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Investigative Interviewing: Adopting a Forensic Mindset

by John E. Grimes III

Investigative Interviewing: Adopting a Forensic Mindset aims to promote legal and ethical investigative interview methods. Accordingly, possessing a forensic mindset should be the foundation that governs every aspect of an investigative interviewer's actions. Being a forensic professional—which includes the field of forensic interviewing—infers that one applies the highest standards in collecting, analyzing, preserving, and presenting evidence to a court of law or other tribunals. The term "investigative interview” with an interviewer's forensic mindset can be used to achieve all interview objectives, even obtaining truthful confessions that stand up to the scrutiny of the courts and public opinion. Key to this, the author contends, is eliminating the term “interrogation” and the confession-obtaining mindset it creates. In its place, the term “investigative interview” is used, promoting a forensic mindset to achieve desired interview objectives. What transpires during the interview must stand up to the scrutiny of the courts and public opinion. In this regard, due process, documenting the procedure, and practicing proven, effective techniques is paramount to getting to the truth—the ultimate goal of any investigation. The book includes a chapter dedicated to false confessions, due to is criticality and frequent occurrences of this. It continues with a discussion on the desired qualities of an investigative interviewer and strategies to break down barriers and gain trust with reluctant, uncooperative, and hostile interviewees. Proper report writing, an underrated key to any interview and investigation, is addressed in detail. Lastly. the book provides training on best practice interview steps and strategies to lead the interviewee to the truth that will stand up to the scrutiny of the courts and public opinion. Investigative Interviewing: Adopting a Forensic Mindset is well-suited as a textbook—outlining techniques and detailing all relevant case law concerning confessions— in addition to providing an Instructor’s Manual with Test Bank and PowerPoint slides for professors to utilize in classroom instruction.

Investigative Interviewing in the Workplace: Culture, Deviance, and Investigations

by Kevin Sweeney

Based on extensive interdisciplinary research and the author’s over 30 years of experience in the field, this book provides best practice skills for auditors and investigators in any type of investigation and adapts them to ensure they are relevant to a corporate environment where the powers available to police are absent. In addition to providing technical skills and practical advice on investigative interviewing, former police investigator Kevin Sweeney explains how to analyze information to assist in the investigation and to identify emerging trends to provide opportunities to prevent problems before they occur. Readers will come to understand legal concepts such as the chain of evidence, the psychological factors involved in questioning, and the sociological factors that can help to build a macro understanding of the organization and the event in question. This book will become an essential resource for professionals involved in auditing or investigation work of any type in the corporate or public sectors, in contexts including human resources, employee relation investigations, auditing, or where criminal activity is suspected.

Investigative Journalism, Environmental Problems and Modernisation in China

by Jingrong Tong

This book examines how the news media in general, and investigative journalism in particular, interprets environmental problems and how those interpretations contribute to the shaping of a discourse of risk that can compete against the omnipresent and hegemonic discourse of modernisation in Chinese society.

The Investigative State: Regulatory Oversight In The United States

by Daniel Zachary Epstein

This book is a timely examination of congressional oversight in the United States, serving as a definitive guide for scholars and political, legal, and media observers seeking to navigate contemporary conflicts between Congress and the White House. Author Daniel Epstein has spent his professional career as a lawyer serving all sides of the regulatory process: he ran investigations for Congress, defended the White House from congressional oversight, and represented individuals, nonprofit news organizations, and entrepreneurs in federal court to fight for regulatory transparency and fairness. Epstein uses historical and observational data to argue that the modern federal bureaucracy did not begin as a regulatory state but as an investigative state. The contemporary picture of Congress having empowered the bureaucracy to set policy through rules is a relatively recent development in the political development of administrative law. The book’s novel econometric models and historical analyses force a shift in how legal scholars and judges understand delegation, congressional oversight, and agency investigations.

