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Heidi Roizen

by Kathleen L. Mcginn Nicole Tempest

Heidi Roizen, a venture capitalist at SOFTBANK Venture Capital and a former entrepreneur, maintains an extensive personal and professional network. She leverages this network to benefit both herself and others. The case considers the steps she's taken to build and cultivate a network that is both broad and deep.

Heidi Roizen

by Kathleen L. McGinn Nicole Tempest

Heidi Roizen, a venture capitalist at SOFTBANK Venture Capital and a former entrepreneur, maintains an extensive personal and professional network. She leverages this network to benefit both herself and others. The case considers the steps she's taken to build and cultivate a network that is both broad and deep.

Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc.

by Robert G. Eccles David Lane

As CEO of leading executive search firm Heidrick & Struggles for the past 18 months, Kevin Kelly was pleased with his accomplishments so far but concerned about threats he perceived to Heidrick's position at the highest levels of the executive search business. In response, Kelly had begun making strategic investments in firms offering technology-based solutions, but had not yet made significant progress convincing Heidrick's search consultants about the significance of the threats, or the risks and opportunities being created by information technology and the Internet. The increased emphasis Kelly placed on building leadership consulting services was itself a big change. The case asks what levers Kelly can use, from culture to compensation, to make the challenges to Heidrick's traditional business model understood, and how to implement the strategic initiatives he has launched.

Heijin: Organized Crime, Business, and Politics in Taiwan

by Ko-Lin Chin

This work examines the structure and illegal activities of organized crime groups in Taiwan and explores the infiltration of crime groups into the business and political arenas. It looks at the intricate relationship among government officials, elected deputies, businessmen, and underworld figures.

Heilung oder Humbug?: 150 alternativmedizinische Verfahren von Akupunktur bis Yoga

by Edzard Ernst

Alternative Medizin ist populär: etwa 70% der deutschen Bevölkerung hat im vergangenen Jahr mindestens eine Art von alternativer Behandlung angewendet. Doch was bringen Antioxidantien, Aloe Vera, Kinesiologie und Reiki eigentlich? Kann man an der Zunge oder der Iris erkennen, ob es den inneren Organen gut geht? Welche Erfolge können Geistheilung, autogenes Training oder Hypnotherapie vorweisen? Es gibt vielschichtige Gründe für die große Beliebtheit dieser Methoden - Fehlinformationen sollten dabei eigentlich keine Rolle spielen. Leider prasseln auf Anwender und Hilfesuchende eine Menge an Fehlinformationen ein. Diese sind ausschlaggebend dafür, dass falsche, unkluge oder sogar gefährliche therapeutische Entscheidungen getroffen werden.Dieses Buch hilft dem Leser, sich im Labyrinth der alternativen Medizin zurechtzufinden. Neben wesentlichen Hintergrundinformationen zu alternativer Medizin wie dem Placebo-Effekt, wissenschaftliche Nachweismethoden und gesellschaftlichen Pro- und Contra Argumenten, führt das Buch durch 150 alternative therapeutische und diagnostische Methoden und beurteilt sie unter anderem hinsichtlich Wirksamkeit, Kosten und Gefahrenpotential. Das Buch richtet sich an Leser, die ein Interesse an ihrer Gesundheit haben, daher auch mit der Alternativmedizin liebäugeln und eine evidenzbasierte Analyse suchen. Der Autor Edzard Ernst erforscht seit 25 Jahren alle Aspekte der alternativen Medizin. Er und sein Team haben weit über 1000 von Fachkollegen begutachtete Arbeiten und viele Bücher zu diesem Thema veröffentlicht, darunter More Harm than Good? The Moral Maze of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2018) und Homöopathie - Die Fakten [unverdünnt] (2016) bei Springer. Seine Arbeit wurde mit mehr als einem Dutzend Preisen ausgezeichnet, darunter dem John-Maddox-Preis 2016. Er ging 2012 in den Ruhestand und ist emeritierter Professor der Universität Exeter und spielt dauerhaft eine aktive Rolle in der öffentlichen Debatte über alternative Medizin.

