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Investieren für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Eric TysonSie möchten Ihr Geld gewinnbringend anlegen? Eric Tyson zeigt Ihnen, wie das geht. Lernen Sie zunächst die Grundlagen kennen: Verschaffen Sie sich einen Überblick über Ihre finanzielle Lage, sichern Sie sich finanziell ab, setzen Sie sich Anlage-Ziele und schätzen Sie Ihre Risikobereitschaft ein. Und erfahren Sie dann, welche Investment-Möglichkeiten sich Ihnen bieten und welche konkreten Schritte Sie dafür gehen müssen. Investieren Sie in Aktien, Immobilien oder Unternehmen und erwerben Sie zugleich ein finanzielles Grundwissen, das Ihnen hilft, Ihr Geld gewinnbringend anzulegen und nie mehr als ein kalkulierbares Risiko einzugehen.
Investieren in Fonds für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Anke DembowskiSie möchten Ihr Geld in Fonds anlegen, wissen aber eigentlich gar nicht so recht, was Fonds sind oder welcher Fond der richtige für Sie ist? Keine Sorge, Anke Dembowski erklärt Ihnen einfach und verständlich, wie Fonds funktionieren, welche Fonds welche Vor- und Nachteile haben und welche Kosten, Steuern und Fördermöglichkeiten Sie im Blick haben sollten. Werden Sie sich über Ihre eigenen Anlageziele klar und lernen Sie, den passenden Fond nicht nur auszuwählen, sondern auch zu pflegen. Auch Tipps zur Risikovermeidung und zum richtigen Verhalten im Falle eines Crashs kommen nicht zu kurz. So werden Sie schon bald zum Profi-Anleger.
Investieren in Immobilien für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Björn KirchhoffSpielen Sie mit dem Gedanken, in Immobilien zu investieren und so Ihr Geld in Niedrigzinszeiten gewinnbringend anzulegen? Björn Kirchhoff zeigt Ihnen in diesem Buch, dass Sie selbst mit moderatem Geldeinsatz in "Betongold" investieren können. Lernen Sie von ihm, welche Vorteile das Immobilieninvestment und der Aufbau eines passiven Einkommens hat. Lassen Sie sich erklären, wie Sie beim direkten Investment die richtige Immobilie auswählen, kalkulieren, kaufen und vermieten. Und erfahren Sie, welche Formen des indirekten Investments es mit Immobilienfonds und REITs-ETFs gibt und wie Sie ins Crowdinvesting einsteigen können.
Investieren in Immobilien für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Björn KirchhoffSpielen Sie mit dem Gedanken, in Immobilien zu investieren? Björn Kirchhoff zeigt Ihnen in diesem Buch, dass Sie selbst mit moderatem Geldeinsatz in "Betongold" investieren können. Lernen Sie von ihm, welche Vorteile das Immobilieninvestment und der Aufbau eines passiven Einkommens hat. Lassen Sie sich erklären, wie Sie beim direkten Investment die richtige Immobilie auswählen, kalkulieren, kaufen und vermieten. Und erfahren Sie, welche Formen des indirekten Investments es mit Immobilienfonds und REITs-ETFs gibt und wie Sie ins Crowdinvesting einsteigen können.
