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El Inversor inteligente: Un libro de asesoramiento práctico

by Graham Bretherick

El más grande asesor de inversiones del siglo XX, Benjamin Graham ha enseñado e inspirado a personas por todo el mundo. La filosofía de Graham de «inversión de valor» –que protege a los inversores del error substancial y les enseña a desarrollar estrategias a largo plazo– ha hecho de El inversor inteligente la biblia de la bolsa de valores desde su publicación inicial en 1949.Durante los años, los desarrollos del mercado han demostrado la sabiduría de las estrategias de Graham. Esta edición revisada, que conserva la integridad del texto original de Graham, incluye un comentario actualizado del mencionado periodista Jason Zweig, cuya perspectiva incorpora las realidades del mercado actual, traza analogías entre los ejemplos de Graham y los encabezados financieros de hoy y otorga a los lectores un entendimiento más profundo de cómo aplicar los principios de Graham.Fundamental e indispensable, El inversor inteligente es el libro más importante que usted leerá jamás sobre cómo alcanzar sus objetivos en lo financieroThe greatest investment advisor of the twentieth century, Benjamin Graham, taught and inspired people worldwide. Graham's philosophy of "value investing" -- which shields investors from substantial error and teaches them to develop long-term strategies -- has made The Intelligent Investor the stock market bible ever since its original publication in 1949.Over the years, market developments have proven the wisdom of Graham's strategies. While preserving the integrity of Graham's original text, this revised edition includes updated commentary by noted financial journalist Jason Zweig, whose perspective incorporates the realities of today's market, draws parallels between Graham's examples and today's financial headlines, and gives readers a more thorough understanding of how to apply Graham's principles.Vital and indispensable, this HarperBusiness Essentials edition of The Intelligent Investor is the most important book you will ever read on how to reach your financial goals.

El inversor inteligente: Un libro de asesoramiento prActico

by Benjamin Graham

A lo largo de los años, la evolución del mercado ha comprobado lo sabias que han sido las estrategias enseñadas por Graham. A la vez que conserva la integridad del texto original, esta edición revisada incluye comentarios actualizados del famoso periodista financiero Jason Zweig, cuya perspectiva incorpora las realidades del mercado presente, traza paralelismos entre los ejemplos de Graham y los titulares financieros actuales, y brinda a los lectores una comprensión más plena de cómo hacer para aplicar dichos principios. Fundamental e indispensable, El inversor inteligente es el libro más importante que usted leerá jamás sobre cómo alcanzar sus objetivos en lo financiero.

El inversor inteligente: Un libro de asesoramiento práctico

by Benjamin Graham

El más grande asesor de inversiones del siglo XX, Benjamin Graham ha enseñado e inspirado a personas por todo el mundo. La filosofía de Graham de «inversión de valor» –que protege a los inversores del error substancial y les enseña a desarrollar estrategias a largo plazo– ha hecho de El inversor inteligente la biblia de la bolsa de valores desde su publicación inicial en 1949.Durante los años, los desarrollos del mercado han demostrado la sabiduría de las estrategias de Graham. Esta edición revisada, que conserva la integridad del texto original de Graham, incluye un comentario actualizado del mencionado periodista Jason Zweig, cuya perspectiva incorpora las realidades del mercado actual, traza analogías entre los ejemplos de Graham y los encabezados financieros de hoy y otorga a los lectores un entendimiento más profundo de cómo aplicar los principios de Graham.Fundamental e indispensable, El inversor inteligente es el libro más importante que usted leerá jamás sobre cómo alcanzar sus objetivos en lo financieroThe greatest investment advisor of the twentieth century, Benjamin Graham, taught and inspired people worldwide. Graham's philosophy of "value investing" -- which shields investors from substantial error and teaches them to develop long-term strategies -- has made The Intelligent Investor the stock market bible ever since its original publication in 1949.Over the years, market developments have proven the wisdom of Graham's strategies. While preserving the integrity of Graham's original text, this revised edition includes updated commentary by noted financial journalist Jason Zweig, whose perspective incorporates the realities of today's market, draws parallels between Graham's examples and today's financial headlines, and gives readers a more thorough understanding of how to apply Graham's principles.Vital and indispensable, this HarperBusiness Essentials edition of The Intelligent Investor is the most important book you will ever read on how to reach your financial goals.

