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HGRM (B): Launching Hoxell, a New IT Venture
by Gabriele Piccoli Arnold B. Peinado Lynda M. ApplegateSupplement
The Hidden Agenda: A Proven Way to Win Business and Create a Following
by Kevin AllenEach of us pitches ideas every day. Regardless of what idea we're selling--or who we're selling it to--it all boils down to the act of stirring someone to join you, to agree to follow you. Yet we consistently underestimate how critical it is to recognize the role of the decision maker. Decisions are, after all, made by people; and people have needs and agendas, spoken and unspoken. Understanding these needs and agendas are critical to success in business. Kevin Allen's approach is not about persuading, but about creating a connection that assures a mutual win. By unearthing the true motivation or desire of the decision maker, Allen shows how to craft a story or message around it, creating a predictable and repeatable end result. Full of stories and examples, this entertaining book teaches you how to effectively find, connect, and finally speak to the Hidden Agenda to win business unfailingly, every time.
Hidden Agenda: Wenn Führung aus dem Ruder läuft (essentials)
by Hans Joachim HoppeDieses Buch gibt aus der Führungserfahrung des Autors ausgewählte „Klassiker“ zu scheitern in kompakter Form wieder und soll Führungskräften die Möglichkeit geben, aus Fehlern anderer zu lernen. Entscheidungen zu treffen, war noch nie so riskant wie heute und Fehlentscheidungen bzw. Führungsfehler können schnell den Kopf kosten. Kommen dann noch verdeckte Absichten ins Spiel, die „Hidden Agenda“, wird es brandgefährlich. Für die Mitarbeiter ist das, was sich „oben“ abspielt, in der Regel nicht zu durchschauen. Es bleibt ihnen nichts anderes übrig, als dem Management (blind) zu vertrauen. Dieses Buch ersetzt kein Führungstraining, doch für Manager, die sich zumindest regelmäßig reflektieren, soll es Hilfestellung und Anregung sein.
Hidden and Devalued Feminized Labour in the Digital Humanities: On the Index Thomisticus Project 1954-67 (Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities)
by Julianne NyhanHidden and Devalued Feminized Labour in the Digital Humanities examines the data-driven labour that underpinned the Index Thomisticus–a preeminent project of the incunabular digital humanities–and advanced the data-foundations of computing in the Humanities. Through oral history and archival research, Nyhan reveals a hidden history of the entanglements of gender in the intellectual and technical work of the early digital humanities. Setting feminized keypunching in its historical contexts–from the history of concordance making, to the feminization of the office and humanities computing–this book delivers new insight into the categories of work deemed meritorious of acknowledgement and attribution and, thus, how knowledge and expertise was defined in and by this field. Focalizing the overlooked yet significant data-driven labour of lesser-known individuals, this book challenges exclusionary readings of the history of computing in the Humanities. Contributing to ongoing conversations about the need for alternative genealogies of computing, this book is also relevant to current debates about diversity and representation in the Academy and the wider computing sector. Hidden and Devalued Feminized Labour in the Digital Humanities will be of interest to researchers and students studying digital humanities, library and information science, the history of computing, oral history, the history of the humanities, and the sociology of knowledge and science.
The Hidden Barriers and Enablers of Team-Based Ideation (Palgrave Studies in Creativity and Innovation in Organizations)
by Linda Suzanne FolkThis book explores elements of team dynamics and interactions that block or enable effective ideation. The author investigates interpersonal dynamics, inhibitors of collaboration and boosters of ideation efficiency that govern the ability of a team to generate new and valuable ideas.Where it is widely accepted that teams are a necessity in the creative process, this book highlights the inconsistency in terms of quality and reliability of creative output when looking at teams. Why do some teams struggle, and others succeed in innovating? This book offers a valuable resource for those interested in the qualities and interventions that can impact the ideation potential of a team.
Hidden Champions Case Compendium: Leading Global Markets – Case Studies and Texts
by Jan-Philipp Büchler Christina HoonThis textbook provides an in-depth portfolio of case studies of globally operating and market leading medium-sized companies, mostly based in Germany. Students in the field of strategic management, family business management, information technology, and engineering may comprehensively explore the success factors of these hidden champions. Assignments and discussion sections help to dive deeper into the topics of innovation, internationalization, and leadership. Practitioners may gain valuable insights into growth trajectories and strategic decisions for achieving and sustaining market leadership. All case studies have been developed in direct cooperation with the companies and tested in teaching.