Investieren Leicht Gemacht: Warren Buffet Strategien zum Vermögensaufbau und zur Schaffung von passivem Einkommen
by Adidas WilsonJeder wünscht sich finanzielle Freiheit. Viele versuchen, sie zu erreichen, indem sie das tun, was sie leidenschaftlich gerne tun. Es gibt Menschen, die sie gefunden haben, indem sie in dem Unternehmen, in dem sie arbeiten, die Karriereleiter hinaufkletterten, während andere ein Unternehmen gegründet haben. In den letzten fünf Jahren gab es mehr Millionäre als in jedem anderen Zeitraum. Online-Ressourcen und das Internet im Allgemeinen sind für einen großen Teil dieses Erfolgs verantwortlich. Die meisten dieser Menschen waren so nett, über ihren Erfolg zu schreiben und einige Ratschläge und Einblicke in den Erfolg zu geben und was man tun muss, um ihn zu erreichen. Eine Sache, die in den meisten Büchern erwähnt wird, sind die "Geheimnisse der finanziellen Freiheit". Was sind diese Geheimnisse? Ganz gleich, wie viel Geld Sie verdienen, wenn Sie keine Ahnung haben, wie Sie damit umgehen sollen, werden Sie niemals finanzielle Freiheit erreichen - Sie werden nicht einmal in die Nähe kommen. Sie müssen lernen, wie Sie Ihr Geld verwalten und eine Kultur des Sparens pflegen. Ihr Geld sollte für Sie arbeiten. Wenn Sie unkontrollierbare Ausgabegewohnheiten haben, wird es Ihnen am Ende noch schlechter gehen als Menschen, die viel weniger verdienen als Sie. Der erste Schritt zur finanziellen Freiheit ist Sparen. Analysieren Sie Ihre Ausgabengewohnheiten. Kontrollieren Sie Ihre Ausgabengewohnheiten und beginnen Sie mit der Haushaltsplanung und dem Sparen. Als Nächstes sollten Sie lernen, wie Sie Ihre Ersparnisse anlegen. Dies ist eine der wichtigsten Entscheidungen in Ihrem Leben. Nehmen Sie sich Zeit und erforschen Sie die Wachstumsmärkte. Wenn Sie das, was Sie tun, lieben, werden Sie der finanziellen Freiheit, nach der Sie sich sehnen, näher kommen. Sie können viel Geld verdienen, aber ein unglückliches Leben führen, weil Ihnen Ihre Arbeit keinen Spaß macht. Wenn Sie Ihrer Leidenschaft folgen, werden sich alle anderen Dinge von selbst ergeben. Der beste W
Investigated Reporting: Muckrakers, Regulators, and the Struggle over Television Documentary
by Chad RaphaelTriple Award Winner: 2006 History Division Book Award of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, 2006 Frank Luther Mott/Kappa Tau Alpha Communications Award, and 2005 Donald McGannon Award for Social and Ethical Relevance in Communications Policy Research
Investigating Being in Organizations and Leadership: A Phenomenological Alternative
by Kim Malmbak Møller Michael FastThis book discusses the ontological foundation for organizational analysis and organizational life from a phenomenological perspective. The objective of this book is to provide the reader with an understanding of organizations that adequately takes into account the current philosophical knowledge regarding human nature. A key result of this analysis is that organizations are existentially founded human experiences of emotions, ethics, culture and narrative. This understanding of organizations is furthermore complicated by the existence of concepts of power, relationship, interaction and identity, which all can be perceived as contradicting notions of objectivity, professionalism and rationalism. The question is not whether this is an easy description to navigate nor apply, but rather where we go from here. This book would be of interest to students and scholars working on the philosophy of business, and academics in critical organization studies and alternative philosophy of organization. The book would also be of interest to people in all organization trying to understand everyday of dilemmas and contradictions.
Investigating Corporate Fraud
by Michael J. ComerIn 1998 Gower published the highly successful third edition of Corporate Fraud by Michael Comer. Sadly, the need for such books has not disappeared - if anything it has increased - with cases such as Enron, WorldCom and the Allied Irish Bank and so this volume concentrates on the practicalities of investigating and recovering from fraud. Fraud can be prevented by secure processes and by ensuring that people allowed access to them are honest. This is easier said than done; failures will occur and every company needs contingency plans as a safety net. Contrary to popular belief, corporate fraud happens to good companies and effective managers. What is crucial is your reaction when suspicions are first aroused - fraud changes from a problem to a disaster mainly because people's initial response is ineffective. This book is a comprehensive action plan for organizations that are victims of corporate fraud. The aim is to help make sure that you can react swiftly and effectively, recover your money, your costs with interest and punish the offenders so that a deterrent is established for others. Most importantly the book will help you return to normal working as quickly as possible. It is highly practical, featuring checklists and case examples throughout. Applying his extraordinary experience, keen insight and vast practical knowledge, Mike Comer is able to take a unique position in showing organizations what they can do and what their rights are. His writing style is entertaining and enlightening - this is no dry, laborious and incomprehensible legal reference. You will find Investigating Corporate Fraud a fascinating and invaluable source of practical expert guidance on a subject strewn with potential dangers.
