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The Interval Market Model in Mathematical Finance

by Pierre Bernhard J. M. Schumacher Patrick Saint-Pierre Jean-Pierre Aubin Vassili Kolokoltsov Berend Roorda Jacob C. Engwerda

Toward the late 1990s, several research groups independently began developing new, related theories in mathematical finance. These theories did away with the standard stochastic geometric diffusion "Samuelson" market model (also known as the Black-Scholes model because it is used in that most famous theory), instead opting for models that allowed minimax approaches to complement or replace stochastic methods. Among the most fruitful models were those utilizing game-theoretic tools and the so-called interval market model. Over time, these models have slowly but steadily gained influence in the financial community, providing a useful alternative to classical methods. A self-contained monograph, The Interval Market Model in Mathematical Finance: Game-Theoretic Methods assembles some of the most important results, old and new, in this area of research. Written by seven of the most prominent pioneers of the interval market model and game-theoretic finance, the work provides a detailed account of several closely related modeling techniques for an array of problems in mathematical economics. The book is divided into five parts, which successively address topics including: · probability-free Black-Scholes theory; · fair-price interval of an option; · representation formulas and fast algorithms for option pricing; · rainbow options; · tychastic approach of mathematical finance based upon viability theory. This book provides a welcome addition to the literature, complementing myriad titles on the market that take a classical approach to mathematical finance. It is a worthwhile resource for researchers in applied mathematics and quantitative finance, and has also been written in a manner accessible to financially-inclined readers with a limited technical background.

Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing #388)

by Krassimir T. Atanassov

The book offers a comprehensive survey of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets. It reports on cutting-edge research carried out by the founder of the intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Prof. Krassimir Atanassov, giving a special emphasis to the practical applications of this extension. A few interesting case studies, such as in the area of data mining, decision making and pattern recognition, among others, are discussed in detail.The book offers the first comprehensive guide on interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets. By providing the readers with a thorough survey and important practical details, it is expected to support them in carrying out applied research and to encourage them to test the theory behind the sets for new advanced applications. The book is a valuable reference resource for graduate students and researchers alike.

Intervening to Improve the Safety of Occupational Driving: A Behavior-Change Model and Review of Empirical Evidence

by E. Scott Geller Timothy D. Ludwig

Examine the behind-the-wheel behavior of delivery people and discover proven interventions to improve driver safety!This thorough treatise provides empirical evidence, case studies, and effective models designed to help you develop reliable programs for promoting safety among high-risk drivers. Intervening to Improve the Safety of Occupational Driving: A Behavior-Change Model and Review of Empirical Evidence is plentifully illustrated with charts and tables for easy comprehension. Researchers and practitioners in the field of organizational behavior will find valuable data about the driving behaviors of fast-food deliverers and receive tested intervention methods for improved driver safety.Intervening to Improve the Safety of Occupational Driving discusses the specific roles of various factors in safety programs, including: community agents of change static versus dynamic goal setting using competition to encourage change cost per individual community feedback effects of multiple interventions

Intervention Effectiveness Research: A Practical Guide to Real-World Implementation

by Karen A. Monsen

This new edition provides a model and road map to answer clinical questions related to intervention effectiveness research, quality improvement, and program evaluation. It offers clear and simple guidance for all phases of a clinical inquiry projects from planning through dissemination and communication of results and findings. The book emphasizes the value and importance of leveraging existing data to advance research, practice, and quality improvement efforts. The new edition of Intervention Effectiveness Research is an updated practical guide for organizing and navigating the intersections of research and practice. Structure, process, and outcome worksheets for every step are provided together with examples from diverse settings and populations to lead readers through the process of implementing their own projects. The author highlights real world projects and clarifies interpretations from the differing perspectives of research, quality improvement,and program evaluation. This book is intended for teachers of DNP and PhD programs in nursing and other disciplines, their students, and healthcare leaders who need to leverage data to demonstrate care quality and outcomes.