Hidden Champions in CEE and Turkey
by Peter Mckiernan Danica PurgThis book presents hidden champions in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and Turkey that have been studied as a joint project between CEEMAN and IEDC-Bled School of Management, Slovenia. This is an outcome of extensive research undertaken by over 30 researchers and covers 15 countries from Russia to Albania; covering many contexts, political systems, cultures and infrastructures. The reader is provided with a detailed introduction to the concept of hidden champions and describes the cases studied in this project. This book is an invaluable resource providing a culmination of interdisciplinary, cross-study chapters ranging from leadership to performance drivers; from organization to culture and governance; from innovativeness to sustainability and further to the financial aspects of hidden champions business models. These meta level chapters are followed by 15 country-specific chapters which provide an overview of each country's history, economic indicators and vignettes of the cases involved in this study.
Hidden Champions in Dynamically Changing Societies: Critical Success Factors for Market Leadership
by Danica Purg Alenka Braček LalićHidden champions are highly successful small and medium-sized companies that are global leaders in terms of market share in their respective niches. Presenting the outcomes of an in-depth, multinational study on hidden champions in Central, Eastern, and Southeast Europe, Russia, China, Mongolia and Turkey, this book provides essential insights into the critical drivers of success, market leadership positions, competitive advantage, and core lessons learned on the road to business prosperity. It also addresses development needs in connection with management, financing and the regulatory environment, which can in turn be used to create recommendations for various stakeholders (e.g. governments, financial institutions, management development institutions) in order to support hidden champions in their further growth and business success.
Hidden Champions in the Chinese Century: Ascent and Transformation
by Hermann Simon“Hidden Champions” are medium-sized, unknown companies with annual revenues under $5 billion that have quietly, under the radar, become world market leaders in their respective industries. In this new instalment to his worldwide bestselling Hidden Champions volumes, Hermann Simon takes readers on in-depth exploration of the ever changing operating conditions and the greater uncertainty and volatility that defines the global business sphere over the next ten years. In particular, in this book he focuses on China’s continued impact on the business world since its rise in the global business and economic sphere over recent decades. In this regard, Dr. Simon shows the reader how the current status evolved, and then offers concrete and actionable recommendations. New driving forces such as digitalization, business ecosystems and sustainability receive special attention. While the main focus is on companies in German-speaking countries as they comprise 56 percent of the world’s Hidden Champions, the success factors mentioned in this book can be applied globally to mid-sized companies in other regions as they strive to become global market leaders. Whether a company is a “Hidden Champion”, aspires to be one, or wants to emulate their success model, Dr. Simon’s new book provides essential food for thought as executives and managers chart their course into the future.
Hidden Champions of the Twenty-First Century
by Hermann SimonWhat do Tetra aquarium supplies, Elector-Nite sensors, and Nissha touch panels have in common? They are typical "hidden champions", medium-sized, unknown companies that have quietly, under the radar, become world market leaders in their respective industries. Going deep inside more than a thousand hidden champions around the world, Hermann Simon reveals the common patterns, behaviors, and approaches that make these secretive companies successful by bucking today's management fads, and pursuing such common-sense strategies as focusing on core capabilities, establishing long-term relationships with customers, innovating continuously, rewarding employees for performance, and developing a global presence. In turbulent economic times, the hidden champions represent an antidote to the short-sighted and excessive practices that have brought many corporate giants crashing down, and may well serve as the new role models for sustainable economic growth.
