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It Only Takes One: How to Create the Right Idea--and Then Make It Happen

by John Emmerling

"A lively and informative account of the creative process and how it works by someone who obviously knows." --George Plimpton, editor of The Paris Review "Finally, a GPS for finding your great ideas." --Mike Slosberg, cofounder of DigitasThe ability to turn a good idea into a great reality is a vital ingredient in achieving success. In It Only Takes One, John Emmerling offers an innovative, exciting, and proven method for taking your idea from a first faint flash to a fabulous finish. In this remarkable book, filled with exercises, charming cartoons, and quizzes, Emmerling explains the six steps of his incredible effective S.T.R.I.K.E. process. With chapters on salesmanship, enthusiasm, chutzpah, and much more, It Only Takes One provides you with the creative power you need to strike it big on the road to success.

IT-Operations in der Transformation: Zukunftsweisende IT-Betriebsmodelle zwischen „Hey Joe“ und „NoOps“ (Edition HMD)

by Hans-Peter Fröschle Ralf Oestereich Nikolaus Schmidt

Die zunehmende Digitalisierung aller Lebensbereiche bedeutet für die Unternehmen, dass die IT sich mehr und mehr von einer betrieblichen Unterstützungsfunktion zu einem zentralen Wertschöpfungsprozess wandelt. Damit ist es erforderlich, dass die IT nach ähnlichen Prinzipien wie die Kernprozesse der Unternehmen funktioniert. Neben den bisherigen Anforderungen nach Stabilität, Sicherheit, kostenoptimaler und zuverlässiger Betrieb wird eine hohe Innovationsfähigkeit und hohe Veränderungsgeschwindigkeit vorausgesetzt.Die Konsequenzen sind bereits heute in vielen IT-Organisationen sichtbar:Innovative Anwendungen künstlicher Intelligenz bzw. selbstlernender Systeme werden als Enabler für Automatisierung eingesetzt.Agile Vorgehensweisen aus der Softwareentwicklung finden Einzug im IT-Projektmanagement, IT-Betrieb und Support. Zur Gewährleistung von IT-Qualität und Anpassungsgeschwindigkeit werden bisherige Bereichsgrenzen in Frage gestellt. So werden in vielen IT-Organisationen mit DevOps die Abteilungsgrenzen zwischen Entwicklung (Dev) und Betrieb (Ops) überwunden.Herkömmlich Architekturen und Betriebsmodelle werden durch Cloud-basierte Lösungen ersetzt. Damit verbunden sind aufbau- und ablauforganisatorischen Regelungen zur Bereitstellung und Verwaltung von Cloud-Lösungen und -Services. Während die Bedeutung eines hochverfügbaren, flexiblen IT-Betriebs damit steigt, verändern sich deren Aufgaben und Verantwortung grundlegend: Der eigentliche Betrieb der IT rückt in den Hintergrund Gefordert ist eine Steuerung der Anbieter und Partner in einem Multi-Sourcing-Umfeld.Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt sich auch die Frage, inwieweit etablierte Entwicklungs- und Betriebs-Frameworks für die Bewältigung der Anforderungen genutzt werden können.

IT-Organisation in der digitalen Transformation: HMD Best Paper Award 2016 (essentials)

by Arno Müller Hinrich Schröder

Hinrich Schröder und Arno Müller stellen einen Ansatz vor, mit dessen Hilfe die Aufgaben in der Unternehmens-IT analysiert und den Aufgabenträgern zugeordnet werden können. Mögliche Szenarien der sich so ergebenden IT-Organisation werden daraus abgeleitet und situativ beurteilt. Getrieben durch die fortschreitende Digitalisierung ergeben sich völlig neue Anforderungen an die Organisationseinheiten im Unternehmen, die für die Bereitstellung von IT-Services verantwortlich sind. Die zunehmende Komplexität der Aufgabenstellungen erfordert eine veränderte Aufgabenverteilung zwischen der IT-Abteilung, den Fachabteilungen sowie externen Partnern und führt somit zu tiefgreifenden Veränderungen der IT-Organisation.


by Hagen Rickmann Stefan Diefenbach Kai T. Brüning

In der IT-Branche etabliert sich derzeit das Cloud-Computing als neue Form der Leistungserbringung. Dadurch bietet sich eine neue Perspektive auf das Outsourcen von IT-Dienstleistungen - für Anbieter wie für Kunden. In dem Band erörtern die Autoren, Anbieter, Analysten, Berater und Wissenschaftler, erstmals umfassend die neuesten Entwicklungen im Umfeld des IT-Outsourcings und zeigen anhand von Praxisbeispielen, wie damit nicht nur Kosten reduziert, sondern auch Mehrwert für das Kerngeschäft geschaffen werden kann.