Intervention in the Modern UK Brewing Industry

by John Spicer Chris Thurman John Walters Simon Ward

This is the story of the radical intervention carried out by the Thatcher administration in response to 1986-89 Monopolies and Mergers Commission inquiry into brewing. It describes the creation of big brewers, the official investigations into what many saw as an uncompetitive structure and the damaging consequences for consumers and licensees.

Interventionist Management Accounting Research: Theory Contributions with Societal Impact (Routledge Studies in Accounting)

by Petri Suomala Jouni Lyly-Yrjänäinen Teemu Laine Falconer Mitchell

Interventionist research has been proposed as one way of increasing societal impact of management accounting (MA) research. However, there are no guidelines regarding what sort of phenomena would be the most suitable ones to be studied using research interventions. This book builds on top of the methodological literature of interventionist management accounting research, as well as the published studies applying it. Through selected case studies, Interventionist Management Accounting Research shows how societal impact of MA research can be increased by not only applying IVR approach, but also looking into how MA is used in the borderlines between MA and other organizational functions. In many cases, MA research can provide tools and concepts helping to understand contemporary trends within the business environment, thereby naturally providing potential for increasing the societal impact of scholarly work. In particular, this book discusses how to position empirical research endeavours with interventionist elements in a way to ensure important theory contributions with outcomes interesting also outside the MA academia, whether that means MA practitioners, managers in general or scholars in other fields of management. Aimed at primarily researchers, academics and students in the fields of research methodology, management accounting and interventionist research, this book provides methodological guidance on how to execute research projects with interventionist elements, aiming at strong theory contribution with broader societal impacts. Focusing on research in accounting and management, this book also provides interesting insights to scholars and doctoral students in other fields of management research.

Interventionist Research in Accounting: A Methodological Approach (Routledge Studies in Accounting)

by Vicki C. Baard John Dumay

This book is the first comprehensive methodological guide for accounting researchers on Interventionist Research (IVR). It provides all the fundamental components needed for understanding what IVR is, and how to plan, design, and conduct legitimate intervention studies, which can endure the scrutiny of institutions and peer review. This text systematically opens the ‘black box’ of an alternative research paradigm seeking to contribute simultaneously to theory and practice, through direct and collaborative engagement with organisations, practitioners, managers and professionals. It mobilises the production of innovative and theoretically grounded research for academe, and of practical relevance or usefulness and interest to the field of practice. Interventionist Research in Accounting: A Methodological Approach unpacks current thinking on IVR to forge a confident path ahead for IVR through adopting a forward-thinking approach. This book recognises the remedial potential of IVR to address the research-practice-relevance gap in accounting research and deliberates the challenges of IVR in accounting. It addresses the design, development, and implementation of interventions, critical to solving real-world problems as well as guiding readers in planning the IVR project including budgetary and ethical aspects, utilising suitable research methods and data collection techniques, and establishing validity and reliability. Further, it offers guidance on selecting and managing the research team and recruiting, accessing, and retaining intervention participants; these two components are crucial to creating collaborative relationships required for effective intervention. This book is a guide serving as a valuable resource for accounting researchers conducting intervention studies, for doctoral and other research students undertaking accounting research, and academics working in universities and business schools or teaching courses in accounting and research methodology.

Interventions in Career Design and Education: Transformation for Sustainable Development and Decent Work (Lifelong Learning Book Series #23)

by Valérie Cohen-Scali Jacques Pouyaud Marek Podgórny Violetta Drabik-Podgórna Gabriela Aisenson Jean Luc Bernaud Issa Abdou Moumoula Jean Guichard

