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Introvision bei Stress- und Angstbewältigung: Kurz-Manual für Psychotherapeuten, Coaches und Berater (essentials)
by Melanie Neumann Kathrin HeckMelanie Neumann und Kathrin Heck präsentieren die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten, die die verhaltenstherapeutisch orientierte Methode der Introvision Praktikern aus den Bereichen Psychotherapie, Coaching und Beratung bietet. Das essential vermittelt anschaulich, wie die Introvision bei stress- und angstassoziierten Erkrankungen angewendet werden kann, und zeigt, dass es sich dabei um eine wirksame Therapiemethode handelt, die problemlos mit anderen psychotherapeutischen Verfahren kombiniert werden kann. Zahlreiche Fallbeispiele, Arbeitsbausteine und Anleitungen ermöglichen eine einfache Umsetzung der Introvision in die Praxis.
by Frank V. CespedesThis case study provides an overview of Intuit's growth and, in particular, the sales and service initiatives that historically fueled the company's growth from start-up to a corporation. It also outlines certain processes and cultural values, as well as specific employee and leadership behaviors, that provided the foundation for those initiatives.
Intuit: Turbo Tax PersonalPro - A Tale of Two Entrepreneurs
by Joseph Fuller Michael Roberts Shikhar GhoshThe case tells the story of a product manager within Intuit who develops an idea for a new product that spans two of the company's existing business units-professional tax software, sold to accountants, and the consumer focused TurboTax product. The new product -TurboTax Personal Pro-connects consumers with professional accountants online, allowing them to have their taxes prepared by a professional. The cycle of product development transpires within the larger, corporate context of Intuit, where founder Scott Cook has been attempting to transform the enterprise into a leaner, more innovative company. The case describes in detail the lean startup methods used by the new product team, and how their attempts bump up against the existing, entrenched systems and processes of the larger enterprise.
Intuit: QuickBooks (B)
by David B. Yoffie Nicole Tempest KellerThis short case updates the earlier Intuit case on transitioning from a product company into a platform company. In addition to provided information on the recent successes and challenges of the business, it also explores a new challenge of building a platform with a branded third party solution or a "white label" solution, which would hide the third party brand.
Intuit Inc.: Project AgriNova
by Tanya Bijlani Thomas R. EisenmannIn late 2008, a team from Intuit's office in Bangalore, India is evaluating an opportunity to launch a new venture that would use SMS to deliver crop price information to farmers in India.The case describes the structure of Indian agriculture and the problems experienced by farmers, who were often exploited by middlemen who entered into obtuse private arrangements with wholesale buyers. After five weeks of research, the team concludes that the opportunity warrants further exploration. The question is, what should they do next?
Intuit, Inc.: Transforming an Entrepreneurial Company into a Collaborative Organization (A)
by Morten T. Hansen Christina DarwallDescribes how Intuit, Inc.'s CEO, Steve Bennett, changes the company from an entrepreneurial "siloed" organization into a collaborative one.
Intuit, Inc.: Transforming an Entrepreneurial Company into a Collaborative Organization (B)
by Morten T. Hansen Christina DarwallSupplements the (A) case.
Intuit QuickBooks: From Product to Platform
by Andrei Hagiu Elizabeth J. AltmanThis case focuses on the challenges and opportunities faced by a successful incumbent organization attempting to transform a large portion of its business from a traditionally product-centric operating mode to a platform-based one that leverages network effects to create durable competitive advantage. Strategic questions include the extent to which the organization should invest in platform initiatives, the appropriate resource allocation among various product and platform offerings, and the most beneficial business model for each of a few candidate multi-sided platform initiatives.
Intuit: QuickBooks (B)
by David B. Yoffie Nicole Tempest KellerThis short case updates the earlier Intuit case on transitioning from a product company into a platform company. In addition to provided information on the recent successes and challenges of the business, it also explores a new challenge of building a platform with a branded third party solution or a "white label" solution, which would hide the third party brand.
Intuition, Creativity, Innovation
by Henri SamierThis book explores the scientific perspective on the concept of intuition, particularly in relation to vibration, music and emotion. Taking a multimedia approach, it contains practical exercises that will help the reader to achieve greater intuition and develop their capacity for creativity and innovation. The exercises in this book come from over a hundred workshops worldwide in both business and higher education. They include, for example, the “Mind Map of Me”, an introspective exercise designed to develop trust and confidence in the self and the reader’s own intuition. The book opens the field of possibilities to the reader, offering encouragement and motivation to explore new approaches and techniques. With these tools, intuition can become a valuable ally in everyday life.
