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It All Matters: 125 Strategies to Achieve Maximum Confidence, Clarity, Certainty, and Creativity

by Paul Cummings

The all-encompassing framework for achieving the life of your dreams It All Matters presents a framework for the rest of your life. What are those dreams you would only dare to dream if there was no possibility of failure? How can you live a life of real intention and purpose instead of duty and obligation? This book answers these questions and more. Everyone has the capacity to author their own destiny; it's not our circumstances that shape our lives, it's our response to those circumstances that either propels us to great heights or keeps us stuck in the mud. Here, author Paul Cummings shares one of the most comprehensive goal setting systems ever put into print. Based on the key U.B.U. process—Understand who you are, Be true to yourself, and always be Unique—this framework gives you the power to transform your life. Through a fast-moving series of engaging stories, you'll learn how to question yourself to greatness as you begin to think in bigger and more positive terms. Professionals from across the globe have implemented this framework to achieve what they truly wanted out of life—isn't it your turn? This enlightening guide teaches you the revolutionary strategies that can help you make big things happen. Dig deep to find your real dreams, and set a plan to achieve them Discover the core principles the form the foundation for success Learn the art of self-questioning as a motivational tool Implement a comprehensive, proven system for getting what you want You are one great question away from everything you ardently desire at all times. Are you ready to take the leap? It All Matters shifts your perspective to let you see the shining path ahead.

It All Starts with a Sense of Urgency: Laying the Groundwork for Change

by John P. Kotter

Complacency is a serious problem, for organizations, nations, and individuals, yet we underestimate its power and its prevalence. In a fast-moving and changing world, contentment with the status quo can create disaster. This chapter describes why real urgency is an essential asset that must be created and recreated, and discusses the consequences of insufficient urgency.

It All Turns on Affection

by Wendell Berry

The book is on Wendell Berry's greatest speech during The Jefferson Lecture. It includes a small handful of other recent essays and a wonderful conversation between Mr. Berry, his wife Tanya Berry, and the head of the National Endowment of the Humanities Jim Leech, which took place just after the award was announced. The result offers a wonderful continuation of the long conversation Berry has had with his readers over many years and as well as a fine introduction to his life and work.

IT and the Board of Directors: What Should the Board's Responsibilities Be?

by Shannon O'Donnell Richard L. Nolan Robert D. Austin

"The Adventures of an IT Leader" invites readers to "walk in the shoes" of Jim Barton, the new CIO of the fictional IVK Corporation, he spends a difficult year learning effective information technology leadership, sidestepping the pitfalls that make the CIO job the most volatile, high-turnover job in the business. This chapter joins Barton as he and his team prepare to make a presentation to the board addressing the history and results of IT management at the company, department strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and risks moving forward. One of Barton's goals for the presentation is to encourage the board and senior management team to become more involved in decision making about IT matters. This chapter is excerpted from "The Adventures of an IT Leader."

IT Audit, Control, and Security

by Robert Moeller

When it comes to computer security, the role of auditors today has never been more crucial. Auditors must ensure that all computers, in particular those dealing with e-business, are secure. The only source for information on the combined areas of computer audit, control, and security, the IT Audit, Control, and Security describes the types of internal controls, security, and integrity procedures that management must build into its automated systems. This very timely book provides auditors with the guidance they need to ensure that their systems are secure from both internal and external threats.

IT Auditing and Application Controls for Small and Mid-Sized Enterprises

by Jason Wood William Brown Harry Howe

Essential guidance for the financial auditor in need of a working knowledge of IT If you're a financial auditor needing working knowledge of IT and application controls, Automated Auditing Financial Applications for Small and Mid-Sized Businesses provides you with the guidance you need. Conceptual overviews of key IT auditing issues are included, as well as concrete hands-on tips and techniques. Inside, you'll find background and guidance with appropriate reference to material published by ISACA, AICPA, organized to show the increasing complexity of systems, starting with general principles and progressing through greater levels of functionality. Provides straightforward IT guidance to financial auditors seeking to develop quality and efficacy of software controls Offers small- and middle-market business auditors relevant IT coverage Covers relevant applications, including MS Excel, Quickbooks, and report writers Written for financial auditors practicing in the small to midsized business space The largest market segment in the United States in quantity and scope is the small and middle market business, which continues to be the source of economic growth and expansion. Uniquely focused on the IT needs of auditors serving the small to medium sized business, Automated Auditing Financial Applications for Small and Mid-Sized Businesses delivers the kind of IT coverage you need for your organization.