The Inverting Pyramid

by Sebastian Eckardt Miglena Abels Johannes Koettl Asta Zviniene Omar S. Arias Anita M. Schwarz Herwig Immervoll Heinz P. Rudolph

Europe's pension systems -among the most celebrated features of its social welfare model-- face tremendous challenges. With only 11 percent of the world's population, Europe spends about 60 percent of global outlays on social protection, largely in pensions. In many countries, pension rules have encouraged people to retire sooner, while enjoying longer lives. Payroll taxes on a continuously expanding contributory base have financed these benefits. This model of pension provision is now being severely tested as pension systems reach maturity, while the population is aging and the labor force is starting to shrink. Measures to enable a continued tradition of providing old age security will include * raising retirement ages such that pensions are provided in the last 15 years of life, when work capacity traditionally diminishes * encouraging immigration to help fill the declining work force * rationalizing pension spending, putting priority on preventing old age poverty, and * encouraging savings to help provide the more comfortable retirement that individuals have come to expect. Some measures may be more appropriate in particular countries than others, yet undertaking all of them will likely require less drastic changes in any one of them. The specific choices will need to be discussed and agreed among each country's own population, and be accompanied by enabling changes in pension policy, tax policy, financial markets policy, and labor policy. The fundamental issue is that, with these changes, the important achievements of European social policy can withstand the demographic onslaught and continue to provide old age security for generations to come.

Inverting the Organizational Pyramid: Building a Structure for Change-How to Create Sustainable Change by Empowering Frontline Employees

by Vineet Nayar

Even when employees and management both acknowledge the need for organizational change and a culture of trust exists among them, structural flaws can stymie the most promising new strategic initiatives. Many companies around the world try to conduct new-age business with centuries-old structures-hierarchies and matrixes that actually squelch innovation and profitable change. In this chapter, Vineet Nayar, CEO of HCL Technologies, a leading global IT services company, describes how he turned his company's pyramid structure upside down, making those in management and "enabling functions" (human resources, finance, training, and quality assurance) more accountable to the "value zone"-frontline employees far lower on the pyramid who dealt with customers on a daily basis and directly created customer value. While this concept of "reverse accountability" didn't mean that senior executives would suddenly be getting their timesheets signed by frontline workers, it did mean that the company's value creators would be empowered to deliver on its growth strategy. Only by making adjustments to an organization's structure, Nayar explains, does change become truly sustainable. This chapter was originally published as Chapter 3 of "Employees First, Customers Second: Turning Conventional Management Upside Down."

Inverting the Paradox of Excellence: How Companies Use Variations for Business Excellence and How Enterprise Variations Are Enabled by SAP

by Vivek Kale

Drawing lessons from one of the best models of success, the evolutionary model, this book explains why an organization must actively monitor the market environment and competitors to ascertain excellence and reconfigure and reframe continuously. It introduces the patterns and anti-patterns of excellence and includes detailed case studies based on different variations, including structure variations, shared values variations, and staff variations. The book includes case history segments from Toyota, Acer, eBay, Cisco, Blackberry, Samsung, Volvo, Charles Schwab, McDonalds, Starbucks, Google, Disney, and NUMMI; as well as detailed case histories of GE, IBM, and UPS.

