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Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics, and the Life and Social Sciences (Ninth Edition)
by Ernest F. Haeussler Richard S. PaulThis ninth edition of Introductory Mathematical Analysis continues to provide a mathematical foundation for students in business, economics, and the life and social sciences. It begins with noncalculus topics such as equations, functions, matrix algebra, linear programming, mathematics of finance, and probability. Then it progresses through both single-variable and multivariable calculus, including continuous random variables.
Introductory Mathematical Economics
by Adil H. MouhammedThis book provides both students and individuals with a simple and rigorous introduction to various mathematical techniques used in economic theory. It discusses the applications to macroeconomics and market models, and describes derivatives and their applications to economic theory.
Introductory Mathematics and Statistics for Islamic Finance
by Abbas Mirakhor Noureddine KricheneA unique primer on quantitative methods as applied to Islamic financeIntroductory Mathematics and Statistics for Islamic Finance + Website is a comprehensive guide to quantitative methods, specifically as applied within the realm of Islamic finance. With applications based on research, the book provides readers with the working knowledge of math and statistics required to understand Islamic finance theory and practice. The numerous worked examples give students with various backgrounds a uniform set of common tools for studying Islamic finance.The in-depth study of finance requires a strong foundation in quantitative methods. Without a good grasp of math, probability, and statistics, published theoretical and applied works in Islamic finance remain out of reach. Unlike a typical math text, this book guides students through only the methods that directly apply to Islamic finance, without wasting time on irrelevant techniques. Each chapter contains a detailed explanation of the topic at hand, followed by an example based on real situations encountered in Islamic finance. Topics include:Algebra and matricesCalculus and differential equationsProbability theoryStatisticsWritten by leading experts on the subject, the book serves as a useful primer on the analysis methods and techniques students will encounter in published research, as well as day-to-day operations in finance. Anyone aspiring to be successful in Islamic finance needs these skills, and Introductory Mathematics and Statistics for Islamic Finance + Website is a clear, concise, and highly relevant guide.
Introductory Regression Analysis: with Computer Application for Business and Economics
by Allen WebsterRegression analysis is arguably the single most powerful and widely applicable tool in any effective examination of common business issues. Every day, decision-makers face problems that require constructive actions with significant consequences, and regression procedures can prove a meaningful and valuable asset in the decision-making process. This text is designed to help students achieve a full understanding of regression and the many ways it can be used. Taking into consideration current statistical technology, Introductory Regression Analysis focuses on the use and interpretation of software, while also demonstrating the logic, reasoning, and calculations that lie behind any statistical analysis. Furthermore, the text emphasizes the application of regression tools to real-life business concerns. This multilayered, yet pragmatic approach fully equips students to derive the benefit and meaning of a regression analysis. This text is designed to serve in a second undergraduate course in statistics, focusing on regression and its component features. The material presented in this text will build from a foundation of the principles of data analysis. Although previous exposure to statistical concepts would prove helpful, all the material needed for an examination of regression analysis is presented here in a clear and complete form.
Introductory Relational Database Design for Business, with Microsoft Access
by Jonathan Eckstein Bonnie R. SchultzA hands-on beginner’s guide to designing relational databases and managing data using Microsoft Access Relational databases represent one of the most enduring and pervasive forms of information technology. Yet most texts covering relational database design assume an extensive, sophisticated computer science background. There are texts on relational database software tools like Microsoft Access that assume less background, but they focus primarily on details of the user interface, with inadequate coverage of the underlying design issues of how to structure databases. Growing out of Professor Jonathan Eckstein’s twenty years’ experience teaching courses on management information systems (MIS) at Rutgers Business School, this book fills this gap in the literature by providing a rigorous introduction to relational databases for readers without prior computer science or programming experience. Relational Database Design for Business, with Microsoft Access helps readers to quickly develop a thorough, practical understanding of relational database design. It takes a step-by-step, real-world approach, using application examples from business and finance every step the way. As a result, readers learn to think concretely about database design and how to address issues that commonly arise when developing and manipulating relational databases. By the time they finish the final chapter, students will have the knowledge and skills needed to build relational databases with dozens of tables. They will also be able to build complete Microsoft Access applications around such databases. This text: Takes a hands-on approach using numerous real-world examples drawn from the worlds of business, finance, and more Gets readers up and running, fast, with the skills they need to use and develop relational databases with Microsoft Access Moves swiftly from conceptual fundamentals to advanced design techniques Leads readers step-by-step through data management and design, relational database theory, multiple tables and the possible relationships between them, Microsoft Access features such as forms and navigation, formulating queries in SQL, and normalization Introductory Relational Database Design for Business, with Microsoft Access is the definitive guide for undergraduate and graduate students in business, finance, and data analysis without prior experience in database design. While Microsoft Access is its primary “hands-on” learning vehicle, most of the skills in this text are transferrable to other relational database software such as MySQL.
