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23/7: Pelican Bay Prison and the Rise of Long-Term Solitary Confinement

by Keramet Reiter

How America’s prisons turned a “brutal and inhumane” practice into standard procedure Originally meant to be brief and exceptional, solitary confinement in U.S. prisons has become long-term and common. Prisoners spend twenty-three hours a day in featureless cells, with no visitors or human contact for years on end, and they are held entirely at administrators’ discretion. Keramet Reiter tells the history of one “supermax,” California’s Pelican Bay State Prison, whose extreme conditions recently sparked a statewide hunger strike by 30,000 prisoners. This book describes how Pelican Bay was created without legislative oversight, in fearful response to 1970s radicals; how easily prisoners slip into solitary; and the mental havoc and social costs of years and decades in isolation. The product of fifteen years of research in and about prisons, this book provides essential background to a subject now drawing national attention.

23 Abitudini Per Non Procrastinare

by Eugenia Franzoni S. J. Scott

"23 abitudini per non procrastinare: Come smettere di essere pigri e arrivare a dei risultati nella vita" è la guida definitiva per riuscire a portare avanti i vostri progetti e per essere più produttivi. La verità è che a tutti piace fare le cose e diventare produttivi, ma quello che spesso accade è che lasciamo da parte i compiti importanti e che ce li perdiamo senza accorgercene. Il risultato? Siamo sopraffatti dalla quantità di cose da fare. In altre parole, "procrastinare" ci causa dello stress se non completiamo i nostri compiti in modo sistematico. La soluzione è semplice: sviluppare uno stato mentale che eviti il procrastinare, in cui si agisce di giorno in giorno e che ci permetta di non essere MAI sopraffatti dalle cose da fare. Nel libro "23 abitudini per non procrastinare" scoprirete un elenco di idee per aiutarvi a superare ogni giorno la tentazione di procrastinare. Anche se molti libri danno un semplice elenco di suggerimenti, con questo imparerete perché una strategia specifica funziona, quali concetti limitanti elimina e come può essere applicata immediatamente alla vostra vita. In breve, imparerete le cause fondamentali per cui procrastinate, e come superarle. Non c'è bisogno di essere controllati dal procrastinare; lo si può superare formandosi una serie di abitudini positive che ci spingono ad agire.

23 cosas que no te cuentan sobre el capitalismo

by Ha-Joon Chang

¿Cómo no vimos venir el colapso económico en que nos hallamos? Ha-Joon Chang, uno de los economistas más respetados del mundo, tiene la respuesta: no preguntamos qué era lo que no nos contaban sobre el capitalismo. Este es un libro ameno con una intención muy seria, cuestionar las premisas que sostienen el dogma y la propaganda que la escuela dominante de economistas neoliberales -los apóstoles del libre mercado- ha lanzado desde los tiempos de Reagan. 23 cosas que no te cuentan sobre el capitalismo cambiará la manera en que ves todos los tópicos sobre la economía. Ha-Joon Chang hace añicos los principales mitos del mundo en que vivimos y explica cómo funciona realmente el sistema, por ejemplo: -No hay mercados libres. -La globalización no está haciendo más rico el mundo. -La lavadora ha cambiado más el mundo que internet. -En los países pobres hay más iniciativa empresarial que en los ricos. -Los directivos mejor pagados no consiguen mejores resultados Chang, premiado autor de varios libros, es uno de los economistas más respetados del mundo, una voz de cordura e inteligencia en la tradición de John Kenneth Galbraith y Joseph Stiglitz. 23 cosas que no te cuentan sobre el capitalismo permite entender cómo funciona el capitalismo global... y cómo no lo hace. En "Cómo reconstruir la economía mundial", la conclusión final, Chang explica cómo podemos modelar el capitalismo para humanizarlo, en vez de convertirnos en esclavos del mercado. Reseñas:«Una magistral refutación de algunos mitos del capitalismo. Ingenioso, heterodoxo y lleno de sentido común, este libro es imprescindible.»Observer «Importante y convincente. Una clara argumentación en defensa de una etapa más cauta y preocupada por la gente.»Financial Times «Chang, profesor de Economía en Cambridge, resulta inteligente y apasionado sin necesidad de subir los decibelios.»Time «Chang ofrece un iluminador resumen del pensamiento económico moderno, y de todos los casos en que no ha funcionado, animándonos a actuar para reconstruir por completo la economía mundial.»Publishers Weekly «Un libro esencial para todos los que quieran entender el capitalismo no como lo cuentan los economistas o los políticos, sino tal cómo funciona en realidad.»John Gray «Un libro entretenido, accesible y provocador.»Sunday Times

