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Jefferson's Treasure: How Albert Gallatin Saved the New Nation from Debt
by Gregory MayGeorge Washington had Alexander Hamilton. Thomas Jefferson had Albert Gallatin. From internationally known tax expert and former Supreme Court law clerk Gregory May comes this long overdue biography of the remarkable immigrant who launched the fiscal policies that shaped the early Republic and the future of American politics. Not Alexander Hamilton---Albert Gallatin. To this day, the fight over fiscal policy lies at the center of American politics. Jefferson's champion in that fight was Albert Gallatin---a Swiss immigrant who served as Treasury Secretary for twelve years because he was the only man in Jefferson's party who understood finance well enough to reform Alexander Hamilton's system. A look at Gallatin's work---repealing internal taxes, restraining government spending, and repaying public debt---puts our current federal fiscal problems in perspective. The Jefferson Administration's enduring achievement was to contain the federal government by restraining its fiscal power. This was Gallatin's work. It set the pattern for federal finance until the Civil War, and it created a culture of fiscal responsibility that survived well into the twentieth century.
Jeffrey Deitch: Art Entrepreneur
by Henry W. McGee Rohit Deshpande Sarah GulickJeffrey Deitch is a gallery owner and art entrepreneur. The case discusses the decisions he has made in order to reach his current stage in life, including as a student, HBS grad, museum curator, art advisor, and gallery owner. The case also gives a background on the arts sales industry. After working in a variety of entrepreneurial arts jobs, the question Deitch asks is: what should he do next?
Jeffrey Sachs
by Japhy WilsonAn investigation of Sachs's schizophrenic career, and the worldwide havoc he has caused. Jeffrey Sachs is a man with many faces. A celebrated economist and special advisor to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, he is also no stranger to the world of celebrity, accompanying Bono, Madonna and Angelina Jolie on high-profile trips to Africa. Once notorious as the progenitor of a brutal form of free market engineering called 'shock therapy', Sachs now positions himself as a voice of progressivism, condemning the '1 per cent' and promoting his solution to extreme poverty through the Millennium Villages Project. Appearances can be deceiving. Jeffrey Sachs: The Strange Case of Dr Shock and Mr Aid is the story of an evangelical development expert who poses as saviour of the Third World while opening vulnerable nations to economic exploitation. Based on documentary research and on-the-ground investigation, Jeffrey Sachs exposes Mr Aid as no more than a new, more human face of Dr Shock. From the Trade Paperback edition.ing himself as an evangelical development expert and savior of the Third World, while actually working to reinforce the neoliberal project that he now claims to oppose. Based on documentary research and on-the-ground investigation of the Millennium Villages Project, Jeffrey Sachs exposes its subject's Jekyll/Hyde complex, showing Mr. Aid to be no more than the new, more human face of Dr. Shock himself. From the Trade Paperback edition.
Jeffrey Smith
by Jennifer M. Suesse Herminia IbarraJeffrey Smith and David Johnson have apparently irreconcilable differences over their firm's strategy, which have led Jeffrey to conclude that he must fire David. Focuses on whether Jeffrey has used his influence in such a way as to avoid conflict. If he has no other option, how should Jeffrey go about firing David? A rewritten version of an earlier case.
Jehovah's Witnesses: Portrait of a Contemporary Religious Movement
by Andrew HoldenThis is the first major study of the enigmatic religious society. By examining the Jehovah's Witnesses' dramatic recent expansion, Andrew Holden reveals the dependency of their quasi-totalitarian movement on the physical and cultural resources have brought about the privatization of religion, the erosion of community, and the separation of 'fact' from faith.
JELL-O Girls: A Family History
by Allie RowbottomA "gorgeous" (New York Times) memoir that braids the evolution of one of America's most iconic branding campaigns with the stirring tales of the women who lived behind its facade - told by the inheritor of their stories. <P><P>In 1899, Allie Rowbottom's great-great-great-uncle bought the patent to Jell-O from its inventor for $450. The sale would turn out to be one of the most profitable business deals in American history, and the generations that followed enjoyed immense privilege - but they were also haunted by suicides, cancer, alcoholism, and mysterious ailments. More than 100 years after that deal was struck, Allie's mother Mary was diagnosed with the same incurable cancer, a disease that had also claimed her own mother's life. <P><P>Determined to combat what she had come to consider the "Jell-O curse" and her looming mortality, Mary began obsessively researching her family's past, determined to understand the origins of her illness and the impact on her life of Jell-O and the traditional American values the company championed. Before she died in 2015, Mary began to send Allie boxes of her research and notes, in the hope that her daughter might write what she could not. JELL-O GIRLS is the liberation of that story. <P><P>A gripping examination of the dark side of an iconic American product and a moving portrait of the women who lived in the shadow of its fractured fortune, JELL-O GIRLS is a family history, a feminist history, and a story of motherhood, love and loss. In crystalline prose Rowbottom considers the roots of trauma not only in her own family, but in the American psyche as well, ultimately weaving a story that is deeply personal, as well as deeply connected to the collective female experience.
