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High Concept: Movies and Marketing in Hollywood
by Justin WyattSteven Spielberg once said, "I like ideas, especially movie ideas, that you can hold in your hand. If a person can tell me the idea in twenty-five words or less, it's going to make a pretty good movie. " Spielberg's comment embodies the essence of the high concept film, which can be condensed into one simple sentence that inspires marketing campaigns, lures audiences, and separates success from failure at the box office. This pioneering study explores the development and dominance of the high concept movie within commercial Hollywood filmmaking since the late 1970s. Justin Wyatt describes how box office success, always important in Hollywood, became paramount in the era in which major film studios passed into the hands of media conglomerates concerned more with the economics of filmmaking than aesthetics. In particular, he shows how high concept films became fully integrated with their marketing, so that a single phrase ("Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water . . . ") could sell the movie to studio executives and provide copy for massive advertising campaigns; a single image or a theme song could instantly remind potential audience members of the movie, and tie-in merchandise could generate millions of dollars in additional income.
High Conflict: Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out
by Amanda RipleyWhen we are baffled by the insanity of the &“other side&”—in our politics, at work, or at home—it&’s because we aren&’t seeing how the conflict itself has taken over.That&’s what &“high conflict&” does. It&’s the invisible hand of our time. And it&’s different from the useful friction of healthy conflict. That&’s good conflict, and it&’s a necessary force that pushes us to be better people. High conflict is what happens when discord distills into a good-versus-evil kind of feud, the kind with an us and a them. In this state, the brain behaves differently. We feel increasingly certain of our own superiority, and everything we do to try to end the conflict, usually makes it worse. Eventually, we can start to mimic the behavior of our adversaries, harming what we hold most dear. In this &“compulsively readable&” (Evan Osnos, National Book Award-winning author) book, New York Times bestselling author and award-winning journalist Amanda Ripley investigates how good people get captured by high conflict—and how they break free. Our journey begins in California, where a world-renowned conflict expert struggles to extract himself from a political feud. Then we meet a Chicago gang leader who dedicates his life to a vendetta—only to realize, years later, that the story he&’d told himself about the conflict was not quite true. Next, we travel to Colombia, to find out whether thousands of people can be nudged out of high conflict at scale. Finally, we return to America to see what happens when a group of liberal Manhattan Jews and conservative Michigan corrections officers choose to stay in each other&’s homes in order to understand one another better, even as they continue to disagree. All these people, in dramatically different situations, were drawn into high conflict by similar forces, including conflict entrepreneurs, humiliation, and false binaries. But ultimately, all of them found ways to transform high conflict into good conflict, the kind that made them better people. They rehumanized and recategorized their opponents, and they revived curiosity and wonder, even as they continued to fight for what they knew was right. People do escape high conflict. Individuals—even entire communities—can short-circuit the feedback loops of outrage and blame, if they want to. This is an &“insightful and enthralling&” (The New York Times Book Review) book—and a mind-opening new way to think about conflict that will transform how we move through the world.
The High Cost of Low Morale...and what to do about it
by Carol A. HackerWhile the morale of an organization is an intangible element composed of feelings and attitudes of individuals and groups, the effects of morale include tangible and extremely important factors such as profits, efficiency, quality, and productivity. Low morale and its costliest indicator, high turnover, can be a tremendous drain on a company's finances. Managers often view morale as mysterious and unpredictable, when in fact it is a measurable, controllable expense. The High Cost of Low Morale explores the underlying causes of low morale and offers you field-proven, practical methods for increasing morale and reducing turnover in your organization.
High-cost Oil and Gas Resources (Routledge Library Editions: Energy Economics)
by Jerome DavisOriginally published in 1981, this book discusses the development of higher cost North Sea gas and oil fields. Starting with the perceived need to develop these higher cost fields, the book focuses on their role in the policy interplay between government and industry. What is high cost, it is argued, is not only economically but also institutionally determined and through a comparative analysis of British and Danish policies with regard to high cost fields the author maintains that the role of institutional factors has been underplayed.
