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Handelsmarketing: Grundlagen Der Marktorientierten Führung Von Handelsbetrieben (Springer-Lehrbuch)
by Dieter Ahlert Peter Kenning Christian BrockDieses Lehrbuch führt in die grundlegenden Konzepte, Methoden und Anwendungen der marktorientierten Führung von Handelsbetrieben ein. Die Autoren veranschaulichen diese anhand von Erkenntnissen aus der Forschung sowie Beispielen aus der Unternehmenspraxis. Leser und Leserinnen können sich so ein Basiswissen verschaffen, das ihnen auch den Zugang zu speziellen Teilgebieten des Handelsmarketing ermöglicht. Für die 2. Auflage wurden alle Kapitel überarbeitet und um Kontrollfragen erweitert. Die mit der Digitalisierung verbundenen Entwicklungen wurden in der zweiten Auflage systematisch integriert. Neue Kapitel zum Customer Relationship Management und Multikanalmanagement kommen hinzu.Der Inhalt• Grundlagen des Handelsmarketing• Informationsgrundlagen des Handelsmarketing• Ziele und Strategien• Die Betriebstypenpolitik• Markenpolitik im Handel• Die Standortpolitik• Die Sortimentspolitik• Die Personalpolitik• Die Preispolitik• Die Präsentationspolitik• Die Kommunikationspolitik• Customer Relationship Management im Handel• Multikanalmanagement• Handelscontrolling
Handelsmarketing: Grundlagen der marktorientierten Führung von Handelsbetrieben (Springer-lehrbuch Ser.)
by Dieter Ahlert Peter Kenning Christian BrockDieses Lehrbuch führt in die grundlegenden Konzepte, Methoden und Anwendungen der marktorientierten Führung von Handelsbetrieben ein. Die Autoren veranschaulichen diese anhand von Erkenntnissen aus der Forschung sowie Beispielen aus der Unternehmenspraxis. Leser und Leserinnen können sich so ein Basiswissen aneignen, das ihnen auch den Zugang zu speziellen Teilgebieten des Handelsmarketing ermöglicht. In der dritten Auflage wurden die mit der Digitalisierung verbundenen neueren Entwicklungen, Methoden und Konzepte – wie z. B. die Ausführungen zu den Themen „Plattformökonomie“, „Dynamic Pricing“ sowie „Instore Kommunikation“ – systematisch integriert. Insbesondere wurde die dritte Auflage um digitale Karteikarten („Flashcards“) als Lehr- und Lernmittel ergänzt. Laden Sie die Springer Nature Flashcards-App kostenlos herunter und nutzen Sie exklusives Zusatzmaterial, um Ihr Wissen zu prüfen. Der Inhalt• Grundlagen des Handelsmarketing • Informationsgrundlagen des Handelsmarketing • Ziele und Strategien • Die Betriebstypenpolitik • Markenpolitik im Handel • Die Standortpolitik • Die Sortimentspolitik • Die Personalpolitik • Die Preispolitik • Die Präsentationspolitik • Die Kommunikationspolitik • Customer Relationship Management im Handel • Multikanalmanagement • Handelscontrolling
Handelspolitik und Welthandel in der Internationalen Politischen Ökonomie: Ein ideengeschichtlicher Überblick
by Holger JanuschDas Ziel dieses Buches ist die Vermittlung zentraler Begriffe, Theoreme und Hypothesen zum Welthandel und der Handelspolitik aus einer ideengeschichtlichen Perspektive. Neben volkswirtschaftlichen Außenhandelstheorien und deren Blick auf Wohlstand werden Klassiker der Internationalen Politischen Ökonomie vorgestellt, die ihren Schwerpunkt auf nachholende Entwicklung, Macht und zwischenstaatliche Abhängigkeiten sowie Institutionen und den Einfluss von Interessengruppen in der Handelspolitik legen.
Handelsrecht (Springer-Lehrbuch)
by Hartmut OetkerDas Lehrbuch konzentriert sich auf die Grundstrukturen des Handelsrechts und diejenigen Bereiche, die in den Prüfungen von allen Studierenden beherrscht werden müssen. Deshalb stehen vor allem die Schnittstellen des Handelsrechts zum Bürgerlichen Recht im Zentrum des Lehrbuchs. Die wechselseitigen Verzahnungen verdienen besonderes Augenmerk. Die Stoffkonzentration und die Bezüge zu den anderen Pflichtfächern trainieren das Verständnis für das Zusammenwirken der verschiedenen Rechtsnormen in einer dem Anspruch auf „Einheit“ gerecht werdenden Rechtsordnung.
