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Henry Kissinger: Negotiating Black Majority Rule in Rhodesia (B)
by James K. Sebenius Laurence A. GreenIn 1976, United States Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger conducted a series of intricate, multiparty negotiations in Southern Africa to persuade white Rhodesian leader Ian Smith to accede to black majority rule. Conducted near the end of President Gerald Ford’s term in office and against substantial U.S. domestic opposition, Kissinger’s efforts culminated in Smith’s public announcement that he would accept majority rule within two years. This set the stage for the later Lancaster House negotiations that resulted in the actual transition to black majority rule. The account in this case carefully describes—but does not analyze nor draw lessons from—these challenging negotiations.
Henry Kissinger: Negotiating Black Majority Rule in Rhodesia (A)
by James K. Sebenius Laurence A. GreenIn 1976, a growing crisis in Southern Africa drew the attention of United States Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger. White Rhodesian leader Ian Smith's refusal to accede to black majority rule threatened to widen into a regional conflict involving apartheid South Africa and newly independent leftist African states. Kissinger and others feared that the region was on the brink of becoming a new battleground in the Cold War. In light of these developments Kissinger decided to intervene, seeking a negotiated solution that might bring about a peaceful end to minority rule. The account in this case carefully describes-but does not analyze nor draw lessons from-these challenging circumstances.
Henry Kissinger: Negotiating Black Majority Rule in Rhodesia (B)
by James K. Sebenius Laurence A. GreenIn 1976, United States Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger conducted a series of intricate, multiparty negotiations in Southern Africa to persuade white Rhodesian leader Ian Smith to accede to black majority rule. Conducted near the end of President Gerald Ford's term in office and against substantial U.S. domestic opposition, Kissinger's efforts culminated in Smith's public announcement that he would accept majority rule within two years. This set the stage for the later Lancaster House negotiations that resulted in the actual transition to black majority rule. The account in this case carefully describes-but does not analyze nor draw lessons from-these challenging negotiations.
Henry Schein: Doing Well by Doing Good?
by Russell A. Eisenstat Aldo Sesia Rafaella Sadun Rebecca HendersonHenry Schein Inc., a distributor of supplies to dentist, physician, and veterinary practices, had sales approaching $9 billion and employed nearly 16,000 people. The company had experienced impressive growth under the leadership of Stanley Bergman and his executive team, many of whom had been with Schein for decades. Besides organic growth, the company relied heavily on acquiring small family-owned businesses to grow, both inside the U.S., and abroad. Bergman and his team invested a great deal of their time on building and sustaining a culture based on care and respect and considered it pivotal to the company's success and a key competitive advantage. The case explores the principles behind Schein's culture and presents challenges to maintaining the culture as the company continues to expand internationally, including its goal to be the first national distributor of dental supplies in China. At the same time, Schein was evolving from being primarily a logistics company with a value-added services component to becoming a company with a primary focus on value-added services and the sale of specific products that the company might need to manufacture directly. As Schein moved into new market segments and new executives were brought in, a new challenge to the culture would be posed.
Henry Tam and the MGI Team
by Hillary Anger Elfenbein Jeffrey T. Polzer Ingrid VargasWithin a short time frame, seven diverse team members assemble to write a business plan for a new company and struggle to define their roles, make decisions together, and resolve conflict. Henry Tam, a second-year Harvard MBA student, who joins an aspiring start-up company and a fellow classmate to enter the school's business plan contest. The founders of the company are two internationally accomplished musicians and a 1987 Harvard MBA, all Russian, who are trying to create, produce, and sell a unique computer-based music game. Conflict builds as the team generates a range of ideas about how to market their product, but has trouble agreeing on which ideas to pursue. Henry Tam wrestles with how to fix the problems that have hindered the team's progress.
Henry's Lieutenants
by Ford R. BryanAlthough Henry Ford gloried in the limelight of highly publicized achievement, he privately admitted, "I don't do so much, I just go around lighting fires under other people." Henry's Lieutenants features biographies of thirty-five "other people" who served Henry Ford in a variety of capacities, and nearly all of whom contributed to his fame. These biographical sketches and career highlights reflect the people of high caliber employed by Henry Ford to accomplish his goals: Harry Bennett, Albert Kahn, Ernest Kanzler, William S. Knudsen, and Charles E. Sorenson, among others. Most were employed by the Ford Motor Company, although a few of them were Ford's personal employees satisfying concurrent needs of a more private nature, including his farming, educational, and sociological ventures. Ford Bryan obtained a considerable amount of the material in this book from the oral reminiscences of the subjects themselves.