High Cotton: Four Seasons in the Mississippi Delta (Banner Books)
by Gerard HelferichThis dirt-under-the-fingernails portrait of a small-time farmer follows Zack Killebrew over a single year as he struggles to defend his cotton against such timeless adversaries as weeds, insects, and drought, as well as such twenty-first-century threats as globalization. Over the course of the season, Helferich describes how this singular crop has stamped American history and culture like no other. Then, as Killebrew prepares to harvest his cotton, two hurricanes named Katrina and Rita devastate the Gulf Coast and barrel inland. Killebrew's tale is at once a glimpse into our nation's past, a rich commentary on our present, and a plain-sighted vision of the future of farming in the Mississippi Delta.On first publication, High Cotton won the Authors Award from the Mississippi Library Association. This updated edition includes a new afterword, which resumes the story of Zack Killebrew and his family, discusses how cotton farming has continued to change, and shows how the Delta has retained its elemental character.
High Courts and Economic Governance in Argentina and Brazil
by Diana KapiszewskiHigh Courts and Economic Governance in Argentina and Brazil analyzes how high courts and elected leaders in Latin America interacted over neoliberal restructuring, one of the most significant socioeconomic transformations in recent decades. Courts face a critical choice when deciding cases concerning national economic policy, weighing rule of law concerns against economic imperatives. Elected leaders confront equally difficult dilemmas when courts issue decisions challenging their actions. Based on extensive fieldwork in Argentina and Brazil, this study identifies striking variation in inter-branch interactions between the two countries. In Argentina, while high courts often defer to politicians in the economic realm, inter-branch relations are punctuated by tense bouts of conflict. Brazilian courts and elected officials, by contrast, routinely accommodate one another in their decisions about economic policy. Diana Kapiszewski argues that the two high courts' contrasting characters - political in Argentina and statesman-like in Brazil - shaped their decisions on controversial cases and conditioned how elected leaders responded to their rulings, channeling inter-branch interactions into persistent patterns.
High-Dimensional Covariance Matrix Estimation: An Introduction to Random Matrix Theory (SpringerBriefs in Applied Statistics and Econometrics)
by Aygul ZagidullinaThis book presents covariance matrix estimation and related aspects of random matrix theory. It focuses on the sample covariance matrix estimator and provides a holistic description of its properties under two asymptotic regimes: the traditional one, and the high-dimensional regime that better fits the big data context. It draws attention to the deficiencies of standard statistical tools when used in the high-dimensional setting, and introduces the basic concepts and major results related to spectral statistics and random matrix theory under high-dimensional asymptotics in an understandable and reader-friendly way. The aim of this book is to inspire applied statisticians, econometricians, and machine learning practitioners who analyze high-dimensional data to apply the recent developments in their work.
High Energy Costs: Uneven, Unfair, Unavoidable? (Routledge Revivals)
by Joseph M. Dukert Hans H. LandsbergHigh energy prices affect nearly the whole of the American population, arguably affecting some consumer groups more than others. Although originally published in 1981, the issues explored in this study such as who is affected most by energy price increases, regional differences and what can or should be done in the United States in regards to energy costs are still as relevant today as they were then. These papers attempt to directly address these concerns in the wake of the 1979-80 price shock in America and to advise what action can be taken to allay these concerns. This title will be of interest to students of environmental studies and economics.
The High Engagement Work Culture
by David Bowles Cary CooperThe 2008 crisis set off a systemic panic which almost engulfed the world's financial system. Through a lens of sustainability this book examines how organisations can explore a new business culture today. Drawing from real-life examples and new ideas Bowles and Cooper discuss how organisations can move from 'me' to 'we'.
