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The Investor's Guidebook to Derivatives: Demystifying Derivatives and Their Applications
by Stuart R. VealeA concise yet comprehensive guidebook that addresses the practical aspects of investing in derivatives. Written for the professional market but accessible enough for individual investors, The Investor’s Guidebook to Derivatives includes all the information needed to succeed in today’s complex derivatives market, including: What constitutes a "derivative instrument” The difference between forward and forecast prices Pricing and using forward contracts Swaps: pricing and applications Option vocabulary Pricing options-a framework Implementing directional and volatility strategies Exotic options: pricing and applications Options on natural occurrences: rain, snow, and wind The Investor’s Guidebook series presents investment vehicles and strategies from both the issuers’ and the investors’ perspectives. Starting with basic concepts and then building to state-of-the-art pricing models, strategies, and tactics, these succinct handbooks will be useful for everyone from new hires through experienced professionals. Unlike most books, which are read once and sit on the shelf, professionals will refer to these books repeatedly throughout their careers. .
The Investor's Guidebook to Equities
by Stuart R. VealeA concise, yet comprehensive, guidebook to understanding equity investments. This authoritative guide provides all the information that both the professional and individual investor will need to succeed in today's equity market, including: * The role that equities play in a company's capital structure and in a portfolio * Determining and optimizing a company's weighted average cost of capital * The role of preferred stock within a company's capital structure * The various types of preferred stock * How new stocks are issued * The top ten equity strategies * Alternative ways to obtain equity exposures [box] The Investor's Guidebook series presents investment vehicles and strategies from both the issuers' and the investors' perspectives. Starting with basic concepts and then building to state of the art pricing models, strategies, and tactics, these succinct handbooks will be useful for everyone from new hires through experienced professionals. Unlike most books, which are read once and sit on the shelf, professionals will refer to these books repeatedly throughout their careers. [end box] A concise, yet comprehensive, guidebook to understanding equity investments.
The Investor's Guidebook to Fixed Income Investments
by Stuart R. VealeA concise, yet comprehensive, guidebook that addresses the practical aspects of investing in fixed income investments The Investor's Guidebook series presents investment vehicles and strategies from both the issuers' and the investors' perspectives. Starting with basic concepts and then building to state-of-the-art pricing models, strategies, and tactics, these succinct handbooks will be useful for everyone from new hires through experienced professionals. Unlike most books, which are read once and sit on the shelf, professionals will refer to these books repeatedly throughout their careers.
The Investor's Handbook: The Essential Funding Guide For Entrepreneurs
by David BatemanThe all you need to know guide to Investment. The yearbook is packed with practical guidance on who to contact and how to get investment.Investment a short Introduction Who to approach for Investment Pitching your ideasAfter and beyondOver 1,000 listings entries on who to contact and how across different industry sectors. The all you need to know guide to investment. This yearbook is packed with practical steps on who to contact in various industry sectors and how to get that investment. Covering areas such as:What kind of investment is needed Who do you pitch to for investment How much to ask for? Credibility and maximising your chancesHandling questions and objections
The Investor's Manifesto: Preparing for Prosperity, Armageddon, and Everything in Between
by William J. BernsteinA timeless approach to investing wisely over an investment lifetime. With the current market maelstrom as a background, this timely guide describes just how to plan a lifetime of investing, in good times and bad, discussing stocks and bonds as well as the relationship between risk and return. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, The Investor's Manifesto will help you understand the nuts and bolts of executing a lifetime investment plan, including: how to survive dealing with the investment industry, the practical meaning of market efficiency, how much to save, how to maintain discipline in the face of panics and manias, and what vehicles to use to achieve financial security and freedom. Written by bestselling author William J. Bernstein, well known for his insights on how individual investors can manage their personal wealth and retirement funds wisely Examines how the financial landscape has radically altered in the past two years, and what investors should do about it; Contains practical insights that the everyday investor can understand, Focuses on the concept of Pascal's Wager--identifying and avoiding worst-case scenarios, and planning investment decisions on that basis. With The Investor's Manifesto as your guide, you'll quickly discover the timeless investment approaches that can put you in a better position to prosper over time.
