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Higher Education, Employment, and Economic Development in India: Problems, Prospects, and Policies
by Ram Kumar Mishra, Sandeep Kumar Kujur, and K. TrivikramThis volume examines the role of higher education and employment in economic development in emerging economies like India. It looks at the contours of higher education policies and the labour market dynamics to explore ways to address joblessness and income disparity. The book discusses themes such as quality and access to higher education, the shift towards private investment in higher education, demographic dividend and joblessness among youth, social and income inequalities, labour migration and employment, and the participation of women in the workforce, among others. It provides insights into the challenges relating to employment generation in the industrial sector. It also offers solutions and policy measures to move towards sustainable growth, better employment opportunities in various sectors of industries, and human development. Rich in empirical data, this volume will be of interest to students and researchers of education, economics, development studies, sociology, gender studies, and social and economic policy.
Higher Education Finance and Islamic Endowments (Islamic Business and Finance Series)
by Nurul Adilah Hasbullah Asmak Ab RahmanPublic debt pressures due to the global economic crisis in several countries have impacted higher education, compelling governments to curtail the funding of higher education institutions (HEIs). Various instruments have been proposed as a platform for the private sector to channel funding to HEIs. This book introduces readers to the issues surrounding the financing of HEIs, especially public universities, which are dependent on government budgets. It discusses the sources of funding for HEIs, focusing on philanthropic instruments through endowment and waqf funds. Since both forms of income are obtained via contributions from third parties, such as alumni, individuals, business corporations etc., it is essential that they are managed in such a way to ensure their sustainability and that their benefits can be accessed without interruption. It explains the theory of successful endowment and waqf at HEIs, namely appropriate investment planning, superior investment committees, highly skilled investment managers, alumni networks, diversity of income sources and effective fundraising. These elements have been studied empirically in this book through case studies of several selected Malaysian public universities. The book considers policy implications and offers recommendations of strategies that Universities can adopt, such as the appointment of fund managers. No specific guidelines currently exist for appointing fund managers to enable universities to invest in assets such as bonds, equities, and property. Therefore, the book encourages universities to grow the endowment and waqf funds through proper investment strategies executed by professional fund managers. The book contributes new knowledge to scholars, students and researchers, as well as informing university administrators how to collect, manage and invest funds from endowment and waqf.
Higher Education Financing in China: Retrospect and Prospect
by Fang Fang Zeyun LiuBased on theories of economics, sociology, and education, the book aims to explore the role of government and the market in China’s higher education investment. The authors comprehensively overview the characteristics of China's higher education investment system, including government funding, tuition fees, and social donations. In particular, an econometric model has been established to estimate the impact of university investment on the scale of regional higher education and average university student expenditure. Besides, they also make an international comparative analysis of the current changing trend of higher education investment structure and put forward countermeasures and suggestions to improve the government's financial and social investment in higher education. Professional scholars and postgraduate students studying Chinese higher education, the economics of education, and education finance will find this book helpful and inspiring.
Higher Education for Sustainable Development Goals (River Publishers Series In Management Sciences And Engineering Ser.)
by Carolina MachadoThis book looks to cover the issues related to advances in higher education for sustainable development goals. Nowadays, sustainable development is an important concept in higher education. One of the most widely recognized definitions is based in the Brundtland report as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." The three core pillars of sustainable development are environment, society and economy. Currently, higher education in the context of sustainable development goals (SDGs) is a great challenge. The information about higher education for sustainable development presents great interest to improve communication between professors, researches and students in universities, institutes, colleges, etc. This research book covers all aspects of higher education for sustainable development goals, namely, no poverty, zero hunger, good health and wellbeing, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation, and infrastructure, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, climate action, life below water, life on land, peace, justice and strong institutions and partnerships.
