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An Introduction to Multilevel Modeling Techniques: MLM and SEM Approaches Using Mplus, Third Edition (Quantitative Methodology Series )
by Ronald H. Heck Scott L. ThomasUnivariate and multivariate multilevel models are used to understand how to design studies and analyze data in this comprehensive text distinguished by its variety of applications from the educational, behavioral, and social sciences. Basic and advanced models are developed from the multilevel regression (MLM) and latent variable (SEM) traditions within one unified analytic framework for investigating hierarchical data. The authors provide examples using each modeling approach and also explore situations where alternative approaches may be more appropriate, given the research goals. Numerous examples and exercises allow readers to test their understanding of the techniques presented. Changes to the new edition include: -The use of Mplus 7.2 for running the analyses including the input and data files at www.routledge.com/9781848725522. -Expanded discussion of MLM and SEM model-building that outlines the steps taken in the process, the relevant Mplus syntax, and tips on how to evaluate the models. -Expanded pedagogical program now with chapter objectives, boldfaced key terms, a glossary, and more tables and graphs to help students better understand key concepts and techniques. -Numerous, varied examples developed throughout which make this book appropriate for use in education, psychology, business, sociology, and the health sciences. -Expanded coverage of missing data problems in MLM using ML estimation and multiple imputation to provide currently-accepted solutions (Ch. 10). -New chapter on three-level univariate and multilevel multivariate MLM models provides greater options for investigating more complex theoretical relationships(Ch.4). -New chapter on MLM and SEM models with categorical outcomes facilitates the specification of multilevel models with observed and latent outcomes (Ch.8). -New chapter on multilevel and longitudinal mixture models provides readers with options for identifying emergent groups in hierarchical data (Ch.9). -New chapter on the utilization of sample weights, power analysis, and missing data provides guidance on technical issues of increasing concern for research publication (Ch.10). Ideal as a text for graduate courses on multilevel, longitudinal, latent variable modeling, multivariate statistics, or advanced quantitative techniques taught in psychology, business, education, health, and sociology, this book’s practical approach also appeals to researchers. Recommended prerequisites are introductory univariate and multivariate statistics.
An Introduction to Multilevel Modeling Techniques: MLM and SEM Approaches Using Mplus (Quantitative Methodology Series)
by Ronald H. Heck Scott L. ThomasMultilevel modelling is a data analysis method that is frequently used to investigate hierarchal data structures in educational, behavioural, health, and social sciences disciplines. Multilevel data analysis exploits data structures that cannot be adequately investigated using single-level analytic methods such as multiple regression, path analysis, and structural modelling. This text offers a comprehensive treatment of multilevel models for univariate and multivariate outcomes. It explores their similarities and differences and demonstrates why one model may be more appropriate than another, given the research objectives. New to this edition: An expanded focus on the nature of different types of multilevel data structures (e.g., cross-section, longitudinal, cross-classified, etc.) for addressing specific research goals Varied modelling methods for examining longitudinal data including random-effect and fixed-effect approaches Expanded coverage illustrating different model-building sequences and how to use results to identify possible model improvements An expanded set of applied examples used throughout the text Use of four different software packages (i.e., Mplus, R, SPSS, Stata), with selected examples of model-building input files included in the chapter appendices and a more complete set of files available online This is an ideal text for graduate courses on multilevel, longitudinal, latent variable modelling, multivariate statistics, or advanced quantitative techniques taught in psychology, business, education, health, and sociology. Recommended prerequisites are introductory univariate and multivariate statistics.
Introduction to Mutual Funds
by Robert C. PozenThis note is an excerpt from Professor Bob Pozen's book "The Mutual Fund Business" and is an introduction to mutual funds, contrasted with commercial banks.