Investigativer Journalismus in Deutschland: Die spannendsten Stories - und der Weg ihrer Enthüllung

by Andrea Claudia Hoffmann

Dieser Band bietet einen Überblick über die herausragendsten investigativen Recherchen im deutschsprachigen Raum und analysiert ihre Entstehung. Dabei geht es um wichtige politische und wirtschaftliche Themen wie den Cum-ex-Skandal, Wirecard, die Akte Schlesinger, den Terroranschlag auf den Berliner Weihnachtsmarkt, rechtsradikale Netze, die Tesla-Files, die Panama-Papers, die Sprengung der Nordsee-Pipeline und vieles mehr. Die Journalisten und Journalistinnen, die hinter diesen spannenden Recherchen stehen, berichten selbst, was sie herausgefunden haben und erklären systematisch, wie sie vorgegangen sind. Nicht zuletzt verraten sie auch, was sie aus ihrer spezifischen Recherche gelernt haben - und geben Berufsanfängern nützliche Tipps. Die Zielgruppe sind Studierende des Fachgebiets Journalismus, Medienwissenschaftler und journalistische Praktiker, die sich für die Recherchen ihrer Berufskollegen interessieren.

Investigator and Fraud Fighter Guidebook

by Charles E. Piper

Get federal investigative insight and guidance on conducting thorough investigations and case-buildingThe ability to conduct thorough and effective investigations is a skill that has become increasingly in-demand across many industries. At the same time, investigative resources are dwindling as markets recede. Regulation and financial hurdles impede traditional investigation processes. Even seasoned professionals are finding themselves overtasked or lacking the experience to pursue the types of cases that are accumulating.In Investigator and Fraud Fighter Guidebook: Operation War Stories, author Charles E. Piper, CFE provides insight and guidance on how to conduct thorough and complete investigations while juggling a caseload. Piper served over 30 years in law enforcement-including 20 as an award-winning Federal Special Agent-Criminal Investigator. His wide array of experience allows him to lend a high-level perspective to the art and science of professional investigations of criminal, civil, and administrative cases. In the book, Piper provides guidance on conducting thorough and complete investigations (even with fewer resources) and spotting red flags that often indicate big-picture problems. Piper also shows how to:Identify the suspect's other wrongful acts (similar and otherwise)Identify similar wrongful acts committed by others, and predict future occurrencesIdentify systemic weaknesses, waste, and abuseIdentify changes and corrections necessary to prevent future occurrencesThe book includes Piper's real-life investigative examples to illustrate important concepts. Whether the matter is public, private, or military, the same basic investigative principles apply. Things that may seem totally unrelated may hold the keys that crack the cases. The Investigator and Fraud Fighter Guidebook: Operation War Stories provides the acumen and judgment required to pick up on these clues and successfully conclude investigations.

Investimento: Qualquer pessoa pode aprender a investir com esse sistema aclamado de investimento!

by Ray Malkiel

O que mundou e o que continua nlaterado enquanto a economia se recupera da crise do subprime? Insights de uma pesquisa histórica mostram quais métricas melhor identificam as ações mais rentáveis. Um plano sólido de valor médio que cresce 3% por trimestre, independentemente do clima economico. Vamos começar os dez princípios básicos de investimento que todo investidor precisa saber e como ganhar no mercado de ações. Você verá como começar a investir e aprenderá um passo a passo de como criar seu próprio plano de investimento. Baixe esse excelente livro agora!

Investimento de Dividendos 101: Crie Rendimento a Longo Prazo a partir de Dividendos