Introductory Statistics and Analytics: A Resampling Perspective
by Peter C. BruceConcise, thoroughly class-tested primer that features basic statistical concepts in the concepts in the context of analytics, resampling, and the bootstrapA uniquely developed presentation of key statistical topics, Introductory Statistics and Analytics: A Resampling Perspective provides an accessible approach to statistical analytics, resampling, and the bootstrap for readers with various levels of exposure to basic probability and statistics. Originally class-tested at one of the first online learning companies in the discipline, www.statistics.com, the book primarily focuses on applications of statistical concepts developed via resampling, with a background discussion of mathematical theory. This feature stresses statistical literacy and understanding, which demonstrates the fundamental basis for statistical inference and demystifies traditional formulas. The book begins with illustrations that have the essential statistical topics interwoven throughout before moving on to demonstrate the proper design of studies. Meeting all of the Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) requirements for an introductory statistics course, Introductory Statistics and Analytics: A Resampling Perspective also includes:Over 300 "Try It Yourself" exercises and intermittent practice questions, which challenge readers at multiple levels to investigate and explore key statistical conceptsNumerous interactive links designed to provide solutions to exercises and further information on crucial conceptsLinkages that connect statistics to the rapidly growing field of data scienceMultiple discussions of various software systems, such as Microsoft Office Excel®, StatCrunch, and R, to develop and analyze dataAreas of concern and/or contrasting points-of-view indicated through the use of "Caution" iconsIntroductory Statistics and Analytics: A Resampling Perspective is an excellent primary textbook for courses in preliminary statistics as well as a supplement for courses in upper-level statistics and related fields, such as biostatistics and econometrics. The book is also a general reference for readers interested in revisiting the value of statistics.
Introductory Statistics for Business and Economics
by Jan UbøeThis textbook discusses central statistical concepts and their use in business and economics. To endure the hardship of abstract statistical thinking, business and economics students need to see interesting applications at an early stage. Accordingly, the book predominantly focuses on exercises, several of which draw on simple applications of non-linear theory. The main body presents central ideas in a simple, straightforward manner; the exposition is concise, without sacrificing rigor. The book bridges the gap between theory and applications, with most exercises formulated in an economic context. Its simplicity of style makes the book suitable for students at any level, and every chapter starts out with simple problems. Several exercises, however, are more challenging, as they are devoted to the discussion of non-trivial economic problems where statistics plays a central part.
Introductory Statistics for Business and Economics (Fourth Edition)
by Thomas H. Wonnacott Ronald J. WonnacottThis Fourth Edition includes new sections on graphs, robust estimation, expected value and the bootstrap, in addition to new material on the use of computers. The regression model is well covered, including both nonlinear and multiple regression. The chapters contain many real-life examples and are relatively self-contained, making adaptable to a variety of courses.
Introduzione al Business English
by Federico Casablanca Sergio Casado RodríguezEbook orientato a tutte quelle persone interessate a perfezionare il proprio inglese e introdursi i una delle sue varianti imprescindibili, l'inglese aziendale o Business English.