Introduction to Nonprofit Management: Text and Cases
by W. Glenn Rowe Mary Conway Dato-onIntroduction to Nonprofit Management: Text and Cases is a unique collection of 28 cases from Ivey Publishing at the Richard Ivey School of Business. This casebook helps students gain a better understanding of nonprofit management by providing contemporary cases from around the world, illustrating the complexity of nonprofit management in a variety of different sectors. Each chapter begins with a substantive introduction to the chapter topic by the editors. The book matches cases to the key concepts in nonprofit management, allowing students to discuss the outcomes and consider the reasons for success or failure. In addition to covering topical issues for managing a nonprofit organization, the book also discusses current trends in the field such as social entrepreneurship, earned income strategies, advocacy, lobbying and leadership.The SAGE Text and Cases Series, featuring IVEY Cases, is a co-publishing partnership between SAGE and the Richard Ivey School of Business at The University of Western Ontario. Due to their popularity in more than 60 countries, approximately 200 new cases are added to the Ivey School of Business library each year. These affordable collections not only help students connect to real-world situations, but also benefit a professional readership seeking continued education in the field.
An Introduction to Nursing Informatics, Evolution, and Innovation, 2nd Edition: Evolution and Innovation (HIMSS Book Series)
by Susan M. Houston Tina Dieckhaus Bob Kircher Michelle LardnerNursing informatics (NI) is the specialty that integrates nursing science with information management and analytical sciences to identify, define, manage, and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice. Nursing Informatics supports nurses, consumers, patients, the interprofessional healthcare team, and other stakeholders in a wide variety of roles and settings to achieve desired outcomes. This is accomplished through the use of information structures, information processes, and information technology. An Introduction to Nursing Informatics, Evolution and Innovation, 2nd Edition is the ideal gateway to all the professional possibilities this continuously evolving discipline has to offer. Describing the evolution of nursing informatics from its origins to current practice in today’s complex, diverse healthcare environment, this book offers the next generation of nurse informaticists an understanding of the discipline, best practices, and its scope of influence in healthcare. The book also explores Nursing Informatics as it is evolving into the future, including technology creation and implementation and the development of influential policies and best practices. Special features include descriptions of the ‘a day in the life’ from informatics nurses in multiple roles and fields of influence, including academia, research, clinical settings, the executive suite, consulting, and government, as well as an Appendix featuring case profiles. This new edition updates the content to better align with the current state of nursing informatics and expand on additional roles. New to this edition is a chapter providing tips and advice for those trying to find their first nursing informatics job or are changing their careers. Another new chapter covers healthcare analytics and how it fits into the nursing informatics role. An Introduction to Nursing Informatics, Evolution and Innovation, 2nd Edition is the ideal resource for nursing students and as a reference guide and pint of inspiration for nurses currently in the field.
Introduction to Oil Tanker and Gas Carrier Operations
by Alexander Arnfinn OlsenIntroduction to Oil Tanker and Gas Carrier Operations introduces the mandatory minimum requirements for training and qualifications for masters, officers and ratings serving on-board liquefied gas tankers. It covers basic safety and pollution-prevention precautions and procedures, layouts of several types of liquefied gas tankers, types of cargo, their hazards and their handling equipment, as well as general operational sequence and liquefied gas tanker terminology.The book is intended for officers and key ratings who have not previously served on board crude oil or liquefied gas tankers as part of the regular ship’s company. It covers the Level 1 training requirements prescribed by Regulation V/1, paragraph 1.2 of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, STCW-95.
