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Judo Economics

by Julia Kou Adam Brandenburger

The early 1990s saw a new wave of start-ups in the U.S. airline business. One entrant, Kiwi International Air Lines, took to the skies in September 1992 with a strategy of attracting small-business travelers looking to save money but lacking the flexibility to book in advance. Fares were to be pegged to the lowest restricted fares in the market, but offered on an unrestricted basis. Another setting in which entrants have recently sought to capture market share from large, established players is the U.S. credit card industry. In the early 1990s, the industry witnessed an onslaught of new players wooing customers with offers of low interest rates and small or nonexistent fees. This case explores some aspects of the game between small-scale entrants and large-scale incumbents.

Judo in Action

by Debbie Freier Kenneth Corts

Contains four short stories about small firms challenging large firms. Illustrates some of the ideas that have been termed "judo strategy." In each case, one can argue that the small firm attempts to use the large firm's size and incumbency to constrain the large firm and provide an opportunity for the small firm. The four vignettes are: (1) Softsoap pioneers the liquid soap market with little competition, at least initially, from the incumbent bar soap manufacturers; (2) Red Bull creates and dominates the energy drink market with little early competition from incumbent beverage companies; (3) U.K. supermarket chains attempt to enter the retail gasoline market but trigger an aggressive price response from the integrated majors; and (4) Freeserve makes large inroads in the U.K. ISP market against dominant incumbent AOL. Each occurrence demonstrates ideas considered "judo strategy"--situations in which small competitors exploit the size and incumbency of a larger firm to find opportunities to make inroads against the large firm without effective retaliation or defense (just as, some authors argue, a small person can throw a large person with judo techniques by using the larger person's weight and inertia against him).

Judo Strategy: The Competitive Dynamics of Internet Time

by Michael A. Cusumano David B. Yoffie

Competition on the Internet is creating fierce battles between industry giants and small-scale start-ups. Smart start-ups can avoid those conflicts by moving quickly to uncontested ground and, when that's no longer possible, turning dominant players' strengths against them. Authors David Yoffie from HBS and Michael Cusumano from MIT call this competitive approach judo strategy. They use the Netscape-Microsoft battles to illustrate the three main principles of judo strategy: rapid movement, flexibility, and leverage. In the early part of the browser wars, for instance, Netscape applied the principle of rapid movement by being the first company to offer a free stand-alone browser. This allowed Netscape to build market share fast and to set the market standard. Flexibility became a critical factor later in the browser wars. In December 1995, when Microsoft announced that it would "embrace and extend" competitors' Internet successes, Netscape failed to give way in the face of superior strength. Instead it squared off against Microsoft and even turned down numerous opportunities to craft deep partnerships with other companies. The result was that Netscape lost deal after deal when competing with Microsoft for common distribution channels. Netscape applied the principle of leverage by using Microsoft's strengths against it. Taking advantage of Microsoft's determination to convert the world to Windows or Windows NT, Netscape made its software compatible with existing UNIX systems. While it is true that these principles can't replace basic execution, say the authors, without speed, flexibility, and leverage, very few companies can compete successfully on Internet time.

¡Juega bien tus cartas!: En la vida y en los negocios

by Leo Margets

No podemos esperar a jugar solo las buenas manos porque tal vez no lleguen a tiempo. Leo Margets, mejor jugadora de póker profesional, nos enseña cómo este juego nos ayuda a mejorar la toma de decisiones y nos ofrece una ventaja real en un mundo cada vez más competitivo. Tanto en la vida como en el póker, jugar bien nuestras cartas dependerá de nuestra habilidad, de nuestra capacidad de buscar situaciones favorables y de nuestra sed de lograr objetivos. A partir de su experiencia profesional como jugadora en los más importantes torneos del mundo, Leo Margets aborda el equilibrio entre habilidad y suerte, la toma de decisiones bajo estrés, la evaluación del riesgo, la gestión de la incertidumbre y el autoconocimiento o la resiliencia y aplica las lecciones del póker a las más variadas circunstancias de nuestra vida, desde la relación de pareja a la compra de una vivienda o una inversión. Con ingenio y amenidad, Leo Margets desmitifica tópicos como el «farol» o la «cara de póker» dentro y fuera de las mesas de juego y desarrolla el concepto de «valor esperado» que cambiará por completo nuestra perspectiva en la vida y en los negocios. Si aprendemos a pensar en términos de valor esperado y lo aplicamos a nuestras decisiones financieras y cotidianas, situaciones que nos hubieran parecido arriesgadas se nos presentarán como grandes oportunidades y, tarde o temprano, los resultados llegarán.

