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HEARTselling statt HARDselling: Kunden lesen und verstehen lernen
by Joern KettlerDieses Buch zeigt Ihnen den Weg auf, wie Sie ein überdurchschnittlich guter Verkäufer / eine überdurchschnittlich gute Verkäuferin werden. Der Schlüssel dazu ist, den Menschen hinter Ihrem Kunden und Ihrer Kundin zu sehen und zu verstehen. Denn Menschen kaufen bei Menschen!Der Beziehungsfaktor ist für den Erfolg von Verkaufsabschlüssen von größter Bedeutung. Dazu müssen Sie im Verkauf und im Vertrieb Menschen „lesen“ können. Sie müssen Ihr Gegenüber respektieren und ihm glaubhaft vermitteln, dass Sie als Verkäufer oder Verkäuferin wirklich vertrauenswürdig sind – kurzum: ein Herz für Ihre Kunden und Kundinnen haben. Was es dazu alles braucht und wie das im Verkaufsalltag umsetzbar ist, beschreibt Joern Kettler in diesem Buch. Er setzt sich kritisch mit dem Hardselling auseinander und zeigt, wie es anders und besser geht: mit HEARTselling. Er gibt Ihnen das notwendige Know-how, wie Sie ein von Ihren Kunden und Kundinnen (und Ihren Vorgesetzten) hochgeschätzter Verkaufsberater werden.Aus dem InhaltWarum kaufen Kunden nicht?Was wünschen sich Kunden von Verkäufern?Der erste Kontakt und der erste EindruckDie Macht der WorteVerhaltenspsychologie – vom Gehirn, über Sinneseindrücke, Mindsets, Erwartungen und VerhaltensmusterDie Sales-Signs – Kunden körpersprachlich lesenPersönlichkeitstypen – den Kunden verstehen lernenExkurs: Mehr verkaufen im Hotel- und GastgewerbeStruktur im Verkauf – von der Bedarfsanalyse über das Angebot bis zum AbschlussMit zahlreichen Praxis-Tipps und illustrierenden Fotos.
Heat and Cold Storage, Volume 1: Sensible and Latent Storage (ISTE Consignment)
by Pierre Odru Elena Palomo del BarrioHeat and Cold Storage 1 is dedicated to sensible and latent heat storage processes. Beginning with some theoretical reminders, this book presents the main situations of low-temperature and high-temperature sensible storage for electricity generation. It also analyzes latent storage on phase-change materials (PCMs) from a fundamental standpoint, presenting the mechanisms to prepare PCMs and their integration into heat and cold storage processes. The most promising materials are presented, along with ways of improving the materials studied. Notions of technico-economic profitability are also defined. Finally, the book looks at heat storage in thermodynamic solar power plants and the wide variety of physical storage principles involved.
The Heat Is On: Emerging Ecosystems in the Thermostat Industry
by David J. Collis Ashley HartmanIn January 2014, the chief executive officer of AutoTherm, a small smart-thermostat design company located in Toronto, Canada, was considering the company's future in light of the uncertainties and fast changing dynamics of the industry. As an incumbent and small engineering firm, AutoTherm's plans to sell its first product, B133, through partnership with a large electronics company had not been quite successful. Given the dire state of the company's financial resources, how can AutoTherm be rescued and go forward?
Heat Pumps for Sustainable Heating and Cooling (Green Energy and Technology)
by Y. H. Lun S. L. TungThis book highlights the significance of using sustainable energy to prevent the deterioration of our planet using heat pumps. Energy sustainability can be achieved through improved energy efficiency. In this regard, heat pumps offer an energy-efficient alternative for heating and cooling. To drive the adoption of heat pumps as a key component of sustainable buildings, the authors focus on examining sustainable practices in heat pump operations and innovative system design. In view of the growing desire to use sustainable energy to meet heating and cooling demands and improve indoor air quality, this book offers a valuable reference guide to the available options in HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning) system design. To begin with, the authors define sustainable energy and discuss the trend of “thinking green” in building design. They then discuss sustainable practices and heat pump applications in mapping out HVAC systems. In turn, they examine the use of green operations to promote sustainable practices and, in order to highlight the importance of innovative design, discuss the configuration options and precision control aspects. In closing, the authors illustrate innovative sustainable design on the basis of several energy-efficient cases. The book’s main goal is to drive the adoption of sustainable energy solutions. Heat pumps, it argues, represent the most efficient system for meeting commercial/recreational/residential heating and cooling demands. The book not only examines industrial practices in heat pump application, but also discusses advanced heat pump technologies and innovative heat pump designs.
