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Happiness for All?: Unequal Hopes and Lives in Pursuit of the American Dream
by Carol GrahamHow the optimism gap between rich and poor is creating an increasingly divided societyThe Declaration of Independence states that all people are endowed with certain unalienable rights, and that among these is the pursuit of happiness. But is happiness available equally to everyone in America today? How about elsewhere in the world? Carol Graham draws on cutting-edge research linking income inequality with well-being to show how the widening prosperity gap has led to rising inequality in people's beliefs, hopes, and aspirations.For the United States and other developed countries, the high costs of being poor are most evident not in material deprivation but rather in stress, insecurity, and lack of hope. The result is an optimism gap between rich and poor that, if left unchecked, could lead to an increasingly divided society. Graham reveals how people who do not believe in their own futures are unlikely to invest in them, and how the consequences can range from job instability and poor education to greater mortality rates, failed marriages, and higher rates of incarceration. She describes how the optimism gap is reflected in the very words people use—the wealthy use words that reflect knowledge acquisition and healthy behaviors, while the words of the poor reflect desperation, short-term outlooks, and patchwork solutions. She also explains why the least optimistic people in America are poor whites, not poor blacks or Hispanics.Happiness for All? highlights the importance of well-being measures in identifying and monitoring trends in life satisfaction and optimism—and misery and despair—and demonstrates how hope and happiness can lead to improved economic outcomes.
Happiness im Business: Zufriedene Mitarbeiter - glückliche Manager - erfolgreiche Unternehmen
by André Daiyû Steiner Carolin Hefele Christian SchmidkonzGlück im Business zahlt sich aus. Es wird Zeit, dass sich Unternehmen ernsthaft damit auseinandersetzen. Eine Möglichkeit dazu bieten die Autoren André Daiyû Steiner, Carolin Hefele und Prof. Dr. Christian Schmidkonz. Ihr Buch soll den Leser in die Welt des Glücks und der Erfüllung im Business-Kontext einführen. Dabei werden zum Beispiel die Begriffe Glück, Zufriedenheit, Erfüllung erarbeitet. Außerdem liefert das Buch eine philosophische und psychologische Deutung des Glücks: Wie funktioniert Glück im Unternehmen? Ist es erstrebenswert in einem glücklichen Unternehmen zu arbeiten? Welche Wege gibt es zum glücklichen Manager? Ist eine Glücksstrategie ein Wettbewerbsvorteil für ein Unternehmen? Auch neueste Erkenntnisse der Neuro-Wissenschaft fließen in das Buch ein. Dass Wirtschaft und Glück zusammengehören sollten, belegen die Autoren durch ihre Auseinandersetzung mit Themen wie Leadership, Arbeit, Verkauf, Marketing und Ökonomie. Ein Praxisteil mit Glücksübungen rundet das Buch ab.
Happiness in the Nordic World (Nordic World)
by Christian BjørnskovDenmark is consistently among the countries with the happiest and most satisfied populations, and it regularly places at the very top with the rest of the Nordic countries in international surveys. Why do the Nordic countries as a whole constitute the happiest region in the world? Many experts attribute the region's high levels of happiness to factors such as greater relative national wealth and well-functioning institutions. Yet, a number of other countries in Europe and parts of Asia share those qualities and rank far lower in life satisfaction. Others credit the region's high levels of happiness to its welfare state model, but these have changed considerably over time—and Iceland does not share this feature. Instead, economist Christian Bjørnskov argues that the most important factor to come out of international comparisons is the importance of social trust—the ability to trust other people one does not know personally. The populations in three of the five countries are also characterized by a very strong sense of personal freedom. These two key factors contribute to a fuller and richer life. Bjørnskov ends by discussing to what extent these factors can be exported to other parts of the world.