23 Hábitos Anti-Procrastinación Cómo Dejar De Ser Perezoso Y Tener Resultados En Tu Vida.

by Marcela Gutiérrez Bravo S. J. Scott

23 Hábitos Anti-Procrastinación: Cómo dejar de ser perezoso y tener resultados en tu vida es la útlima guía para hacer las cosas y ser más productivo.La verdad es que nos gustaría hacer todo y ser más productivos. Pero lo que sucede continuamente es que posponemos tareas importantes y las dejamos que se escurran por las endiduras. ¿El resultado final? Nos agobiamos por la cantidad de cosas por hacer. En otras palabras, "la procrastinación" te causa que te sientas estresado cuando no has completado taeas de una manera sistemática.La solución es simple. Desarrolla una "mentalidad anti-procrastinación" en el que emprendas de manera diaria y NUNCA te agobies por tu lista de pendientes.En el libro 23 Hábitos Anti-Procrastinación. Descubrirás un catálogo de ideas que te ayudarán a vencer la procrastinación de manera diaria. Mientras muchos libros proveen una simple lista de tips.Aprenderás por qué una estrategia específica funciona. qué creencia limitante la elimina y cómo puede ser inmediatamente aplicada a tu vida. En breve, aprenderás las causas clave de tu procrastinación y acabarás con ellas.No tienes que ser controlado por la procrastinación. Puedes vencerla formando una colección de hábitos positivos que te llevan a emprender.

23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism

by Ha-Joon Chang

One of the world's most respected economists and author of the international bestseller "Bad Samaritans" equips readers with an understanding of how global capitalism works--and doesn't.

23andMe: Genetic Testing for Consumers (C)

by John A. Quelch Irene Lu

Supplement to case 514086.

23andMe: Genetic Testing For Consumers (A)

by Margaret Rodriguez John A. Quelch

On November 22, 2013, the direct-to-consumer genetic testing provider, 23andMe, received a letter from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ordering the company to halt the sale and promotion of its genetic testing kit. The FDA stated that the product was marketed as a diagnostic and preventative tool and that it was subject to the agency's regulations for medical devices. Company co-founder Anne Wojcicki and chairman Andy Page carefully considered the potential impact of the FDA's letter on 23andMe's position in the industry and the sustainability of its operations.

23andMe: Genetic Testing for Consumers (B)

by Margaret Rodriguez John A. Quelch

Following the FDA's letter in November 2013, which ordered 23andMe to cease sales of its DNA test kits, observers wondered how co-founder and CEO, Anne Wojcicki, would guide the company in the presence of uncertainty.

23andMe: Genetic Testing For Consumers (A)

by John A. Quelch Margaret Rodriguez

On November 22, 2013, the direct-to-consumer genetic testing provider, 23andMe, received a letter from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ordering the company to halt the sale and promotion of its genetic testing kit. The FDA stated that the product was marketed as a diagnostic and preventative tool and that it was subject to the agency's regulations for medical devices. Company co-founder Anne Wojcicki and chairman Andy Page carefully considered the potential impact of the FDA's letter on 23andMe's position in the industry and the sustainability of its operations.

