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IT-Einkauf kompakt: Wie Man Informationstechnik Effizient Und Kostenoptimiert Beschafft (It Kompakt Ser.)
by Volker LoppIn Zeiten der Digitalisierung, in denen große Datenmengen schnell und effizient verarbeitet werden müssen, steht das IT-Management oft vor einer großen Herausforderung. Um die Kosten gering und effizient zu halten, empfiehlt es sich, bei den Basics anzusetzen. Viele Unternehmen unterschätzen immer noch das Potential eines professionellen und standardisierten IT-Einkaufs. Jedes Unternehmen kann davon enorm profitieren, ganz gleich, ob sie nur im Einzelfall ein größeres Projekt strukturierter angehen wollen oder aber umfangreiche oder ungewöhnliche viele Ausschreibungen zu bewältigen haben. Ein grundsätzliches Überprüfen der bisherigen Verfahren ist immer dann ratsam, wenn die Prozesse verbessert oder die Beschaffungsstrategie überarbeitet werden sollen, wenn die externen Kosten gesenkt werden müssen oder aber ein Unternehmen die Qualität seiner IT-Beratungen und damit das Firmenimage verbessern möchte.Dieses Buch für den IT-Einkauf geht detailliert auf die speziellen Anforderungen für die Beschaffung von Hardware, Software, Dienstleistungen und Cloud-Services ein. Der Autor fasst die wichtigsten Gründe, aus denen ein IT-Einkauf benötigt wird, kompakt zusammen und zeigt, wie sich der IT-Markt aus Sicht des Einkäufers gestaltet. Neben einem ausführlichen Überblick über die Zusammenarbeit mit der IT-Abteilung und der besonderen Bedeutung des Lieferantenmanagements bei den großen Abhängigkeiten in der Informationstechnologie, erläutert der Autor die Wichtigkeit der Stammdaten und wie man ihre Qualität erhöhen kann. Ein Exkurs über das Vertrags- und Lizenzmanagement rundet dieses kompakte Buch ab.Damit ist es der ideale Ratgeber für Einkaufsleiter, IT-Leiter, IT-Einkäufer und die Konzernrevision, da es vom Hard- und Software-Einkauf, über das Mangement von Verträgen, Lizenzen und Lieferanten bis hin zu den eigentliche IT-Ausschreibungen alle wesentlichen Themengebiete des strategischen Einkaufs abdeckt.
IT Enabled Services
by Shiro UesugiAs the global economy turns more and more service oriented, Information Technology-Enabled Services (ITeS) require greater understanding. Increasing numbers and varieties of services are provided through IT. Furthermore, IT enables the creation of new services in diverse fields previously untouched. Because of the catalyzing nature of internet technology, ITeS today has become more than "Outsourcing" of services. This book illustrates the enabling nature of ITeS with its entailment of IT, thus contributing to the betterment of humanity. The scope of this book is not only for academia but also for business persons, government practitioners and readers from daily lives. Authors from a variety of nations and regions with various backgrounds provide insightful theories, research, findings and practices in various fields such as commerce, finance, medical services, government and education. This book opens up a new horizon with the application of Internet-based practices in business, government and in daily lives. Information Technology-Enabled Services works as a navigator for those who sail to the new horizon of service oriented economies.
The "It" Factor: Be the One People Like, Listen To, and Remember
by Mark WiskupEasy step-by-step exercises to develop better skill communicating with others.
IT Framework Design Parameters
by Charles Freedman Douglas LaxtonA report from the International Monetary Fund.
IT-gestütztes Prozessmanagement im Gesundheitswesen: Methoden und Werkzeuge für Studierende und Praktiker
by Andreas GadatschSteigender Kostendruck und der Zwang zur Verbesserung der Wirtschaftlichkeit sind für Mitarbeiter im Gesundheitswesen Realität geworden. Viele Einrichtungen müssen ihre Arbeitsabläufe optimieren und gleichzeitig die Qualität ihrer Leistungen verbessern. Das Buch erläutert Grundlagen und ausgewählte Methoden des Prozessmanagements, die in Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens (Krankenhäuser, Krankenkassen und Krankenversicherungen) eingesetzt werden können. Der fachliche Schwerpunkt liegt auf der abteilungsübergreifenden Dokumentation, Analyse und Optimierung von Prozessen im Gesundheitswesen mit dem Ziel, die Transparenz zu erhöhen und die Effektivität und Effizienz zu steigern. Anhand von Fallbeispielen wird der Einsatz moderner Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie als Instrument für die Prozessverbesserung dargestellt. Zahlreiche Wiederholungsfragen und Übungen machen das Werk zu einem Lern- und Arbeitsbuch, nicht nur für Studierende, sondern auch für erfahrene Praktiker im Gesundheitswesen.