The Jelly Effect: How to Make Your Communication Stick
by Andy BoundsLike throwing jelly at a wall, poor communication never sticks. Too much information and not enough relevance is a problem that pervades almost all business communication. So what's the answer? More relevance and a lot less jelly. The Jelly Effect teaches you simple, memorable and costless ways to win more attention and more business. Imagine how effective you'd be if you communicated only what was relevant 100 percent of the time. You would be better at talking to others, presenting, networking and selling. You would excel in interviews, meetings and pay-rise discussions. The benefits would be endless. The Jelly Effect will show you how to get the best out of any situation, whether you're speaking to an individual or a group, formally or informally, inside or outside your organisation. By the time you close the final page of this book, you will be armed with practical, proven techniques that will help you be more effective in all your business dealings. "Andy Bounds taught me more about effective presenting than a lady who’d previously taught two US presidents." –Drayton Bird, chairman of Drayton Bird Partnership and world leading authority on direct marketing
The Jelly Effect
by Andy BoundsLike throwing jelly at a wall, poor communication never sticks.Too much information and not enough relevance is a problem that pervades almost all business communication. So what's the answer? More relevance and a lot less jelly.The Jelly Effect teaches you simple, memorable and costless ways to win more attention and more business. Imagine how effective you'd be if you communicated only what was relevant 100 percent of the time. You would be better at talking to others, presenting, networking and selling. You would excel in interviews, meetings and pay-rise discussions. The benefits would be endless.The Jelly Effect will show you how to get the best out of any situation, whether you're speaking to an individual or a group, formally or informally, inside or outside your organisation. By the time you close the final page of this book, you will be armed with practical, proven techniques that will help you be more effective in all your business dealings."Andy Bounds taught me more about effective presenting than a lady who'd previously taught two US presidents."-Drayton Bird, chairman of Drayton Bird Partnership and world leading authority on direct marketing
Jenkins Administrator's Guide: Install, manage, and scale a CI/CD build and release system to accelerate your product life cycle
by Calvin Sangbin Park Lalit Adithya Samuel Gleske Tracy MirandaBuild and manage a production Jenkins instance, complete with CI/CD pipelines using GitHub and Docker Hub, Jenkins Configuration as Code, Shared Libraries, Script Security, and optimization guidesKey FeaturesSet up production-grade Jenkins and CI/CD pipelines with GitHub and Docker Hub integrationsManage, protect, and upgrade a production Jenkins instance regardless of its size and the number of usersScale a Jenkins instance using advanced optimization tips, tricks, and best practicesBook DescriptionJenkins is a renowned name among build and release CI/CD DevOps engineers because of its usefulness in automating builds, releases, and even operations. Despite its capabilities and popularity, it's not easy to scale Jenkins in a production environment. Jenkins Administrator's Guide will not only teach you how to set up a production-grade Jenkins instance from scratch, but also cover management and scaling strategies.This book will guide you through the steps for setting up a Jenkins instance on AWS and inside a corporate firewall, while discussing design choices and configuration options, such as TLS termination points and security policies. You'll create CI/CD pipelines that are triggered through GitHub pull request events, and also understand the various Jenkinsfile syntax types to help you develop a build and release process unique to your requirements. For readers who are new to Amazon Web Services, the book has a dedicated chapter on AWS with screenshots. You'll also get to grips with Jenkins Configuration as Code, disaster recovery, upgrading plans, removing bottlenecks, and more to help you manage and scale your Jenkins instance.By the end of this book, you'll not only have a production-grade Jenkins instance with CI/CD pipelines in place, but also knowledge of best practices by industry experts.What you will learnSet up a production-grade Jenkins instance on AWS and on-premisesCreate continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines triggered by GitHub pull request eventsUse Jenkins Configuration as Code to codify a Jenkins setupBackup and restore configurations and plan for disaster recoveryPlan, communicate, execute, and roll back upgrade scenariosIdentify and remove common bottlenecks in scaling JenkinsUse Shared Libraries to develop helper functions and create new DSLsWho this book is forThis book is for both new Jenkins administrators and advanced users who want to optimize and scale Jenkins. Jenkins beginners can follow the step-by-step directions, while advanced readers can join in-depth discussions on Script Security, removing bottlenecks, and other interesting topics. Build and release CI/CD DevOps engineers of all levels will also find new and useful information to help them run a production-grade Jenkins instance following industry best practices.