Higher Education Governance and Management in Africa: Continental, Regional, and National Perspectives
by Lazarus Nabaho Wilberforce TuryasinguraThe book focuses on higher education governance and management in Africa. It is grounded in the existing studies on governance and management of higher education. It comprises four parts and 15 chapters. The themes in the book can be encapsulated into: (a) the relationship between the state and the university (or the steering models for higher education) in Africa; (b) internal university governance within the framework of the shared governance model, that is, a tripartite arrangement which comprises the corporate governance organ (the university council), the academic governance body (the university senate) and management; (c) internationalization of higher education in Africa; (d) quality assurance of higher education in Africa; (e) the third mission or the public service role of universities in Africa: (f) monitoring and evaluation of higher education; (f) external and internal higher education governance models; (g) and the regulatory agencies for higher education in Africa which has been triggered by the extension of the regulatory state into higher education.
Higher Education? How Colleges Are Wasting Our Money and Failing Our Kids and What We Can Do about It
by Andrew Hacker Claudia DreifusThe authors make an incisive case that the American way of higher education, now a costliest business, has lost sight of its primary mission: the education of young adults. They call for a thorough overhaul of a self-indulgent system and take readers on a road trip from Princeton to Evergreen State to Florida Gulf Coast University, revealing those faculties and institutions that are getting it right and proving that teaching and learning can be achieved; and at a much more reasonable price.
Higher Education in China: Internationalization in Turbulent Times
by Joycelyn W. Eby William C. KirbyThe rapid growth in quantity and quality of universities in China since 1978 is the most recent evolution in a long history of higher education. From as early as the Tang Dynasty, academies existed to prepare scholars for the civil service examination, but by the Republican period, higher learning was dominated by a host of well-regarded, cosmopolitan, comprehensive universities. In 1952, these institutions were reorganized according to the Soviet model, and remained highly specialized until the resurgence of comprehensive institutions after 1978. This background note describes this history and then elaborates on the system of higher education since 2000, focusing on university governance, funding, faculty policy, admissions systems, and internationalization. It concludes by looking at the tightening of ideological control in universities in 2013 and 2014, and reflects on the potential for China to establish "world-class" universities.
Higher Education in Francophone Africa
by Pierre Antoine Gioan Pierre AntoineFor more than a decade, higher education and research in the French-speaking countries of Africa has been in a state of severe crisis, stemming from an increasing disparity between available resources and the requirements vital to providing high-quality education. 'Higher Education in Francophone Africa' seeks to: 1) highlight the factors which have led to the development of this situation in most countries; 2) identify the conditions for creating a framework for regulating financially-sustainable higher education and research systems; and 3) identify ways of increasing funding for this sector as well as maintaining its quality.
Higher Education in the Arab World: Building a Culture of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
by Adnan Badran Elias Baydoun John R. HillmanThis book is the first major account of innovation and entrepreneurship in the Arab higher-education sector. It provides an update of the current situation and advances reasons for the under-performance of Arab universities in international ranking tables and the weaknesses of Arab economies. Specific proposals are made for upgrading curricula and assessment procedures as well as providing an environment that fosters innovation and entrepreneurial behaviour. The roles of university-based technology and business parks are examined, with examples of successful business partnerships in the Arab region, Europe, and North America.Opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship have never been greater with the wealth of rapidly developing transformative technologies that are driving the international knowledge economy. This book puts forward proposals for the management and exploitation of intellectual property, and for establishing businesses.