Heather Evans
by Howard H. Stevenson Michael J. RobertsFocuses on the efforts of Heather Evans, a second-year MBA student, and her attempts to start her own dress business. Examines the business plan and the process of acquiring control over the financial and human resources necessary to implement the plan.
Heathrow: 2000 Years of History
by P T SherwoodPhilip Sherwood's fully revised and updated history of Heathrow tells the extraordinary story of the district from the distant past to the present day. He describes how, in the sixty or so years since the Second World War, the isolated hamlet of Heathrow, which was surrounded by fields and market gardens, was transformed into the largest international airport in the world. The book recalls the earliest recorded human activity in the area over 2000 years ago. It uses maps, plans and an evocative selection of historic photographs to illustrate the slow development of this rural district from medieval times.The author shows how the landscape of farmhouses, cottages, fields and gardens in this quiet corner of Middlesex was obliterated by the airport's expansion. Hangars, runways, roads, hotels, warehouses and terminal buildings now cover the countryside, and this continuous development has had a lasting effect on the lives of the local people. Again the history of Heathrow is being drawn sharply back into focus with the further proposed growth and new terminal. Philip Sherwood's in-depth knowledge of the long history of Heathrow will make his new book fascinating reading for everyone who knows the airport, the nearby villages and the surrounding area. His book will also be of interest to all those who are concerned with the history of civil aviation and with the future of the English countryside.
Heathrow Airport: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
by Alan Gallop&“A very nicely presented history of one of the greatest airports in the world, its challenges and its prospects . . . Highly Recommended.&” —Firetrench Love it or loathe it, Heathrow is the United Kingdom&’s largest and most important airport by a distance. It currently serves over 190 routes to more than 80 countries. Over £100 billion of imports and exports are handled every year, making it the UK&’s primary port by value. This fascinating book traces the often controversial development of the airport over the last 70 years from the most humble of beginnings. Thanks to the author&’s in-depth knowledge the arguments for and against the building of a third runway are thoroughly and objectively described. There have been, and indeed still are, those who advocate building a brand-new hub airport for London, but it is a fact that Heathrow has long been the cornerstone of the local economy, providing jobs for over 70,000 staff. This entertaining, controversial and superbly illustrated book is about much more than the bitter third runway battle. It contains many amusing anecdotes and a wealth of statistics that serve to make Heathrow such a key part of the country&’s infrastructure. &“The history of Heathrow Airport from the iron age to the present day . . . includes interviews with people who worked at Heathrow on its first day.&” —Forwarder Magazine &“A really interesting book. It is mostly text, but there are a good selection of historic photographs which haven&’t been seen anywhere else, including many of the aircraft once seen at Heathrow.&” —Airport Spotting
Heavenly Merchandize: How Religion Shaped Commerce in Puritan America
by Mark ValeriHeavenly Merchandize offers a critical reexamination of religion's role in the creation of a market economy in early America. Focusing on the economic culture of New England, it views commerce through the eyes of four generations of Boston merchants, drawing upon their personal letters, diaries, business records, and sermon notes to reveal how merchants built a modern form of exchange out of profound transitions in the puritan understanding of discipline, providence, and the meaning of New England. Mark Valeri traces the careers of men like Robert Keayne, a London immigrant punished by his church for aggressive business practices; John Hull, a silversmith-turned-trader who helped to establish commercial networks in the West Indies; and Hugh Hall, one of New England's first slave traders. He explores how Boston ministers reconstituted their moral languages over the course of a century, from a scriptural discourse against many market practices to a providential worldview that justified England's commercial hegemony and legitimated the market as a divine construct. Valeri moves beyond simplistic readings that reduce commercial activity to secular mind-sets, and refutes the popular notion of an inherent affinity between puritanism and capitalism. He shows how changing ideas about what it meant to be pious and puritan informed the business practices of Boston's merchants, who filled their private notebooks with meditations on scripture and the natural order, founded and led churches, and inscribed spiritual reflections in their letters and diaries. Unprecedented in scope and rich with insights, Heavenly Merchandize illuminates the history behind the continuing American dilemma over morality and the marketplace.