Invertir de manera simple: Estrategias de Warren Buffett para crear riqueza y crear ingresos pasivos.

by Adidas Wilson

Todo el mundo quiere libertad financiera. Muchos intentan encontrarlo haciendo lo que les apasiona. Hay personas que lo han encontrado al subir la escalera en la empresa donde trabajan, mientras que otros han iniciado un negocio. En los últimos cinco años, han surgido más millonarios que en cualquier otro período. Los recursos en línea e Internet en general son responsables de gran parte de ese éxito. La mayoría de estas personas han sido lo suficientemente buenas como para escribir sobre su éxito y ofrecer algunos consejos e ideas sobre el éxito y qué hacer para lograrlo. Una cosa que se ha mencionado en la mayoría de los libros son los "secretos de la libertad financiera". Entonces, ¿cuáles son estos secretos? No importa cuánto dinero gane, si no tiene idea de cómo administrarlo, nunca logrará la libertad financiera, ni siquiera se acercará. Necesitas aprender a administrar lo que haces y cultivar una cultura de ahorro. Tu dinero debería funcionar para ti. Si tiene hábitos de gasto incontrolables, terminará haciéndolo incluso peor que las personas que ganan menos que usted. El primer paso hacia la libertad financiera es el ahorro. Analiza tus hábitos de consumo. Controle sus hábitos de gasto y comience a presupuestar y ahorrar. A continuación, aprenda a invertir sus ahorros. Esta es una de las decisiones más cruciales de tu vida. Tómese su tiempo e investigue los mercados de crecimiento. Amar lo que haces te acercará a la libertad financiera que anhelas. Puedes ganar mucho dinero pero llevar una vida miserable porque no disfrutas de tu trabajo. Si sigues tu pasión, todas las demás cosas caerán en su lugar. La mejor manera de elegir una carrera que te guste es meterte en una que utilice tus fortalezas. Usted será un activo importante para la empresa o su empresa. Una persona con objetivos bien definidos es "como un barco con una brújula", yendo en una dirección específica. Si no tiene

Invertir en el Norte de Europa por Internet - Prestamos P2p y Crowfunding Equity Based

by Jesus M. Gonzalez Elvis Crespi

¿Les gustaría hacer que su dinero fructificara y no saben cómo hacerlo? ¿Les gustaría volverse buenos inversores pero no tienen los conocimientos adecuados? ¡Ya no tienen excusas! Esta guía está diseñada justo para aquellos que quisieran dar los primeros pasos en este campo sin arriesgarse a perder su capital. Invertir en el crédito al consumo en la Unión Europea con una ganancia del 20% es una oportunidad que nació hace poco años en Internet y que se está revelando uno de los negocios más redituables. Si no tienen idea de cómo acercarse a este sector, este es el manual adecuado para ustedes. Además, se les explicará, paso a paso, como volverse socios de prometedoras startups del norte de Europa quedándose cómodamente sentados frente a su ordenador. El autor de esta guía tiene varios años de experiencia en el campo de las inversiones y, para evitar que ustedes cometan los mismos errores que él ha cometido en el pasado, pone a su disposición todo su know-how. No les queda más que leer este manual e iniciar a valorar desde un nuevo punto de vista sus futuras inversiones.

Invertir : Generar Ingresos Positivos Y Convertirse En Dinero Gratis

by John Haanel

Descripción del libro: los mercados bursátiles son una colección de mercados y cambios, en los que se producen la emisión y el intercambio de acciones de empresas de cotización pública, bonos y otros títulos, a través de intercambios formales o mercados extrabursátiles. Implica comprar y vender acciones y otros títulos para generar capital. La razón por la que las empresas comercializan sus acciones es para generar suficiente capital para facilitar sus operaciones comerciales a un nuevo nivel, expandiendo su alcance de mercado y aumentando sus beneficios. Como potencial inversor, tienes que comprar acciones y participaciones disponibles a un precio bajo y mantenerlas hasta que experimenten una explosión y sus precios suban. ¡Consigue tu copia hoy al hacer clic en el botón en la parte superior de esta página!