Juega como hombre, gana como mujer: Lo que los hombres saben del éxito que las mujeres tienen que aprender

by Gail Evans

Ahora, en su libro Juega como hombre, gana como mujer, Gail Evans revela los secretos para las jugadas de éxito y les enseña a las mujeres, de todos los niveles corporativos, cómo entrar al mundo de los negocios y jugarlo con ventaja. El libro permaneció varios meses en las listas de los más vendidos de The New York Times, Business Week y The Wall Street Journal. Esta obra se ha traducido a más de 18 idiomas con ventas sólidas en todo el mundo.De Gail Evans, autora del bestseller, She Wins, You Win. Un manual honesto y práctico que revela secretos importantes de las relaciones laborales entre hombres y mujeres, de lectura obligada para cada mujer que quiere tomar ventaja de su poder. Las mujeres conforman casi la mitad del mercado laboral hoy en día, pero en el mundocorporativo no comparten la mitad del poder. Sólo cuatro de las 500 compañías de Fortune están dirigidas por mujeres y sólo fue hace algunos años que la mitad de esas compañías contrataron a una mujer para altos cargos. ¿La razón? La mayoría de las mujeres nunca aprenden cómo jugar el juego de los negocios. A lo largo de su carrera en la industria de los medios -dominada por hombres- Gail Evans, una de las ejecutivas más poderosas de Estados Unidos, ha conocido a innumerables mujeres que le dicen que se sienten perdidas en su ambiente laboral, casi como si estuvieran jugando sin conocer las reglas del juego. Ella les dice que ese es exactamente el problema: los negocios son un juego, hay reglas para ganar. Gail ha descubierto que, en su mayoría, las mujeres no las conocen. Los hombres conocen las reglas porque ellos las escribieron, pero las mujeres se sienten alejadas del proceso porque no saben cuándo levantar la voz, cuándo pedir responsabilidades, qué decir en una entrevista y muchos otros movimientos clave que pueden hacer o deshacer su carrera. Compartiendo con humor sus años aleccionadores en la vida corporativa, la autora da a las lectoras herramientas prácticas para tomar las decisiones correctas en el trabajo. Entre las reglas que aprenderás están:-Cómo llevar el marcador en el trabajo. -Cuándo tomar un riesgo. -Cómo lidiar con el Síndrome Impostor. -Diez palabras que significan cosas diferentes para hombres y para mujeres. -Por qué los hombres pueden jugar sucio y tú no. -Cuándo renunciar.