Heineken-Brewing a Better World

by Tonia Junker Forest Reinhardt Jose B. Alvarez Daniela Beyersdorfer

The Dutch company HEINEKEN, one of the leading global brewers known for its brands like Heineken, Amstel, or Desperados and for its award-winning marketing campaigns, seeks to closely integrate its long-term sustainability "Brewing a Better World"-approach into its corporate strategy. HEINEKEN had set itself ambitious 2015 and 2020 sustainability targets in six pillar areas around Energy/CO2, Water, Sustainable Sourcing, Responsible Consumption, Community/Inclusive Growth, and Health & Safety. The case zooms in on HEINEKEN's efforts in the sustainable sourcing pillar, with its work on farming standards and supplier code as well as its support for local sourcing programs in the growing African market. HEINEKEN's management finds that marketing its achievements in these sustainability areas poses new challenges though. For example, its current "mass-balance" sourcing in which sustainable and traditional material got mixed in the supply chain did not allow for effective communication on a given bottle. But was this reason enough to try to move to "segregated" sourcing, if that was even reasonable?

Heineken N.V.: Global Branding and Advertising

by John A. Quelch

Heineken managers are evaluating the results of the research projects designed to identify the values of the Heineken brand and to translate these into effective advertising messages.

Heirloom: Notes from an Accidental Tomato Farmer

by Tim Stark

One evening, 14 years ago, Tim Stark chanced upon a dumpster full of discarded lumber. He carried the lumber home and built a germination rack for thousands of heirloom tomato seedlings. His crop soon outgrew the brownstone in which it had sprouted, forcing him to cart the seedlings to his family's farm, where they were transplanted into the ground by hand. When favorable weather brought a bumper crop, Tim hauled his unusual tomatoes to N.Y. City's Union Square Greenmarket at a time when the tomato was unanimously red. The rest is history. Today, Eckerton Hill Farm does a booming trade in heirloom tomatoes and obscure chile peppers. An inspiring memoir about rediscovering an older and still vital way of life.

Heirloom House: How eBay and I Decorated and Furnished My Nantucket Home

by Sherry Lefevre

Inspiration for Every Home Decorator with a Passion for the Past The Heirloom House is a humorous personal account of two interlocking obsessions: eBay and the quest to create a vacation house that looks and feels like a family heirloom. Beginning with recollections of her childhood summers in Nantucket, author Sherry Lefevre narrates the development of her personal aesthetic: wanting everything people with old inherited houses have. When she receives a bequest that allows her to purchase her own ramshackle summerhouse, she clicks on eBay and emerges two months later with a house fully furnished with other people’s ancestral treasures, from toile curtains to taxidermy, at a more-than-affordable price. Filled with photos and drawings, The Heirloom House invites readers to follow Lefevre’s eBay searches and imitate her heirloom-hunting strategies. Antique treasures are classified and eBay "search words” are suggested to assist the reader’s own treasure hunting. Anecdotes, both informative and entertaining, enliven descriptions of the antique objects acquired, and while the whole endeavor is relayed with humor, the underlying message is a serious one: with enough love, anyone can have an ancestral home--an heirloom house.

Heizstrategie - Die Simulation von Heizungsanlagen: Für Studierende, Techniker und interessierte Laien (essentials)

by Dietmar Allmendinger

Der Autor zeigt in diesem Buch die Möglichkeit auf, durch Simulation am PC die Heizungsanlage einschließlich des Gebäudes zu simulieren und so die optimalen Einstellungen für eine gegebene Außentemperatur zu ermitteln. Dazu entwickelt er die theoretische Basis des Heizungsbetriebs. Anschließend zeigt er, wie sich Rechenmodelle zur Simulation eines 24-Stunden-Betriebs aus der theoretischen Basis erstellen lassen. Auch eine mehrtägige Simulation für den Urlaubsbetrieb wird vorgestellt. Dem Leser werden die Simulationsmodelle zur Verfügung gestellt, mithilfe derer er das Verhalten von Heizungsanlagen selbst nachvollziehen und dabei unterschiedliche Parameter erproben kann.