The Introvert Entrepreneur
by Beth BuelowA practical guide to help introverts harness their natural gifts and entrepreneurial spirit Think you have to be loud and brash to be successful in business? Think again. The strengths and traits of the typical introvert lend themselves well to entrepreneurship, as well as "intrapreneurship" and a range of business roles. In The Introvert Entrepreneur, professional coach Beth Buelow shows readers how to harness their natural gifts (including curiosity, independence, and a love of research) and counteract their challenges (such as an aversion to networking and self-promotion). She addresses a wide range of topics --from managing fears and expectations and developing a growth mindset to networking, marketing, leadership skills, and community-building--informed by interviews with introverts who have created successful businesses without compromising their core personality. Filled with fresh insights and actionable advice, this essential guide will support anyone who's striving to make a difference in a loud and chaotic world.From the Trade Paperback edition.
The Introverted Leader: Building On Your Quiet Strength (Bk Business Ser.)
by Jennifer KahnweilerNEW EDITION, REVISED AND EXPANDEDThe Introverted LeaderBuilding on Your Quiet Strength, Second EditionFinally, a book that recognizes the immense value that introverts bring to the workplace.”—Daniel Pink, author of Drive and WhenA prevailing myth is that a big, vibrant personality is needed to succeed in the workplace, but often the quietest people have the loudest minds. Unfortunately, in our extroverted business culture, introverts can feel excluded, overlooked, or misunderstood. Jennifer Kahnweiler shows that introversion is a source of strength. Just look at Arianna Huffington and Mark Zuckerberg, two introverts who have learned to be themselves and thrive in type A work environments.This revised and expanded second edition draws on new research, interviews, and insights from thousands of introverted leaders, including fresh information on the unique challenges faced by introverted women; how leaders can shape a more inclusive, introvert-friendly workplace; the brains of introverts; and the correlation between introverted leadership and company performance.Kahnweiler lays out a well-tested progressive four-step strategy called “The 4 Ps Process” for succeeding in the workplace by building on your natural quiet strengths. First, preparation: carefully devise a game plan for any potentially anxiety-provoking situation. Then, presence: knowing you're prepared, be completely focused on the present moment. Then you can push—go beyond your comfort zone. And finally, practice, practice, practice.A newly revised quiz helps pinpoint where to amplify your quiet strengths and when to consider flexing your style. Kahnweiler shows exactly how to apply the 4 Ps in areas that can be particularly challenging for introverts—including networking, making presentations, and handling meetings. Aspiring leaders will be able to contribute more fully to their organization while staying true to themselves and serve as models and mentors to others as they move forward in their careers.
The Introverted Leader
by Jennifer KahnweilerIn our outgoing, Type-A business culture, introverts can feel excluded, overlooked or misunderstood, their reticence mistaken for arrogance or even lack of intelligence. And their inconsistent people skills often cause their careers to plateau. But Jennifer Kahnweiler shows that not only can introversion be managed, it can even be a source of strength. Ask Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, leaders she cites as shy introspectives who have developed ways to thrive in a challenging environment.