Händlerbewertungen als Conversiontreiber: Umgang mit Bewertungen im E-Commerce – mit Handlungsleitfaden
by Connor MoselerIn diesem Buch erhalten Sie Know-how und Praxis-Tipps, wie Sie als E-Commerce-Anbieter Kundenbewertungen Ihres Unternehmens angemessen und sinnvoll managen können. Denn: der richtige Umgang mit Bewertungen und Rezensionen als Onlinehändler hat maßgeblichen Einfluss auf den Verkauf.Ein florierender E-Commerce stützt sich nicht allein auf ein erstklassiges Produktangebot, sondern auch auf dem Vertrauen Ihrer Kunden in Ihr Unternehmen. Händlerbewertungen – in Ergänzung zu Produktbewertungen – sind ein Abbild Ihrer Leistungen und zugleich ein kraftvolles Werkzeug, um das Vertrauen potenzieller Kundschaft zu gewinnen und Ihre Conversion-Rate zu steigern. Der richtige Umgang mit diesen Bewertungen hat großen Einfluss auf den Verkauf. Das Buch ist aus der Praxis für die Praxis geschrieben. Es basiert auf einer Literaturrecherche ergänzt um eine Umfrage mit über 100 Kunden mit E-Commerce-Erfahrung. Die Umfrage ermöglicht einen detaillierten Einblick in die Welt der Bewertungen und Rezensionen von E-Commerce-Unternehmen aus Kundensicht. Sie erhalten fundiertes Wissen, entdecken faszinierende Zusammenhänge und bekommen Anregungen, wie Sie professionell, situativ und zielgruppenorientiert auf Bewertungen Ihres Unternehmens reagieren können.Dieses Buch ist ein unverzichtbarer Begleiter für E-Commerce-Unternehmer, Marketingexperten und alle, die das volle Potenzial von Händlerbewertungen ausschöpfen möchten.Aus dem Inhalt Warum Vertrauen in der E-Commerce-Branche so wichtig ist und wie KI die Karten neu mischtStrategien zur Vertrauensbildung im E-Commerce Methoden zur Steigerung positiver Bewertungen Methoden zum professionellen Umgang mit negativen Bewertungen Leitfaden für den Aufbau einer nachhaltigen Bewertungsstrategie
Handling Difficult People And Situations: Lead People through Adversity
by Rick Conlow Doug WatsabaughThe customers and suppliers you need to work with effectively may be outside your company or in the next office. And you may not always see eye to eye. Even if you have strong interpersonal skills and common goals, conflict can happen. Make sure you know how to find common ground, calm emotions and forge a productive path forward with this book.
Handling Problem Employees: Motivating and Letting Go
by Richard LueckeAlthough some employees can be helped through coaching that corrects performance pitfalls, others are able to do the job, but for some reason or another, are not motivated to do it. This chapter deals with the unmotivated employee. It concentrates on motivating problem employees, dealing with "C" employees, and handling dismissals when necessary.
Handling the Medical Claim: An 8-Step Guide on 'How To' Correct and Resolve Claim Issues
by Catherine CochranWhen a doctor sees a patient, how does the doctor‘s office get paid? If a claim for a service or procedure provided is denied, how does the doctor‘s office get the patient‘s insurance company to pay? Handling the Medical Claim: An 8-Step Guide on "How To" Correct and Resolve Claim Issues explains from beginning to end how to bill and collect on cla
Handloom Sustainability and Culture: Artisanship and Value Addition (Sustainable Textiles: Production, Processing, Manufacturing & Chemistry)
by Miguel Ángel Gardetti Subramanian Senthilkannan MuthuThis book contains seven chapters written by leading experts in the areas and discusses means to revive some of the cultures that are on the verge of closing/shutting down. This second of the three book series highlights the intricate relationship in the handloom industry between its culture and the various areas of sustainability. While there have been major disruptions in this age old industry, this book presents the craftsmanship/artisanship and its value addition to keep the industry moving ahead.