Heaven's Bankers: Inside the Hidden World of Islamic Finance
by Harris IrfanA trillion dollar financial industry is revolutionising the global economy. Governments and corporations across the Islamic world are increasingly turning to finance that complies with Sharia law in order to fund economic growth. Even in the West, Islamic finance is rapidly becoming an important alternative source of funding at a time when the conventional finance industry is reeling from the effects of the financial crisis.From its origins in the seventh century, Islamic finance has sought to develop core ethical principles that are based in the foundations of Islam and Shari’a. By engaging critically with the complexities of international finance, it has evolved and adapted into a world emerging from the economic and moral aftermath of a global financial crisis. But with an increasing Western interest, is it able to remain true to the principles of its faith? Can it maintain its ideals of social justice? Or is Islamic finance guilty of the very dangers it seeks to avoid?In Heaven’s Bankers, Harris Irfan, one of the world’s leading Islamic finance bankers, gives unparalleled insight into the heart of this secretive industry. From his personal experience of working with leading bankers, scholars and lawyers, he debunks the myths of Islamic banking, analyses its greatest deals and looks to the future of a system that has reprioritised the very nature of money itself.
Heaven's Bankers: Inside the Hidden World of Islamic Finance
by Harris IrfanThe groundbreaking and globetrotting exploration of the Islamic finance industry, by one of its leading practitioners A trillion dollar financial industry is revolutionizing the global economy. Governments and corporations across the Islamic world are increasingly turning to finance that complies with Shari‘a law in order to fund economic growth. Even in the West, Islamic finance is rapidly becoming an important alternative source of funding at a time when the conventional finance industry is reeling from the effects of the financial crisis. From its origins in the seventh century, Islamic finance has sought to develop core ethical principles that are based in the foundations of Islam and Shari‘a. By engaging critically with the complexities of international finance, it has evolved and adapted into a world emerging from the economic and moral aftermath of a global financial crisis. But with an increasing Western interest, is it able to remain true to the principles of its faith? Can it maintain its ideals of social justice? Or is Islamic finance guilty of the very dangers it seeks to avoid? In Heaven’s Bankers, Harris Irfan, one of the world’s leading Islamic finance bankers, gives unparalleled insight into the heart of this secretive industry. From his personal experience of working with leading bankers, scholars and lawyers, he debunks the myths of Islamic banking, analyzes its greatest deals and looks to the future of a system that has reprioritized the very nature of money itself.
Heaven's Door: Immigration Policy and the American Economy
by George J. BorjasThe U.S. took in more than a million immigrants per year in the late 1990s, more than at any other time in history. For humanitarian and many other reasons, this may be good news. But as George Borjas shows in Heaven's Door, it's decidedly mixed news for the American economy--and positively bad news for the country's poorest citizens. Widely regarded as the country's leading immigration economist, Borjas presents the most comprehensive, accessible, and up-to-date account yet of the economic impact of recent immigration on America. He reveals that the benefits of immigration have been greatly exaggerated and that, if we allow immigration to continue unabated and unmodified, we are supporting an astonishing transfer of wealth from the poorest people in the country, who are disproportionately minorities, to the richest. In the course of the book, Borjas carefully analyzes immigrants' skills, national origins, welfare use, economic mobility, and impact on the labor market, and he makes groundbreaking use of new data to trace current trends in ethnic segregation. He also evaluates the implications of the evidence for the type of immigration policy the that U.S. should pursue. Some of his findings are dramatic: Despite estimates that range into hundreds of billions of dollars, net annual gains from immigration are only about $8 billion. In dragging down wages, immigration currently shifts about $160 billion per year from workers to employers and users of immigrants' services. Immigrants today are less skilled than their predecessors, more likely to re-quire public assistance, and far more likely to have children who remain in poor, segregated communities. Borjas considers the moral arguments against restricting immigration and writes eloquently about his own past as an immigrant from Cuba. But he concludes that in the current economic climate--which is less conducive to mass immigration of unskilled labor than past eras--it would be fair and wise to return immigration to the levels of the 1970s (roughly 500,000 per year) and institute policies to favor more skilled immigrants.
