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J.W. McConnell
by William FongJ.W. McConnell (1877-1963), born to a poor farming family in Ontario, became one of the wealthiest and most powerful businessmen of his generation - in Canada and internationally. Early in his career McConnell established the Montreal office of the Standard Chemical Company and began selling bonds and shares in both North America and Europe, establishing relationships that would lead to his enormous financial success. He was involved in numerous businesses, from tramways to ladies' fashion to mining, and served on the boards of several corporations. For nearly fifty years he was president of St Laurence Sugar and late in life he became the owner and publisher of the Montreal Star. McConnell was an indefatigable and formidable fundraiser for the YMCA, the war effort of 1914/18, hospitals, and McGill University, where he served as governor for almost three decades. In 1937 he established what would become The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, the first major foundation in Canada and still one of the best endowed. J.W. McConnell was a principled and brilliant visionary with a strong work ethic and a deep commitment to the public good, a Rockefellerian figure in both big business and high society who quietly became one of the greatest philanthropists of his time. His life story - told in uncompromising detail by William Fong - is a study of raising, spending, and giving away money on the grandest scale.
J.W. McConnell: Financier, Philanthropist, Patriot
by William FongJ.W. McConnell (1877-1963), born to a poor farming family in Ontario, became one of the wealthiest and most powerful businessmen of his generation - in Canada and internationally. Early in his career McConnell established the Montreal office of the Standard Chemical Company and began selling bonds and shares in both North America and Europe, establishing relationships that would lead to his enormous financial success. He was involved in numerous businesses, from tramways to ladies' fashion to mining, and served on the boards of several corporations. For nearly fifty years he was president of St Laurence Sugar and late in life he became the owner and publisher of the Montreal Star. McConnell was an indefatigable and formidable fundraiser for the YMCA, the war effort of 1914/18, hospitals, and McGill University, where he served as governor for almost three decades. In 1937 he established what would become The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, the first major foundation in Canada and still one of the best endowed. J.W. McConnell was a principled and brilliant visionary with a strong work ethic and a deep commitment to the public good, a Rockefellerian figure in both big business and high society who quietly became one of the greatest philanthropists of his time. His life story - told in uncompromising detail by William Fong - is a study of raising, spending, and giving away money on the grandest scale.
by Junior Achievement UsaA book that will help you develop your economic thinking and knowledge, As you progress through this course, you will see that economics is largely a way of thinking--about all kinds of things. Like learning to play a sport or a musical instrument, economic thinking is a skill that takes practice to develop.
Ja zum Nein: Selbstachtung Statt Harmoniesucht - Mit Sofort-übungen Für Den Beruflichen Alltag
by Kirstin NickelsenDieses Buch ist ein echter Selbstschutz-Leitfaden für alle, denen Grenzen setzen schwer fällt. Ihnen kommt ein „Nein“ zu Mehrarbeit oder Gefälligkeiten nur schwer über die Lippen, obwohl der eigene Schreibtisch schon randvoll ist. Stattdessen bleibt der hilflose Ärger über Chefs und Kollegen: „Immer ich, mit mir kann man es ja machen!“. Privat läuft es ähnlich, doch irgendwann ist das Maß voll, sind die Batterien leer. Davor schützt nur gekonntes „Nein“-Sagen – und das will gelernt sein. Wer nicht gut „Nein“ sagen kann, hat in der Regel Angst: vor dem Verlust des Jobs, vor dem Verlust von Zuneigung, Wertschätzung etc. Die Autorin hinterfragt diese Ängste und zeigt Wege, sie einfach und souverän zu bewältigen, eigene Grenzen zu erkennen und diese voll Selbstrespekt zu wahren. So gewinnt sich der Leser wieder als wichtigsten Menschen im eigenen Leben. Zahlreiche praktische Übungen, die sofort in die Tat umgesetzt werden können, machen dieses Buch zu einem besonders wertvollen Alltagshelfer. Die dritte Auflage wurde sorgfältig durchgesehen.
Ja zur Digitalisierung!: Mit der richtigen Einstellung die Zukunftsfähigkeit des Unternehmens sichern
by Sascha ZöllerUm die Zukunftsfähigkeit eines Unternehmens zu erhalten, führt an der Digitalisierung kein Weg mehr vorbei. Doch was, wenn die Entscheidungsträger weder über eine Strategie verfügen, wie sie diesen Prozess in Angriff nehmen sollen, noch über eine Vision hinsichtlich der zahlreichen Chancen für das Unternehmen? Sascha Zöller ermöglicht mit diesem Buch einen anschaulichen und praxisnahen Einstieg in das Thema Digitalisierung, gibt einen Überblick über die relevanten Themenkomplexe und zeigt anhand zahlreicher Beispiele, wie Strategien entwickelt und Prozesse gestaltet werden können. Dabei geht er auf die Unternehmenskultur und die Motivation der Mitarbeiter ebenso ein wie auf Fallstricke und Erfolgsfaktoren bei der Umsetzung.Dieses Buch richtet sich vor allem an Digitalisierungsskeptiker und an jene Personen in den Unternehmen, die sich von den rasanten Entwicklungen im digitalen Sektor überrannt fühlen und bisher lieber den Kopf in den Sand steckten. Es beschreibt die notwendigen Schritte, um die richtige Einstellung zu entwickeln, und gibt zahlreiche Tools an die Hand, um den Digitalisierungsprozess im Unternehmen erfolgreich zu initiieren und zu begleiten.
Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World
by Gary VaynerchukNew York Times bestselling author and social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk shares hard-won advice on how to connect with customers and beat the competition. A mash-up of the best elements of Crush It! and The Thank You Economy with a fresh spin, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook is a blueprint to social media marketing strategies that really works. When managers and marketers outline their social media strategies, they plan for the “right hook”—their next sale or campaign that’s going to knock out the competition. Even companies committed to jabbing—patiently engaging with customers to build the relationships crucial to successful social media campaigns—want to land the punch that will take down their opponent or their customer’s resistance in one blow. Right hooks convert traffic to sales and easily show results. Except when they don’t.Thanks to massive change and proliferation in social media platforms, the winning combination of jabs and right hooks is different now. Vaynerchuk shows that while communication is still key, context matters more than ever. It’s not just about developing high-quality content, but developing high-quality content perfectly adapted to specific social media platforms and mobile devices—content tailor-made for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Tumblr.
by Jack WelchJack Welch was perhaps the greatest corporate leader of the 20th century. When he first became CEO of General Electric in 1981 the company was worth $12 billion. Twenty years later it is worth a total of $280 billion. But Welch was more than just the leader of the most successful business in the world. He revolutionised GE's entire corporate culture with his distinctive, highly personal management style: the individual appreciation of each of his 500 managers, the commitment to an informal but driven work style and the encouragement of candour were all part of the Welch approach. Following John Harvey Jones's Making it Happen and Troubleshooter, Jack has already become the businessman's bible for the 21st century - an inspiration for a new generation of corporate players.
Jack: Straight from the Gut (Business Ser.)
by Jack Welch John A. ByrneIn his #1 New York Times bestseller, Jack Welch surveys his brilliant career at General Electric, reveals his personal business philosophy, and discusses his life post-retirement in a new afterword.They called him Neutron Jack. They called him the world's toughest boss. And then Fortune(r) called him "The Manager of the Century." In his 20-year career at the helm of General Electric, Jack Welch defied conventional wisdom and turned an aging behemoth of a corporation into a lean, mean engine of growth and corporate innovation. In this remarkable autobiography--a classic business book and runaway New York Times bestseller now updated with a new afterword--Jack Welch takes us on the rough-and-tumble ride that has been his remarkable life.
Jack Smith (A): Career Launch at Toyota
by Courtney Purrington Steven J. SpearJack Smith had a stellar career at Chrysler managing major design teams and manufacturing plants before deciding to join industry leader and benchmark Toyota. It is his first day on the job; what will his orientation entail? Cursory walkthroughs and introductions before assignment to a job commensurate with his experience and accomplishments or something else to help him acclimate to Toyota's unique management approach?
Jack Smith (B): Becoming a Toyota Manager (I)
by Steven J. SpearJack Smith had a stellar career at Chrysler managing major design teams and manufacturing plants before deciding to join industry leader and benchmark Toyota. It is his first day on the job; what will his orientation entail? Cursory walkthroughs and introductions before assignment to a job commensurate with his experience and accomplishments or something else to acclimate him to Toyota's unique management approach?
Jack Smith (C): Becoming a Toyota Manager (II)
by Steven J. SpearJack Smith had a stellar career at Chrysler managing major design teams and manufacturing plants before deciding to join industry leader and benchmark Toyota. It is his first day on the job; what will his orientation entail? Cursory walkthroughs and introductions before assignment to a job commensurate with his experience and accomplishments or something else to acclimate him to Toyota's unique management approach?
Jack Thomas
by John P. Kotter Andrew BurtisThis redisguised version of an earlier case, Tom Levick, provides an updated setting but does not change the teaching objectives. Chronicles the first six weeks of experience on the job for a recent business school graduate. Emphasis is on managing upwards--particularly with respect to errors discovered by the protaganist for which his boss was responsible. Provides background data.