Her Place at the Table: A Woman's Guide to Negotiating Five Key Challenges to Leadership Success
by Deborah M. Kolb Judith Williams Carol FrohlingerThoroughly revised and updated and with a new Introduction by the authors, this paperback edition of Her Place at the Table draws on extensive interviews with women leaders to help all women negotiate their path to leadership success. A Woman's Guide to Taking Her Place at the Leadership Table "It's time for women to take their places at the leadership tables alongside men. Why? Because the skills we developed at the foot of the table—bringing people together, building bridges across differences, and thinking outside the box—are in great demand. But to use this time and these skills to the greatest advantage, read this book. The authors have set a great meal for you...just devour it." —Marie C. Wilson, president and founder, The White House Project "Does she have the right stuff? That question follows women whenever they are promoted to visible leadership positions. Her Place at the Table lays out the pragmatic moves that can help any woman in business show she has the right stuff. I encourage all women with leadership aspirations to use this book as a guide." —Patricia Fili-Krushel, executive vice president, Time Warner "Women roar—they are the leaders we need in corporations today, but there are still some barriers. This book will help individual women negotiate what they need to succeed as leaders and help their firms support them in their efforts. That way we all win!" —Tom Peters, management consultant and author, Reimagine! Business Excellence in a Disruptive Age For more information about Her Place at the Table or a group discussion guide, visit http://www.herplaceatthetable.com. Completely Updated with a New Introduction by the Authors
Herausforderung Hyperwettbewerb in der Branche: Strategie und strategisches Geschäftsmodell im Fokus (essentials)
by Roland EckertDas Essential beschäftigt sich mit der strategischen Positionierung von Unternehmen in den Zeiten der Digitalisierung und des Hyperwettbewerbs. Roland Eckert geht hierbei insbesondere auf die Herausforderungen eines ,,Branchen-Hyperwettbewerbs" ein. Zunächst steht der Begriff selbst im Mittelpunkt, im Anschluss werden die bekannten Überlegungen zum klassischen Branchenwettbewerb dargestellt. Darauf aufbauend werden die gängigen Strategie- und Geschäftsmodellansätze weiterentwickelt und an die Herausforderungen des Branchen-Hyperwettbewerbs angepasst. Handlungsempfehlungen für das Management ergänzen die Ausführungen.
Herausforderung Hyperwettbewerb in Wettbewerbsarenen: Strategie und strategisches Geschäftsmodell im Fokus (essentials)
by Roland EckertDas Essential beschäftigt sich mit der strategischen Positionierung von Unternehmen in den Zeiten der Digitalisierung und des Hyperwettbewerbs. Roland Eckert geht hierbei insbesondere auf die Herausforderungen eines Hyperwettbewerbs in der Wettbewerbsarena ein. Zunächst steht der Begriff selbst im Mittelpunkt, im Anschluss wird auf einige grundlegende Überlegungen zum Hyperwettbewerb in der Branche eingegangen. Darauf aufbauend stellt der Autor die Besonderheiten des Hyperwettbewerbs in der Wettbewerbsarena vor. Handlungsempfehlungen für das Management mit einem Fokus auf strategischen Veränderungsprogrammen ergänzen die Ausführungen.
Herausforderung Transformation
by Norbert Büning Ursula Hess Nikolaus Mohr Anna Maria FröbelZunehmende Globalisierung, neue Spielregeln im internationalen Wettbewerb sowie unberechenbare Machtgefüge fordern von allen Akteuren hohe Anpassungs- und Handlungsfähigkeiten. Es ist daher heute wichtiger denn je, Veränderungsprozesse zu verstehen und sie erfolgreich zu gestalten. Der Band eröffnet hierzu eine völlig neue Perspektive: Führungskräfte, Politiker sowie einflussreiche Persönlichkeiten aus Kultur, Wissenschaft und Sport schildern ihre Erkenntnisse und vermitteln damit ein breit gefächertes Verständnis von Transformation.