Invertir : Una Guía Para La Inversión A Largo Plazo

by Justin Aguilar

La inversión en bienes raíces es una de las más viejas y confiables formas de inversión en el mundo y si sigues la planificación que el libro sugiere puedes comenzar a ver resultados verdaderos. Mientras que pueda sonar demasiado bueno para ser verdad, este no es un esquema para volverse rico rápidamente, es simplemente una forma acelerada de tomar ventaja del mercado de bienes raíces, del mismo modo que Warren Buffet, Donald Trump e incontables personas que lo han hecho por generaciones. Todo lo que se necesita es trabajo duro, determinación y un poco de suerte, y antes de que lo sepas no sólo estarás generando un ingreso de seis cifras, estarás en camino hacia la construcción de ingresos pasivos a largo plazao también. En este breve libro me gustaría presentarte el conocimiento que he encontrado relevante para mi propia inversión. Obtén este libro HOY.

Invertir: Guía Para Principiantes Para Invertir Con Éxito.

by Rachel Jackson

Este sencillo libro de trabajo muestra a los nuevos gerentes en Planificación de la Continuidad de Negocios cómo desarrollar rápidamente un plan básico y mantenerlo actualizado. Si se le ha asignado la tarea de desarrollar un plan básico de seguimiento comercial y no está seguro de dónde comenzar, este libro de trabajo con formularios de muestra, listas de verificación, plantillas y planes lo guiará paso a paso a través del proceso. ¡Recoja su copia hoy haciendo clic en el botón en la parte superior de esta página!

Invertir: Guía Sencilla Para Aumentar Los Ingresos ( Investing )

by Kate Cooper

Adquiera una mejor comprensión de cómo convertirse en un buen inversor. Guía simple de inversión para aumentar los ingresos. Las finanzas estructuradas y los contratos asegurados están volviendose más comunes en Wall Street. Hasta ahora, sin embargo, quienes participan en los mercados han tenido que crear sus propios sistemas para analizar estos contratos, y los agentes principiantes han tenido que aprender a medida que realizan su tarea. Cómo invertir dinero para principiantes es lo que Ud. necesita si es nuevo en el mundo de las inversiones financieras y no sabe por dónde empezar. Tome el control sobre las decisiones de inversión aprendiendo cómo hacerlo por sí mismo de una manera racional. ¡Vuelva a arriba y compre su copia hoy!

Invertir: Inversion Inteligente - Invierte Y Genera Ingresos Pasivos (Invirtiendo: Investing)

by Mark McAllen

Aprende como iniciarte en el mundo de la bolsa de valores. Con estos 10 consejos conseguiras informacion de primera mano sobre lo que debes y no debes hacer cuando comienzas a invertir.

Invertir: Una Sencilla Guía De Inversión Para Principiantes ( Investing)

by Brian Nison

Si bien es importante mantener los activos a corto plazo disponibles para casos de emergencia de oportunidades de negocios, ya sea que una persona comience a ahorrar en la adolescencia o cuando se acerca la edad de jubilación, la prioridad debe ser puesta en una perspectiva a largo plazo. Los principios de inversión descritos en este libro pueden aplicarse globalmente. Sin embargo, dependiendo de tu país de origen, la implementación exacta de las inversiones puede variar.

Invertir: Trucos Simples Sobre Cómo Hacer Que Su Dinero Trabaje Para Usted

by William Prado

Bienes Raíces es un gran tipo de inversión para aquellos que pueden costearlo. Cuando inviertes en bienes raíces, esto te provee la oportunidad de generar un ingreso residual, adicional a un crecimiento a largo plazo. Es cierto que los bienes inmuebles tienen un precio elevado de compra, pero hay algunas formas de sortear esto. ¡Estás a punto de descubrir cómo escoger las mejores opciones de inversión, asignar y diversificar tu portafolio, establecer un plan a largo plazo y más!