The Introverted Presenter
by Richard TierneyThe introvert is a personality type that draws energy from the outside inward. According to standard personality testing assessments, most people are introverts and no group is more introverted than technical professionals. Introverts are congenitally programmed to recoil from the prospect of public speaking with fear and loathing, yet making presentations to expert and non-expert audiences is an inescapable requirement for career advancement in any technical field. Presentation coach Richard Tierney rides to the rescue of fellow introverts in the IT and engineering sectors with The Introverted Presenter--his fail-safe guide to delivering competent presentations, no matter how unsuited by nature you might be to the performing arts. This short book lays out the complete process guaranteed to raise you from a debilitating state of terror and aversion to a comfortable place of clarity, calm, and competence--perhaps even brilliance, if you can train yourself to convert the free energy of your fear into controlled performance. Tierney repeatedly warns his introvert readers that they risk presentation fiasco if they skip, skimp, or change the order of any of the ten steps he prescribes for thoroughly and efficiently preparing their presentations. The surefire sequence of steps for The Introverted Presenter begins with defining your presentation''s audience and objective. The next step is to write the script of your speech in stages, constructing it on the basis of proven structural rules, cognitive laws, and dramatic tricks. Then you incrementally refine and tighten your script by delivering it iteratively, first in front of a mirror and then in front of increasingly critical test audiences, progressing from your cat to your boss. When you have a well-constructed and sound-tested script in hand and only then, you may create some slides to graft into your script in support of your opening action call and your concluding takeaways, which you commit to memory. Your slides should be limited to the smallest number possible (even zero) and the fewest possible words. What you''ll learn By following the process precisely as described in this book, even the most introverted technology professional will gradually but surely acquire the ability to Structure a killer presentation Coach yourself into being the best performer you can be Craft a presentation that supplies your audience''s technical needs while activating its human sympathies Use slides sparingly for best supporting effect Deploy elements of stagecraft like a trouper Who this book is for The primary readership is technology professionals who ordinarily shun the public-speaking limelight but find they need to pitch their work outside their team environments. The secondary readership is non-extroverts in the corporate, commercial, or academic worlds who have taken career promotions that involve presentations as part of their job descriptions. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introverts and Presentations: Harnessing Terror Chapter 2. Face the Presentation Specter: Feared More Than Death Chapter 3. Find Your Presentation''s Focus: Ready, Steady Chapter 4. Impose Your Presentation''s Structure: Taking the Reins Chapter 5. Write Your Speech: Fear Returns Chapter 6. Refine Your Speech: Relishing the Panic Chapter 7. Try On Your Presenting Persona: Trotting the Course Chapter 8. Master Your Presentation Technology: Bending the Servant to Your Will Chapter 9. Chunk Your Presentation: Linking Primacy, Latency, and Failsafe Devices Chapter 10. Rehearse Your Presentation: Practice, Practice till Thoroughly Bored Chapter 11. Deliver Your Presentation: Treading the Hustings Like a Trouper Chapter 12. Encore! Rolling On to Your Next Presentation Chapter 13. Instant Clarity: Scaring Up an Emergency Presentation in One Day
Introvertierte Führungskräfte: Wie sie im Führungsalltag ihre Stärken zielgerichtet einsetzen und Herausforderungen erfolgreich begegnen (essentials)
by Katja SchwalbachIntrovertiert zu sein und gleichzeitig eine Führungsposition zu bekleiden, wird oft als unvereinbar angesehen - sowohl von leistungsstarken Introvertierten als auch von Personalverantwortlichen. Dieses essential widerlegt dieses Vorurteil und macht Introvertierten Mut, Führung zu übernehmen. Denn gerade Introvertierte bringen Stärken mit, die sie in der Führung von Mitarbeitenden optimal für eine herausragende Teamleistung nutzen können. Natürlich gibt es im Führungsalltag auch Herausforderungen, die insbesondere das Energiemanagement betreffen. Die Autorin stellt anhand ausführlicher Beispiele mögliche Strategien für herausfordernde Situationen vor und hilft damit Introvertierten, Schwierigkeiten im Arbeitsalltag schneller zu erkennen und eine persönliche Strategie zu entwickeln.
The Introvert's Complete Career Guide: From Landing a Job, to Surviving, Thriving, and Moving On Up
by Jane FinkleWhat do Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, Marissa Mayer, and Bill Gates all have in common outside of being wildly successful? They are all introverts. <P><P>In today's fast-paced, unstable workplace achieving success requires speaking up, promoting oneself and one's ideas, and taking initiative. Extroverts, fearless in tooting their own horns, naturally thrive in this environment, but introverts often stumble. If you question your ability to perform and succeed in this extroverted work culture, The Introvert's Complete Career Guide is custom fit for you.In this supportive, all-inclusive handbook, Jane Finkle demonstrates how to use your introverted qualities to their best advantage, then add a sprinkling of extroverted skills to round out a forceful combination for ultimate career success. Finkle shares the keys to navigating each stage of professional development--from self-assessment and job searching, to survival in a new position and career advancement. <P><P>In The Introvert's Complete Career Guide you will learn to:Build confidence by evaluating your values, personality style, interests, and achievements <P><P>Write the story of your career in resume and LinkedIn formats <P><P>Use social media at your own comfort level to promote your career and expand your network <P><P>Express yourself clearly and confidently in network meetings, interviews, and workplace situations <P><P>Build strong professional relationships with colleagues and senior leaders <P><P>Overcome fears that prevent you from embracing new challenges <P><P>Equally applicable to the real or virtual workplace, The Introvert's Complete Career Guide provides strategies, tools, and success stories that win you the professional respect and recognition you deserve.
