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Jeanette Clough at Mount Auburn Hospital
by Laura Morgan Roberts Ayesha KanjiJeanette Clough, the CEO of Mt. Auburn Hospital, successfully leads a turnaround for the struggling local hospital. When she assumed leadership of Mt. Auburn in 1998, the hospital had recently suffered a $10 million loss. During her first six months, several members of the senior leadership team quit. Clough successfully led this change effort through a transparent, collaborative approach that focused first and foremost on patient care. She was skilled at building trust and credibility with key constituents: the trustees, medical staff, and employees. After the first year, they reduced the losses to $5 million. In 2000, the hospital broke even. In 2004, the hospital earned a $7 million profit. The hospital is currently in the midst of a capital campaign to update the facilities and expand. Community groups are resisting the hospital expansion in Cambridge, posing a new set of challenges. Clough must also be clear about the strategic positioning of the hospital--a mixture of a community and teaching hospital. How can Mt. Auburn maintain this unique positioning without attempting to expand beyond its reach in competing with the other Boston-based teaching hospitals?
Jeanne Lewis at Staples, Inc. (A)
by Linda A. Hill Kristin C. DoughtyJeanne Lewis, after six years with Staples, Inc., is promoted to senior vice president of marketing. She is to work for fifteen months alongside her predecessor, a legacy in the organization, "learning the ropes" before he moves on. This case is set nine months after she begins working with the marketing department. Staples has just emerged from a period of prolonged litigation around an FTC antitrust suit challenging Staples' attempted merger with Office Depot. Post-merger, Lewis must determine how the marketing department can most effectively and efficiently help the company maintain its competitive edge in an increasingly competitive and complex market. Looks at the challenges a middle manager faces "taking charge" and managing change in a revitalization situation in which a more evolutionary approach is appropriate.
Jeanne Lewis at Staples, Inc. (A) (Abridged)
by Jennifer M. Suesse Linda A. HillJeanne Lewis, after six years with Staples, Inc., is promoted to senior vice president of marketing. She is to work for fifteen months alongside her predecessor, a legacy in the organization, "learning the ropes" before he moves on. This case is set nine months after she begins working with the marketing department. At this time, Staples has just emerged from a period of prolonged litigation because of an FTC antitrust suit challenging Staples' attempted merger with Office Depot. Post-merger, Lewis must determine how the marketing department can most effectively and efficiently help the company maintain its competitive edge in an increasingly competitive and complex market. Looks at the challenges a middle manager faces "taking charge" and managing change in a revitalization situation in which a more evolutionary approach is appropriate.
JA Economics: Student Study Guide (3rd Edition)
by Junior AchievementThe contents of this third edition of Junior Achievement Economics Study Guide are What Is Economics? Free Enterprise in the United States, Demand, Supply, Market-Clearing Price, Consumers, Savers, and Investors, The Business of Free Enterprise, Financing a Business, Production and Productivity, The U.S. Labor Force, Competition Among Businesses, Government and the United States Economy, Money and Financial Institutions, Economic Stability, International Trade, and Our Globalized World.
JA Economics
by Junior AchievementThe contents of this Junior Achievement Economics are: What is Economics? Free Enterprise in the United States, Demand, Supply, Market-Clearing Price, Consumers, Savers, and Investors, The Business of Free Enterprise, Financing a Business, Production and Productivity, The U.S. Labor Force, Competition Among Businesses, Government and the United States Economy, Money and Financial Institutions, Economic Stability, International Trade, and Our Globalized World.
JA Economics Student Study Guide
by Junior Achievement UsaJunior Achievement Economics Student Study Guide
Jeder Job kann glücklich machen: Hol Dir die Freude an der Arbeit zurück
by Marion Lemper-PychlauGlück ist immer eine Eigenleistung. Darum birgt jeder Job trotz aller Widrigkeiten das Potenzial, erheblich zur Erfüllung und Bereicherung des eigenen Lebens beizutragen. Dazu sind Entschlossenheit und Geschick erforderlich, denn Glück braucht Know-how. Die Autorin gibt zahlreiche Hinweise und Tipps, wie jeder Beschäftigte auf seine ganz eigene Weise jeden Tag, an jedem Arbeitsplatz selbstverantwortlich freudvolle Momente entstehen lassen kann.Zugleich wendet sich die Expertin für Arbeitsfreude gegen die Konzepte der unablässigen Selbstmotivierung und Zweiteilung nach der Work-Life-Balance. Sowohl Arbeit wie Freizeit sind wertvolle Lebenszeit. Deshalb gilt es, auch das Glückspotenzial der Arbeit auszuschöpfen und die Arbeit genau wie die Freizeit mit allen Kräften zu genießen.