Jack Welch: General Electric's Revolutionary
by Joseph L. Bower Jay DialDescribes the work of Jack Welch as CEO of General Electric from 1981 to 1992, focusing particularly on his transformation of the company's portfolio through extensive dispositions and acquisitions and the company's culture through a mandated process called "work out." To a considerable extent, the case tells the story in Welch's own words drawing on earlier cases on Welch prepared by Richard Hammermesh and Frank Aguilar, as well as a 1991 interview with Welch in the Harvard Business Review and an article in Fortune, "GE Keeps Those Ideas Coming."
Jackie Taylor: The Black Ensemble Theater
by Dan Perkins Steven S. RogersJackie Taylor, an African American woman who founded a colorful theatre company, must decide whether to build a new theatre complex during an economic downturn, as construction costs rise, or wait it out. Debt is unappealing, but a new facility is essential to the company's future. Current plans mirror Taylor's aspirations for her company, and design changes will necessitate changes in strategy. Should Taylor simply focus on her brand of theatre and build accordingly, or push for a complex to develop new talent that will tell new Afro-centric stories? Will new stories appeal to an aging, but loyal audience? Perhaps Taylor should broaden storylines and focus to cater to younger, mainstream theatre-goers. Will they help pay for a new facility?
Jackpot: How the Super-Rich Really Live—and How Their Wealth Harms Us All
by Michael MechanicA senior editor at Mother Jones dives into the lives of the extremely rich, showing the fascinating, otherworldly realm they inhabit—and the insidious ways this realm harms us all.Have you ever fantasized about being ridiculously wealthy? Probably. Striking it rich is among the most resilient of American fantasies, surviving war and peace, expansions and recessions, economic meltdowns and global pandemics. We dream of the jackpot, the big exit, the life-altering payday, in whatever form that takes. (Americans spent $81 billion on lottery tickets in 2019, more than the GDPs of most nations.) We would escape &“essential&” day jobs and cramped living spaces, bury our debts, buy that sweet spread, and bail out struggling friends and relations. But rarely do we follow the fantasy to its conclusion—to ponder the social, psychological, and societal downsides of great affluence and the fact that so few possess it. What is it actually like to be blessed with riches in an era of plagues, political rancor, and near-Dickensian economic differences? How mind-boggling are the opportunities and access, how problematic the downsides? Does the experience differ depending on whether the money is earned or unearned, where it comes from, and whether you are male or female, white or black? Finally, how does our collective lust for affluence, and our stubborn belief in social mobility, explain how we got to the point where forty percent of Americans have literally no wealth at all? These are all questions that Jackpot sets out to explore. The result of deep reporting and dozens of interviews with fortunate citizens—company founders and executives, superstar coders, investors, inheritors, lottery winners, lobbyists, lawmakers, academics, sports agents, wealth and philanthropy professionals, concierges, luxury realtors, Bentley dealers, and even a woman who trains billionaires&’ nannies in physical combat, Jackpot is a compassionate, character-rich, perversely humorous, and ultimately troubling journey into the American wealth fantasy and where it has taken us.
Jack's Notebook: A business novel about creative problem solving
by Gregg FraleyProblems! Jack Huber has his share. But when he is introduced to the creative problem solving process from an unexpected source, life soon changes . . . drastically. Jack Huber dreams of being a professional photographer and starting his own business. He has a few ideas but doesn't know how to process them to make his dream a reality. That is until an unlikely mentor stumbles upon Jack's path and shares a whole new way of thinking through problems. In Jack's Notebook, Gregg Fraley, an innovation consultant to Fortune 500 companies, illustrates a well-kept secret of corporate America: the Creative Problem Solving process. "If you are struggling to move ahead in your career, if you're an executive with a thorny corporate challenge, someone trying to solve a messy community issue, a family trying to sort through an emotional conflict, or an entrepreneur looking for ways to make the most of limited resources-this book is for you. If you have a 'mess' on your hands, you have found a useful tool." -from the Introduction
Jackson Automotive Systems
by Wei Wang William E. FruhanJackson Automotive Systems produces automotive parts for advanced heating and air conditioning systems, engine cooling systems, fuel injection and transfer systems, and various other engine parts, and it supplies them to the automotive industry primarily in Michigan. Like many OEM suppliers for the automotive industry, Jackson cut back production following the financial crisis in 2008. By 2013, the firm is back to operating at capacity. The company experiences a bottleneck in production of some key electronic components and, as a result, is unable to repay its outstanding debt to the bank. In addition, the firm delayed replacing equipment during the downturn and now must replace aging equipment to avoid future production delays. The president approaches the bank for an extension to repay a loan and for an additional loan to cover the new equipment purchase. Before meeting with the loan committee, the president must prepare a presentation on the firm's financial position.
Jackson State University: Introducing Business Concepts into Education--The Benefits of Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing
by Robert S. Kaplan Steven R. AndersonAs CEOs of universities and other nonprofits become more publicly accountable for their costs and performance, having a TDABC model of their resource demands provides them with a powerful tool for guiding expansion plans, determining service levels, and managing budgets. This chapter looks at Jackson State University and its application of TDABC in a nonprofit setting.