Juega limpio pero gana: El camino del CEO de DELL, de fundador a lider

by Michael Dell

BESTSELLER DE WALL STREET JOURNAL LA HISTORIA JAMÁS CONTADA DE LAS BATALLAS QUE DEFINIERON COMO LÍDER A MICHAEL DELL, EL RENOMBRADO FUNDADOR Y CEO DE UNA DE LAS MÁS GRANDES EMPRESAS ESTADOUNIDENSES. En 1984, Michael Dell, quien pronto abandonaría la universidad, escondió las señales de su incipiente negocio de computadoras en el baño de su habitación en la Universidad de Texas. Casi 30 años después, en la cima del éxito como fundador y líder deDell Technologies, se encontró embrollado en una batalla por la supervivencia de su compañía. Su siguiente movimiento podría asegurar su legado o destruirlo completamente. Juega limpio pero gana es un recuento de tres guerras que peleó por Dell Technologies: una para lanzarla, otra para mantenerla y otra para transformarla. Por primera vez, Dell revela los altibajos de la evolución de la compañía en una industria en constante y rápido cambio, al mismo tiempo que las propias en su proceso de madurez para convertirse en el CEO que se necesitaba. Con humor y humildad, recuerda a los mentores que le mostraron cómo transformar su pasión en un negocio; los competidores que se volvieron sus amigos, adversarios o ambos; y los tiburones que lo acechaban en busca de alguna debilidad para aprovecharla. El resultado es una visión a largo plazo en la que se sustenta su éxito: la tecnología se trata, en definitiva, sobre la gente y su potencial. Más que un retrato honesto de un líder en medio de una encrucijada, Juega limpio pero gana es la historia real que prueba que aunque cualquiera con intuición tecnológica y pasión empresarial puede construir algo sorprendente, se necesita un líder para construir algo que perdure. Dell Technologies;historia de;Silicon Valley;empresa;startup;gigante de la tecnología;Bill Gates;Nunca pares;Lecciones de liderazgo creativo;Aquí no hay reglas;libro de negocios;autobiografía de un empresario;emprendimiento;cómo emprender una empresa;privatizar una empresa pública;cómo meter tu empresa a la bolsa;retos empresariales;liderazgo;características de un líde;mentalidad de tiburon;como triunfar en los negocios;triunfando como siempre;ser empresario joven;el arte de la guerra;ser alguien exitoso;como tener exito en la vidar

El juego de la culpa: Como las reglas ocultas del crédito y la culpa determinan nuestro éxito o fracaso

by Ben Dattner

Las claves para lograr una máxima eficacia en nuestros puestos detrabajo En muchas oficinas la gente siente que está en medio de un juego de altoriesgo en el que puede #culpar o ser culpado#, lo cual puede serdesastroso para los individuos que quedan atrapados en eso, pues tieneel potencial de hundir equipos y afectar compañías enteras. Dattnerpresenta convincente evidencia que demuestra que, independientemente deque nosotros caigamos en la trampa del juego de la culpa o aprendamos aevitar los obstáculos, es una dinámica determinante para el éxito.El problema radica en que muchas oficinas fomentan una cultura de laculpa. Hay un jefe que constantemente está culpando o un colega que seestá llevando el crédito por el trabajo de otros. Con demasiadafrecuencia, los individuos se convierten en chivos expiatorios, losequipos se desbaratan, los proyectos se desvían y las personas sedesconectan porque el temor y el resentimiento se apoderan de ellos.Peor aún, entre más emocional es nuestro ambiente laboral más juegan laspersonas, precisamente en el momento en el que más se necesitan laconfianza y la colaboración. ¿Qué podemos hacer? Podemos aprender ladinámica oculta de la psicología humana que lleva a este malcomportamiento, para que así podamos rebelarnos contra él y desactivarlas tensiones en nuestra vida laboral.Con una vívida prosa que atrapa la atención con sus revelaciones,Dattner cuenta una variedad de historias reales de sus clientes, desdela mujer que renunció a su trabajo porque fue convertida en un chivoexpiatorio por sus colegas, hasta el jefe despistado que culpó a supersonal sin pensarlo bien. Comparte una gran variedad de informaciónsobre la evolución y la psicología humanas para desplegar las razonesfundamentales que explican por qué las personas tienden a culpar y asolicitar crédito. Es parte de nuestra naturaleza, es un comportamientocomún en todo el reino animal, hasta los murciélagos lo hacen. Muestracómo nuestras experiencias con la familia, el género y la culturatambién moldean la manera de enfrentar asuntos de crédito y culpa, ypresenta once tipos de personalidades que tienden a causar dificultadespara así analizar las mejores maneras de relacionarse con ellos. Tambiéncuenta la historia de una variedad de líderes que han aplicado el poderde asumir la culpa y compartir el reconocimiento para lograr un granéxito; personas como el General Dwight Eisenhower y el Presidente HarryTruman, y empresarios como los presidentes de Intel, Andy Grove, yXerox, Ursula Burns.La única jugada ganadora en el juego de la culpa, como muestra Dattner,es no jugar, y las ideas y sugerencias prácticas les ayudarán a todoslos lectores de cualquier nivel y organización a manejar la psicologíafundamental del crédito y la culpa

