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Household Mobility in America
by Brian Joseph GillespieThis book provides an interdisciplinary analysis of the correlations and consequences of residential relocation. Drawing on multiple nationally representative data sets, the book explores historic patterns and current trends in household mobility; individuals' mobility-related decisions; and the individual, family, and community outcomes associated with moving. These sections inform later discussions of mobility-related policy, practice, and directions for future research.
Household Waste Management: Some Insights from Behavioural Economics
by Marianna Gilli Susanna Mancinelli Francesco NicolliThis book surveys existing literature from both waste management and behavioural sciences to offer a complete overview of how economic agents relate to a central matter in the policy making agenda: that of waste prevention and recycling. Environmental behavioural economics is a growing field of research, yet investigation in this area concentrates mostly on energy savings or pollution reduction. The authors highlight the importance of the role of waste management, analysing the effect of monetary and non-monetary incentives and motivations, and explores the complex interplay between motivations, recycling, minimisation and waste policies to affect consumer behaviour. This book will be of interest to researchers and policy-makers in the fields of waste management and environmental economics.
Household Waste Recycling: Household Waste Recycling (Environmental Management Set)
by Richard WaiteHouseholds in the UK each generate around one tonne of waste per year, and the successful management and disposal of this waste is becoming an increasingly important issue. In many cases, recycling is the most sensible option, and the UK government has set a target to recycle a quarter of all household waste by the year 2000. This book gives an overview of the waste management and disposal options currently available, and provides a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of how recycling could develop. The author – one of the UK's leading experts – looks at how much of the waste is potentially recyclable, shows the various ways in which recyclable materials can be separated and reprocessed, and assesses the existing markets for recyclable materials. He gives an in-depth account of the important subject of packaging recycling, and compares the UK's progress and performance with what is happening elsewhere in Europe. He also discusses how the performance of current recycling schemes can be measured and costed, and forecasts future developments in the industry. Dr Richard Waite is a former Specialist Advisor to the House of Commons Environment Select Committee and is currently a consultant with Coopers & Lybrand. He established one of the first commercial MRFs in the country, and has advised many local authorities, central government departments (including the European Commission) and private sector organisations on recycling issues. Originally published in 1995
Household Workers Unite
by Premilla NadasenTelling the stories of African American domestic workers, this book resurrects a little-known history of domestic worker activism in the 1960s and 1970s, offering new perspectives on race, labor, feminism, and organizing. In this groundbreaking history of African American domestic-worker organizing, scholar and activist Premilla Nadasen shatters countless myths and misconceptions about an historically misunderstood workforce. Resurrecting a little-known history of domestic-worker activism from the 1950s to the 1970s, Nadasen shows how these women were a far cry from the stereotyped passive and powerless victims; they were innovative labor organizers who tirelessly organized on buses and streets across the United States to bring dignity and legal recognition to their occupation.Dismissed by mainstream labor as "unorganizable," African American household workers developed unique strategies for social change and formed unprecedented alliances with activists in both the women's rights and the black freedom movements. Using storytelling as a form of activism and as means of establishing a collective identity as workers, these women proudly declared, "We refuse to be your mammies, nannies, aunties, uncles, girls, handmaidens any longer."With compelling personal stories of the leaders and participants on the front lines, Household Workers Unite gives voice to the poor women of color whose dedicated struggle for higher wages, better working conditions, and respect on the job created a sustained political movement that endures today.From the Hardcover edition.
Households and Financialization in Europe: Mapping Variegated Patterns in Semi-Peripheries (RIPE Series in Global Political Economy)
by Marek MikušHouseholds and Financialization in Europe develops a processual, relational and critical transdisciplinary approach to household financialization in Europe, utilizing a range of national and local case studies. It does so by drawing on debates in Marxist, feminist and radical IPE, anthropology and other fields. The book explores the household as simultaneously a micro-level social institution specializing in social reproduction, distribution and other activities; a building bloc of larger economic and social structures; and an object of multiple systems of power/knowledge. Putting this conceptualization to use in original research, the authors identify geographically and historically situated ways in which financialization transforms households and their relationships with the wider economy and society. The book traces these transformations in case studies of variegated financialization in Eastern and Southern European (semi-) peripheries where households have faced particularly severe financial issues since the global financial crisis, such as over-indebtedness and asset devaluation. Key themes recurring throughout the book include: the key role of housing in household financialization, the co-constitutive relationship between financialization and social and spatial inequalities, specific patterns in the relations of financial actors and households in semi-peripheries, and the implications of semi-peripheral forms of real and financial accumulation for household financialization. With its transdisciplinary approach, this book will be of great interest to students and scholars of finance, financialization, household economics, international and global political economy, uneven development, economic anthropology, and economic sociology. The Introduction of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at http://www.taylorfrancis.com under a Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY 4.0 license.