Handloom Sustainability and Culture: Product Development, Design and Environmental Aspects (Sustainable Textiles: Production, Processing, Manufacturing & Chemistry)
by Miguel Ángel Gardetti Subramanian Senthilkannan MuthuThis third of the three volume series highlights the intricate relationship in the handloom industry between its culture and the various areas of sustainability. While there have been major disruptions in this age old industry, this volume presents the design, development and environmental aspects to keep the industry moving ahead. The book contains seven chapters written by leading experts in the areas and discusses means to revive some of the cultures that are on the verge of closing/shutting down.
Handloom Sustainability and Culture: Entrepreneurship, Culture and Luxury (Sustainable Textiles: Production, Processing, Manufacturing & Chemistry)
by Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu Miguel Ángel GardettiThis first of the three volume series highlights the intricate relationship in the handloom industry between its culture and the various areas of sustainability. While there have been major disruptions in this age old industry, this volume presents the luxury and the entrepreneurship aspects to keep the industry moving ahead. The book contains seventeen chapters written by leading experts in the areas and discusses means to revive some of the cultures that are on the verge of closing/shutting down.
Handlungsorientierte Führung: Motive und Ziele erfolgreich managen
by Christian Innerhofer Paul InnerhoferIn Zeiten von Digitalisierung, Homeoffice und Generationenwandel setzen Unternehmen auf den Mitarbeiter, der sich weitgehend selbst steuert. Übersehen wird dabei nur, dass sich nicht jeder Mitarbeiter erfolgreich selbst steuert, nur weil er viel Freiraum bekommt. Denn in jedem Job müssen Aufgaben und Ziele erreicht werden, unabhängig davon, ob sich einer findet, der das gerne selbstbestimmt und motiviert macht. Was genau wird vom Mitarbeiter erwartet, der unternehmerische Verantwortung übernehmen soll? Welche Instrumente zur Selbststeuerung soll er einsetzen? Aber vor allem: Wie kann er darin unterstützt werden? Wie greift die Führungskraft in die Selbststeuerung ein, wenn diese an ihre Grenzen stößt? Welche Möglichkeiten bieten sich ihr insbesondere über die Motivation Einfluss zu nehmen anstelle von Mikromanagement?Es braucht dazu mehr als ein neues Mindset der Führung. Mit diesem Buch möchten wir Führungskräften wie auch selbstgesteuerten Mitarbeitern die grundlegenden psychologischen Mechanismen ebenso wie ganz praktische Instrumente näherbringen, die Menschen erfolgreich handeln und kollaborieren lassen.Der InhaltFührung in komplexeren ArbeitsverhältnissenSieben Prinzipien einer handlungsorientierten FührungSelbststeuerung als zentrale Kompetenz von MitarbeiternFührung von selbstgesteuerten Mitarbeitern und TeamsDiagnostik der Motivation und Führen mit MotivenManaging Motives & Objectives
Handlungsorientierungen von Lehrpersonen im Umgang mit Unterrichtsstörungen: Eine Studie mit Lehrpersonen aus Schulen mit und ohne personalisierte Lernkonzepte
by Claudia MarusicIn diesem Open-Access-Buch untersucht Claudia Marusic anhand der Dokumentarischen Methode Handlungsorientierungen von Lehrpersonen aus Schulen mit und ohne personalisierte Lernkonzepte im Umgang mit Unterrichtsstörungen. Treten Störungen im Unterricht auf, sind Lehrpersonen oft gefordert, unter Affekt und Zeitdruck zu handeln. Im Umgang mit Unterrichtsstörungen werden ihre Wahrnehmung und ihr Handeln durch implizite, versteckte Orientierungen beeinflusst. Weiter nehmen unterschiedliche Unterrichtskontexte bzw. didaktische Arrangements eine zentrale Rolle bei der Produktion und Rezeption von Unterrichtsstörungen ein. Rekonstruiert wurden unter anderem drei Typen des Umgangs von Lehrpersonen mit Unterrichtsstörungen. Die Ergebnisse der Studie tragen zur gezielten Reflexion des Umgangs mit Unterrichtsstörungen bei und richten sich sowohl an interessierte Personen aus Forschung und Wissenschaft als auch an Lehrpersonen und Dozierende.
