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Intro to Business

by Robert A. Ristau

The 21ST CENTURY BUSINESS SERIES is an innovative instructional program providing instructors with the greatest flexibility to deliver business content using a modular format. Instructors can create their own business courses by combining several Learner Guides in the Series to form one-semester or two-semester courses. The individual Learner Guides can also be used as enhancements to more traditional business courses or to tailor new courses to meet emerging needs. The design and content of each Learner Guide in the 21ST CENTURY BUSINESS SERIES is engaging yet easy for students to use. The content focuses on providing opportunities for applying 21st skills while enabling innovative learning methods that integrate the use of supportive technology and creative problem solving approaches in today's business world. The Introduction to Business Learner Guide covers today's most relevant business topics such as how business has been affected by the global economic crisis and recovery as well as global environmental issues. The roles of marketing and human resources management are also incorporated into this Learner Guide.

Intro To Business (5th edition)

by Steven A. Eggland James L. Burrow Les Dlabay

Intro to Business 5E allows students to discover how a business works and how it impacts lives on a daily basis. With extended coverage on marketing, management, the Internet, as well as updated content, computer applications, and new web site, Intro to Business 5e provides everything needed to prepare for success in future careers!

Intro to Business (Sixth Edition)

by James L. Burrow Steven A. Eggland Les Dlabay

A complete revision of our market-leading text, INTRO TO BUSINESS introduces students to the role of business in the lives of individuals, consumers, workers, and citizens. Coverage includes small-business management, business fundamentals, career planning, social responsibility and ethics, basic economics, technology, financial operations, risk management, consumer decision-making, and insurance. This text is designed for the very first course many business students take; therefore, it covers business and finance topics with a survey-like approach.

Introdução ao Business English (inglês/ espanhol / português)

by Sergio Casado Rodríguez Lourdes Vanessa Berthoud

E-book trilingue (inglês/espanhol/português) orientado para todas as pessoas interessadas em aperfeiçoar seu inglês e se iniciar em uma de suas variantes mais imprescindíveis: o inglês para os negócios ou Business English.

Introducción a la gestión pública

by Mario Waissbluth

Un Estado al servicio de la ciudadanía. Existe un gran número de textos en español respecto a políticas públicas, es decir, el «qué hacer» del Estado en cualquiera de sus esferas. Una vez definido el qué, es necesario responder la pregunta del «cómo hacer», es decir, con qué arreglos institucionales y gestión de sus instrumentos se implementan estas políticas. En este espacio ya no abundan. El propósito de este texto no se refiere al qué, sino al cómo, aun entendiendo que ambas esferas se traslapan siempre en una cierta medida. Como dice su autor, Mario Waissbluth, este libro está dedicado a aquellos directivos públicos, presentes o futuros, que quieran servir a la ciudadanía de los países de América Latina, aún a sabiendas que la tarea es dura, más dura que en el sector privado, aunque con gratificaciones mucho mayores cuando se obtienen resultados. “Introducción a la gestión pública. Un Estado al servicio de la ciudadanía ofrece un aporte indispensable al debate sobre cómo nuestras sociedades pueden contar con instituciones capaces de responder a lasnecesidades y demandas de la gente”. Luis Alberto Moreno, presidente BID.

Introducción a la macroeconomía en viñetas

by Grady Klein Yoram Bauman

¿Necesitas comprender la economía? Una introducción accesible y divertida a la macroeconomía para expertos y profanos, y para todo aquel que quiera entender qué está sucediendo sin tener que pasar por la lectura de complicados manuales. Aquí encontrarás las respuestas a los dos grandes temas ¿Cómo crece la economía? y ¿Por qué las economías se desmoronan? y entenderás cuáles son los factores que afectan a la economía de un país y de todo el planeta, qué es el PIB, cuáles son las influencias del gobierno, el mercado y la tecnología sobre la economía, y también los problemas del cambio climático o las relaciones entre el primer y el tercer mundo. Reseñas:«Si Art Spiegelman y John Maynard Keynes hubieran podido colaborar en un cómic sobre economía no lo habrían hecho mejor.»Jonathan A. Shayne «La gente no suele reírse con el paro, la inflación, y las recesiones, pero se les escapará más de una carcajada con este excelente manual de introducción a la macroeconomía.»Eric Maskin, Premio Nobel de Economía «Los estudiantes de economía encontrarán un complemento extraordinario a sus libros de texto, y los detractores de esta disciplina aprenderán qué es realmente la economía.»Diane Coyle, autor de The Soulful Science

