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Kaizen Workshops for Lean Healthcare (Lean Tools for Healthcare Series)
by Thomas L. JacksonPart of the Lean Tools for Healthcare series, this user-friendly book will help to improve your understanding of kaizen. It describes exactly what a kaizen event is and details all the phases necessary for implementing continuous improvement practices in your healthcare organization.Kaizen Workshops for Lean Healthcare walks you through the steps of conducting an effective kaizen workshop one that is well planned, well implemented, and well monitored. The information is presented in an easy-to-assimilate format. Numerous illustrations reinforce the text and margin assists call your attention to key terms, healthcare examples, and how-to steps. Throughout the book, you will be asked to reflect on questions that will help you apply the concepts and techniques in your own workplace. Defining the key concepts and elements of the production of healthcare services, the text delineates the differences between healthcare processes and the individual cycles of work that those processes link together. It also:Provides foundational information on kaizen and kaizen workshops defining the key roles for successExplains exactly how to plan and prepare Presents examples of how to present workshop results and how to follow upIncludes a concise summary of kaizen workshop stepsSupplies a list of additional resources for learning more about the different kinds of improvement methodologies you might want to implement in your kaizen workshopsIf your healthcare organization fully applies the steps detailed in this book, it will gain much more than the knowledge of how to conduct a workshop. Through kaizen, you will empower your employees to make positive change a reality. And incrementally, kaizen workshops will
Kalecki's Economics Today (Routledge Frontiers Of Political Economy Ser. #Vol. 52)
by Zdzislaw L. Sadowski Adam SzeworskiMichael Kalecki was a Polish economist who independently discovered many of the key concepts of what is now identified as Keynesian theory. His contribution to macroeconomics was late in being acknowledged, but his work can be seen to have resounding influence on some of today's economic problems. The analyses presented in this book serve to scruti
Kalecki's Principle of Increasing Risk and Keynesian Economics (Routledge Studies In The History Of Economics Ser.)
by Tracy MottKalecki was one of an important generation of Cambridge economists. Here, Tracy Mott's impressive book examines the relationship of Kalecki's economics to different economic areas and its relationship to major alternative schools, such as Keynes and Marx. Mott looks at Kalecki's 'principle of increasing risk' and how it gives the way in which the reproduction and expansion of wealth can bring a coherent unity to economic analysis. In so doing, it makes sense out of the fundamental conclusions of Keynesian economics on the underemployment of labour and capital.
Kalkulation im Einkauf: Potenziale erkennen, bewerten und professionell realisieren (essentials)
by Elmar Bräkling Jörg Lux Klaus Oidtmann Frank Weinert Tobias UdingProfessionelle Vergaben leben von einem klaren Blick auf die Kosten. Dieses essential zeigt, wie Vergaben erfolgreich gestaltet und optimal gesteuert werden können. Nur wer Kostenstrukturen versteht, Einsparpotenziale erkennt und diese gezielt in der Verhandlung adressieren kann, wird auch strategisch optimale Einkaufsergebnisse durchsetzen können. Vor der Verhandlung ist dafür eine realistische und gleichzeitig herausfordernde Zielpreisermittlung erforderlich. Was dürfen Güter und Dienstleistungen wirklich kosten und was sind ihre wesentlichen Kostentreiber? Vorgestellt werden die Methoden der Open-Book-Kalkulation und des Target-Costing. Datenbanken helfen dabei, mit diesen Methoden Zielpreise exakt zu ermitteln und Kostensenkungspotenziale bewerten zu können.