This book is the product of a series of reflections by career counseling and guidance specialists on a question central to society: "How can career and life design interventions contribute to fair and sustainable development and to the implementation of decent work all over the world? ". This question was formulated by Professor J. Guichard, the director of the UNESCO Chair in Lifelong Guidance and counseling at the University of Wroclaw, Poland. The researchers involved in this Chair’s activities proposed answers which form the chapters of this book. These reflections emphasize the need to focus on the study and implementation of certain central psychological processes which can enable individuals to face the main challenges of our society. The contributions also propose new avenues of intervention for career counseling and guidance. The entire book is the bedrock of a program of research and interventions to be implemented in order that the field of career counseling and guidance plays a key role for individuals who must design their lives in a rapidly changing, and ever more complex context. This book is therefore a major scientific contribution and marks a turning point for researchers and practitioners in career counseling and guidance, and for all professionals who support the self-construction of individuals in the 21st century. "The authors draw on a diverse range of disciplines and research traditions and offer readers a rich array of insights, helping them reflect on how career guidance can be mobilised to serve citizens in a world that is increasingly challenged by complex, seemingly intractable problems. A central, crosscutting concern is the ways in which career guidance can foster well-being by facilitating access to meaningful and fulfilling work in contexts that promote equity, social justice, and dignity for all. While engaging the micro-worlds of individuals, and throwing light on their valiant efforts to design a life that realises their hopes and aspirations, it is a commendable feature of many of these papers that they do not eschew the societal – indeed planetary – stage across which personal dramas are enacted.” Prof. Ronald G. Sultana, Director, Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research, University of Malta."The primary strengths.....are the authors' capacity to provide forward thinking perspectives on the important issue of sustainable lifelong interventions and career design in its broadest sense. The volume offers depth in a way of thinking that is pertinent to the 21st century and provokes both an in interest in the further study of this domain as well as providing tools and references for novice and experienced researchers and professionals. The book is sure to become a major text in the field." Prof. Maurice Taylor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa, Canada

Interventions, Measures, and Experiments in Knowledge Work

by Thomas H. Davenport

Because knowledge work is invisible and based on trust, it is difficult to asses. There are no measures, methods, and rules of thumb to analyze and improve knowledge work--a fact that is unacceptable in an economy that depends increasingly on knowledge workers' success. This chapter describes several ways of intervening in knowledge work to improve productivity and effectiveness. This chapter is excerpted from "Thinking for a Living: How to Get Better Performance and Results from Knowledge Workers."

Interventions to Reduce Logistic Costs for Trade Competitiveness and Poverty: A Productive Transformation Platform (Contributions to Economics)

by Jose Luis Guasch

Logistics are a critical element for country competitiveness and economic performance, including poverty reduction. Most emerging countries such as Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean are focusing on export-led growth strategies and poverty reduction strategies, and their performance is adversely affected by their high logistic costs that range from 10% to 50% of product value. This book illustrates the relevance and impact of logistics on these areas while also offering an effective logistics and infrastructure framework that addresses the full spectrum of the productive chain (upstream, midstream and downstream). It provides a structured agenda for designing and implementing holistic policy interventions (soft and hard components) to reduce logistic costs. Featuring case studies and examples of specific interventions and their impact in many countries, a number of them in Latin America, this book is useful to scholars, academics, practitioners and policy makers interested in the reduction of logistics costs and poverty reduction in the global economy.

Interventionsforschung im Feld: Gruppen- und Organisationsdynamik in einem agilen Unternehmen (BestMasters)

by Jana Ochsenreither

Der Umgang in und mit Gruppen begegnet uns in zahlreichen Situationen im Leben, sei es innerhalb der Familie, im Verein oder im Berufsleben. Wie wir uns jedoch in Gruppen bewegen ist für die meisten Menschen geradezu von einer Selbstverständlichkeit geprägt, vielleicht sogar einer Art Leichtigkeit. Dabei nehmen wir die Dynamik der Gruppe, die zwischen Beteiligten abläuft, in aller Regel nicht bewusst wahr. Gerade in Unternehmen und Organisationen ist die Gruppen- und Teamarbeit ein zentrales Element geworden, da erfolgreiche Gruppenarbeit erheblich zur Lösung von Problemen und besseren Arbeitsergebnissen beitragen kann. Häufig wird der Gruppe auf einer soziodynamischen Ebene jedoch noch wenig Bedeutung geschenkt. Jana Ochsenreither untersucht deshalb anhand eines interventionswissenschaftlichen Ansatzes das Thema Gruppen- und Organisationsdynamik in einem deutschen e-Commerce Unternehmen.