Households, Employment, and Gender: A Social, Economic, and Demographic View
by Paula EnglandDuring the twentieth century arrangements governing love, work, and their routinization in households and employment underwent a transformation. During this period women gained employment opportunities. This reduced sex differentiation, but did not equalize the roles or power of men and women. The goal of this book is to describe the trends and patterns that remain constant amidst the change, and to provide an integrated framework for understanding them.The authors focus on a three-tier level of integration that is not available in other studies of this kind. First, they combine the topics of households and employment, showing similarities and causal links between household and employment arrangements. Second, a conceptual framework is provided that gives attention to both individuals' choices and to the structural constraints that limit available options. Finally, an integration of economic and sociological views of employment, demographic behavior, and other household behavior is examined.By using both individual and structural views, Paula England and George Farkas provide an overview of this coupling. This work is unique in that it draws from both economics and sociology and from demographers in both disciplines. Households, Employment, and Gender is an analytic synthesis for scholars and an invaluable sourcebook for classes on gender, labor, the family, social demography, economics, and economic sociology.
Housekeeping by Design: Hotels and Labor
by David BrodyOne of the great pleasures of staying in a hotel is spending time in a spotless, neat, and organized space that you don’t have to clean. That doesn’t, however, mean the work disappears—when we’re not looking, someone else is doing it. With Housekeeping by Design, David Brody introduces us to those people—the housekeepers whose labor keeps the rooms clean and the guests happy. Through unprecedented access to staff at several hotels, Brody shows us just how much work goes on behind the scenes—and how much management goes out of its way to make sure that labor stays hidden. We see the incredible amount of hard physical work that is involved in cleaning and preparing a room, how spaces, furniture, and other objects are designed to facilitate a smooth flow of hidden labor, and, crucially, how that design could be improved for workers and management alike if front-line staff were involved in the design process. After reading this fascinating exposé of the ways hotels work—or don’t for housekeepers—one thing is certain: checking in will never be the same again.
Housekeeping Management
by Matt A. CasadoThe second edition of Housekeeping Management is written from a management perspective of the executive housekeeper in the lodging industry. The overarching concept of the text spotlights three major areas of expertise required for the success of lodging professionals: management of resources, administration of assets, and knowledge of technical operations. The text explores the role of the housekeeping department in hotel/lodging operations, and focuses mainly on the effective communication between the housekeeping, front office, and engineering and maintenance staff. This edition will have the same focus on the management- and administration-based philosophy from the 1st Edition, but with a stronger focus on the engineering aspects of housekeeping. The book will also incorporate new concepts of energy conservation and risk management to address the latest sustainability and security trends in the industry, as well as updated information on guestroom technology.
Housing America: Building Out of a Crisis (Independent Studies In Political Economy Ser.)
by Randall G. Holcombe Benjamin PowellHousing policy not only aff ects all Americans' quality of life, but has a direct impact on their fi nancial well being. About 70 percent of American households own their own homes, and for most, their homes represent the majority of their net worth. Renters are aff ected by housing policy. Even the small minority of Americans who are homeless are aff ected by housing policies specifi cally targeted to low-income individuals.The government's increasing involvement in housing markets, fed by popular demand that government "do something" to address real problems of mortgage defaults and loans, provides good reason to take a new look at the public sector in housing markets. Crises in prime mortgage lending may lower the cost of housing, but the poor and homeless cannot benefi t because of increases in unemployment. Even the private market is heavily regulated. Government policies dictate whether people can build new housing on their land, what type of housing they can build, the terms allowed in rental contracts, and much more.This volume considers the eff ects of government housing policies and what can be done to make them work better. It shows that many problems are the result of government rules and regulations. Even in a time of foreclosures, the market can still do a crucial a job of allocating resources, just as it does in other markets. Consequently, the appropriate policy response may well be to signifi cantly reduce, not increase, government presence in housing markets. Housing America is a courageous and comprehensive eff ort to examine housing policies in the United States and to show how such policies aff ect the housing market.