The Hidden Cost of Being African American: How Wealth Perpetuates Inequality
by Thomas M. ShapiroOver the past three decades, racial prejudice in America has declined significantly and many African American families have seen a steady rise in employment and annual income. But alongside these encouraging signs, Thomas Shapiro argues in The Hidden Cost of Being African American, fundamental levels of racial inequality persist, particularly in the area of asset accumulation--inheritance, savings accounts, stocks, bonds, home equity, and other investments. Shapiro reveals how the lack of these family assets along with continuing racial discrimination in crucial areas like home ownership dramatically impact the everyday lives of many black families, reversing gains earned in schools and on jobs, and perpetuating the cycle of poverty in which far too many find themselves trapped. Shapiro uses a combination of in-depth interviews with almost 200 families from Los Angeles, Boston, and St. Louis, and national survey data with 10,000 families to show how racial inequality is transmitted across generations. We see how those families with private wealth are able to move up from generation to generation, relocating to safer communities with better schools and passing along the accompanying advantages to their children. At the same time those without significant wealth remain trapped in communities that don't allow them to move up, no matter how hard they work. Shapiro challenges white middle class families to consider how the privileges that wealth brings not only improve their own chances but also hold back people who don't have them. This "wealthfare" is a legacy of inequality that, if unchanged, will project social injustice far into the future. Showing that over half of black families fall below the asset poverty line at the beginning of the new century, The Hidden Cost of Being African American will challenge all Americans to reconsider what must be done to end racial inequality.
Hidden Costs, Values Lost: Uninsurance in America
by Institute of Medicine of the National AcademiesHidden Cost, Value Lost, the fifth of a series of six books on the consequences of uninsurance in the United States, illustrates some of the economic and social losses to the country of maintaining so many people without health insurance. The book explores the potential economic and societal benefits that could be realized if everyone had health insurance on a continuous basis, as people over age 65 currently do with Medicare. Hidden Costs, Value Lost concludes that the estimated benefits across society in health years of life gained by providing the uninsured with the kind and amount of health services that the insured use, are likely greater than the additional social costs of doing so. The potential economic value to be gained in better health outcomes from uninterrupted coverage for all Americans is estimated to be between $65 and $130 billion each year.
Hidden Credit Repair Secrets: How I Bounced Back From Bankruptcy,
by Mark ClayborneUnderstanding Credit Reports, The Dispute Process, When the Credit Bureaus Won't Fix My Credit Report, How to Remove the ""Eleven Killers"" from My Credit Report, How to Repair My Credit with Debt Settlement Techniques, How to Repair My Credit Using Credit Repair Companies, Suing the Credit Bureaus to Get Them to Remove Negative <P><P> Information from My Credit Report, Rebuilding My Credit from the Ground Up, Raising My Credit Score, Can I Stop the Collection Agencies in Their Tracks, How Can I Protect My Good Credit During a Divorce, Should I File for Bankruptcy, How Do I Recover From Identity Theft.
Hidden Debt: Solutions to Avert the Next Financial Crisis in South Asia (South Asia Development Matters)
by Martin MeleckyThe COVID-19 crisis, which has sent economies in South Asia and around the world into a deep recession, has highlighted South Asia’s rising debt levels and sizable hidden liabilities. State-owned enterprises, state-owned commercial banks, and public-private partnerships have been at the center of the rising debt wave and the latest pandemic response. Historically,South Asia has relied on these direct public interventions more than other regions. The interventions have helped governments tackle key development challenges and rapidly deliver relief measures during crises. However, because of their inefficiencies and weak governance, the interventions are also a significant source of public indebtedness and macrofinancial risks. Hidden Debt examines the trade-off between tackling development challenges through direct state presence in the market and avoiding unsustainable debt due to economic inefficiencies of such off†“balance sheet operations, which greatly leverage public capital. The study recommends a reform agenda based on the four interrelated principles of purpose, incentives, transparency, and accountability (PITA). The reforms can mitigate the risks that off†“balance sheet operations will become the source of the next financial crisis in South Asia.
Hidden Differences: Doing Business With The Japanese
by Edward T. Hall Mildred Reed HallAn analysis and explanation of the unstated rules of Japanese-American business relations. By drawing Western readers into the world in which they must function, the Halls simplify the process of adapting Western ways to a new environment.