High Finance: Os Segredos Que Wall Street Quer Esconder de Você
by Logan C. KaneSeus 20 milhões já estão no banco, só que na conta de outra pessoa nesse momento. Wall Street está mentindo para você. Assim como aqueles funcionários amigáveis do cassino, corretores de ações e consultores financeiros, que sistematicamente tiram o dinheiro do seu bolso e o transfere para seus próprios bolsos. Este livro explica como isso acontece e como você pode impedí-los. "High Finance" já ajudou milhares de pessoas ao redor do mundo a virar o jogo dos invetimentos, e com certeza irá ajudar você também. Se deseja aprender como vencer, comece aqui. Você encontrará: •Exemplos de trades vencedores com ações e opções feitos pelo autor e como você pode replicá-las; •Por que as comissões e tarifas são o maior obstáculo encarado pela maioria dos investidores e traders, e como é possível reduzí-las drasticamente, independente do seu estilo de operar; •Um simples segredo que proporcionará um pouco mais de lucro em todo trade, por meio da aplicação do poder da negociação no mercado de ações; •Como a indústria do cartão de crédito se tornou uma das mais lucrativas, e como os investidores podem conseguir uma fatia desse mercado através dos empréstimos P2P (peer to peer); •Uma dica para gerar ganhos de capital quando investido em títulos de dívida; •Uma introdução ao elegante e simples Critério Kelly, usado originalmente por apostadores profissionais. O Critério Kelly o ajudará a controlar os riscos no trading e maximizará seu lucro médio; •Como a filosofia oriental pode ajudar a melhorar suas habilidades como trader; •Fórmulas para estimar retornos com ações e títulos de dívida; •Uma rápida revisão sobre estratégias de proteção de ativos; •Alternativas para economias nos pagamentos de impostos para qualquer nível de renda, e mu
High Finance: I Segreti Nascosti di Wall Street (The\millionaire Trader Ser.)
by Logan C. KaneBest seller internazionale. “High Finance” ha aiutato migliaia di persone a prendersi una rivincita su Wall Street, non solo negli Stati Uniti e in Canada, ma anche in altri paesi come Francia, Germania, Ungheria, Corea del Sud e Cina. Il tema principale del libro è che Wall Street batte gli investitori retail con tutta una serie di piccoli margini, come commissioni, compensi, spread prezzi denaro/lettera e interessi su margine, proprio come i margini della casa dei casinò o degli allibratori. Potrete identificare dove si trovano questi margini ed evitarle. Attraverso il controllo dei vostri costi, avrete una maggiore possibilità di ottenere un profitto consistente, sia che siate dei day trader sia che investiate a lungo termine. Ci saranno molti scettici che vi diranno che è impossibile guadagnare con il mercato azionario. Ebbene, si sbagliano. Sia che scegliate di far crescere costantemente il vostro capitale attraverso investimenti prudenti e a basso costo oppure macinando negoziazioni redditizie una dopo l’altra, potrete raggiungere i vostri obiettivi solo se capirete come funziona il sistema. Non c’è penuria di soldi nel mondo; è solo che non sono equamente distribuiti. C’è chi può permettersi di vivere in ville e penthouse in ogni parte del mondo; che ne dite di fare in modo che questo possa accadere anche a voi? Investimenti intelligenti e trading possono farvi fare più soldi di quanti ne avete mai sognati; e nella maniera più veloce possibile. Il 90% degli investitori perde denaro o a malapena raggiunge il pareggio. Voi meritate di meglio! Gli squali di Wall Street hanno una costante offerta di pesci, e questo libro è solo una goccia nell’oceano. Ma visto che lo state leggendo, avrete l’occasione di unirvi alla parte vincente. Imparate il funzionamento del gioco, quali sono le regole, come potete vincere. All’interno: Esempi di negoziazioni vincenti su azioni e opzioni realizzate dall�
High Finance: The Secrets Wall Street wil niet dat je het weet