Introduction to Online Payments Risk Management
by Ohad SametIf you've been tasked with building a team to handle risk management for online payments (RMP), this practical introduction provides a framework for choosing the technologies and personnel you need. Author and financial services executive Ohad Samet explains the components of payments risk management, and presents a coherent strategy and operational approach.You'll learn the answers to questions you're likely to encounter in the first 18 months of operation, with information that Samet has shaped and tested over several years in the industry. This book is ideal whether you intend to be a one-person task force or work with dozens of agents and analysts.Use both a portfolio and behavioral approach to analyzing and optimizing lossesLearn about your customers to determine if they can and will meet obligationsBuild an RMP team for payment risk operations, analytics, and decision automationUse linking mechanisms and velocity models to detect unusual activity among your customersDesign system and data architecture to facilitate your activity analysisImplement the decision and loss-reduction mechanisms you need to act on your findings
An Introduction to Operations Management: The Joy of Operations
by Ajay DasAn Introduction to Operations Management: The Joy of Operations covers the core topics of operations management, including product and service design, processes, capacity planning, forecasting, inventory, quality, supply chain management, and project management. Das provides a clear, connected, and current view of operations management and how it relates to a firm’s strategic goals. Students will benefit from the real-world scenarios that foster an understanding of operations management tasks. Without relying heavily on statistics and mathematical derivations, the book offers applied models and a simple, predictable chapter format to make it easy to navigate. Students of introductory operations management courses will love this practical textbook. A companion website features an instructor’s manual with test questions, as well as additional exercises and examples for in-class use.
Introduction To Operations Management: A Supply Chain Process Approach
by Joel D. WisnerIntroduction to Operations Management: A Supply Chain Process Approach details how firms buy, make, deliver, and return goods and services around the globe, providing students with a solid foundation of operations management concepts and techniques. The text offers a set of activities that guide the effectiveness of organizations and prepare operations managers and other employees to ensure their firms are competitive. The book is organized from a strategic to a tactical perspective, beginning with foundational concepts and ending with broader discussions of managing supply chains. Dedicated chapters address corporate strategy, services design, inventory management, aggregate planning, forecasting, lean systems, quality management, integrating processes along the supply chain, and more. Numerous real-world examples, cases, and engaging exercises allow students to place themselves in the shoes of working operations management professionals. The second edition features examples of real companies using analytical tools in decision-making situations, as well as extensive web-based content including flashcards, YouTube videos, and graded chapter quizzes. The textbook's coverage also includes emerging trends for most chapters, such as sustainability, customer relationships, and working in the global marketplace. Written for today's students and the exciting, ever-evolving marketplace, the second edition of Introduction to Operations Management is the text to bring operations management into the modern era.
An Introduction to Optimal Control of FBSDE with Incomplete Information (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics)
by Jie Xiong Zhen Wu Guangchen WangThis book focuses on maximum principle and verification theorem for incomplete information forward-backward stochastic differential equations (FBSDEs) and their applications in linear-quadratic optimal controls and mathematical finance. Lots of interesting phenomena arising from the area of mathematical finance can be described by FBSDEs. Optimal control problems of FBSDEs are theoretically important and practically relevant. A standard assumption in the literature is that the stochastic noises in the model are completely observed. However, this is rarely the case in real world situations. The optimal control problems under complete information are studied extensively. Nevertheless, very little is known about these problems when the information is not complete. The aim of this book is to fill this gap. This book is written in a style suitable for graduate students and researchers in mathematics and engineering with basic knowledge of stochastic process, optimal control and mathematical finance.