IT Auditing and Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance: Key Strategies for Business Improvement

by Dimitris N. Chorafas

Information technology auditing and Sarbanes-Oxley compliance have several overlapping characteristics. They both require ethical accounting practices, focused auditing activities, a functioning system of internal control, and a close watch by the board's audit committee and CEO. Written as a contribution to the accounting and auditing professions

IT-basiertes Nudging im Kontext der Gesundheitsversorgung (BestMasters)

by Muzaffer Arkac

Die Nutzung IT-basierter Nudges im medizinischen Dienstleistungssektor, in dem die digitale Transformation zusehends mehr Bedeutung erlangt, ist ein noch sehr junges Themenfeld, dem einerseits wesentliche Potenziale zur Steigerung des Patientennutzens und der Eindämmung von Behandlungskosten beigemessen werden, mit dem andererseits aber auch Kritikpunkte wie unzureichende Effektivität, gar fehlende Wirksamkeit verbunden werden. In dieser Arbeit wird der aktuelle Forschungsstand zu diesem kontrovers diskutierten Thema zusammengefasst und relevante Problemfelder im Kontext der Nudging-assoziierten Digitalisierung in der Gesundheitsbranche identifiziert. Ferner verfolgt die Arbeit das Ziel, IT-basierte Nudges gemäß ihrer aktuellen Einsatzbereiche in der Gesundheitsversorgung zu systematisieren sowie deren Entwicklungspotentiale und Zukunftsperspektiven darzustellen.

IT-Berater und soziale Medien

by Ralf Leinemann

IT-Produkte sind häufig sehr komplex. Daher spielen Berater bei Kaufentscheidungen eine wichtige Rolle. In dem Band setzen sich die Autoren mit dieser Situation auseinander und befassen sich mit ihren Auswirkungen auf Kommunikationsabteilungen von Unternehmen. Sie gehen auch auf die wachsende Bedeutung von Social Media und den damit einhergehenden Veränderungen der Beraterlandschaft ein. Zudem werden regionale Besonderheiten bzw. die Situation in Deutschland im internationalen Kontext betrachtet.

IT Best Practices: Management, Teams, Quality, Performance, and Projects

by Tom C. Witt

Consistent success does not happen by chance. It occurs by having an understanding of what is happening in the environment and then having the skills to execute the necessary changes. Ideal for project, IT, and systems development managers, IT Best Practices: Management, Teams, Quality, Performance, and Projects details the skills, knowledge, and a

IT Best Practices for Financial Managers

by Roehl-Anderson Janice M.

Praise for IT Best Practices "The work of the financial manager revolves around a company's financial systems. Ms. Roehl-Anderson's latest offering addresses the two key aspects of these systems-how to buy and install them. The book covers every conceivable aspect of these systems, including ERP, software as a service, shared services, and supporting controls. As a bonus, the book contains substantial coverage of information technology considerations in an acquisition. This is a definitive desk reference. " -Steve Bragg, CFO, XeDAR Corporation, and author of Accounting Best Practices "Sage advice from one of the most adept project managers in the industry! Jan and team have delivered a practical, yet comprehensive guidebook for software selection, implementation, rollout, and ongoing updates. This guidebook will become a valuable reference for every financial manager and IT project manager undertaking ERP implementation. "-Valerie Borthwick, former senior vice president, Oracle Consulting "Written by one of the best in the IT business, this book is a must-read for all CFOs and controllers. In one volume, it addresses everything a financial executive needs to know about IT and its impact on the financial function, while also featuring practical guidelines, current hot topics, and IT best practices. This book covers it all. "-Jo Marie Dancik, Regional Managing Partner (Retired), Ernst & Young

It Can be Done!: The Life and Legacy of Cesar Chavez

by Vivian Cuesta

Students will enjoy reading these readers that reinforce topics, follow national Social Studies study for grades K-6. Each reader supports the learning taught in the classroom and motivates students to read more about a topic.


by Andreas Gadatsch

Viele Unternehmen planen dem zunehmenden Kosten- und Leistungsdruck in der IT etwas entgegenzusetzen. Das IT-Controlling-Konzept liefert hierzu die passenden Methoden. Das Buch erklärt in kompakter Form, welche strategischen und operativen Instrumente für den IT-Controller entwickelt wurden und wie sie in der Praxis eingesetzt werden können. Der Buchmarkt für das Spezialgebiet IT-Controlling ist begrenzt. Die Bücher des Autoren "Gadatsch" gelten als Standardwerke. Das kompakte Buch "IT-Controlling realisieren" ergänzt das vom Autor mit herausgegebene Lehrbuch "Masterkurs IT-Controlling", das sich an Studierende und Wissenschaftler richtet. Es verzichtet weitgehend auf theoretische Ableitungen und "zeigt wie es geht".