by Logan C. KaneHigh Finance heeft duizenden mensen geholpen de tafel te draaien op Wall Street, niet alleen in de Verenigde Staten en Canada, maar ook in 17 andere landen, zoals Frankrijk, Duitsland, Hongarije, Zuid-Korea en China. Het hoofdthema van het boek is dat Wall Street particuliere beleggers verslaat door een reeks kleine voordelen, zoals commissies, vergoedingen, bied / laat-spreads en margerente, net als het voordeel van het huis in het casino of sportsbook. U kunt identificeren waar deze randen zijn en ze vermijden. Door uw kosten te beheersen, hebt u een veel betere kans om een substantiële winst te behalen, of u nu voor de lange termijn handelt of investeert. Er zijn veel nee-zeggers die zullen zeggen dat het voor u onmogelijk is om geld te verdienen op de aandelenmarkt. Ze hebben het mis. Of u er nu voor kiest om uw kapitaal gestaag te laten groeien door voorzichtige, goedkope investeringen of door winstgevende handel na winstgevende handel na te jagen, u bent in staat uw doelen te bereiken als u begrijpt hoe het systeem werkt. Er is geen tekort aan geld in deze wereld; het geld is gewoon niet gelijk verdeeld. Iemand komt in elk landhuis en penthouse over de hele wereld wonen, wat als jij het zou kunnen zijn? Slim beleggen en handelen kan u meer geld opleveren dan u ooit had gedroomd; sneller dan je dacht dat mogelijk was. 90 procent van de beleggers verliest geld of breekt alleen maar uit. Je verdient beter! De haaien op Wall Street hebben een constante aanvoer van vis en dit boek is slechts een druppel in de oceaan. Omdat je aan het lezen bent, voeg je je bij de winnende partij. Leer hoe het spel werkt, wat de regels zijn, hoe je kunt winnen. Binnen: Voorbeelden van winnende aandelen en optiehandel die de auteur heeft gemaakt en hoe u deze kunt repliceren. Waarom commissies en vergoedingen het grootste obstakel vormen voor de meeste beleggers en handelaren, en hoe u deze drastisch kunt verminderen, ongeacht uw handelsstijl. Een e
High Five!: The Magic Of Working Together
by Ken Blanchard Sheldon Bowles Don Carew Eunice Parisi-CarewHigh Five! combines the spellbinding charm of a timeless parable with cutting-edge information about why teams are important and what individuals and organizations can do to build successful ones. Through the story of Alan Foster, a workplace one-man band, High Five! identifies the four key ingredients of winning teams. Although Alan is an effective producer, he is unwilling to share the spotlight by partnering on projects and is fired because, as his boss puts it, "Alan, we need good producers who are good team players, too. " It is a bitter pill for him to swallow. While mulling over his disappointment, he takes his son to his grade-five hockey practice, where it is clear that his son's team, the Riverbend Warriors, knows nothing about teamwork, either. When the team's two overworked coaches learn of Alan's plight, they persuade him to join their ranks, and he finds himself charged with teaching himself and the players the meaning of teamwork. With the help of a woman friend-a former girls' basketball coach who has "won more high school basketball championships than anyone"-Alan and the Warriors learn the magic of teamwork and that "none of us is as smart as all of us. " With its simple style and easy-to-follow techniques, High Five! is a must-read for anyone seeking to learn the value and power of teamwork.
High-Frequency Financial Econometrics
by Yacine Aït-Sahalia Jean JacodA comprehensive introduction to the statistical and econometric methods for analyzing high-frequency financial dataHigh-frequency trading is an algorithm-based computerized trading practice that allows firms to trade stocks in milliseconds. Over the last fifteen years, the use of statistical and econometric methods for analyzing high-frequency financial data has grown exponentially. This growth has been driven by the increasing availability of such data, the technological advancements that make high-frequency trading strategies possible, and the need of practitioners to analyze these data. This comprehensive book introduces readers to these emerging methods and tools of analysis.Yacine Aït-Sahalia and Jean Jacod cover the mathematical foundations of stochastic processes, describe the primary characteristics of high-frequency financial data, and present the asymptotic concepts that their analysis relies on. Aït-Sahalia and Jacod also deal with estimation of the volatility portion of the model, including methods that are robust to market microstructure noise, and address estimation and testing questions involving the jump part of the model. As they demonstrate, the practical importance and relevance of jumps in financial data are universally recognized, but only recently have econometric methods become available to rigorously analyze jump processes.Aït-Sahalia and Jacod approach high-frequency econometrics with a distinct focus on the financial side of matters while maintaining technical rigor, which makes this book invaluable to researchers and practitioners alike.