An Introduction to Optimization: With Applications to Machine Learning (Wiley Series In Discrete Mathematics And Optimization Ser. #77)
by Edwin K. Chong Wu-Sheng Lu Stanislaw H. ŻakAn Introduction to Optimization Accessible introductory textbook on optimization theory and methods, with an emphasis on engineering design, featuring MATLAB® exercises and worked examples Fully updated to reflect modern developments in the field, the Fifth Edition of An Introduction to Optimization fills the need for an accessible, yet rigorous, introduction to optimization theory and methods, featuring innovative coverage and a straightforward approach. The book begins with a review of basic definitions and notations while also providing the related fundamental background of linear algebra, geometry, and calculus. With this foundation, the authors explore the essential topics of unconstrained optimization problems, linear programming problems, and nonlinear constrained optimization. In addition, the book includes an introduction to artificial neural networks, convex optimization, multi-objective optimization, and applications of optimization in machine learning. Numerous diagrams and figures found throughout the book complement the written presentation of key concepts, and each chapter is followed by MATLAB® exercises and practice problems that reinforce the discussed theory and algorithms. The Fifth Edition features a new chapter on Lagrangian (nonlinear) duality, expanded coverage on matrix games, projected gradient algorithms, machine learning, and numerous new exercises at the end of each chapter. An Introduction to Optimization includes information on: The mathematical definitions, notations, and relations from linear algebra, geometry, and calculus used in optimization Optimization algorithms, covering one-dimensional search, randomized search, and gradient, Newton, conjugate direction, and quasi-Newton methods Linear programming methods, covering the simplex algorithm, interior point methods, and duality Nonlinear constrained optimization, covering theory and algorithms, convex optimization, and Lagrangian duality Applications of optimization in machine learning, including neural network training, classification, stochastic gradient descent, linear regression, logistic regression, support vector machines, and clustering. An Introduction to Optimization is an ideal textbook for a one- or two-semester senior undergraduate or beginning graduate course in optimization theory and methods. The text is also of value for researchers and professionals in mathematics, operations research, electrical engineering, economics, statistics, and business.
An Introduction to Optimization
by Edwin K. Chong Stanislaw H. ZakPraise from the Second Edition"...an excellent introduction to optimization theory..." (Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2002)"A textbook for a one-semester course on optimization theory and methods at the senior undergraduate or beginning graduate level." (SciTech Book News, Vol. 26, No. 2, June 2002)Explore the latest applications of optimization theory and methodsOptimization is central to any problem involving decision making in many disciplines, such as engineering, mathematics, statistics, economics, and computer science. Now, more than ever, it is increasingly vital to have a firm grasp of the topic due to the rapid progress in computer technology, including the development and availability of user-friendly software, high-speed and parallel processors, and networks. Fully updated to reflect modern developments in the field, An Introduction to Optimization, Third Edition fills the need for an accessible, yet rigorous, introduction to optimization theory and methods.The book begins with a review of basic definitions and notations and also provides the related fundamental background of linear algebra, geometry, and calculus. With this foundation, the authors explore the essential topics of unconstrained optimization problems, linear programming problems, and nonlinear constrained optimization. An optimization perspective on global search methods is featured and includes discussions on genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimization, and the simulated annealing algorithm. In addition, the book includes an elementary introduction to artificial neural networks, convex optimization, and multi-objective optimization, all of which are of tremendous interest to students, researchers, and practitioners.Additional features of the Third Edition include:New discussions of semidefinite programming and Lagrangian algorithmsA new chapter on global search methodsA new chapter on multipleobjective optimizationNew and modified examples and exercises in each chapter as well as an updated bibliography containing new referencesAn updated Instructor's Manual with fully worked-out solutions to the exercisesNumerous diagrams and figures found throughout the text complement the written presentation of key concepts, and each chapter is followed by MATLAB exercises and drill problems that reinforce the discussed theory and algorithms. With innovative coverage and a straightforward approach, An Introduction to Optimization, Third Edition is an excellent book for courses in optimization theory and methods at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It also serves as a useful, self-contained reference for researchers and professionals in a wide array of fields.
Introduction to Option-Adjusted Spread Analysis (Bloomberg Financial #46)
by Tom MillerTop traders, investors, and analysts agree that one method, option-adjusted spread (OAS) analysis, is the most useful way to compare and value securities with options. Nearly every day the bond market figures out a new way to structure securities, most of which involve options. This book explains OAS analysis in plain English, presenting each step in the method clearly and concisely. Topics covered include: Why yield-based analysis breaks down for nonbullet bonds How to model put and call provisions as embedded options How to distinguish the intrinsic and time components of option value How to model interest-rate volatility, future interest rates, and future bond prices How to calculate option-free price and yield How to estimate the "fair value" of a bond How to calculate implied spot and forward rates Salespeople, traders, and investors will want to read this book and keep it on their desks.
