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It Starts With Passion

by Keith Abraham

How to ignite your passion, live with purpose, and succeed in life and businessNo matter what you want to achieve in life, the secret to doing it is passion. For people to be happy, they need to find meaning in what they do and in the roles they play in their lives, careers, and communities. When we identify the personal passions that drive us, the byproduct is focus, satisfaction, and achievement. But it's not always easy to find our passions.In this book, Keith Abraham shows you how to ignite the passion in your life, as well as in the lives of your colleagues, employees, and associates. He includes in-depth research, easy-to-understand concepts, inspirational stories, and clear visual models to show you how to find out what's meaningful to you and pursue it with passion and energy. In the process, Abraham shows you what you can achieve when you align your purpose, passion, and personal goals.Offers effective advice on how to inspire passion and purpose in yourself, your colleagues, and your employeesWritten by a Certified Speaking Professional and bestselling author of self-help titlesIdeal for business owners and managers who want to inspire better performance in their teamsWhen you understand the "why" of what you're doing, the "how" becomes the easy part. This handy, enlightening guide shows you how to find your "why" so you can make your "how" happen.

IT-Strategie: Die IT für die digitale Transformation in der Industrie fit machen

by Volker Johanning

Erstellen Sie mit diesem Buch eine IT-Strategie für Ihr UnternehmenIn sieben aufeinander aufbauenden Schritten präsentiert dieses Buch die Entwicklung einer IT-Strategie für produzierende Unternehmen mit der Möglichkeit der praktischen Umsetzung anhand von vorgefertigten Arbeitsblättern. Dabei betrachtet es alle für eine IT-Strategie relevanten Themenkomplexe, von der Ableitung der IT-Strategie aus der Unternehmensstrategie bis zur Erstellung der Applikations- und Sourcingstrategie. Die Rolle der IT im Unternehmen und die Rolle des CIOs werden eingehend beleuchtet und als Aufbauorganisation wird das Demand/Supply-Modell ausführlich vorgestellt. Der Leser erfährt in diesem Buch, wie er die IT-Strategie in eine Roadmap zur Umsetzung überführt, ein Portfolio zur Steuerung der Projekte nutzt und mit einem eigens entwickelten IT-Strategiecockpit die Ziele der IT-Strategie umsetzen und kontrollieren kann. Die zweite Auflage berücksichtigt verstärkt die DigitalisierungDiese zweite Auflage setzt den Fokus auf produzierende Unternehmen, um dem Branchenfokus einer jeden IT-Strategie Rechnung zu tragen. Sie betrachtet außerdem die Abgrenzung zu Digitalisierung und Digitalisierungsstrategien und enthält zusätzliche Erläuterungen zu agilen Methoden, DevOps sowie bi-modalen IT-Strukturen. Damit ist das bestehende 7-Schritte-Konzept zur Entwicklung einer IT-Strategie fokussierter geworden und hat sich der aktuellen Themen der sich weiterhin rasant entwickelnden IT und Digitalisierung angenommen.Inhaltlich konzentriert sich das Buch über die Erstellung von IT-Strategien auf die folgenden Bereiche:· Grundlegendes zur IT-Strategie sowie Abgrenzung zu einer Digitalisierungsstrategie· Gründe für eine IT-Strategie· Ist-Analyse der IT· Analyse der Unternehmensstrategie· IT-Applikationsstrategie· Sourcing-Strategie· IT-Organisation und IT-Governance· Praxis-Umsetzung: Budgetierung, IT-Roadmap und IT-Projektportfolio· Monitoring und Kontrolle der IT-Strategie mit dem IT-Strategiecockpit Der Autor richtet sich vor allem an CIOs und IT-Leiter von mittelgroßen bis großen Unternehmen und Konzernen der produzierenden Industrie. Darüber hinaus ist das Buch für die folgenden Zielgruppen geeignet:· Mitarbeiter von IT-Stabsabteilung, IT-Controlling und IT-Führungsebene· IT-Management-Berater· CFOs, CEOs, Geschäftsführer und Vorstände von produzierenden Unternehmen