The Investor's Manifesto
by William J. Bernstein Jonathan ClementsA timeless approach to investing wisely over an investment lifetimeWith the current market maelstrom as a background, this timely guide describes just how to plan a lifetime of investing, in good times and bad, discussing stocks and bonds as well as the relationship between risk and return.Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, The Investor's Manifesto will help you understand the nuts and bolts of executing a lifetime investment plan, including: how to survive dealing with the investment industry, the practical meaning of market efficiency, how much to save, how to maintain discipline in the face of panics and manias, and what vehicles to use to achieve financial security and freedom.Written by bestselling author William J. Bernstein, well known for his insights on how individual investors can manage their personal wealth and retirement funds wiselyExamines how the financial landscape has radically altered in the past two years, and what investors should do about itContains practical insights that the everyday investor can understandFocuses on the concept of Pascal's Wager-identifying and avoiding worst-case scenarios, and planning investment decisions on that basisWith The Investor's Manifesto as your guide, you'll quickly discover the timeless investment approaches that can put you in a better position to prosper over time.
The Investor's Mindset: Analyze Markets. Invest Strategically. Minimize Risk. Maximize Returns.
by Ben Le FortStop falling for nonsense advice peddled by &“#finfluencers&” online and start investing successfully. Whether you're an investment veteran or just starting out, this concise, finance-focused guide will unpick risky &“get rich quick&” myths, explain proven investment strategies using real-life case studies, and grow your confidence in the markets. Learn about: • How to achieve a new investment mindset; one that&’s analytical, well-informed, and cultivates beneficial qualities • Why &“get rich quick&” schemes fail and how you can avoid falling for them • Case studies and hyper-condensed wisdom from leading experts to inspire smarter investment choices • Having the confidence to trust your investing plan and stay invested long enough for compound interest to work its magic. Refreshingly honest and accessible, The Investor&’s Mindset is a much-needed antidote to the bad investment advice peddled online, instead helping you develop the confidence and resolve to build wealth sustainably and achieve financial freedom.
The Investor's Paradox: The Power of Simplicity in a World of Overwhelming Choice
by Brian PortnoyInvestors are in a jam. A troubled global economy, unpredictable markets, and a bewildering number of investment choices create a dangerous landscape for individual and institutional investors alike. To meet this challenge, most of us rely on a portfolio of fund managers to take risk on our behalves. Here, investment expert Brian Portnoy delivers a powerful framework for choosing the right ones – and avoiding the losers.Portnoy reveals that the right answers are found by confronting our own subconscious biases and behavioral quirks. A paradox we all face is the natural desire for more choice in our lives, yet the more we have, the less satisfied we become – whether we're at the grocery store, choosing doctors, or flipping through hundreds of TV channels. So, too, with investing, where there are literally tens of thousands of funds from which to choose. Hence "the investor's paradox": We crave abundant investment choices to conquer volatile markets, yet with greater flexibility, the more overwhelmed and less empowered we become.Leveraging the fresh insights of behavioral economics, Portnoy demystifies the opaque world of elite hedge funds, addresses the limits of mass market mutual funds, and discards the false dichotomy between "traditional" and "alternative" investments. He also explores why hedge funds have recently become such a controversial and disruptive force. Turns out it's not the splashy headlines – spectacular trades, newly minted billionaires, aggressive tactics – but something much more fundamental. The stratospheric rise to prominence and availability of alternative strategies represents a further explosion in the size and complexity of the choice set in a market already saturated with products. It constitutes something we all both crave and detest.The Investor's Paradox lights a path toward simplicity in a world of dangerous markets and overwhelming choice. Written in accessible, jargon-free language, with a healthy skepticism of today's money management industry, it offers not only practical tools for investment success but also a message of empowerment for investors drowning in possibility.