by Richard B. MckenzieAmerica's emerging "fat war" threatens to pit a shrinking population of trim Americans against an expanding population of heavy Americans in raging policy debates over "fat taxes" and "fat bans." These "fat policies" would be designed to constrain what people eat and drink - and theoretically crimp the growth in Americans' waistlines and in the country's healthcare costs. Richard McKenzie's HEAVY! The Surprising Reasons America Is the Land of the Free--And the Home of the Fat offers new insight into the economic causes and consequences of America's dramatic weight gain over the past half century. It also uncovers the follies of seeking to remedy the country's weight problems with government intrusions into people's excess eating, arguing that controlling people's eating habits is fundamentally different from controlling people's smoking habits. McKenzie controversially links America's weight gain to a variety of causes: the growth in world trade freedom, the downfall of communism, the spread of free-market economics, the rise of women's liberation, the long-term fall in real minimum wage,and the rise of competitive markets on a global scale. In no small way - no, in a very BIG way - America is the "home of the fat" because it has been for so long the "land of the free." Americans' economic, if not political, freedoms, however, will come under siege as well-meaning groups of "anti-fat warriors" seek to impose their dietary, health, and healthcare values on everyone else. HEAVY! details the unheralded consequences of the country's weight gain, which include greater fuel consumption and emissions of greenhouse gases, reduced fuel efficiency of cars and planes, growth in health insurance costs and fewer insured Americans, reductions in the wages of heavy people, and required reinforcement of rescue equipment and hospital operating tables. McKenzie advocates a strong free-market solution to how America's weight problems should and should not be solved. For Americans to retain their cherished economic freedoms of choice, heavy people must be held fully responsible for their weight-related costs and not be allowed to shift blame for their weight to their genes or environment. Allowing heavy Americans to shift responsibility for their weight gain can only exacerbate the country's weight problems.
Heavy Metal: The Hard Days and Nights of the Shipyard Workers Who Build America's Supercarriers
by Michael FabeyAn extraordinary story of American can-do, an inside look at the building of the most dangerous aircraft carrier in the world, the John F. Kennedy.Tip the Empire State Building onto its side and you’ll have a sense of the length of the United States Navy’s newest aircraft carrier, the most powerful in the world: the USS John F. Kennedy. Weighing 100,000 tons, Kennedy features the most futuristic technology ever put to sea, making it the most agile and lethal global weapon of war.Only one place possesses the brawn, brains and brass to transform naval warfare with such a creation – the Newport News Shipbuilding yard in Virginia and its 30,000 employees and shipyard workers. This is their story, the riggers, fitters, welders, electricians, machinists and other steelworkers who built the next-generation aircraft carrier. Heavy Metal puts us on the waterfront and into the lives of these men and women as they battle layoffs, the elements, impossible deadlines, extraordinary pressure, workplace dangers and a pandemic to complete a ship that will be essential to protect America’s way of life.The city of Newport News owes its very existence to the company that bears its name. The shipyard dominates the town—physically, politically, financially, socially, and culturally. Thanks to the yard, the city grew from a backwater to be the home of the premier naval contractor in the United States.Heavy Metal captures an indelible moment in the history of a shipyard, a city, and a country.
Heavy Metal Management
by Hans-Olov Öberg Pär-Jörgen PärsonHeavy Metal Management is the ultimate tool for business leaders on all levels who wish to:a) improve their performance dramaticallyb) transform their business from "this project" to "the world domination, kick-ass project"c) have a ball while doing the above.