Jeder kann wirken: Von Executives lernen: auftreten, antworten, reden
by Sabina Wachtel Stefanie Etzel Kerstin KöhlerErfahren Sie, warum und wie Spitzenmanager und Politiker in Gespräch und Vortrag so gut wirken und sich in Diskussionen immer wieder durchsetzen. In diesem Buch verraten Autoren, die als Experten mit den Auftritten exponierter Personen in Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft zu tun haben, wie diese sich darauf vorbereiten bzw. vorbereitet werden und was weniger Prominente für ihr Auftreten auf der Bühne des Lebens davon nutzen können. Ob beim ersten Date oder einem Job-Interview, der Dinnerspeech zur Hochzeit des besten Freundes oder einer Präsentation vor dem Vorstand: Wenn es darauf ankommt, will man die beste Wirkung entfalten. Das lässt sich von den Profis lernen: gut auftreten, antworten, reden und einfach besser 'rüberkommen – Executive Communication für alle.
Jedes Jahr eine neue Sau: Wie Manager den Methodenwahn durch Souveränität ersetzen
by Sabine DietrichAgilität und Design Thinking, Holacracy und Beyond Budgeting ... Ja, es ist schon wieder eine Methodensau unterwegs durchs Management-Dorf. Es ist die neueste, aber bei Weitem nicht die erste ihrer Gattung. Es wurden schon viele durchgetrieben. Und erneut keimt in Managern die Hoffnung: Wenn sie diese Sau für sich erlegen, wird ihr Unternehmen für die Zukunft gerüstet sein. Diesmal ist es wirklich die große innovative Idee, die alles verändern wird. Aufruhr entsteht - leider aber auch zu oft ein enormer Flurschaden. Denn der Wahnsinn, in den die vielen Treibjagden ausarten, kommt Unternehmen teuer zu stehen. Die entstandene Methodengläubigkeit grenzt geradezu an Wahnsinn, weil keine rationale Abwägung mehr dahintersteht. Sabine Dietrich analysiert in ihrem neuen Buch, wie und warum sich Unternehmen heute blind in immer neue Methoden treiben lassen. Sie identifiziert die Merkmale dieser Treibjagd, ihre Treiber und auch ihre verheerenden Folgen auf Menschen und Organisationen. Darüber hinaus bietet sie einen klaren Ansatz, wie Verantwortliche aus dieser unheilvollen Hatz aussteigen und souverän ihren unternehmensspezifischen Ansatz entwickeln können.
Jeepers! Inc. in 2000
by Nabil N. El-HageAfter the company's IPO is withdrawn, the company enters a period of severe financial distress. The consultants recommend that the company be liquidated. The CEO must convince the board, the lenders, and the landlords that the company can and should be saved.
Jefa in Training: The Business Startup Toolkit for Entrepreneurial and Creative Women
by Ashley K. Stoyanov OjedaStep-by-Step Toolkit to Turn Your Passion Project into a Successful Business“...a much-needed guide for all of us who need a blueprint to becoming a successful entrepreneur.” —Eva Longoria, award-winning actress, producer, director, activist, philanthropist and CEO of UnbeliEVAble Entertainment#1 New Release in Hispanic American Demographic StudiesWomen, now is the time to build your enterprise. Jefa in Training is the only Spanglish project-launching toolkit and female entrepreneur planner specially made for a new generation of boss women.A solopreneur and small business guide. A business startup planner and toolkit for women in leadership, business, and beyond, Jefa in Training offers women entrepreneurs the female empowerment needed to take a side hustle to the next level. Whether it’s learning to define your brand, set up a beta test group, or draft an LLC operating agreement, this compendium of lessons, anecdotes, worksheets, templates, and quotes teaches the next generation of women in business how to work for yourself and turn your ideas into something much bigger.A Latina book by Latinas, for Latinas. Solopreneurs and creatives, you are invited to let go of your fears and finally launch your blog, project, or platform. Jefa in Training isn’t your typical small business book. Part Latinx book, it is a conversation with a special tribe of Latina immigrants, Hispanic American generations, and women of color in financial, media, entrepreneurial, and creative spaces. Explore a more complex view of Latinidad, covering everything from imposter syndrome to micro-aggressions and bilingualism.Inside find: Author's first-hand experiences Guest stories from successful business-women in Latinx companiesWorksheets and more!If you’re looking for Hispanic books, women entrepreneur books, women leadership books, or women of color gifts―like Mind Your Business, The Memo, In the Company of Women, or De Colores Means All of Us―then you’ll love Jefa in Training.
