and non-Muslim countries. In addition the demand for halal tourism is also increasing. Indonesia is one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. However, there are still many Muslim consumer actors and Muslim producer actors who do not yet have an awareness of the importance of complying with the provisions of Islamic law in consuming and producing goods and services. There are still many restaurants and hotels that serve food and drinks that are not certified halal. There are still many food, medicinal and cosmetic products that are not halal certified. But now many secular countries such as France, Canada, Australia, the United States, Britain are also halal certified with the aim of meeting the Muslim demand for halal products for food and beverage, including for halal tourism. Starting from the development of the halal industry both in the fields of food, beverages and services, an International Seminar was held, which provides a more complete understanding of halal products, current halal developments and can serve as motivation to produce halal products, providing research results from the topic of halal development. The international seminar, entitled International Conference on Halal Development, listed speakers from several countries able to provide an overview of the halal development of several countries. This book contains a selection of papers from the conference.

Halal Investing for Beginners: How to Start, Grow and Scale Your Halal Investment Portfolio

by Ibrahim Khan Mohsin Patel

An intuitive and eye-opening guide to halal investing In Halal Investing for Beginners: How to Start, Grow and Scale Your Halal Investment Portfolio, a team of Oxford-educated Islamic finance gurus deliver a one-of-a-kind investing roadmap for Muslims who want to watch their savings grow while abiding by Islamic law. You’ll learn to distinguish between halal and haram investment products, get key strategies for saving on your taxes, learn to build a variety of portfolios, and more. In the book, the authors introduce and explain the wide variety of investment products available to investors who wish to restrict their financial activity to that which is consistent with Shariah law, including asset categories like equities, gold, art, start-ups, and even property. You’ll also find: Advice for every stage of life, including how to go halal for the first time, how to write an Islamic will, and how to build a halal pension Portfolio construction guidance for every risk tolerance, from high-growth to low risk Explanations of the important difference between “ethical” and “ESG” investment products and halal investmentsAn essential resource for Muslims who seek to invest while remaining true to their faith and values, Halal Investing for Beginners is the intuitive and easy-to-follow investment tutorial that everyday Muslims have been waiting for.

Halal Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Recent Trends and Issues (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies)

by Rahman, Nor Aida Abdul

This book provides a comprehensive overview of Halal in logistics, supply chain management and the future implications for the Halal industry. It discusses a wide range of Halal logistics practices and theories in Japan, Korea, Spain, Oman, and SEA countries. The book examines technology applications, regulatory and certification procedure, Halal management system and quality control, sustainability and as well as challenges for the logistics and Halal supply chain in the pandemic context. The book also looks at how to navigate the complexity of the Halal logistics to achieve business sustainability. It uses a multidisciplinary approach to provide insights on the Halal logistics and supply chain study. This book hopes to fill an existing gap and enrich the literature on Halal logistics and supply chain management specifically in the West, Middle East and regions in Asia. This will be a useful reference to those who would like to learn more about this industry.

Halal Logistics and Supply Chain Management in Southeast Asia (Islamic Business and Finance Series)

by Nor Aida Abdul Rahman

The concept of Halal defines what adheres to Islamic law and is so comprehensive that it goes beyond food to include processes. The Halal industry has allowed many business firms a competitive advantage and is integral in its support for industries from food, tourism, banking and hospitality to medical. This book gives an overview of what Halal is in logistics and supply chain management, and discusses related issues and challenges in Southeast Asia. The book also examines Halal logistics and supply chain in reference to global trends and practices. It attempts to integrate theoretical and methodological aspects of Halal logistics and supply chain study in different geographical areas across industries. This will be a useful reference for those who wish to understand the Halal ecosystem and Halal logistics supply chain development.

Halal Supply Chain Integrity: Concept, Constituents and Consequences

by Zawiah Abdul Majid Mohd Farid Shamsudin Nor Aida Abdul Rahman

The market and demand for halal goods and services is ever increasing, and, with it, the importance of supply chain integrity also increases. Integrity, from the perspective of halal logistics service providers, is a prerequisite of halal compliance. This book provides a unique overview of halal supply chain integrity (HSCI) using examples from Malaysia country as a case. The book carefully addresses and simplifies the issues of integrity in halal logistics and supply chain. It gathers findings from studies on halal supply chain integrity conducted in Malaysia, a leading country in halal production, to shed light on current issues, developments and future trends on the theory and practice of halal in the logistics sector. The book discusses factors such as halal quality assurance, trust and commitment and halal assets specificity, in particular. This book will be a useful reference to research scholars and professionals who wish to understand halal logistics and supply chain management and also the importance of protecting integrity of halal services and products.