IT Strategy: Making IT Fit for the Digital Transformation

by Volker Johanning

Create an IT strategy for your company with this book.In seven consecutive steps, this book presents the development of an IT strategy for manufacturing companies with the possibility of practical implementation using ready-made worksheets. It looks at all the issues relevant to an IT strategy, from deriving the IT strategy from the corporate strategy to creating the application and sourcing strategy. The role of IT in the company and the role of the CIO are examined in detail, and the demand/supply model is presented in detail as a structural organisation. In this book, the reader learns how to transfer the IT strategy into a roadmap for implementation, how to use a portfolio to control the projects and how to implement and control the goals of the IT strategy with a specially developed IT strategy cockpit. The second edition takes greater account of digitalisationThis second edition focuses on manufacturing companies in order to take into account the industry focus of any IT strategy. It also considers the distinction from digitalisation and digitalisation strategies and contains additional explanations on agile methods, DevOps as well as bi-modal IT structures. As a result, the existing 7-step concept for developing an IT strategy has become more focused and has taken on the current issues of IT and digitalisation, which continue to develop at a rapid pace.In terms of content, the book on creating IT strategies focuses on the following areas:- Fundamentals of IT strategy as well as differentiation from a digitalisation strategy.- Reasons for an IT strategy- As-is analysis of IT- Analysis of the corporate strategy- IT application strategy- Sourcing strategy- IT organisation and IT governance- Practical implementation: budgeting, IT roadmap and IT project portfolio- Monitoring and control of the IT strategy with the IT strategy cockpit The author primarily addresses CIOs and IT managers of medium-sized to large companies and groups in the manufacturing industry. In addition, the book is suitable for the following target groups:- IT staff, IT controlling and IT management level employees.- IT management consultants- CFOs, CEOs, managing directors and board members of manufacturing companies

IT Strategy and Innovation

by James D. McKeen Heather Smith

Designed for courses where the goal is to understand how IT delivers organizational value, this text can be used in IT Strategy and IT Management courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The text combines the experiences and insights of many senior IT managers from leading-edge organizations with thorough academic research to bring important issues in IT management to life and demonstrate how IT strategy is put into action in contemporary businesses. Edition 5.0 is updated with 11 new chapters and 3 new mini cases.

IT Strategy for Non-IT Managers: Becoming an Engaged Contributor to Corporate IT Decisions

by Amrit Tiwana

How non-IT managers can turn IT from an expensive liability into a cost-effective competitive tool. Firms spend more on information technology (IT) than on all other capital assets combined. And yet despite this significant cash outlay, businesses often end up with IT that is uneconomical and strategically feeble. What is missing in many organizations' IT strategy is the business acumen of managers from non-IT departments. This book presents tools for non-IT managers to turn IT from an expensive liability into a cost-effective competitive tool. It equips readers with the concepts and analytical skills necessary to understand IT needs and opportunities from both sides of the business–IT divide. Each chapter opens with a jargon decoder–nontechnical explanations of the key ideas in the chapter—and ends with a checklist summarizing non-IT factors to consider in IT decisions. Chapters cover such topics as infusing competitive firepower into IT strategy; amalgamating software and data for a hard-to-duplicate competitive advantage; making choices that meet today's business needs without handicapping future strategy; establishing who decides what about IT strategies; sourcing IT and its challenges; protecting IT assets against disaster in ways that IT professionals cannot; and recognizing the business potential of emerging technologies. Examples are drawn from large corporations, small businesses, and nonprofits around the world. The book is suitable for use in the MBA core IT course, and is aimed especially at students in professional or executive MBA programs. It will also be a valuable reference for managers.

IT-Systeme wirtschaftlich verstehen und gestalten: Methoden – Paradoxien – Grundsätze

by Reinhard Schütte Sarah Seufert Tobias Wulfert

Der Einsatz von IT-Systemen ist omnipräsent. Im Gegensatz zur Verbreitung der Systeme werden die Wirkungen der Systeme für Individuen, Unternehmen oder Gesellschaften selten betrachtet. Damit dürften viele Nutzer und Unternehmen von der Wirkung der Investition überrascht werden. Die Gefahr fehlerhafter Investitionen nimmt zu und mögliche Potenziale der IT bleiben ungenutzt. Das Buch vermittelt wissenschaftlich fundiertes Wissen über die Wirkung und Wirtschaftlichkeit von IT-Systemen. Aufbauend auf Grundlagen aus der Organisationslehre, Soziologie, Entscheidungstheorie, Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung wird diskutiert, welche Phänomene durch IT-Systeme induziert werden. Die mannigfaltigen Wirkungen von IT-Systemen sowie Verfahren zur Wirkungsermittlung werden beschrieben. Sämtliche Aspekte für ein holistisches Wirkungsmanagement von IT-Systemen von der Projektskizze bis zur Umsetzung in der Realität werden in einem neuen Ansatz integriert.

