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Henry A. Abbati: Selected Writings (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics #119)

by Serena Di Gaspare

Henry A. Abbati was not an economist by profession. After retiring from business, in 1924 he published his first book, The Unclaimed Wealth: How Money Stops Production in which he expounded his theory of ‘effective demand’ (terminology of his own) and its differences with respect to current theories on economic fluctuations. He was advocating public intervention in the economy in the crisis. His second book, The Final Buyer marshalled his criticisms of current theories and further clarified salient aspects of his theory, such as ‘saving’ and its various definitions, the working of the banking system, the interest rate and the role of public works as a means of reducing unemployment. Later work in the 30s and 40s looked at full employment, reflections on the economic crisis and further analysis of the concept of unclaimed wealth. In many ways Abbati’s work in the twenties was an important precursor to Keynes’ Treatise on Money, though despite being admired by Robertson and indeed Keynes, his work is today largely unknown and entirely ignored by the numerous authors who have examined the debate of the twenties and thirties on the crises and business cycles and by academic opinion in general. In this book, Di Gaspare restores Abbati’s position as a pioneer in macroeconomic theory with a selection of his writings and a far reaching introduction to his contribution to the history of economic thought.

Henry at Work: Thoreau on Making a Living

by John Kaag Jonathan van Belle

What Thoreau can teach us about working—why we do it, what it does to us, and how we can make it more meaningfulHenry at Work invites readers to rethink how we work today by exploring an aspect of Henry David Thoreau that has often been overlooked: Thoreau the worker. John Kaag and Jonathan van Belle overturn the popular misconception of Thoreau as a navel-gazing recluse who was scornful of work and other mundanities. In fact, Thoreau worked hard—surveying land, running his family’s pencil-making business, writing, lecturing, and building his cabin at Walden Pond—and thought intensely about work in its many dimensions. And his ideas about work have much to teach us in an age of remote work and automation, when many people are reconsidering what kind of working lives they want to have.Through Thoreau, readers will discover a philosophy of work in the office, factory, lumber mill, and grocery store, and reflect on the rhythms of the workday, the joys and risks of resigning oneself to work, the dubious promises of labor-saving technology, and that most vital and eternal of philosophical questions, “How much do I get paid?” In ten chapters, including “Manual Work,” “Machine Work,” and “Meaningless Work,” this personal, urgent, practical, and compassionate book introduces readers to their new favorite coworker: Henry David Thoreau.

Henry Ford: The Car Man

by Carin T. Ford

A simple biography of the man who revolutionized American industry with his assembly-line production of automobiles.

Henry Ford

by Wil Mara

- Age-appropriate vocabulary- Clear linkage between text and photos- Includes archival reproductions where appropriate- Positioned in the middle Early Intervention range- Comprehensive glossary of "Words You Know"- Index makes navigating subject matter easy

Henry Ford: Automobile Manufacturer and Innovator

by Bob Temple

A biography of the man responsible for mass producing the automobile in the early part of the twentieth century.

Henry Ford in His Own Words

by Ryan Nagelhout

Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, didn't invent the car or even his famous assembly line. However, he was the innovator who made these things wildly successful. In fact, his practices and ideas shaped American life and business in the twentieth century, even helping the war effort in World War II, and continue to do so today. This biography uses quotations and writings to trace Henry Ford's rise from humble farm boy to thriving entrepreneur.

Henry Ford's Lean Vision: Enduring Principles from the First Ford Motor Plant

by William A. Levinson

Japanese manufacturers have made concepts like kaizen (continuous improvement), poka-yoke (error-proofing), and just-in-time famous. When the Japanese began to adopt these techniques from the Ford Motor Company during the early twentieth century, they knew exactly what they were getting: proven methods for mass-producing any product or delivering any service cheaply but well.Henry Ford's methods, however, went well beyond the synergistic and mutually supporting techniques that constitute what we now call lean manufacturing. They included the "soft sciences," the organizational psychology that makes every employee a partner in the drive for success. In Henry Ford's Lean Vision, William A. Levinson draws from Henry Ford's writings, the procedures in his factories, and historical anecdotes about the birth of lean in Japan to show that the philosophy that revolutionized Japanese manufacturing was the same philosophy that grew the Ford Motor Company into a global powerhouse -- and made the United States the wealthiest and most powerful nation on earth. Levinson reveals how Ford was ahead of other modern visionaries and discusses why the very ideas that made his company such a success were abandoned in his own country, and why they finally found acceptance in Japan. Henry Ford's Lean Vision is a hands-on reference that provides the reader with proven principles and methods that can be applied in any business or service enterprise. It covers all aspects of building and running a successful enterprise, including Ford's principles for human relationships and the management of physical resources.