Herausforderungen im Management von Familienunternehmen: Werte – Wachstum – Controlling – Krisenbewältigung
by Christine Duller Martin Hiebl Michael Kuttner Stefan Mayr Christine MitterEigentümer*innen und Manager*innen von Familienunternehmen sind aktuell mit vielfältigen Herausforderungen konfrontiert und stellen sich u.a. folgende Fragen: Wie können Familienunternehmen nachhaltiger gestaltet werden? Wie können sie sicher an die nächste Generation übergeben werden? Wie können Familienunternehmen professionalisiert werden? Wie können sie langfristig in Krisen bestehen?Diese und viele weitere aktuelle Herausforderungen im Management von Familienunternehmen werden in diesem Fachbuch jeweils in einem eigenen Beitrag in der Tiefe und wissenschaftlich fundiert behandelt. Die Autor*innen gehen dabei auch auf die besondere Relevanz aktueller Trends und globaler Krisen ein.
Herausforderungen im Vertriebsmanagement: Was Controller leisten können (Advanced Controlling)
by Jürgen Weber Christian Krügerke Andreas LinnenlückeDer Vertrieb ist eine der wichtigsten Funktionen im Unternehmen. Ein zunehmend komplexes Marktumfeld mit steigender Transparenz und immer anspruchsvolleren Kunden stellen das Vertriebsmanagement vor schwierige Herausforderungen. Zugleich fordert die Unternehmensführung immer mehr Produktivität und Effizienz. Für Controller ergeben sich daraus neue Handlungsfelder. Sie können mehr noch als bisher das Management proaktiv begleiten und unterstützen. Der vorliegende Band liefert dazu einige Ansätze. Ausgehend von den Aufgaben des Vertriebsmanagements werden die wesentlichen Probleme genannt, mit denen sich Vertriebsmanager häufig konfrontiert sehen. Eine empirische Erhebung gibt Auskunft darüber, in welchem Maße sie bisher von den Controllern profitieren. Die Autoren zeigen zudem, an welchen Stellen eine stärkere Führungsunterstützung sinnvoll wäre und welche besondere Rolle Controller dabei spielen können.
Herbal and Acidulant Tree Spices: Their Global Commercial Potential
by Kodoth Prabhakaran NairThis book discusses leafy spices or herbs known as “aromatic herbs”, which, apart from being used in culinary art for flavoring of foods and beverages, are also known to possess antiseptic, anti-oxidant and other medicinal properties, in addition to many nutraceutical and cosmetic properties. Of the numerous herbs twelve of the commercially important herbs are imported into 4 major European markets, namely, France, Germany, United Kingdom and The Netherlands to the tune of 12000 to 13000 tonnes per annum. This book discusses these leafy herbs and their tremendous commercial potential in international trade. The book offers a comprehensive insight into commercial herbs, with an objective of enhancing their yield, and provides a platform for further research into the global trade potential.
Herbert Has Lots For a Buck: How 12 Small Prairie Towns Reinvented Themselves for the 21st Century (Detective Lane Mystery #5)
by Elizabeth McLachlan"Canada in the twenty-first century is a place of growth and expansion. Cities like Vancouver and Toronto have become word class destinations for business and tourism. Meanwhile, smaller, less prominent communities face changes of different sorts, as residents depart for the opportunities present in our country’s largest cities. Nowhere is this more apparent than in Canada’s prairie provinces. Despite changes in population and the loss of such essential services as schools, post offices, and grain elevators, many of Canada’s oldest prairie communities—communities like Craik and Meacham in Saskatchewan, and Vulcan in Alberta—have defied the odds, facing death only to rise again. In Herbert Has Lots for a Buck, Elizabeth McLachlan investigates how these communities have capitalized on green initiatives, the growing influence of local artists, and even an uncanny connection to one of Star Trek’s most famous icons to not only survive beyond expectations, but thrive."