24/6: The Power of Unplugging One Day a Week

by Tiffany Shlain

In 24/6, Tiffany Shlain explores how turning off screens one day a week can work wonders on your brain, body, and soul. Internet pioneer and renowned filmmaker Tiffany Shlain takes us on a provocative and entertaining journey through time and technology, introducing a strategy for living in our 24/7 world: turning off all screens for twenty-four hours each week. This practice, which she’s done for nearly a decade with her husband and kids (sixteen and ten), has completely changed their lives, giving them more time, productivity, connection, and presence. She and her family call it “Technology Shabbat.” Drawn from the ancient ritual of Shabbat, living 24/6 can work for anyone from any background. With humor and wisdom, Shlain shares her story, offers lessons she has learned, and provides a blueprint for how to do it yourself. Along the way, she delves into the neuroscience, philosophy, psychology, and history of a weekly day of rest across cultures, making the case for why we need to bring this ritual back. A compelling personal story and a fascinating, far-reaching examination of the complex world we’ve created, 24/6 is a call to rebalance ourselves and our society.

24 Days: How Two Wall Street Journal Reporters Uncovered the Lies that Destroyed Faith in Corporate America

by Rebecca Smith John R. Emshwiller

This is the story of Rebecca Smith and John R. Emshwiller, the two reporters who led the Wall Street Journal's reporting on Enron and uncovered the unorthodox partnerships at the heart of the scandal through skill, luck, and relentless determination. It all started in August 2001when Emshwiller was assigned to write a supposedly simple article on the unexpected resignation of Enron CEO Jeff Skilling. During his research, Emshwiller uncovered a buried reference to an off-balance-sheet partnership called LJM. Little did he know, this was the start of a fast and furious ride through the remarkable downfall of a once highly-prized company. Written in an intense, fast paced narrative style, 24 Days tells the gripping story of the colossal collapse of what would become the world's most notorious corporation. The reader follows along as Smith and Emshwiller continue to uncover new partnerships and self-dealing among the highest levels of Enron's management. As they publish articles detailing their findings in the Journal, Wall Street and individual investors have a crisis of confidence and start selling Enron stock at unprecedented levels of volume. In the end - 24 short days later - Enron had completely collapsed, erasing 16 years of growth and losing $19 billion in market value while watching the stock drop from $33.84 to $8.41. Not only was the company destroyed, but investors and retired employees were completely wiped out-all the while Enron executives were collecting millions of dollars. Climaxing with this 24-day period, this book shows the reporter's-eye view of a David-and-Goliath battle between journalists and a giant corporation. Each day a new story uncovered another fact; each day the company issued denials. And when the investigative stories reached critical mass and momentum, the stock market cast its final vote of no confidence. In the tradition of Indecent Exposure and Barbarians at the Gate, two other gripping narratives that began as a series of Wall Street Journal stories and ended up as books that defined an era, 24 Days brings the importance of great investigative journalism to life.

24-Hour Cities: Real Investment Performance, Not Just Promises

by Hugh F. Kelly

Winner of the Gold Award in the Tenth Annual Robert Bruss Real Estate Book Competition 24 Hour Cities is the very first full length book about America’s cities that never sleep. Over the last fifty years, the nation’s top live-work-play cities have proven themselves more than just vibrant urban environments for the elite. They are attracting a cross-section of the population from across the U.S. and are preferred destinations for immigrants of all income strata. This is creating a virtuous circle wherein economic growth enhances property values, stronger real estate markets sustain more reliable tax bases, and solid municipal revenues pay for better services that further attract businesses and talented individuals. Yet, just a generation ago, cities like New York, Boston, Washington, San Francisco, and Miami were broke (financially and physically), scarred by violence, and prime examples of urban dysfunction. How did the turnaround happen? And why are other cities still stuck with the hollow downtowns and sprawling suburbs that make for a 9-to-5 urban configuration? Hugh Kelly’s cross-disciplinary research identifies the ingredients of success, and the recipe that puts them together.