Introducción a la microeconomía en viñetas

by Grady Klein Yoram Bauman

¿Necesitas entender la economía? Un manual accesible y divertido que nos explica cómo funciona la economía doméstica, cómo optimizarla, y por qué nuestras elecciones cotidianas importan. El economista jefe de Google, Hal Varian, dijo una vez: «No es necesario reinventar la economía, es suficiente con fijarse en la parte más interesante, la parte que no te enseñan en la universidad.» Introducción a la microeconomía en viñetas contiene toda esa parte: la teoría de juegos, el dilema de los prisioneros, las estrategias de las subastas, o cómo afecta al mercado el pago de nuestros impuestos. Reseñas:«Diversión y economía no suelen ir de la mano, pero este libro tiene grandes dosis de ambas. Un excelente trabajo de divulgación que explica de forma sencilla, precisa, y muy entretenida importantes conceptos económicos: toda una proeza»Eric Maskin, Premio Nobel de Economía «Aprender economía debería ser divertido, y Klein y Bauman consiguen que así sea»N. Gregory Mankiw, Profesor de economía en la Universidad de Harvard «Bauman y Klein nos explican las bases de la economía en un cómic brillante.»Hugo Sonnenschein, Profesor y Presidente Emérito de la Universidad de Chicago

Introducing Board Gender Diversity to Sri Lanka

by Menaka Angammana

Through a socio-legal lens, this book focuses on the feasibility of implementing board gender diversity rules in Sri Lanka. It demonstrates that board gender diversity rules could be a valuable tool for corporate governance development and to promote gender equality in society.The International Financial Institutions (IFIs) have reasoned that good corporate governance practices can develop the economy by attracting investors and securing foreign direct investment. Accordingly, these IFIs have included corporate governance reform as a condition for funding to developing countries. Among these reforms, board gender diversity is acknowledged as a legal concept that is capable of improving corporate governance practices and promoting gender equality in society. The benefits to corporate governance, often referred to as the economic benefits of the concept, are based on the contribution women directors can make towards advancing board effectiveness. The equality benefits underpinning this strategy depict the manner in which gender equality could be promoted by board gender diversity rules.Sri Lanka is thus an illustrative example of a developing country forced by IFIs to improve its corporate governance practices as a step towards advancing economic growth. However, the Sri Lankan legislators have not yet introduced board gender diversity rules as a measure to improve corporate governance practices within the country. This book addresses some of the ways in which board gender diversity rules could be introduced to Sri Lanka.

Introducing Economics: A Critical Guide for Teaching

by Mark H. Maier Julie Nelson

Make economics resonate to high school students. This practical handbook will help economics and social studies teachers foster critical thinking by introducing students to the real-life dimensions of the major controversies in contemporary economics. Filled with useful teaching tips and user-friendly information on finding engaging materials and activities for the classroom, the book also includes detailed coverage of the Voluntary National Content Standards for economics. "Introducing Economics" is a one-stop resource for high school teachers who want to make economics relevant to their students' lives. It includes more than 50 sections with lists of suggested "Activities and Resources," many with Internet links. It features boxed "Hints for Clear Teaching" tips for presenting particularly difficult topics. It provides an annotated resource guide to more than 30 organizations involved in economics education, with associated Internet links. It follows the flow of topics in a typical economics course. It addresses real-life topics that are ignored or glossed-over in traditional textbooks - economics and the environment, the distribution of income and wealth, discrimination, labor unions, globalization, the power of corporations, and more. It offers critical guidance for meeting all 20 Voluntary National Content Standards in economics, and also provides an overview of the political and intellectual history and contemporary state of economics education.