An Introduction to Options Trading
by Frans De WeertExplaining the theory and practice of options from scratch, this book focuses on the practical side of options trading, and deals with hedging of options and how options traders earn money by doing so. Common terms in option theory are explained and readers are shown how they relate to profit. The book gives the necessary tools to deal with options in practice and it includes mathematical formulae to lift explanations from a superficial level. Throughout the book real-life examples will illustrate why investors use option structures to satisfy their needs.
An Introduction to Organisational Behaviour for Managers and Engineers: A Group and Multicultural Approach
by Duncan KitchinAn Introduction to Organisational Behaviour for Managers and Engineers: A Group and Multicultural Approach gives a comprehensive overview of how organisations work, with a special focus on group and team working, and issues of diversity and intercultural management. This second edition has been updated throughout, drawing on the latest literature, along with: a new chapter on organisational change, a process which all managers and engineers will encounter on the job; case studies and illustrations showing theories in action; more cross-referencing between chapters, showing how topics are interlinked. This concise textbook not only provides a practical introduction to organisational behaviour for management students, but is also specifically geared towards the needs of engineering students and professionals.
Introduction to Organizational Behavior and Management (4th Edition)
by Chuck Williams Debra L. Nelson James Campbell QuickLearn more about how people behave in organizations, and how to manage them for greater productivity and worker satisfaction.
Introduction to Patents and Trade Secrets
by Josh LernerProvides an overview of patent and trade secret protection. Also discusses the legal processes through which intellectual property is protected and litigated.
Introduction to Payments and Financial Market Infrastructures (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)
by Ulrich Bindseil George PantelopoulosPayments and financial market infrastructures are vital components of modern economies, yet they have often been overlooked by economists. However, any economic exchange, including financial market transactions, is matched by a payment leg, and the safety, efficiency, and immediacy of the payment, and the problem of linking the two legs of the transaction (“delivery-vs-payment”), remain universal challenges. The consequences of inefficiencies or interruptions in payment and settlement systems have immediate and significant impacts on the real economy. Moreover, payments and financial market infrastructures are also a matter of strategic importance for nation-states, and being excessively dependent on foreign providers has been proven to be a significant risk, as they can be “weaponized."This book provides a concise yet thorough introduction to payments and financial market infrastructures, exploring various types of risks, retail payments, payment systems, cross-border payments, central counterparties, FX operations, and central securities depositories. The final chapter investigates payment innovations, including unbacked crypto-assets (e.g. Bitcoin), stablecoins, and central bank digital currencies. The text outlines key activities and risk management frameworks, as well as examining the operational mechanics of different payment systems. The book emphasizes the importance of understanding the nature of transfer of financial claims and liabilities through the process of payment and settlement, providing financial account representations of payments wherever useful. The book concludes that the payment and financial market infrastructure space has been shaken by recent innovations, which are expected to lead to seismic shifts in payment technology, practices, and market structures.
Introduction to People Analytics: A Practical Guide to Data-driven HR
by Nadeem Khan Dave MillnerAn understanding of people analytics is a crucial skill for all HR professionals. No longer limited to employees in data teams or those with analyst in their job titles, people analytics is now an integral part of every HR job. Introduction to People Analytics allows all HR professionals to get to grips with analytics, feel confident in their ability to handle employee and organizational data and use analytics to move from opinions to insights.From where to find data in an organization, how to collect it and analyse it through to how to use these findings to add business value, Introduction to People Analytics is essential reading for all HR professionals. With case studies and thought leadership insights from companies who have leveraged people analytics to improve culture and employee engagement, increase performance and reduce costs including NHS, Brompton Bikes, British Heart Foundation, King, Experian and AstraZeneca, FIS and Swarovski, this book shows how and where HR analytics can make a tangible difference to organizations. There is also expert guidance and practical advice on how to embed analytics into HR processes and adopt a data-driven approach to all workplace activities.