The Happiness Index: Why Today's Employee Emotions Equal Tomorrow's Business Success
by Matt PhelanLearn to reconnect your brain and heart to find happiness and engagement at work and in life In The Happiness Index: Why Today's Emotions Equal Tomorrow's Business Success, cofounder and CEO of The Happiness Index Matthew Phelan delivers a fascinating dive into data from over 100 countries and 2 million human beings that helps us understand what really drives our engagement and happiness at work. Grounded in an evidence-based and neuroscientific approach, the book skips the memes and inspirational quotes in favor of data and insights based on real-time information from real people. In the book, you’ll learn that “engagement” is what our brains need, and “happiness” is what our hearts need. You’ll discover what we need to thrive and succeed in work and life, as well as: A step-by-step approach to learning from real-world data about happiness Practical lessons applicable to any organization that will help both individuals and groups succeed Case studies from recognizable firms around the world and interviews with executives to help bring the data to life A simultaneously inspirational and hands-on treatment of a subject of singular importance to everyone in the working world, The Happiness Index will benefit executives, managers, and other business leaders, as well as founders, business owners, and anyone else interested in helping the people around them flourish.
The Happiness Industry
by William DaviesIn winter 2014, a Tibetan monk lectured the world leaders gathered at Davos on the importance of Happiness. The recent DSM-5, the manual of all diagnosable mental illnesses, for the first time included shyness and grief as treatable diseases. Happiness has become the biggest idea of our age, a new religion dedicated to well-being. In this brilliant dissection of our times, political economist William Davies shows how this philosophy, first pronounced by Jeremy Bentham in the 1780s, has dominated the political debates that have delivered neoliberalism. From a history of business strategies of how to get the best out of employees, to the increased level of surveillance measuring every aspect of our lives; from why experts prefer to measure the chemical in the brain than ask you how you are feeling, to why Freakonomics tells us less about the way people behave than expected, The Happiness Industry is an essential guide to the marketization of modern life. Davies shows that the science of happiness is less a science than an extension of hyper-capitalism.
The Happiness Policy Handbook: How to Make Happiness and Well-Being the Purpose of Your Government
by Laura Musikanski Rhonda Phillips Jean CrowderBuild a better society through happiness policyThomas Jefferson said that “the purpose of government is to enable the people of a nation to live in safety and happiness.” Yet only now, 270 years later, is the happiness of citizens starting to be taken seriously as the purpose of government.While happiness science is advancing rapidly, and governments and organizations are creating indices for measuring happiness, there is little practical information on how to create policy to advance happiness.Drawing from a deep well of expertise and experience, The Happiness Policy Handbook is the first step-by-step guide for integrating happiness into government policy at all levels. Coverage includes:A concise background on happiness science, indices and indicators, and happiness in public policyTools for formulating happiness policy and integrating happiness into administrative functionsA concept menu of happiness policiesCommunicating happiness policy objectives to media and engaging with the communityA happiness policy screening tool for evaluating the happiness contribution of any policyPolicy perspectives from seasoned experts across sectors.The Happiness Policy Handbook is the essential resource for policymakers and professionals working to integrate happiness and well-being into governmental processes and institutions.
The Happiness Revolution: A Manifesto for Living Your Best Life
by Andy Cope Paul McGeeA new book by two of the biggest powerhouses in positive psychology and personal development – Dr Andy Cope and Professor Paul McGee Happiness. We chase it, we crave it…it’s so in demand… yet so scarce and fleeting. But here’s the good news. In The Happiness Revolution: A Manifesto For Living Your Best Life, bestselling authors Dr Andy Cope and Professor Paul McGee deliver a page-turning self-help book of the times, for the times. As the world wakes up to a new kind of normal, The Happiness Revolution challenges readers to sign up to an uprising of wellbeing and to making the most of the privilege of being on this planet. The book outlines a 10-point Happiness Manifesto. Grounded in the science of human flourishing and the reality of life, the principles are simple, do-able and above all make a difference not only to yourself but to others too. Let the fight back to mental wealth start right here. Welcome to global domination of the happiness kind! Discover: How to regain your sanity, clarity, and wellbeing, even when your smartphone, kids, spouse, job, and possessions seem to be conspiring to keep you from doing just that. Why it can be so hard to maintain a happy outlook when the outside world has never been so fast, complex, and unpredictable. How to be at your best in a world that is doing its worst. Happiness is the #1 thing you want for yourself and your family. The Happiness Revolution is an indispensable guide for everyone trying to live their best life and to spread some happiness whilst doing so. Rise Up and Be Happy! Vive la revolution!