Henry George: Collected Journalistic Writings

by Henry George Kenneth C. Wenzer

More than a century after his death in 1897, Henry George remains one of the most original and influential economic thinkers in American history. His revolutionary theory on land taxation gained a tremendous following, reshaped the nation's political and economic debate, and continues today to be a widely discussed and controversial subject throughout the world. George's seminal work was Progress and Poverty (1879), but as a reformer, economist, journalist, and political candidate he wrote scores of articles on a vast array of topics, including political thought, election reform, immigration, labor, Lincoln, presidential campaigns, private property, socialism, industrialization, Ireland, Australia, the Chinese in California, and his race for mayor of New York City. His writing shaped a generation of statesmen and intellectuals, including Winston Churchill, Robert La Follette, Clarence Darrow, George Bernard Shaw, and Milton Friedman. Despite his profound influence on economic thought and American reform, he remains understudied, in part because many of his writings appeared in obscure journals, long-defunct daily newspapers, and long out-of-print collections. This four-volume set rectifies this problem by gathering all of George's hard-to-find articles and essays in one comprehensive edition. It also includes the first biographical sketch of him, written in 1884 and never before republished, as well as numerous articles he wrote during his tour of Australia in 1890. Edited by noted George scholar Kenneth C. Wenzer, each article is reprinted in its original form with annotations. There is a general introduction to each volume. A timeline of George's activities and travels is also included.

Henry George and How Growth in Real Estate Contributes to Inequality and Financial Instability (Palgrave Studies on Henry George for the 21st Century)

by Edward Nell

This Palgrave Pivot contextualizes Henry George as an important and uniquely American figure in the fields of economics and political economy, with special emphasis on the frontier and innovation. This book discusses George’s concept of rent as the result of economic progress, explains George’s argument that the rise in rents caused by economic progress in turn generates inequality and poverty, and examines the relevance of these ideas in today’s financialized global economy. This book adds to the very necessary discussion of whether our current financial industry is a benefit or a drain on human economic well-being.

Henry George and the Crisis of Inequality

by Edward O'Donnell

The remarkable explosion of American industrial output and national wealth at the end of the nineteenth century was matched by a troubling rise in poverty and worker unrest. As politicians and intellectuals fought over who to blame for this crisis, Henry George (1839--1897) published Progress and Poverty (1879), a radical critique of laissez-faire capitalism and its threat to the nation's republican traditions. His book, which became a surprise best-seller, offered a popular, provocative solution: a single-tax on land values. George's writings and years of social activism almost won him the mayor's seat in New York City in 1886. Though he lost the election, his ideas proved instrumental to shaping a progressivism that remains essential to tackling inequality today.Edward T. O'Donnell's exploration of George's life and times merges labor, ethnic, intellectual, and political history to illuminate the early militant labor movement in Gilded Age New York. O'Donnell locates in George's rise to prominence the beginning of a larger effort by American workers to regain control of the workplace and obtain economic security. The Gilded Age was the first but by no means last period in which Americans confronted the mixed outcomes of modern capitalism. George's accessible, forward-thinking ideas on democracy, equality, and freedom have tremendous value to ongoing debates over the future of unions, corporate power, Wall Street recklessness, regulation, and political polarization.