Hecho en Uruguay
by Diego MuñozDiego Muñoz, a partir de entrevistas con sus protagonistas, narrahistorias de éxito y nos cuenta cómo lo consiguieron. Cómo se lograsacar adelante un proyecto y volverlo exitoso en este Uruguay del «no sepuede». ¿Por qué el Ballet del Sodre pasó de convocar a unas pocas decenas depersonas a agotar entradas en cada función? ¿Cómo el Teatro Solís pasóde ser un teatro en estado ruinoso a convertirse en un centro deespectáculos de referencia internacional? ¿De qué forma Océano cambiólas reglas de la fm y la transformó por completo, haciendo que laescucharan hasta los que no escuchaban radio? ¿Cómo una paleontólogacasi sin apoyo económico logró liderar una investigación que descubrióel embrión de reptil más antiguo del mundo.- Selección Uruguaya de Fútbol- Tournier Animación- Océano FM- Gene Xus- Ballet Nacional del Sodre- Bodega Bouza- Kizanaro- Teatro Solís- Paleontología en UruguayA veces, estos proyectos nacieron de un fracaso. Otras, de la valentíade dejarse transformar por el azar. Muchas veces lograron el éxito porolfato y otras por pasión. Pero siempre, siempre, hubo determinación yprofesionalismo, optimismo y perseverancia. Diego Muñoz, a partir deentrevistas con sus protagonistas, narra estas historias y nos cuentacómo lo consiguieron. Cómo se logra sacar adelante un proyecto yvolverlo exitoso en este Uruguay del «no se puede». Diego Muñoz, a partir de entrevistas con sus protagonistas, narrahistorias de éxito y nos cuenta cómo lo consiguieron. Cómo se lograsacar adelante un proyecto y volverlo exitoso en este Uruguay del «no sepuede». ¿Por qué el Ballet del Sodre pasó de convocar a unas pocas decenas depersonas a agotar entradas en cada función? ¿Cómo el Teatro Solís pasóde ser un teatro en estado ruinoso a convertirse en un centro deespectáculos de referencia internacional? ¿De qué forma Océano cambiólas reglas de la fm y la transformó por completo, haciendo que laescucharan hasta los que no escuchaban radio? ¿Cómo una paleontólogacasi sin apoyo económico logró liderar una investigación que descubrióel embrión de reptil más antiguo del mundo.- Selección Uruguaya de Fútbol- Tournier Animación- Océano FM- Gene Xus- Ballet Nacional del Sodre- Bodega Bouza- Kizanaro- Teatro Solís- Paleontología en UruguayA veces, estos proyectos nacieron de un fracaso. Otras, de la valentíade dejarse transformar por el azar. Muchas veces lograron el éxito porolfato y otras por pasión. Pero siempre, siempre, hubo determinación yprofesionalismo, optimismo y perseverancia. Diego Muñoz, a partir deentrevistas con sus protagonistas, narra estas historias y nos cuentacómo lo consiguieron. Cómo se logra sacar adelante un proyecto yvolverlo exitoso en este Uruguay del «no se puede».
Hedge Fund Activism in Japan
by John Buchanan Dominic Heesang Chai Simon DeakinHedge fund activism is an expression of shareholder primacy, an idea that has come to dominate discussion of corporate governance theory and practice worldwide over the past two decades. This book provides a thorough examination of public and often confrontational hedge fund activism in Japan in the period between 2001 and the full onset of the global financial crisis in 2008. In Japan this shareholder-centric conception of the company espoused by activist hedge funds clashed with the alternative Japanese conception of the company as an enduring organisation or a 'community'. By analysing this clash, the book derives a fresh view of the practices underpinning corporate governance in Japan and offers suggestions regarding the validity of the shareholder primacy ideas currently at the heart of US and UK beliefs about the purpose of the firm.
Hedge Fund Analysis
by Frank J. TraversA detailed, step-by-step book covering the entire hedge fund evaluation process Investing in hedge funds is different from investing in other asset classes. There is much less publicly available information about hedge funds performance than there is about mutual funds or individual stocks. Consequently, investing in this class requires more sophisticated investment knowledge, greater due diligence, and, in many cases, a better-developed ability to evaluate investment managers. Hedge Fund Analysis provides a broad framework of how to approach this endeavor, from initial screening to analytical techniques, interviewing skills, and legal and contract negotiations. Along the way, it demonstrates a variety of mechanisms for monitoring and tracking hedge funds and the underlying hedge fund portfolios--explaining each stage of the process in minute detail and providing specific examples which fully explain the opportunities and challenges you'll face each step of the way. Provides a detailed look at how to source hedge funds, screen through them, and rank their strengths and weaknesses Lays out a thorough process for evaluating funds, from initial interviews to performance analysis to onsite meetings Reveals what questions to ask by strategy in order to understand the underlying risk factors associated with each Highlights non-investment analysis, including operational due diligence and risk management, as integral elements in the process Written by a financial professional with over twenty years of experience conducting investment manager due diligence, this book will put you in a position to make more informed decisions when investing in hedge funds.