IT-Outsourcing: Neue Herausforderungen im Zeitalter von Cloud Computing

by Hagen Rickmann Stefan Diefenbach Kai T. Brüning

In der IT-Branche etabliert sich derzeit das Cloud-Computing als neue Form der Leistungserbringung. Dadurch bietet sich eine neue Perspektive auf das Outsourcen von IT-Dienstleistungen – für Anbieter wie für Kunden. In dem Band erörtern die Autoren, Anbieter, Analysten, Berater und Wissenschaftler, erstmals umfassend die neuesten Entwicklungen im Umfeld des IT-Outsourcings und zeigen anhand von Praxisbeispielen, wie damit nicht nur Kosten reduziert, sondern auch Mehrwert für das Kerngeschäft geschaffen werden kann.

IT Outsourcing Contracts: A Legal and Practical Guide

by Jimmy Desai

This book provides an overview of the IT outsourcing relationshipand life cycle. The process begins with an organizationconsidering whether or not IT outsourcing would be of benefit andthen the issues which would need to be considered in order toanswer this question accurately are discussed. If an organizationbelieves that an IT outsourcing deal could be of benefit, it willthen need to choose a suitable supplier to perform its IToutsourcing. The issues to consider regarding an IT supplier arealso set out in this book. Having selected an IT supplier, anorganization will then need to agree key terms (includingidentifying and agreeing any contentious issues which are so-called deal breakers). Agreeing the IT outsourcing contract isnot the end but the start of the IT outsourcing relationship andthis relationship will need to be managed and developed over thecourse of the contract. Sooner or later the IT outsourcingarrangement will have to come to an end and so an exit plan willneed to be formulated and implemented. This life cycle needs tobe fully understood by anyone involved in this kind of IToutsourcing transaction and this book provides useful informationabout this life cycle.

It Pays to Talk

by Charles Schwab Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz

Does your family talk about money?Do your kids understand your money values?Do you and your mate agree on how you spend and invest your money?Do you know if your parents are financially secure?These are the questions that Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz and her father, Charles Schwab, ask at the beginning of this invaluable family financial primer. The authors acknowledge that these are difficult questions but stress that families must grapple with them and come up with answers.Despite the proliferation of the financial news media, money remains a taboo subject in most families. Often the mere thought of talking about money with a family member causes enormous personal stress and confusion. But it doesn't have to be that way. The goal of this father-daughter collaboration is to bring solid financial advice into the context of family, where it can be explored, understood, and implemented to the benefit of everyone. The first essential thing that must happen is conversation, and It Pays to Talk is filled with advice about how to start talking. The authors are both working parents with a combined sixty-five years of knowledge and experience in the investment field. In this book they present a road map that every family can follow as they develop and implement an investment strategy and money-management plan.They begin by covering the fundamental principles that every investor needs to understand in order to succeed for the long term, and then they move on to cover joining forces in marriage; building your family's wealth regardless of market conditions; investing for your children's future and raising money-savvy kids; retirement planning; estate planning for you and your parents; and dealing with the unexpected--insurance, divorce, and investing a windfall. Throughout the book, the authors offer advice about how to start the often difficult conversations that lead to smart decision-making, as well as how to talk gently, intelligently, and respectfully about the many issues that define and shape our attitudes about money.It does pay to talk. This valuable and expert book will get you started and help you at every stage of your family's investment career. From the Hardcover edition.

IT Performance Management

by Peter Wiggers Maritha de Boer-de Wit Henk Kok

IT Performance Management addresses the way organizations should balance the demand and the supply of information technology, optimizing the cost and maximizing the business value of IT.In this book several aspects of IT performance management are described. The way this management is executed and the techniques, which should be used, depend on the maturity of the relationship between the IT function and the lines of business of an organization. The foundation of the authors' approach is based on the flow of money and related management objectives. However, performance management is primarily based on perceptions. Therefore, this book introduces the IT value perception model. This model describes four separate levels of perception for the business value of IT. If the demand and the supply of IT do not share the same perception level, the balance is lost, which will lead to friction and inefficiency within an organization. This book is not about what is good or what is bad, but rather is about the 'what', the 'why' and to a limited extent the 'how' of managing the performance of IT. Therefore, the book finishes with a 'back-to-business' section in which a self-assessment checklist, a potential growth path and ten next steps are provided. This enables the reader to start applying this book in his every day working environment immediately. IT Performance Management: * Provides an overview of best practices and available thinking on the subject of IT cost and value* Describes the subject of IT cost and value related to management issues on IT strategy, portfolio management, service management, architecture and sourcing * Addresses differing degrees of maturity between IT and the business, illustrated by case studies