Happiness, Technology and Innovation (SpringerBriefs in Well-Being and Quality of Life Research)
by Gaël Brulé Francis MunierThis book asks what kind of impacts innovations and technology have on subjective well-being and happiness. It presents the state of the art both in terms of results and theoretical questioning on these topics. It proposes a new concept: innovation that leads to greater happiness, and highlights new research in this area. In so doing, it addresses a less researched area in the field of well-being research. The authors state that notwithstanding the indisputable positive contributions of innovation and technology, there are also drawbacks, which need equal attention in research. This book is of interest to students and researchers of quality of life and well-being, as well as innovation research.
Happiness Through Goal Setting: A Practical Guide to Reflect on and Change the Reasons Why You Pursue Your Most Important Goals in Life
by Christian Ehrlich Sashenka MilstonAn evidence-based, practical guide to reflection on the most important goals in life, this book provides a unique framework and thought-provoking exercises to modify personal and professional goals to increase happiness. Why we pursue our most important goals in life is an important question, and the answer we give ourselves greatly influences our happiness. This book presents the goal-striving reasons framework to illustrate the essential positive and negative ingredients: pleasure, altruism, self-esteem, and necessity. This new framework and the practical exercises throughout the book will enable readers to change their reasons for pursuing goals and achieve the ultimate aim of becoming happier in life. There are many books on happiness – no other discusses happiness specifically from a goal-setting perspective. Human resources and mental health professionals, mindfulness practitioners, coaches, mentors, higher education staff, postgraduate students, and others will benefit from the hands-on guidance in this book.
The Happiness Track: How to Apply the Science of Happiness to Accelerate Your Success
by Emma SeppäläEveryone wants happiness and success, yet the pursuit of both has never been more elusive. As work and personal demands rise, we try to keep up by juggling everything better, moving faster, and doing more. While we might succeed in the short term, this approach comes at a high cost in the long term: it hurts our well-being, our relationships, and—paradoxically—our productivity. In this life-changing book, Emma Seppälä explains that the reason we are burning ourselves out is that we fall for outdated theories of success. We are taught that getting ahead means doing everything that’s thrown at us with razor-sharp focus and iron discipline, that success depends on our drive and talents, and that achievement cannot happen without stress. The Happiness Track demolishes these counterproductive theories. Drawing on the latest scientific research on happiness, resilience, willpower, compassion, positive stress, creativity, and mindfulness, Seppälä demonstrates that being happy is the most productive thing we can do to thrive—whether at work or at home. She shares practical strategies for applying these scientific findings to our daily lives. A fulfilling, successful, and anxiety-free life is within your reach. The Happiness Track will show you the way.Happiness Is the Fast Track to Success“Are you a hard-driving, multitasking, conscientiously striving professional? Then your ideas about success are probably all wrong—and you need The Happiness Track, Dr. Emma Seppälä’s investigation into the counter-intuitive factors that create career and life success. The best news of all? All these skills are well within your grasp.”—Daniel H. Pink, author of Drive and A Whole New Mind“Emma Seppälä convinces us that reconfiguring our brain for happiness can change the way our lives unfold and the way we approach success. A worthwhile read for anyone who wants to achieve a successful and fulfilling life.”