The Hedge Fund Book
by Richard C. WilsonAn accessible guide to effectively operating in the hedge fund arenaHedge funds are now in the news more than a thousand times a day and yet it is hard to find clear, factual information about how they operate, raise capital, and invest. The Hedge Fund Book provides real-world case studies of various hedge fund managers providing a solid foundation in specialized hedge fund knowledge for both financial professionals and those aspiring to enter this field.It provides an analysis of funds within different phases of their life cycles and investment processes, and examines each cycle in ways that would be informational for marketers as well as investors, bankers, and financial professionals who would like to learn more about day-to-day hedge fund operationsAddresses everything you need to know about this popular segment of the financial industry within a case study formatEach chapter contains several types of investment and situational analyses, insights and best practices along with a review and "test your knowledge section"Written by a successful hedge fund consultant and head of one of the largest hedge fund networking groups in the industry with more than 30,000 membersThis book is required reading for participants within the hedge fund industry's leading designation program, the CHP DesignationIf you're looking to gain a better understanding of hedge funds, look no further than The Hedge Fund Book.
Hedge Fund Compliance: Risks, Regulation, and Management (Wiley Finance)
by Jason A. ScharfmanThe long-awaited guide for modern hedge fund compliance program development Hedge Fund Compliance + Website provides straightforward, practical guidance toward developing a hedge fund compliance program, drawn from the author's experience training financial regulators, consulting with government entities, and analyzing hedge fund compliance structures across the globe. In-depth explanations of compliance principles are backed by illustrative case studies and examples. Highly in-demand templates of popular hedge fund compliance documentation provide actionable illustrations of key compliance policies. Designed to assist investors, fund managers, service providers, and compliance job seekers directly, this book describes the fundamental building blocks of the hedge fund compliance function. Compliance is one of the fastest growing areas in the hedge fund space. This reference book provides an essential foundation in modern hedge fund compliance, reflecting the recent changes of this dynamic field. Design and run a hedge fund compliance program Access templates of core compliance documentation and checklists Discover how investors can evaluate and monitor compliance programs Interviews with hedge fund compliance practitioners A steady stream of regulatory changes, combined with the enhanced enforcement efforts of regulators, ensure that hedge funds' compliance-related expenditures will continue to grow. While hedge fund compliance legislation continues to evolve globally, little practical guidance exists for those tasked with the boots-on-the-ground aspects of developing an actual compliance program to comply with best practices and regulatory guidance from leading hedge fund regulators including the US Securities and Exchange Commission, the National Futures Association, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority. Hedge fund professionals and investors need a fundamental framework for establishing and evaluating an effective program, and when compliance is the issue, trial and error carries too much risk. Hedge Fund Compliance + Website provides clear guidance and practical tools to meet today's compliance professional needs.
Hedge Fund Due Diligence
by Randy ShainHedge Fund Due Diligence provides a step-by-step methodology that will allow you to recognize and avoid questionable hedge funds before its too late. Based on a framework that hedge fund investigative expert Randy Shain has refined over the course of his successful career, this book offers an overview of due diligence into hedge fund management, how information on managers can be obtained, and why this information is essential to your investment endeavors.
The Hedge Fund Fraud Casebook
by Bruce JohnsonAn in-depth, well-researched look at 100 hedge fund fraudsCompared to mutual funds, hedge funds are the James Bonds of the marketplace. They have been relatively unfettered by government regulation, and they play bigger games, take bigger risks, use unorthodox methods, and have the power to capture the public imagination in a way that their lesser counterparts have difficulty approaching. At once fascinating and startling, The Hedge Fund Fraud Casebook provides readers with a broad knowledge of hedge fund regulation through a look at the first 100 cases of proven fraud at hedge funds.Compiling concrete data on cases of hedge fund fraud, The Hedge Fund Fraud Casebook provides you with a factual foundation for assessing this difficult area of risk.First comprehensive survey of hedge fund fraud including 100 chronological fraud casesIncludes descriptions of each case, diagram of the player interaction, and tables detailing monies recovered, fines paid, prison terms, and professional sanctionsUseful for both individual and professional investors, particularly given the last eighteen months of fraud and mismanagement among leading financial professionals and companiesThe Hedge Fund Fraud Casebook provides a hedge fund professional's look at fraud and can help you prevent or avoid similar frauds in the future. It's a vital resource for any hedge fund manager or investor.