Herbert Hoover in the White House: The Ordeal of the Presidency
by Charles Rappleye"A deft, filled-out portrait of the thirty-first president...by far the best, most readable study of Hoover's presidency to date." --Publishers Weekly Rappleye's surprising portrait of a Depression-era president Herbert Hoover reveals a very different figure than the usual Hoover, engaged and active but loathe to experiment and conscious of his inability to convey hope to the country.Herbert Clark Hoover was the thirty-first President of the United States. He served one term, from 1929 to 1933. Often considered placid, passive, unsympathetic, and even paralyzed by national events, Hoover faced an uphill battle in the face of the Great Depression. Many historians dismiss him as merely ineffective. But in Herbert Hoover in the White House, Charles Rappleye draws on rare and intimate sources--memoirs and diaries and thousands of documents kept by members of his cabinet and close advisors--to reveal a very different figure than the one often portrayed. The real Hoover, argues Rappleye, just lacked the tools of leadership. The Hoover presented here will come as a surprise to both his longtime defenders and his many critics. In public Hoover was shy and retiring, but in private he is revealed as a man of passion and sometimes of fury, a man who intrigued against his enemies while fulminating over plots against him. Rappleye describes him as more sophisticated and more active in economic policy than is often acknowledged. We see Hoover watching a sunny (and he thought ignorant) FDR on the horizon. FDR did not "cure" the depression, but he experimented with steps that relieved it. Most importantly he broke the mood of doom almost immediately. The Hoover we see here--bright, well meaning, energetic--lacked the single critical element to succeed as president. He had a first-class mind and a second-class temperament. Herbert Hoover in the White House is an object lesson in the most, perhaps only, talent needed to be a successful president--the temperament of leadership.
by John Deighton Leora Kornfeld Yanqun He Qingyun JiangGlobal brands such as L'Oreal and Oil of Olay dominate China's skin care market. A Chinese domestic brand, after some success in partnership with Sephora in Europe, aspires to challenge the French and U.S. brands' hold on the China market. It must decide how to segment the market, how to position against global assurances of quality and purity, and how to balance its Chinese heritage claims with claims of modernity. The China skin care market is growing extraordinarily fast. Is that an asset or a liability?
Herbst Department Store
by Trista Raezer John HallbergHerbst Department Store held sway on Fargo's Broadway for nearly 90 years. In 1887, a young merchant named Isaac Herbst came to Fargo to seek his fortune. He proved to be a dynamic salesman, and by 1892 he had founded Herbst Department Store. The business was destroyed a year later in the Great Fire of 1893, which wiped out most of downtown. Isaac rebuilt his business and expanded it until his death in 1910. The department store was continued by his widow, sons, grandsons, and a large group of loyal employees. The Herbst family took great pride in the community and was active in civic affairs. In the 1970s and 1980s, many customers abandoned downtown Fargo for West Acres Shopping Center and other large retail chains. Herbst was the last large department store remaining downtown until it closed in 1982. Images of America: Herbst Department Store shines a light on a business that had a great impact on Fargo's vibrant downtown and community.
A Hercules in the Cradle: War, Money, and the American State, 1783-1867 (American Beginnings, 1500–1900)
by Max M. EdlingTwo and a half centuries after the American Revolution the United States stands as one of the greatest powers on earth and the undoubted leader of the western hemisphere. This stupendous evolution was far from a foregone conclusion at independence. The conquest of the North American continent required violence, suffering, and bloodshed. It also required the creation of a national government strong enough to go to war against, and acquire territory from, its North American rivals. In "A Hercules in the Cradle," Max M. Edling argues that the federal government's abilities to tax and to borrow money, developed in the early years of the republic, were critical to the young nation's ability to wage war and expand its territory. He traces the growth of this capacity from the time of the founding to the aftermath of the Civil War, including the funding of the War of 1812 and the Mexican War. Edling maintains that the Founding Fathers clearly understood the connection between public finance and power: a well-managed public debt was a key part of every modern state. Creating a debt would always be a delicate and contentious matter in the American context, however, and statesmen of all persuasions tried to pay down the national debt in times of peace. "A Hercules in the Cradle" explores the origin and evolution of American public finance and shows how the nation's rise to great-power status in the nineteenth century rested on its ability to go into debt.
by Mark Earls"...fascinating. Like Malcolm Gladwell on speed."--THE GUARDIAN"HERD is a rare thing: a book that transforms the reader's perception of how the world works".--Matthew D'Ancona, THE SPECTATOR"This book is a must. Once you have read it you will understand why Mark Earls is regarded as a marketing guru."--Daniel Finkelstein, THE TIMESThis paperback version of Mark Earls' groundbreaking and award winning book comes updated with new stats and figures and provides two completely revised chapters that deal with the rise of social networking.Since the Enlightenment there has been a very simple but widely held assumption that we are a species of thinking individuals and human behaviour is best understood by examining the psychology of individuals. It appears, however, that this insight is plain wrong. The evidence from a number of leading behavioural and neuroscientists suggests that our species is designed as a herd or group animal. Mark Earls applies this evidence to the traditional mechanisms of marketing and consumer behaviour, with a result that necessitates a complete rethink about these subjects.HERD provides a host of unusual examples and anecdotes to open the mind of the business reader, from Peter Kay to Desmond Tutu, Apple to UK Sexual Health programmes, George Bush to Castle Lager, from autism to depression to the real explanation for the placebo effect in pharmaceutical testing.