Handlungsraum Media Management: Fallstudien und Analysen für Wirtschaft, Design und Technik
by Christoph Kochhan Alexander MoutchnikDieses Buch enthält Fallstudien und Analysen, die aus einem intensiven interdisziplinären Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis im Studiengang Media Management (B.Sc.), Fachbereich Design Informatik Medien, der Hochschule RheinMain, Wiesbaden, entstanden sind.Die rasante Entwicklung von Social Media, Anwendungen Künstlicher Intelligenz sowie von modernen Medien- und Kommunikationskanälen hat in den letzten Jahren zu einer digitalen Transformation geführt, die nahezu alle Bereiche der Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft entscheidend geprägt hat. Die während der Coronapandemie notwendig gewordenen Remote-Work-Lösungen beschleunigten diese Transformation zusätzlich und haben die Art und Weise, wie Medien konsumiert werden, nachhaltig verändert. Gängige Prozesse wurden überdacht und neugestaltet, medienrelevante Entscheidungen in Bereichen wie „Wirtschaft“, „Design“ und „Technik“ modifiziert und umgesetzt. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es umso wichtiger, den medienbezogenen Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis mit neuer Akzentuierung zu führen.Die vielfältig positionierten Beitragsautor*innen betrachten Standortfaktoren und Organisationsformen von Medien sowie Kommunikations- und Marketingkonzepte. Darüber hinaus wird eine Einordnung der Bereiche Personal, Design und Technologie vorgenommen, die dem rasanten Wandel der Medienbranche in den letzten Jahren Rechnung trägt.
The Handmade Marketplace, 2nd Edition: How to Sell Your Crafts Locally, Globally, and Online
by Kari ChapinMake money doing what you love. Kari Chapin’s insightful and inspiring guide to turning your crafting skills into earned income has been completely revised and updated. The Handmade Marketplace is filled with proven techniques that can help you brand your business, establish a client base, sell your products, and effectively employ all aspects of social media. Learn how easy it is to enjoy a lucrative career while leading the creative life you’ve always craved.
Handmaking America: A Back-to-Basics Pathway to a Revitalized American Democracy
by Bill IveyAmerica has survived an economic near-disaster. While the state of employment and housing will one day improve, we will never return to the delusional prosperity that defined the first decade of the 21st century. Progressives should hold the key to quality of life in our coming post-consumerist society, but today Democrats have become timid, our vision of the good life marginalized by three decades of partisan attacks and the think tank-induced assumption that an unfettered marketplace, low taxes, and international adventurism will somehow give us an America capable of inspiring the world. Handmaking America, reaches back to the Arts-and-Crafts roots of progressive thought, confronting the way right-wing ideology and the power of post-industrial capitalism have undermined work, government; our very way of life, advancing a practical, achievable vision for a good society that can use the capacity of government to recover the essential strength of the American idea.
The Handover: How We Gave Control of Our Lives to Corporations, States and AIs
by David Runciman“[W]itty and refined . . . Runciman’s point is that the alliance between even a democratic government and a safe-ish A.I. could derail civilization.” —Gideon Lewis-Kraus, New Yorker An eminent political thinker uses our history with states and corporations—“artificial agents” to which we have granted immense power—to predict how AI will remake society. Countless books, news reports, and opinion pieces have announced the impending arrival of artificial intelligence, with most claiming that it will upend our world, revolutionizing not just work but society overall. Yet according to political philosopher and historian David Runciman, we’ve actually been living with a version of AI for 300 years because states and corporations are robots, too. In The Handover, Runciman explains our current situation through the history of these “artificial agents” we created to rescue us from our all-too-human limitations—and demonstrates what this radical new view of our recent past means for our collective future. From the United States and the United Kingdom to the East India Company, Standard Oil, Facebook, and Alibaba, states and corporations have gradually, and then much more rapidly, taken over the planet. They have helped to conquer poverty and eliminate disease, but also unleashed global wars and environmental degradation. As Runciman demonstrates, states and corporations are the ultimate decision-making machines, defined by their ability to make their own choices and, crucially, to sustain the consequences of what has been chosen. And if the rapid spread of the modern state and corporation has already transformed the conditions of human existence, new AI technology promises the same. But what happens when AI interacts with other kinds of artificial agents, the inhuman kind represented by states and corporations? Runciman argues that the twenty-first century will be defined by increasingly intense battles between state and corporate power for the fruits of the AI revolution. In the end, it is not our own, human relationship with AI that will determine our future. Rather, humanity’s fate will be shaped by the interactions among states, corporations, and thinking machines. With clarity and verve, The Handover presents a brilliantly original history of the last three centuries and a new understanding of the immense challenges we now face.