Investor's Passport to Hedge Fund Profits
by Sean D. Casterline Robert G. Yetman Jr.A comprehensive guide to international investingOpportunities to tap into foreign markets and, in turn, entirely new investment universes-that have traditionally been accessible only to hedge fund managers-are at hand, and this book offers you the straight story on how to look abroad for the next addition to your portfolio.Throughout these pages, the authors skillfully demonstrate how active, cutting-edge trading strategies used in domestic markets can be applied effectively overseas. Opening with discussions of the importance of international investing in today's turbulent markets, this reliable resource quickly moves on to examine the macro relationships between the different asset classes within a given country and shows you how to view those asset classes-stocks, bonds, currencies, and commodities-as a complete picture of what is happening in the investing world.Addresses the application of strategies to international portfolio development and managementClearly defines different financial markets and reveals how they can best be accessed and tradedFeatures information on currency trading and investing in foreign real estate as well as insights on swaps, futures trading, and risk managementThe Investor's Passport to Hedge Fund Profits demystifies international investing and gives you the tools by which to effectively profit from a wide array of asset classes.
Investors’ Preferences in Financing New Ventures: A Data Mining Approach to Equity
by Francesco James Mazzocchini Caterina LucarelliThis book aims at providing an empirical understanding of the main drivers affecting investors’ preferences in financing new ventures through equity crowdfunding (ECF) and determining fundraising campaign success. ECF is increasing in prominence as a route for new ventures in obtaining external financial resources. To raise capital, entrepreneurs are required to convey quality signals of their proposals with real-time information and knowledge sharing. This book advances knowledge in entrepreneurial finance by investigating the factors that affect individuals’ decisions to participate in ECF. The authors adopt a data mining approach to extract publicly available information from a multitude of crowdfunding platforms across different countries, producing a unique dataset. The book uses an innovative hybrid analysis to generate knowledge patterns creating data-driven models on one hand, and on the other test research hypotheses adopting statistical models to investigate empirical evidence in line, or in contrast, with the extant literature. The book also integrates organizational theories to examine the extent to which ECF platform managers follow a strategy of isomorphism in their choice of information disclosure. The final part of the book discusses how signals are interpreted by investors, how these affect financing preferences, and ultimately the successful completion of a fundraising campaign. The book will be of interest to academics and practitioners in entrepreneurial finance, FinTech, and investment behaviour.
Invierta en Acciones: Guía de Principiantes para dominar el mercado de valores
by Adidas WilsonInnumerables veces habrá escuchado que debería invertir. Sin embargo, invertir no es tan sencillo. Hay muchísimos aspectos a tener en cuenta—y eso sin mencionar los riesgos. El punto es que, llegado el momento de escoger cuál inversión hacer, hay un gran número de opciones. Además, cada persona con la que hable le va a recomendar una opción diferente, y esto puede ser desorientador. Primero que todo tenga esto en cuenta lo siguiente: lo que para otra persona puede realmente ser una buena inversión, no necesariamente será una buena inversión para usted. Ante todo establezca cuáles son sus objetivos, evalúe los activos con los que cuenta y luego prepare su presupuesto. Ahora busque qué inversiones podría hacer teniendo en cuenta su presupuesto y calcule cuál es su potencial de crecimiento. Definiendo sus objetivos: ¿Con qué tipo de inversiones quiere involucrarse? Pueden ser materias primas, divisas, acciones, fondos mutuos, bonos, bienes raíces y muchas más. Cualquiera de ellas podría hacerle ganar dinero, pero tiene que averiguar cuál de ellas lo hará. También debe definir la razón por la que está invirtiendo. ¿Es para la universidad de sus hijos, para comprar una casa, para dejarlo como herencia, para su jubilación?
Invigorating the Practice of Leadership: Aligning Organizational Needs with Individual Capabilities
by Robert J. ThomasThis chapter introduces an experience-based approach to leader development that can help organizations grow more leaders, over a larger terrain and faster than ever before.