The Interview Coach: Teach Yourself

by Pat Scudamore Hilton Catt

By the end of this book you will be fully prepared to give an outstanding interview .- Identify your strengths and weaknesses- Understand what interviewers are looking for- Practice your answers to typical questions- Build your confidence to tackle any situation- Get the job you wantOther books help you talk the talk. The Teach Yourself Coach books helps you walk the walk.Who are you? * Anyone with an interview coming upWhere this book take you?* You will be fully prepared to give an outstanding interviewHow does it work?* A combination of practical tried-and-tested advice, and unique interactive exercisesWhen can you do it?* In your own time, at your own paceWhat else do you get?* Access to free online videos and printable resourcesWhy Teach Yourself®?* Teach Yourself books are trusted around the world and have helped sixty million people achieve their goals

The Interview in Staff Appraisal (Routledge Library Editions: Human Resource Management Ser.)

by W. E. Beveridge

The Interview in Staff Appraisal, first published in 1975, sets out to ensure that the work appraisal is used constructively and within a well-designed system. The book provides personnel and training managers, and others responsible for the introduction of an appraisal system into their work organisation, with a detailed analysis of th

Interview Magic

by Susan Britton Whitcomb

Future-proof your career as you learn to provide value to employers, create a memorable career brand, quadruple your interview opportunities, tap into the most overlooked interview "must," demonstrate your ability to do the job, and bottom-line the return-on-investment employers will receive for hiring you

Interview Power

by Tom Washington

Interview Power is a complete and comprehensive interviewing guide. It is filled with hundreds of practiceal ideas, strategies, and tips, enabling readers to obtain more job offers and negotiate higher salaries.Interviw Power opens up the secret of effective interviewing--the art of selling one's strengths by describing past accomplishments. Interview Power is one of the few books (and probably the best) that shows readers how to back up what they say about themselves with actual work examples that prove they have the employer's desired strengths. Knowing this secret is the most powerful tool in effective interviewing.Interview Power:Shows how to overcome objections and get the offer.Demonstrates how to deal with illegal questions.Reveals how to quickly build rapport with the interviewer.Shows readers how to truly sell themselves.Prepares the reader for the 17 major types of interviews.Ensures that nothing with take the reader by surprise.

Interview Questions in Business Analytics

by Bhasker Gupta

Discover relevant questions--and detailed answers--to help you prepare for job interviews and break into the field of analytics. Beginning with the 50 critical most frequently asked questions, this book continues with more than 250 additional questions based on consultations with hiring managers and technical professionals already working in analytics. Interview Questions in Business Analytics: How to Ace Interviews and Get the Job You Want fills a gap in information on business analytics for job seekers. Bhasker Gupta, the founder and editor of Analytics India Magazine, has come up with more than 300 questions job applicants are likely to face in an interview. Covering data preparation, statistics, analytics implementation, as well as other crucial topics favored by interviewers, this book: Provides 300+ interview questions often asked by recruiters and hiring managers in global corporations Offers short and to-the-point answers to the depth required, while looking at the problem from all angles Provides a full range of interview questions for jobs ranging from junior analytics to senior data scientists and managers Offers analytics professionals a quick reference on topics in analytics Using a question-and-answer format from start to finish, Interview Questions in Business Analytics: How to Ace Interviews and Get the Job You Want will help you grasp concepts sooner and with deep clarity. The book therefore also serves as a primer on analytics and covers issues relating to business implementation. You will learn about not just the how and what of analytics, but also the why and when. This book will thus ensure that you are well prepared for interviews--putting your dream job well within reach. Business analytics is currently one of the hottest and trendiest areas for technical professionals. With the rise of the profession, there is significant job growth. Even so, it's not easy to get a job in the field, because you need knowledge of subjects such as statistics, databases, and IT services. Candidates must also possess keen business acumen. What's more, employers cast a cold critical eye on all applicants, making the task of getting a job even more difficult. What you'll learn The 300 questions in this book cover such topics as: * The different types of data used in analytics * How analytics are put to use in different industries * The process of hypothesis testing * Predictive vs. descriptive analytics * Correlation, regression, segmentation and advanced statistics * Predictive modeling Who this book is for Those aspiring to jobs in business analytics, including recent graduates and technical professionals looking for a new or better job. Job interviewers will also find the book helpful in preparing interview questions.