Housing and Financial Stability: Mortgage Lending and Macroprudential Policy in the UK and US (Routledge Research in Finance and Banking Law)
by Alan BrenerThis book brings together politics, law, financial services regulation, economics and housing policy in the analysis of mortgage lending and macroprudential policy in the UK and US. The book addresses the relationship between housing policy, credit and financial instability in light of the recent global financial crisis, and proposes both short and long-term solutions. Although it is not known where the next crisis will come from, history suggests that it will have credit and property at its source. Thus, it is important that the UK and other countries look more broadly at what should be done in terms of policies, institutions and tools to make the housing market and mortgage lenders more resilient against a future crisis. This book sets out a number of workable proposals. Central to this work are questions relating to the quantitative macroprudential measures, such as loan-to-value (LTV) and debt-to-income (DTI) restrictions, and whether these can be used to any significant extent in western democracies and, if employed, whether they are likely to be effective. In particular, the book questions the political legitimacy of their use and the potential consequences for the institutions, such as central banks, promulgating such policies. Preserving financial stability in very uncertain market conditions is of key importance to central bankers and other regulators, and macroprudential policy is a rapidly growing subject for both legal and economics study. This book will therefore be of interest to financial professionals, policy-makers and academics.
Housing and Health: The Role of Primary Care (House Of Commons Papers #2016-17 403)
by Gill Paramjit Gilles De WildtHousing is an important determinant of health. This book provides a concise overview of the impact of housing policy and the effect of housing on health. It covers the issues of homelessness and health, collaboration between organisations in delivering housing needs, and focusses on the role of primary care teams as part of the Primary Care Trusts. It will be of interest to all members of primary care organisations, especially those concerned with health and social policy, including clinicians, nurses, psychologists, managers, statutory and voluntary housing organisations, policy makers, shapers and influencers.
Housing and Home Unbound: Intersections in economics, environment and politics in Australia (Routledge Housing Research Series)
by Nicole Cook Aidan Davison Louise CrabtreeHousing and Home Unbound pioneers understandings of housing and home as a meeting ground in which intensive practices, materials and meanings tangle with extensive economic, environmental and political worlds. Cutting across disciplines, the book opens up the conceptual and empirical study of housing and home by exploring the coproduction of the concrete and the abstract, the intimate and the institutional, the experiential and the collective. Exploring diverse examples in Australia and New Zealand, contributors address the interleaving of money and materials in the digital commodity of real estate, the neoliberal invention of housing as a liquid asset and source of welfare provision, and the bundling of car and home in housing markets. The more-than-human relations of housing and home are articulated through the role of suburban nature in the making of Australian modernity, the marketing of nature in waterfront urban renewal, the role of domestic territory in subversive social movements such as Seasteading and Tiny Houses, and the search for home comfort through low-cost energy efficiency practices. The transformative politics of housing and home are explored through the decolonizing of housing tenure, the shaping of housing policy by urban social movements, the lived importance of marginal spaces in Indigenous and other housing, and the affective lessons of the ruin. Beginning with the diverse elements gathered together in housing and home, the text opens up the complex realities and possibilities of human dwelling.
Housing and Labour Markets: Building the Connections (Routledge Library Editions: Labour Economics #1)
by John Allen Chris HamnettFirst published in 1991. The connection between housing and work is one of the most discussed yet least understood aspects of modern society. Housing and Labour Markets explores the different ways in which housing and labour are linked and examines their central significance in many of the key changes in society today. It provides a wide-ranging analysis of the relationships between housing and labour markets, with accounts of the different forms of work, paid and unpaid, in which various types of households are engaged. This edited collection addresses the varied impact of restructuring in both housing and labour markets in different localities and regions, including contributions from the USA and Australia. By making an important input into the growing debate over the inks between home and work, this book shows the direction in which the debate should go, draws out the principal lines of connection and suggests a way forward. The issues addressed in Housing and Labour Markets will be of interest to a wide range of social science disciplines, especially urban studies, economics, sociology, geography and planning. Local government officers in housing and planning will also find it makes an invaluable contribution to developing links between housing and the workplace.