Investigating Cultural Aspects in Indian Organizations
by Vijay Pereira Ashish MalikThe purpose of this edited collection is to analyse the cultural aspects of Indian organizations. As the world's largest and most diverse democracy, Indian society can be best described as an amalgam of multiple cultures, value systems, socio-political and institutional orientations. This book offers a theoretical and empirical basis for understanding the evolving and changing nature of these aspects in Indian organizations. The World Bank predicts that in the near future India will become the world's second largest economy. The recent high growth rates reported by businesses in the Indian economy needs to be sustainable, especially amidst its high cultural diversity. Whilst there is tremendous interest in understanding the intricacies of Indian culture and a growing literature focusing on topics such as India-specific management and internationalization strategies of Indian firms, the cultural aspects of Indian businesses have been largely ignored. This book aims to fill this gap. It covers various topics in organizational culture and management such as human resource management, cross-cultural communication and coaching, cultural similarity, cultural literacy, multiculturalism, generational cultural values, talent acquisition and knowledge management. It also features case studies from high growth sectors such as the IT and health industries. Presenting contributions from local Indian and international researchers, this book provides a multidimensional perspective that will appeal to students, scholars and practitioners interested in organizational culture and management in India.
Investigating Inflation Dynamics in Sudan
by Kenji MoriyamaA report from the International Monetary Fund.
Investigating the Performance of Chinese Banks: Efficiency and Risk Features
by Yong TanThis book applies econometric techniques to test the relationship between efficiency and risk within the banking industry in China. Chapters examine how efficiency has been affected by different types of risk-taking behaviour and how risk has been an important determinant of bank efficiency in the context of the series of reforms impacting banks in China since 1978. The author begins by unpacking these reforms and proceeds to explain relevant theories of efficiency and bank risk before reviewing empirical literature in evaluating risk and efficiency in the banking industry. He then investigates the issues of efficiency and risk in the Chinese banking industry using a number of modern econometric techniques. The final chapters present the results of original empirical research conducted by the author, and provide valuable implications to Chinese government as well as banking regulatory authorities to make relevant policies.
Investigating the Performance of Chinese Banks: Efficiency and Risk Features (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions)
by Yong TanThis book applies econometric techniques to test the relationship between efficiency and risk within the banking industry in China. Chapters examine how efficiency has been affected by different types of risk-taking behaviour and how risk has been an important determinant of bank efficiency in the context of the series of reforms impacting banks in China since 1978. The author begins by unpacking these reforms and proceeds to explain relevant theories of efficiency and bank risk before reviewing empirical literature in evaluating risk and efficiency in the banking industry. He then investigates the issues of efficiency and risk in the Chinese banking industry using a number of modern econometric techniques. The final chapters present the results of original empirical research conducted by the author, and provide valuable implications to Chinese government as well as banking regulatory authorities to make relevant policies.
Investigating the Use of Sex in Media Promotion and Advertising
by Tom ReichertThe latest scholarship on one of today&’s most pressing issues Today, it is obvious that sexual content is a prevalent aspect of the media and that the intensity of this content has increased in recent years. Less obvious, however, are the direct effects the strategic use of sexual content has on audiences. Investigating the Use of Sex in Media Promotion and Advertising presents the latest scholarship on the role of sex in the most common media outlets-television programming, radio "shock jocks," music videos, magazines, and advertising. The eye-opening contributions from over a dozen recognized experts in the field provide useful empirical evidence on media-conveyed sexual stimuli and look toward moving the public dialogue on sex in the media further along. Often, opinions regarding sex in the media have little or no scientific grounding and even when scientific-grounded arguments are offered, they suffer from wide gaps in research-based knowledge. Investigating the Use of Sex in Media Promotion and Advertising is the important compilation that fills these knowledge gaps. In delving into this pressing issue, it not only offers timely findings that provide an indication of the nature, prevalence, and effects of sexual information when used as a promotional tool, but suggests new directions for the study of sex and media as well. This informative text is also extensively referenced and features numerous tables to clearly present research data. Chapters in Investigating the Use of Sex in Media Promotion and Advertising examine: the nature and extent of sexually appealing newscasters primarily on cable news programs commentary and camera angles of women&’s sporting events in the 2004 Summer Olympic Games the efficacy of both sexual content and sexual self-schema on consumers&’ attitudes toward promotional announcements, advertised programs, viewing intention, and self-reported arousal the history and content analysis of "shock jock" radio like the Howard Stern and the Bob & Tom shows the relationship among sexual content in music videos, viewer enjoyment, and actual product purchase intention Maxim magazine&’s cover formula and the competitive response from other men&’s lifestyle magazines the efficacy of men&’s magazines&’ sexual cover models on consumer outcome variables, including interest and purchase intention an international perspective of nudity in advertising in magazines versus on television a case study of the sexual appeals used in several billboard ads for the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas and much more! Filled with insightful and groundbreaking information, Investigating the Use of Sex in Media Promotion and Advertising is a vital resource for advertising and media professionals as well as educators and upper-level and graduate students in media, communications, and advertising programs.