Introducing EVA at ISS: A Better Way to Evaluate CEO Performance and Compensation?

by James Weber Charles C.Y. Wang Jonas Heese

In early 2019, Anthony Campagna, the global director of fundamental research at ISS EVA, a unit of the proxy advisory firm Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), was preparing to release ISS's analyses of public company performance and CEO compensation ahead of Say on Pay (SOP) voting. ISS's reports helped institutions and other investors determine how to vote their shares at annual shareholder meetings. The report's assessment of CEO compensation for SOP relied on the degree of alignment between a CEO's industry-relative compensation and the firm's industry-relative performance. ISS had long used total shareholder return (TSR)-a measurement based on a company's stock price appreciation and dividend payouts-to measure company performance. In 2019, for the first time, ISS supplemented the TSR measure with economic value added (EVA)-a measurement based on accounting data that combined operating profit and a charge for capital-to measure performance. ISS believed that using EVA as a complement to TSR painted a more complete picture of company performance than TSR alone. EVA was, however, a far more complicated and not widely understood performance metric. Interpreting EVA for certain types of firms-young, high-growth, investment-intensive-could also be challenging. Campagna wondered how market participants would respond to ISS's use of EVA in its voting recommendations, particularly when TSR and EVA could make company performance look quite different. Did the benefits of EVA make managing its complexities worthwhile? Was EVA too complicated for investors to understand? Would EVA work equally well for young and high-growth firms as for mature firms? How might Campagna best promote the use of EVA?

Introducing Foreign Models for Development: Japanese Experience and Cooperation in the Age of New Technology (Emerging-Economy State and International Policy Studies)

by Izumi Ohno Kimiaki Jin Kuniaki Amatsu Junichi Mori

This open access book studies how foreign models of economic development can be effectively learned by and applied to today’s latecomer countries. Policy capacity and societal learning are increasingly stressed as pre-conditions for successful catch-up. However, how such learning should be initiated by individual societies with different features needs to be explained. The book answers this pragmatic question from the perspective of Japan’s past experience and its extensive development cooperation in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Since the late nineteenth century, Japan has developed a unique philosophy and method for adopting advanced technologies and systems from the West; the same philosophy and method govern its current cooperation with the developing world.The key concepts are local learning and translative adaptation. Local learning says that development requires the learner to adopt a proactive mindset and the goal of graduating from receiving aid. Meanwhile, translative adaptation requires foreign models be modified to fit local realities given the different structures of the home and foreign society. The development process must be wholly owned by the domestic society in rejection of copy-and-paste acceptance. These ideas not only informed Japan but are key to successful development for all. The book also asks how this learning method should—or should not—be revised in the age of SDGs and digitalization. Following the overview section that lays out the general principles, the book offers many real cases from Japan and other countries. The concrete actions outlined in these cases, with close attention to individual growth “ingredients” as opposed to general theories, are crucial to successful policy making. The book contains materials that are highly useful for national leaders and practitioners within developing countries as well as students of development studies.

Introducing Global Issues (5th Edition)

by Michael T. Snarr D. Neil Snarr

The conflict in Libya, concerns over Iran's nuclear program, the global recession, debates about climate change, the importance of human security, the growing impact of technology ... all are reflected in this new, fully revised and updated edition of Introducing Global Issues. The authors cover the full range of global issues, from conflict and security, to the economy and economic development, to the environment. The material has been successfully designed for readers with little or no prior knowledge of the topics covered. Each chapter provides an analytical overview of the issues addressed, identifies the central actors and perspectives, and outlines past progress and future prospects. Discussion questions are posed to enhance students¿ appreciation of the complexities involved, and suggestions for further reading additionally enrich the text.