Kalman-Filter: Einführung in die Zustandsschätzung und ihre Anwendung für eingebettete Systeme
by Reiner Marchthaler Sebastian DinglerDieses Lehrbuch befasst sich leicht verständlich mit der Theorie der Kalman-Filterung. Die Autoren geben damit eine Einführung in Kalman-Filter und deren Anwendung für eingebettete Systeme. Zusätzlich wird anhand konkreter Praxisbeispiele der Kalman-Filterentwurf demonstriert – Teilschritte werden im Buch ausführlich erläutert.Kalman-Filter sind die erste Wahl, um Störsignale auf den Sensorsignalen zu eliminieren. Dies ist von besonderer Bedeutung, da viele technische Systeme ihre prozessrelevanten Informationen über Sensoren gewinnen. Jeder Messwert eines Sensors weißt jedoch aufgrund verschiedener Ursachen einen Messfehler auf. Würde ein System nur auf Basis dieser ungenauen Sensorinformationen arbeiten, so wären viele Anwendungen, wie zum Beispiel ein Navigationssystem oder autonome arbeitende Systeme, nicht möglich.Das Buch ist geeignet für interessierte Bachelor- und Master-Studierende der Fachrichtungen Informatik, Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik undMechatronik. Ebenso ist das Buch eine Hilfe für Ingenieure und Wissenschaftler, die ein Kalman-Filter z. B. für die Datenfusion oder die Schätzung unbekannter Größen in Echtzeitanwendungen einsetzen möchten.
Kalman Filtering Under Information Theoretic Criteria
by Badong Chen Lujuan Dang Nanning Zheng Jose C. PrincipeThis book provides several efficient Kalman filters (linear or nonlinear) under information theoretic criteria. They achieve excellent performance in complicated non-Gaussian noises with low computation complexity and have great practical application potential. The book combines all these perspectives and results in a single resource for students and practitioners in relevant application fields. Each chapter starts with a brief review of fundamentals, presents the material focused on the most important properties and evaluates comparatively the models discussing free parameters and their effect on the results. Proofs are provided at the end of each chapter. The book is geared to senior undergraduates with a basic understanding of linear algebra, signal processing and statistics, as well as graduate students or practitioners with experience in Kalman filtering.
El Kamasutra de la innovación: Guía disrupta para transformar vidas y negocios
by Jorge Cuevas¡Atrévete a practicar las cuatro posiciones mentales para cambiar el mundo! Haz uso de tu pensamiento creativo y descubre soluciones para tu vida personal y tus negocios, a través de cuatro posiciones mentales. De Jorge Cuevas, autor de los bestsellers El Buscalocos y Liderazgo quántico, así como de la app digital Tu coach para innovar, que guía a personas y equipos a salirse de la caja. En el Kamasutra de la sexualidad se requiere una flexibilidad física fuera de serie, pero yo no alcanzo a hacer ni la mitad de las posiciones. Lo bueno es que en El Kamasutra de la innovación no necesitarás una gran flexibilidad física, sino mental, porque llegarás a soluciones que nunca antes te habías imaginado. Cuando compré por primera vez un volumen del Kamasutra de la sexualidad, no leía tres páginas cuando ya estaba ansioso por encontrar a alguien con quien practicar, y eso mismo me gustaría que te sucediera: que siempre estés con ganas de cerrar este libro para aplicar lo aprendido en las situaciones de tu vida personal y de negocios donde pretendas transformar la realidad. Divertido, irreverente y práctico al mismo tiempo, Jorge Cuevas, el Buscalocos, nos ayuda a aumentar nuestra inteligencia innovadora a través de cuatro posiciones mentales. Un libro sorprendentemente útil en la era más rápida de la historia de la humanidad, donde el pensamiento divergente y creativo se ha convertido en el principal diferenciador. www.inteligenciainnovadora.com
Kamasutra innovation: Disrupted guide to transform lives and businesses
by Jorge Cuevas¡Atrévete a practicar las cuatro posiciones mentales para cambiar el mundo! Haz uso de tu pensamiento creativo y descubre soluciones para tu vida personal y tus negocios, a través de cuatro posiciones mentales. De Jorge Cuevas, autor de los bestsellers El Buscalocos y Liderazgo quántico, así como de la app digital Tu coach para innovar, que guía a personas y equipos a salirse de la caja. En el Kamasutra de la sexualidad se requiere una flexibilidad física fuera de serie, pero yo no alcanzo a hacer ni la mitad de las posiciones. Lo bueno es que en El Kamasutra de la innovación no necesitarás una gran flexibilidad física, sino mental, porque llegarás a soluciones que nunca antes te habías imaginado. Cuando compré por primera vez un volumen del Kamasutra de la sexualidad, no leía tres páginas cuando ya estaba ansioso por encontrar a alguien con quien practicar, y eso mismo me gustaría que te sucediera: que siempre estés con ganas de cerrar este libro para aplicar lo aprendido en las situaciones de tu vida personal y de negocios donde pretendas transformar la realidad. Divertido, irreverente y práctico al mismo tiempo, Jorge Cuevas, el Buscalocos, nos ayuda a aumentar nuestra inteligencia innovadora a través de cuatro posiciones mentales. Un libro sorprendentemente útil en la era más rápida de la historia de la humanidad, donde el pensamiento divergente y creativo se ha convertido en el principal diferenciador. www.inteligenciainnovadora.com