The Hands-Off Manager: How to Mentor People and Allow Them to Be Successful
by Steve Chandler Duane Black“A liberating read that will cause you to act in your own best interests and the best interests of everyone working within your sphere of influence.” —John Hoover, New York Times–bestselling author of How to Work for an IdiotThe number one reason cited in exit interviews for an employee quitting is “my manager.” This can be for multiple reasons—including one that many managers and executives aren’t even aware of: Today’s employees simply don’t respond to the old hands-on, militaristic management styles. They are highly independent, individual professionals with their own fully developed ideas. Leaders and managers who try to micromanage them will inevitably confront widespread disgruntlement, absenteeism, and turnover . . . and increase their own and their employees’ stress levels.The Hands-Off Manager offers a new vision for all managers. With stories, examples, and activities for the reader to practice, this book shows any manager—new or seasoned—how to coach and mentor employees rather than hover over their shoulders and goad them into action. In this system, each employee’s strength is honored and honed in a climate of partnership and mutual goal-setting—a powerful ingredient for organizational growth and success.
Hands-On Business Intelligence with DAX: Discover the intricacies of this powerful query language to gain valuable insights from your data
by Ian HorneImplement business intelligence (BI), data modeling, and data analytics within Microsoft products such as Power BI, SQL Server, and Excel Key Features Understand the ins and outs of DAX expressions and querying functions with the help of easy-to-follow examples Manipulate data of varying complexity and optimize BI workflows to extract key insights Create, monitor, and improve the performance of models by writing clean and robust DAX queries Book Description Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) is known for its ability to increase efficiency by extracting new information from data that is already present in your model. With this book, you'll learn to use DAX's functionality and flexibility in the BI and data analytics domains. You'll start by learning the basics of DAX, along with understanding the importance of good data models, and how to write efficient DAX formulas by using variables and formatting styles. You'll then explore how DAX queries work with the help of examples. The book will guide you through optimizing the BI workflow by writing powerful DAX queries. Next, you'll learn to manipulate and load data of varying complexity within Microsoft products such as Power BI, SQL Server, and Excel Power Pivot. You'll then discover how to build and extend your data models to gain additional insights, before covering progressive DAX syntax and functions to understand complex relationships in DAX. Later, you'll focus on important DAX functions, specifically those related to tables, date and time, filtering, and statistics. Finally, you'll delve into advanced topics such as how the formula and storage engines work to optimize queries. By the end of this book, you'll have gained hands-on experience in employing DAX to enhance your data models by extracting new information and gaining deeper insights. What you will learn Understand DAX, from the basics through to advanced topics, and learn to build effective data models Write and use DAX functions and expressions with the help of hands-on examples Discover how to handle errors in your DAX code, and avoid unwanted results Load data into a data model using Power BI, Excel Power Pivot, and SSAS Tabular Cover DAX functions such as date, time, and time intelligence using code examples Gain insights into data by using DAX to create new information Understand the DAX VertiPaq engine and how it can help you optimize data models Who this book is for This book is for data analysts, business analysts, BI developers, or SQL users who want to make the best use of DAX in the BI and data analytics domain with the help of examples. Some understanding of BI concepts is mandatory to fully understand the concepts covered in the book.