Halbzeit der Energiewende?: An der Schwelle in eine neue Energiegesellschaft

by Josef Gochermann

Ist die Energiewende steckengeblieben oder gar gescheitert? Haben Regulierung und Politik den Wandel zum nachhaltigen Umgang mit Energie ausgebremst? Verschläft die Wirtschaft die Wende? Nein, ganz und gar nicht. Während vielen die Energiewende nicht schnell genug vorankommt, befinden wir uns bereits auf der Schwelle in eine neue Energiegesellschaft. Die Energiewende ist Teil eines größeren Wandlungsprozesses. Ein Wandel im Umgang mit Energie, ihrer Gewinnung und ihres Wertes, Teil der laufenden vierten industriellen Revolution und viel mehr als nur der Umstieg auf regenerative Energien. Dieser Wandel vollzieht sich quer durch alle Bereiche der Wirtschaft und der Gesellschaft, baut die Energiewirtschaft um, verändert die Mobilität und initiiert dezentrale Lösungen in Unternehmen und Städten und Gemeinden. Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die sich am Umbau des Energiesystems beteiligen wollen, Unternehmen und Organisationen sowie auch der Politik.

Hale and Dorr (A)

by David B. Godes

Highlights how word-of-mouth is crucial in the acquisition of new customers. Specifically, it shows the existence of both internal (to the firm) and external markets for customer leads.

A Half-Deal

by Carla Larangeira Marco Di Maggio Pedro Levindo

In June 2020, XP and Ita faced intensified competition and tension in their partnership, with the latter owning a minority stake at XP. Two years earlier, in May 2017, Ita had announced it would acquire 49.9% of XP for $1.8 billion, followed by three additional stages leading to company control. Yet in August 2018, Brazil's Central Bank, partially barred the deal, stating Ita could become a minority shareholder.Tensions surfaced as soon as the deal was formalized, with both companies engaging in public attacks across several marketing campaigns, with Ita estimated to lose around $27 million a day to XP from client migration. Moreover, XP faced increased competition from emerging investment platforms that were gaining ground in Brazil s market. By mid-2020, XP s financial results had skyrocketed, taking in $190 million in net income and $743 million in total revenues. As Guilherme Benchimol, XP s CEO, looks ahead, he must define what strategies they should pursue to achieve further growth, considering competitive forces and market opportunities at hand.

Half-Earth Socialism: A Plan to Save the Future from Extinction, Climate Change and Pandemics

by Troy Vettese Drew Pendergrass

A plan to save the earth and bring the good life to all In this thrilling and capacious book, Troy Vettese and Drew Pendergrass challenge the inertia of capitalism and the left alike and propose a radical plan to address climate disaster and guarantee the good life for all. Consumption in the Global North can&’t continue unabated, and we must give up the idea that humans can fully control the Earth through technological &“fixes&” which only wreak further havoc. Rather than allow the forces of the free market to destroy the planet, we must strive for a post-capitalist society able to guarantee the good life the entire planet. This plan, which they call Half-Earth Socialism, means we must: • rewild half the Earth to absorb carbon emissions and restore biodiversity • pursue a rapid transition to renewable energy, paired with drastic cuts in consumption by the world&’s wealthiest populations • enact global veganism to cut down on energy and land use • inaugurate worldwide socialist planning to efficiently and equitably manage production • welcome the participation of everyone—even you! Accompanied by a climate-modelling website inviting readers to design their own &“half earth,&” Vettese and Pendergrass offer us a visionary way forward—and our only hope for a future.