The Introvert's Edge: How the Quiet and Shy Can Outsell Anyone
by Matthew Pollard Derek LewisAn introvert? Great at sales? YES.Sales is a skill anyone can learn and master — and introverts are especially good at it once they learn how to leverage their natural strengths.Introverts aren’t comfortable with traditional tactics like aggressively pushing a product or talking over a customer’s objections. That’s the beauty of The Introvert’s Edge: it doesn’t focus on the sale itself but on a sales system that helps introverts feel sincere instead of sales-y. Powerful and practical, the book reveals how to:Find natural confidencePrepare for every situationPresent your value so that customers want to buySidestep objectionsJudge when the customer’s ready to buyAsk for the sale — without askingContinually adapt and improveProfit from a process that doesn’t rely on personalityEnjoy salesWith stories of introverted entrepreneurs, salespeople, and business owners who went from stagnant to success, The Introvert’s Edge shows you how to succeed in sales — without changing who you are.
The Introvert’s Edge to Networking: Work the Room. Leverage Social Media. Develop Powerful Connections
by Matthew PollardFinally – A Networking Book for Introverts!The sequel to Pollard&’s international bestseller The Introvert&’s Edge: How the Quiet and Shy Can Outsell Anyone, selected by BookAuthority as the #2 &“Best Introvert Book of All Time&” and listed by HubSpot as one of the &“Most Highly-Rated Sales Books of All Time.&”Introverts across the world have been sold a lie: One of the biggest myths that plagues the business world today is that our ability to network depends on having the &“gift-of-gab.&” This is nonsense. You don&’t have to be outgoing to be successful at networking. You don&’t have to become a relentless self-promoter. In fact, you don&’t have to act like an extrovert at all.The truth is, introverts make the best networkers . . . when armed with a plan that lets them be their authentic selves.Matthew Pollard, an introvert himself, draws on over a decade of research and real-world examples to provide an actionable blueprint for introverted networking.In this paradigm-shifting book, you&’ll discover how to:Overcome your fear and discomfort when networkingTurn networking into a repeatable systemLeverage your innate introverted strengthsTarget and connect with top influencersLeverage the power of virtual and social networkingWhether you&’re a small business owner struggling to make a living or a professional who&’s hit a career plateau, The Introvert&’s Edge to Networking is your path to a higher income and a rolodex of powerful connections.
An Introvert's Guide to Networking: Practical Tools to Leverage Your Strengths and Expand Your Network
by D A BentonEncouraging and practical advice to help introverts improve their networking skills Professional networking can seem overwhelming, especially if you're introverted in social situations. An Introvert's Guide to Networking is here to make it easier, with everyday advice that helps you leverage your natural strengths like listening, observation, and careful thought, to create connections in ways that feel comfortable and genuine for you. An Introvert's Guide to Networking offers: Helpful, hands-on guidance—Learn networking tips like how to enter (and exit) conversations gracefully, optimize your social media presence, be aware of your body language, and more. Advice for everyone—These inclusive techniques are helpful for people of all career stages, industries, and social skill levels—even extroverts might learn a thing or two. Real examples—Read quotes and anecdotes from introverts who've used their authentic personalities to make successful professional relationships. Start networking more productively today with a book that makes it easier for introverts.