Higher Education in the Digital Age
by William G. BowenTwo of the most visible and important trends in higher education today are its exploding costs and the rapid expansion of online learning. Could the growth in online courses slow the rising cost of college and help solve the crisis of affordability? In this short and incisive book, William G. Bowen, one of the foremost experts on the intersection of education and economics, explains why, despite his earlier skepticism, he now believes technology has the potential to help rein in costs without negatively affecting student learning. As a former president of Princeton University, an economist, and author of many books on education, including the acclaimed bestseller The Shape of the River, Bowen speaks with unique expertise on the subject.Surveying the dizzying array of new technology-based teaching and learning initiatives, including the highly publicized emergence of "massive open online courses" (MOOCs), Bowen argues that such technologies could transform traditional higher education--allowing it at last to curb rising costs by increasing productivity, while preserving quality and protecting core values. But the challenges, which are organizational and philosophical as much as technological, are daunting. They include providing hard evidence of whether online education is cost-effective in various settings, rethinking the governance and decision-making structures of higher education, and developing customizable technological platforms. Yet, Bowen remains optimistic that the potential payoff is great.Based on the 2012 Tanner Lectures on Human Values, delivered at Stanford University, the book includes responses from Stanford president John Hennessy, Harvard University psychologist Howard Gardner, Columbia University literature professor Andrew Delbanco, and Coursera cofounder Daphne Koller.
Higher Education in the Digital Age
by Kevin M. Guthrie William G. BowenTwo of the most visible and important trends in higher education today are its exploding costs and the rapid expansion of online learning. Could the growth in online courses slow the rising cost of college and help solve the crisis of affordability? In this short and incisive book, William G. Bowen, one of the foremost experts on the intersection of education and economics, explains why, despite his earlier skepticism, he now believes technology has the potential to help rein in costs without negatively affecting student learning. As a former president of Princeton University, an economist, and author of many books on education, including the acclaimed bestseller The Shape of the River, Bowen speaks with unique expertise on the subject. Surveying the dizzying array of new technology-based teaching and learning initiatives, including the highly publicized emergence of "massive open online courses" (MOOCs), Bowen argues that such technologies could transform traditional higher education--allowing it at last to curb rising costs by increasing productivity, while preserving quality and protecting core values. But the challenges, which are organizational and philosophical as much as technological, are daunting. They include providing hard evidence of whether online education is cost-effective in various settings, rethinking the governance and decision-making structures of higher education, and developing customizable technological platforms. Yet, Bowen remains optimistic that the potential payoff is great. Based on the 2012 Tanner Lectures on Human Values, delivered at Stanford University, the book includes responses from Stanford president John Hennessy, Harvard University psychologist Howard Gardner, Columbia University literature professor Andrew Delbanco, and Coursera cofounder Daphne Koller.
Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century II
by Abdulla Y.A. Al-Hawaj E. H. TwizellAhlia University contributes to the advancement and propagation of knowledge by encouraging its academics and research students to publish their original research that can be applied to real-life situations. Co-operation with Brunel University London in the United Kingdom led to the establishing of a Ph.D. programme at Ahlia University in 2005.An i
Higher Education Institutions and Digital Transformation: Building University-Enterprise Collaborative Relationships (Routledge Open Business and Economics)
by Marcin LisThe growing complexity, fluidity and instability of the environment as well as changing needs are challenges that both enterprises and higher education institutions must face. Higher education institutions understand that their key product, i.e. knowledge, is a value that can and should be offered to enterprises in a desirable form as a key to innovation and development as well as the basis of the necessary internal transformation to respond to requirements of our times. Attempts to explain the process of collaboration between higher education institutions and businesses based on an institutional perspective fail to capture the complexity of this process. The purpose of this book is to develop a model approach to managerial competencies that affect the innovativeness of enterprises and to identify internal and external key factors strengthening or limiting the impact of managerial competencies on the innovativeness of an enterprise including organizational structure, strategy, organizational culture and more. It will be of value to researchers, academics, and students in the fields of entrepreneurship, innovation, management, strategy, and will be particularly useful to organizations that are aware of their operating conditions in the knowledge-based economy and of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemics on the acceleration of the digital transformation of the contemporary world.