The Jenner Situation
by Andy Whittemore Richard G. Hamermesh Eliot ShermanDr. Bill Lemont is the new chief medical officer of a large academic medical center. During his first week on the job he has become aware of the abusive behavior and temper outbursts of a prominent orthopedic surgeon. How Dr. Lemont handles the situation will be scrutinized inside and perhaps outside the hospital.
Jenseits der Hierarchie: Status im beruflichen Alltag aktiv gestalten
by Johannes M. Lehner Walter O. ÖtschAktualisierte und erweiterte, 2. Auflage – jetzt mit einem neuen Kapitel zu Social Media! Beeinflussen Sprechgeschwindigkeit und -lautstärke meinen Status? Wie kann ich aus anscheinender Naivität einen Vorteil ziehen? Welche Rolle spielt meine Körpersprache? Warum ist Zeit ein Statuselement? Wie inszeniere ich mich richtig? Gibt es im »Statusspiel« einen Unterschied zwischen Männern und Frauen? Hat Status etwas mit Hierarchie zu tun? Johannes M. Lehner und Walter O. Ötsch geben in ihrem Buch Antwort auf diese und weitere Fragen. Sie zeigen Ihnen, wie hoher und niedriger Status entsteht und welche Schlüsse Sie daraus für sich ziehen können. Sie werden in die Lage versetzt, Ihr eigenes Verhalten und das der Personen in Ihrer Umgebung wahrzunehmen, zu reflektieren und einzuschätzen. Dabei setzen sich die Autoren in erster Linie mit den sozialen Prozessen im Wirtschaftsleben auseinander. Ihr Fazit: Status ist kein Schicksal. Jeder kann durch eigenes Verhalten seinen Status beeinflussen – und zwar jenseits von Hierarchie und festgelegten Rollen oder Positionen. Ein Buch zum »Wiedererkennen« alltäglicher und bekannter Situationen, spannend und lehrreich zugleich! Aber Achtung: Ihr Wissen und Ihre Sichtweise könnten verändert werden!
Jenseits der Masken: Ideen und Übungen für ein authentisches und selbstbestimmtes Leben
by Oliver FlorigHerauszufinden, wer Sie eigentlich sind und sein möchten, stellt eine große Herausforderung dar: Dieser Ratgeber unterstützt Sie dabei. Der Wunsch, wirklich man selbst zu sein, zählt zu den großen Sehnsüchten moderner westlicher Menschen. Man selbst zu werden setzt voraus, sich auf die Schliche zu kommen: In welcher Weise vermeide ich es, ich selbst zu sein? Welche Erwartungen anderer und welche inneren Muster steuern mich bisher? Was liegt mir eigentlich am Herzen? Was sind meine Aufgaben im Leben? Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, darf, kann, muss man sich zugleich mit seiner inneren Stimme und der Welt auseinandersetzen. Dabei zeigt sich auch: Man selbst wird man dann, wenn man nicht krampfhaft um sich selbst kreist, sondern ein Leben lebt, das den eigenen Einsichten und Werten entspricht. Aus dem Inhalt: Neue Perspektiven aus Psychologie und Philosophie – Fragen zur Anwendung auf Ihre konkrete Lebenssituation – Fallbeispiele – Übungen und Beobachtungsaufgaben. Über den Autor: Dr. Oliver Florig ist als Therapeut, Coach und Paarberater mit Praxis in Kempten und Heidelberg tätig. Anlass für dieses Buch war eine Frage, die ihm in seiner Praxis immer wieder begegnet, nämlich die Frage, was es heißt, ein authentisches und selbstbestimmtes Leben zu führen.
Jensen Shoes: Jane Kravitz's Story
by Mary Gentile Pamela J. MausJane Kravitz (Caucasian female), strategic product manager, and Lyndon Twitchell (African American male), a member of her staff at Jensen Shoes, a successful producer and marketer of casual, athletic, and children's footwear, are assigned to new positions and to each other at the start of the story. Presents their very different points of view on their first couple of months working together. Can be taught in a variety of ways: with all students receiving both cases; half receiving one and half receiving the other; or a third of the class receiving both, one third receiving one, and one third receiving the other (as is appropriate). Should be used with Jenson Shoes: Lyndon Twitchell's Story.