It Takes a CEO

by Leo Hindery Jr.

Should CEOs act as moral compasses for their companies? Leo Hindery thinks they should. If every CEO did so, then Enron, WorldCom, Adelphia, and Tyco would not have become poster children for greed. They would not have become corporate embarrassments -- living illustrations of all that can go wrong in the corner office. How did these once prestigious companies fall off the ethical cliff? How is it that reputations were destroyed, shareholders lost value, employees (in many cases) lost everything, and, in a few cases, entire companies disappeared? Everyone is pointing fingers, and the new widespread mistrust of public companies may turn out to be more damaging to America's economic future than the billions actually lost in the scandals. Now, one of America's most prominent corporate leaders illuminates the need for more integrity and less greed among executives. In a scathing examination of why leaders have lost their way, Leo Hindery speaks out on the role of the CEO. Does the corporate culture have to be driven by greed? Or can you do good and still make good in the big business world? Leo Hindery, the former CEO and President of companies such as AT&T Broadband, TCI, and the YES Network -- and currently Managing Partner of InterMedia Partners -- forcefully advocates approaching a business career as life's meaningful work, and not merely as a way to accumulate personal wealth. Both fiery and optimistic, Hindery calls upon his fellow executives to conduct themselves with the kind of integrity that used to be commonplace, but now seems all too rare. Holding his moral yardstick up to some of the worst transgressions in recent memory, Hindery tackles the toughest issues of the day head-on: Why should the ratio of average CEO pay to average employee pay today be 304:1 -- and in some cases, as high as 2,300:1? What does it mean when 80 percent of all viewed media content is owned by just 5 companies? If offshoring is good for the global economy, what needs to be done to make it fair? What should the role of the board of directors be, and whose job is it to take care of employees?With passion, insight, and humor, Hindery reinvigorates the code of business conduct. It Takes a CEO is a corporate handbook for our times -- not for how to get ahead, but for how to lead with integrity, grace, and heart.

It Takes a Tribe: Building the Tough Mudder Movement

by Will Dean

“Who on earth wants to jump into ice baths and run through fire and wallow in mud on a Sunday afternoon, just for the hell of it?” my professors asked. My gut feeling was—plenty of people. Will Dean, founder of extreme obstacle course Tough Mudder, shares the thrilling inside story of how a scrappy startup grew into a movement whose millions of members feel like co-owners. He shows how other companies can embrace the Tough Mudder playbook by nurturing tribes of passionate fans while constantly experimenting with new risks. After five years as a British counterterrorism officer and two years at Harvard Business School, Dean was determined not to follow his classmates to Wall Street or Silicon Valley. Instead, he pursued his unique vision for an extreme obstacle course—a ten- to twelve-mile gauntlet pushing participants to their limits and helping them surpass those limits together. Instead of cutthroat competition, Tough Mudder would be about continual self-improvement and collective energy. It would be about the power of a tribe. Dean and his small team launched the first Tough Mudder event in May 2010, hosting 5,000 pioneers at a deserted ski resort in Pennsylvania. Just seven years later, more than 3 million people on four continents have participated at least once, and hundreds of thousands have done so repeatedly. More than 20,000 are so committed that they sport a Tough Mudder tattoo. Mudders prove the power of fierce and unshakable loyalty to one another and the challenge itself. Proudly sport­ing orange headbands and team uniforms, they’ll run through mud, climb steep walls, face elec­tric shocks, and slide down the side of a moun­tain. The tougher the experience, the greater the satisfaction. It Takes a Tribe shows you how to embody the Tough Mudder spirit and capture the same magic. As a Tough Mudder slogan says, “When was the last time you did something for the first time?”