Invirtiendo Para el Mañana: Descubra estrategias comprobadas para operar e invertir en cualquier tipo de mercado
by Sam Pierce¡Coloque su dinero tan duramente ganado en una inversión segura para el mañana ahora mismo! Hay inversores que se dedican a invertir a largo plazo. Su estrategia se conoce como "position trading". Este es un enfoque a largo plazo que busca participar en la retención de activos durante un período prolongado de tiempo. Si usted es paciente y no tiene prisa por obtener ganancias rápidas, puede considerar el position trading como una opción para usted. La posición es una progresión lógica del swing trading. La razón es que se necesita bastante previsión para determinar cual será la situación de una acción dentro de seis meses. Esto requiere mucha investigación y comprensión del mercado. Si no está familiarizado con la dinámica de un mercado determinado o de las empresas que lo componen, puede resultarle difícil "cronometrar" los movimientos de estos valores o activos. En este libro aprenderá reglas como: •La comprensión de los Fundamentos del Position Trading •La diferencia entre el Position Trading y el Swing/Day Trading •Razones para invertir a largo plazo •Ventajas y desventajas de la inversión a largo plazo •Acciones para mantener a largo plazo •Fundamentos del position trading •Uso del análisis técnico y del análisis fundamental en las operaciones de posición •Identificación de las tendencias a largo plazo •Ignorar las ganancias a corto plazo •Detección de rupturas a largo plazo •Creación de riqueza a través del position trading •Protección contra los cambios en el mercado •Diversificación contra el riesgo •Mantener una cartera equilibrada •Comprensión de los fundamentos del Swing Trading •La diferencia entre el Swing Trading y el Day Trading •El "análisis de la vela"
Invisible Capital: How Unseen Forces Shape Entrepreneurial Opportunity
by Chris RabbWriter, consultant and speaker Chris Rabb coined the term "invisible capital" to represent the unseen forces that dramatically impact entrepreneurial viability when a good attitude, a great idea, and hard work simply aren't enough. In his book, Invisible Capital: How Unseen Forces Shape Entrepreneurial Opportunity, Rabb puts forth concrete and effective ways entrepreneurs and their advocates can build and grow sustainable enterprises amid these unseen forces created by society's unevenplaying field. By honoring democratic ideals, challenging assumptions, and reframing how success is defined, Rabb illuminates the promise of commonwealth entrepreneurship. This compelling and often counter-intuitive book illustrates how broad and meaningful entrepreneurial opportunity benefits not just individual entrepreneurs, but local communities and society at large.
Invisible Capital: How Unseen Forces Shape Entrepreneurial Opportunity
by Chris RabbWriter, consultant and speaker Chris Rabb coined the term "invisible capital" to represent the unseen forces that dramatically impact entrepreneurial viability when a good attitude, a great idea, and hard work simply aren't enough. In his book, Invisible Capital: How Unseen Forces Shape Entrepreneurial Opportunity, Rabb puts forth concrete and effective ways entrepreneurs and their advocates can build and grow sustainable enterprises amid these unseen forces created by society's uneven playing field. By honoring democratic ideals, challenging assumptions, and reframing how success is defined, Rabb illuminates the promise of commonwealth entrepreneurship. This compelling and often counter-intuitive book illustrates how broad and meaningful entrepreneurial opportunity benefits not just individual entrepreneurs, but local communities and society at large.