Helden gesucht: Mit Illustrationen von Werner Tiki Küstenmacher

by Michael T. Wurster Maria Prinzessin von Sachsen-Altenburg Werner Tiki Küstenmacher

In Helden gesucht zeigen die beiden Autoren, mit welchen Methoden man Projekte im Ehrenamt erfolgreich leitet und wie gewöhnliche Menschen dazu in der Lage sein können, Außergewöhnliches zu vollbringen. Zugleich ermutigen die Autoren dazu, das Projektmanagement-Know-how in ehrenamtlichen Projekten zu vertiefen und zu trainieren. Der Titel „Helden gesucht“ wird dabei zu einem Leitmotiv: Mithilfe spannender Helden-Geschichten wird einprägsam veranschaulicht, wie man Projekte souverän meistert und dabei sogar ein Stück weit die Welt retten kann.

Helena Divi ov

by Richard S. Ruback Royce Yudkoff

Helena Divi ov (MBA, 2016) decided to return home to the Czech Republic soon after graduation to be near her father who became seriously ill soon after she started HBS. She had considered leaving HBS immediately to help run his business. But her father, who grew up in the Czech Republic when travel and overseas educational opportunities were severely limited, would not allow her to abandon her studies. Instead, Divi ov 's husband, Pavel Divi , returned to help with the family business while she completed her MBA. She also gave birth to their first child in April, just before graduation. And so, the decision to return to the Czech Republic seemed obvious; her immediate family would be together and she would be able to be with her extended family during her father's illness.

Helena Divisova

by Richard S. Ruback Royce Yudkoff

Helena Divi ov (MBA, 2016) decided to return home to the Czech Republic soon after graduation to be near her father who became seriously ill soon after she started HBS. She had considered leaving HBS immediately to help run his business. But her father, who grew up in the Czech Republic when travel and overseas educational opportunities were severely limited, would not allow her to abandon her studies. Instead, Divi ov 's husband, Pavel Divi , returned to help with the family business while she completed her MBA. She also gave birth to their first child in April, just before graduation. And so, the decision to return to the Czech Republic seemed obvious; her immediate family would be together and she would be able to be with her extended family during her father's illness.

Helena Rubinstein: The Woman Who Invented Beauty

by null Michèle Fitoussi

Helena Rubinstein revolutionised the beauty industry. Her mission was to teach women the importance of skincare and the empowering effect of looking your best. Rubinstein's company was the first to use science in the development of cosmetics, and with her unerring instinct for what customers wanted, she built a beauty empire that spanned the world. A legend in her own lifetime, this is her amazing story.

Helena Rubinstein: Making Up the Modern Woman

by Geoffrey G. Jones Kathy Choi


Helena Rubinstein: Making Up the Modern Woman

by Geoffrey G. Jones Kathy Choi

This case examines the entrepreneurial career of Helena Rubinstein before 1938. Rubinstein is widely considered the single most important female entrepreneur in the United States in the 20th century. She was born in Poland but immigrated to Australia where she started a cosmetics company. She subsequently moved first to Europe, and then to the United States during World War I, where she engaged with relentless competition in the upscale cosmetics market with her rival Elizabeth Arden. The case examines how Rubinstein created a luxury brand and enables a discussion of the impact of such brands on women. Rubinstein articulated the view that cosmetics were liberating for women, but some of her strategies, such as wearing white coats in many advertisements designed to signal that she was scientifically qualified, can be used to support a more critical view of the beauty industry.