—Amy Cuddy, professor at Harvard Business School and author of Presence“Backed by extensive research in psychology and neuroscience, The Happiness Track offers a wealth of insight on changing how we approach our work, our personal lives, and our relationships. It’s a carefully researched, engaging look at how to improve ourselves without losing our authenticity or our sanity.”—Adam Grant, Wharton professor and New York Times bestselling author of Give and Take and Originals“Through her research-backed strategies, Emma Seppälä teaches us not only how to thrive in our chosen profession, but how to stay true to ourselves—and enjoy every moment of the process.”—Susan Cain, cofounder of Quiet Revolution and New York Times bestselling author of Quiet “For decades we’ve been tied to theories of success that have burned us out and driven us into the ground—because we don’t know of any alternatives. The Happiness Track provides us with a highly readable, science-backed solution to obtaining sustainable success, the sort of success we are all really striving for, that leaves us fulfilled, happy, and healthy.”—Scott Barry Kaufman, Ph.D., scientific director at the Imagination Institute at the University of Pennsylvania
Happiness Traps
by Annie McKeeNumerous studies show that close to two-thirds of U.S. employees are bored, detached, or jaded and ready to sabotage plans, projects, and other people. Why so much unhappiness among professionals who have the capacity to shape their work lives? The author highlights three of the most common reasons--ambition, doing what's expected of us, and overwork--which seem productive on the surface but are harmful when taken to the extreme. To break free of these "happiness traps," you first have to accept that you deserve happiness at work. Then you can use your emotional intelligence--particularly emotional self-awareness, emotional self-control, and organizational awareness--to understand which trap has ensnared you. Finally, you must actively seek meaning and purpose in day-to-day activities, foster hope in yourself and others, and build friendships at work.
Happiness, Wellbeing and Society: What Matters for Singaporeans (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies)
by Siok Kuan Tambyah Soo Jiuan TanAs Singapore continues to grow as a nation, the happiness and wellbeing of Singaporeans and what matters to them also change. This book conceptualizes and measures the cognitive and affective aspects of subjective wellbeing from multiple perspectives and relates these to important factors such as values, trust, democratic rights, views about politics and the role of the government. Through nationwide surveys using representative samples, including insights from the most recent 2016 Quality of Life (QOL) Survey, this book examines how happiness and subjective wellbeing have evolved over the past 20 years in Singapore. This book is an invaluable resource for those interested in how the study of happiness and wellbeing in Singapore connects with and contributes to the ongoing research and discourse on happiness and wellbeing around the world.
Happiness—Concept, Measurement and Promotion
by Yew-Kwang NgThis open access book defines happiness intuitively and explores several common conceptual mistakes with regard to happiness. It then moves on to address topical issues including, but not limited to, whether money can buy you happiness, why happiness is ultimately the only thing of intrinsic value, and the various factors important for happiness. It also presents a more reliable and interpersonally comparable method for measuring happiness and discusses twelve factors, from A to L, that are crucial for individual happiness: attitude, balance, confidence, dignity, engagement, family/friends, gratitude, health, ideals, joyfulness, kindness and love. Further, it examines important public policy considerations, taking into account recent advances in economics, the environmental sciences, and happiness studies. Novel issues discussed include: an environmentally responsible happy nation index to supplement GDP, the East Asian happiness gap, a case for stimulating pleasure centres of the brain, and an argument for higher public spending.