Introduction to People Analytics: A Practical Guide to Data-driven HR
by Nadeem Khan Dave MillnerHow can HR practitioners with little or no experience of analytics feel confident in their ability to find, analyse and use workforce data to make better business decisions? This book has the answers.An understanding of people analytics is a crucial skill for all HR professionals. This new edition provides expert guidance on the key aspects of analytics, enabling all HR professionals to feel confident in their ability to handle employee and organizational data. It features new material on applying data to respond to external disruption such as COVID-19 as well as how to develop a people analytics journey. There is also advice on recruiting people analytics specialists and embedding new data-driven operating models within HR.This book is essential reading for all HR professionals to develop understanding of how and where HR analytics can make a tangible difference to organizations. With updated case studies and thought leadership examples from companies including NHS, AstraZeneca and Swarovski, this book demonstrates how people analytics can be leveraged to improve culture and employee engagement, increase performance and reduce costs.
Introduction to Permanent Plug and Abandonment of Wells (Ocean Engineering & Oceanography #12)
by Mahmoud Khalifeh Arild SaasenThis open access book offers a timely guide to challenges and current practices to permanently plug and abandon hydrocarbon wells. With a focus on offshore North Sea, it analyzes the process of plug and abandonment of hydrocarbon wells through the establishment of permanent well barriers. It provides the reader with extensive knowledge on the type of barriers, their functioning and verification. It then discusses plug and abandonment methodologies, analyzing different types of permanent plugging materials. Last, it describes some tests for verifying the integrity and functionality of installed permanent barriers. The book offers a comprehensive reference guide to well plugging and abandonment (P&A) and well integrity testing. The book also presents new technologies that have been proposed to be used in plugging and abandoning of wells, which might be game-changing technologies, but they are still in laboratory or testing level. Given its scope, it addresses students and researchers in both academia and industry. It also provides information for engineers who work in petroleum industry and should be familiarized with P&A of hydrocarbon wells to reduce the time of P&A by considering it during well planning and construction.
Introduction to Personal Finance: A Step-by-Step Guide to Financial Freedom (Corwin Mathematics Series)
by Kristen CariotiIntroduction to Personal Finance helps students understand their relationship with money while they learn the fundamentals of personal finance. Regardless of their financial background or career aspirations, students will walk away with a clear roadmap for setting and achieving their financial goals.
Introduction to Personal Finance: A Step-by-Step Guide to Financial Freedom (Corwin Mathematics Series)
by Kristen CariotiIntroduction to Personal Finance helps students understand their relationship with money while they learn the fundamentals of personal finance. Regardless of their financial background or career aspirations, students will walk away with a clear roadmap for setting and achieving their financial goals.
Introduction to Personal Financial Planning: A Practical Approach
by David B. Stewart Alexander G. Kondeas Nicholas A. DavesA practical approach to introduction to personal financial planing
An Introduction to Place-Based Development Economics and Policy
by Gilberto SeravalliThis book introduces the reader to local development economics and policy, with a special focus on the place-based paradigm that covers its justification, its difficulties and the types of public intervention that it suggests. The starting point for the analysis is that economic development in lagging places is not to be expected as the result of a mechanism of automatic convergence between backward and advanced regions and that, therefore, the most appropriate development policy is not to maximize competition among all agents in all sectors and places. The failure of the Washington Consensus is examined, and the two competing positions to have emerged from this failure - spatially blind interventions and place-based policies - are contrasted. The main shortcoming of spatially blind policies, namely that immobile resources that could trigger or support a development process often remain untapped or "trapped", is emphasized. The limitations of the "big push" state intervention and wage flexibility solutions to this trap are analyzed and the merits of place-based policies that support intervention and can deal with uncertainty, risk and conflict are discussed.