Higher Education Landscape 2030: A Trend Analysis Based on the AHEAD International Horizon Scanning (SpringerBriefs in Education)
by Martin Ebner Dominic Orr Maren Luebcke J. Philipp Schmidt Markus Ebner Klaus Wannemacher Dieter DohmenThis open access Springer Brief provides a systematic analysis of current trends and requirements in the areas of knowledge and competence in the context of the project “(A) Higher Education Digital (AHEAD)—International Horizon Scanning / Trend Analysis on Digital Higher Education.” It examines the latest developments in learning theory, didactics, and digital-education technology in connection with an increasingly digitized higher education landscape. In turn, this analysis forms the basis for envisioning higher education in 2030.Here, four learning pathways are developed to provide a glimpse of higher education in 2030: Tamagotchi, a closed ecosystem that is built around individual students who enter the university soon after secondary education; Jenga, in which universities offer a solid foundation of knowledge to build on in later phases; Lego, where the course of study is not a monolithic unit, but consists of individually combined modules of different sizes; and Transformer, where students have already acquired their own professional identities and life experiences, which they integrate into their studies. In addition, innovative practice cases are presented to illustrate each learning path.
Higher Education Marketing in Africa: Explorations into Student Choice (Routledge Studies In Marketing Ser.)
by Emmanuel Mogaji Felix Maringe Robert Ebo HinsonThis book explores the key players, challenges and policies affecting higher education in Africa. It also explores the marketing strategies and the students’ selection process, providing theoretical and practical insights into education marketing in Africa. In particular, it focuses on the competition for students. The growing number of student enrolments, the public sector’s inability to meet the ever-increasing demands and new private universities springing up mean that it is essential for universities to identify their market and effectively communicate their messages. Although there has been substantial theoretical research to help shed light on students’ choices and universities' marketing strategies, little work has been undertaken on higher education in the African context. Filling that gap in the research, while at the same time acknowledging the regional differences in Africa, this book offers empirical insights into the higher education market across the continent.
Higher Education under Late Capitalism
by Jeffrey R. Di LeoThis book explores questions concerning personal identity and individual conduct within neoliberal academe. The author suggests that neoliberal academe is normal academe in the new millennium though well aware of its contested nature and destructive capacities. Examining higher education through a number of ideals, such as austerity and transparency, brings readers on a journey into its present as well as its past. If some of these ideals can be identified and critiqued, there is a chance that the foundations of neoliberal academe can be weakened. This book actively pursues pathways out of the neoliberal abyss--and offers that demanding a role for pleasure in higher education may be one of them.
Higher Expectations: How to Survive Academia, Make it Better for Others, and Transform the University
by Leslie Kern Roberta HawkinsHigher Expectations is a practical guide to navigating academia for people who want to improve their own day-to-day work lives and create better conditions for everyone. Universities are broken: they’re built on systems that are discriminatory, hierarchical, and individualistic. This hurts the people that work and learn in them and limits the potential for universities to contribute to a better world. But we can raise our expectations. Hawkins and Kern envision a university transformed by collaboration, care, equity, justice, and multiple knowledges. Drawing on real-world, international examples where people and institutions are already doing things in new ways, Higher Expectations offers concrete advice on how to make these transformations real. It covers many areas of academic life including course design, conferencing, administration, research teams, managing workloads and more. Designed for faculty, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and other scholars, Higher Expectations delivers hope and practical actions you can take to start making change now. It is a must-have for everyone working in academia today.