Herd Behavior in Financial Markets: An Experiment with Financial Market Professionals
by Marco Cipriani Antonio GuarinoA report from the International Monetary Fund.
Herding Scientists: A Story of Failed Reform at the CDC (Elements in Public Policy)
by Andrew B. WhitfordWhen politicians reshape public health agencies, scientists resist changes and, if possible, leave. Those shifts make it harder for agencies to fight future public health threats. This Element focuses on the tension between scientists and managerial control in the policy process, both conceptually and empirically. It centers on a failed attempt to reorganize the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Because many of the gains in longevity and health quality result from the work of public health agencies, public health scientists and practitioners are the frontline producers of public health.
Herding Tigers: Be the Leader That Creative People Need
by Todd HenryA practical handbook for every manager charged with leading teams to creative brilliance, from the author of The Accidental Creative and Die Empty.Doing the work and leading the work are very different things. When you make the transition from maker to manager, you give ownership of projects to your team even though you could do them yourself better and faster. You're juggling expectations from your manager, who wants consistent, predictable output from an inherently unpredictable creative process. And you're managing the pushback from your team of brilliant, headstrong, and possibly overqualified creatives.Leading talented, creative people requires a different skill set than the one many management books offer. As a consultant to creative companies, Todd Henry knows firsthand what prevents creative leaders from guiding their teams to success, and in Herding Tigers he provides a bold new blueprint to help you be the leader your team needs. Learn to lead by influence instead of control. Discover how to create a stable culture that empowers your team to take bold creative risks. And learn how to fight to protect the time, energy, and resources they need to do their best work.Full of stories and practical advice, Herding Tigers will give you the confidence and the skills to foster an environment where clients, management, and employees have a product they can be proud of and a process that works.
Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations
by Clay ShirkyClay Shirky's international bestseller Here Comes Everybody: How Change Happens When People Come Together explores how the unifying power of the internet is changing the character of human society. Welcome to the new future of involvement. Forming groups is easier than it's ever been: unpaid volunteers build Wikipedia together in their spare time, mistreated customers can join forces to get their revenge on airlines and high street banks, and one man with a laptop can raise an army to help recover a stolen phone. The results of this new world of easy collaboration can be both good (young people defying an oppressive government with a guerrilla ice-cream eating protest) and bad (girls sharing advice for staying dangerously skinny) but it's here and, as Clay Shirky shows, it's affecting. . . well, everybody. For the first time, we have the tools to make group action truly a reality. And they're going to change our whole world. 'As crisply argued and as enlightening a book about the internet as has been written' Daily Telegraph 'As usable as the technology he writes about' Independent 'Clay Shirky's masterpiece . . . glittering, brilliant insights that make me think, yes, of course, that's how it all works' Cory Doctorow, co-editor of Boing Boing 'Anyone interested in the vitality and influence of groups of human beings - from knitting circles, to political movements, to multinational corporations - needs to read this book' Steven Johnson, author of Everything Bad is Good for You and Emergence Clay Shirky writes, teaches, and consults on the social and economic effects of the internet. A professor at NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program, he has consulted for Nokia, Procter and Gamble, News Corp. , the BBC, the US Navy, and Lego. Over the years, his writings have appeared in The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Harvard Business Review, Wired, and IEEE Computer.
Here Or There?: A Survey Of Factors In Multinational R&d Location
by National Academy Of Sciences National Academy of Engineering Institute of Medicine of the National AcademiesIn this report to the Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable, authors Jerry Thursby and Marie Thursby summarize their research on the globalization of corporate R&D. The authors surveyed 200 multinational companies about recent and future R&D location decisions, and the factors influencing those decisions. The survey confirms that China and India are primary targets of R&D expansion, but this trend does not yet portend a "hollowing out" of R&D capability in the United States. R&D location decisions are complex and driven by a variety of factors, including the potential for market growth, the quality of R&D personnel, and the environment for collaborating with universities. The cost of research, while important, is not the primary factor in siting decisions.
Heredity: The Science Of Life
by Susan SchaferThis study of macroeconomics combines treatment of opposing theories with a presentation of evidence to point the way toward a reconstructed macro research and policy programme.