Jacob Schiff and the Art of Risk: American Financing of Japan's War with Russia (1904-1905) (Palgrave Studies in the History of Finance)
by Adam GowerJacob Henry Schiff (1847–1920), a German-born American Jewish banker, facilitated critical loans for Japan in the early twentieth century. Working on behalf of the firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., Schiff’s assertiveness in favour of Japan separated him from his fellow German Jewish financiers and the banking establishment generally. This book’s analysis differs from the consensus that Schiff funded Japan largely out of enmity towards Russia but rather sought to work with Japan for over thirty years. This was as much a factor in his actions surrounding the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905) as his concern to thwart Russian antisemitism. Of interest to financial historians alongside Japanese historians and academics of both genres, this book provides a lively and thoroughly researched volume that precisely focuses on Schiff’s mastery of banking.
Jacob Viner: Lectures in Economics 301
by Douglas A. Irwin Steven G. MedemaThis book presents, for the first time, a detailed transcription of Jacob Viner's Economics 301 class as taught in 1930. These lecture notes provide insight into the legacy of Jacob Viner, whose seminal contributions to fields such as international economics and the history of economics are well known, but whose impact in sparking the revival of Marshallian microeconomics in the United States via his classroom teaching has been less appreciated.Generations of graduate students at the University of Chicago have taken Economics 301. The course has been taught by such luminaries as Milton Friedman and Gary Becker, and remains an introduction to the analytical tools of microeconomics and the distinctive Chicago way of thinking about the market system. This demanding and rigorous course first became famous in the 1930s when it was taught by Jacob Viner.When read in tandem with the Transaction editions of Milton Friedman's Price Theory, Frank Knight's The Economic Organization, and Gary Becker's Economic Theory, Viner's lectures provide the reader with important insights into the formative period of Chicago price theory. These recently discovered notes from Viner's class will be important for historians of economic thought and anyone interested in the origins of the Chicago School of Economics.
Jacobs Suchard: Reorganizing for 1992
by Philip Holland Robert G. EcclesJacobs Suchard, the Swiss-based coffee and chocolate producer, is preparing for the common market and EEC 1992. At the time of the case, the company is still organized toward independent, local country markets, and believes it must move toward a more global organization structure. The case covers actions taken to date and plans for the future.
Jacobson's, I Miss It So!: The Story of a Michigan Fashion Institution (Landmarks)
by Bruce Allen KopytekJoin department store historian Bruce Allen Kopytek in this history of Jacobson's, a beloved Michigan institution for over 100 years. Winner of the Michigan Notable Book Award for 2012.Reenter the marvelous stores and meet the personalities who transformed Jacobson's from its humble Reed City origins to a staple of sophistication throughout Michigan and into the rest of the country. The brainchild of a retail genius, this deluxe specialty store gave customers a peerless social, shopping and dining destination. Experience anew the refined beauty of its Williamsburg-style Grosse Pointe store, the chic designer world of its Birmingham ensemble, or the charm and allure of its original Florida branch in Sarasota, revealing the secrets which made Jake's the dazzling store it was, and why it remains so profoundly missed by anyone who entered through its solid wooden doors.
Jaguar: The Art of the Automobile
by Zef Enault Nicolas HeidetCreated in collaboration with Jaguar, this stunning book is the definitive story of its legendary cars. Jaguar: The Art of the Automobile is a journey through 100 years of beautiful cars - an essential companion for any fan and the perfect gift.With unprecedented access to material from the Jaguar archive, the book tells the story of the marque's cars through the years, from the earliest models and much-loved classics to the most recent machines. Features include: Entries on each of the greatest Jaguar models Stunning photography throughout - including never-before-seen images Detailed technical information The full story of the creation of the most legendary models Other treasures from the Jaguar archives With insightful, thoroughly-researched text, Jaguar: The Art of the Automobile is the ultimate history of an enduring icon, told through its greatest machines.
Jaguar: The Art of the Automobile
by Zef Enault Nicolas HeidetCreated in collaboration with Jaguar, this stunning book is the definitive story of its legendary cars.Jaguar: The Art of the Automobile is a journey through 100 years of beautiful cars - an essential companion for any fan and the perfect gift.With unprecedented access to material from the Jaguar archive, the book tells the story of the marque's cars through the years, from the earliest models and much-loved classics to the most recent machines. Features include: Entries on each of the greatest Jaguar models Stunning photography throughout - including never-before-seen images Detailed technical information The full story of the creation of the most legendary models Other treasures from the Jaguar archivesWith insightful, thoroughly-researched text, Jaguar: The Art of the Automobile is the ultimate history of an enduring icon, told through its greatest machines.