IT-gestütztes Ressourcen- und Energiemanagement: Konferenzband zu den 5. BUIS-Tagen
by Volker Wohlgemuth Corinna Lang Jorge Marx GómezIn diesem Tagungsband zu den 5. BUIS-Tagen (15. Tagung der Fachgruppe Betriebliche Umweltinformationssysteme der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.) werden aktuelle Themen des IT-gestützte Ressourcen- und Energiemanagements präsentiert mit dem Fokus auf: Green IT und Energieeffizienz, Stoffstrommanagement, Green Production, Green Logistics, Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement und Kommunikation, Green Software sowie Materialeffizienz und Recycling. In der "Students Corner" präsentieren Studierende eigene Lösungsansätze aus Projekten und Abschlußarbeiten.
IT Governance: An International Guide to Data Security and ISO 27001/ISO 27002 (It Governance Ser.)
by Alan Calder Steve WatkinsFaced with the compliance requirements of increasingly punitive information and privacy-related regulation, as well as the proliferation of complex threats to information security, there is an urgent need for organizations to adopt IT governance best practice. IT Governance is a key international resource for managers in organizations of all sizes and across industries, and deals with the strategic and operational aspects of information security. Now in its seventh edition, the bestselling IT Governance provides guidance for companies looking to protect and enhance their information security management systems (ISMS) and protect themselves against cyber threats. The new edition covers changes in global regulation, particularly GDPR, and updates to standards in the ISO/IEC 27000 family, BS 7799-3:2017 (information security risk management) and the latest standards on auditing. It also includes advice on the development and implementation of an ISMS that will meet the ISO 27001 specification and how sector-specific standards can and should be factored in. With information on risk assessments, compliance, equipment and operations security, controls against malware and asset management, IT Governance is the definitive guide to implementing an effective information security management and governance system.
IT Governance
by Alan Calder Steve WatkinsThe development of IT governance - which recognises the convergence between business practicve and IT management - makes it essential for managers at all levels, and in organizations of all sizes, to understand how best to deal with information security risk. The new edition has been full updated to take account of the latest regulatory and technological developments, including the creation of the International Board for IT Governance Qualifications. IT Governance also includes new material on key international markets - including the UK and the US, Australia and South Africa.
IT Governance
by Jeanne W. Ross Peter WeillFirms with superior IT governance have more than 25% higher profits than firms with poor governance given the same strategic objectives. These top performers have custom designed IT governance for their strategies. Just as corporate governance aims to ensure quality decisions about all corporate assets, IT governance links IT decisions with company objectives and monitors performance and accountability. Based on a study of 250 enterprises worldwide, IT Governance shows how to design and implement a system of decision rights that will transform IT from an expense to a profitable investment.
IT Governance
by Steve Watkins Alan CalderFaced with constant and fast-evolving threats to information security and with a growing exposure to cyber risk, managers at all levels and in organizations of all sizes need a robust IT governance system. Now in its sixth edition, the bestselling IT Governance provides best-practice guidance for companies looking to protect and enhance their information security management systems and protect themselves against cyber threats. IT Governance has been fully updated to take account of current cyber security and advanced persistent threats and reflects the latest regulatory and technical developments, including the 2013 updates to ISO27001/ISO27002. Changes for this edition include: Full updates throughout in line with the revised ISO27001 standard and accompanying ISO27002 code of practice for information security controls Full coverage of changes to data-related regulations in different jurisdictions and advice on compliance Guidance on the options for continual improvement models and control frameworks made possible by the new standard New developments in cyber risk and mitigation practices The latest technological developments that affect IT governance and security Guidance on the new information security risk assessment process and treatment requirements Including coverage of key international markets including the UK, North America, the EU and Asia Pacific, IT Governance is the definitive guide to implementing an effective information security management and governance system.