Henry George and the Crisis of Inequality: Progress and Poverty in the Gilded Age (Columbia History of Urban Life)

by Edward O'Donnell

America's remarkable explosion of industrial output and national wealth at the end of the nineteenth century was matched by a troubling rise in poverty and worker unrest. As politicians and intellectuals fought over the causes of this crisis, Henry George (1839–1897) published a radical critique of laissez-faire capitalism and its threat to the nation's republican traditions. Progress and Poverty (1879), which became a surprise best-seller, offered a provocative solution for preserving these traditions while preventing the amassing of wealth in the hands of the few: a single tax on land values. George's writings and years of social activism almost won him the mayor's seat in New York City in 1886. Though he lost the election, his ideas proved instrumental to shaping a popular progressivism that remains essential to tackling inequality today.Edward T. O'Donnell's exploration of George's life and times merges labor, ethnic, intellectual, and political history to illuminate the early militant labor movement in New York during the Gilded Age. He locates in George's rise to prominence the beginning of a larger effort by American workers to regain control of the workplace and obtain economic security and opportunity. The Gilded Age was the first but by no means the last era in which Americans confronted the mixed outcomes of modern capitalism. George's accessible, forward-thinking ideas on democracy, equality, and freedom have tremendous value for contemporary debates over the future of unions, corporate power, Wall Street recklessness, government regulation, and political polarization.

Henry Heinz: Making Markets for Processed Foods

by Nancy F. Koehn

Outlines many of the supply-side innovations, such as improved transportation, communication, and technological developments, that greatly expanded the productive capacity of the United States in the late 19th century. Explores a range of demand-side shifts, including rising incomes, population growth, and urbanization, that changed consumers' wants and needs. These developments, taken together with those on the supply side, altered the nature of the American economy, ushering in widespread industrialization, markets of unprecedented size, and consumption on an entirely new scale. Investigates how, within this context, H.J. Heinz created a successful food-processing business in the last three decades of the 19th century.

Henry J. Kaiser: Builder in the Modern American West

by Mark S. Foster

&“His standing as a lesser-known in a business pantheon that would include such names as Ford and Carnegie makes this work of some scholarly importance.&” —Library Journal In the 1940s Henry J. Kaiser was a household name, as familiar then as Warren Buffett and Donald Trump are now. Like a Horatio Alger hero, Kaiser rose from lower-middle-class origins to become an enormously wealthy entrepreneur, building roads, bridges, dams, and housing. He established giant businesses in cement, aluminum, chemicals, steel, health care, and tourism. During World War II, his companies built cargo planes and Liberty ships. After the war, he manufactured the Kaiser-Frazer automobile. Along the way, he also became a major force in the development of the western United States, including Hawaii. Henry J. Kaiser: Builder in the Modern American West is the first biography of this remarkable man. Drawing on a wealth of archival material never before utilized, Mark Foster covers Kaiser&’s entire life (1882–1967), painting an evenhanded portrait of a man of driving ambition and integrity, demonstrating Kaiser as the prototypical &“frontier&” entrepreneur who often used government and union support to tame the &“wilderness.&” Today the Kaiser legacy remains great. Kaiser played a major role in building the Hoover, Bonneville, Grand Coulee, and Shasta dams. The Kaiser-Permanente Medical Care Program still provides comprehensive health care for millions of subscribers. Kaiser-planned communities remain in Los Angeles; San Francisco; Portland, Oregon; and Boulder City, Nevada. Kaiser Engineers was actively engaged in hundreds of huge construction jobs across the nation and around the world. US and business historians, scholars of the modern West, and general readers will find much to absorb in this well-written biography.

Henry Kissinger: Negotiating Black Majority Rule in Rhodesia (A)

by James K. Sebenius Laurence A. Green

In 1976, a growing crisis in Southern Africa drew the attention of United States Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger. White Rhodesian leader Ian Smith's refusal to accede to black majority rule threatened to widen into a regional conflict involving apartheid South Africa and newly independent leftist African states. Kissinger and others feared that the region was on the brink of becoming a new battleground in the Cold War. In light of these developments Kissinger decided to intervene, seeking a negotiated solution that might bring about a peaceful end to minority rule. The account in this case carefully describes—but does not analyze nor draw lessons from—these challenging circumstances.