IT Priorities: Prioritizing Among a Portfolio of Projects

by Shannon O'Donnell Richard L. Nolan Robert D. Austin

"The Adventures of an IT Leader" invites readers to "walk in the shoes" of Jim Barton, the new CIO of the fictional IVK Corporation, as he spends a difficult year learning effective information technology leadership, sidestepping the pitfalls that make the CIO job the most volatile, high-turnover job in the business. Barton is asked to assess IT's current approach to resource allocation and propose improvements to increase return on investment. In IT, this means understanding and improving processes for figuring out which projects deserve investment. This chapter follows Barton as he considers the worthiness of a project to improve data security--and encounters unforeseen challenges along the way. This chapter is excerpted from "The Adventures of an IT Leader."

The IT Professional's Guide to Researching a New Industry

by Tom Taulli

IT is a booming sector that is a key part of any industry. As a result IT professionals of all backgrounds and specialisms could find themselves working in almost anything from insurance to entertainment. Navigating your way around the job market can be a tricky task; you need to know where to look and what questions to ask to ensure that you make the right decisions about your career. This quick and practical guide will help you navigate the huge range of industries for which IT is becoming essential. With ideas and tips to help you with your research, this book will get you asking the right questions to guide you towards the industry in which you can thrive. Get the insider knowledge on your next industry with this quick and incisive book. It will enable you to find information you need to feel confident and happy in whatever industry you decide to work. This handy companion will be useful every step of the way as you research the business world, providing you with advice and information to be confident in your career decisions. It will show you how to begin your research, giving you the lowdown on industry categorization so can orient yourself according to where you want to be. It will then help you to ask the right questions, ensuring that you know exactly what you need to. Finally it will provide you with clear and practical tips as well as the best tools and places to look on and offline to make your research as stress-free as possible. From a sympathetic and knowledgeable author and full of tips and insight, this book will be a wise companion throughout your research. About the Author: Tom Taulli is the author of numerous books, including All About Short Selling, All About Commodities, How to Create the Next Facebook: Seeing Your Startup Through, from Idea to IPO, and High-Profi t IPO Strategies: Finding Breakout IPOs for Investors and Traders. He also writes for publications such as and You can reach him at his blog

IT Project Health Checks: Driving Successful Implementation and Multiples of Business Value

by Sanjiv Purba

Project or program health checks provide tremendous value to businesses and pay for themselves by multiples of magnitude. No matter how well a project or program is performing, there are always activities that can provide better value, reduce costs, or introduce more innovation. IT project and program health checks can help organizations reach their goals and dramatically improve Return on Investment (ROI). IT Project Health Checks: Driving Successful Implementation and Multiples of Business Value offers a proven approach for evaluating IT projects or programs in order to determine how they are performing and how the eventual outcome for the initiative is currently trending. The project or program health checks provide a set of techniques that produce actionable recommendations that can be applied for any combination of the following outcomes: Drive more business and technical value from a program Set a project or program back on track for successful implementation as defined by executive management Rescue a program that is heading towards failure Act as additional insurance for initiatives that are too important to fail Protect executive careers by creating transparency within the inner workings of complex initiatives. The book shows how a review can quickly identify whether an initiative needs to be rescued even when the project team is not aware that it is hurtling towards failure. It also provides techniques for driving business value even when a project team believes it’s been stretched as much as possible. Other outcomes covered in this book include: Objectively develop a project Health-Check Scorecard that establishes how well a project is doing and the direction it is headed Demonstrate how to drive business value from an IT program regardless of how well or badly it is tracking Provide surgical advice to improve a project’s outcome How to use the many templates and sample deliverables to get a quick start on your own health check. Designed to provide significant value to any member of a project team, program team, stakeholders, sponsors, business users, system integrators, trainers, and IT professionals, this book can help find opportunities to drive multiples of business value and exceed project success metrics.