by Derek Tucker

Cria uma fonte de rendimento adicional  é atualmente um imperativo com a crescente insegurança no local de trabalho decorrente do abrandamento económico no seu todo. Os dividendos são uma oportunidade excelente que cria um rendimento a longo prazo passivo se der os passos certos. Um fluxo de rendimento que tem estado disponível e que já deu provas. Warren Buffet enalteceu as suas potencialidades e muitos outros sabem que os gurus de stock market anseiam fazê-lo. Comece a investir agora nos stocks geradores de rendimento e constatará um fluxo estável de rendimento na sua conta bancária  por um longo período de tempo. E quando me refiro a longo período de tempo falo de mais de 20 anos de rendimento gratuito. Ebook  de investimento de dividendo: Create Long Term Income from Dividends abrangerá os seguintes tópicos: 1) Noções Básicas de investimento de  Dividendo para iniciantes 2)  Planos de Reinvestimento de Dividendos 3) Como selcionar stocks de Dividendo e criar um portfolio gerador de rendimento 4) O que são EFT's de  Dividendo 5) Dividendos ETf's pagam dividendos 6)Estratégias de Investimento de  Dividendo 7) Lista Top Ten para2012 8) Dividendos Stocks 2012 mais bem remunerados 9) Stocks de dividendo com pagamentos melhores pagamentos  em 2012

Investimento de dividendos para iniciantes

by John K. Adamson

Um manual básico que explica os ações de dividendos para o investidor iniciante em linguagem clara e não técnica. O autor explica como começar a investir para obter renda em etapas simples e expõe o "porquê" e o "como" sem se prender a detalhes desnecessários ou usar jargões obscuros. O resultado é uma visão geral das muitas maneiras de investir em receita de dividendos e os prós e contras de cada uma. Este livro responde às perguntas iniciais dos investidores em dividendos, incluindo: Por que o investimento em dividendos está se tornando mais popular Como pesquisar ações de dividendos Como comprar ações de dividendos Orientação passo a passo para encontrar e investir em planos de reinvestimento de dividendos (DRIPs) Se os fundos de investimento imobiliário (REITs) ainda são viáveis ​​no mercado atual Rápido e fácil, e repleto de informações úteis, este livro decodifica o mistério do investimento em dividendos e mostra por que muitos investidores o veem como uma maneira de encontrar estabilidade em um mercado instável.

Investimento in borsa per principianti

by Richard Stooker Alessandro Balsano

Vuoi iniziare a investire nel mercato azionario, ma non sei sicuro di come farlo? Cosa sono le azioni? Cosa determina i loro prezzi di mercato? Perché salgono e scendono? Come faccio a battere il mercato azionario? Cosa sono i fondi comuni? Cosa sono gli indici di fondi? Cosa sono i fondi tradizionali scambiati? Anche se il mercato azionario è il cuore della ricchezza di un paese e, anche se consente a tutti di essere proprietario di parte nei più grandi e più riusciti paesi del mondo, non viene insegnato nelle scuole pubbliche. Ma state attenti: la stampa principale spesso falsifica il mercato azionario. Si concentrano a fare notizie emozionanti e drammatiche per vendere copie. Francamente, il miglior investimento è l'investimento noioso. Consiste nel mettere quanti soldi ti puoi permettere in molte aziende e reinvestire i dividendi. E continuare a farlo fino a raggiungere l'età di pensionamento. Il miglior investimento non è di cercare di capire cosa succederà nell'economia o nei mercati domani, la prossima settimana, il prossimo mese o l'anno prossimo. Molti scrittori finanziari cercano di farti pensare di dover lavorare sodo nell'investimento. Devi studiare i grafici delle azioni ogni notte. Leggere relazioni annuali. Analizzare in modo approfondito i bilanci dell'azienda. Leggere THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, BARRON'S e MONEY MAGAZINE. Acquistare un software speciale. Seguire i forum di investimento online. Non così! Non perdete tempo. Questo libro porta la teoria finanziaria moderna alla sua conclusione logica. È possibile ottenere il massimo vantaggio a lungo termine seguendo il suo semplice piano. Non è necessaria nessuna teoria noiosa o economica. È semplice da impostare. Poi lo dimentichi. Non prestare attenzione alle notizie finanziarie. Basta concentrarsi sul fare il maggior numero di soldi che puoi nella tua carriera o nel tuo business, ecco tutto. E ti abbiamo spiegato anche come fare se stai cominciando con poco. Imparerai i vari tipi di azioni