Kameda Seika: Cracking the US Market
by Nobuo Sato Elie Ofek Akiko KannoIn spring 2016, Kameda's CEO, Michiyasu Tanaka, is facing difficult questions from board members over the lackluster performance of the company's US subsidiary. Kameda was the leading player in the Japanese rice cracker market and was looking to expand overseas to achieve growth, with the vision of becoming a global food company. Starting in 2008, it had tried to market its best-selling product in Japan, Kakinotane, as well as other types of rice-based snacks to US consumers. Despite years of offering samples to consumers, modifications to the naming and packaging design, the addition of new flavors, changes in the supermarkets it placed its product, and offering retailers slotting fees - sales were well below expectations and losses were mounting. The situation was especially baffling as the company believed that the gluten-free trend as well as a growing desire for healthier food should have bode well for its rice-based snacks; moreover several Japanese food makers had recently achieved success in the US (such as Calbee with snapeas and Ito En with teas). On the bright side, Kameda's recent acquisition of a US company, Mary's Gone Crackers, was showing steady sales growth; though profits were very low due to high manufacturing and raw ingredient costs, and distribution coverage was limited. Tanaka and his management team had only a few years to turn things around or consider closing the Kameda USA subsidiary. Every marketing element was on the table: from changing the packaging to rethinking the retail approach to accepting private label deals to investing in more efficient plants to partnering with a well-known US brand in the snack food space. Could Tanaka save Kameda USA and dramatically improve the profits of Mary's Gone Crackers?
Kamikazes: Los mejores peores años de la Argentina
by Reynaldo SietecaseEl análisis de un tiempo cargado de virulencia y contradicciones, de logros y retrocesos. Una mirada inteligente sobre los años más vibrantes y controvertidos de la historia argentina. Un libro que van a valorar tanto los oficialistas lúcidos como los opositores honestos. Argentina 2003-2013, la década de los Kirchner: la pelea con los medios de comunicación, la relación con los sindicatos, los problemas con el transporte y la energía, el karma de los vicepresidentes, la relación con la oposición, La Cámpora, la recuperación de YPF y el aval a las empresas mineras, la lucha con las entidades del campo, el modelo económico, los juicios a represores, la inseguridad y la estrategia de la confrontación permanente. Ensayo periodístico, libro de historia, crónica de una década, el libro de Sietecase es más que cualquiera de esas clasificaciones.
Kamishibai Boards: A Lean Visual Management System That Supports Layered Audits
by Joseph NiederstadtPart of the Toyota Production System, Kamishibai boards are simple and flexible visual controls for performing audits within a manufacturing process. When used properly, they are powerful tools for performing, managing, and auditing tasks of specific duties.Kamishibai Boards: A Lean Visual Management System That Supports Layered Audits explains how to use this visual management system to identify normal conditions versus abnormal conditions in your organization. Filled with easy-to-follow instructions that require minimal training, it outlines a layered audit system for sustaining continuous improvement that can be applied to any organization in any industry.The book includes downloadable resources with master forms you can use to create your own daily, weekly, or monthly Kamishibai cards for any subject. The downloadable resources also include electronic copies of all examples in the book.Helping you focus on resolving abnormal situations, the book supplies the understanding required to make problems, abnormalities, and variations from the standard visible so corrective actions can be made right away—so you can spend more of your valuable time on achieving sustainable improvement.
Kanakku Pathiviyal (Accountancy) 11th Standard - Tamilnadu Board
by State Council of Educational Research TrainingKanakku Pathiviyal (Accountancy) Textbook for the 11th Standard Students, preparing for Tamil Nadu State Board Exam.