The IT Project Management Answer Book

by David Pratt Pmp

Zero in on the answers to your IT project management questionsWith constrained schedules and anxious stakeholders eager for results, the typical IT project team doesn't have the luxury of wading through lengthy tomes to find solutions. The IT Project Management Answer Book guides you to the specific answers you need to successfully conduct and complete your IT project.Written in an easy-to-use question-and-answer format, the book covers all aspects of managing an IT project, from initial organizational issues to closeout. Following the classic project management processes, author David Pratt builds on the basics to offer valuable insights not found in other resources, including:• Proven techniques such as the best way to manage defects• How to create performance standards for outside contractors• How to develop a user's manualFor more technically inclined team members, the author's plain-speak approach presents a refreshing view of the IT world. For those less technically oriented, he describes the tools and solutions for dealing with IT project challenges in an accessible, straightforward way. Let this information-packed resource lead you and your team to IT project success.

IT Project Management: A Geek's Guide to Leadership (Best Practices in Portfolio, Program, and Project Management)

by Byron A. Love

This book’s author, Byron Love, admits proudly to being an IT geek. However, he had found that being an IT geek was limiting his career path and his effectiveness. During a career of more than 31 years, he has made the transition from geek to geek leader. He hopes this book helps other geeks do the same. This book addresses leadership issues in the IT industry to help IT practitioners lead from the lowest level. Unlike other leadership books that provide a one-size-fits-all approach to leadership, this book focuses on the unique challenges that IT practitioners face. IT project managers may manage processes and technologies, but people must be led. The IT industry attracts people who think in logical ways—analytical types who have a propensity to place more emphasis on tasks and technology than on people. This has led to leadership challenges such as poor communication, poor relationship management, and poor stakeholder engagement. Critical IT projects and programs have failed because IT leaders neglect the people component of "people, process, and technology." Communications skills are key to leadership. This book features an in-depth discussion of the communications cycle and emotional intelligence, providing geek leaders with tools to improve their understanding of others and to help others understand them. To transform a geek into a geek leader, this book also discusses: Self-leadership skills so geek leaders know how to lead others by leading themselves first Followership and how to cultivate it among team members How a geek leader’s ability to navigate disparate social styles leads to greater credibility and influence Integrating leadership into project management processes The book concludes with a case study to show how to put leadership principles and practices into action and how an IT geek can transform into an effective IT geek leader.

IT-Projektmanagement: Effiziente Einführung in das Management von Projekten (essentials)

by Christian Aichele Marius Schönberger

Christian Aichele und Marius Schönberger haben aktuelle wissenschaftliche Methoden und Praxiserfahrungen aus IT-Projekten in unterschiedlichsten Bereichen und Branchen zusammengefasst. Zur erfolgreichen Durchführung von Projekten stellen sie hierbei aktuelle Methoden und Vorgehensweise kumuliert vor und erklären sie so, dass interessierte Leser ein fundiertes Grundlagenwissen über die Auswahl und den Einsatz passender Methoden des Projektmanagements erhalten.

IT-Prüfung, Sicherheitsaudit und Datenschutzmodell

by Aleksandra Sowa

Das Buch erläutert leicht verständlich die modernen Grundlagen der Revisionsarbeit. Erstmalig für praktische Anwendung systematisiert, führt es in Systeme der Security Intelligence, kognitiven Sicherheit und Schwarmintelligenz ein. Zudem stellt das Herausgeberwerk eine Anleitung für Prüfer im Umgang mit neuen Themen, wie Standard-Datenschutzmodell (SDM), Sicherheitsaudits in der industriellen Produktion und IoT-Umgebung sowie die Handhabung von Hinweisen zur Wirtschaftskriminalität und zu Compliance-Verstößen in den Jahresabschlussprüfungen vor. Damit können Revisoren diese Themen als systematische Prüfungen, Tests und Audits erfassen und umsetzen.

IT Quality Management

by Wolfgang W. Osterhage

In a comprehensive approach this book covers the end-to-end process from request management to change management, error management and migration management to acceptance testing and final data clean up. It is based upon nearly twenty years of experience in tests, acceptance and certification, when introducing medium to large IT systems including complex software for administrations and industry in many countries. There exist a variety of methodologies with different characteristics having emanated from various schools and consultancies to support such activities. However, it is obvious that because of the diversity in organisational levels in companies the rigor of application of such methodologies quite often suffers with regard to more pragmatic approaches. In view of economic considerations this may be unavoidable. For this reason no new or consolidated methodology shall be presented but an approach oriented on practical criteria coming closer to reality and offering methods, which can provide assistance on a case-by-case basis.