It Takes Chutzpah: How to Fight Fearlessly for Progressive Change

by Ron Wyden

In this inspirational call to action, a senior U.S. politician reveals how to accomplish goals with a combination of strong allies, persistence, and attention—that is, chutzpah.It Takes Chutzpah is an inspirational call to action by a senior U.S. politician, describing how Americans of all age groups, persuasions, and occupations can defy convention, chart new pathways for their communities, schools, at work and in life. US Senator Ron Wyden is widely praised for coming up with sensible-sounding ideas no one else had thought of and making the counter-intuitive political alliances that prove helpful in passing bills. In It Takes Chutzpah, he offers a progressive leader&’s manifesto for being a courageous warrior during turbulent times. &“Chutzpah&” is a Yiddish word that describes a trait that many Jews consider in-born. Ron explores chutzpah&’s long history and many interpretations and reclaims the word chutzpah for a new American generation, showing how it can be used for good to reclaim idealism and enact positive change. He shares &“Ron&’s 12 Rules of Chutzpah&” that enable any individual or group to achieve their objectives, including: 1. If you want to make change, you&’ve got to make noise. 2.In a world where everyone thinks and acts for the short-term, always play the long game. 3. Leading is coaching: Whether in legislation or in life, you&’ve got to bring people and ideas together around a shared goal. Ron identifies several key values—free speech, health care, reproductive rights, a clean environment, and reigning in Big Tech—and draws on his decades of public service to stress that preserving those values means that loud brashness and boldness will be needed now more than ever.

It Takes Money to Make Money: Your Investment Model--Why Raising Less Money Is Better--Seriously!

by John Mullins Randy Komisar

For most people who launch new ventures, it takes some up-front cash to open shop, and getting that cash is rarely easy. Investors worry about risk. Will the new venture make it in spite of the long odds? What is the potential return on their investment? As an entrepreneur, you are trying to figure out how to get started with as little investment as possible. Developing an investment model is a real challenge for most new ventures. But some companies--like Skype and Europe's Go airline, featured here--have built investment models that enabled them to generate surprising, even stunning, results on very modest investments. How can you do the same? In this chapter, the authors illustrate why leaner is generally better. They also look at some of the trade-offs involved in taking capital from external investors. This chapter was originally published as Chapter 7 of "Getting to Plan B: Breaking Through to a Better Business Model."

It Takes More than a Network: The Iraqi Insurgency and Organizational Adaptation

by Chad C. Serena

It Takes More than a Network presents a structured investigation of the Iraqi insurgency's capacity for and conduct of organizational adaptation. In particular, it answers the question of why the Iraqi insurgency was seemingly so successful between 2003 and late 2006 and yet nearly totally collapsed by 2008. The book's main argument is that the Iraqi insurgency failed to achieve longer-term organizational goals because many of its organizational strengths were also its organizational weaknesses: these characteristics abetted and then corrupted the Iraqi insurgency's ability to adapt. The book further compares the organizational adaptation of the Iraqi insurgency with the organizational adaptation of the Afghan insurgency. This is done to refine the findings of the Iraq case and to present a more robust analysis of the adaptive cycles of two large and diverse covert networked insurgencies. The book finds that the Afghan insurgency, although still ongoing, has adapted more successfully than the Iraqi insurgency because it has been better able to leverage the strengths and counter the weaknesses of its chosen organizational form.

It Takes What It Takes: How to Think Neutrally and Gain Control of Your Life

by Trevor Moawad Andy Staples

Foreword by Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell WilsonFrom a top mental conditioning coach—"the world’s best brain trainer” (Sports Illustrated)—who has transformed the lives and careers of elite athletes, business leaders, and military personnel, battle-tested strategies that will give you tools to manage and overcome negativity and achieve any goal.He knows how to win. More, he knows the many ways-subtle, brutal, often self-inflicted-we lose. As the most trusted mental coach in the world of sports, Trevor Moawad has worked with many of the most dominant athletes and the savviest coaches. From Nick Saban and Kirby Smart to Russell Wilson, they all look to Moawad for help finding or keeping or regaining their com­petitive edge. (As do countless business leaders and members of special forces.) Now, at last, Moawad shares his unique philosophy with the general public. He lays out lessons he's derived from his greatest career successes as well as personal setbacks, the game-changing wisdom he's earned as the go-to whisperer for elite performers on fields of play and among men and women headed to the battlefield. Moawad's motivational approach is elegant but refreshingly simple: He replaces hardwired negativity, the kind of defeatist mindset that's nearly everybody's default, with what he calls "neutral thinking." His own special innovation, it's a nonjudg­mental, nonreactive way of coolly assessing problems and analyzing crises, a mode of attack that offers luminous clarity and su­preme calm in the critical moments before taking decisive action. Not only can neutral thinking raise your performance level-it can transform your overall life. And it all starts, Moawad says, with letting go. Past failures, past losses-let them go. "The past isn't predic­tive. If you can absorb and embrace that belief, everything changes. You'll instantly feel more calm. And the athlete-or employee or parent or spouse-who's more calm is also more aware, and more times than not ... will win."