Investigating Your Career
by Ann K. Jordan Lynne T. WhaleyBy emphasizing why lifelong learning is an essential skill for career planning, Investigating Your Career helps students in grades 7 and 8 make the most of their future high school years. This semester-length middle school text encourages students to investigate their own identity and implement career plans that fit their individuality by matching career focus to their interests, abilities, values, personalities and personal goals. The importance of volunteer work and extra-curricular activities is explored as well as educational and work experiences that will help build the skills needed to be successful in a chosen career.
Investigating Your Career
by Ann K. Jordan Lynne T. WhaleyMany states now require or recommend a semester length career course before graduating to high school. This gives students the opportunity to direct their attention toward an area of interest that might develop into a career path and to identify high school and college course offerings related to their career choices. Investigating Your Career, 2e helps students: Identify their passions, talents, values, and goals. Investigate the 16 career clusters with an eye toward their future. Learn critical success skills such as how to budget their money, the value of credit, and how to manage their time. Use practical planning and decision-making tools to develop a personal career plan. Practice the education search skills and job search skills needed to implement their career plan.
Investigating Your Career (Second Edition)
by Ann K. Jordan Lynne T. WhaleyBy beginning your planning now, you will have a better chance for future success and happiness. Career success starts with your passions, attitude, talents, and heart.
Investigating Your Career (Third Edition)
by Ann Jordan Lynne Whaley Tena B. CrewsWould you like a text that gives you the opportunity to direct your attention toward an area of interest that might develop into a career path and helps you identify educational course offerings related to your career choices? INVESTIGATING YOUR CAREER, 3rd Edition has been revised to include social networking, personal finance, blog activities, math and financial information, and additional coverage on the 16 Career Clusters, making it the perfect solution. This career exploration text uniquely focuses on your individual PATH to success: your Passions, Attitude, Talents, and Heart, as career possibilities are explored. You will learn critical success skills such as how to budget your money, the value and misuse of credit, and how to manage your time. Focusing education on the future, the U.S. Office of Education has grouped careers into 16 clusters based on similar job characteristics. Every chapter in INVESTIGATING YOUR CAREER, 3E includes detailed information on a career cluster allowing you to learn about the various career options available. The career cluster approach makes it easier to understand the relevance of your required courses.
Investigation and Prevention of Financial Crime: Knowledge Management, Intelligence Strategy and Executive Leadership
by Petter GottschalkSo long as there are weaknesses that can be exploited for gain, companies, other organizations and private individuals will be taken advantage of. This theoretically-based but hugely practical book focuses on what is generally seen as financial or economic crime: theft, fraud, manipulation, and corruption. Petter Gottschalk considers how, in some competitive environments, goals can 'legitimise' all kinds of means, and how culture can exert a role in relation to what is seen as acceptable or unacceptable behaviour by individuals. In Investigation and Prevention of Financial Crime he addresses important topics including organized crime, money laundering, cyber crime, corruption in law enforcement agencies, and whistleblowing, and provides expert advice about strategies for the use of intelligence to combat financial crime. The uniqueness of his approach to the subject lies in the way he is able to explain intelligence and intelligence processes in the wider context of knowledge and knowledge management. The numerous case studies throughout the book illustrate the 'policing' of financial crime from an intelligence, knowledge management and systems perspective. Law enforcers, lawyers, security personnel, consultants and investigators, as well as those in auditing and accountancy and with responsibilities for containing risk in banks, other financial institutions and in businesses generally, will find this an invaluable source of practical guidance. The book will also be of interest to advanced students and researchers in criminology and police science.
An Investigation of Some Macro-Financial Linkages of Securitization
by Mangal Goswami Andreas Jobst Xin LongA report from the International Monetary Fund.