Higher Ground: New Hope for the Working Poor and Their Children
by Aletha C. Huston Greg J. Duncan Thomas S. WeisnerDuring the 1990s, growing demands to end chronic welfare dependency culminated in the 1996 federal “welfare-to-work” reforms. But regardless of welfare reform, the United States has always been home to a large population of working poor—people who remain poor even when they work and do not receive welfare. In a concentrated effort to address the problems of the working poor, a coalition of community activists and business leaders in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, launched New Hope, an experimental program that boosted employment among the city’s poor while reducing poverty and improving children’s lives. In Higher Ground, Greg Duncan, Aletha Huston, and Thomas Weisner provide a compelling look at how New Hope can serve as a model for national anti-poverty policies. New Hope was a social contract—not a welfare program—in which participants were required to work a minimum of thirty hours a week in order to be eligible for earnings supplements and health and child care subsidies. All participants had access to career counseling and temporary community service jobs. Drawing on evidence from surveys, public records of employment and earnings, in-depth interviews, and ethnographic observation, Higher Ground tells the story of this ambitious three-year social experiment and evaluates how participants fared relative to a control group. The results were highly encouraging. Poverty rates declined among families that participated in the program. Employment and earnings increased among participants who were not initially working full-time, relative to their counterparts in a control group. For those who had faced just one significant barrier to employment (such as a lack of access to child care or a spotty employment history), these gains lasted years after the program ended. Increased income, combined with New Hope’s subsidies for child care and health care, brought marked improvements to the well-being and development of participants’ children. Enrollment in child care centers increased, and fewer medical needs went unmet. Children performed better in school and exhibited fewer behavioral problems, and gains were particularly dramatic for boys, who are at the greatest risk for poor academic performance and behavioral disorders. As America takes stock of the successes and shortcomings of the Clinton-era welfare reforms, the authors convincingly demonstrate why New Hope could be a model for state and national policies to assist the working poor. Evidence based and insightfully written, Higher Ground illuminates how policymakers can make work pay for families struggling to escape poverty.
Higher Learning, Greater Good: The Private and Social Benefits of Higher Education
by Walter W. McMahonThe chronic underinvestment in higher education has serious ramifications for both individuals and society.Winner, Best Book in Education, 2009 PROSE Awards, Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division, Association of American PublishersWinner, Best Book in Education, PROSE Awards, Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division, Association of American PublishersA college education has long been acknowledged as essential for both personal success and economic growth. But the measurable value of its nonmonetary benefits has until now been poorly understood. In Higher Learning, Greater Good, leading education economist Walter W. McMahon carefully describes these benefits and suggests that higher education accrues significant social and private benefits. McMahon's research uncovers a major skill deficit and college premium in the United States and other OECD countries due to technical change and globalization, which, according to a new preface to the 2017 edition, continues unabated. A college degree brings better job opportunities, higher earnings, and even improved health and longevity. Higher education also promotes democracy and sustainable growth and contributes to reduced crime and lower state welfare and prison costs. These social benefits are substantial in relation to the costs of a college education. Offering a human capital perspective on these and other higher education policy issues, McMahon suggests that poor understanding of the value of nonmarket benefits leads to private underinvestment. He offers policy options that can enable state and federal governments to increase investment in higher education.
Higher Life Design: Arriving at Your Intended Destination Healthy, Wealthy, and Happy
by Jefferson SantosI walked down the sidewalk on my way to the mailbox fearing the worst. Rather than a friend, the mailbox seemed more like an assassin. Its favorite target? My pride. My future. And most devastating - my credit score. I wasn’t financially irresponsible, but then again Donald Trump wasn’t sitting at my feet to learn any tips about money management either. Truth is I was broke. Worse than that, I was broke and in the hole. Yep. Twenty-three years old, $70K in debt, and living with my mom in her apartment. I was the essence of a self-made man. Except that I hadn’t made anything yet and I definitely didn’t feel like a man at the moment. Despite a large amount of entrepreneurial ambition for my new business start-up, life had me in a choke hold and I felt close to tapping out. Life held Author Jefferson Santos up against the ropes until he discovered the answer, the 7 steps that now make up the "Higher Life Design". Today a competent and confident entrepreneur, Jefferson earns over 7 figures. A quarter of a million strong, his international team grows daily. He’s trained teams from A to Z from Amsterdam to Zimbabwe and everywhere else in between. His house and car are both paid for by his company and in the past 84 months he’s taken 107 vacations. In this transformational book Jefferson will show you the 7 step model that changed his life. What if you had vibrant health, abundant wealth, and unending happiness? What if you got the exact results you wanted? Think it’s too good to be true? Think again. Think Higher Life Design.