Invest in ASEAN: Countries Analysis and Treaties

by Lorenzo Riccardi Giorgio Riccardi

This book highlights the main features of the economic, commercial, political, fiscal and financial systems of each of the ASEAN countries from a domestic and an international point of view. Moreover, it analyses the most relevant international treaties signed by ASEAN’s members. Published after the 50th anniversary of ASEAN to promote the association, the book is a valuable tool for practitioners who are interested in developing economic activities or investments in this area.

Invest in Europe Now!

by Kathleen Stephansen Vincenzo Sciarretta David R. Kotok

An insider's guide to investing in EuropeWith the U.S. market in shambles, investors are looking for other places to put their money. Europe has become the destination of choice, and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.Using the different perspectives of an author who lives in Europe and an author who lives in the United States, Invest in Europe Now! is one the most informative guides to making money outside North America. It outlines the best ways to take advantage of the rapidly shifting global financial environment and shows you what indicators to follow, what instruments and markets are best poised for growth, and how to avoid various pitfalls along the way.Outlines the safest ways to invest in Europe and secure the returns you desireWritten by a unique author team, which represent both the U.S. and European perspectiveDiscusses how some European markets and stocks are relatively more attractive than their American counterpartsThroughout this book, David Kotok and Vincenzo Sciaretta reveal the realities of investing in Europe and how you can benefit from doing so.

Invest in Penny Stocks

by Peter Leeds

So, you're interested in penny stocks! Investing in the right penny stocks is one of the mostlucrative ways to make money in the stock market. With the help of The Penny Stock Professional, Peter Leeds, investors can find the best shares with the greatest upside potential while minimizing risk. Invest in Penny Stocks introduces you to Leeds Analysis and shows you how to find penny stocks that are about to spike in price. Discover: How to find the highest quality penny stocks Which penny stocks to avoid How to trade risk free The best buying prices When to take profitsIf you are interested in investing in penny stocks thenlearn the techniques of The Penny Stock Professional.Invest in Penny Stocks is the only book of its kind andthe tool for penny stock traders.

Invest Like a Girl: Jump into the Stock Market, Reach Your Money Goals, and Build Wealth

by Jessica Spangler

&“If you&’re looking for advice that will help you start investing right away, Invest Like a Girl delivers this and more. Jessica&’s engaging guide will help women close the wealth gap, start important conversations, and finance their biggest dreams.&”—Tiffany &“the Budgetnista&” Aliche, New York Times bestselling author of Get Good with Money In a world where many women need to contend with the gender pay gap, take career breaks to raise families, and account for their longer lifespans when saving for retirement, investing is a surefire way to put yourself on firm financial footing. And when women do start investing, they often land higher returns than men. However, as Dr. Jessica Spangler discovered when she shared her financial know-how online, understanding that investing is crucial is just the beginning. Many of her followers, as well as her real-life friends, coworkers, and even patients, wanted to know exactly how and where they could start.With Invest Like a Girl, Jessica shares the essential information and offers the game plans that women need to begin investing right away and according to their unique financial profiles. Filled with easy-to-implement tools, practical strategies, and real-life examples, this go-to guide to investing will provide the blueprint for you to take the next step with your money, teaching you how to ● Prep your finances: Get a clear picture of your net worth and know exactly how much you can allocate for investing—no matter your income.● Pick up the lingo of investing: Understand the differences between ETFs, index funds, mutual funds, bonds, and options—and weigh the pros and cons of each.● Manage risk without breaking a sweat: Determine your risk tolerance with a short quiz, learn to use the ups and downs of the market to your benefit, and discover how investing helps you beat inflation.● Craft a customized strategy: Outline your most important financial goals, figure out your personal investing style, and decide how to allocate your assets with the help of worksheets, checklists, and sample portfolios along the way. Whether you&’re looking to achieve financial independence, make strides toward important life goals, or set aside enough for retirement, Invest Like a Girl will get you up to speed and empower you to start investing and make sound decisions about your money.