Henry Kissinger: Negotiating Black Majority Rule in Rhodesia (B)

by James K. Sebenius Laurence A. Green

In 1976, United States Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger conducted a series of intricate, multiparty negotiations in Southern Africa to persuade white Rhodesian leader Ian Smith to accede to black majority rule. Conducted near the end of President Gerald Ford’s term in office and against substantial U.S. domestic opposition, Kissinger’s efforts culminated in Smith’s public announcement that he would accept majority rule within two years. This set the stage for the later Lancaster House negotiations that resulted in the actual transition to black majority rule. The account in this case carefully describes—but does not analyze nor draw lessons from—these challenging negotiations.

Henry Kissinger: Negotiating Black Majority Rule in Rhodesia (A)

by James K. Sebenius Laurence A. Green

In 1976, a growing crisis in Southern Africa drew the attention of United States Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger. White Rhodesian leader Ian Smith's refusal to accede to black majority rule threatened to widen into a regional conflict involving apartheid South Africa and newly independent leftist African states. Kissinger and others feared that the region was on the brink of becoming a new battleground in the Cold War. In light of these developments Kissinger decided to intervene, seeking a negotiated solution that might bring about a peaceful end to minority rule. The account in this case carefully describes-but does not analyze nor draw lessons from-these challenging circumstances.

Henry Kissinger: Negotiating Black Majority Rule in Rhodesia (B)

by James K. Sebenius Laurence A. Green

In 1976, United States Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger conducted a series of intricate, multiparty negotiations in Southern Africa to persuade white Rhodesian leader Ian Smith to accede to black majority rule. Conducted near the end of President Gerald Ford's term in office and against substantial U.S. domestic opposition, Kissinger's efforts culminated in Smith's public announcement that he would accept majority rule within two years. This set the stage for the later Lancaster House negotiations that resulted in the actual transition to black majority rule. The account in this case carefully describes-but does not analyze nor draw lessons from-these challenging negotiations.

Henry Schein: Doing Well by Doing Good?

by Russell A. Eisenstat Aldo Sesia Rafaella Sadun Rebecca Henderson

Henry Schein Inc., a distributor of supplies to dentist, physician, and veterinary practices, had sales approaching $9 billion and employed nearly 16,000 people. The company had experienced impressive growth under the leadership of Stanley Bergman and his executive team, many of whom had been with Schein for decades. Besides organic growth, the company relied heavily on acquiring small family-owned businesses to grow, both inside the U.S., and abroad. Bergman and his team invested a great deal of their time on building and sustaining a culture based on care and respect and considered it pivotal to the company's success and a key competitive advantage. The case explores the principles behind Schein's culture and presents challenges to maintaining the culture as the company continues to expand internationally, including its goal to be the first national distributor of dental supplies in China. At the same time, Schein was evolving from being primarily a logistics company with a value-added services component to becoming a company with a primary focus on value-added services and the sale of specific products that the company might need to manufacture directly. As Schein moved into new market segments and new executives were brought in, a new challenge to the culture would be posed.

Henry Tam and the MGI Team

by Hillary Anger Elfenbein Jeffrey T. Polzer Ingrid Vargas

Within a short time frame, seven diverse team members assemble to write a business plan for a new company and struggle to define their roles, make decisions together, and resolve conflict. Henry Tam, a second-year Harvard MBA student, who joins an aspiring start-up company and a fellow classmate to enter the school's business plan contest. The founders of the company are two internationally accomplished musicians and a 1987 Harvard MBA, all Russian, who are trying to create, produce, and sell a unique computer-based music game. Conflict builds as the team generates a range of ideas about how to market their product, but has trouble agreeing on which ideas to pursue. Henry Tam wrestles with how to fix the problems that have hindered the team's progress.

Henry's Lieutenants

by Ford R. Bryan

Although Henry Ford gloried in the limelight of highly publicized achievement, he privately admitted, "I don't do so much, I just go around lighting fires under other people." Henry's Lieutenants features biographies of thirty-five "other people" who served Henry Ford in a variety of capacities, and nearly all of whom contributed to his fame. These biographical sketches and career highlights reflect the people of high caliber employed by Henry Ford to accomplish his goals: Harry Bennett, Albert Kahn, Ernest Kanzler, William S. Knudsen, and Charles E. Sorenson, among others. Most were employed by the Ford Motor Company, although a few of them were Ford's personal employees satisfying concurrent needs of a more private nature, including his farming, educational, and sociological ventures. Ford Bryan obtained a considerable amount of the material in this book from the oral reminiscences of the subjects themselves.