It Regulatory Compliance In The Uk

by Alan Calder

A key challenge for all IT management teams is to ensure that the organization avoids breaches of any criminal or civil law, as well as any statutory, regulatory or contractual obligations, and of any security requirements. Everyone in the IT organization (and outside it) needs to have an understanding of the legislation that applies to your organization. This Pocket Guide gives handy, easily-understood guidance on the key aspects of all the key regulations. This pocket guide includes coverage of key UK IT and information-related regulation, such as: * FSA Regulations * Basel2 * MiFID * Data Protection Act 1998 * Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 * Freedom of Information Act 2000 * Computer Misuse Act 1990 (as updated in 2006) * Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998 * Electronic Communications Act 2000 * Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 * Human Rights Act 2000 * Disability Discrimination Act 1995 * Safeguarding of organizational resourcesEveryone in the organization should be aware of their specific responsibilities under these acts. The specific controls and individual responsibilities to meet these requirements should be documented and kept up-to-date, and should be linked to the list of all the data assets and processes in the organization, together with their ownership details. Foreign legislation may also be applicable to the operations of the organization; in particular, legislation passed in America (such as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and others, discussed below) may affect the international operations of UK-based organizations or may be the basis on which a US-based organization takes action against a UK-based one.

IT Release Management: A Hands-on Guide

by Dave Howard

When implemented correctly, release management can help ensure that quality is integrated throughout the development, implementation, and delivery of services, applications, and infrastructure. This holistic, total cost of ownership approach allows for higher levels of system availability, is more cost effective to maintain, and increases overall s

IT-Revision, IT-Audit und IT-Compliance: Neue Ansätze für die IT-Prüfung

by Aleksandra Sowa Peter Duscha Sebastian Schreiber

Auf Grundlage des risikoorientierten Prüfungsansatzes zeigt dieses Buch, wie effektive Prüfungsaktivitäten in einem komplexen Prüfungsumfeld mit besonderer Berücksichtigung aktueller Topthemen wie Datenschutz, Cybersecurity, Penetrationstests und Investigationen bei einer wachsenden Anzahl unternehmensinterner Ermittlungen durchgeführt werden können. Neuartige Instrumente und Methoden für die Arbeit der IT-Revision werden aufgezeigt und neue Ansätze diskutiert. In der zweiten, überarbeiteten und aktualisierten Auflage erfahren die Meldepflichten nach DSGVO, ITSiG bzw. NIS-Richtlinie eine besondere Betrachtung. Das Buch hilft, die Arbeitsweisen der Revision systematisch zu erfassen sowie Prüfungen zu planen und durchzuführen. Dabei bietet es sowohl fertige Lösungen als auch „Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe“ an.

IT Savvy

by Jeanne W. Ross Peter Weill

Digitization of business interactions and processes is advancing full bore. But in many organizations, returns from IT investments are flatlining, even as technology spending has skyrocketed.These challenges call for new levels of IT savvy: the ability of all managers-IT or non-IT-to transform their company's technology assets into operational efficiencies that boost margins. Companies with IT-savvy managers are 20 percent more profitable than their competitors.In IT Savvy, Peter Weill and Jeanne Ross-two of the world's foremost authorities on using IT in business-explain how non-IT executives can acquire this savvy. Concise and practical, the book describes the practices, competencies, and leadership skills non-IT managers need to succeed in the digital economy. You'll discover how to:-Define your firm's operating model-how IT can help you do business-Revamp your IT funding model to support your operating model-Build a digitized platform of business processes, IT systems, and data to execute on the model-Determine IT decision rights-Extract more business value from your IT assetsPacked with examples and based on research into eighteen hundred organizations in more than sixty countries, IT Savvy is required reading for non-IT managers seeking to push their company's performance to new heights.

IT Security Controls: A Guide to Corporate Standards and Frameworks

by Virgilio Viegas Oben Kuyucu

Use this reference for IT security practitioners to get an overview of the major standards and frameworks, and a proposed architecture to meet them. The book identifies and describes the necessary controls and processes that must be implemented in order to secure your organization's infrastructure.The book proposes a comprehensive approach to the implementation of IT security controls with an easily understandable graphic implementation proposal to comply with the most relevant market standards (ISO 27001, NIST, PCI-DSS, and COBIT) and a significant number of regulatory frameworks from central banks across the World (European Union, Switzerland, UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, etc.). To connect the book with the real world, a number of well-known case studies are featured to explain what went wrong with the biggest hacks of the decade, and which controls should have been in place to prevent them. The book also describes a set of well-known security tools available to support you.What You Will LearnUnderstand corporate IT security controls, including governance, policies, procedures, and security awarenessKnow cybersecurity and risk assessment techniques such as penetration testing, red teaming, compliance scans, firewall assurance, and vulnerability scansUnderstand technical IT security controls for unmanaged and managed devices, and perimeter controlsImplement security testing tools such as steganography, vulnerability scanners, session hijacking, intrusion detection, and more Who This Book Is For IT security managers, chief information security officers, information security practitioners, and IT auditors will use the book as a reference and support guide to conduct gap analyses and audits of their organizations’ IT security controls implementations.