El juego del dinero: Por Que Los Inversionistas Lentos Pierden Y El Dinero Rapido Gana

by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Por qué los inversionistas lentos pierden ¡Y el dinero rápido gana! Por el autor de Padre Rico, Padre pobre, Robert T. Kiyosaki, autor bestseller de The New York Times. Entre más rápido se mueva tu dinero, más altas serán tus ganancias y menor el riesgo. La sabiduría financiera convencional recomienda ahorrar dinero e invertir a largo plazo; en otras palabras, estacionar tu dinero. Pero ese no fue el consejo del padre rico de Robert Kiyosaki; su consejo fue, ¡incrementar la velocidad del dinero!

Juego, luego existo: Escribir el deporte

by Ezequiel Fernández Moores

Cuatro décadas deporte local y mundial narrados y analizados por el periodista más respetado y prestigioso. A 10.000 kilómetros de distancia de Madrid, donde resido, un periodista me convoca desde hace años. Resulta alentador el encuentro con Fernández Moores y sus columnas. Incluso en las escasas veces que no coincido con su opinión, lo leo con gratitud, en primer lugar por el respeto con el que trata a los lectores. Sus opiniones son firmes, pero no dogmáticas. Su interés por los datos es tan relevante como su desinterés por la demagogia. Su estilo, sucinto y contundente, desestima la retórica en favor de una claridad admirable. Sus columnas no deleitan, exigen. Requieren que el lector abandone el confort y reflexione sobre un mundo que en muchos aspectos marcha decididamente mal. Fernández Moores escribe en las páginas de deportes, pero su pulsión periodística es universal. Trata el deporte, y fundamentalmente el fútbol, con la seriedad que merece, cualidad cada vez más infrecuente. Para Ezequiel Fernández Moores el fútbol, el deporte en general, es un asunto muy serio. No se equivoca. Tampoco se equivoca cuando nos transmite sus preocupaciones con estilo y rigor. No conozco un periodista latinoamericano que cultive más y mejor los datos en sus columnas. Su trabajo no es fácil. Fernández Moores considera, con razón, que se está arrebatando el fútbol a la gente, al pueblo llano, y que se está utilizando a la gente con fines poco confesables. En sus columnas asoma el amor por un juego maravilloso y su rechazo a todas las formas de corrupción, violencia y engaño que habitan en el fútbol. En una época de regresión crítica y falsedades digeribles, Fernández Moores nos recuerda el papel del periodismo como elemento esencial de contrapoder. La magnitud de su importancia se manifiesta en el trascendente valor de su trabajo. Fernández Moores logra el pequeño milagro de conectar la mirada milimétrica del entomólogo con una visión universal del deporte. Es una característica de gran periodista, de periodista necesario, uno de los pocos que convocan a su audiencia sin importar ciudad, país o continente.Santiago Segurola

Jugaad Innovation: Think Frugal, Be Flexible, Generate Breakthrough Growth

by Navi Radjou Jaideep Prabhu Simone Ahuja

"Jugaad Innovation is the most comprehensive book yet to appear on the subject [of frugal innovation]." —The Economist A frugal and flexible approach to innovation for the 21st century Innovation is a key directive at companies worldwide. But in these tough times, we can't rely on the old formula that has sustained innovation efforts for decades—expensive R&D projects and highly-structured innovation processes. Jugaad Innovation argues the West must look to places like India, Brazil, and China for a new approach to frugal and flexible innovation. The authors show how in these emerging markets, jugaad (a Hindi word meaning an improvised solution born from ingenuity and cleverness) is leading to dramatic growth and how Western companies can adopt jugaad innovation to succeed in our hypercompetitive world. Outlines the six principles of jugaad innovation: Seek opportunity in adversity, do more with less, think and act flexibly, keep it simple, include the margin, and follow your heart Features twenty case studies on large corporations from around the world—Google, Facebook, 3M, Apple, Best Buy, GE, IBM, Nokia, Procter & Gamble, PepsiCo, Tata Group, and more—that are actively practicing jugaad innovation The authors blog regularly at Harvard Business Review; their work has been profiled in BusinessWeek, MIT Sloan Management Review, The Financial Times, The Economist, and more Filled with previously untold and engaging stories of resourceful jugaad innovators and entrepreneurs in emerging markets and the United States This groundbreaking book shows leaders everywhere why the time is right for jugaad to emerge as a powerful business tool in the West—and how to bring jugaad practices to their organizations.