The 24-Hour Customer

by Adrian C. Ott

Time is not money. Time is more important than money. Today's customers are overwhelmed, overworked, and overstressed, and it seems that everyone-from CEOs to soccer moms-is short on time and inundated with information. As a result, despite the availability of 24/7 commerce and countless ways of engaging people in our multiscreen (mobile, TV, and PC) economy, companies find it more difficult than ever to claim even a fraction of the 1,440 minutes in their customers' precious 24 hours. In The 24-Hour Customer, Adrian C. Ott, CEO of a successful Silicon Valley consultancy, argues that companies need to strategically harness the ebbs and flows of customer time and attention in order to win in today's competitive landscape. She explores the economics of time and attention, including why customers will devote hours addicted to social networks, yet will say "I have no time!" to other offerings. Based on extensive research and real-world results with market-leading companies, this book provides tools, such as Time-Value Tradeoffs and Time-ographics, that pinpoint opportunities to increase revenue and gain market traction. Filled with fascinating case studies from companies like Johnson & Johnson, Amazon, and iPhone app start-ups, The 24-Hour Customer offers fresh ideas for capitalizing on the elements of time, attention, and value to innovate never-before-considered products, services, and programs for today's Über-connected, multitasking customer. Readers will discover how: Zipcar utilized time-slicing to redefine automobile ownership and grew by 70 percent, while the auto industry struggled in 2009; Netflix, Hulu, and others time-shifted to movies on-demand, ultimately restructuring the entertainment industry; P&G leveraged inattention by enabling habit-formation for some of its most successful brands. This book shares the latest strategic weapons for achieving market leadership and will change the way executives think about their businesses and their customers.

The 24-Hour Genius

by Eric Epstein

If a year of study or work is a competitive marathon, all-nighters are often the sprints in which certain runners break away from the pack. Tap into your genius and achieve greater success by learning to strategically pull an all-nighter. Whether fine-tuning a business plan or trying to come up with the next high performing app, pulling an all-nighter can be your key to success, if used wisely and managed effectively. In The 24 Hour Genius, all-nighter expert Eric Epstein not only offers essential tips on how to keep yourself alert and productive, he also explains how an all night work session can unlock the brain’s creative powers to help you achieveyour goals—and even enhance your results. Exploring famous all-nighter success stories — from Thomas Edison and his “Insomnia Squad” and their invention of the disc record, to the development of the first Macintosh computer —Epstein shows you how to make your own breakthrough with a strategically planned all-nighter.

The 24-Hour Rule and Other Secrets for Smarter Organizations: Including the 6 Steps of Dynamic Documentation

by Adrienne Bellehumeur

How do we change our focus from what we KNOW to what we DO with what we know? Convert your abstract ideas, plans, and proprietary knowledge into purposeful action with an innovative six-step approach proven to solve your business problems and strengthen your workflow.It&’s one thing to have a great idea—but it&’s an entirely different thing to actually bring that idea to life. Consultant Adrienne Bellehumeur&’s purposeful practices are your key to capturing our collective brains&’ bounty—and to pull the most power from even the simplest of actions.In The 24-Hour Rule and Other Secrets for Smarter Organizations, Bellehumeur draws on the fields of productivity, knowledge management, and design thinking to form what will soon become your and your team&’s greatest work superpower. At the heart of Bellehumeur&’s six-steps of Dynamic Documentation is the &“24-Hour Rule,&” a reminder that actionable items—like to-dos, deadlines, feedback, and observations—need to be written down and shared with others. Without embracing documentation—and other memorable secrets like &“The Skill Stack Solution&” and &“The Groundhog Trap,&”—our greatest plans and hoped-for solutions will easily slide into oblivion. What&’s more, Bellehumeur&’s Dynamic Documentation is a &“zen&” approach to information management, making documentation accessible, doable, and even appealing. Not only will this refreshingly simple guide equip you with an array of practical tools, it will also bring real joy to your everyday work activities.

The 24 Hour Woman: How High-Achieving, Stressed Women Manage It All and Still Find Happiness

by Cheryl Liew-Chng

Think you can have it all? Think again. Then stop thinking and do something different. In this always-on global world with increasing work-life demands and career opportunities, the 24-Hour Woman has the wisdom to know that managing it all does not mean having it all. Rather, it means consciously designing a life of happiness and fulfillment. All women experience STRESS—whether they are working professionals, entrepreneurs, or stay-at-home moms. It's what they do with it that matters. Instead of trying to have and do everything, the 24-Hour Woman masters the art of navigating life successfully by focusing first on the legacy she wants to build. Only then can she live a life most excellent—defined by joy and vibrancy. Written by Cheryl Liew-Chng, award-winning global HR consultant on work-life issues and professional development, The 24-Hour Woman offers wisdom and tools from successful women around the globe. The 24-Hour Woman shares strategies for navigating life by focusing first on legacy. Then it lays out case studies and simple daily changes to help you thrive—starting today—and extending through every 24-hour period you live. You will discover: • The myths of the 24-Hour Woman and how to get ahead of them • The five Foundational Pillars that every woman must build into her life • What a legacy can do to keep you focused and passionate about your day • How to create growth friends to nudge you forward • What a show host, ceramics artist, and corporate CEO have in common Learn the secrets and strategies of The 24-Hour Woman—and discover how to thrive in all areas of life. The clock is ticking...what are you waiting for? Visit for details on claiming your gifts from Cheryl.