Helix Network Theory: The Dynamic Structure and Evolution of Economy and Society

by Runyuan Gan

Based on the philosophy of Systems Science and the law of evolution theory, the book, by applying the methods of structural functionalism, divides the modern social system into human-culture, economy, polity, science, law, education and other sub-systems through the systematic synthesis of disciplines such as economics, sociology, management, politics, culture theories, history and philosophy, and explores the connection between these sub-systems and their intricate relation with social progress, thus depicting the historical trajectory of the long-term evolution of human social system.Starting from the actual production and operation of the firms, the author systematically analyses the organic connections and sophisticated operating process of social reproduction in modern society from micro, meso and macro, revealing the dynamic structure and evolutionary laws of the social economic system. This book reveals the fractal features such as self-similarity, hierarchy, and recursiveness in the general structure of the firm system, the sector system and the national economic system, thereby integrating micro-, meso- and macro-economics into a unified theoretical framework. This integration is interdisciplinary, and has gone beyond the economics. It can be regarded as the fourth grand synthesis in the history of economics after John Stuart Mill (1806-1873), Alfred Marshall (1842-1924) and Samuelson (1915-2009).

Hell to Pay: How the Suppression of Wages Is Destroying America

by Michael Lind

From one of America&’s leading thinkers, a provocative diagnosis of the cause of America&’s decline—and a searing indictment of those who caused itFor nearly half a century, Americans have been bombarded by neoliberal propaganda promoting the lie that wages are objectively determined by impersonal labor markets. This falsehood has been repeated by academics, journalists, business leaders, and politicians so often that even many on the liberal left and the populist right believe it. In Hell to Pay, Michael Lind, author of The New Class War, debunks this lie. With brutal clarity, he tells the story of how bipartisan political and business interests united to smash the bargaining power of American workers and reduce wages. And with devastating insight he demonstrates that their success has indirectly caused or worsened nearly every symptom of American decline, from the increase in political polarization to the declining birth rate. Calling for a revolution in the way we think about work and wages, Lind argues that the American republic will collapse if worker power is not restored. Fortunately, Hell to Pay doesn&’t just sound the alarm but also offers a plan for breaking the power of the neoliberal elite and reforming America&’s disastrous low-wage/high-welfare model—before it&’s too late.

Hell Week: Seven Days to Be Your Best Self

by Erik Bertrand Larssen

From world-renowned mental trainer Erik Bertrand Larssen, whose clients include Olympic athletes and Fortune 500 CEOs, Hell Week is a military-inspired yet accessible guide to making the critical changes necessary for long-term professional and personal success and overall lifestyle improvements.Norway native Erik Bertrand Larssen is many things: a veteran paratrooper who served in Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Afghanistan; a successful entrepreneur; and a critically acclaimed performance consultant. He has helped catapult the success of countless high-achievers, including Microsoft, Boston Consulting Group, and Statoil ASA executives and Olympic medalist Martin Johnsrud Sundby and top golfer Suzann Pettersen. His life-altering and revered method improves performance by getting people to push themselves past the brink of self-imposed limitations. Central to his technique is the commitment to live and experience just one week as your best self. It's this week, Larssen says, that will be the catalyst to making the most of the rest of your life. Offering accessible tools and pragmatic, inspirational advice including how to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, Larssen's game-changing Hell Week shows you how to apply his principles to everyday life, leading to lasting improvement, personal and professional success, and most importantly, a new way of living to a higher standard. Hell Week will resonate with and inspire you to be the best you can be and make everlasting positive changes in all aspects of your life.