Invisible China: How the Urban-Rural Divide Threatens China’s Rise
by Scott Rozelle Natalie HellAs the glittering skyline in Shanghai seemingly attests, China has quickly transformed itself from a place of stark poverty into a modern, urban, technologically savvy economic powerhouse. But as Scott Rozelle and Natalie Hell show in Invisible China, the truth is much more complicated and might be a serious cause for concern. China’s growth has relied heavily on unskilled labor. Most of the workers who have fueled the country’s rise come from rural villages and have never been to high school. While this national growth strategy has been effective for three decades, the unskilled wage rate is finally rising, inducing companies inside China to automate at an unprecedented rate and triggering an exodus of companies seeking cheaper labor in other countries. Ten years ago, almost every product for sale in an American Walmart was made in China. Today, that is no longer the case. With the changing demand for labor, China seems to have no good back-up plan. For all of its investment in physical infrastructure, for decades China failed to invest enough in its people. Recent progress may come too late. Drawing on extensive surveys on the ground in China, Rozelle and Hell reveal that while China may be the second-largest economy in the world, its labor force has one of the lowest levels of education of any comparable country. Over half of China’s population—as well as a vast majority of its children—are from rural areas. Their low levels of basic education may leave many unable to find work in the formal workplace as China’s economy changes and manufacturing jobs move elsewhere. In Invisible China, Rozelle and Hell speak not only to an urgent humanitarian concern but also a potential economic crisis that could upend economies and foreign relations around the globe. If too many are left structurally unemployable, the implications both inside and outside of China could be serious. Understanding the situation in China today is essential if we are to avoid a potential crisis of international proportions. This book is an urgent and timely call to action that should be read by economists, policymakers, the business community, and general readers alike.
Invisible Doctrine: The Secret History of Neoliberalism
by George Monbiot Peter HutchisonWe live under an ideology that preys on every aspect of our lives: our education and our jobs; our healthcare and our leisure; our relationships and our mental well-being; the planet we inhabit—the very air we breathe. It is everywhere. Yet for most people, it has no name. It seems inescapable, like a natural law.But trace it back to its roots, and you see that this ideology is neither inevitable nor immutable. It was conceived and propagated—and then concealed—by the powerful few. Our task is to bring it into the light—and to build a new system that is worth fighting for. Neoliberalism.Do you know what it is?
The Invisible Employee: Using Carrots to See the Hidden Potential in Everyone
by Adrian Gostick Chester EltonEmployees who feel like they are invisible to their leadership many times, in return, wind up doing just enough to get by--their talents hidden in the corporate shadows. But if you're a great manager, you've learned how to see these employees for these hidden talents they possess. Part business fable, part business advice, The Invisible Employee gives you the knowledge you need to actively engage employees to bring out the best in them. Now in a new second edition, this amazing resource offers the compelling story of a group of invisible islanders and how they learn to see each other to accomplish great things. * Now part of the successful Carrot series supported by consultancy O.C. Tanner* Features new material such as the concept of "onboarding" employees to increase the speed to productivity and engagement* Presents findings data from a recent worldwide research project conducted by global professional services firm Towers Perrin If you're wondering what's missing from your team, chances are it's the full engagement of your employees. The Invisible Employee will help you make their success impossible to overlook.
Invisible Engines: How Software Platforms Drive Innovation and Transform Industries (The\mit Press Ser.)
by David S. Evans Andrei Hagiu Richard SchmalenseeHarnessing the power of software platforms: what executives and entrepreneurs must know about how to use this technology to transform industries and how to develop the strategies that will create value and drive profits.Software platforms are the invisible engines that have created, touched, or transformed nearly every major industry for the past quarter century. They power everything from mobile phones and automobile navigation systems to search engines and web portals. They have been the source of enormous value to consumers and helped some entrepreneurs build great fortunes. And they are likely to drive change that will dwarf the business and technology revolution we have seen to this point. Invisible Engines examines the business dynamics and strategies used by firms that recognize the transformative power unleashed by this new revolution—a revolution that will change both new and old industries.The authors argue that in order to understand the successes of software platforms, we must first understand their role as a technological meeting ground where application developers and end users converge. Apple, Microsoft, and Google, for example, charge developers little or nothing for using their platforms and make most of their money from end users; Sony PlayStation and other game consoles, by contrast, subsidize users and make more money from developers, who pay royalties for access to the code they need to write games. More applications attract more users, and more users attract more applications. And more applications and more users lead to more profits.Invisible Engines explores this story through the lens of the companies that have mastered this platform-balancing act. It offers detailed studies of the personal computer, video game console, personal digital assistant, smart mobile phone, and digital media software platform industries, focusing on the business decisions made by industry players to drive profits and stay a step ahead of the competition. Shorter discussions of Internet-based software platforms provide an important glimpse into a future in which the way we buy, pay, watch, listen, learn, and communicate will change forever. An electronic version of this book is available under a Creative Commons license.