Intuition im Management: Möglichkeitsraum, Spannungsfelder und emergierende Konstellationen (Systemaufstellungen in Wissenschaft und Praxis)
by Oliver AhelIn dem vorliegenden Buch betrachtet Oliver Ahel erstmals die Spannungsfelder, in denen intuitive Managemententscheidungen getroffen werden. Im Zuge dessen werden die Konstellationen möglicher Einflussfaktoren, welche in diesen Spannungsfeldern auftreten, untersucht. Als Ergebnis entsteht die Beschreibung des Möglichkeitsraums intuitiv getroffener Managemententscheidungen.
Intuitionen von Verbraucher*innen bei der Auswahl veganer Lebensmittelsubstitute (BestMasters)
by Katharina ScheuererDie heutzutage übliche Ernährung in den Industriestaaten zeichnet sich durch einen hohen Anteil tierischer Produkte, welcher Ernährungsempfehlungen weit übersteigt, aus. Da der Konsum von Lebensmittel tierischen Ursprungs in diesem Ausmaß nicht nur zu gesundheitlichen Problemen führen kann, sondern aufgrund der gängigen Produktionspraktiken auch erheblich zur Umweltverschmutzung beiträgt, gilt er als nicht nachhaltig. Diesen Herausforderungen wird die relativ neue Produktgruppe der veganen Lebensmittelsubstitute gerecht, die nicht nur als gesund, sondern auch als nachhaltig gelten. Diese Zusammenhänge zwischen Gesundheit, Nachhaltigkeit und einer pflanzlichen Ernährung sind den Verbraucher*innen zunehmend bewusst, dennoch weisen vegane Lebensmittelsubstitute noch vergleichsweise niedrige Marktanteile auf. Die Laientheorien der ,,Unhealthy = Tasty Intuition‘‘ und der ,,Ethical = Less Strong Intuition‘‘, welche das Kaufverhalten nachweislich beeinflussen, bieten einen vielversprechenden Erklärungsansatz hierfür. Mittels zweier IATs und Selbstbeurteilung werden diese Intuitionen auf implizitem und explizitem Niveau erhoben.
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Aggregation and Clustering
by Zeshui XuThis book offers a systematic introduction to the clustering algorithms for intuitionistic fuzzy values, the latest research results in intuitionistic fuzzy aggregation techniques, the extended results in interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy environments, and their applications in multi-attribute decision making, such as supply chain management, military system performance evaluation, project management, venture capital, information system selection, building materials classification, and operational plan assessment, etc.
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Preference Modeling and Interactive Decision Making
by Zeshui XuThis book offers an in-depth and comprehensive introduction to the priority methods of intuitionistic preference relations, the consistency and consensus improving procedures for intuitionistic preference relations, the approaches to group decision making based on intuitionistic preference relations, the approaches and models for interactive decision making with intuitionistic fuzzy information, and the extended results in interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy environments.
The Intuitive Compass: Why the Best Decisions Balance Reason and Instinct
by Francis CholleA dynamic new way to understand intuition, already implemented around the world at top companies and business schools Neuroscience shows that instinct has a leading role in complex decision-making, yet imaginative play is the most direct means of activating our creativity and problem-solving abilities. Based on over 20 years of Cholle's wide-ranging professional experience and insights, The Intuitive Compass offers a fascinating new approach to innovative problem-solving, decision-making, and sustainable value creation. Through a concept known as Intuitive Intelligence, Cholle shows how anyone can improve creative brainpower by harnessing the balance between reason and instinct. Explores the tension between linear efficiency and random play, and the synergy between reason and instinct Helps us realize our natural tendencies to think holistically, think paradoxically, notice the unusual, or lead by influence Shows these tenets in action through case studies of the luxury house Hermes, Paris; Google and its paradoxical work culture; Virgin America, and its ability to notice the unusual about what matters for consumers and exert leadership in its industry The Intuitive Compass shows how to thrive within chaos and offers actionable information for reinventing our path to sustainable success.