The Hedge Fund Industry
by William E. FruhanThis note describes the hedge fund industry as of the end of the year 2007.
Hedge Fund Investing
by Kevin R. MirabileHedge Fund Investing 2e is an educational tool that both professionals and alternative investment educators can use to build up a deep understanding of hedge funds and alternative investments. They will learn: The Basics of Hedge Fund Investing: Who Invests in Hedge Funds and Why? Industry Trends, Flows, and Characteristics Hedge Mutual Funds and UCITS Secondary Trading of Hedge Fund Investments Strategies: Global Macro Investing, Equity Oriented Strategies, Fixed Income Oriented Strategies, Multi-strategy Funds, Funds of Hedge Funds and Replication Products Hedge Fund Portfolio Financing, Settlement and Clearance Evaluating Individual Fund Investment Opportunities Measuring Performance and Performance Persistence Impact of Fund Characteristics and Terms on Performance Performing Due Diligence on Specific Managers and Funds Evaluating the Roles of Service Providers Outlook for Hedge Fund Investing in the Future Conclusion This book is accompanied by a full suite of educational materials for those making a career in hedge funds and alternative investments.
Hedge Fund Investing: A Practical Approach to Understanding Investor Motivation, Manager Profits, and Fund Performance
by Kevin R. MirabileThe most up-to-date look at how to understand, and invest in, hedge funds Hedge funds are an essential part of the alternative investing arena, and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future. It's important that those investing, or thinking about investing, with hedge funds know exactly what they are about. That's why Kevin Mirabile-a financial professional with over twenty years of business development, regulatory, financing, trading, and sales experience in the hedge fund sector-has created Understanding Hedge Fund Investing. Page-by-page, this reliable resource offers valuable insights into one of the most competitive parts of the investment world. Along the way, you'll become familiar with the evolution of hedge funds and their structure as well as discover what types of individuals and institutions invest using hedge funds. Mirable also takes the time to examine the risks of investing in hedge funds and talks about hedge fund financial statements and taxation. Provides complete coverage of this important investment vehicle, from its different types of investing strategies and styles to what it takes to be a hedge fund manager Multiple-choice questions follow each chapter to assess your comprehension of the topics covered A companion Website contains portfolio models that can be uploaded for use as well as supplementary material that allows you to learn in a hands-on fashion long after closing the book Hedge funds offer investors opportunities that aren't usually found elsewhere. But to benefit from them, you first must understand them. This book has the information you need to succeed at this difficult endeavor.
Hedge Fund Market Wizards: How Winning Traders Win
by Jack D. Schwager Ed Seykota<p>From bestselling author, investment expert, and Wall Street theoretician Jack Schwager comes a behind-the-scenes look at the world of hedge funds, from fifteen traders who've consistently beaten the markets. Exploring what makes a great trader a great trader, <i>Hedge Fund Market Wizards</i> breaks new ground, giving readers rare insight into the trading philosophy and successful methods employed by some of the most profitable individuals in the hedge fund business. <p> <li>Presents exclusive interviews with fifteen of the most successful hedge fund traders and what they've learned over the course of their careers <li>Includes interviews with Jamie Mai, Joel Greenblatt, Michael Platt, Ray Dalio, Colm O’Shea, Ed Thorp, and many more <li>Explains forty key lessons for traders <li>Joins <i>Stock Market Wizards</i>, <i>New Market Wizards</i>, and <i>Market Wizards</i> as the fourth installment of investment guru Jack Schwager's acclaimed bestselling series of interviews with stock market experts</i> <p> <p>A candid assessment of each trader's successes and failures, in their own words, the book shows readers what they can learn from each, and also outlines forty essential lessons—from finding a trading method that fits an investor's personality to learning to appreciate the value of diversification—that investment professionals everywhere can apply in their own careers. <p>Bringing together the wisdom of the true masters of the markets, <i>Hedge Fund Market Wizards</i> is a collection of timeless insights into what it takes to trade in the hedge fund world.</p>