A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership
by James Comey<P>In his book, former FBI director James Comey shares his never-before-told experiences from some of the highest-stakes situations of his career in the past two decades of American government, exploring what good, ethical leadership looks like, and how it drives sound decisions. His journey provides an unprecedented entry into the corridors of power, and a remarkable lesson in what makes an effective leader. <P>Mr. Comey served as director of the FBI from 2013 to 2017, appointed to the post by President Barack Obama. He previously served as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and the U.S. deputy attorney general in the administration of President George W. Bush. From prosecuting the Mafia and Martha Stewart to helping change the Bush administration's policies on torture and electronic surveillance, overseeing the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation as well as ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, Comey has been involved in some of the most consequential cases and policies of recent history.
Higher-Order Growth Curves and Mixture Modeling with Mplus: A Practical Guide (Multivariate Applications Series)
by Kandauda A.S. Wickrama Tae Kyoung Lee Catherine Walker O’Neal Frederick O. LorenzThis practical introduction to second-order and growth mixture models using Mplus introduces simple and complex techniques through incremental steps. The authors extend latent growth curves to second-order growth curve and mixture models and then combine the two using normal and non-normal (e.g., categorical) data. To maximize understanding, each model is presented with basic structural equations, figures with associated syntax that highlight what the statistics mean, Mplus applications, and an interpretation of results. Examples from a variety of disciplines demonstrate the use of the models and exercises allow readers to test their understanding of the techniques. A comprehensive introduction to confirmatory factor analysis, latent growth curve modeling, and growth mixture modeling is provided so the book can be used by readers of various skill levels. The book’s datasets are available on the web. New to this edition: * Two new chapters providing a stepwise introduction and practical guide to the application of second-order growth curves and mixture models with categorical outcomes using the Mplus program. Complete with exercises, answer keys, and downloadable data files. * Updated illustrative examples using Mplus 8.0 include conceptual figures, Mplus program syntax, and an interpretation of results to show readers how to carry out the analyses with actual data. This text is ideal for use in graduate courses or workshops on advanced structural equation, multilevel, longitudinal or latent variable modeling, latent growth curve and mixture modeling, factor analysis, multivariate statistics, or advanced quantitative techniques (methods) across the social and behavioral sciences.
Higher-Order Growth Curves and Mixture Modeling with Mplus: A Practical Guide (Multivariate Applications Series)
by Kandauda K.A.S. Wickrama Tae Kyoung Lee Catherine Walker O’Neal Frederick O. LorenzThis practical introduction to second-order and growth mixture models using Mplus introduces simple and complex techniques through incremental steps. The authors extend latent growth curves to second-order growth curve and mixture models and then combine the two. To maximize understanding, each model is presented with basic structural equations, figures with associated syntax that highlight what the statistics mean, Mplus applications, and an interpretation of results. Examples from a variety of disciplines demonstrate the use of the models and exercises allow readers to test their understanding of the techniques. A comprehensive introduction to confirmatory factor analysis, latent growth curve modeling, and growth mixture modeling is provided so the book can be used by readers of various skill levels. The book’s datasets are available on the web. Highlights include: -Illustrative examples using Mplus 7.4 include conceptual figures, Mplus program syntax, and an interpretation of results to show readers how to carry out the analyses with actual data. -Exercises with an answer key allow readers to practice the skills they learn. -Applications to a variety of disciplines appeal to those in the behavioral, social, political, educational, occupational, business, and health sciences. -Data files for all the illustrative examples and exercises at www.routledge.com/9781138925151 allow readers to test their understanding of the concepts. -Point to Remember boxes aid in reader comprehension or provide in-depth discussions of key statistical or theoretical concepts. Part 1 introduces basic structural equation modeling (SEM) as well as first- and second-order growth curve modeling. The book opens with the basic concepts from SEM, possible extensions of conventional growth curve models, and the data and measures used throughout the book. The subsequent chapters in part 1 explain the extensions. Chapter 2 introduces conventional modeling of multidimensional panel data, including confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and growth curve modeling, and its limitations. The logical and theoretical extension of a CFA to a second-order growth curve, known as curve-of-factors model (CFM), are explained in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 illustrates the estimation and interpretation of unconditional and conditional CFMs. Chapter 5 presents the logical and theoretical extension of a parallel process model to a second-order growth curve, known as factor-of-curves model (FCM). Chapter 6 illustrates the estimation and interpretation of unconditional and conditional FCMs. Part 2 reviews growth mixture modeling including unconditional growth mixture modeling (Ch. 7) and conditional growth mixture models (Ch. 8). How to extend second-order growth curves (curve-of-factors and factor-of-curves models) to growth mixture models is highlighted in Chapter 9. Ideal as a supplement for use in graduate courses on (advanced) structural equation, multilevel, longitudinal, or latent variable modeling, latent growth curve and mixture modeling, factor analysis, multivariate statistics, or advanced quantitative techniques (methods) taught in psychology, human development and family studies, business, education, health, and social sciences, this book’s practical approach also appeals to researchers. Prerequisites include a basic knowledge of intermediate statistics and structural equation modeling.