by Laura Di MarcoCómo llegaron a la cima, qué dejaron en el camino y cómo están construidas las mujeres que llegaron, por sí mismas, a lo más alto de las corporaciones económicas de la Argentina? Qué tienen de diferente para haber logrado imponerse en el mundo de los hombres? Por qué la crisis de 2001, con su larga saga de tragedias, también dio lugar al surgimiento de un nuevo liderazgo femenino empresario? Hay algo que conecte a las mujeres con el manejo de las crisis? En un clima de época #el posfeminismo# con ruido a mujeres creándose a sí mismas, Las jefas logra retratar el detrás de cámara de este nuevo fenómeno contemporáneo: el del liderazgo femenino. Bucea en la vida pública y la intimidad emocional de doce altas ejecutivas que lideran en los negocios y en los dos grandes diarios del país, Clarín y La Nación. Jefas que provienen de la clase media, que escalaron, sin padrinazgos masculinos a la vista, hasta lo más alto de la estructura de sus compañías. Una jefatura que hoy ejercen sin doble comando. Pero, no era que las mujeres ya habían llegado a todos lados? Las estadísticas indican que esta creencia extendida es apenas un mito. De las mil empresas destacadas en la economía de negocios de la Argentina, las presidentas corporativas #o CEOS# no llegan ni al uno por ciento. Entonces, y con más razón: cómo lo lograron estas mujeres? #Se trata de una operación periodística mayor. La investigación de Laura Di Marco es tan minuciosa que no sólo registra este fenómeno sino que lo disecciona. Nunca antes se había metido tan a fondo el escalpelo, ni se habían visto tan de cerca a estos tiburones blancos.# Jorge Fernández Díaz
Jefes: Aprenda a conocerlos y gane su confianza
by Xavier GuixSi aprendemos a mirar a nuestro jefe de una manera diferente seremos capaces de mejorar nuestra relación con él. ¿Qué creencias e ideas preconcebidas tenemos sobre nuestros jefes? ¿Qué consecuencias tienen estas creencias cuando tratamos con ellos? La mayor parte de esas ideas y prejuicios son negativos, y condicionan considerablemente las relaciones en las empresas. Todos hemos oído o pronunciado frases como: o En el trabajo el jefe no puede ser tu amigo.o El jefe nunca acepta que no tiene razón.o Los jefes no hacen nada, están todo el día reunidos.o Los jefes toman decisiones sin conocer realmente los problemas. Xavier Guix recoge y desarma estas y otras muchas creencias negativas acerca de los jefes, tan extendidas entre los empleados, y propone sustituirlas por nuevas actitudes, más operativas y útiles, y que ayuden a generar un cambio positivo en la relación con nuestros superiores jerárquicos. Al fin yal cabo, la manera en que nos entendamos con el jefe condicionará nuestra capacidad para progresar profesionalmente y para ampliar nuestro horizonte en el trabajo. Reseñas:«Es un libro excepcional para comprender qué creencias y miedos existen detrás de la figura de los jefes y cómo podemos construir relaciones más saludables y positivas, desde una visión innovadora, inspiradora, práctica y llena de sabiduría. Enhorabuena, Xavier.»Pilar Jericó, escritora, socia y directora general de Be-Up «"Mente clara y corazón tierno", Xavier Guix une ambos principios en este nuevo libro. Su experteza en comunicación y creencias, unida al concepto de la ecología emocional, ennoblece el mundo de las organizaciones impregnándolas de sentido. Xavier forma parte de nuestras vidas y redes de afecto, así como del proyecto que compartimos en el Instituto de Ecología Emocional.»Mercè Conangla y Jaume Soler, creadores de la ecología emocional «En los tiempos que corren es importante cambiar de forma radical los miedos y bloqueos tradicionalmente asociados a la figura del jefe. Necesitamos generar mayor fluidez comunicativa entre los que ostentan ese cargo y los que no. Xavi Guix nos descubre con su brillantez habitual algunos de los secretos para hacerlo.»Franc Ponti, director del Centro de Innovación de EADA y coautor de Inteligencia creativa «¿Te interesa tener una buena relación con tu jefe o tus colaboradores? Entonces necesitas este libro. ¡Yo lo uso como manual de cabecera!»Antonio González Barrios, socio fundador del grupo Intercom