IT-Unterstützung im Risikomanagement: Eine qualitativ-empirische Studie zur Auswahl, Einführung und Verwendung von Risikomanagementsoftwarelösungen

by Max Schwarz

Basierend auf einer empirischen Studie unter Risikomanager*innen in der Realwirtschaft gibt Max Schwarz einen umfassenden Überblick über das Themenfeld der IT-Unterstützung im Risikomanagement. Dabei beleuchtet der Autor die relevanten Phasen der Auswahl, Einführung und Verwendung von kommerziellen Standardsoftwarelösungen sowie von eigenentwickelten Lösungen für das Risikomanagement. Zudem wird ein gegenwärtiger Status-Quo über praktizierte Methodiken innerhalb der einzelnen Prozessschritte sowie organisatorische Ausgestaltungen im Risikomanagement aufgezeigt. Basierend darauf werden konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen für die gelebte Praxis ausgesprochen.

The IT Value Network

by Tony J. Read

Learn to measure and manage the real value of IT investment and spendingIT investments are becoming more than just business enablers or assets on the books; they provide capability that can drive the business. Thought leadership should migrate towards information investment, getting a bigger bang for the buck from the 'I' in IT and from the 'I' in CIO.The IT Value Network: From IT Investment to Stakeholder Economic Value incorporates new emerging decision support methods, such as real options, which are considered to complement traditional financial measures. Organizational and informational economic based techniques are also incorporated to manage and assess IT investments, including the balanced scorecard (BSC), and investment and portfolio management; in addition to coverage of IT key performance indicators and competitive benchmarking.Selected as a top 10 best IT-Business book for 2009 by CIO Insight - Praises for The IT Value Network: From IT Investment to Stakeholder Value"This is probably the best 'up-to-date' executive information management resource since Strassmann's works of fifteen years ago. Tony Read provides a comprehensive and insightful assessment of the state of IT investment and the value of various technologies and information management in the modern enterprise. For corporate executives trying to navigate this rapidly changing landscape, this book is highly recommended."--Paul A. Brinkley, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (U.S.) for Business Transformation Agency"Managing technology investments with a value-based approach just works--it has provided significant stakeholder value at Indigo. This book is a must-read for both IT and business managers who want to improve the return on their IT investments."--Michael Serbinis, President, Shortcovers, CIO & EVP, Indigo Books & Music Inc."Difficulty proving the business value of IT remains a key barrier to IT executives. IT Value Network provides a clear road map to chief information officers interested in moving beyond simply aligning business and technology strategies. It is a must-read for IT executives who wish to become true partners to the business."--Gary Beach, Publisher Emeritus, CIO magazine"This book is a complete study of how value is derived and measured from IT investments. All IT strategy professionals should read it and have access to it. I strongly recommend it."--Ali Hamza, Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)"IT spending continues to climb, but IT value is invariably left on the table. Tony's new book will enlighten both the practitioner and academic to new approaches and techniques for capturing and realizing stakeholder economic value--with a great perspective to sustaining competitive advantage or as the book promotes network advantage, across the firm's value system."--Edward Lieblein, PhD, Dean and Professor, Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences, Nova Southeastern University"Tony Read's book provides excellent insight and strategies for maximizing shareholder return from IT investments. The book gives a timely response to the challenges every CIO and CFO face in the current economic environment. It is now more important than ever to demonstrate IT return on investment and this book is a valuable aid for Cx's looking to leverage every IT dollar to secure maximum business return"--Albert R. Hitchcock, CIO, Vodafone Group

It Was Never About the Ketchup!: The Life and Leadership Secrets of H. J. Heinz

by Steve Lentz

The inspiring life of the visionary food mogul whose last name has become synonymous with America&’s favorite condiment. In a world that has become increasingly complex, complicated and impersonal, it is easy to feel that each of our individual lives is relatively insignificant. But nothing could be further from the truth. Every life is unique! Each of us is created with the potential to make this world a better place because of our presence in it! The life of H. J. Heinz can inspire each of us to live a life that makes a difference. What makes his life so inspiring to me is his love for the common—the common place, the common man, today&’s common tasks and work. H. J. Heinz built an empire by doing common things uncommonly well! In the process, he left his mark in this world and left a legacy—a fortune—for generations to come. But his focus was never on his fortune. It never was about the ketchup!