IT Security Management

by Alberto Partida Diego Andina

IT securiteers - The human and technical dimension working for the organisation. Current corporate governance regulations and international standards lead many organisations, big and small, to the creation of an information technology (IT) security function in their organisational chart or to the acquisition of services from the IT security industry. More often than desired, these teams are only useful for companies' executives to tick the corresponding box in a certification process, be it ISO, ITIL, PCI, etc. Many IT security teams do not provide business value to their company. They fail to really protect the organisation from the increasing number of threats targeting its information systems. IT Security Management provides an insight into how to create and grow a team of passionate IT security professionals. We will call them "securiteers". They will add value to the business, improving the information security stance of organisations.

IT Security Risk Control Management

by Raymond Pompon

Information security is more than configuring firewalls, removing viruses, hacking machines, or setting passwords. Creating and promoting a successful security program requires skills in organizational consulting, diplomacy, change management, risk analysis, and out-of-the-box thinking. IT Security Risk Control Management provides step-by-step guidance for IT professionals on how to craft a successful security program. You will identify with the paradoxes of information security and discover handy tools that hook security controls into business processes. What You Will Learn: Build a security program that will fit neatly into an organization and change dynamically to suit both the needs of the organization and survive constantly changing threats Prepare for and pass such common audits as PCI-DSS, SSAE-16, and ISO 27001 Calibrate the scope, and customize security controls to fit into an organization's culture Implement the most challenging processes, pointing out common pitfalls and distractions Frame security and risk issues to be clear and actionable so that decision makers, technical personnel, and users will listen and value your advice Who This Book Is For: IT professionals moving into the security field; new security managers, directors, project heads, and would-be CISOs; and security specialists from other disciplines moving into information security (e. g. , former military security professionals, law enforcement professionals, and physical security professionals)

IT Service Management

by Fritz Kleiner

Ein erfolgreich eingeführtes und gelebtes IT Service Management ist für eine Unternehmung ein essentieller Faktor. Eine schlechte Verfügbarkeit, große Ausfälle von wichtigen Informatik-Komponenten/Services oder eine zu teure Informatik können den Unternehmenserfolg massiv beeinträchtigen. Meistens werden in solchen Fällen teure Informatik-Berater eingekauft, welche dem Unternehmen helfen, das IT Service Management inkl. der IT Kosten zu optimieren. Fritz Kleiner zeigt basierend auf seinem grossen Erfahrungsschatz als Senior Consultant und Principal mit vielen Praxisbeispielen auf, wie IT Service Management ganzheitlich in einer Unternehmung eingeführt und betrieben werden kann. Mit diesem Buch wird der Leser befähigt, das IT Service Management-Konzept zu verstehen und weitgehend selbständig erfolgreich im Unternehmen zu etablieren.

It Should Never Happen Again: The Failure of Inquiries and Commissions to Enhance Risk Governance

by Mike Lauder

In It Should Never Happen Again, Dr Mike Lauder questions the value of public inquiries. Every day, we hear about another inquiry being set up, or why the last one failed to deliver the hoped for outcomes. A great deal of time and taxpayers’ money is spent on inquiries and even more on implementing their recommendations, but the author suggests that those conducting inquiries might be considered (by their own test) criminally negligent in the way they do so and that it is no surprise that they do not lead to the learning they should. The focus of Mike Lauder’s research is the gaps between what is known, what knowledge is used by practitioners and those who judge them. He contends that the difference between the judicial perspective and that of practitioners who are judged by the inquiry process creates barriers that impede others from learning. Crucially, inquiry outcomes do not assist the leadership of organisations to improve risk governance. It Should Never Happen Again is based on research into high profile public inquiries and presidential commissions in the UK, the USA, Continental Europe, and elsewhere. Embracing issues ranging from terrorist attacks to pollution, fire and air disasters; criminal cases; banking and bribery scandals; and the state of public services, Mike Lauder contrasts the judicial perspective of those who inquire, the academic perspective of those who know and the practical perspective of those who are required to act, and offers new models for understanding risk and its governance.

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