Happy Accidents: The Transformative Power of "Yes, and" at Work and in Life
by David Ahearn Frank Ford David WilkStop saying 'no' to opportunity, and start saying 'yes' to possibility Happy Accidents is your personal guide to transforming your life. As we take on task after task, responsibility after responsibility, we lose sight of who we are and why we're doing what we do; we rush through the day completing a to-do list, but we never really seem to accomplish the things that are most important. What goals do you have for your life? What steps have you taken toward them today? Consider this book your guide to getting back on track to your dreams and help inspire those around you. It's not about doing more or doing less, it's about making what you do worthy of the effort. From forging new relationships, stepping out of your comfort zone, and reframing your work—start valuing these as empowering choices you get to make toward a particular goal every day. To preserve our precious time and energy, we often default to 'no,' yet this only closes the door to our growth, while a 'yes' opens up a world of possibilities. The secret is adding 'yes, and' to our lives. This seductively simple turn of phrase opens the doors to better collaboration and positive relationships, and invites self-sustaining opportunities into our world. 'Yes, and' helps you get from where you are, as an individual or organization, to where want to be. No person or organization is an island, and none of us reaches our goals alone. This book shows you how to build on the power of open-mindedness, cultivate supportive relationships, and adopt a win-win mindset to reignite your purpose and unleash your best. Harness the power of team collaboration, cooperation, and creativity Reframe 'mistakes' and 'bad ideas' into 'Happy Accidents' that lead to opportunities Communicate more effectively by learning how to listen actively and build on the pertinent information Relinquish some degree of control to allow for more growth and discovery Children have a natural inclination toward curiosity. As we grow into adults, our curiosity gradually takes a back seat to obligations, responsibility, and duty—but that spark remains, and can be reignited. Don't spend your life adrift in a sea of 'could've, would've, should've'—take back your sense of purpose, positivity, joy, time, and energy with the power of Happy Accidents.
Happy as a Dane: 10 Secrets of the Happiest People in the World
by Malene RydahlThis international bestseller shows why the Danes are happy and how we can be, too. For decades Denmark has ranked at the top of the world’s happiness surveys. How is it that these 5.6 million Danes are so content when they live in a country that is dark and cold nine months of the year and where income taxes are at almost 60 percent? At a time when talk across the Western world is focused on unemployment woes, government overreach, and anti-taxation lobbies, our Danish counterparts seem to breathe a healthier and fresher air. Interweaving anecdotes and research, Malene Rydahl explores how the values of trust, education, and a healthy work-life balance with purpose—to name just a few—contribute to a “happy” population. From eye-opening stories about open-air vegetable stands to babies safely left unattended while parents have coffee, to very generous paternity leave policies, Rydahl provides tips that we can all apply to our daily lives regardless of where we live.
Happy at Any Cost: The Revolutionary Vision and Fatal Quest of Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh
by Kirsten Grind Katherine SayreFrom award-winning Wall Street Journal reporters, &“a startling portrait of one of our greatest tech visionaries, Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh&” (Robert Kolker, author of Hidden Valley Road), reporting on his short life and untimely death and what they mean for our culture&’s pursuit of happiness.Tony Hsieh—CEO of Zappos, Las Vegas developer, and all-around beloved entrepreneur—was famous for spreading happiness. He lived and breathed this philosophy, instilling an ethos of joy at his company and outlining his vision for a better workplace in his New York Times bestseller Delivering Happiness. He promoted a workplace where bosses treated employees like family members, where stress was replaced by playfulness, and where hierarchies were replaced with equality and collaboration. His outlook shaped Silicon Valley and the larger business world. Hsieh used his position at work to integrate levity into a normally competitive environment. He aspired to build his own utopian cities, pouring millions of dollars into real estate and small businesses, first in downtown Las Vegas, Nevada—where Zappos was headquartered—and then in Park City, Utah. He gave generously to his employees and close friends, including throwing infamous Zappos parties and organizing gatherings at his home, an Airstream trailer park. When Hsieh died suddenly in November of 2020, the news shook the business and tech world. Wall Street Journal reporters Kirsten Grind and Katherine Sayre quickly realized the importance of the story because of Hsieh&’s stature in the industry, but as they dug into the details of his final months, they realized there was a bigger story to tell. They found that Hsieh&’s obsession with happiness masked his darker struggles with addiction, mental health, and loneliness. In the last year of his life, he spiraled out of control, cycling out of rehab and into the waiting arms of friends who enabled his worst behavior, even as he bankrolled them from his billion-dollar fortune. Happy at Any Cost sheds light on one of the most venerated, yet vulnerable, business leaders of our time. It's about our culture&’s intense need to find &“happiness&” at all costs, our misguided worship of entrepreneurs, the stigmas still surrounding mental health, and how the trappings of fame can mask all types of deeper problems. In turn, it reveals how we conceptualize success—and define happiness—in our modern age.