Kanakku Pathiviyal (Accountancy) Thoguthi - I 12th Standard - Tamilnadu Board
by State Council of Educational Research TrainingKanakku Pathiviyal (Accountancy) Textbook Thoguthi- 1 for the 12th Standard Students, preparing for Tamil Nadu State Board Exam.
Kanakku Pathiviyal (Accountancy) Thoguthi - II 12th Standard - Tamilnadu Board
by State Council of Educational Research TrainingKanakku Pathiviyal (Accountancy) Textbook Thoguthi- II for the 12th Standard Students, preparing for Tamil Nadu State Board Exam.
by Japan Management AssociationEste libro ofrece una introducci?n clara y completa al ""Just-in-Time"" y sigue siendo uno de nuestros ?xitos de mayor venta. El texto esta basado en seminarios dictados por Taichi Ohno, creador del Just-in-Time para entrenar a los suplidores de Toyota. La verdad que descubrio el Sr. Ohno, es que la mejora nunca se detiene - un concepto basado en la tradicion samurai en la cual un guerrero (gerente) nunca deja de perfeccionar su estilo (su habilidad de administrar), y nunca deja de pulir su espada (mejorar el proceso y el producto). Al leer este libro, usted vera claramente la magia del sistema Toyota. Los conceptos aqui expuestos se pueden aplicar a fabricaci?n repetitiva, industrias de procesos, a casi todo tipo de empresa de fabricaci?n, e inclusive a oficinas. (Esta edicion incluye material adicional preparado por Yasuhiro Monden, una autoridad en cuanto al sistema de producci?n de Toyota.)
Kanban for the Shopfloor (The Shopfloor Series)
by Productivity Press Development TeamKanban is the name given to the inventory control card used in a pull system. The primary benefit of kanban is to reduce overproduction, the worst of the seven deadly wastes. A true kanban system produces exactly what is ordered, when it is ordered, and in the quantities ordered. It is essentially a dynamic work order that moves with the material. Each kanban identifies the part or subassembly unit and indicates where each one came from and where each is going. Used this way, kanban acts as a system of information that integrates your plant, connects all processes one to another, and connects the entire value stream to customer demand. Kanban for the Shopfloor provides a working manual for those seeking to implement this method of production control in any operation. It defines the various terms and methods employed in kanbans, and illustrates how when adhered to, kanban is an element of continuous improvement that ultimately leads to the ideal of one-piece flow." In addition to reducing the waste of overproduction, kanban will help your company increase flexibility to respond to customer demand, coordinate production of small lots and wide product variety, and simplify the procurement process. About the Shopfloor Series: Put proven improvement tools in the hands of your entire workforce! Progressive shopfloor improvement techniques are imperative for manufacturers who want to stay competitive and to achieve world class excellence. And it's the comprehensive education of all shopfloor workers that ensures full participation and success when implementing new programs. The Shopfloor Series books make practical information accessible to everyone by presenting major concepts and tools in simple, clear language and at a reading level that has been adjusted for operators by skilled instructional designers. One main idea is presented every two to four pages so that the book can be picked up and put down easily. Each chapter begins with an overview and ends with a summary section. Helpful illustrations are used throughout. Other topics in the Shopfloor Series: Kanban, 5S, Quick Changeover, Mistake-Proofing, Just-in-Time, TPM, Cellular Manufacturing
Kanban for the Supply Chain: Fundamental Practices for Manufacturing Management, Second Edition
by Stephen CimorelliFollowing in the footsteps of its popular predecessor, the second edition of this workbook explains how to apply kanban replenishment systems to improve material flow. Kanban for the Supply Chain: Fundamental Practices for Manufacturing Management, Second Edition provides readers with a detailed roadmap for achieving a successful and sustainable kanban implementation.Detailing the steps required for each stage of the manufacturing and supply chain management process, this updated edition focuses on creating an environment for success. It addresses internal mechanisms, including leveling production schedules, as well as external elements, such as conducting a thorough analysis of customer demand. Numerous techniques are presented for setting up kanban that consider a wide array of material types, dimensions, and storage media. This edition presents a wealth of new tools and techniques useful across the broad spectrum of manufacturing environments, including: A statistical data cleansing technique to remove questionable or irrelevant data from kanban calculations Correlation analysis based on simple Excel techniques to guide the decisions around which part numbers "qualify" for kanban An alternative "stair-step analysis" approach for those who are unable to generate correlation data and prefer to use more readily available monthly demand history An approach to analyze supplier performance data vs. lead time and lot size expectations, with risk mitigation strategies for poor performing suppliers This book is for those who are ready to stop thinking about a conversion from materials requirements planning push techniques to kanban pull techniques and want to make it happen now. Stephen Cimorelli provides actionable advice for installing fundamental kanban concepts that can immediately help you increase manufacturing productivity and profitability. The book includes team-based exercises that reinforce key principles as well as a CD with helpful outlines, charts, figures, and diagrams.