The Half Has Never Been Told

by Edward E. Baptist

Americans tend to assume that modern historiography has produced a full and complete understanding of slavery in the United States, as a shameful pre-modern institution, existing in isolation from America’s later success. But while we have long since rejected the idealistic depiction of happy slaves and paternalistic masters, we have not yet begun to grapple with the full extent of slavery’s horrors#151;or its link to the expansion of the country, the political battles that caused the Civil War, or the growth of our modern capitalist economy. . As historian Edward Baptist reveals in The Half Has Never Been Told, slavery and its expansion were central to the evolution and modernization of our nation in the 18th and 19th centuries, catapulting the US into a modern, industrial and capitalist economy. In the span of a single lifetime, the South grew from a narrow coastal strip of worn-out tobacco plantations to a sub-continental cotton empire. By 1861 it had five times as many slaves as it had during the Revolution, and was producing two billion pounds of cotton a year. It was through slavery and slavery alone that the United States achieved a virtual monopoly on the production of cotton, the key raw material of the Industrial Revolution, and was transformed into a global power rivaled only by England. The Half Has Never Been Told begins in 1787, when Northern emancipation and falling profits from Southern tobacco threatened the future of American slavery. Seeking desperately to prevent this collapse, innovative Southern enslavers brought slavery out of the Southeast’s decaying coastal plantation belts, leading trains of men, women, and children to the frontier states where the labor-intensive cotton crop beckoned. By 1860, their empire of cotton and labor camps stretched all the way to Texas. During America’s formative years, Baptist explains, our chief form of innovation was slavery, and ways to make slavery increasingly profitable. Through forced migration, quotas, and torture, slave owners extracted continual increases in efficiency from their slaves making competition with American cotton fields near impossible. Financial innovations and banks, meanwhile, helped feed credit to the cotton plantations, spurring on economic expansion and confirming for enslavers and their political leaders that their livelihood, and the American economy, depended on cotton. Despite the mayhem wreaked upon them, enslaved African-Americans survived, clinging desperately to the ability to name the evil they confronted. By the time of Abraham Lincoln’s election, the stories they smuggled out of the whipping-machine had helped to put the North and South on the collision course that led to the Civil War, national emancipation, and the collapse of the Southern slave industry#151;a system that, Baptist suggests, might otherwise have gone on indefinitely. Using thousands of interviews with former slaves, hundreds of plantation records, newspapers, and the personal papers of dozens of politicians, entrepreneurs, and escaped slaves, The Half Has Never Been Told unveils, at last, the most savage secrets at the heart of American history. These intimate stories of survival and tragedy transform our understanding of the rise of the American nation, the outbreak of the Civil War, and the birth of entrepreneurial capitalism. A much-needed challenge to the reigning narratives of slavery, The Half Has Never Been Told reveals the alarming extent to which our country’s success was irrevocably tied to the institution of slavery.

The Half Has Never Been Told

by Edward E. Baptist

Americans tend to assume that modern historiography has produced a full and complete understanding of slavery in the United States, as a shameful pre-modern institution, existing in isolation from America’s later success. But while we have long since rejected the idealistic depiction of happy slaves and paternalistic masters, we have not yet begun to grapple with the full extent of slavery’s horrors--or its link to the expansion of the country, the political battles that caused the Civil War, or the growth of our modern capitalist economy. . As historian Edward Baptist reveals in The Half Has Never Been Told, slavery and its expansion were central to the evolution and modernization of our nation in the 18th and 19th centuries, catapulting the US into a modern, industrial and capitalist economy. In the span of a single lifetime, the South grew from a narrow coastal strip of worn-out tobacco plantations to a sub-continental cotton empire. By 1861 it had five times as many slaves as it had during the Revolution, and was producing two billion pounds of cotton a year. It was through slavery and slavery alone that the United States achieved a virtual monopoly on the production of cotton, the key raw material of the Industrial Revolution, and was transformed into a global power rivaled only by England. The Half Has Never Been Told begins in 1787, when Northern emancipation and falling profits from Southern tobacco threatened the future of American slavery. Seeking desperately to prevent this collapse, innovative Southern enslavers brought slavery out of the Southeast’s decaying coastal plantation belts, leading trains of men, women, and children to the frontier states where the labor-intensive cotton crop beckoned. By 1860, their empire of cotton and labor camps stretched all the way to Texas. During America’s formative years, Baptist explains, our chief form of innovation was slavery, and ways to make slavery increasingly profitable. Through forced migration, quotas, and torture, slave owners extracted continual increases in efficiency from their slaves making competition with American cotton fields near impossible. Financial innovations and banks, meanwhile, helped feed credit to the cotton plantations, spurring on economic expansion and confirming for enslavers and their political leaders that their livelihood, and the American economy, depended on cotton. Despite the mayhem wreaked upon them, enslaved African-Americans survived, clinging desperately to the ability to name the evil they confronted. By the time of Abraham Lincoln’s election, the stories they smuggled out of the whipping-machine had helped to put the North and South on the collision course that led to the Civil War, national emancipation, and the collapse of the Southern slave industry--a system that, Baptist suggests, might otherwise have gone on indefinitely. Using thousands of interviews with former slaves, hundreds of plantation records, newspapers, and the personal papers of dozens of politicians, entrepreneurs, and escaped slaves, The Half Has Never Been Told unveils, at last, the most savage secrets at the heart of American history. These intimate stories of survival and tragedy transform our understanding of the rise of the American nation, the outbreak of the Civil War, and the birth of entrepreneurial capitalism. A much-needed challenge to the reigning narratives of slavery, The Half Has Never Been Told reveals the alarming extent to which our country’s success was irrevocably tied to the institution of slavery.