The High Frequency Game Changer
by Paul Zubulake Sang LeeThe financial industry's leading independent research firm's forward-looking assessment into high frequency trading Once regarded as a United States-focused trend, today, high frequency trading is gaining momentum around the world. Yet, while high frequency trading continues to be one of the hottest trends in the markets, due to the highly proprietary nature of the computer transactions, financial firms and institutions have made very little available in terms of information or "how-to" techniques. That's all changed with The High Frequency Game Changer: How Automated Trading Strategies Have Revolutionized the Markets. In the book, Zubulake and Lee present an overview of how high frequency trading is changing the face of the market. The book Explains how we got here and what it means to traders and investors Details how to build a high frequency trading firm, including the relevant tools, strategies, and trading talent Defines key components common to HFT such as algorithms, low latency trading infrastructure, collocation etc. The High Frequency Game Changer takes a highly controversial and extremely complicated subject and makes it accessible to anyone with an interest or stake in financial markets.
High-Frequency Trading: A Practical Guide to Algorithmic Strategies and Trading Systems (Wiley Trading #459)
by Irene AldridgeA hands-on guide to the fast and ever-changing world of high-frequency, algorithmic trading Financial markets are undergoing rapid innovation due to the continuing proliferation of computer power and algorithms. These developments have created a new investment discipline called high-frequency trading. This book covers all aspects of high-frequency trading, from the business case and formulation of ideas through the development of trading systems to application of capital and subsequent performance evaluation. It also includes numerous quantitative trading strategies, with market microstructure, event arbitrage, and deviations arbitrage discussed in great detail. Contains the tools and techniques needed for building a high-frequency trading system Details the post-trade analysis process, including key performance benchmarks and trade quality evaluation Written by well-known industry professional Irene Aldridge Interest in high-frequency trading has exploded over the past year. This book has what you need to gain a better understanding of how it works and what it takes to apply this approach to your trading endeavors.
High-Frequency Trading
by Irene AldridgeA hands-on guide to the fast and ever-changing world of high-frequency, algorithmic tradingFinancial markets are undergoing rapid innovation due to the continuing proliferation of computer power and algorithms. These developments have created a new investment discipline called high-frequency trading.This book covers all aspects of high-frequency trading, from the business case and formulation of ideas through the development of trading systems to application of capital and subsequent performance evaluation. It also includes numerous quantitative trading strategies, with market microstructure, event arbitrage, and deviations arbitrage discussed in great detail.Contains the tools and techniques needed for building a high-frequency trading systemDetails the post-trade analysis process, including key performance benchmarks and trade quality evaluationWritten by well-known industry professional Irene AldridgeInterest in high-frequency trading has exploded over the past year. This book has what you need to gain a better understanding of how it works and what it takes to apply this approach to your trading endeavors.
High Frequency Trading Models + Website
by Gewei YeA hands-on guide to high frequency trading strategies and modelsAccounting for over sixty percent of stock market trading volume and generating huge profits for a small number of firms, high frequency trading is one of the most talked about topics in the world of finance. Given the success of this approach, many firms are quickly beginning to implement their own high frequency strategies.In High Frequency Trading Models, Dr. Gewei Ye describes the technology, architecture, and algorithms underlying current high frequency trading models, which exploit order flow imbalances and temporary pricing inefficiencies. Along the way, he explains how to develop a HFT trading system and introduces you to his own system for building high frequency strategies based on behavioral algorithms.Discusses how to improve current institutional HFT strategies and suggests directions for new strategiesCompanion Website includes algorithms and models discussed throughout the bookCovers essential topics in this field, including rebate trading, arbitrage, flash trading, and other types of tradingEngaging and informative, High Frequency Trading Models is a must-read for anyone who wants to stay ahead of the curve in this hot new area.