IT-Controlling: Von der IT-Kosten- und Leistungsverrechnung zum Smart-Controlling

by Andreas Gadatsch

IT-Controlling ist als Instrument zur Steuerung der Informationstechnik etabliert. Das Berufsbild des IT-Controllers bzw. der IT-Controllerin hat sich über längere Zeit nur moderat verändert. Es wurde vor allem mit IT-Budgetierung, IT-Portfoliomanagement, IT-Kostenplanung, -Verrechnung und -kontrolle in Verbindung gebracht. Durch die Digitalisierung ist jedoch Bewegung in Ziele, Inhalte und Methoden gekommen. Neue Themen wie Steuerung der Digitalstrategie, Cloud-Controlling, Data Science u. a. sind in der Diskussion. Das Aufgabenprofil wandelt sich weg von der reinen IT-Kostenanalyse, hin zum Management der Digitalisierungsstrategie mit einem Fokus auf strategisches IT-Portfoliomanagement. Einige Stimmen sprechen bereits vom „Smart-Controlling“ oder „Digital-Controlling“. Das Buch stellt ein IT-Controlling-Konzept für das Digitale Zeitalter vor und erläutert die relevanten Methoden in praxisnaher Form.

IT Controlling: From IT cost and activity allocation to smart controlling

by Andreas Gadatsch

IT controlling is established as a tool for controlling information technology. The job description of the IT controller has changed only moderately over a long period of time. It was mainly associated with IT budgeting, IT portfolio management, IT cost planning, accounting and controlling. However, digitalization has brought movement in goals, contents and methods. New topics such as digital strategy management, cloud controlling, data science, etc. are being discussed. The task profile is changing away from pure IT cost analysis to the management of the digitization strategy with a focus on strategic IT portfolio management. Some voices are already talking about "smart controlling" or "digital controlling". This book presents an IT controlling concept for the digital age and explains the relevant methods in a practical way.

IT-Controlling für die öffentliche Verwaltung kompakt: Methoden, Werkzeuge und Beispiele für die Verwaltungspraxis (IT kompakt)

by Andreas Gadatsch

Andreas Gadatsch zeigt konkret auf, was IT-Controlling ist und wie man es in der öffentlichen Verwaltung nutzen kann. Hierzu werden die zentralen Aspekte erklärt und praxistaugliche Methoden anhand von Beispielen mit Bezug auf den öffentlichen Sektor vorgestellt.

IT-Controlling für Einsteiger: Praxiserprobte Methoden und Werkzeuge (essentials)

by Andreas Gadatsch

Andreas Gadatsch beschreibt, was IT-Controlling konkret ist und wie man es nutzen kann. Hierzu erklärt der Autor die zentralen Aspekte und stellt praxistaugliche Methoden anhand von Beispielen vor. Erleichtern Sie sich die tägliche Praxis im IT-Management! Nach der Lektüre dieses essentials können Sie u. a. mit Hilfe der IT-Balanced Scorecard IT-Strategien umsetzen und steuern oder mit Hilfe des Portfoliomanagements Projektbündel zusammenstellen und überwachen. Die Earned-Value-Analyse hilft Ihnen bei der Projektplanung und deren Überwachung. Mit Hilfe der IT-Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung und IT-Kennzahlen liefern Sie die Basis für rationale Entscheidungen und ein zielorientiertes Reporting. Wer mehr wissen möchte, findet hier auch geeignete Hinweise auf weitere Literatur und aktuelle Studien.