The Half-Life of Deindustrialization: Working-Class Writing about Economic Restructuring (Class : Culture)

by Sherry L Linkon

Starting in the late 1970s, tens of thousands of American industrial workers lost jobs in factories and mines. Deindustrialization had dramatic effects on those workers and their communities, but its longterm effects continue to ripple through working-class culture. Economic restructuring changed the experience of work, disrupted people’s sense of self, reshaped local landscapes, and redefined community identities and expectations. Through it all, working-class writers have told stories that reflect the importance of memory and the struggle to imagine a different future. These stories make clear that the social costs of deindustrialization affect not only those who lost their jobs but also their children, their communities, and American culture. Through analysis of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, film, and drama, The Half-Life of Deindustrialization shows why people and communities cannot simply “get over” the losses of economic restructuring. The past provides inspiration and strength for working-class people, even as the contrast between past and present highlights what has been lost in the service economy. The memory of productive labor and stable, proud working-class communities shapes how people respond to contemporary economic, social, and political issues. These stories can help us understand the resentment, frustration, pride, and persistence of the American working class.

The Half-Life of Policy Rationales: How New Technology Affects Old Policy Issues

by Fred E. Foldvary Daniel B. Klein

The Half-Life of Policy Rationales argues that the appropriateness of policy depends on the state of technology, and that the justifications for many public policies are dissolving as technology advances. As new detection and metering technologies are being developed for highways, parking, and auto emissions, and information becomes more accessible and user-friendly, this volume argues that quality and safety are better handled by the private sector. As for public utilities, new means of producing and delivering electricity, water, postal, and telephone services dissolve the old natural-monopolies rationales of the government.This volume includes essays on marine resources, lighthouses, highways, parking, auto emissions, consumer product safety, money and banking, medical licensing, electricity, water delivery, postal service, community governance, and endangered species. The editors have mobilized the hands-on knowledge of field experts to develop theories about technology and public policy. The Half-Life of Policy Rationales will be of interest to readers in public policy, technology, property rights, and economics.