Hands-On Business Intelligence with Qlik Sense: Implement self-service data analytics with insights and guidance from Qlik Sense experts
by Kaushik Solanki Pablo Labbe Clever Anjos Jerry DiMasoCreate dynamic dashboards to bring interactive data visualization to your enterprise using Qlik SenseKey FeaturesImplement various Qlik Sense features to create interactive dashboardsAnalyze data easily and make business decisions faster using Qlik SensePerform self-service data analytics and geospatial analytics using an example-based approachBook DescriptionQlik Sense allows you to explore simple-to-complex data to reveal hidden insights and data relationships to make business-driven decisions.Hands-On Business Intelligence with Qlik Sense begins by helping you get to grips with underlying Qlik concepts and gives you an overview of all Qlik Sense’s features. You will learn advanced modeling techniques and learn how to analyze the data loaded using a variety of visualization objects. You’ll also be trained on how to share apps through Qlik Sense Enterprise and Qlik Sense Cloud and how to perform aggregation with AGGR. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll explore the stories feature to create data-driven presentations and update an existing story. This book will guide you through the GeoAnalytics feature with the geo-mapping object and GeoAnalytics connector. Furthermore, you’ll learn about the self-service analytics features and perform data forecasting using advanced analytics. Lastly, you’ll deploy Qlik Sense apps for mobile and tablet. By the end of this book, you will be well-equipped to run successful business intelligence applications using Qlik Sense's functionality, data modeling techniques, and visualization best practices.What you will learnDiscover how to load, reshape, and model data for analysisApply data visualization practices to create stunning dashboardsMake use of Python and R for advanced analyticsPerform geo-analysis to create visualizations using native objectsLearn how to work with AGGR and data storiesWho this book is forIf you’re a data analyst, BI developer, or interested in business intelligence and want to gain practical experience of working on Qlik Sense, this book is for you. You’ll also find it useful if you want to explore Qlik Sense’s next-generation applications for self-service business intelligence. No prior experience of working with Qlik Sense is required.
Hands-On Dashboard Development with QlikView: Practical guide to creating interactive and user-friendly business intelligence dashboards
by Abhishek AgarwalA step-by-step approach to building stunning dashboards with QlikView Key Features Perform effective storytelling through interactive dashboards built with QlikView Create different types of visualizations from a variety of data sources Includes tips, tricks, and best practices to perform effective Business Intelligence using QlikView Book Description QlikView is one of the market leaders when it comes to building effective Business Intelligence solutions. This book will show how you can leverage its power to build your own dashboards to tell your own data story. The book starts with showing you how to connect your data to QlikView and create your own QlikView application. You will learn how to add data from multiple sources, create a data model by joining data, and then review it on the front end. You will work with QlikView components such as charts, list boxes, input boxes, and text objects to create stunning visualizations that help give actionable business insights. You will also learn how to perform analysis on your data in QlikView and master the various types of security measures to be taken in QlikView. By the end of this book, you will have all the essential knowledge required for insightful data storytelling and creating useful BI dashboards using QlikView. What you will learn Learn to use the latest and newest features of QlikView Connect QlikView to various data sources, such as databases and websites Create a fully featured data model without circular references Display your data in maps, charts, and text across multiple sheets Apply set analysis to your data in QlikView expressions Secure your data based on the various audience types Who this book is for This book is best suited for BI professionals, data analysts and budding QlikView developers who wish to build effective dashboards using QlikView. Some basic understanding of the data visualization concepts and Business Intelligence is required.
Hands-On Dashboard Development with Shiny: A practical guide to building effective web applications and dashboards
by Chris BeeleyProgressively explore UI development with Shiny via practical examplesKey FeaturesWrite a Shiny interface in pure HTMLExplore powerful layout functions to make attractive dashboards and other intuitive interfacesGet to grips with Bootstrap and leverage it in your Shiny applicationsBook DescriptionAlthough vanilla Shiny applications look attractive with some layout flexibility, you may still want to have more control over how the interface is laid out to produce a dashboard. Hands-On Dashboard Development with Shiny helps you incorporate this in your applications.The book starts by guiding you in producing an application based on the diamonds dataset included in the ggplot2 package. You’ll create a single application, but the interface will be reskinned and rebuilt throughout using different methods to illustrate their uses and functions using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You will also learn to develop an application that creates documents and reports using R Markdown. Furthermore, the book demonstrates the use of HTML templates and the Bootstrap framework. Moving along, you will learn how to produce dashboards using the Shiny command and dashboard package. Finally, you will learn how to lay out applications using a wide range of built-in functions.By the end of the book, you will have an understanding of the principles that underpin layout in Shiny applications, including sections of HTML added to a vanilla Shiny application, HTML interfaces written from scratch, dashboards, navigation bars, and interfaces.What you will learnAdd HTML to a Shiny application and write its interfaces from scratch in HTMLUse built-in Shiny functions to produce attractive and flexible layoutsProduce dashboards, adding icons and notificationsExplore Bootstrap themes to lay out your applicationsGet insights into UI development with hands-on examplesUse R Markdown to create and download reportsWho this book is forIf you have some experience writing Shiny applications and want to use HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap to make custom interfaces, then this book is for you.