Investimento Para Iniciantes: Informações Básicas e Primeiras Aulas sobre Investimento

by John Border

Sim, você começou ganhar dinheiro, mas já pensou em que o dinheiro que você ganha pode lhe ganhar mais dinheiro. Dizem que o dinheiro poupado é dinheiro ganho. Muito verdadeiro. Entretanto, a pergunta é onde investir? Como investir? Quanto investir? Este livro tenta organizar e responder todas estas perguntas, e explicar, em termos simples, como elaborar, passo a passo, seu plano de investimentos. Aqui estão os capítulos que lhe ajudarão com isso Capítulo 1- Dicas de Planejamento Financeiro Capítulo 2- Poupando e Investindo Capítulo 3- Risco e Diversificação Capítulo 4- Alocação de Ativos Capítulo 5- Ações Individuais Capítulo 6- Fundos Mútuos e Fundos de Índice Capítulo 7- Investimento Passivo vs. Investimento Ativo Capítulo 8 - Metais preciosos - Ouro, Platina, Paládio e Prata Capítulo 9 - Investimento Imobiliário

Investimentos Em Bolsa De Valores Para Iniciantes: Como Qualquer Um Pode Ter Uma Rica Aposentadoria Ignorando Grande Parte Dos Conselhos Padrões, Sem Desperdiçar Tempo Nem Ser Enganado

by Richard Stooker Makoto Yamamoto

Quer começar a investir no mercado de ações, mas não sabe como agir?O que são ações?O que determina os preços de mercado?Por que eles sobem e caem?Como posso vencer o mercado de ações?O que são fundos mútuos?O que são fundos de índice?O que são ETFs?Apesar de o mercado de ações ser o cerne da riqueza de um país, e mesmo que ele permita que qualquer um seja parcialmente proprietário de alguma coisa nos maiores e mais bem-sucedidos países do mundo, este assunto não é ensinado nas escolas.Mas atenção: a grande mídia muitas vezes deturpa o mercado de ações. Ela se concentra nas notícias sensacionalistas e dramáticas para poder vender.Para ser franco, o melhor tipo de investimento é entediante. É investir o máximo possível em várias empresas e reinvestir os dividendos. E continuar a fazer isso até chegar a idade de se aposentar.A melhor maneira de investir não é tentar descobrir o que acontecerá com a economia ou com o mercado amanhã, na próxima semana, no próximo mês ou no próximo ano.Muitos escritores de finanças tentam fazer você pensar que é preciso ralar para investir. Você tem que analisar gráficos todas as noites. Ler relatórios anuais. Dissecar as demonstrações financeiras de uma empresa. Ler o WALL STREET JOURNAL e outros jornais da área. Comprar um software especial. Pesquisar fóruns online sobre investimento.Não é assim!Não desperdice seu tempo. Este livro leva a teoria financeira moderna a uma conclusão lógica. Você pode obter o máximo de benefícios em longo prazo seguindo um simples plano. Não é preciso nenhum cálculo matemático chato nem de teoria econômica.É um plano simples de se organizar. Depois de tudo, você pode esquecer completamente dele. Não será necessário prestar atenção nas notícias. Apenas se concentre em ganhar o máximo de dinheiro que p

Investindustrial Exits Ducati

by Karol Misztal Francois Brochet

In early 2012, Investindustrial, a European private equity group, publicly announced their intention to sell their 76.7% stake in Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A., an iconic Italian producer of sport performance motorcycles. The decision followed a six-year turnaround during which Ducati returned to profitability and significantly expanded its product line. Investindustrial's team had the following exit alternatives: 1) a trade sale to an automotive buyer; 2) a secondary buyout, partial or complete, by a financial investor; 3) a relisting in Hong Kong. Each option had its pros and cons, but all required a careful valuation of Ducati to maximize the investors' return on their flagship investment.