The Half That's Never Been Told: The Real-Life Reggae Adventures of Doctor Dread

by Doctor Dread

"Impassioned and engaging."--Booklist"A heartfelt tribute to Caribbean roots music and those who keep it alive."--Kirkus Reviews"In 1972, Gary Himelfarb...heard reggae music for the first time and fell in love. He embraced the music...with a passion that he matched with a genuine curiosity about Jamaican culture and sincere friendships with musicians there....There is a sweetness and sincerity to the best parts of the book....Dread's serious case of 'reggaemylitis' gave him some remarkable experiences."--Publishers Weekly"The book is a tale of business, family, ethics, health, and entertaining read."--Washington City Paper"A gem...Real music heads will truly enjoy this book....For anyone who is a fan of Reggae music, this book is a must-have."--Baltimore Times"A nice read...hilarious and spellbinding."--Caribbean Life"Doctor Dread may just prove to be as gripping a storyteller as he was a record producer. In this revelatory vignette-filled offering, he bends the rules with an unorthodox literary style, unveiling a torrent of chronicles that are spontaneous, colorful, richly authentic and brazen. This is a unique work on many levels. Doctor Dread does offer new and intimate insights into the legends of Jamaican culture....Highly recommended."--Jamaica Gleaner"Full of heart and soul as well as photos from many of the author's greatest moments, it is a must for anybody interested in reggae music and its cast of characters or the music business in general."--Reggaeville"This book should be on the shelf of any serious lover of reggae...Not only is Himelfarb a great storyteller...he is also a talented writer."--FDRMX"An inside perspective of the reggae music phenomenon...[Dread] explains how his decision to form the RAS label came at a tragic but important moment in music history, as the death of Bob Marley in 1981 led to a market eager for the earthy sounds of reggae. Dread also relates fine portrayals of legends like Philip 'Fatis' Burrell, the many Marleys, Freddie McGregor, and Bunny Wailer."--Insights"This easily readable memoir does far more than chart the label's ebbs and flows....Delightfully candid and brutally honest, this is a must-read for all reggae fans."--MOJO Magazine (UK)"Hugely compelling page-turner....a no-nonsense tome that gives intimate portraits of Jamaican music's most colorful characters, and sheds light on the individual world view of Doctor Dread, with many 'twilight zone' incidents, lots of confliction, and a good deal of redemption too....Recommended reading for all reggae fans."--Riddim Magazine (Germany)"Absolutely not to be missed!"--HotMC (Italy)With an introduction by Bunny Wailer.Doctor Dread has committed his life to producing reggae music and releasing it on his label, RAS Records. He has become one of the world's foremost reggae producers, and has worked with almost all the genre's icons: Bunny Wailer, Black Uhuru, Ziggy and Damian Marley, Gregory Isaacs, etc. This book, full of behind-the-scenes stories, has shocking chapters that will reveal aspects of reggae never before explored.

Half Yard™ Bags & Purses: Sew 12 Beautiful Bags and 12 Matching Purses

by Debbie Shore

This fantastic new book from bestselling author Debbie Shore contains 24 projects: 12 bags and 12 matching purses. Choose from flowery patchwork totes, backpacks with faux leather detailing, clasp-top clutches, cute floral messenger bags, practical folder holders and a stylish business travel bag, all complete with a matching purse. Each purse is made in the same style and from the same fabric as its corresponding bag - mix and match the bags and purses or make yourself the pair. Each item requires no more than half a yard of outer fabric, plus all the necessary hardware, trimmings and lining. All the instructions you need are provided in Debbie's clear, friendly style, along with inspiring, easy-to-follow photography, and any templates required are included at full size. There are also QR-coded video links, providing additional support and advice from Debbie.

Halftime for Heidelberg

by Debora L. Spar

The case follows President Rob Huntington as he seeks to find a viable way forward for Heidelberg University. Located in Tiffin, Ohio, Heidelberg is a small, private, four-year university. As with many similar institutions of higher education, it currently faces a daunting and mounting set of challenges, most of which stem from financial and demographic changes that are far beyond its control. During Huntington's eleven-year tenure, the university has experimented with a number of efforts aimed at attracting and retaining students. But in 2019, with enrollment, retention, and graduation rates stagnating and the university once again running a deficit, Huntington must consider more drastic measures. What can he do to underscore the "Heidelberg difference" and ensure that the university survives?

Halliburton's Army: How a Well-connected Texas Oil Company Revolutionized the Way America Makes War

by Pratap Chatterjee

Halliburton's Army is the first book to show, in shocking detail, how Halliburton really does business, in Iraq, and around the world. From its vital role as the logistical backbone of the U. S. occupation in Iraq--without Halliburton there could be no war or occupation--to its role in covering up gang-rape amongst its personnel in Baghdad, Halliburton's Army is a devastating bestiary of corporate malfeasance and political cronyism. Pratap Chatterjee--one of the world's leading authorities on corporate crime, fraud, and corruption--shows how Halliburton won and then lost its contracts in Iraq, what Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld did for it, and who the company paid off in the U. S. Congress. He brings us inside the Pentagon meetings, where Cheney and Rumsfeld made the decision to send Halliburton to Iraq--as well as many other hot-spots, including Somalia, Yugoslavia, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Guantánamo Bay, and, most recently, New Orleans. He travels to Dubai, where Halliburton has recently moved its headquarters, and exposes the company's freewheeling ways: executives leading the high life, bribes, graft, skimming, offshore subsidiaries, and the whole arsenal of fraud. Finally, Chatterjee reveals the human costs of the privatization of American military affairs, which is sustained almost entirely by low-paid unskilled Third World workers who work in incredibly dangerous conditions without any labor protection. Halliburton's Army is a hair-raising exposé of one of the world's most lethal corporations, essential reading for anyone concerned about the nexus of private companies, government, and war.