A Higher Standard: Leadership Strategies from America's First Female Four-Star General
by Ann Dunwoody Tomago Collins Foreword by Sheryl SandbergOn June 23, 2008, President George W. Bush nominated Ann Dunwoody as a four-star general in the US Army--the first time a woman had ever achieved that rank. The news generated excitement around the world. Now retired after nearly four decades in the Army, Dunwoody shares what she learned along the way, from her first command leading 100 soldiers to her final assignment, in which she led a $60 billion enterprise of over 69,000 employees, including the Army's global supply chain in support of Iraq and Afghanistan. What was the driving force behind Dunwoody's success? While her talent as a logistician and her empathy in dealing with fellow soldiers helped her rise through the ranks, Dunwoody also realized that true leaders never stop learning, refining, growing, and adapting. In A Higher Standard, Dunwoody details her evolution as a soldier and reveals the core leadership principles that helped her achieve her historic appointment. Dunwoody's strategies are applicable to any leader, no matter the size or scope of the organization. They include lessons such as "Never Walk by a Mistake," a mandate to recognize when something is wrong, big or small, and to hold people accountable. Not only can this save billions for industry, it can sometimes save the lives of soldiers and citizens. She also advises that "Leaders Aren't Invincible--Don't Try to Be": to be our best, we have to acknowledge our worst. And she encourages readers to "Leverage the Power of Diversity" by creating teams of people from different backgrounds to provide a broad range of ideas and devise the best-informed decisions. With these and other guiding principles, A Higher Standard offers practical, tactical advice that everyone can use to lead and achieve with maximum success.
The Highest Calling: Conversations on the American Presidency
by David M. RubensteinA NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER From the New York Times bestselling author of The American Story and How to Lead and host of PBS&’s History with David Rubenstein—David Rubenstein interviews living American presidents and top historians and journalists who reflect on the US presidency, including Joe Biden, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Maggie Haberman, Ron Chernow, and more.For years, bestselling author David M. Rubenstein has distilled the contours of American democracy through conversations with noted leaders and historians. In The Highest Calling, he offers an enlightening overview of arguably the single most important position in the world: the American presidency. Blending history and anecdote, Rubenstein chronicles the journeys of the presidents who have defined America as it exists now, what they envision for its future, and their legacy on the world stage. Drawing from his own experience in the Carter administration, he engages in dialogues with our nation&’s presidents and the historians who study them. Get exclusive access to fresh perspectives, including: -Original interviews with most of the living US presidents -Interviews with noted presidential historians like Annette Gordon-Reed, Ron Chernow, Candice Millard, and more Through &“chatty, insightful, and enlightening&” (The Wall Street Journal) analysis, Rubenstein captures our country&’s most prominent leaders, the political genius and frays of the presidential role, and the wisdom that emerges from it.