Investing: The Last Liberal Art (Columbia Business School Publishing)

by Robert Hagstrom

Robert G. Hagstrom is one of the best-known authors of investment books for general audiences. Turning his extensive experience as a portfolio manager at Legg Mason Capital Management into valuable guidance for professionals and nonprofessionals alike, he is the author of six successful books on investment, including The Warren Buffett Way, a New York Times best-seller that has sold more than a million copies. In this updated second edition of Investing: The Last Liberal Art, Hagstrom explores basic and fundamental investing concepts in a range of fields outside of economics, including physics, biology, sociology, psychology, philosophy, and literature. He discusses, for instance, how the theory of evolution disrupts the notion of the efficient market and how reading strategies for literature can be gainfully applied to investing research. Building on Charlie Munger's famous "latticework of mental models" concept, Hagstrom argues that it is impossible to make good investment decisions based solely on a strong knowledge of finance theory alone. He reinforces his concepts with additional data and a new chapter on mathematics, and updates his text throughout to reflect the developments of the past decade, particularly the seismic economic upheaval of 2008. He has also added a hundred new titles to the invaluable reading list concluding the book.

Investing 101: From Stocks and Bonds to ETFs and IPOs, an Essential Primer on Building a Profitable Portfolio (Adams 101)

by Michele Cagan

Too often, textbooks turn the noteworthy details of investing into tedious discourse that would put even Warren Buffett to sleep. <i>Investing 101</i> cuts out the boring explanations, and instead provides a hands-on lesson that keeps you engaged as you learn how to build a portfolio and expand your savings. From value investing to short selling to risk tolerance, this primer is packed with hundreds of entertaining tidbits and concepts that you won't be able to get anywhere else. So whether you're looking to master the major principles of investing, or just want to learn more about stocks and bonds, <i>Investing 101</i> has all the answers--even the ones you didn't know you were looking for.

Investing 101 (Bloomberg #27)

by Kathy Kristof

People wanting basic advice about stocks, bonds, mutual funds, retirement planning, and tax strategies are often frustrated by information overload. Picking the right book seems as daunting as deciding what to do with their savings and investments. Investing 101: Updated and Expanded removes both roadblocks, putting people on a path that they can understand and stick with. Kristof is renowned for taking the mystery and anxiety out of investing by keeping choices manageable. Kristof walks readers through the entire investment cycle and the way they think of their financial lives, rather than presenting stand-alone concepts like stocks and real estate. This expanded edition has new information about 529 college savings plans, annuities, Roth IRAs, reverse mortgages, and why declining markets can be good for you. It includes a cautionary look at home mortgages as investments. There's even a portfolio for the lazy investor. Kristof's loyal readership and the success of this book's first edition demonstrate that she understands what's on the minds of investors as intimately as she knows what’s happening in financial markets. Winner: Cover and Interior Design, The Bookbinders Guild of New York/2009 New York Book Show Awards

The Investing 101 Boxed Set: Includes Investing 101; Real Estate Investing 101; Stock Market 101, 2nd Edition (Adams 101 Series)

by Michele Cagan

Get a complete, easy-to-understand, and engaging overview of investing with The Investing 101 Boxed Set, which includes Investing 101, Real Estate Investing 101, and Stock Market 101, 2nd Edition.When it&’s time to invest, it&’s time to turn to Adams 101 Series. With its easy-to-understand approach and informative, entertaining content, this series provides you with exactly what you need to know to start investing today. This boxed set includes: -Investing 101: A crash course in managing personal wealth and building a profitable portfolio—from stocks and bonds to IPOs and more. -Real Estate Investing 101: A comprehensive, accessible, and easy-to-understand guide to everything you need to know about real estate investing. -Stock Market 101, 2nd Edition: A reference full of understandable definitions, tips, and real-life examples, this book contains everything you need to know about buying and selling stocks. Investing doesn&’t have to be scary. With The Investing 101 Boxed Set, you will overcome your fears and set yourself up for investing success.