High Frontiers: Dolpo and the Changing World of Himalayan Pastoralists
by Kenneth Michael BauerDolpo is a culturally Tibetan enclave in one of Nepal's most remote regions. The Dolpo-pa, or people of Dolpo, share language, religious and cultural practices, history, and a way of life. Agro-pastoralists who live in some of the highest villages in the world, the Dolpo-pa wrest survival from this inhospitable landscape through a creative combination of farming, animal husbandry, and trade. High Frontiers is an ethnography and ecological history of Dolpo tracing the dramatic transformations in the region's socioeconomic patterns. Once these traders passed freely between Tibet and Nepal with their caravans of yak to exchange salt and grains; they relied on winter pastures in Tibet to maintain their herds. After 1959, China assumed full control over Tibet and the border was closed, restricting livestock migrations and sharply curtailing trade. At the same time, increasing supplies of Indian salt reduced the value of Tibetan salt, undermining Dolpo's economic niche. Dolpo's agro-pastoralists were forced to reinvent their lives by changing their migration patterns, adopting new economic partnerships, and adapting to external agents of change. The region has been transformed as a result of the creation of Nepal's largest national park, the making of Himalaya, a major motion picture filmed on location, the increasing presence of nongovernmental organizations, and a booming trade in medicinal products. High Frontiers examines these transformations at the local level and speculates on the future of pastoralism in this region and across the Himalayas.
High-Growth Firms: Facts, Fiction, and Policy Options for Emerging Economies
by Arti Grover Goswami Denis Medvedev Ellen OlafsenRemarkably, a small fraction of firms account for most of the job and output creation in high-income and developing countries alike. Does this imply that the path to enabling more economic dynamism lies in selectively targeting high-potential firms? Or would pursuing broad-based reforms that minimize distortions be more effective? Inspired by these questions, this book presents new evidence on the incidence, characteristics, and drivers of high-growth firms based on in-depth studies of firm dynamics in Brazil, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, Tunisia, and Turkey. Its findings reveal that high-growth firms are not only powerful engines of job and output growth but also create positive spillovers for other businesses along the value chain. At the same time, the book debunks several myths about policies to support firm dynamism that focus on outward characteristics, such as firm size, sector, location, or past performance. Its findings show that most firms struggle to sustain rapid rates of expansion and that the relationship between high growth and productivity is often weak. Consequently, the book calls for a shift toward policies that improve the quality of firm growth by supporting innovation, managerial skills, and firms’ ability to leverage global linkages and agglomeration. To help policy makers structure policies that support firm growth, the book proposes a new ABC framework of growth entrepreneurship: improving Allocative efficiency, encouraging Business-to-business spillovers, and strengthening firm Capabilities. This book is the third volume of the World Bank Productivity Project, which seeks to bring frontier thinking on the measurement and determinants of productivity to global policy makers. 'Policy makers often get carried away by the disproportionate contributions of high-growth firms to job and output growth and commit to pursuing policies targeting the potential ‘stars.’ This book separates fact from fiction underpinning such interventions through a comprehensive analysis of high-growth firms across a range of developing countries, making a compelling argument that public policy to pick prospective winners is neither possible nor desirable. Policy makers would be wise to consult its arguments and policy advice when designing the next generation of policies to support the growth of firms.' William R. Kerr Professor of Business Administration, Harvard University; author of The Gift of Global Talent: How Migration Shapes Business, Economy and Society 'How to ignite and sustain high firm growth has eluded both economic analysis and thought leaders in policy and business. Through its meticulous and thoughtful analysis, this important new book provides a tractable framework to guide policy to harness the growth and productivity potential of firms in the developing-country context.' David Audretsch Distinguished Professor and Director of the Institute for Development Strategies, Indiana University .