Investigations in the Workplace
by Eugene F. Ferraro T.J. MacGinley Ban Seng ChooThe process of investigation is dynamic and fluid. The approach must be reasonable and the investigator flexible. However, in order to be successful, every investigation must have a meaningful purpose and be executed ethically and lawfully.Inevitably, employers must invest time, money, and patience to ensure they obtain demonstrable and actionable
Investigative Computer Forensics
by Erik Laykin"Having worked with Erik on some of the most challenging computer forensic investigations during the early years of this industry's formation as well as having competed with him earnestly in the marketplace...I can truly say that Erik is one of the unique pioneers of computer forensic investigations. He not only can distill complex technical information into easily understandable concepts, but he always retained a long-term global perspective on the relevancy of our work and on the impact of the information revolution on the social and business structures of tomorrow."-From the Foreword by James Gordon, Managing Director, Navigant Consulting, Inc.Get the knowledge you need to make informed decisions throughout the computer forensic investigation processInvestigative Computer Forensics zeroes in on a real need felt by lawyers, jurists, accountants, administrators, senior managers, and business executives around the globe: to understand the forensic investigation landscape before having an immediate and dire need for the services of a forensic investigator.Author Erik Laykin-leader and pioneer of computer forensic investigations-presents complex technical information in easily understandable concepts, covering:A primer on computers and networksComputer forensic fundamentalsInvestigative fundamentalsObjectives and challenges in investigative computer forensicsE-discovery responsibilitiesThe future of computer forensic investigationsGet the knowledge you need to make tough decisions during an internal investigation or while engaging the capabilities of a computer forensic professional with the proven guidance found in Investigative Computer Forensics.
Investigative Interviewing: Psychology, Method and Practice
by SPHR), Eugene Ferraro (CPPThere are few skills more important to the modern fact finder than the ability to obtain information through effective interviewing. While most interviewing books are intended for law enforcement, they often present harsh and accusatory techniques that can be counterproductive in private sector investigations.Investigative Interviewing: Psychology,
Investigative Interviewing: Adopting a Forensic Mindset
by John E. Grimes IIIInvestigative Interviewing: Adopting a Forensic Mindset aims to promote legal and ethical investigative interview methods. Accordingly, possessing a forensic mindset should be the foundation that governs every aspect of an investigative interviewer's actions. Being a forensic professional—which includes the field of forensic interviewing—infers that one applies the highest standards in collecting, analyzing, preserving, and presenting evidence to a court of law or other tribunals. The term "investigative interview” with an interviewer's forensic mindset can be used to achieve all interview objectives, even obtaining truthful confessions that stand up to the scrutiny of the courts and public opinion. Key to this, the author contends, is eliminating the term “interrogation” and the confession-obtaining mindset it creates. In its place, the term “investigative interview” is used, promoting a forensic mindset to achieve desired interview objectives. What transpires during the interview must stand up to the scrutiny of the courts and public opinion. In this regard, due process, documenting the procedure, and practicing proven, effective techniques is paramount to getting to the truth—the ultimate goal of any investigation. The book includes a chapter dedicated to false confessions, due to is criticality and frequent occurrences of this. It continues with a discussion on the desired qualities of an investigative interviewer and strategies to break down barriers and gain trust with reluctant, uncooperative, and hostile interviewees. Proper report writing, an underrated key to any interview and investigation, is addressed in detail. Lastly. the book provides training on best practice interview steps and strategies to lead the interviewee to the truth that will stand up to the scrutiny of the courts and public opinion. Investigative Interviewing: Adopting a Forensic Mindset is well-suited as a textbook—outlining techniques and detailing all relevant case law concerning confessions— in addition to providing an Instructor’s Manual with Test Bank and PowerPoint slides for professors to utilize in classroom instruction.
Investigative Interviewing in the Workplace: Culture, Deviance, and Investigations
by Kevin SweeneyBased on extensive interdisciplinary research and the author’s over 30 years of experience in the field, this book provides best practice skills for auditors and investigators in any type of investigation and adapts them to ensure they are relevant to a corporate environment where the powers available to police are absent. In addition to providing technical skills and practical advice on investigative interviewing, former police investigator Kevin Sweeney explains how to analyze information to assist in the investigation and to identify emerging trends to provide opportunities to prevent problems before they occur. Readers will come to understand legal concepts such as the chain of evidence, the psychological factors involved in questioning, and the sociological factors that can help to build a macro understanding of the organization and the event in question. This book will become an essential resource for professionals involved in auditing or investigation work of any type in the corporate or public sectors, in contexts including human resources, employee relation investigations, auditing, or where criminal activity is suspected.
Investigative Journalism, Environmental Problems and Modernisation in China
by Jingrong TongThis book examines how the news media in general, and investigative journalism in particular, interprets environmental problems and how those interpretations contribute to the shaping of a discourse of risk that can compete against the omnipresent and hegemonic discourse of modernisation in Chinese society.