Jugad - Kalpak Sanshodhanasathicha Nava Drushtikon: जुगाड: कल्पक संशोधनासाठीचा नवा दृष्टिकोन

by Simone Ahuja Jaideep Prabhu Navi Radjou

"जुगाड: कल्पक संशोधनासाठीचा नवा दृष्टिकोन" हे पुस्तक नवी राजू, जयदीप प्रभू, आणि सिमॉन आहुजा यांनी लिहिले आहे आणि संध्या रानडे यांनी मराठीत अनुवादित केले आहे. पुस्तकाच्या प्रस्तावनेत, आर. एन. टाटा यांनी सांगितले आहे की, आधुनिक काळात कंपन्यांना अशा समस्यांना सामोरे जावे लागते ज्यांची त्यांनी कल्पना केली नव्हती. यशस्वी होण्यासाठी, कल्पक संशोधन आवश्यक आहे. पुस्तकात 'जुगाड' या संकल्पनेवर आधारित आहे, ज्याचा अर्थ आहे "निकड भागवण्यासाठी सहज सोप्या पद्धतीने आणि हुशारीने केलेले कल्पक संशोधन." हे संशोधन कमी संसाधनांच्या वापरातून अधिक उत्पन्न कसे मिळवावे यावर लक्ष केंद्रित करते. भारतातील ग्रामीण भागातील लोकांनी, त्यांच्या सभोवतालच्या समस्यांवर सहज आणि सोपे उपाय शोधले आहेत, ज्यामध्ये त्यांनी जुगाड-तत्त्वांचा वापर केला आहे. पुस्तकाचे उद्दिष्ट आहे की, या तत्त्वांचा वापर करून भारतीय कंपन्यांनी आणि उद्योजकांनी त्यांच्या संशोधन पद्धतींमध्ये सुधारणा करावी आणि त्यातून उत्तम परिणाम साधावा. पुस्तकाच्या लेखकांनी जुगाडचे सहा तत्त्वे सांगितले आहेत: कठीण परिस्थितीतही नव्या संधींचा शोध घ्या, कमतरतेतून विपुलता निर्माण करा, विचार आणि कार्यपद्धती यांच्यात लवचीकपणा जपा, साधेपणाला प्राधान्य द्या, वंचितांचा विचार मनात ठेवा, आणि स्वतःच्या मनाचे ऐका. हे पुस्तक भारतातील आणि विकसनशील देशांतील उद्योगजगताच्या दृष्टीने महत्त्वाचे ठरते, कारण ते काटकसर आणि लवचीकता यांचा प्रभावी वापर करून विकास साधण्यासाठी मार्गदर्शन करते.


by William Shaw Uri Dadush

Against the long sweep of economic history, the current moment is special. Living standards advanced so rapidly and across so many countries over the last decade that it is difficult to think of parallels-even the deepest recession since the Great Depression did not halt progress.In Juggernaut, Uri Dadush and William Shaw explore the rise of developing countries and how they will reshape the economic landscape. Dadush and Shaw project that the global economy will more than triple over the next forty years and the advance of a large group of developing countries-home to most of the world's population but seen as supplicants rather than trendsetters less than a generation ago-will drive this improvement. The authors systematically examine the effects of this seismic shift on the main avenues of globalization-trade, finance, migration, and the global commons-and identify the policy options available to leaders in managing the transformation.In the years to come, the rise of emerging economies will likely enhance prosperity but also create great tensions that could slow the process or even stop it in its tracks. Juggernaut calls for leadership by the largest countries in managing these tensions, and underscores the need to cultivate a "global conscience."