Her Place at the Table: A Woman's Guide to Negotiating Five Key Challenges to Leadership Success

by Deborah M. Kolb Judith Williams Carol Frohlinger

Thoroughly revised and updated and with a new Introduction by the authors, this paperback edition of Her Place at the Table draws on extensive interviews with women leaders to help all women negotiate their path to leadership success. A Woman's Guide to Taking Her Place at the Leadership Table "It's time for women to take their places at the leadership tables alongside men. Why? Because the skills we developed at the foot of the table—bringing people together, building bridges across differences, and thinking outside the box—are in great demand. But to use this time and these skills to the greatest advantage, read this book. The authors have set a great meal for you...just devour it." —Marie C. Wilson, president and founder, The White House Project "Does she have the right stuff? That question follows women whenever they are promoted to visible leadership positions. Her Place at the Table lays out the pragmatic moves that can help any woman in business show she has the right stuff. I encourage all women with leadership aspirations to use this book as a guide." —Patricia Fili-Krushel, executive vice president, Time Warner "Women roar—they are the leaders we need in corporations today, but there are still some barriers. This book will help individual women negotiate what they need to succeed as leaders and help their firms support them in their efforts. That way we all win!" —Tom Peters, management consultant and author, Reimagine! Business Excellence in a Disruptive Age For more information about Her Place at the Table or a group discussion guide, visit Completely Updated with a New Introduction by the Authors

Herausforderung Hyperwettbewerb in der Branche: Strategie und strategisches Geschäftsmodell im Fokus (essentials)

by Roland Eckert

Das Essential beschäftigt sich mit der strategischen Positionierung von Unternehmen in den Zeiten der Digitalisierung und des Hyperwettbewerbs. Roland Eckert geht hierbei insbesondere auf die Herausforderungen eines ,,Branchen-Hyperwettbewerbs" ein. Zunächst steht der Begriff selbst im Mittelpunkt, im Anschluss werden die bekannten Überlegungen zum klassischen Branchenwettbewerb dargestellt. Darauf aufbauend werden die gängigen Strategie- und Geschäftsmodellansätze weiterentwickelt und an die Herausforderungen des Branchen-Hyperwettbewerbs angepasst. Handlungsempfehlungen für das Management ergänzen die Ausführungen.

Herausforderung Hyperwettbewerb in Wettbewerbsarenen: Strategie und strategisches Geschäftsmodell im Fokus (essentials)

by Roland Eckert

Das Essential beschäftigt sich mit der strategischen Positionierung von Unternehmen in den Zeiten der Digitalisierung und des Hyperwettbewerbs. Roland Eckert geht hierbei insbesondere auf die Herausforderungen eines Hyperwettbewerbs in der Wettbewerbsarena ein. Zunächst steht der Begriff selbst im Mittelpunkt, im Anschluss wird auf einige grundlegende Überlegungen zum Hyperwettbewerb in der Branche eingegangen. Darauf aufbauend stellt der Autor die Besonderheiten des Hyperwettbewerbs in der Wettbewerbsarena vor. Handlungsempfehlungen für das Management mit einem Fokus auf strategischen Veränderungsprogrammen ergänzen die Ausführungen.

Herausforderung Transformation

by Norbert Büning Ursula Hess Nikolaus Mohr Anna Maria Fröbel

Zunehmende Globalisierung, neue Spielregeln im internationalen Wettbewerb sowie unberechenbare Machtgefüge fordern von allen Akteuren hohe Anpassungs- und Handlungsfähigkeiten. Es ist daher heute wichtiger denn je, Veränderungsprozesse zu verstehen und sie erfolgreich zu gestalten. Der Band eröffnet hierzu eine völlig neue Perspektive: Führungskräfte, Politiker sowie einflussreiche Persönlichkeiten aus Kultur, Wissenschaft und Sport schildern ihre Erkenntnisse und vermitteln damit ein breit gefächertes Verständnis von Transformation.

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