IT Governance and Information Security: Guides, Standards, and Frameworks (Advances in Cybersecurity Management)
by Yassine Maleh Abdelkebir Sahid Mamoun Alazab Mustapha BelaissaouiIT governance seems to be one of the best strategies to optimize IT assets in an economic context dominated by information, innovation, and the race for performance. The multiplication of internal and external data and increased digital management, collaboration, and sharing platforms exposes organizations to ever-growing risks. Understanding the threats, assessing the risks, adapting the organization, selecting and implementing the appropriate controls, and implementing a management system are the activities required to establish proactive security governance that will provide management and customers the assurance of an effective mechanism to manage risks. IT Governance and Information Security: Guides, Standards, and Frameworks is a fundamental resource to discover IT governance and information security. This book focuses on the guides, standards, and maturity frameworks for adopting an efficient IT governance and information security strategy in the organization. It describes numerous case studies from an international perspective and brings together industry standards and research from scientific databases. In this way, this book clearly illustrates the issues, problems, and trends related to the topic while promoting the international perspectives of readers. This book offers comprehensive coverage of the essential topics, including: IT governance guides and practices; IT service management as a key pillar for IT governance; Cloud computing as a key pillar for Agile IT governance; Information security governance and maturity frameworks. In this new book, the authors share their experience to help you navigate today’s dangerous information security terrain and take proactive steps to measure your company’s IT governance and information security maturity and prepare your organization to survive, thrive, and keep your data safe. It aspires to provide a relevant reference for executive managers, CISOs, cybersecurity professionals, engineers, and researchers interested in exploring and implementing efficient IT governance and information security strategies.
IT Governance Archetypes for Allocating Decision Rights
by Peter Weill Jeanne W. RossThis chapter discusses how IT governance differs across five decision domains and addresses who should make IT decisions. This chapter was originally published as chapter 3 of "IT Governance: How Top Performers Manage IT Decision Rights for Superior Results."
IT-Governance in der Praxis
by Andreas Rüter Jens Niebuhr Jürgen Schröder Axel GöldnerDie IT befindet sich heute in vielen Unternehmen in einer "Sandwichposition": Auf der einen Seite sollen Governance- oder Compliance-Anforderungen erfüllt, auf der anderen Seite Kosten reduziert werden. Die Autoren erläutern diese Herausforderungen und zeigen anhand von Praxisbeispielen effektive Wege zur Ausgestaltung der IT-Governance auf. Die 2. Auflage wurde um die Themen IT-Compliance und Sicherheit in der IT ergänzt. Der Band richtet sich an Lenker der IT, aber auch an das Management im Bereich Finanzen und Organisationsentwicklung.
IT Governance in Hospitals and Health Systems (HIMSS Book Series)
by Roger KropfWithout a governance structure, IT at many hospitals and healthcare systems is a haphazard endeavor that typically results in late, over-budget projects and, ultimately, disparate systems. IT Governance in Hospitals and Health Systems offers a practical "how to" in creating an information technology governance process that ensures the IT projects supporting a hospital or health systems' strategy are completed on-time and on-budget. The authors define and describe IT governance as it is currently practiced in leading healthcare organizations, providing step-by-step guidance of the process to readers can replicate these best practices at their own hospital or health system. The book provides an overview of what IT governance is and why it is important to healthcare organizations. In addition, the book examines keys to IT governance success, as well as common mistakes to avoid; governance processes, workflows and project management; and the important roles that staff, a board of directors and committees play. Special features in the book include case studies from hospitals and health systems that have successfully developed an effective IT governance structure for their organization.
IT Governance Simultaneously Empowers and Controls
by Peter Weill Jeanne W. RossEffective IT governance is the single most important predictor of the value an organization generates from IT. This chapter provides an overview of IT governance and a framework for linking it to corporate governance that will enable organizations to deliver superior results on their IT investments. This chapter was originally published as chapter 1 of "IT Governance: How Top Performers Manage IT Decision Rights for Superior Results."