Jeff Bezos: In His Own Words (In Their Own Words)
by Helena HuntOver five hundred quotations from the man Warren Buffett called “the most remarkable businessperson of our age.”Jeff Bezos started Amazon in 1994 as an online bookstore based out of his garage. Since then, the ever-expanding enterprise has revolutionized shopping and, in many important ways, invented e-commerce as we know it. Today, Bezos’s vast empire includes everything from cloud computing and fresh food delivery to movie production and consumer electronics. In recent years, Bezos also has invested in rocket technology, newspaper publishing, and artificial intelligence. Every arm of his business, however, is guided by a fundamental goal: to give customers what they want before they even think to ask for it.Jeff Bezos: In His Own Words offers a unique look into the mind of one of history’s most successful entrepreneurs by collecting more than five hundred of Bezos’s quotes on business, technology, customer service, e-commerce, innovation, entrepreneurship, and more. Meticulously curated from interviews, speeches, shareholder letters, and other sources, this book creates a comprehensive picture of Jeff Bezos, his obsessions, and what makes his ventures thrive.After all these years, Bezos still operates on what he calls “Day One time,” in order to maintain the early experimental spirit of his business. Jeff Bezos: In His Own Words reveals in detail a man who wants to push the future forward—and will inspire readers to do the same.
Jeff Bezos
by Chris McNabO HOMEM QUE REVOLUCIONOU O MUNDO DOS NEGÓCIOS Fundador e CEO da Amazon até 2021, Jeff Bezos é amplamente considerado um dos empresários mais bem-sucedidos do mundo, aparecendo nos lugares cimeiros do índice de riqueza da Forbes.Este livro debruça-se sobre as suas primeiras influências, a sua educação, as decisões que tomou na sua impressionante carreira e o modo como construiu e gere o seu império de negócios, que teve início numa startup fundada na sua própria garagem. Atualmente, Jeff Bezos mantém-se como o principal acionista da Amazon, mas os seus interesses viram-se agora para áreas como a filantropia, a educação da geração mais jovem e a exploração do espaço, tendo fundado a empresa de astronáutica Blue Origin e realizado em 2021 a sua primeira expedição ao espaço.
Jeff Bradley (A)
by Vijay V. Sathe C. Paul DredgeJeff Bradley made significant contributions by working well with the prevailing culture in one assignment, and influencing needed change in another--all from a relatively unfavorable position. Series (A-D) presents a rewritten version of an earlier single case by the same author.
Jeff Bradley (B)
by Vijay V. Sathe C. Paul DredgeJeff Bradley made significant contributions by working well with the prevailing culture in one assignment, and influencing needed change in another--all from a relatively unfavorable position. Series (A-D) presents a rewritten version of an earlier single case by the same author.
Jefferson Hotel, The: The History of a Richmond Landmark (Landmarks)
by Paul N. HerbertDesigned by Richmond visionary Lewis Ginter, The Jefferson Hotel has been an icon in the community since 1895. From the alligators that used to roam the elegant lobby to the speakeasy housed within during Prohibition, the hotel has a fascinating and unparalleled history. Playing host to cultural icons like Charles Lindbergh and F. Scott Fitzgerald and surviving the Great Depression and catastrophic fires, the hotel has remained an important landmark throughout Richmond's history. Join local historian Paul Herbert as he recounts stories of heiresses, actors, musicians and celebrities in this all-encompassing history of The Jefferson, a volume bound to delight anyone who has ever stayed within its treasured walls.