Interview Success - Get the Edge: Teach Yourself

by Julie Gray

Are you facing a crucial interview and don't want to risk losing that job because you lack confidence or you think your interview skills aren't up to scratch? Fiercely practical, this book could be the answer to all your problems. Whether you only have a few hours to prepare or a few weeks, Julie Gray will guide you through all the techniques and strategies you need to give yourself the edge in a competitive market. Areas covered include:- Assessing whether you really want the job- 5 things interviewers want to know about you- Different interview types, including assessments centres- Knowing yourself and what you want- Researching your potential employer- What to expect in the questions- Knowing how to answer- Knowing what you want to ask them- Planning ahead- Getting into the zone: confidence boosters- How to dress, behave and speak- Tricky questions and how to handle them- Clawing back the positive when things don't go to planQuick and easy to use, 'Interview Success' makes it easy to focus on the areas of importance from avoiding clichéd answers to dealing with scary interviewers!

Interview Success - Get the Edge: Teach Yourself

by Julie Gray

Are you facing a crucial interview and don't want to risk losing that job because you lack confidence or you think your interview skills aren't up to scratch? Fiercely practical, this book could be the answer to all your problems. Whether you only have a few hours to prepare or a few weeks, Julie Gray will guide you through all the techniques and strategies you need to give yourself the edge in a competitive market. Areas covered include:- Assessing whether you really want the job- 5 things interviewers want to know about you- Different interview types, including assessments centres- Knowing yourself and what you want- Researching your potential employer- What to expect in the questions- Knowing how to answer- Knowing what you want to ask them- Planning ahead- Getting into the zone: confidence boosters- How to dress, behave and speak- Tricky questions and how to handle them- Clawing back the positive when things don't go to planQuick and easy to use, 'Interview Success' makes it easy to focus on the areas of importance from avoiding clichéd answers to dealing with scary interviewers!

Interviewing: Theory, techniques and training

by Ben Emans

Conducting a good interview is more difficult than one might imagine. Of course, thorough preparation is essential, but equally important are knowledge of the specific subject area and effective communication skills. Interviewing: Theory, Techniques and Training presents relevant theoretical perspectives, provides material to help develop a range of communication skills and describes tried and tested ways of preparing for interviews. There have been many developments in the field of interviewing in recent years. Computer-assisted protocols now play a prominent role in interviewing and there has been much research into the role of communication processes in interviews. Interviewing incorporates these recent developments and insights and offers up-to-date examples and practical suggestions.

Interviewing: A Guide for Journalists and Professional Writers

by Gail Sedorkin Amy Forbes

This is an essential guide to the art of interviewing, with checklists, tips and examples from leading journalists and PR specialists, covering basic to advanced techniques. Sedorkin and Forbes provide a comprehensive, step-by-step overview of how to manage the interview process. They cover: best practice for preparing for an interview (and what to do when you don’t have time to); the differences between news and feature interviews (for print and broadcast); techniques to break the ice and navigate tricky and sensitive interviewees and topics; tips on staying safe when operating in dangerous situations; how best to utilise digital tools to make the most of any interview situation. This third edition builds on the popular previous edition and expands its scope to include the disciplines of public relations and professional writing, areas where practitioners require the interviewing skills of journalists to produce materials for the media. It also contains new and updated global examples/case studies and excerpts, including remote interviewing technologies and techniques developed and adopted as a response to the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Additional pedagogical features have been added to help facilitate learning, like end of chapter exercises, checklists, videos and top tips. This book provides the tools for students and professionals to hone the necessary skill set to excel at interviewing. It is an ideal and important resource for those studying or active in the fields of journalism and PR, and those undertaking professional writing courses.

Interviewing and Interrogation for Law Enforcement

by John E. Hess

Easy-to-read and practical, this text uses a survey approach and numerous examples to illustrate interviewing skills and techniques. Using his years of experience as an instructor at the FBI Academy, the author dispels some of the mystery surrounding the interview process by sharing techniques and ideas that have been used successfully. The author has years of experience as an FBI academy instructor.