Juggle!: Rethink work, reclaim your life

by Ian Sanders

Juggle! Rethink Work, Reclaim your Life shows people how to carve out a work life that goes beyond a job title; where The Work You is The Real You/ The Best You; where you can mix up your passions and celebrate your multi-dimensional talents. Where there are no limits to what you do, and where you mix up work and play to get the most out of life. The book reveals the insight of leading Jugglers with contributions from Kevin Roberts, CEO Worldwide of Saatchi & Saatchi; Mike Southon, Financial Times columnist and best-selling business author; Gary Vaynerchuk, Wine entrepreneur and Internet celebrity; Roxanne Darling, Hawaii-based coach, speaker, new media advisor and video blogger. Juggle! is for anyone searching for fresh ideas and solutions to re-frame their worklife. "Jugglers Rule! And here’s your blueprint to living and loving the Juggle Life." —Kevin Roberts, CEO Worldwide, Saatchi & Saatchi

The Juggling Act

by Pat Gelsinger

Lunch is reserved for meetings, technology makes us available anytime, anywhere-and somewhere along the way 9-to-5 morphed into 24/7, and technology makes us available anytime, anywhere. Our demanding schedules crowd out what matters most: family, friends, even our faith. Although it may feel like you're living under the Big Top, take heart. You don't have to be a circus professional to keep all the plates spinning.Pat Gelsinger understands this challenge. As a prominent executive in the Silicon Valley, Pat struggled to juggle* a thriving career with his family. Pat's pursuit of balance led him to dynamic truths that revolutionized his approach to life.The Juggling Act shares Pat's time-tested wisdom for keeping your life in perspective. This updated and expanded revision (formerly Balancing Your Family, Faith & Work) details the guidelines for balanced living, with insights on:* Prioritizing your work, family, and God* Developing a personal mission statement* Becoming an effective employee* Creating a support system* Sharing your faith in the workplace Take a meeting with The Juggling Act. And get your professional-and personal-life on the fast track to success.

The Juggling Act: How to juggle leadership and life

by Professor Toby Salt

Being a leader in education is an always-on job. There’s always more to do, more staff and children to help. So how can a leader ensure that they are doing the right things, at the right time, without burning themselves out?Professor Toby Salt has worked in some of the hardest, most stress-inducing jobs in the wider education space, as well as juggling a large family. How did he make it work? Sometimes with great techniques, sometimes with bitter experience.The Juggling Act gives leaders in education and the wider public sector clear advice about how to manage the constant juggling act of professional and personal life. It reveals how to handle the logistics of management life: meetings, time management, technology. As well as how to handle the emotional parts: births, deaths, redundancies, missing your kids’ important moments, sticking to your values, and everything in between. It is an accessible read filled with anecdotes humour and experience.

The Juggling Act: How to juggle leadership and life

by Professor Toby Salt

Being a leader in education is an always-on job. There’s always more to do, more staff and children to help. So how can a leader ensure that they are doing the right things, at the right time, without burning themselves out?Professor Toby Salt has worked in some of the hardest, most stress-inducing jobs in the wider education space, as well as juggling a large family. How did he make it work? Sometimes with great techniques, sometimes with bitter experience.The Juggling Act gives leaders in education and the wider public sector clear advice about how to manage the constant juggling act of professional and personal life. It reveals how to handle the logistics of management life: meetings, time management, technology. As well as how to handle the emotional parts: births, deaths, redundancies, missing your kids’ important moments, sticking to your values, and everything in between. It is an accessible read filled with anecdotes humour and experience.