IT in Business: A Manager's Casebook
by D. Targett David Grimshaw Philip Powell'IT in Business: A Manager's Casebook' examines the impact of new IT initiatives from the business angle. The case material is derived from the year's best research projects from three leading UK Business Schools - Bath, Cranfield and Warwick. This incisive exploration of managing processes in IT companies is essential reading for IT managers in 'end-user' businesses who have to deliver strong business benefits from IT. In a climate of rapid and continual change, such contemporary information is invaluable.'IT in Business: A Manager's Casebook' tackles managerial issues using specific case studies such as Tesco, Johnsons News Limited and the Department of Health to illustrate these points.David Targett is the Professor of Information Management at Imperial College Management School, University of London. For eight years, 1990-98, he was the Professor of Information Systems and Director of the Centre for Research into Strategic Information Systems (CRSIS) at the University of Bath. Previously, he was at the London Business School and before becoming an academic he was an industrial engineer in the motor industry.David Grimshaw is Senior Lecturer in Information Systems at Cranfield School of Management and was previously at the University of Leeds and Warwick Business School, University of Warwick. He has wide teaching experience and has taught in Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Portugal, Russia and Singapore. He has ten years' practical experience in information systems and as an independent consultant has advised many companies on strategic information systems planning and on geographical information systems.Philip Powell is Professor of Information Systems at Goldsmiths College, University of London. Prior to this he was Reader in Information Systems and ICAEW Academic Fellow in the Operational Research and Systems Group, and Director of the Information Systems Research Unit at Warwick Business School. Before becoming an academic he worked in insurance, accounting and computing. He has taught in Southampton, Australia and Portugal and held a number of other posts overseas.
IT (Information Technology) Portfolio Management Step-by-Step: Unlocking the Business Value of Technology
by Robert Handler Bryan MaizlishPraise for IT Portfolio Management Step-by-Step"Bryan Maizlish and Robert Handler bring their deep experience in IT 'value realization' to one of the most absent of all IT management practices--portfolio management. They capture the essence of universally proven investment practices and apply them to the most difficult of challenges--returning high strategic and dollar payoffs from an enterprise's IT department. The reader will find many new and rewarding insights to making their IT investments finally return market leading results."--John C. Reece, Chairman and CEO, John C. Reece & Associates, LLC Former deputy commissioner for modernization and CIO of the IRS"IT Portfolio Management describes in great detail the critical aspects, know-how, practical examples, key insights, and best practices to improve operational efficiency, corporate agility, and business competitiveness. It eloquently illustrates the methods of building and integrating a portfolio of IT investments to ensure the realization of maximum value and benefit, and to fully leverage the value of all IT assets. Whether you are getting started or building on your initial success in IT portfolio management, this book will provide you information on how to build and implement an effective IT portfolio management strategy."--David Mitchell, President and CEO, webMethods, Inc."I found IT Portfolio Management very easy to read, and it highlights many of the seminal aspects and best practices from financial portfolio management. It is an important book for executive, business, and IT managers."--Michael J. Montgomery, President, Montgomery & Co."IT Portfolio Management details a comprehensive framework and process showing how to align business and IT for superior value. Maizlish and Handler have the depth of experience, knowledge, and insight needed to tackle the challenges and opportunities companies face in optimizing their IT investment portfolios. This is an exceptionally important book for executive leadership and IT business managers, especially those wanting to build a process-managed enterprise."--Peter Fingar, Executive Partner Greystone Group, coauthor of The Real-Time Enterprise and Business Process Management (BPM): The Third Wave"A must-read for the non-IT manager who needs to understand the complexity and challenges of managing an IT portfolio. The portfolio management techniques, analysis tools, and planning can be applied to any project or function."--Richard "Max" Maksimoski, Senior Director R&D, The Scotts Company"This book provides an excellent framework and real-world based approach for implementing IT portfolio management. It is a must-read for every CIO staff considering how to strategically and operationally impact their company's bottom line."--Donavan R. Hardenbrook, New Product Development Professional, Intel Corporation
IT-Integration von Schatten-IT in zentrale Informationssysteme: Eine Methode zum Umgang mit Redundanzen in der Unternehmensarchitektur (Schriften zur Business Analytics und zum Informationsmanagement)
by Melanie HuberDer parallele Einsatz von zentraler IT und Schatten-IT in Unternehmen führt zu ungewollten Redundanzen in der Unternehmensarchitektur. Eine Reduktion dieser Redundanzen dient einer höheren Automatisierung und Standardisierung, kann aber auch die Vorteile von Schatten-IT wie Flexibilität oder Innovation eliminieren. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Lösung dieser Herausforderung durch das Design einer Entscheidungsmethode zur Integration von Schatten-IT und zentraler IT. Literaturreviews, Experteninterviews und Fallstudien in fünf Unternehmen dienen der Methodenentwicklung. Die Arbeit bedient sich den theoretischen Grundlagen des Mensch-Aufgabe-Technik-Systems, der Ähnlichkeit von IT-Systemen, Integrationstaxonomien, der Pfadabhängigkeit, EAM Concerns und EAM Pattern. Die Entscheidungsmethode betrachtet die lokale Perspektive des Fachbereichs und die globale Perspektive der IT-Abteilung. Sie beschreibt die Schritte zur Schaffung von Transparenz, dem Entwurf von Integrationsszenarien und der Ableitung von Handlungsempfehlungen zur Integration. Sie unterstützt eine effektive Entscheidungsfindung beim Management von Unternehmensarchitekturen.