IT Convergence and Services

by Hamid Arabnia Hang-Bae Chang James J. Park Taeshik Shon

IT Convergence and Services is proceedings of the 3rd FTRA International Conference on Information Technology Convergence and Services (ITCS-11) and the FTRA International Conference on Intelligent Robotics, Automations, telecommunication facilities, and applications (IRoA-11). The topics of ITCS and IRoA cover the current hot topics satisfying the world-wide ever-changing needs. The ITCS-11 will be the most comprehensive conference focused on the various aspects of advances in information technology convergence, applications, and services. The ITCS-11 will provide an opportunity for academic and industry professionals to discuss the latest issues and progress in the area of ITCS. In addition, the conference will publish high quality papers which are closely related to the various theories, modeling, and practical applications in ITCS. The main scope of ITCS-11 is as follows. Computational Science and Applications Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Technology Manufacturing Technology and Services Management Information Systems and Services Electronic Commerce, Business and Management Vehicular Systems and Communications Bio-inspired Computing and Applications IT Medical Engineering Modeling and Services for Intelligent Building, Town, and City The IRoA is a major forum for scientists, engineers, and practitioners throughout the world to present the latest research, results, ideas, developments and applications in all areas of intelligent robotics and automations. The main scope of IRoA-11 is as follows. Intelligent Robotics & Perception systems Automations & Control Telecommunication Facilities Artificial Intelligence The IRoA is a major forum for scientists, engineers, and practitioners throughout the world to present the latest research, results, ideas, developments and applications in all areas of intelligent robotics and automations. The main scope of IRoA-11 is as follows. Intelligent Robotics & Perception systems Automations & Control Telecommunication Facilities Artificial Intelligence

It Could Happen Here: America on the Brink

by Bruce Judson

The severe economic downturn has been blamed on many things: deregulation, derivatives, greedy borrowers, negligent lenders. But could there be a deeper problem that is so severe, so long-lasting, and so dangerous that it makes these problems look like minor swerves in the road? Could we be facing an existential challenge to the promise of America, and to our system of government? Inequality in America has reached historical highs. Throughout human history, this level of disparity has proven intolerable, almost always leading to political upheaval. Though many believe that America will never face a second revolution, that our politics are stable, in It Could Happen Here, Yale School of Management senior faculty fellow Bruce Judson makes the case that revolution is a real possibility here, driven by a thirty-year, unprecedented rise of inequality through six presidencies, three Fed chairmen, three recessions, and many years of expansion. The last time inequality rivaled current levels was in 1928, just before the Crash and the Great Depression. Today we are in worse shape, divided into a tiny plutocracy of super-rich, on the one hand, and a fragile, indebted, unprotected "former middle class" on the other. As Judson shows, revolutions can occur suddenly, as happened with the Soviet Union's 1991 dissolution, and America today exhibits the central precursors to a collapse—extreme economic inequality and an increasingly impoverished middle class. He makes the most disturbing case yet for why our economics are leading us inevitably toward a devastating crisis.When Franklin Roosevelt faced a similar situa-tion, he was saved by World War II. This time, the conflict may be at home, not abroad.

IT Crisisology: Models, Methods, Patterns, Practices, Case Studies (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #210)

by Sergey V. Zykov

This book focuses on crisis management in software development which includes forecasting, responding and adaptive engineering models, methods, patterns and practices. It helps the stakeholders in understanding and identifying the key technology, business and human factors that may result in a software production crisis. These factors are particularly important for the enterprise-scale applications, typically considered very complex in managerial and technological aspects and therefore, specifically addressed by the discipline of software engineering. Therefore, this book throws light on the crisis responsive, resilient methodologies and practices; therewith, it also focuses on their evolutionary changes and the resulting benefits.

IT Crisisology Casebook: Smart Digitalization for Sustainable Development (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #300)

by Sergey V. Zykov

The book focuses on the real-world case-based crisis management in digital product development. This includes forecasting, responding, and agile engineering/management methods, patterns, and practices for sustainable development. This book introduces a set of case studies for sustainability in management as a blend, the components of which have been carefully selected from a few domains adjacent to digital production such as IT-intensive operation, human resource management, and knowledge engineering, to name a few. The key ingredients of this crisis management framework include information management, tradeoff optimization, agile product development, and knowledge transfer. The case studies this book features will help the stakeholders in understanding and identifying the key technology, business, and human factors that may likely result in a digital production crisis, i.e., critically affect the organization outcomes in terms of successful digitalization and sustainable development. These factors are particularly important for the large-scale applications, typically considered very complex in managerial and technological aspects, and, therefore, specifically addressed by the discipline of IT crisisology.