Juggling Elephants

by Jones Loflin Todd Musig

What do you do when your life feels as busy as a three-ring circus? Juggling Elephants tells a simple but profound story about one man with a universal problem. Mark has too much to do, too many priorities, too much stress, and too little time. As he struggles to balance his many responsibilities without cracking under the pressure, Mark takes a break to attend the circus with his family. There he has a surprising conversation with a wise ringmaster. He leaves with a simple but powerful lesson: Trying to get everything done is like juggling elephants -- impossible. So Mark begins to think about his work, family, and personal life the way a ringmaster thinks about the many acts in a three-ring circus. He discovers that managing his various acts can be fun and easy once he changes his attitude and follows his new friend?s ongoing guidance. Mark soon realizes: ? If you keep trying to juggle elephants, no one, including you, will be thrilled with your performance. ? A ringmaster cannot be in all three rings at once. ? The key to the success of a circus is having quality acts in all three rings. ? Intermission is an essential part of any good circus. Juggling Elephants is a wonderfully lighthearted guide for everyone who feels like they?re about to be squashed. It will help you better focus your time and energy, so you?ll be able to enjoy more of the things that are important to you. Above all, it will teach you how to run your circus, instead of letting the circus run you.

Juggling With Knives: Smart Investing In The Coming Age Of Volatility

by Jim Jubak

In his new book, investment expert Jim Jubak explores the "new normal" of market volatility. With remarkable insights into the zeitgeist of financial markets and the economy, Jubak combines the big macro trends with the more mundane aspects of life to depict why volatility is here to stay, why things are not going to get any calmer soon, and how you can make investing decisions to profit off this new reality. He presents a unified picture that extends far beyond a narrow view of financial markets, exploring the consequences of using global central banks--the Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan, the People's Bank of China, and the European Central Bank--as cash machines; the debt model of growth now used worldwide; and the demographics of aging and the coming war between the young and the old. He also looks at social trends including the anxiety of affluence, particularly the mismatch between the guaranteed cost of education and the uncertainty of future earnings; the real estate "barbell" and the consequences viewing a home as a financial asset and not simply a place to live; and energy, climate, water and food insecurity. Jubak's mission is to teach investors how to stay sane when people think the sky is falling. In showing what is causing all of this volatility, he provides practical solutions for how you can smartly respond, build a portfolio, and profit.


by Evan I. Schwartz

Building value in our global economy increasingly demands creating new opportunities and solving new problems. In a nutshell, that's what inventors do. Just as software has driven growth and opened new markets over the past generation, invention is poised to become the X-factor for the future. With a foreword by former Microsoft research chief Nathan Myhrvold, this groundbreaking book takes us inside the laboratories and inside the minds of some of today's leading inventors to demystify the critical process by which they imagine and create.Evan I. Schwartz argues that invention has remained steeped in myth and misunderstanding. We tend to view invention as a byproduct of accidental discovery or supernatural genius rather than what it truly is: a focused quest fueled by a special creativity latent in each of us. Juice juxtaposes the stories of classic inventors with a new breed of innovators, such as hypersonic sound inventor Woody Norris, genomics pioneer Lee Hood, mechanical whiz Dean Kamen, and business systems inventor Jay Walker. Schwartz reveals the brilliant strategies-including pinpointing problems, crossing knowledge boundaries, visualizing results, applying analogies, and embracing failure-that today's inventors use to journey beyond imagination and bring back ideas that can change the world.

Juice Guys (A)

by Joseph B. Lassiter Sharon Fox Cindy Rushmore

The case explores who the customers are for a new beverage product, their desires as customers for this product, and their desires when ordering this product from a local specialty store location.

Jujitsu and the Technologies of the Groundswell: Understanding Social Technologies and Turning Them to Your Advantage

by Josh Bernoff Charlene Li

You probably know that the groundswell-the global phenomenon in which people use social media technologies to get the things they need from one another rather than from businesses and institutions-threatens to undermine the control on which many organizations are built. In this chapter, social media strategy leaders Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff show how you can turn the groundswell to your advantage, much the way a jujitsu master turns the force of his opponent's attack into a force for his own defense. They introduce the component technologies of the groundswell and give you the tools you'll need to engage with those technologies-and, ultimately, draw benefit from them. The chapter concludes with the Groundswell Technology Test, a tool that will help you evaluate new social media technologies and decide which ones you should pay attention to and which ones you can safely ignore. This chapter was originally published as Chapter 2 of "Groundswell, Expanded and Revised Edition: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies."