Interviewing and Investigating: Essential Skills for the Paralegal

by Stephen P. Parsons

A comprehensive and practical approach that builds a strong foundation for understanding paralegal interviewing and investigation skills.

Interviewing And Salary Negotiation

by Kate Wendleton

INTERVIEWING AND SALARY NEGOTIATION will help you: Meet with the right people...Beat the competition...and Negotiate the best salary-whether you're looking for $20,000 or $500,000. You got the interview; now what do you do? How do you turn that great networking meeting into a job lead? Would you like to get the most by mastering the "Four-Step Salary Negotiation Method"? What's the best way to make sure the job you're offered is the job you really want? INTERVIEWING AND SALARY NEGOTIATION is for every job hunter who wants to ace the turn that interview into a job offer...and to maximize the salary offer. INTERVIEWING AND SALARY NEGOTIATION teaches you how to: Gain more power in the job interview. Find out who your competitors are and how you stack up. Use the follow-up checklist to turn interviews into offers. Start out on the right foot in your new job. INTERVIEWING AND SALARY NEGOTIATION is based on the highly successful methods used at The Five O'clock Club, America's Premier Career Counseling Network, where the average participant finds a new job in less than 10 weeks. Kate Wendleton, a nationally syndicated careers columnist, is an authority on job search and career development. Kate has been a career coach since 1978 when she founded The Five O'Clock Club to help job hunters, career changers, and consultants at all levels. She is also the founder of Workforce America, a not-for-profit organization serving adult job hunters in Harlem who are not yet in the professional or managerial ranks. A former CEO of two small companies, Kate has twenty years of business experience as well as an MBA.

Interviewing Engineering Graduates

by Connor Skye Riley

A strong engineering team is the backbone of any technical company, and smart managers are always looking to hire top talent. Recruiting and interviewing engineers in a smart way is essential to the growth of your team and your company. In this saturated hiring market, your positions must stand out among the big name companies, and your hiring processes must be rigorous, fair and efficient. This comprehensive guide will show you how to hire outstanding technical employees. With its step-by-step instructions and examples, Interviewing Engineering Graduates will take you all the way through the process, from attracting great candidates to making hiring decisions with confidence. Hiring engineers is a complex, expensive and crucial process. This book will get you organized quickly and prepare you to make the right decisions every step of the way. First, you’ll see how to market your open jobs effectively through writing amazing job descriptions, and selling your company to top engineers so that you get the best applicants. You’ll then learn to narrow the field by identifying the best resumes. Using our tips, tricks and templates, you can design, plan and prepare thoroughly for smooth running, multi-stage assessments and interviews. Finally, you’ll easily identify which engineers will be top performers for your company, get your whole team involved in the hiring decision, and clinch that final offer! Whatever your company and whatever type of engineering job you’re hiring for, with this book you can hire employees with the technical savvy and teamwork skills to help take your organization to the next level.

Interviewing For The Helping Professions: A Comprehensive Relational Approach

by Fred McKenzie Nicole Nicotera

A successful professional interview depends on the development of a generally positive human interaction. Without a positive base, the interview can be fraught with difficulties and roadblocks. This is true regardless of the discipline, be it social work, psychology, human services, nursing, criminal justice, medicine, psychiatry, or any other field. Beginning interviewers may have learned solid technique, but often are initially focused more on thinking about what they will say next than on understanding or even listening to the client. As a result, that critical initial interview -- whose success affects the future of most professional encounters -- is often disrupted by a failure to truly listen and understand, which is the foundation for earning clients' trust. This second edition goes beyond most other clinical interviewing books in its emphasis on the emotional foundation of interviewing and its focus on the importance of social justice and attention to the problem of microaggressions that can prohibit building and maintaining therapeutic rapport with clients. Interviewing for the Helping Professions can help both the beginning professional and the veteran interviewer understand the nature and purpose, technique, meaning, emotions, and outcomes of the interviewing process. The book also provides a comprehensive overview of the theory and technique so crucial to meaningful interviewing. More important, it emphasizes the emotional significance of the interaction and grounds the interviewing process in contemporary theories of practice and social justice.

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