Jensen Shoes: Lyndon Brook's Story
by Mary Gentile Pamela J. MausJane Kravitz (Caucasian female), strategic product manager, and Lyndon Brooks (African American male), a member of her staff at Jensen Shoes, a successful producer and marketer of casual, athletic, and children's footwear, are assigned to new positions and to each other at the start of the story. Presents their very different points of view on their first couple of months working together. Can be taught in a variety of ways: with all students receiving both cases; half receiving one and half receiving the other; or a third of the class receiving both, one third receiving one, and one third receiving the other (as is appropriate). Should be used with Jensen Shoes: Jane Kravitz's Story. This case is a revised version of Jensen shoes: Lyndon Twitchell's Story.
Jeopardy: The Danger of Playing It Safe on the Path to Success
by Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones'Wilfred's sheer ambition is an inspiration. We can all learn from it.' - Peter Bazalgette'Based on my career, Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones' approach to risk can produce huge dividends' - Nigel Travis, chairman of Dunkin' Brands and author of The Challenge CultureJeopardy is the single greatest catalyst for making things happen in life.In Jeopardy, award-winning entrepreneur Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones argues that our natural instinct for caution is one of the greatest barriers to making progress in life, and shows how embracing jeopardy is essential if you want to succeed.Drawing on a life that has taken him from a deprived childhood in inner-city Birmingham to becoming one of the nation's most famous farmers, he demonstrates how we can all go further in life by learning to escape the fears that stop us from achieving our ambitions.Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones is no stranger to jeopardy: he remortgaged his house in 2005 to launch his brand 'The Black Farmer' from nothing. Its products are now stocked in all major supermarkets and the business has an annual turnover of several million. In this book, he shows that only by embracing jeopardy, and liberating ourselves from the shackles of uncertainty and self-doubt, can we realise our full potential.What could you achieve, if you decided to stop letting fear hold you back?
Jeopardy: The Danger of Playing It Safe on the Path to Success
by Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones'Wilfred's sheer ambition is an inspiration. We can all learn from it.' - Peter Bazalgette'Based on my career, Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones' approach to risk can produce huge dividends' - Nigel Travis, chairman of Dunkin' Brands and author of The Challenge CultureJeopardy is the single greatest catalyst for making things happen in life.In Jeopardy, award-winning entrepreneur Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones argues that our natural instinct for caution is one of the greatest barriers to making progress in life, and shows how embracing jeopardy is essential if you want to succeed.Drawing on a life that has taken him from a deprived childhood in inner-city Birmingham to becoming one of the nation's most famous farmers, he demonstrates how we can all go further in life by learning to escape the fears that stop us from achieving our ambitions.Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones is no stranger to jeopardy: he remortgaged his house in 2005 to launch his brand 'The Black Farmer' from nothing. Its products are now stocked in all major supermarkets and the business has an annual turnover of several million. In this book, he shows that only by embracing jeopardy, and liberating ourselves from the shackles of uncertainty and self-doubt, can we realise our full potential.What could you achieve, if you decided to stop letting fear hold you back?
Jeremy Bentham's Economic Writings: Volume Two
by W. StarkThis volume contains all the writings that are grouped around Bentham's boldest idea - the proposal of a 'circulating currency': a government sponsored currency which would be both a kind of savings certificate and a kind of paper money. The roots of this proposal are illustrated in two pamphlets from 1794-96, along with subsequent pamphlets and discussions which show Bentham's unsuccessful negotiations with the trasury on this matter.
Jeremy Bentham's Economic Writings: Volume One
by W. StarkThis volume covers the period 1787-1795 and contains The Defence of Usury, the Manual of Political Economy in its authentic form and two financial treatises which reflect Bentham's work to find a way in which govenment could be carried on without taxation.
Jeremy Bentham's Economic Writings: Volume Three
by W. StarkThis volume takes as its main theme the demand for legislative control of the banking trade, with the aim of preventing the inflationary reduction of fixed incomes.