It Didn't Have to Be This Way: Why Boom and Bust Is Unnecessary—and How the Austrian School of Economics Breaks the Cycle

by Harry Veryser

"Excellent . . . I highly recommend this book." —RON PAUL Why is the boom-and-bust cycle so persistent? Why did economists fail to predict the economic meltdown that began in 2007—or to pull us out of the crisis more quickly? And how can we prevent future calamities? Mainstream economics has no adequate answers for these pressing questions. To understand how we got here, and how we can ensure prosperity, we must turn to an alternative to the dominant approach: the Austrian School of economics. Unfortunately, few people have even a vague understanding of the Austrian School, despite the prominence of leading figures such as Nobel Prize winner F. A. Hayek, author of The Road to Serfdom. Harry C. Veryser corrects that problem in this powerful and eye-opening book. In presenting the Austrian School&’s perspective, he reveals why the boom-and-bust cycle is unnatural and unnecessary. Veryser tells the fascinating (but frightening) story of how our modern economic condition developed. The most recent recession, far from being an isolated incident, was part of a larger cycle that has been the scourge of the West for a century—a cycle rooted in government manipulation of markets and currency. The lesson is clear: the devastation of the recent economic crisis—and of stagflation in the 1970s, and of the Great Depression in the 1930s—could have been avoided. It didn&’t have to be this way. Too long unappreciated, the Austrian School of economics reveals the crucial conditions for a successful economy and points the way to a free, prosperous, and humane society.

It Didn’t Have to Be This Way: Why Boom and Bust Is Unnecessary—and How the Austrian School of Economics Breaks the Cycle

by Harry C. Veryser

"Excellent . . . I highly recommend this book." --RON PAULWhy is the boom-and-bust cycle so persistent? Why did economists fail to predict the economic meltdown that began in 2007--or to pull us out of the crisis more quickly? And how can we prevent future calamities?Mainstream economics has no adequate answers for these pressing questions. To understand how we got here, and how we can ensure prosperity, we must turn to an alternative to the dominant approach: the Austrian School of economics.Unfortunately, few people have even a vague understanding of the Austrian School, despite the prominence of leading figures such as Nobel Prize winner F. A. Hayek, author of The Road to Serfdom. Harry C. Veryser corrects that problem in this powerful and eye-opening book. In presenting the Austrian School's perspective, he reveals why the boom-and-bust cycle is unnatural and unnecessary.Veryser tells the fascinating (but frightening) story of how our modern economic condition developed. The most recent recession, far from being an isolated incident, was part of a larger cycle that has been the scourge of the West for a century--a cycle rooted in government manipulation of markets and currency. The lesson is clear: the devastation of the recent economic crisis--and of stagflation in the 1970s, and of the Great Depression in the 1930s--could have been avoided. It didn't have to be this way.Too long unappreciated, the Austrian School of economics reveals the crucial conditions for a successful economy and points the way to a free, prosperous, and humane society.

It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work

by Jason Fried David Heinemeier Hansson

In this timely manifesto, the authors of the New York Times bestseller Rework broadly reject the prevailing notion that long hours, aggressive hustle, and "whatever it takes" are required to run a successful business today.In Rework, Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson introduced a new path to working effectively. Now, they build on their message with a bold, iconoclastic strategy for creating the ideal company culture—what they call "the calm company." Their approach directly attack the chaos, anxiety, and stress that plagues millions of workplaces and hampers billions of workers every day.Long hours, an excessive workload, and a lack of sleep have become a badge of honor for modern professionals. But it should be a mark of stupidity, the authors argue. Sadly, this isn’t just a problem for large organizations—individuals, contractors, and solopreneurs are burning themselves out the same way. The answer to better productivity isn’t more hours—it’s less waste and fewer things that induce distraction and persistent stress.It’s time to stop celebrating Crazy, and start celebrating Calm, Fried and Hansson assert.Fried and Hansson have the proof to back up their argument. "Calm" has been the cornerstone of their company’s culture since Basecamp began twenty years ago. Destined to become the management guide for the next generation, It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work is a practical and inspiring distillation of their insights and experiences. It isn’t a book telling you what to do. It’s a book showing you what they’ve done—and how any manager or executive no matter the industry or size of the company, can do it too.

IT-Driven Business Models: Global Case Studies in Transformation

by Henning Kagermann Hubert Osterle John M. Jordan

A look at business model innovation's crucial role in today's global business environment . Showing organizations how business model innovation should be a key focus area in today's global economy, this book features cases from businesses around the globe that have developed customized business models and achieved spectacular levels of performance. Case examples from well-known innovation leaders IKEA, Apple, Tata, SHARP, Saudi Aramco, De Beers, Telefonica, Valero Energy, LEGO, and Proctor & Gamble Shows businesses how to get beyond traditional business models to take better advantage of emerging opportunities Coauthored by former CEO of SAP AG, the world's largest provider of enterprise software Filled with interviews with key executives, this book reveals the role of technology in driving and enabling changes to fundamental facets of a business. Companies around the world are innovating their business models with tremendous results. IT-Driven Business Models shows interested organizations how they can start the process.

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