IT-Investitionen verstehen und bewerten: Betriebswirtschaftliches und organisationspsychologisches Grundwissen für Kleinunternehmen
by Oliver Marz Mayte Baum Peter Schimitzek Eckart KramerDieses Buch richtet sich an Klein- und Kleinstunternehmen, die die Einführung eines Warenwirtschafts- oder Enterprise-Resource-Planning-Systems planen und ihre Prozesse erfolgreich digitalisieren wollen. Es bietet Unterstützung bei der Erstellung einer wirtschaftlichen Bewertung, um den Nutzenbeitrag der Investition deutlich und selbstständig herausstellen zu können. Neben den wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen bietet das Buch Einblicke in die organisatorischen und psychologischen Herausforderungen, die den Prozess der Einführung und Nutzung begleiten. Zudem werden vor allem motivationspsychologische Grundlagen betrachtet, die gleichermaßen die Geschäftsführung und Mitarbeiter betreffen.
IT Investment: Making a Business Case (Computer Weekly Professional Ser.)
by Dan Remenyi Michael Sherwood-SmithFrequently not enough attention is given to producing a comprehensive business case or to producing an economic justification for an information systems investment. In fact many organizations are not clear as to what constitutes a sound business case and how to go about producing one. This Professional level book for the Computer Weekly Professional Series will show how to go about justification for I.T. spend. This book is designed for all those who are involved in the decision to invest in information systems. This book is especially relevant to senior business executives, senior financial managers and IT executives. Business consultants, computer and corporate advisors will also find the ideas and material addressed in this text of particular benefit as will anyone involved in corporate and strategic planning.In addition, senior students such as those working towards their MBAs will find this book of use.A business case is a statement or a series of statements that demonstrate the economic value of a particular intervention, a course of action or a specific investment. A business case is not simply a financial forecast of the hardware and software costs and the expected benefits. A business case for an information systems investment involves a comprehensive understanding of both the likely resources as well as the business drivers which will assist business managers improve their performance and thereby obtain a stream of benefits from the investment.In general there are approximately six steps in producing a business case for an information systems investment.1. Determine the high-level business outcomes that will be clearly and comprehensively expressed as a set of opportunities the organization can take advantage of, or problems that need to be rectified.2. Identify the corporate critical success factors that will be supported or enhanced by the operation of the completed information systems project or investment.3. Create a list of specific and detailed outcomes or benefits, their appropriate metrics, measuring methods and responsibility points that are represented by the stakeholders.4. Quantify the contribution made by the outcomes, which requires associating numbers or benefit values with outcomes where this is possible.5. Highlight the risks associated with the project.Fundamental to this new approach to developing a business case for information systems investment is the fact that it incorporates much more than the financial numbers which are typically found in the standard approach to a feasibility study. This approach looks behind the financial numbers to the improvements in business performance which are facilitated by information systems and which are the real drivers of the benefits. Furthermore, this approach to developing a business case allows the organization to manage the process so that the required results are achieved.