Introducing Global Issues (Sixth Edition)

by Michael T. Snarr D. Neil Snarr

How is new technology - cyberwarfare, drones, and more - affecting global security? Are the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals having an impact What progress are governments making in dealing with climate change? Is there a viable solution to the Syrian refugee crisis? How do we reconcile the concepts of universal human rights and national sovereignty?.

Introducing Information Management

by Matthew Hinton

This book provides a clear and concise overview of Information Management covering the key aspects of infrastructure, design, information assets and managing information.* Part 1 explores the diversity and changing nature of managing the information management function.* Part 2 investigates the role of information as an organizational resource.* Part 3 focuses on managing organizational data and information.* Part 4 examines the role of information management in organizational strategy and change.

Introducing Intercultural Communication

by Shuang Liu

Books on intercultural communication are rarely written with an intercultural readership in mind. In contrast, this multinational team of authors has put together an introduction to communicating across cultures that uses examples and case studies from around the world. The book further covers essential new topics, including international conflict, social networking, migration, and the effects technology and mass media play in the globalization of communication. Written to be accessible for international students too, this text situates communication theory in a truly global perspective. Each chapter brings to life the links between theory and practice and between the global and the local, introducing key theories and their practical applications. Along the way, you will be supported with first-rate learning resources, including: • theory corners with concise, boxed-out digests of key theoretical concepts • case illustrations putting the main points of each chapter into context • learning objectives, discussion questions, key terms and further reading framing each chapter and stimulating further discussion • a companion website containing resources for instructors, including multiple choice questions, presentation slides, exercises and activities, and teaching notes. This book will not merely guide you to success in your studies, but will teach you to become a more critical consumer of information and understand the influence of your own culture on how you view yourself and others.

Introducing Islamic Banks into Conventional Banking Systems

by Juan Solé

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Introducing iSnack 2.0: The New Vegemite

by Michael Beverland Anat Keinan Francis Farrelly

Vegemite is an iconic Australian breakfast spread and is often seen as a quintessential Australian product. This case focuses on Kraft's decision to revitalize brand performance through the introduction of a brand extension. Drawing on extensive social media analysis of brand image, the brand team led by Simon Talbot identified a gap in the market for a line extension involving a blend of Vegemite and Kraft's other iconic brand, Philadelphia Cream Cheese. Following a high profile campaign involving a competition to name the new extension Talbot's team chose the name iSnack 2.0 for the new product. The case starts two days after the public unveiling of this name and subsequent nationwide backlash against it. Talbot needs to consider whether to continue with the brand name or change it in light of the public outcry.

Introducing Just Sustainabilities: Policy, Planning, and Practice

by Julian Agyeman

This unique and insightful text offers an exploration of the origins and subsequent development of the concept of just sustainability.

Introducing Leadership

by David Pardey

Comprehensive and highly practical, Introducing Leadership introduces the principles and practice of leadership, from theory through to the development of the reader's own leadership ability. From the analysis of the different sources of leadership and management theory emerges a model that will provide the basis for the development of readers' own leadership skills and for the application of these through the rest of the book. Written by an experienced author in the field of management development, the book is split into three parts:Section one - the nature and role of leadershipSection two - leading othersSection three - leading innovation and changeThe learning development is clearly structured and this text also provides the underpinning knowledge requirements for Level 3 qualifications in leadership.

Introducing Management: A Development Guide

by Bob Johnson

A concise and easy-to-read summary of the principles and practice of management for team leaders and line managers. Introducing Management defines the scope of the management task and breaks it down to clarify and explain the full range of management responsibilities: Managing in Context - an introduction to the management role, setting it in the context of the whole organization and responsibilities for the new manager; Managing People - how to motivate people, lead and delegate and manage teams to improve performance and successfully manage change; Managing Activities - adding value to inputs to meet customer needs, how to plan and organise the workplace to make improvements; Managing Information - how to acquire accurate, timely and relevant information for the basis of quality management decisions; Managing Resources - a guide to all you need to know about financial information, budgeting and stock control. This is the standard classification of management responsibilities adopted by most competence-based frameworks.