Investing All-in-One For Dummies

by Eric Tyson

<p>Featuring guidance from renowned finance expert Eric Tyson and content from other top selling <i>For Dummies</i> investment titles, <i>Investing All-in-One For Dummies</i> offers the foolproof, time-tested guidance you need to turn those hard-earned dollars into a successful and diversified portfolio. Covering everything from stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, and the latest in online investing, this hands-on resource lays out an arsenal of techniques for you to select the investment accounts that best suit your particular style, needs, and goals. <i>Investing All-in-One For Dummies</i> offers a succinct framework and expert advice to help readers make solid decisions and confidently invest in the marketplace <p> <li>Develop and manage a winning financial portfolio <li>Find the right investments for you, no matter your age or income bracket <li>Get the latest information on retirement planning, tax laws, investment options, and more <li>Benefit from sound strategies brought to you by a well-recognized personal finance counselor</li> <p> <p>There's no time like the present to invest in your own financial future—and this book shows you how.</p>

Investing All-in-One For Dummies (For Dummies Ser.)

by Eric Tyson

Make the most of your investment portfolio with a mix of assets from stocks to real estate to cryptocurrency There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing the balance of a financial account grow month over month. But before that can happen, you need to know the best places to invest your money. Who can you trust for solid, reliable investing advice? Investing All-in-One For Dummies offers sound guidance for investors at every level. Whether you’re stumped by stocks, baffled by bonds, mystified about mutual funds, or curious about cryptocurrency, this book gives you a solid foundation in those investing concepts and many others. After reading the expert advice and considering your risk tolerance and timeline, you can confidently choose the best investments for your financial goals. Containing advice from 10 different Dummies investing guides, Investing All-in-One For Dummies shows you how to: Set short- and long-term investing goals, invest to minimize your tax hit, and develop an investing strategy using a mix of investment vehicles Decide when to buy, hold, or sell an investment Choose the right mix of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds to create a diversified portfolio Identify real estate investment opportunities and find the capital to make purchases Execute trades through an online broker instead of using a traditional investment firm Evaluate modern investing trends like cryptocurrency and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investingFor anyone who wants to dip their toes into the markets or who tends to leave their investment decisions in the hands of someone else, Investing All-in-One For Dummies is the must-read resource when you’re ready to make informed decisions and pick solid investments for your financial future.

Investing Amid Low Expected Returns: Making the Most When Markets Offer the Least

by Antti Ilmanen

Elevate your game in the face of challenging market conditions with this eye-opening guide to portfolio management Investing Amid Low Expected Returns: Making the Most When Markets Offer the Least provides an evidence-based blueprint for successful investing when decades of market tailwinds are turning into headwinds. For a generation, falling yields and soaring asset prices have boosted realized returns. However, this past windfall leaves retirement savers and investors now facing the prospect of record-low future expected returns. Emphasizing this pressing challenge, the book highlights the role that timeless investment practices – discipline, humility, and patience – will play in enabling investment success. It then assesses current investor practices and the body of empirical evidence to illuminate the building blocks for improving long-run returns in today’s environment and beyond. It concludes by reviewing how to put them together through effective portfolio construction, risk management, and cost control practices. In this book, readers will also find: The common investor responses so far to the low expected return challenge Extensive empirical evidence on the critical ingredients of an effective portfolio: major asset class premia, illiquidity premia, style premia, and alpha Discussions of the pros and cons of illiquid investments, factor investing, ESG investing, risk mitigation strategies, and market timing Coverage of the whole top-down investment process – throughout the book endorsing humility in tactical forecasting and boldness in diversification Ideal for institutional and active individual investors, Investing Amid Low Expected Returns is a timeless resource that enables investing with serenity even in harsher financial conditions.