Invest Like a Guru: How to Generate Higher Returns At Reduced Risk With Value Investing

by Charlie Tian

Adopt the investment strategy that built Warren Buffett's fortune Invest Like a Guru provides an invaluable resource for high-quality-focused value investing, with expert insight and practical tools for implementation. Written by the man behind, this book expands on the site's value strategies and research tools to provide a primer for those exploring pathways to higher returns at lower risk. The book begins with an insightful explanation of high-quality-focused value investing concepts, then quickly moves into practical, detailed guidance on analysis, valuation, key factors, and risks to avoid. Case studies demonstrate real-world application of various analysis methods, and the discussion walks you through important calculations using real examples. Author Charlie Tian draws upon his own experiences and lessons learned to provide true insight on high-quality-focused value investing as a strategy, providing both reference and expert advice in this singularly useful guide. Warren Buffett once said, "I would rather buy good companies at fair prices than buy fair companies at good prices." That's how he built his fortune, and his method is what we now call high-quality-focused value investing. This book shows you how to determine what constitutes "good companies" and "fair prices," with practical tools for real-world application. Learn the principles and concepts of high-quality-focused value investing Understand the analysis process and valuation of prospective investments Avoid the value traps that can trigger permanent losses Study clear examples of key ratios and calculations We can't all become the next Warren Buffett, but we can boost returns while reducing risk using the right investment strategy. High-quality-focused value investing provides a path to profit, and Invest Like a Guru is the one-of-a-kind guidebook for getting on track.

Invest Like An Institution

by Michael C. Schlachter

All too often, when investors go in search of investment advice, they are met with television personalities and so-called investment "gurus" who do little more than push the latest and greatest scheme to retire rich. Your retirement funds--in the form of IRAs, 401(k)s, SEP or Simple IRAs, and other plans you can direct to some degree--are, however, far too precious to bet on the latest scheme, trend, or tip you heard at a party. In Invest Like an Institution: Professional Strategies for Funding a Successful Retirement, Michael Schlachter provides individual investors with the tools they need to build a portfolio that not only protects their wealth but helps it grow for the long term. Result? A comfortable retirement in which you can pursue your dreams and check "bucket list" items off at your leisure. As an advisor to large pension funds and endowments, Michael Schlachter counts among his clients the elite. Institutional investors like the retirement systems of states and major companies, as well as the largest university endowments, are among the few that consistently outperform the market. Sure, average retail investors can''t make the same types of private deals in real estate, private equity, or hedge funds that institutional investors use to reap large returns or offset market volatility. But as this book demonstrates, you can replicate in your own portfolio the very same diversification strategies that large funds employ to achieve long-term gains. To that end, Invest Like an Institution shows how to build a portfolio that is every bit as diversified and risk-controlled as a multi-billion-dollar institutional fund--and a portfolio more likely to result in a happy, financially secure retirement. Filled with easy-to-implement guidelines that will put you on the path to financial success without encouraging you to chase trends, take on unneeded risks, or spend unnecessary fees, Invest Like an Institution analyzes: Why asset allocation and consistent retirement contributions are the single largest determinant of your success or failure The merits of a global portfolio versus those of a home country-biased portfolio How newer investment strategies are used by institutional investors to supplement a well-diversified portfolio Why fixed income investments are not as safe as most investors think and how to understand their role in your portfolio The best alternative asset classes that are readily available to individual investors Invest Like an Institution will help ensure that your investments are positioned for long-term growth under any market conditions. Follow its advice, and you can better achieve a prime goal we all share: retiring with a substantial nest egg. What you''ll learn Readers of this book will learn: How to keep your wealth intact and grow it in a risk-controlled manner over an extended period of time. How to implement the investment and asset allocation strategies used by the largest and most successful institutional investors into your own portfolio. The unique advantages that individual investors have over institutional investors--and how to leverage those advantages to your benefit. How to diversify your assets like the big funds do, no matter whether you are a young investor or are getting a late start on saving for retirement. The best diversification strategies for structuring your investments in both stocks and bonds. How alternative asset classes can enhance their returns while minimizing their risk. Who this book is for Designed specifically for the individual investor, Invest Like an Institution will appeal to active investors and savers of all ages, from Baby Boomers who are closing in on retirement to young adults who are struggling to determine the proper way to manage their IRAs and 401(k)s and direct their asset allocation mix. Table of Contents How You Compare to the Big Funds Asset Allocation Investment Structure for Stocks, Part I Investment Structure for Stocks, Part II Investment Structure for Fixed Income, Part I Investment Structure for Fixed Incom...