The Intuitive Customer
by Colin Shaw Ryan HamiltonYou can't solve today's problems with yesterday's thinking. In The Intuitive Customer: 7 Imperatives For Moving Your Customer Experience to the Next Level, authors Shaw and Hamilton explore the reasons organizations are struggling to improve their customer measures and are witnessing the plateauing of loyalty scores like Net Promoter. For Shaw and Hamilton, the answer is simple: you need to understand the intuitions that drive your customers' behavior at an emotional, subconscious and psychological level. This book describes where behavioral economics meets customer experience in a very easy to understand and practical way. By taking academic and scientific studies of behavioral economics and consumer psychology and applying them to real-world situations, Shaw and Hamilton present accessible concepts that innovative organization are using today to propel their customer experience strategies to the next level. They also share their proven methodologies and discuss how leading organizations have deployed these tools to great effect--and seen dramatic increases in loyalty scores and ROI as a result. Some of the critical concepts Shaw and Hamilton cover include: · Customers make decisions emotionally. · Customers don't always know why they do what they do. · Every customer has two ways of thinking. · Habits drive many of your customers' decisions. · People use mental shortcuts for decision-making. · Managing your reputation is an important part of the experience. · Customer loyalty is a function of memory. . . . and many more. Shaw and Hamilton have distilled this wisdom down to Seven Imperatives that an organization must embrace to move their customer experience to the next level. With this easy and entertaining read, yours could be next organization to take a massive leap forward.
Intuitive Expertise and Financial Decision-Making (Routledge Focus on Accounting and Auditing)
by Michael Grant Fredrik NilssonThis book provides insights into the hidden role of intuitive expertise in financial decision-making. The authors show and discuss how expertise combined with intuitive judgments positively affect decision-making outcomes. The book builds on the latest academic studies in this emergent field. In combination with the academic perspective, the authors provide a field study that they conducted in the context of mergers and acquisitions (M&As), a common and critical strategic investment for companies. The interviews were carried out with experts and decision-makers in large and successful international companies (i.e., M&A experts, CEOs, CFOs, and board members). The book provides a solid theoretical and empirically based grounding of the topic. In addition, it offers suggestions to practitioners on how they can develop and nurture intuitive expertise in strategic investment decision-making. The report of the field study provides examples and quotes from interviews to visualize findings, thus helping practitioners gain understanding and insights from the text. The authors also discuss the downsides of intuitive expertise, such as biases and flawed decision-making. For scholars, students, and professionals, the book offers a concise and up-to-date summary of an emergent stream of research, exploring how cognition and judgment affect financial decision-making.
Intuitive Imagery
by Susan E. Mehrtons John B. PehrsonIntuitive Imagery puts the discoveries of modern science to work through a simple, proven technology to meet the challenges of our fast-paced changing world. This book shows you how to harness the wisdom of your inner images to achieve peak performance in both business and personal life. Results include greater creativity, better decision making, enhanced productivity, the unlocking of blocked potential, accelerated learning, increased success, and a sense of greater well-being. Learning to use intuitive imaging is like finding a new set of lenses through which to view the world. It helps us change our beliefs about how we know what we know so we can begin to restructure how we do what we do. John B. Pehrson is president of Creative Change Technologies, a training and consulting firm to individuals and organizations focusing in the areas of creativity, deep team building, and executive coaching. John is a former executive with DuPont and has over 20 years of broad international business experience that includes business and technology management, strategic planning, product development, manufacturing, sales and marketing. He lives in Signal Mountain, TN.Susan E. Mehrtons is president of The Potlatch Group, a research organization specializing in analysis of business trends related to global evolution and social change. Her clients range from Fortune 500 companies like AT&T, DuPont, General Motors, and Sears to smaller businesses, schools, and private foundations such as The Institute of Noetic Sciences and the World Business Academy. Sue is the co-author of Earthkeeping, an ecology text, and The Fourth Wave, a vision of business in the 21st century. She lives in Mineola, NY.
An Intuitive Introduction to Finance and Derivatives: Concepts, Terminology and Models (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)
by Alex BackwellThis book gives a self-contained, intuitive overview of some of the most important topics of finance, such as investment risk, market pricing and market efficiency, arbitrage, hedging, and the pricing and application of financial derivatives. It provides a first-principles introduction to the relevant material and concepts, emphasising intuition. Financial terminology, and the understanding implicit therein, is carefully introduced. The books starts with finance in the most general terms, and gradually specialises to investment theory and then derivatives. This book is tailor-made for readers new to finance, such as graduate students entering or interested in finance, or financial practitioners moving to a more quantitative role.
The Intuitive Investor
by Jason Apollo VossOn October 21, 2004 Jason Apollo Voss had a true epiphany: there was going to be a near-collapse on Wall Street and he should retire to exclusively pursue a spiritual practice. In electing to honor his vision he gave up a career in which the mutual fund he co-managed bested the NASDAQ by 77. 0%, the S&P 500 by 49. 1%, and the DJIA by 34. 9%. Most of t
The Intuitive Investor: A Radical Guide for Manifesting Wealth
by Jason Apollo VossOn October 21, 2004 Jason Apollo Voss had a true epiphany: there was going to be a near-collapse on Wall Street and he should retire to exclusively pursue a spiritual practice. In electing to honor his vision he gave up a career in which the mutual fund he co-managed bested the NASDAQ by 77.0%, the S&P 500 by 49.1%, and the DJIA by 34.9%. Most of this success came from a detailed, scientific understanding of the right brain and its capacity for creative and intuitive thought. These secrets and their real world application are the specific focus and passion of the Intuitive Investor. Much more than just a book about investing, The Intuitive Investor is also a guide to healthy, mindful living. Scarcely have money, mind and spirit been brought together so potently.