Happy at Work: 60 Simple Ways to Stay Engaged and Be Successful
by Jim DonovanEven in a tight economy, job satisfaction isn’t a luxury; fulfilled, happy employees are productive, innovative, and loyal. And workplace fulfillment spills over into happier families and better communities. Jim Donovan, a small-business owner, consultant, and speaker, has worked with employees and employers for twenty-five years. In that time he has tested and honed these shift-producing strategies on everything from managing time, making decisions, and marking milestones to breaking patterns, bouncing back, and becoming exceptional. Each tip’s method and rationale are clearly explained. Real workplace vignettes demonstrate the benefits and results that can be gleaned from simple shifts and actions. These tools will empower you with the knowledge that no matter the circumstance, you can think, act, and feel in ways that create purpose, success, and, yes, happiness.
Happy at Work: How to Create a Happy, Engaging Workplace for Today's (and Tomorrow's!) Workforce
by Robyn L. GarrettRevamp your workplace culture with these 100 accessible strategies for creating a supportive, flexible, productive, and happy work environment, perfect for managers, human resource representatives, and other workplace leaders.It&’s time to update your workplace culture! One of the most important reasons people today choose to stay—or leave—a job is the culture of the company. As people become more socially conscious; focus more on wellness, self-care, and work-life balance; and seek jobs where they feel a real connection, it&’s more important than ever to think about the elements of a job between the work itself. But how do you create a culture that people enjoy while staying productive and successful? In Happy at Work, you&’ll first learn a bit more about why a happy workplace is so important and how it can benefit both the individual employees and the company as a whole. Then, it&’s time to take action. Considering new trends in the workplace and the ever-changing workplace, this book provides 100 strategies for improving your work environment. You&’ll learn to tackle big topics that are important to people today, such as: -Providing fair compensation and benefits -Giving your employees real recognition and rewards -Respecting diverse needs -Cultivating a healthy work-life balance -And much more! This book not only provides great ideas for changing your workplace for the better, but also provides clear guidance on how to make those changes happen. Whether you&’re a new manager, a long-time HR representative, or another leader ready to make a change, Happy at Work gives you everything you need to know to revitalize your workplace and make you (and your employees) happy to come to work every single day.
Happy at Work, Happy at Home
by Caitlin Friedman Kimberly YorioThis fresh, empowering, and fully comprehensive guide is the must-have handbook for every working mom! Caitlin Friedman and Kimberly Yorio have helped readers find their dream jobs, be a boss without being bitchy, and even start companies of their own. But what happens when a career girl becomes a mom and her world turns upside down? Can you maintain your ambition and momentum at work while still being the kind of parent you want to be?Of course you can! In Happy at Work, Happy at Home, Caitlin and Kim guide readers through every step on the road to having it all, offering detailed, practical advice in their trademark style. Working mothers themselves, these authors know what it means to juggle the demands of office and home, and they're here to help the rest of us.From first breaking the news that you're pregnant, to making the most of your maternity leave, to getting the help you need from your partner and childcare professionals, this book is a must-have resource for a whole generation of working women who aspire to keep their careers on track and their home life running smoothly (without losing their minds). As the title suggests, the insightful tips from both the authors and from intimate and eye-opening interviews with other successful moms will help all working mothers on their quest to be satisfied, fulfilled, and happy at work and at home. From the Hardcover edition.
Happy City - How to Plan and Create the Best Livable Area for the People
by Anna Brdulak Halina BrdulakThis book presents multi-sector practical cases based on the author's own research. It also includes the best practice, which could serve as a benchmark for the creation of smart cities. The global urbanisation index, i. e. , the ratio of city dwellers to the total population, has been steadily increasing in recent years. It is highest in the Americas, followed by Europe, Asia and Africa. The city of the future will combine the intelligent use of IT systems with the potential of institutions, companies and committed, creative inhabitants. The administrative boundaries of today's cities put certain constraints on their further growth, but in the future these boundaries will no longer be as relevant. Cities in Europe face the challenge of reconciling sustainable urban development and competitiveness - a challenge that will likely influence issues of urban quality such as the economy, culture, social and environmental conditions, changing a given city's profile as well as urban quality in terms of its composition and characteristics.