Hidden Digital Champions: Wie sich KMUs und das Handwerk für die Zukunft rüsten (Fit for Future)
by Nadja ForsterDer digitale Wandel trifft jedes Unternehmen. Er ist kein Hype oder Trend mehr, sondern mittlerweile Fakt. In der heutigen Zeit reicht es nicht mehr aus, sich mit Prozessoptimierungen oder minimalen Produktanpassungen auseinanderzusetzen. Die Megatrends der Zukunft zeigen, dass die digitale Transformation in die Geschäftsstrategie der Unternehmen integriert werden muss. Neues Denken und neues Handeln ist gefragt. Konkrete Handlungs- und Umsetzungsbeispiele liefert Ihnen dieses Fachbuch. Neben den künftigen Entwicklungen zeigt das Buch zudem auf, welche Veränderungsfelder in den unternehmerischen Fokus rücken müssen, um langfristig am Markt bestehen zu bleiben. Das muss nicht immer mit einem kompletten Wandel einhergehen. Digital Hidden Champions beweisen, dass man auch mit kleinen Schritten mit der Zeit gehen kann.Über die Reihe Fit for FutureDie Zukunft wird massive Veränderungen im Arbeits- und Privatleben mit sich bringen. Tendenzen gehen sogar dahin, dass die klassische Teilung zwischen Arbeitszeit und Freizeit nicht mehr gelingen wird. Eine neue Zeit – die sogenannte „Lebenszeit“ – beginnt. Laut Bundesregierung werden in den nächsten Jahren viele Berufe einen tiefgreifenden Wandel erleben und in ihrer derzeitigen Form nicht mehr existieren. Im Gegenzug wird es neue Berufe geben, von denen wir heute noch nicht wissen, wie diese aussehen oder welche Tätigkeiten diese beinhalten werden. Betriebsökonomen schildern mögliche Szenarien, dass eine stetig steigende Anzahl an Arbeitsplätzen durch Digitalisierung und Robotisierung gefährdet sind. Die Reihe „Fit for future“ beschäftigt sich eingehend mit dieser Thematik und bringt zum Ausdruck, wie wichtig es ist, sich diesen neuen Rahmenbedingungen am Markt anzupassen, flexibel zu sein, seine Kompetenzen zu stärken und „Fit for future“ zu werden. Der Initiator der Buchreihe Peter Buchenau lädt hierzu namhafte Experten ein, ihren Erfahrungsschatz auf Papier zu bringen und zu schildern, welche Kompetenzen es brauchen wird, um auch künftig erfolgreich am Markt zu agieren. Ein Buch von der Praxis für die Praxis, von Profis für Profis. Leser und Leserinnen erhalten „einen Blick in die Zukunft“ und die Möglichkeit, ihre berufliche Entwicklung rechtzeitig mitzugestalten.
The Hidden Dynamics of Path Dependence
by Georg Schreyögg Jörg SydowThe theory of path dependence continues to attract great interest in a range of disciplines. An increasing number of scholars have started to explicitly use this theory for studying organizational inertia and institutional rigidities. This volume presents a collection of papers from various international conferences that address these issues.
The Hidden Edge: Why Mental Fitness is the Only Advantage That Matters in Business
by Jodie RogersUncover the secret to achieving peak mental performance in the ground-breaking new book, The Hidden Edge: Why Mental Fitness is the Only Advantage That Matters in Business Join eminent leadership and team development expert, Jodie Rogers on an inspiring and insightful journey into managing the most important asset of all – the human mind. Packed full of engaging stories and fascinating real-world case studies, The Hidden Edge: Why Mental Fitness is the Only Advantage That Matters in Business, applies key psychological concepts to the modern business world. If we want businesses that are agile and adaptable to change, we first need people who are. Jodie will teach you how to leverage perspective, mindset, values and emotions to master your mental fitness and thus improve business performance. A business case is even laid out within the book showing exactly how enhanced mental fitness can positively impact the bottom line of your business. This book not only has the power to improve your own life, but shares resources you can use with your teams to develop an engaged, resilient and more productive workforce. The Hidden Edge: Why Mental Fitness is the Only Advantage That Matters in Business employs simple yet powerful exercises, tools and techniques you can implement each day to: Regulate your thoughts, emotions and feelings to stay calm and in control during stressful situations. Understand how values and beliefs influence decision making (both at the individual & team level) and how to leverage them for performance Cultivate the resilience required to navigate setbacks and change Develop the mental agility necessary for an ever-changing workplace If you are a forward-thinking business leader, HR professional, or anyone looking to accelerate growth, enable change and improve adaptability in your organisation, The Hidden Edge: Why Mental Fitness is the Only Advantage That Matters in Business is the perfect guide.