Invest My Way: Making Money With the Blue Chip Shares on the Australian Stock Market

by Alan Hull

The definitive guide to buying blue chip shares on the Australian stock market Designed for DIY investors looking for simple, practical, low risk strategies for managing their blue chip shares, Invest My Way: The Business of Making Money on the Australian Share Market with Blue Chip Shares is perfect for anyone interested in either trading or investing long term in Australian blue chip shares. Written by respected trader and market educator Alan Hull, the book provides readers with a unique, holistic investing strategy for managing blue chip shares to optimize both capital growth and income (dividends). Beginning with basic coverage of managing blue chip shares, the book also includes invaluable information on managing portfolios as well as offering advice on when to buy, sell, and accumulate stocks. In-depth and comprehensive, Invest My Way is the latest instalment in Hull's collection of investment texts--including Active Investing and Trade My Way--which, taken together, provide readers with a complete stock market solution. Presents a unique new strategy for making money with blue chip stocks Author Alan Hull is a respected, well-known trading and investing expert Walks readers through the entire blue chip investing process, including building portfolios with maximum capital growth and returns The third instalment in Hull's complete guide to making money in the stock market, following in the footsteps of Active Investing and Trade My Way Essential reading for casual investors, including baby boomers, retirees, SMSF trustees, and anyone else interested in trading or investing long term in Australian blue chip shares.

Invest Outside the Box: Understanding Different Asset Classes and Strategies

by Tariq Dennison

This book is a practical and concise guide to major asset classes, investment strategies, and foreign markets. For investors familiar with one “box” of investments, this book serves as a non-technical introduction to other “boxes” worth diversifying into, such as bonds, real estate, private equity, cryptocurrencies, and Chinese A-shares. Readers with no prior finance background will find this book an accessible entry point to investing. Written by a practitioner, this volume can serve as course material for introductory investing classes or as an on-the-job guidebook for professionals and practicing investors.

Invest Wisely: Problem-Solving Strategies for Quiet Leaders

by Joseph L. Badaracco Jr.

Political capital--consisting mainly of a person's reputations and relationships at work--is the hard currency of organizational life. This chapter illustrates how quiet leaders pay close attention to how much political capital they are risking and the likely returns on their investment before taking action on a difficult problem.

Investcorp and the Moneybookers Bid

by Carin-Isabel Knoop Matthew Rhodes-Kropf Nori Gerardo Lietz

In January 2007, Hazem Ben-Gacem, managing director and co-head of Investcorp Technology Partners (ITP), needs to decide what to bid at an auction for Moneybookers Limited, one of the top three e-payment solution providers in Europe. However, approximately 70% of Moneybookers revenues were related to transactions from online gaming sites (down from 100% in 2002). Although the thesis was that e-commerce transactions would soon make up a much larger chunk of the company's revenues, high gaming revenue still raised some questions. Between now and when Ben-Gacem had first submitted a bid of 60 million for Moneybookers back in November 2006, the U.S. Congress had enacted the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act putting pressure on e-payment firms with gambling exposure. How would investors in ITP view this transaction? Ben-Gacem also worried about whether Moneybookers could manage the growth of its business and the evolution of regulation around monetary transactions. Moneybookers had effectively become a type of bank with deposit accounts and capital adequacy requirements and all the reporting that went along with it. But could an internet startup maintain the compliance and accounting standards necessary to handle such scrutiny? Could it succeed-and if it did, what would it be worth?

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