Housing and Mortgage Markets in Historical Perspective (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report)
by Price Fishback Kenneth Snowden Eugene N. WhiteThe central role of the housing market in the recent recession raised a series of questions about similar episodes throughout economic history. Were the underlying causes of housing and mortgage crises the same in earlier episodes? Has the onset and spread of crises changed over time? How have previous policy interventions either damaged or improved long-run market performance and stability? This volume begins to answer these questions, providing a much-needed context for understanding recent events by examining how historical housing and mortgage markets workedOCoand how they sometimes failed. Renowned economic historians Eugene N. White, Kenneth Snowden, and Price Fishback survey the foundational research on housing crises, comparing that of the 1930s to that of the early 2000s in order to authoritatively identify what contributed to each crisis. Later chapters explore notable historical experiences with mortgage securitization and the role that federal policy played in the surge in home ownership between 1940 and 1960. By providing a broad historical overview of housing and mortgage markets, the volume offers valuable new insights to inform future policy debates. "
Housing and Technology: Special Focus on Zimbabwe (SpringerBriefs in Environment, Security, Development and Peace #37)
by Abraham R. Matamanda Innocent Chirisa Siphokazi Rammile Mario MaraisThe housing and human settlement sector is fast changing, and technology is making it more complex than ever before. With reference to Zimbabwe, a developing country in Southern Africa, the essence of this book is to bring out housing as an issue within the technology debate and practice. The following themes emerge from the 6 chapters in the book: • The characterisation and conceptualisation of housing and technology and the nexus of both • The complexity of housing challenges and the problems governments face in providing adequate housing, especially for the poor • Diverse practices in housing construction through the application of different typologies of technology • Assessment of the feasibility of technologies in housing development in Zimbabwe by mirroring them against global experiences. • Discussion of alternative policy approaches that may guide technology integration in housing development. This book will excite scholars and practitioners in urban and development studies, construction project management, urban sociology, geography, real estate together with policymakers and government officials.
Housing and the Financial Crisis: Housing And The Financial Crisis (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report)
by Edward L. Glaeser Todd SinaiConventional wisdom held that housing prices couldnOCOt fall. But the spectacular boom and bust of the housing market during the first decade of the twenty-first century and millions of foreclosed homeowners have made it clear that housing is no different from any other asset in its ability to climb and crash. aaaaaaaaaaa "Housing and the Financial Crisis "looks at what happened to prices and construction both during and after the housing boom in different parts of the American housing market, accounting for why certain areas experienced less volatility than others. It then examines the causes of the boom and bust, including the availability of credit, the perceived risk reduction due to the securitization of mortgages, and the increase in lending from foreign sources. Finally, it examines a range of policies that might address some of the sources of recent instability.
Housing Boom and Bust: Owner Occupation, Government Regulation and the Credit Crunch
by Peter KingHousing bubbles burst, creating economic misery for millions. Over the past thirty years, the culture of property ownership has become so ingrained that policy makers, bankers and households have taken for granted that housing is a good investment and forgotten about the bust. Explaining how the current crisis in housing markets has arisen, this topical and sharp analysis considers the causes of house price bubbles and the reason for the collapse in markets worldwide. Written for students, it explains the economic cycle of housing, ways in which future booms and busts can be mitigated and how the lessons of this latest housing bubble can finally be learned.
The Housing Boom and Bust: Revised Edition
by Thomas SowellScary headlines and scarier statistics tell the story of a financial crisis on a scale not seen in decades--certainly not within the lifetime of most Americans. Moreover, this is a worldwide financial crisis. Financial institutions on both sides of the Atlantic have either collapsed or have been saved from collapse by government bailouts, as a result of buying securities based on American housing values that eroded or evaporated. Now completely revised in paperback, The Housing Boom and Bust is designed to unravel the tangled threads of that story. It also attempts to determine whether what is being done to deal with the problem is more likely to make things better or worse.
Housing, Care and Inheritance (Housing and Society Series)
by Misa IzuharaHousing, Care and Inheritance draws on the author’s long-standing research into housing issues surrounding the ageing society, a phenomenon which is now a concern in many mature economies. If an adult child provides care for their elderly parent, should that person be rewarded? If so, should they inherit their parent’s house or a larger share of the assets? The ‘generational contract’ is often influenced by cultural norms, family traditions, social policy and housing market, so it is negotiated differently in different societies and at different times. Such generational contract is however breaking down as a result of socio-economic and demographic changes. Drawn from the two-part study funded by the UK Economic & Social Research Council, Misa Izuhara explores the myth and the changing patterns of the particular exchange of long-term care and housing assets between older parents and their adult children in Britain and Japan. Highly international and comparative in perspectives, this study addresses important sociological as well as policy questions regarding intergenerational relations involving housing wealth, long-term care, and inheritance.
The Housing Cycle in Emerging Middle Eastern Economies and its Macroeconomic Policy Implications
by Samya Beidas-Strom Weicheng Lian Ashwaq MaseehA report from the International Monetary Fund.