It will have happened to you too

by Dario Sieve

It will have happened to you too by Dario Sieve Man is the terrestrial creature who with intelligence has been able to conquer dominance over the other animals on the planet. It is a pity that if you read carefully some repetitive situations of mass sociology it seems that it is precisely intelligence that is. It will have happened to you too It will have happened to you too to live experiences that seem surreal, so much so that you pinch yourself to prove that you are not dreaming, only to discover that it gives us everyday life, in the family, at work, during the hours of leisure and there is nothing fantastic. Dario Sieve, BNI Executive Director for Padua and Rovigo, helps to better understand his current role, invites readers to reflect and provides useful professional advice, making it clear that solutions are often well within their reach and that with sufficient willpower it is possible to reach (almost) every goal.

It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership

by Colin Powell Tony Koltz

New York Times Bestselling AuthorColin Powell, one of America’s most admired public figures, reveals the unique lessons that shaped his life and careerIt Worked for Me is a collection of lessons and personal anecdotes that shaped four star-general and former Secretary of State Colin Powell’s legendary career in public service. At its heart are Powell’s “Thirteen Rules,”—notes he accumulated on his desk that served as the basis for the leadership presentations he delivered throughout the world.Powell’s short-but-sweet rules such as “Get mad, then get over it” and “Share credit,” are illuminated by revealing personal stories that introduce and expand on his principles for effective leadership: conviction, hard work, and above all, respect for others. In work and life, Powell writes, “It is the human gesture that counts.”A compelling storyteller, Powell shares parables both humorous and solemn that offer wise advice on succeeding in the workplace and beyond. “Trust your people,” he councils as he delegates presidential briefing responsibilities to two junior aides. “Do your best--someone is watching,” he advises those just starting out, recalling his own teenage summer job shipping cases of soda. Powell combines the insight he gained serving in the top ranks of the military and in four presidential administrations, as well as the lessons learned from his hardscrabble upbringing in the Bronx and his training in the ROTC. The result is a powerful portrait of a leader who was reflective, self-effacing, and grateful for the contributions of every employee, no matter how junior.Powell’s writing--straightforward, accessible, and often very funny--will inspire, move, and surprise readers. Thoughtful and revealing, his book is a brilliant and original blueprint for leadership.

The Italian and Iberian Influence in Accounting History: The Imperative of Power (Routledge New Works in Accounting History)

by Michele Bigoni Warwick Funnell

The Italian and Iberian Influence in Accounting History provides compelling evidence of how accounting, when conceived of as a technology rather than simply as a tool to increase efficiency, can work as a means to sustain power relations in different sites, such as the Church, the State or the factory. This book, drawing upon the growing body of work which focuses on Italy and the Iberian Peninsula, demonstrates how accounting practices were effective in the subjugation of single individuals or entire populations, whether Roman Catholic priests, State functionaries, inhabitants of conquered lands or workers. The effectiveness of accounting as a tool of power is linked to its neutral and technical appearance, which makes it difficult for those oppressed and controlled by its practices to oppose it. Its adaptability to different organizational contexts, as documented in The Italian and Iberian Influence in Accounting History, makes it a valuable tool for sustaining existing power relations and reproducing inequalities and exploitation. The Italian and Iberian Influence in Accounting History is vital reading for academics and researchers in the fields of accounting, accounting history, political management and sociology and European history.

Italian Banking and Financial Law

by Domenico Siclari

Italian banks and financial intermediaries are subject to extensive regulation which has evolved throughout the country's history. There has also been much change to the country's financial regulation in recent years in response to the globalization of markets and intermediaries. The Italian administrative and regulatory system is often perceived as a major obstacle to economic productivity, and some causes of this ineffectiveness are deeply rooted and date back to the Italian unification and juridical culture. This book provides an overview of the Italian regulation of banking and financial activities, and tracks the evolution of its 'economic Constitution' and market trends. It explores a range of topics within Italian regulation, including the regulation of banking activities, investment services and collective portfolio management. It examines in detail the relationship between intermediaries and customers, public offerings of financial instruments and products, public takeover bids, listed companies, insurance and reinsurance business. Among other current topics the authors discuss the link between investor protection and confidence in the financial markets; and assess the financial markets as a source of financing for companies.