The Invisible Game: The Secrets and the Science of Winning Minds and Winning Deals
by Kai-Markus Mueller Gabriele RehbockCutting-edge science can make all the difference for salespeople in a time when they are facing a business world in transformation. In The Invisible Game: The Secrets and the Science of Winning Minds and Winning Deals, neuroscientist Kai-Markus Mueller and sales professional Gabriele Rehbock deliver a hands-on guide to the hidden dynamics that influence the outcomes of most business deals. In plain English, the book unpacks recently discovered insights from psychology, behavioural economics, and neuroscience and explains how to apply them to your advantage in real-life business situations. The authors show you how to influence buying decisions and how to successfully respond to challenging business situations in order to put you in control of the levers that drive sales success. You&’ll also find Advanced strategies and tactics that offer a lasting edge in negotiations, sales and other business transactions Smart techniques to build rewarding customer relationships The psychology behind gains and losses revealing new keys to profitable pricing Real-life advice on how to counter a buyer&’s intimidation tactics: time, uncertainty, fear, and silence An essential, step-by-step playbook for sales professionals, The Invisible Game will also earn a place on the bookshelves of entrepreneurs, business owners, and other independent professionals—like lawyers, accountants, freelancers, consultants, and programmers—who regularly sell their services to other businesses.
Invisible Giants: Changing the World One Step at a Time
by Lindsay LevinInvisible Giants is about leadership, choices in life and the potential in everyone to make a difference. Lindsay Levin, who founded the social enterprise Leaders' Quest, tells the stories of the remarkable people she has met, and their impact on the world. They are individuals who have overcome a lack of education and resources to re-energise their communities, and business leaders who strive to integrate purpose alongside profit. They are female activists in slums campaigning to end the exclusion of girls from school, and environmentalists tackling the effects of industrialisation on the world's ecosystem. They are the people we meet every day, who are revisiting their life choices. It's also the story of Lindsay's own quest to ask: "what really matters?" and to figure out where the answers can take her.
Invisible Giants: Changing the World One Step at a Time
by Lindsay LevinInvisible Giants is about leadership, choices in life and the potential in everyone to make a difference. Lindsay Levin, who founded the social enterprise Leaders' Quest, tells the stories of the remarkable people she has met, and their impact on the world. They are individuals who have overcome a lack of education and resources to re-energise their communities, and business leaders who strive to integrate purpose alongside profit. They are female activists in slums campaigning to end the exclusion of girls from school, and environmentalists tackling the effects of industrialisation on the world's ecosystem. They are the people we meet every day, who are revisiting their life choices. It's also the story of Lindsay's own quest to ask: "what really matters?" and to figure out where the answers can take her.
The Invisible Hand (Penguin Great Ideas)
by Adam SmithAdam Smith’s landmark treatise on the free market paved the way for modern capitalism, arguing that competition is the engine of a productive society, and that self-interest will eventually come to enrich the whole community, as if by an ‘invisible hand’. Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves – and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives – and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.
The "Invisible Hand" and British Fiction, 1818-1860
by Eleanor CourtemancheThe 'invisible hand', Adam Smith's metaphor for the morality of capitalism, is explored in this text as being far more subtle and intricate than is usually understood, with many British realist fiction writers (Austen, Dickens, Gaskell, Eliot) having absorbed his model of ironic causality in complex societies and turned it to their own purposes.
The Invisible Hand in Economics: How Economists Explain Unintended Social Consequences (Routledge Inem Advances In Economic Methodology Ser.)
by N. Emrah AydinonatThis is a book about one of the most controversial concepts in economics: the invisible hand. The author explores the unintended social consequences implied by the invisible hand and discusses the mechanisms that bring about these consequences.The book questions, examines and explicates the strengths and weaknesses of invisible-hand explanations co