Jerks at Work: Toxic Coworkers and What to Do About Them
by Tessa WestA practical and hilarious guide to getting difficult people off your back, for anyone pulling their hair out over an irritating colleague who's not technically breaking any rulesFrom open floor plans and Zoom calls to Slack channels, the workplace has changed a lot over the years. But there&’s one thing that never changes: you&’ll always encounter jerks. Jerks at Work is the definitive guide to dealing with—and ultimately breaking free from—the overbearing bosses, irritating coworkers, and all-around difficult people who make work and life miserable. Social psychologist Tessa West has spent years leveraging science to help people solve interpersonal conflicts in the workplace. What she discovered is that most of our go-to tactics don&’t work because they fail to address the specific motivations that drive bad behavior. In this book, she takes you on a rollicking deep dive of the seven jerks you&’re most likely to encounter at the office, drawing on decades of original research to expose their inner workings and weak points—and ultimately deliver an effective game plan for stopping each type before they take you down with them. Jerks at Work is packed with everyday examples and clever strategies, such as how to: • Stop a Bulldozer from gaining influence by making sure they're not the first to speak up in meetings • Report a Kiss Up/Kick Downer to a manager who idolizes them without looking like the bad guy • Protect your high-achieving team from Free Riders without stifling collaboration • Use a Gaslighter&’s tactics to beat them at their own game For anyone who&’s said &“I can&’t stand that jerk!&” more times than they&’d like to admit, Jerks at Work is the ultimate playbook you wish you didn&’t need but will always turn to.
Jerry Sanders
by Katherine Lawrence M. Diane BurtonIn 1997, Jay Sanders sold his 10-month-old medical device start-up company for more than $33 million. Looking to the future, he wondered if this was a success he could transform into a medical device brokerage business. As he reviewed his career history and the development of his start-up, Sanders was betting that he could replicate his success.
Jess Westerly at Kauflauf GmbH
by John J. Gabarro Colleen KaftanJess Westerly is the assistant product owner of CRM applications for computer and office supply wholesalers and retailers at Kauflauf, a fast-growing provider of subscription enterprise software headquartered in Heidelberg, Germany. Only months into her job, outsider Westerly tries and fails to implement a change in field consultants' sales call patterns. Westerly had introduced the changes to the sales organization via a memo that outlined her directive and explained the reasons behind it. Field consultants immediately complained about the infringement on their decisions about how to spend their time and the insensitivity to the relationship-oriented nature of developing business. Three months later, sales statistics show little difference in calling patterns. After explaining, defending, and reshaping her stalled initiative, Waverly presents her amended proposal to key senior executives and is given three weeks to produce an implementation plan. If the plan is deemed acceptable, she will be asked to implement it.
JESUS, Career Counselor
by Laurie Beth JonesWritten to help readers get, find, and keep the work they love, JESUS, Career Counselor weaves together practical self-help concepts, intriguing stories, relevant statistics, and Bible scriptures. Divided into four sections centered on the four natural giftings or personalities of people, this book explores twelve dreams that God has for each individual--including rise, risk, roar, renew, regenerate, rejoice, relate, and more. It then instructs readers in how to realize each one of these dreams, no matter their natural inclination.As individual personalities of Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind are explored, the book explains how the Fire of excitement translates to Leadership Skills, how the Earth of grounding translates into Good Habits and Character Development, how the Water of life-giving becomes Relationship Skills, and how the Wind of release becomes the Creativity and Innovation, which are in high demand in every industry in the world today.Readers will learn how to discover their four greatest talents and create their personal Talent Shield, which will help them choose a meaningful career based on their Life's Mission Statement.Each chapter serves as a free-standing career guidepost, and includes Career Exercises, pertinent Word Definitions, Career Choices for individual gifting, Self-Quizzes, and Reader Study Guides.
Jesus, CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership
by Laurie Beth Jones&“Leaders have a chance, here and now, to create something better than before. We need, like Jesus, to guard our energy. We need to aim for what is noble, not just profitable. We need to become turn-around specialists, seeking better ways of doing things. We need to break ranks and be bold. We need leaders who recognize that we are all connected in a chain of interdependence.&”--from the Afterword by Laurie Beth Jones Bestselling author Laurie Beth Jones brings you the ultimate guide to transforming your team and sparking inspiration in your business—for the new generation of leaders. And who better to learn from than a leader who turned a disorganized staff of twelve into a thriving enterprise that&’s lasted over two millennia? In Jesus, CEO, you&’ll learn how to use ancient wisdom to tap your team&’s energy and intelligence and reinvent your business for a world changing faster than ever.Filled with fresh, practical, and profound advice, Jesus, CEO helps you motivate your team and yourself. Jones divides this advice into three sections: strength of self-mastery, strength of actions, and strength of relationships. By following the leadership techniques of Jesus, you&’ll see that in this hectic, fast-moving business world, the best course is to ground yourself in ancient examples of empathy, integrity, and tenacity.