Italian Banking and Financial Law

by Domenico Siclari

Italian banks and financial intermediaries are subject to extensive regulation which has evolved throughout the country's history. There has also been much change to the country's financial regulation in recent years in response to the globalization of markets and intermediaries. The Italian administrative and regulatory system is often perceived as a major obstacle to economic productivity, and some causes of this ineffectiveness are deeply rooted and date back to the Italian unification and juridical culture. This book provides an overview of the Italian regulation of banking and financial activities, and tracks the evolution of its 'economic Constitution' and market trends. It explores a range of topics within Italian regulation, including the regulation of banking activities, investment services and collective portfolio management. It examines in detail the relationship between intermediaries and customers, public offerings of financial instruments and products, public takeover bids, listed companies, insurance and reinsurance business. Among other current topics the authors discuss the link between investor protection and confidence in the financial markets; and assess the financial markets as a source of financing for companies.

Italian Banking and Financial Law

by Domenico Siclari

Italian banks and financial intermediaries are subject to extensive regulation which has evolved throughout the country's history. There has also been much change to the country's financial regulation in recent years in response to the globalization of markets and intermediaries. The Italian administrative and regulatory system is often perceived as a major obstacle to economic productivity, and some causes of this ineffectiveness are deeply rooted and date back to the Italian unification and juridical culture. This book provides an overview of the Italian regulation of banking and financial activities, and tracks the evolution of its 'economic Constitution' and market trends. It explores a range of topics within Italian regulation, including the regulation of banking activities, investment services and collective portfolio management. It examines in detail the relationship between intermediaries and customers, public offerings of financial instruments and products, public takeover bids, listed companies, insurance and reinsurance business. Among other current topics the authors discuss the link between investor protection and confidence in the financial markets; and assess the financial markets as a source of financing for companies.

Italian Banking and Financial Law

by Domenico Siclari

Italian banks and financial intermediaries are subject to extensive regulation which has evolved throughout the country's history. There has also been much change to the country's financial regulation in recent years in response to the globalization of markets and intermediaries. The Italian administrative and regulatory system is often perceived as a major obstacle to economic productivity, and some causes of this ineffectiveness are deeply rooted and date back to the Italian unification and juridical culture. This book provides an overview of the Italian regulation of banking and financial activities, and tracks the evolution of its 'economic Constitution' and market trends. It explores a range of topics within Italian regulation, including the regulation of banking activities, investment services and collective portfolio management. It examines in detail the relationship between intermediaries and customers, public offerings of financial instruments and products, public takeover bids, listed companies, insurance and reinsurance business. Among other current topics the authors discuss the link between investor protection and confidence in the financial markets; and assess the financial markets as a source of financing for companies.

The Italian Banking System

by Stefano Cosma Elisabetta Gualandri

Why was the Italian Banking System more resilient during the sub-prime crisis and harder-hit in the sovereign crisis? Will their strength in the retail market result as an asset or a liability for Italian banks in the future? This book offers an in-depth analysis of one of the most important EU banking systems its attempts to weather the crisis.

Italian Cinema from the Silent Screen to the Digital Image

by Joseph Luzzi

In this comprehensive guide, some of the world's leading scholars consider the issues, films, and filmmakers that have given Italian cinema its enduring appeal. <p><p>Readers will explore the work of such directors as Federico Fellini, Michelangelo Antonioni, and Roberto Rossellini as well as a host of subjects including the Italian silent screen, the political influence of Fascism on the movies, lesser known genres such as the giallo (horror film) and Spaghetti Western, and the role of women in the Italian film industry. <p><p>Italian Cinema from the Silent Screen to the Digital Image explores recent developments in cinema studies such as digital performance, the role of media and the Internet, neuroscience in film criticism, and the increased role that immigrants are playing in the nation's cinema.

The Italian Economy in the 1990s (Routledge Studies In The European Economy Ser.)

by Prof H Scobie P. Doole S. Mortali S. Persuad H.M. Scobie

First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

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