High-Growth Fundraising the Silicon Valley Way: Unlocking Stock, Crypto, and More for Your Non-Profit, Church, or School
by Vance RoushInspire generosity to ignite growth In High-Growth Fundraising the Silicon Valley Way: Unlocking Stock, Crypto, and More for Your Non-Profit, Church, or School, pastor and social benefit fundraising expert Vance Roush delivers an in-depth, hands-on guide to raising money for your church or non-profit through both cash and non-cash donations. You’ll learn new strategies to multiply your fundraising efforts and expand your donations to assets like stock and cryptocurrency. In the book, Roush shows you how to get started building a financial base with early believers and develop a culture of giving by fostering excellence across your organization. You’ll also discover: Strategies for casting a big vision that inspires big donations Ways to build a giving infrastructure that makes generosity frictionless across all types of donated assets Modern and effective fundraising tactics, like building faith and finding efficiencies An essential resource for fundraising professionals, pastors, executive directors of nonprofit organizations, and church leaders, High-Growth Fundraising the Silicon Valley Way will earn a place on the bookshelves of anyone looking to apply exciting new ideas to fund their organizations’ missions and visions.
High-Hanging Fruit: Build Something Great by Going Where No One Else Will
by Mark RampollaSO OFTEN IN BUSINESS, WE'RE ENCOURAGED TO GO AFTER THE LOW-HANGING FRUIT. BUT WHEN YOU CHOOSE TO REACH HIGHER, YOU CAN BUILD AN INCREDIBLE BUSINESS, MAKE MONEY, AND MAYBE EVEN CHANGE THE WORLD. In 2004, Mark Rampolla had made it. He was making $300,000 a year, traveling the world with his family, and poised to rise to the top of a Fortune 100 company. There was just one problem: He wasn't inspired in his job and believed he had something more to offer the world. He started dreaming of start-up ideas. Though many had big profit potential, they all sounded boring and soulless. So he started thinking differently. He stopped obsessing over "How much money will this make me?" and instead asked, "What do I have to offer that will improve the world?" Suddenly Rampolla realized that his big idea was hanging right overhead. From his time in the Peace Corps and now living in Central America, he and his family came to love drinking coconut water, just like the locals. But no one was really selling coconut water in the United States. So Rampolla chased a very ambitious goal: introducing coconut water to the American market on the already crowded beverage shelf dominated by a few big players. He wasn't just starting a business; he was creating a whole new industry. ZICO Coconut Water brought a healthy beverage alternative to American consumers while also helping developing-world growers and suppliers profit from this resource. Within nine years it was a win-win-win--good for Rampolla, his customers, and the world. So good, in fact, that in 2013 The Coca-Cola Company purchased ZICO and is in the process of scaling the brand around the globe. Rampolla wrote High-Hanging Fruit for others who want to succeed because of, not in spite of, their values. This book is for people who believe that it's their duty to reach higher than just the bottom line to build businesses driven by passion, purpose, and integrity. Above all, it's a call to arms for a new generation of entrepreneurs who want to disrupt the old model and do good by doing business. From the Hardcover edition.
High-Impact Content Marketing: Strategies to Make Your Content Intentional, Engaging and Effective
by Purna VirjiCreate meaningful engagement, drive conversion rates and boost customer retention with this crucial resource to unlocking the true potential of your content marketing strategy.In an era of user-generated, human-generated and machine-generated content, mistakes are increasingly costlier to make. And more difficult to recover from. To succeed in the highly competitive creator economy of today and the future, content marketers need to rethink their approach or go the way of the dinosaurs.High-Impact Content Marketing shows how to succeed by taking a simplified yet strategic approach to standing out and driving revenue impact. It covers time-proven strategies to create video, audio, social media and longer-form content that audiences will actually want to consume and how to do so in a genuinely inclusive way. It also shows how to master content distribution across channels such as websites, blogs, email and social media networks to maximize reach, engagement and impact. What makes High-Impact Content Marketing unique is how it weaves in behavioral science and adult learning principles to maximize and measure impact. It features easy-to-implement frameworks and actionable guides throughout as well as examples of best-in-class content marketing from the likes of Patagonia, Microsoft, Spotify and Google plus interviews with top industry experts from across the globe. Guidance is also included on how to align content with various stages of the customer journey. This is an essential blueprint for ensuring the long-term success of your content marketing strategy to increase brand awareness, build relationships and boost conversions.