The Intuitive Mind
by Sadler-Smith EugeneThis new agenda for the managerial mind will change the way you think and do business. Eugene Sadler-Smith, a leading intuition researcher and educator in business and management, argues that human beings have one brain but two minds - analytical and intuitive. Management has overlooked the importance of intuition, and under-exploited the potential that the intuitive mind has to contribute in areas as diverse as decision making, creativity, team working, entrepreneurship, business ethics and leadership. "The Intuitive Mind is a fascinating and practical book that will maximize your intuition and help you make better decisions today and predictions about tomorrow! Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung would most assuredly approve. " Steve W. Martin, www. heavyhitterwisdom. com Heavy Hitter Sales Psychology: How to Penetrate the C-Level Executive Suite and Convince Company Leaders to Buy "Eugene Sadler-Smith gives needed attention to the intuitive way of thinking and reminds us that leadership is an art as well as a science. " Cindi Fukami, Professor of Management, University of Denver, USA "From one of our prominent 'thinkers' in the management education arena, we learn in The Intuitive Mind how to use our intuitive judgment to improve our managerial decision making. " Joe Raelin, The Knowles Chair for Practice-Oriented Education, Northeastern University, USA "This timely, well researched and accessible book takes intuition out of the shadows and provides practical guidance to solve thorny problems. " Sebastian Bailey, Global Product Director, The Mind Gym
Intuit's New CEO: Steve Bennett
by William A. Sahlman Alison Berkley WagonfeldDescribes the transition to a new CEO at Intuit, a successful software and financial services firm in California. The new CEO must decide what to change and how fast. He must also navigate within a culture everyone believes to be successful but he envisions can be improved.
Invading the Private: State Accountability and New Investigative Methods in Europe (Routledge Revivals)
by Stewart Field Caroline PelserFirst published in 1998, this volume seeks to examine a range of policing techniques which are new, if not in their conception, then at least in their importance to the form of police enquiries in the late 20th century. Some of them are beginning to be discussed under categories of 'proactive' or 'covert' policing: others are termed 'technological' because they depend intimately on the development of the new information technologies. In much of Western Europe and North America the nature of police investigative methods is being transformed. At the centre of these developments are three main trends. First, there is the increasing use of covert intelligence-gathering techniques such as participating informers, police undercover operations and surveillance proactively targeted at ‘suspicious’ individuals or networks. Secondly, there is the development of increasingly sophisticated information gathering and processing technologies (DNA) and fingerprint data bases, general intelligence storage systems, computer analysis of open source data, the Internet). Lastly there is an extending exploitation of powers to compel private individuals and companies to provide the state with information about themselves and third parties (including the use of information originally supplied to the state for purposes other than criminal investigation). This book argues that in different ways these trends represent a new invasion of the private sphere by investigative methods and a new challenge for traditional mechanisms for rendering the state’s policing accountable such as the trial, the judge and the defence lawyer. Bringing together contributions from sociologists and lawyers in Western Europe and North America, it surveys these developments, considers the regulatory options for their control and their implications for legal principles of privacy and due process.
by Dave CrenshawA business fable for anyone feeling overwhelmed, underpaid, and frustrated in their job From the author of The Myth of Multitasking comes Invaluable, a business fable that empowers the frustrated and overworked to understand the value of their time. At the fictitious company GreenGarb, twenty-something Jason is discontent in his entry-level position, feeling his skills and knowledge are being underutilized; mid-level manager Tracy is overwhelmed by her own workload and needy direct reports; and CEO Helen needs them to sort it out productively. Jason's grandfather Charlie plants the seed of a new perspective in Jason mind: before he can get a raise, he must prove he deserves the raise. He must establish the value of his time, rather than expecting to be paid what he thinks he is worth. Time management consultant Phil helps them determine how they spend their time, and what it costs, with easy-to-follow worksheets that map what their actions and time are worth. Offers solid advice for determining just how "invaluable" you are to your boss and customers Shows how to create a productive framework of cooperation in the workplace Includes an appendix of worksheets and examples that offer concrete tools that can be applied immediately The Myth of Multitasking taught readers how to take control of their time. Invaluable shows readers how to increase the value of the time they do spend working.