The Happy Couple's Guide to Investing in Real Estate
by Jinan Jaber Andrew Mellen Chakib JaberThis book tells the story of a hard working, middle class couple, who tried investing in different areas and then decided to focus their strategy on rental real estate investment in rural areas to build wealth and generate a source of continuous passive income because of volatility in the stock market, 401K and other investments. The authors tell their own successful experience of how they started with the purchase and rental of their first property and how they grew to fourteen units in five years. The book provides a practical guide that can be easily implemented by working individuals, especially couples who are both working, but aren't sure on how to build for their future and become financially independent. Couples can work from home in the evenings as well as weekends to accomplish this goal. The authors share with you how they leveraged each other's strengths and divided up roles and responsibilities to make it work.They share their fun road-trip experiences to different rural areas, provide check-lists, resources and calculators to help you research, assess, and make an informed decision of where to invest your hard-earned money. They also offer valuable tips on how to build and maintain your relationship with real-estate agents, property management companies, and contractors, and provide resources on how you can manage your cost and cash flow when you remodel or update a rental property. The authors also share some of their mistakes as first time real estate investors to help you avoid potentially costly investments.You don't need a significant investment upfront, and you certainly don't want to quit your day-job as soon as you start investing. The investment strategy discussed in this book is focused on long-term investment in the future, that is aimed to generate passive income. If you're looking for a book on how to get rich quick, this book is probably not for you.
Happy Economics: Why the Happiest Workplaces are the Most Successful
by Mark PriceHappiness at work matters. But what does happiness mean? How can managers measure it and have more of it? And what happens to organizations when they get happiness right? Ask anyone. Happiness and wellbeing are important for all organizations, because they undeniably lead to economic happiness and financial success for everyone involved. But how does happiness drive growth and how should business leaders develop happier companies? In Happy Economics, business expert Mark Price clearly demonstrates why the opportunity represented by happiness is huge for businesses. Using real-world examples of those organizations who have got it right, he explains what happy economics is, why happiness metrics matter, connects high happiness with high performance, explores how to create happy teams and creating a corporate happiness plan that can be used by any business.
The Happy Employee
by Julia McgovernReduced workforces, hiring freezes, productivity pressures--it’s clear that now, more than ever, every employee counts. With 101 practical, easy-to-implement tips, The Happy Employee will help you identify and attract the most talented employees, retain them, and make sure they’re happy and productive.Real-life examples from actual situations show you how to identify the best prospects for a job and land the top candidate. Once the candidate is hired, you’ll learn how to integrate your new employee into the workplace and encourage top performance.Based on research as well as years of professional experience, The Happy Employee contains tips on leadership, building trust, and earning respect. You’ll learn how to develop and maintain high-performance teams through proper communication techniques and effective rewards.The Happy Employee is a practical and indispensable guide to retaining the best workers – which makes for a happy manager, as well!
The Happy Employee
by Julia Mcgovern Susan ShellyReduced workforces, hiring freezes, productivity pressures--it's clear that now, more than ever, every employee counts. With 101 practical, easy-to-implement tips, The Happy Employee will help you identify and attract the most talented employees, retain them, and make sure they're happy and productive.Real-life examples from actual situations show you how to identify the best prospects for a job and land the top candidate. Once the candidate is hired, you'll learn how to integrate your new employee into the workplace and encourage top performance.Based on research as well as years of professional experience, The Happy Employee contains tips on leadership, building trust, and earning respect. You'll learn how to develop and maintain high-performance teams through proper communication techniques and effective rewards.The Happy Employee is a practical and indispensable guide to retaining the best workers - which makes for a happy manager, as well!