Hell Week: Seven days to be your best self

by Erik Bertrand Larssen

Imagine your life as a straight line. Now imagine that you could break that line and leave behind all your regular habits and nagging doubts for just seven days. Hell Week shows how you can change your life's path in a single week, replacing your old self with your best self, by going through a specially tailored (and totally safe) version of the elite military exercise where participants are pushed to the limit to find out just how much they can take. Hell Week is about defeating limiting beliefs and demonstrating that you are capable of far more than you ever thought - and maintaining that level of performance for the rest of your life.Norway native Erik Bertrand Larssen is many things: a veteran paratrooper who served in Bosnia, Kosovo, and Afghanistan, a successful entrepreneur, and a mental coach. He has helped catapult the success of countless high-achievers, including Microsoft and Stat Oil executives and Olympic medalists Martin Sundby and Suzann Pettersen. His life altering method improves performance by getting people to push themselves past the brink of self-imposed limitations.Central to his technique is the commitment by clients to live and experience just one week as their best selves. It's this week, Larssen says, that will be the catalyst to making the most of the rest of one's life. Offering accessible tools and a pragmatic, inspirational advice, Larssen's game-changing Hell Week shows readers how apply the principles of military 'hell week' to their every day lives, leading to lasting improvement, personal and professional success, and most importantly, a new way of living to a higher standard.

Hell Week: Seven days to be your best self

by Erik Bertrand Larssen

Performing at your best, what are you really capable of? Hell Week will show you how to be your best self all of the time, and learn in a week a set of skills that will change the rest of your life.Imagine your life as a straight line. Now imagine that you could break that line and leave behind all your regular habits and nagging doubts for just seven days. Hell Week shows how you can change your life's path in a single week, replacing your old self with your best self, by going through a specially tailored (and totally safe) version of the elite military exercise where participants are pushed to the limit to find out just how much they can take. Hell Week is about defeating limiting beliefs and demonstrating that you are capable of far more than you ever thought - and maintaining that level of performance for the rest of your life.Norway native Erik Bertrand Larssen is many things: a veteran paratrooper who served in Bosnia, Kosovo, and Afghanistan, a successful entrepreneur, and a mental coach. He has helped catapult the success of countless high-achievers, including Microsoft and Stat Oil executives and Olympic medalists Martin Sundby and Suzann Pettersen. His life altering method improves performance by getting people to push themselves past the brink of self-imposed limitations.Central to his technique is the commitment by clients to live and experience just one week as their best selves. It's this week, Larssen says, that will be the catalyst to making the most of the rest of one's life. Offering accessible tools and a pragmatic, inspirational advice, Larssen's game-changing Hell Week shows readers how apply the principles of military 'hell week' to their every day lives, leading to lasting improvement, personal and professional success, and most importantly, a new way of living to a higher standard.(P)2016 Tantor

The Hellhound of Wall Street

by Michael Perino

A gripping account of the underdog Senate lawyer who unmasked the financial wrongdoing that led to the Crash of 1929 and forever changed the relationship between Washington and Wall Street.

Hello Again: Nine decades of radio voices

by Simon Elmes

It’s now ninety years since the BBC made its first broadcast and the British love affair with radio began.This book is a journey through that fascinating history and a celebration of the many wonderful voices that were part of it: Marion Cran, who pioneered the first gardening programme in the 1920s; The Goons and Kenneth Horne, comedy greats of the 1950s; John Peel, Alan Freeman, Kenny Everett and other heroes of the pirate stations; all the way up to Eddie Mair, Fi Glover and Danny Baker, the much-loved voices of today. A delightful blend of insight, history and nostalgia, Hello Again will appeal to any radio aficionado.

Hello Alfred: Come Home Happy

by Carin-Isabel Knoop Joseph B. Fuller

On a mission to "automate the on-demand economy," Harvard Business School classmates Marcela Sapone and Jessica Beck launched Hello Alfred in 2013 to provide subscribers with an "Alfred" to complete various chores for a monthly fee. In early 2016, the company has built an infrastructure, including a mobile app, to develop Alfreds' routes and respond to customer requests in conjunction with other service providers, for example grocery delivery services, in what the founders describe as their "B2B2C" business model. Alfred won the coveted TechCrunch San Francisco Disrupt Cup in 2014, and by April 2015 had secured $12.5 million in seed and Series A funding. The founders must determine the best growth strategy for Alfred. Should they expand Alfred beyond their present operating cities, New York and Boston, or should they focus on their current markets? Should they increase public visibility to attract more customers, or should they enroll landlords in Alfred and reach consumers in that way?

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