Hidden Games: The Surprising Power of Game Theory to Explain Irrational Human Behaviour
by Moshe Hoffman Erez Yoeli'Packed with fresh and clear insights that will change the way you think about the world' Uri Gneezy'One of those books that you pick up and then can't put down' Steve Stewart-Williams'This is a book I will come back to again and again' Nichola RaihaniHow game theory - the ultimate theory of rationality - explains irrational behaviour.In Hidden Games, MIT economists Moshe Hoffman and Erez Yoeli find a surprising middle ground between the hyperrationality of classical economics and the hyper-irrationality of behavioural economics. They call it hidden games. Reviving game theory, Hoffman and Yoeli use it to explain our most puzzling behaviour, from the mechanics of Stockholm syndrome and internalised misogyny to why we help strangers and have a sense of fairness.Fun and powerfully insightful, Hidden Games is an eye-opening argument for using game theory to explain all the irrational things we think, feel, and do and will change how you think forever.
Hidden Games: The Surprising Power of Game Theory to Explain Irrational Human Behaviour
by Moshe Hoffman Erez Yoeli'Packed with fresh and clear insights that will change the way you think about the world' Uri Gneezy'One of those books that you pick up and then can't put down' Steve Stewart-Williams'This is a book I will come back to again and again' Nichola RaihaniHow game theory - the ultimate theory of rationality - explains irrational behaviour.In Hidden Games, MIT economists Moshe Hoffman and Erez Yoeli find a surprising middle ground between the hyperrationality of classical economics and the hyper-irrationality of behavioural economics. They call it hidden games. Reviving game theory, Hoffman and Yoeli use it to explain our most puzzling behaviour, from the mechanics of Stockholm syndrome and internalised misogyny to why we help strangers and have a sense of fairness.Fun and powerfully insightful, Hidden Games is an eye-opening argument for using game theory to explain all the irrational things we think, feel, and do and will change how you think forever.(P) 2022 Hodder & Stoughton Limited
Hidden Games: The Surprising Power of Game Theory to Explain Irrational Human Behavior
by Erez Yoeli Moshe HoffmanTwo MIT economists show how game theory—the ultimate theory of rationality—explains irrational behavior We like to think of ourselves as rational. This idea is the foundation for classical economic analysis of human behavior, including the awesome achievements of game theory. But as behavioral economics shows, most behavior doesn&’t seem rational at all—which, unfortunately, to cast doubt on game theory&’s real-world credibility. In Hidden Games, Moshe Hoffman and Erez Yoeli find a surprising middle ground between the hyperrationality of classical economics and the hyper-irrationality of behavioral economics. They call it hidden games. Reviving game theory, Hoffman and Yoeli use it to explain our most puzzling behavior, from the mechanics of Stockholm syndrome and internalized misogyny to why we help strangers and have a sense of fairness. Fun and powerfully insightful, Hidden Games is an eye-opening argument for using game theory to explain all the irrational things we think, feel, and do.
The Hidden Globe: How Wealth Hacks the World
by null Atossa Araxia AbrahamianONE OF THE WASHINGTON POST'S TOP 10 BEST BOOKS OF 2024A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABLE BOOK OF THE YEAR &“Vivid, revelatory, and politically unpredictable…What bothers Abrahamian, in the end, isn&’t the anarchic but the unfair; if capital is free, people deserve the same respect.&” — Gideon Lewis-Kraus, The New Yorker"A season of unrest looms ahead, and The Hidden Globe lays out the unvarnished truth in a luminous feat of reportage.&”—Hamilton Cain, Minneapolis Star TribuneBorders draw one map of the world; money draws another. A journalist&’s riveting account exposes a parallel universe that has become a haven for the rich and powerful. A globe shows the world we think we know: neatly delineated sovereign nations that grant or restrict their citizens&’ rights. Beneath, above, and tucked inside their borders, however, another universe has been engineered into existence. It consists of thousands of extraterritorial zones that operate largely autonomously, and increasingly for the benefit of the wealthiest individuals and corporations. Atossa Abrahamian traces the rise of this hidden globe to thirteenth-century Switzerland, where poor cantons marketed their only commodity: bodies, in the form of mercenary fighters. Over time, economists, theorists, statesmen, and consultants evolved ever more sophisticated ways of exporting and exploiting statelessness, in the form of free trade zones, flags of convenience, offshore detention centers, charter cities controlled by foreign corporations, and even into outer space. By mapping this countergeography, which decides who wins and who loses in the new global order—and helping us to see how it might be otherwise—The Hidden Globe fascinates, enrages, and inspires.