Investing at Pivotal Ventures

by Emil Nuwan Siriwardane Emily R. McComb Eren Kuzucu


Investing Between the Lines: How to Make Smarter Decisions by Decoding CEO Communications

by L. J. Rittenhouse

In Investing Between the Lines, CEO communications expert, L. J. Rittenhouse offers a proven methodology for accurately analyzing the worthiness of an investment: Reading corporate "fog," i.e., shareholder letters, and other corporate correspondence. Based on a model that's made believers of Warren Buffet and Jack Welch, Rittenhouse looks at the "fog" of 100 Fortune 500 companies—and then overlays these "Fog rankings" on the stock's price performance. It's a system that made Rittenhouse one of the very first to predict the Lehman Bros. implosion, and other financia disasters—and that will arm investors with the skills and knowledge to unearth hidden risks in their portfolios and pick potential winners. L. J. Rittenhouse is president of Rittenhouse Rankings Inc, a CEO strategic and investor relations company that annually conducts a benchmark survey of CEO candor and stock price performance

Investing Explained: The Accessible Guide to Building an Investment Portfolio

by Matthew Partridge

Maximize your chances of investment success with this accessible and profitable guide which pulls away the curtain to put you on a level footing with the professionals - and points out where the pros can get it wrong. Never in history has it been easier for private investors to get involved in the market, and changes in technology, regulation and access to information mean that the advantage experts may have had is fast disappearing. Written by Matthew Partridge, a financial journalist for the UK's leading investment magazine, Investing Explained is filled with real life examples and plain English summaries of research produced by banks and academics to separate fact from fiction when it comes to investment clichés. Investing Explained covers the basics for beginner investors and includes more in-depth advice for those with more experience. Benefit from an overview of behavioural psychology (and how you can profit from the irrational behaviour of others), advice on fintech apps and cryptocurrencies, and the impact of a political or economic crisis on your investments. Access the stock market with this invaluable guide and build an investment portfolio which can secure your financial future.

Investing for a Lifetime: Managing Wealth for the "New Normal" (Wiley Finance)

by Richard C. Marston

Investing for a Lifetime is designed to make saving and investing understandable to the investor. Wharton Professor Richard C. Marston, 2014 recipient of the Investment Management Consultants Association’s prestigious Matthew R. McArthur Award, guides an investor through the main investment decisions throughout a lifetime. Investing for a Lifetime shows: how younger investors can set savings goals how both younger and older investors can choose investment portfolios to achieve these goals how investors can sustain spending once reaching retirement. Younger and older investors alike should understand savings goals that will provide enough income to sustain spending in retirement. They should devise rates of saving that allow them to reach their goals by the time of retirement. Though retirement is often the main goal of investing, it’s not the only one. Marston discusses how funding a child’s education or saving for a down payment for a home affects overall saving. Sensible investing is also necessary for savings goals to be realized. Investing need not be complicated, but Marston explains that a diversified portfolio should include a mix of different types of U.S. stocks, foreign stocks, real estate as well as bonds. He describes each of these asset classes and shows how they fit in an investor’s portfolio. He shows how investors can monitor the performance of their portfolios by establishing benchmarks for each asset class to judge how well their investments are doing. He focuses particular attention on those investors nearing retirement. In today’s low interest rate environment, he discusses whether it is possible to fund retirement from interest and dividends alone. He shows how savings combined with Social Security can fund retirement spending. And he asks how the “New Normal” of lower returns might force investors to save more than in past decades, and to spend less in retirement than in the past. Investing for a Lifetime is for investors who want to understand more about the savings and investment process, particularly those who worry about whether their retirement savings will last a lifetime.

Investing for Beginners: Essentials to Start Investing Wisely

by Tycho Press

The best time to start investing is NOW. If you haven't saved a dime, it's time to get started. If you already invest, you should probably step it up. If you think you have enough set aside, realize that the word "enough" is at best a shoddy estimate and at worst a pipe dream. Investing for Beginners gives you in-depth insight into how to successfully evaluate your investment needs, be realistic about your goals, and put your money to work in order to generate wealth. With step-by-step introductions to the core concepts and strategies of successful investing, Investing for Beginners will help you turn your financial goals into reality. Investing for Beginners shows you how to invest confidently, with: A 5-step plan for setting the investment goals that are right for you An overview of the most popular investment products and strategies The 5 biggest investment mistakes to avoid Key questions to ask your broker 7 tips to reduce your taxes A thorough glossary of financial terms With ample statistics, key insights, and a complete explanation of each step, Investing for Beginners will give you the tools you need to create the wealth you want.

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