24M Technologies

by Benjamin Weinstock John R. Wells

In early 2020, 24M Technologies (24M) announced that two of its strategic investors had commenced building plants to produce lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries based on 24M's novel semi-solid electrode technology. This promised to halve the cost of conventional Li-ion batteries, increase the energy density to provide greater range in electric vehicles, and make them safer and more reliable. Cofounders Yet-Ming Chiang and Throop Wilder had set up the company 10 years earlier in a quest to take all that was good about Li-ion technology and improve it. The founders argued that, historically, Li-ion development had focused on miniaturized cells for consumer electronics and that these design principles had been carried over into cells destined for electric cars and grid-scale batteries. It made no sense to accept these constraints. What was needed was a fresh start; to begin with a "clean sheet of paper." The technology had taken 10 years and nearly $100 million to develop from a laboratory demonstration to a commercial product. Now, the challenge was to scale it up to compete with conventional technology.

25 Essential Skills for the Successful Behavior Analyst: From Graduate School to Chief Executive Officer

by Jon Bailey Mary Burch

This second edition of Bailey and Burch’s best-selling 25 Essential Skills for the Successful Behavior Analyst is an invaluable guide to the professional skills required in the rapidly growing field of applied behavior analysis. The demands on professional behavior analysts, BCBAs and BCBA-Ds, are constantly increasing such that several new skills are required to keep up with new developments. Each chapter has been thoroughly updated and seven new chapters address recognizing the need to understand client advocacy, cultural responsiveness, and the movement toward diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field. The authors present five basic skills and strategy areas which each behavior analyst need to acquire: essential professional skills, basic behavioral repertoire, applying behavioral knowledge, vital work habits, and advanced skills. This book is organized around those five areas, with a total of 25 specific skills presented within those topics.

The 25 Habits of Highly Successful Investors

by Peter Sander

The definitive guide to investing in today's market! Especially after the wild ride that began in the fall of 2008, individual stock investing has become far more challenging. Think of a golf swing - hit it right and it goes long and straight, hit it wrong and you'll end up far off in the weeds. But - like much else in life - golf swings become habits when done right. Investing should be no different. What works should become habit, and each and every investor should develop his or her own set of habits for success. Peter Sander in this book reveals a set of twenty five habits that lie behind his own personal investing success, habits loyal to the value investing principles of Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett and others. These 25 habits - or your own version thereof - will help you hit your investments long and straight.

The 25 Habits of Highly Successful Investors: How to Invest for Profit in Today's Changing Markets

by Peter Sander

The definitive guide to investing in today's market!Especially after the wild ride that began in the fall of 2008, individual stock investing has become far more challenging. Think of a golf swing - hit it right and it goes long and straight, hit it wrong and you'll end up far off in the weeds. But - like much else in life - golf swings become habits when done right. Investing should be no different. What works should become habit, and each and every investor should develop his or her own set of habits for success. Peter Sander in this book reveals a set of twenty five habits that lie behind his own personal investing success, habits loyal to the value investing principles of Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett and others. These 25 habits - or your own version thereof - will help you hit your investments long and straight.

The 25 Habits of Highly Successful Investors

by Peter Sander

The definitive guide to investing in today's market! Especially after the wild ride that began in the fall of 2008, individual stock investing has become far more challenging. Think of a golf swing - hit it right and it goes long and straight, hit it wrong and you'll end up far off in the weeds. But - like much else in life - golf swings become habits when done right. Investing should be no different. What works should become habit, and each and every investor should develop his or her own set of habits for success. Peter Sander in this book reveals a set of twenty five habits that lie behind his own personal investing success, habits loyal to the value investing principles of Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett and others. These 25 habits - or your own version thereof - will help you hit your investments long and straight.