The Introvert's Guide to the Workplace: Concrete Strategies for Bosses and Employees to Thrive and Succeed
by Thea OrozcoTap Into Your Natural Introvert Strengths in the Office with Actionable Tips and Advice Introverts make up one half of the population, and we&’re hardwired to thrive—especially in the workplace! However, it&’s not uncommon for introverts to feel out of place in the office, where it seems the only ones succeeding are outgoing personalities ready to toot their own horn. Thea Orozco busts that myth, showing how the workplace is truly a setting for introverts to succeed based on their innate skillset and natural introvert strengths. With topics ranging from overcoming phone phobia to developing an authentic leadership style, The Introvert's Guide to the Workplace guides introverts through thriving at work without having to shout—whether you are a boss, an employee, or a career person. Learn from actionable tips and practical advice, and surmount office challenges and let your introversion take the lead: Combat interview anxietyMake meaningful connections at networking eventsBe heard and noticed at meetings or on the stageOvercome imposter syndromeBecome an effective leader with your introvert strengthsAnd more! Including diverse expert interviews, The Introvert's Guide to the Workplace is every working introvert&’s handbook and guide that they can refer to throughout their career for guidance on tricky or draining situations and motivation to enlist the power of their inner introvert to succeed.
Introvision bei Stress- und Angstbewältigung: Kurz-Manual für Psychotherapeuten, Coaches und Berater (essentials)
by Melanie Neumann Kathrin HeckMelanie Neumann und Kathrin Heck präsentieren die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten, die die verhaltenstherapeutisch orientierte Methode der Introvision Praktikern aus den Bereichen Psychotherapie, Coaching und Beratung bietet. Das essential vermittelt anschaulich, wie die Introvision bei stress- und angstassoziierten Erkrankungen angewendet werden kann, und zeigt, dass es sich dabei um eine wirksame Therapiemethode handelt, die problemlos mit anderen psychotherapeutischen Verfahren kombiniert werden kann. Zahlreiche Fallbeispiele, Arbeitsbausteine und Anleitungen ermöglichen eine einfache Umsetzung der Introvision in die Praxis.
by Frank V. CespedesThis case study provides an overview of Intuit's growth and, in particular, the sales and service initiatives that historically fueled the company's growth from start-up to a corporation. It also outlines certain processes and cultural values, as well as specific employee and leadership behaviors, that provided the foundation for those initiatives.
Intuit: Turbo Tax PersonalPro - A Tale of Two Entrepreneurs
by Joseph Fuller Michael Roberts Shikhar GhoshThe case tells the story of a product manager within Intuit who develops an idea for a new product that spans two of the company's existing business units-professional tax software, sold to accountants, and the consumer focused TurboTax product. The new product -TurboTax Personal Pro-connects consumers with professional accountants online, allowing them to have their taxes prepared by a professional. The cycle of product development transpires within the larger, corporate context of Intuit, where founder Scott Cook has been attempting to transform the enterprise into a leaner, more innovative company. The case describes in detail the lean startup methods used by the new product team, and how their attempts bump up against the existing, entrenched systems and processes of the larger enterprise.
Intuit: QuickBooks (B)
by David B. Yoffie Nicole Tempest KellerThis short case updates the earlier Intuit case on transitioning from a product company into a platform company. In addition to provided information on the recent successes and challenges of the business, it also explores a new challenge of building a platform with a branded third party solution or a "white label" solution, which would hide the third party brand.
Intuit Inc.: Project AgriNova
by Tanya Bijlani Thomas R. EisenmannIn late 2008, a team from Intuit's office in Bangalore, India is evaluating an opportunity to launch a new venture that would use SMS to deliver crop price information to farmers in India.The case describes the structure of Indian agriculture and the problems experienced by farmers, who were often exploited by middlemen who entered into obtuse private arrangements with wholesale buyers. After five weeks of research, the team concludes that the opportunity warrants further exploration. The question is, what should they do next?
Intuit, Inc.: Transforming an Entrepreneurial Company into a Collaborative Organization (A)
by Morten T. Hansen Christina DarwallDescribes how Intuit, Inc.'s CEO, Steve Bennett, changes the company from an entrepreneurial "siloed" organization into a collaborative one.