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Showing 51,326 through 51,350 of 100,000 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Hewlett-Packard: Creating, Running, and Growing an Enduring Company 1325654 Courtney Purrington H. Kent Bowen 1997
Hewlett-Packard Company: CEO Succession in 2010 1322938 Jay W. Lorsch Melissa Barton Krishna G. Palepu 2010 Contains images
Hewlett-Packard-Compaq: The Merger Decision 1319272 Jonathan Barnett Krishna G. Palepu 2004 Contains images
Hewlett-Packard--Computer Systems Organization: Selling to Enterprise Customers 1323584 Das Narayandas Robert C. Dudley 2000 Contains images
Hewlett-Packard Imaging Systems Division: Sonos 100 C/F Introduction 1324676 Frank V. Cespedes Marie Bell 1993 Contains images
Hewlett-Packard's Home Products Division in Europe--1996-2000 1323614 Carin-Isabel Knoop David J. Arnold 2000 Contains images
Hewlett-Packard's Merced Decision 1325661 Matthew C. Verlinden Clayton M. Christensen 1999 Contains images
Hewlett-Packard's Santa Rosa Systems Division (A): The Trials and Tribulations of a Legacy 1323518 Gregory C. Rogers Michael Beer 1997 Contains images
Hewlett-Packard's Santa Rosa Systems Division (A): The Trials and Tribulations of a Legacy 2472387 Gregory C. Rogers Michael Beer 1997 Contains images
Hexion/Apollo's Courtship of Huntsman Corporation (A) 1322078 Lena G. Goldberg Danielle V. Holland 2015
Hexion/Apollo's Courtship of Huntsman Corporation (B) 1322084 Lena G. Goldberg Danielle V. Holland 2015
Hey! I'm The Manager... Why Aren't You Listening To Me?: A Field Guide For Managing People 1765264 Steve Farner 9780979832000 2008
Hey, Waitress! The USA from the Other Side of the Tray 296771 Alison Owings 9780520217508 2002
Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This: The Classic Guide to Creating Great Ads (Adweek Magazine Ser. #Vol. 5) 3297239 Luke Sullivan 9781119164036 2016 Contains images
Hey Whipple, Squeeze This: The Classic Guide to Creating Great Advertising 5012380 Luke Sullivan 9781119819745 2022 Contains images
Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This 846910 Luke Sullivan Sam Bennett 9781118237182 2012 Contains images
HgCapital and the Visma Transaction (A) 1320737 Karol Misztal Paul A. Gompers Joris Van Gool 2013 Contains images
HgCapital and the Visma Transaction (B-1): Nic Humphries 1320738 Karol Misztal Paul A. Gompers Joris Van Gool 2013
HgCapital and the Visma Transaction (B-2): Oystein Moan 1320739 Karol Misztal Paul A. Gompers Joris Van Gool 2013
HGRM: Bringing Back High Touch Hospitality 1327860 Gabriele Piccoli Lynda M. Applegate 2012 Contains images
HGRM (B): Launching Hoxell, a New IT Venture 1327967 Gabriele Piccoli Arnold B. Peinado Lynda M. Applegate 2014 Contains images
The Hidden Agenda: A Proven Way to Win Business and Create a Following 1285190 Kevin Allen 9781937134051 2012 Contains images
Hidden Agenda: Wenn Führung aus dem Ruder läuft (essentials) 2228491 Hans Joachim Hoppe 9783658224523 2018 Contains images
Hidden and Devalued Feminized Labour in the Digital Humanities: On the Index Thomisticus Project 1954-67 (Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities) 5103178 Julianne Nyhan 9781000819977 2023 Contains images
The Hidden Barriers and Enablers of Team-Based Ideation (Palgrave Studies in Creativity and Innovation in Organizations) 5151698 Linda Suzanne Folk 9783031167959 2022 Contains images

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