Hands-On Data Science for Librarians (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Science Series)
by Sarah Lin Dorris ScottLibrarians understand the need to store, use and analyze data related to their collection, patrons and institution, and there has been consistent interest over the last 10 years to improve data management, analysis, and visualization skills within the profession. However, librarians find it difficult to move from out-of-the-box proprietary software applications to the skills necessary to perform the range of data science actions in code. This book will focus on teaching R through relevant examples and skills that librarians need in their day-to-day lives that includes visualizations but goes much further to include web scraping, working with maps, creating interactive reports, machine learning, and others. While there’s a place for theory, ethics, and statistical methods, librarians need a tool to help them acquire enough facility with R to utilize data science skills in their daily work, no matter what type of library they work at (academic, public or special). By walking through each skill and its application to library work before walking the reader through each line of code, this book will support librarians who want to apply data science in their daily work. Hands-On Data Science for Librarians is intended for librarians (and other information professionals) in any library type (public, academic or special) as well as graduate students in library and information science (LIS). Key Features: Only data science book available geared toward librarians that includes step-by-step code examples Examples include all library types (public, academic, special) Relevant datasets Accessible to non-technical professionals Focused on job skills and their applications
Hands-On Enterprise Automation on Linux: Efficiently perform large-scale Linux infrastructure automation with Ansible
by James FreemanAchieve enterprise automation in your Linux environment with this comprehensive guide Key Features Automate your Linux infrastructure with the help of practical use cases and real-world scenarios Learn to plan, build, manage, and customize OS releases in your environment Enhance the scalability and efficiency of your infrastructure with advanced Linux system administration concepts Book Description Automation is paramount if you want to run Linux in your enterprise effectively. It helps you minimize costs by reducing manual operations, ensuring compliance across data centers, and accelerating deployments for your cloud infrastructures. Complete with detailed explanations, practical examples, and self-assessment questions, this book will teach you how to manage your Linux estate and leverage Ansible to achieve effective levels of automation. You'll learn important concepts on standard operating environments that lend themselves to automation, and then build on this knowledge by applying Ansible to achieve standardization throughout your Linux environments. By the end of this Linux automation book, you'll be able to build, deploy, and manage an entire estate of Linux servers with higher reliability and lower overheads than ever before. What you will learn Perform large-scale automation of Linux environments in an enterprise Overcome the common challenges and pitfalls of extensive automation Define the business processes needed to support a large-scale Linux environment Get well-versed with the most effective and reliable patch management strategies Automate a range of tasks from simple user account changes to complex security policy enforcement Learn best practices and procedures to make your Linux environment automatable Who this book is for This book is for anyone who has a Linux environment to design, implement, and maintain. Open source professionals including infrastructure architects and system administrators will find this book useful. You're expected to have experience in implementing and maintaining Linux servers along with knowledge of building, patching, and maintaining server infrastructure. Although not necessary, knowledge of Ansible or other automation technologies will be beneficial.
Hands-On Exhibitions: Managing Interactive Museums and Science Centres (Heritage: Care-Preservation-Management)
by Tim CaultonThe development of interactive displays has transformed the traditional museum world in the last decade. Visitors are no longer satisfied by simply gazing at worthy displays in glass cases - they expect to have hands-on experience of the objects and be actively involved with the exhibits, learning informally and being entertained simultaneously. Hands-on museums and science centres provide the most remarkable example of how museums are redefining their roles in society - improving access to real objects and real phenomena, so that they can be enjoyed by more people. In recent years museums have been thrust into intense competition for the public's time and money with all branches of the leisure industry, from commercial theme parks to retail shopping and home entertainment. This has upset the traditional stability of the museum and their visitors. A hands-on approach encourages a broader visitor base, which in turn helps to bring in additional revenue at a time of declining public subsidy. Tim Caulton investigates how to create and operate effective exhibitions which achieve their educational objectives through hands-on access. He concludes that the continuing success of hands-on museums and science centres hinges on attaining the very best practice in exhibition design and evaluation, and in all aspects of operations, including marketing and financial and human resource management. Hands-On Exhibitions provides a practical guide to best practice which will be indispensable to all museum professionals and students of museum studies.