Halliday's OASIS

by Nicole Tempest Keller Scott Duke Kominers

Wade Watts has won control of the OASIS - a futuristic, immersive virtual reality game world. He must decide on rules, rights, and marketplace design, balancing the founding principles of the OASIS with the platform's potentially negative externalities.

Halloran Metals

by Roy D. Shapiro

Two competitors in the Northeast steel service center industry have made very different choices with regards to logistics and operating strategy. One distributes from a large central location; the other operates seven widely scattered warehouses. Students can diagnose and discuss the significant impacts of these choices, especially in an economic downturn.

Hallstead Jewelers

by William J. Bruns Jr.

A retail jeweler has relocated to a larger store and is experiencing losses for the first time. Sales and costs have increased along with the breakeven point. Changes in pricing and promotion must be explored. Alternative actions to return to profitability can be considered.

The Halo Effect: How Volunteering Can Lead to a More Fulfilling Life-And a Better Career

by John Raynolds Gene Stone

A "business book with a heart," <i>The Halo Effect</i> illustrates how inspiration in careers and in lives can be renewed by service to others. Volunteer work can help you learn new skills, meet new people, and develop a whole new perspective on your goals. A complete resource that outlines everything you need to know about volunteer work, <i>The Halo Effect</i> includes an appendix that lists and describes the best volunteer organizations that need your help today.

The Halo Effect: ... and the Eight Other Business Delusions That Deceive Managers

by Phil Rosenzweig

With two new chapters and a new preface, the award-winning book The Halo Effect continues to unmask the delusions found in the corporate world and provides a sharp understanding of what drives business success and failure.Too many of today’s most prominent management gurus make steel-clad guarantees based on claims of irrefutable research, promising to reveal the secrets of why one company fails and another succeeds, and how you can become the latter. Combining equal measures of solemn-faced hype and a wide range of popular business delusions, statistical and otherwise, these self-styled experts cloud our ability to think critically about the nature of success. Central among these delusions is the Halo Effect—the tendency to focus on the high financial performance of a successful company and then spread its golden glow to all its attributes—clear strategy, strong values, brilliant leadership, and outstanding execution. But should the same company’s sales head south, the very same attributes are universally derided—suddenly the strategy was wrong, the culture was complacent, and the leader became arrogant. The Halo Effect not only identifies these delusions that keep us from understanding business performance, but also suggests a more accurate way to think about leading a company. This approach—focusing on strategic choice and execution, while recognizing the inherent riskiness of both—clarifies the priorities that managers face. Brilliant and unconventional, irreverent and witty, The Halo Effect is essential reading for anyone wanting to separate fact from fiction in the world of business.

The Halo Effect

by Phil Rosenzweig

Too many of the most prominent management gurus today make steel-clad guarantees, based on claims of irrefutable research, promising to reveal the secrets of why one company fails and another succeeds, and how you can become the latter. Combining equal measures of solemn-faced hype and a whole body of delusions, statistical and otherwise, these self-styled experts cloud our ability to think critically about the nature of success in business. Like a virus, these fundamental errors of thinking infect much of what we read, whether in leading business magazines, scholarly journals,or management bestsellers. Central among these delusions is the Halo Effect, the tendency on the part of the experts to point to the high financial performance of a successful company and then spread its golden glow to all its attributes--clear strategy, strong values, brilliant leadership, and outstanding execution. But should the same company's sales head south, the very same attributes are turned on their heads and derided for poor decision making across the board--suddenly the strategy was wrong, the culture was complacent, and the leader became arrogant. The Halo Effect not only points out these delusions that keep us from understanding business performance, but also suggests a more accurate way to think about leading a company. This approach--focusing on strategic choice and execution, while recognizing the inherent riskiness of both--clarifies the priorities that managers face. Irreverent and witty, Rosenzweig is uncanny in his ability to puncture the pretentious balloons of some of our mostsacred management cows.

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