Jefferson's Freeholders and the Politics of Ownership in the Old Dominion
by Christopher Michael CurtisJefferson's Freeholders and the Politics of Ownership in the Old Dominion explores the historical processes by which Virginia was transformed from a British colony into a Southern slave state. It focuses on changing conceptualizations of ownership and emphasizes the persistent influence of the English common law on Virginia's postcolonial political culture. The book explains how the traditional characteristics of land tenure became subverted by the dynamic contractual relations of a commercial economy and assesses the political consequences of the law reforms that were necessitated by these developments. Nineteenth-century reforms seeking to reconcile the common law with modern commercial practices embraced new democratic expressions about the economic and political power of labor, and thereby encouraged the idea that slavery was an essential element in sustaining republican government in Virginia. By the 1850s, the ownership of human property had replaced the ownership of land as the distinguishing basis for political power, with tragic consequences for the Old Dominion.
Jefferson's Treasure: How Albert Gallatin Saved the New Nation from Debt
by Gregory MayGeorge Washington had Alexander Hamilton. Thomas Jefferson had Albert Gallatin. From internationally known tax expert and former Supreme Court law clerk Gregory May comes this long overdue biography of the remarkable immigrant who launched the fiscal policies that shaped the early Republic and the future of American politics. Not Alexander Hamilton---Albert Gallatin. To this day, the fight over fiscal policy lies at the center of American politics. Jefferson's champion in that fight was Albert Gallatin---a Swiss immigrant who served as Treasury Secretary for twelve years because he was the only man in Jefferson's party who understood finance well enough to reform Alexander Hamilton's system. A look at Gallatin's work---repealing internal taxes, restraining government spending, and repaying public debt---puts our current federal fiscal problems in perspective. The Jefferson Administration's enduring achievement was to contain the federal government by restraining its fiscal power. This was Gallatin's work. It set the pattern for federal finance until the Civil War, and it created a culture of fiscal responsibility that survived well into the twentieth century.
Jeffrey Deitch: Art Entrepreneur
by Henry W. McGee Rohit Deshpande Sarah GulickJeffrey Deitch is a gallery owner and art entrepreneur. The case discusses the decisions he has made in order to reach his current stage in life, including as a student, HBS grad, museum curator, art advisor, and gallery owner. The case also gives a background on the arts sales industry. After working in a variety of entrepreneurial arts jobs, the question Deitch asks is: what should he do next?
Jeffrey Sachs
by Japhy WilsonAn investigation of Sachs's schizophrenic career, and the worldwide havoc he has caused. Jeffrey Sachs is a man with many faces. A celebrated economist and special advisor to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, he is also no stranger to the world of celebrity, accompanying Bono, Madonna and Angelina Jolie on high-profile trips to Africa. Once notorious as the progenitor of a brutal form of free market engineering called 'shock therapy', Sachs now positions himself as a voice of progressivism, condemning the '1 per cent' and promoting his solution to extreme poverty through the Millennium Villages Project. Appearances can be deceiving. Jeffrey Sachs: The Strange Case of Dr Shock and Mr Aid is the story of an evangelical development expert who poses as saviour of the Third World while opening vulnerable nations to economic exploitation. Based on documentary research and on-the-ground investigation, Jeffrey Sachs exposes Mr Aid as no more than a new, more human face of Dr Shock. From the Trade Paperback edition.ing himself as an evangelical development expert and savior of the Third World, while actually working to reinforce the neoliberal project that he now claims to oppose. Based on documentary research and on-the-ground investigation of the Millennium Villages Project, Jeffrey Sachs exposes its subject's Jekyll/Hyde complex, showing Mr. Aid to be no more than the new, more human face of Dr. Shock himself. From the Trade Paperback edition.
Jeffrey Smith
by Jennifer M. Suesse Herminia IbarraJeffrey Smith and David Johnson have apparently irreconcilable differences over their firm's strategy, which have led Jeffrey to conclude that he must fire David. Focuses on whether Jeffrey has used his influence in such a way as to avoid conflict. If he has no other option, how should Jeffrey go about firing David? A rewritten version of an earlier case.
Jehovah's Witnesses: Portrait of a Contemporary Religious Movement
by Andrew HoldenThis is the first major study of the enigmatic religious society. By examining the Jehovah's Witnesses' dramatic recent expansion, Andrew Holden reveals the dependency of their quasi-totalitarian movement on the physical and cultural resources have brought about the privatization of religion, the erosion of community, and the separation of 'fact' from faith.