Juki Girls, Good Girls: Gender and Cultural Politics in Sri Lanka's Global Garment Industry

by Caitrin Lynch

When a government program brought garment factories to rural Sri Lanka, women workers found themselves caught between the pressures of a globalizing economy and societal expectations that villages are sanctuaries of tradition. These women learned quickly to resist the characterization of "Juki girls"—female garment workers already established in the urban sector—as vulgar and deracinated, instead asserting that they were "good girls" who could embody the nation's highest ideals of femininity. Caitrin Lynch shows how contemporary Sri Lankan women navigate a complex web of political, cultural, and socioeconomic forces. Drawing on extensive ethnographic research conducted inside export-oriented garment factories and a close examination of national policies intended to ease the way for globalization, Lynch details precisely how gender, nationalism, and globalization influence everyday life in Sri Lanka. This book includes autobiographical essays by garment workers about their efforts to attain the benefits of being seen as "good" while simultaneously expanding the definition of what sort of behavior constitutes appropriate conduct. These village garment workers struggled to reconcile the role thrust upon them as symbols of national progress with the negative public perception of factory workers. Lynch provides the context needed to appreciate the paradoxes that globalization creates while painting a sympathetic portrait of the individuals whose life stories appear in this book.

Juliet's School of Possibilities: A Little Story About the Power of Priorities

by Laura Vanderkam

A charming, life-changing fable that will help you rethink your whole approach to time, priorities, and possibilities.Riley Jenkins is in trouble. An ambitious, hardworking consultant in her late twenties, she's used to a lifetime of nearly perfect evaluations - until she gets a terrible performance review from her boss. How is that possible when Riley does everything her clients want - including answering emails 24/7 - faster than they expect it?That's precisely the problem: she's spread too thin. Despite her insane hours and attention to detail, Riley can't produce the thoughtful work her clients expect. Now she's been given thirty days to close a major deal, or she's out. Meanwhile, her personal life is also on the edge of disaster, with her boyfriend and close friends losing patience with her chronic unavailability. The last thing Riley wants, at a stressful time like this, is to attend a women's leadership retreat with some of her colleagues. But she can't get out of her commitment: a weekend in New Jersey at some silly-sounding place called Juliet's School of Possibilities.Yet before long, Riley is surprised to find herself intrigued by Juliet, the lifestyle maven who hosts the conference. How does a single mother of two run a successful business while acting as if she has all the time in the world? The answer may lie in one of Juliet's Zen-like comments: "Expectations are infinite. Time is finite. You are always choosing. Choose well." By the end of this story, you'll join Riley in rethinking the balance between your present and your future, between the things you have to do and the things you want to do. Like Riley, you can free yourself from feeling overwhelmed and pursue your highest possibilities.

Julius Caesar, CEO: 6 Principles to Guide & Inspire Modern Leaders (Ceo Ser.)

by Alan Axelrod

“Sure to appeal to history aficionados as well as business executives . . . informative and accessible.” —Publishers Weekly Thanks to Julius Caesar, “crossing the Rubicon” has become a synonym for bold decision-making when the risks are great—but the rewards can be greater. Now, historian and bestselling author Alan Axelrod analyzes the Roman emperor as a business leader, using an engaging, conversational style to explore six inspirational principles that constitute his guiding tenets. From this, Axelrod draws 92 lessons that modern business and other organizational leaders should learn from this first, great, and iconic CEO.

Jumia Nigeria: from Retail to Marketplace (B)

by Ramon Casadesus-Masanell Namrata Arora

This follow up case study explores the ramifications of Jumia's decision to move from a retail-led to a markplace business model for its e-commerce platform. The case visits the company's successes as well as its many failures when adopting this vendor-led strategy. It also considers Jumia's options going forward—should it return to the retail-led model or develop a hybrid alternative?

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