Introducing Management: A Development Guide

by Kate Williams

Now fully revised and in its third edition, this comprehensive best-selling text, Introducing Management: A Development Guide, explains the principles and practice of management and is ideal for both new and existing managers to assist them in their role. The text incorporates the latest innovations in management thinking and reflects the changes within the management standards. This is an essential resource for those undertaking qualifications at S/NVQ at Level 3.The learning development is clearly structured in each chapter to include:-Objectives, Insights, Case Studies, Examples, Review Your Learning, Back to Work, allowing the user to check their understanding and apply the concepts and principles to their own work situation.

Introducing Management in a Week: Teach Yourself

by Martin Manser

The ability to make a successful transition into management who wants to advance their career.Written by Martin Manser, a leading trainer of managers and highly-respected author, this book quickly teaches you the insider secrets you need to know to in order to seamlessly move up the career ladder.The highly motivational 'in a week' structure of the book provides seven straightforward chapters explaining the key points, and at the end there are optional questions to ensure you have taken it all in. There are also cartoons and diagrams throughout, to help make this book a more enjoyable and effective learning experience.So what are you waiting for? Let this book put you on the fast track to success!

Introducing Management in a Week: Teach Yourself

by Martin Manser

The ability to make a successful transition into management who wants to advance their career.Written by Martin Manser, a leading trainer of managers and highly-respected author, this book quickly teaches you the insider secrets you need to know to in order to seamlessly move up the career ladder.The highly motivational 'in a week' structure of the book provides seven straightforward chapters explaining the key points, and at the end there are optional questions to ensure you have taken it all in. There are also cartoons and diagrams throughout, to help make this book a more enjoyable and effective learning experience.So what are you waiting for? Let this book put you on the fast track to success!

Introducing MLOps: How To Scale Machine Learning In The Enterprise

by Mark Treveil Nicolas Omont Clément Stenac Kenji Lefevre Du Phan Joachim Zentici Adrien Lavoillotte Makoto Miyazaki Lynn Heidmann

More than half of the analytics and machine learning (ML) models created by organizations today never make it into production. Some of the challenges and barriers to operationalization are technical, but others are organizational. Either way, the bottom line is that models not in production can't provide business impact.This book introduces the key concepts of MLOps to help data scientists and application engineers not only operationalize ML models to drive real business change but also maintain and improve those models over time. Through lessons based on numerous MLOps applications around the world, nine experts in machine learning provide insights into the five steps of the model life cycle--Build, Preproduction, Deployment, Monitoring, and Governance--uncovering how robust MLOps processes can be infused throughout.This book helps you:Fulfill data science value by reducing friction throughout ML pipelines and workflowsRefine ML models through retraining, periodic tuning, and complete remodeling to ensure long-term accuracyDesign the MLOps life cycle to minimize organizational risks with models that are unbiased, fair, and explainableOperationalize ML models for pipeline deployment and for external business systems that are more complex and less standardized

Introducing Money (Economics as Social Theory #33)

by Mark Peacock

This book provides a theoretical and historical examination of the evolution of money. It is distinct from the majority of ‘economic’ approaches, for it does not see money as an outgrowth of market exchange via barter. Instead, the social, political, legal and religious origins of money are examined. The methodological and theoretical underpinning of the work is that the study of money be historically informed, and that there exists a ‘state theory of money’ that provides an alternative framework to the ‘orthodox’ view of money’s origins. The contexts for analysing the introduction of money at various historical junctures include ancient Greece, British colonial dependencies in the nineteenth and early twentieth century, and local communities which introduce ‘alternative’ currencies. The book argues that, although money is not primarily an ‘economic’ phenomenon (associated with market exchange), it has profound implications (amongst others, economic implications) for societies and habits of human thought and action.

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