25 maneras de ganarse a la gente: Cómo hacer que los demás se sientan valiosos

by John C. Maxwell

Si ha leído el éxito de librería de John Maxwell Cómo ganarse a la gente y está listo para tomar pasos concretos que le ayuden a desarrollar lo que ha aprendido, ¡25 maneras de ganarse a la gente es el libro que andaba buscando! Este material de acompañamiento es ideal como un curso rápido sobre las relaciones interpersonales.Una pequeña muestra sobre las veinticinco áreas de acción para crear relaciones positivas y saludables: Elogie a las personas en público Construya un recuerdo y vaya a él con frecuencia Anime a los otros a soñar

25 Million Sparks: The Untold Story of Refugee Entrepreneurs

by Andrew Leon Hanna

25 Million Sparks takes readers inside the Za'atari refugee camp to follow the stories of three courageous Syrian women entrepreneurs: Yasmina, a wedding shop and salon owner creating moments of celebration; Malak, a young artist infusing color and beauty throughout the camp; and Asma, a social entrepreneur leading a storytelling initiative to enrich children's lives. Anchored by these three inspiring stories, as well as accompanying artwork and poetry by Malak and Asma, the narrative expands beyond Za'atari to explore the broader refugee entrepreneurship phenomenon in more than twenty camps and cities across the globe. What emerges is a tale of power, determination, and dignity – of igniting the brightest sparks of joy, even when the rest of the world sees only the darkness. A significant portion of the author's proceeds from this book is being contributed to support refugee entrepreneurs in Za'atari and around the world.

The 25 Minute Meeting: Half the Time, Double the Impact

by Donna McGeorge

Sharpen your focus and tighten your time frames to get more done in less time The 25 Minute Meeting goes beyond “cut to the chase” and shows you how to take back your work day with smarter planning and more productive action. Meetings have become a de facto way of working, and as they pile up and stretch to interminable lengths, they eat up our days and sink productivity—if they are poorly planned and run. Done well, meetings are short, sharp, productive affairs that provide critical time and space for the interactions that drive business forward. This book shows you how to effectively and efficiently recover your time with a roadmap to the 25-minute meeting. A clear framework walks you through the entire meeting process, with emphasis on timing and focus, with illustrative case studies showing how real-world meetings have transformed from painful to purposeful with a few simple changes. From purging the invite list, to shutting down irrelevant tangents and facilitating more efficient communication, this book can help you reclaim your lost hours without sacrificing collaboration. Learn the art and science of conducting short, useful, purposeful meetings Follow a clear framework for meeting planning, preparation, and participation Assess your meetings’ effectiveness using helpful checkpoints in each chapter Boost your meetings’ impact with variety and visuals—without adding unnecessary time A well-run meeting is a goldmine of opportunity for Getting Things Done; it is where the diverse set of talents on your team come together into a whole of achievement—it is your most valuable commodity. It’s time to leave dusty, boring, time-sucking meetings in the past and revolutionize the way we come together. The 25 Minute Meeting shows you a fresh, more productive approach to working, cooperating, collaborating, and communicating the 21st century way.

The 25 Most Common Sales Mistakes and How to Avoid Them: ... And How To Avoid Them

by Stephan Schiffman

"25 Sales Mistakes is essential for any professional or organization committed to sales excellence."--Michael A. Berman, Chief Operating Officer, Outside VenturesIn the newest edition of this valuable manual, Stephan Schiffman offers updated advice to salespeople about getting prospects and making the sale. It's not just what you do--it's what you don't do:Don't sell against a competitorDon't be satisfiedDon't stop getting ideasDon't use boilerplate proposalsDon't overuse e-mail The book also includes a new introduction and updated text. Schiffman offers salespeople the kind of advice--from listening to the client to following up on the sale--that has made him the best corporate sales trainer today. With Schiffman's book in their pocket, salepeople can avoid common blunders and make the sale.

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