IT Leadership Manual: Roadmap to Becoming a Trusted Business Partner (Wiley CIO #577)
by Alan R. GuibordSavvy advice for developing the necessary skills to become a vital part of any management team Today's IT leaders are faced with an unprecedented leadership and organizational challenge. The entire landscape has changed over the past few years and it is now time for leaders and organizations to re-invent themselves to meet the new order. IT leaders need to redefine their role into one of being a trusted business advisor. IT Leadership Manual provides you with a set of specific recommendations and suggestions to assist you in your self-evaluations and to develop a personal plan for the future. It helps you build the leader in you, as well as how to become a formidable competitor in your own right. Essential coverage of one of the most demanded IT topics Helps you redefine your role from IT leader into trusted business advisor Discusses leadership style, building out your network, achieving balance, the art of sales, and more Written for IT managers and executives Helps you transform from the backroom support service to a recognized member of the leadership team Gives you the tools to migrate to today's expectations; Innovation, collaboration, influencer, trusted advisor Traditional skills no longer apply. Organizations are now demanding a new set of expectations from IT leaders. IT Leadership Manual reveals how you can adopt new styles to make the transformation from IT manager to top management.
IT Maintenance: Applied Project Management
by Michael F. Malinoski PMPIT Maintenance: Applied Project Management modifies project management best practices to improve how IT system maintenance is managed. By taking a fresh look at increasing value and quality of system maintenance in a straightforward and practical way, this book helps readers understand how to apply modified project management best practices. From IT maintenance managers, project managers, and team members to CIOs, readers will: • Discover cost savings associated with reducing staff Improve reporting status and metrics •Build greater customer satisfaction Learn how to perform work consistently • Decrease staff stress level by stabilizing expectations •Streamline team operations •Decrease the manager's ongoing workload PLUS! This practical reference is organized by process groups similar to the PMBOK® — providing you with applied step-by-step guidance.
IT Management: The art of managing IT based on a solid framework leveraging the company´s political ecosystem
by Lionel Pilorget Thomas SchellThis book focuses on the art of managing IT. A simple and robust framework is proposed to describe and to structure the essential elements of IT management. The authors pay particular attention to didactic aspects in order to facilitate the retention of models presented as well as to promote reflection on the subjects introduced. Thanks to a concentrate of good practices, each company will rapidly be in a position to build their proper IT ecosystem.
IT-Management: Die Kunst des IT-Managements auf der Grundlage eines soliden Rahmens, der das politische Ökosystem des Unternehmens wirksam unterstützt
by Lionel Pilorget Thomas SchellDieses Buch befasst sich mit der Kunst des IT-Managements. Es wird ein einfacher und robuster Rahmen vorgeschlagen, um die wesentlichen Elemente des IT-Managements zu beschreiben und zu strukturieren. Die Autoren legen besonderes Augenmerk auf didaktische Aspekte, um das Behalten der vorgestellten Modelle zu erleichtern und das Nachdenken über die vorgestellten Themen zu fördern. Dank eines Konzentrats an bewährten Praktiken wird jedes Unternehmen schnell in der Lage sein, sein eigenes IT-Ökosystem aufzubauen.
IT Management in the Digital Age: A Roadmap For The It Department Of The Future (Management for Professionals)
by Nils Urbach Frederik AhlemannThis book examines the massive changes currently taking place in the business world and commonly known under the label “digitalization.” In addition, it describes the significant impacts of technological innovations on processes, products, services and business models. The digital transformation resulting from these developments leads to disruption for many enterprises and industries. While for many years, IT departments mainly concentrated on fulfilling the requirements of business departments effectively and efficiently by means of high-quality IT services and operations, today’s IT departments are increasingly expected to actively co-design and co-create the enterprise. This book describes how information technology enables innovation for businesses, and how IT departments can proactively and in a timely manner collaborate with the business departments of their corporation to leverage these innovations. It also delineates the implications of digitalization for the structures, processes and people in today’s IT departments. IT leaders and managers who are responsible for corporate IT, as well as practice-oriented researchers, will find valuable inspirations and guidance in this book, the central mission of which is to encourage and enable a more proactive role for IT in the digital transformation processes."This book demonstrates the impact of digital transformation on IT organizations and their management. It also presents potential risks for technology availability, security and data protection. The authors develop a vision of what IT management should look like in ten years if it is to continue playing an important role in the company. The book seeks to motivate IT executives and managers with IT responsibility to actively adapt their thinking and their IT organizations before they are forced to react to external pressure. Definitely worth reading!" Sven Kreimendahl, Director Business Technology Services, Campana & Schott