Housing Decisions
by Carolyn S. Turner Evelyn L. LewisLewis (emeritus, home economics, Northern Arizona U. , Flagstaff) and Turner (housing research, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State U. , Greensboro) address numerous aspects of housing including related careers. This textbook's 7th incarnation (the last being in 2000) features color illustrations, relevant US legislation, energy-saving tips, and a glossary.
The Housing Design Handbook: A Guide to Good Practice
by David Levitt Jo McCaffertyEveryone deserves a decent and affordable home, a truth (almost) universally acknowledged. But housing in the UK has been in a state of crisis for decades, with too few homes built, too often of dubious quality, and costing too much to buy, rent or inhabit. It doesn’t have to be like this. Bringing together a wealth of experience from a wide range of housing experts, this completely revised edition of The Housing Design Handbook provides an authoritative, comprehensive and systematic guide to best practice in what is perhaps the most contentious and complex field of architectural design. This book sets out design principles for all the essential components of successful housing design – including placemaking, typologies and density, internal and external space, privacy, security, tenure, and community engagement – illustrated with case studies of schemes by architecture practices working across the UK and continental Europe. Written by David Levitt and Jo McCafferty – two recognised authorities in the field – and with contributions from more than twenty other leading practitioners, The Housing Design Handbook is an essential reference for professionals and students in architecture and design as well as for government bodies, housing associations and other agencies involved in housing.
Housing Economics
by Geoffrey Meen Kenneth Gibb Chris Leishman Christian A. NygaardThe world has still to emerge fully from the housing-triggered Global Financial Crisis, but housing crises are not new. The history of housing shows long-run social progress, littered with major disasters; nevertheless the progress is often forgotten, whilst the difficulties hit the headlines. Housing Economics provides a long-term economic perspective on macro and urban housing issues, from the Victorian era onwards. A historical perspective sheds light on modern problems and the constraints on what can be achieved; it concentrates on the key policy issues of housing supply, affordability, tenure, the distribution of migrant communities, mortgage markets and household mobility. Local case studies are interwoven with city-wide aggregate analysis. Three sets of issues are addressed: the underlying reasons for the initial establishment of residential neighbourhoods, the processes that generate growth, decline and patterns of integration/segregation, and the impact of historical development on current problems and the implications for policy.
Housing Estates in Europe: Poverty, Ethnic Segregation And Policy Challenges (The Urban Book Series)
by Daniel Baldwin Hess Tiit Tammaru Maarten Van HamThis open access book explores the formation and socio-spatial trajectories of large housing estates in Europe. Are these estates clustered or scattered? Which social groups originally had access to residential space in housing estates? What is the size, scale and geography of housing estates, their architectural and built environment composition, services and neighbourhood amenities, and metropolitan connectivity? How do housing estates contribute to the urban mosaic of neighborhoods by ethnic and socio-economic status? What types of policies and planning initiatives have been implemented in order to prevent the social downgrading of housing estates?The collection of chapters in this book addresses these questions from a new perspective previously unexplored in scholarly literature. The social aspects of housing estates are thoroughly investigated (including socio-demographic and economic characteristics of current and past inhabitants; ethnicity and segregation patterns; population dynamics; etc.), and the physical composition of housing estates is described in significant detail (including building materials; building form; architectural and landscape design; built environment characteristics; etc.). This book is timely because the recent global economic crisis and Europe’s immigration crisis demand a thorough investigation of the role large housing estates play in poverty and ethnic concentration. Through case studies of housing estates in 14 European centers, the book also identifies policy measures that have been used to address challenges in housing estates throughout Europe.
Housing Estates in the Baltic Countries: The Legacy of Central Planning in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (The Urban Book Series)
by Daniel Baldwin Hess Tiit TammaruThis open access book focuses on the formation and later socio-spatial trajectories of large housing estates in the Baltic countries—Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. It also explores claims that a distinctly “westward-looking orientation” in their design produced housing estates that were superior in design to those produced elsewhere in the Soviet Union (between 1944 and 1991, Estonia was a member republic of the USSR). The first two parts of the book provide contextual material to help readers understand the vision behind housing estates in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. These sections present the background of housing estates in the Baltic Republics as well as challenges and debates concerning their formation, evolution, and present condition and importance. Subsequent parts of the book consist of:demographic analyses of the socioeconomic characteristics and ethnicity of housing estate residents (past and present) in the three Baltic capital cities, case studies of people and places related to housing estates in the Baltic countries, and chapters exploring relevant special topics and themes.This book will be of interest to students, scholars, and advocates interested in understanding the past, present, and future importance of housing estates in the Baltic countries.