The Hidden Habits of Genius: Beyond Talent, IQ, and Grit—Unlocking the Secrets of Greatness
by Craig Wright“An unusually engaging book on the forces that fuel originality across fields.” --Adam GrantLooking at the 14 key traits of genius, from curiosity to creative maladjustment to obsession, Professor Craig Wright, creator of Yale University's popular “Genius Course,” explores what we can learn from brilliant minds that have changed the world. Einstein. Beethoven. Picasso. Jobs. The word genius evokes these iconic figures, whose cultural contributions have irreversibly shaped society.Yet Beethoven could not multiply. Picasso couldn’t pass a 4th grade math test. And Jobs left high school with a 2.65 GPA. What does this say about our metrics for measuring success and achievement today? Why do we teach children to behave and play by the rules, when the transformative geniuses of Western culture have done just the opposite? And what is genius, really?Professor Craig Wright, creator of Yale University’s popular “Genius Course,” has devoted more than two decades to exploring these questions and probing the nature of this term, which is deeply embedded in our culture. In The Hidden Habits of Genius, he reveals what we can learn from the lives of those we have dubbed “geniuses,” past and present.Examining the lives of transformative individuals ranging from Charles Darwin and Marie Curie to Leonardo Da Vinci and Andy Warhol to Toni Morrison and Elon Musk, Wright identifies more than a dozen drivers of genius—characteristics and patterns of behavior common to great minds throughout history. He argues that genius is about more than intellect and work ethic—it is far more complex—and that the famed “eureka” moment is a Hollywood fiction. Brilliant insights that change the world are never sudden, but rather, they are the result of unique modes of thinking and lengthy gestation. Most importantly, the habits of mind that produce great thinking and discovery can be actively learned and cultivated, and Wright shows us how.This book won't make you a genius. But embracing the hidden habits of these transformative individuals will make you more strategic, creative, and successful, and, ultimately, happier.
Hidden Hand: Exposing How the Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World
by Clive Hamilton Mareike OhlbergThe Chinese Communist Party is determined to reshape the world in its image. The party is not interested in democracy. It sees only a bitter ideological struggle with the West, dividing the world into those who can be won over, and enemies. Many political and business elites have already been lured to their corner; others are weighing up a devil&’s bargain. Through its enormous economic power and covert influence operations, China is now weakening global institutions, aggressively targeting individual corporations, and threatening freedom of expression from the arts to academia. At the same time, Western security services are increasingly worried about incursions into our communications infrastructure. In a landmark study combining meticulous research with unique insights, Hidden Hand exposes the Chinese Communist Party&’s global program of subversion, and the threat it poses to democracy. We have already missed too many warning signs – now it is time to wake up.
Hidden Hand: Exposing How the Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World
by Clive Hamilton Mareike OhlbergThe Chinese Communist Party is determined to reshape the world in its image. The party is not interested in democracy. It sees only a bitter ideological struggle with the West, dividing the world into those who can be won over, and enemies. Many political and business elites have already been lured to their corner; others are weighing up a devil&’s bargain. Through its enormous economic power and covert influence operations, China is now weakening global institutions, aggressively targeting individual corporations, and threatening freedom of expression from the arts to academia. At the same time, Western security services are increasingly worried about incursions into our communications infrastructure. In a landmark study combining meticulous research with unique insights, Hidden Hand exposes the Chinese Communist Party&’s global program of subversion, and the threat it poses to democracy. We have already missed too many warning signs – now it is time to wake up.