Kanban Just-in Time at Toyota: Management Begins at the Workplace
by JapanManagementAssociationToyota's world-renowned success proves that just-in-time (JIT) makes other manufacturing practices obsolete. This simple but powerful book is based on the seminars given by Taiichi Ohno and other senior production staff to introduce Toyota's own supplier companies to JIT. It teaches the philosophy and implementation of what many call the most efficient production system in the world.Provides a clear structure for an introductory JIT training program.Explains every aspect of the JIT system, including how to set it up and how to refine it once it's in place.Shows how to use a simple visual system to control the production process.Every day more American companies are learning that JIT works outside Japan. Now you can get started with this step-by-step book which guides you through the implementation process. Every engineer, manager, supervisor, and worker should read this book to get the clearest, simplest, and most complete introduction to JIT available in English.Results at American companies after reading this book:Lead-time on one product was reduced from 12 weeks to 4 days.Setup time on a large blanking press was reduced from eight hours to one minute and four seconds.Work-in-process has been reduced 50 percent plant-wide.Factory floor space was opened up 30 to 40 percent in every on of their plants.
Kanban Made Simple: Demystifying and Applying Toyota's Legendary Manufacturing Process
by Kenneth R. Mcinnis John M. GrossOriginally developed at Toyota, the approach to manufacturing known as Kanban has helped revolutionize how corporations and suppliers achieve maximum efficiency in getting products to and from the assembly line. When implemented properly, the Kanban technique minimizes waste, avoids overproduction, and ensures quick response to changes and problems. Kanban Made Simple is the first simple 'how-to' guide for incorporating the just-in-time ingenuity of the Kanban system into any manufacturing environment. From the Japanese word for "visual record," the technique dictates that suppliers deliver parts to the warehouse only as they are needed, reducing storage in the production area. Using before-and-after case studies, this easy-to-follow guide contains information on establishing project goals, forming a Kanban team, and designing the process. Kanban Made Simple helps readers decide if Kanban is right for their organization, then teaches them how to train personnel and administer the program. A ready-to-use CD-ROM, included with the book, guides the Kanban team through the entire implementation process.
The Kanban Playbook: A Step-by-Step Guideline for the Lean Practitioner (The\lean Playbook Ser.)
by Chris A. OrtizA scheduling system for Lean and just-in-time production, Kanban is a proven tool for reducing waste, inventory, and lead times. The implementation of Kanban, however, is a manually intensive action and conducting Kanban projects properly takes experience and direction.Until now, there has been a need for a book with detailed step-by-step guideline
Kangaroo Spends Wisely (Money Matters)
by Sue GravesKangaroo Spends Wisely offers a gentle introduction to the concept of spending money sensibly for young children.This funny, charming story is the perfect way to introduce young children to the concept of not wasting money and shopping smartly. Also included are suggestions for activities and ideas to talk through together to help children understand the concept.Kangaroo often wastes her money. She buys things she does not need or even want and things that break right away. She asks Mum for some help to make better shopping choices.The Money Matters series of picture books provide a gentle means of promoting concepts of money management, boosting self-esteem and reinforcing good behaviour. Supports the Personal, Social and Emotional Development Area of Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage, and is also suitable for use with children in KS1 and can be used to discuss citizenship and values. Suitable for children under 5.
by Jin Hyun Paik Karim R. Lakhani Patrick J. Ferguson Sarah Fleischer Steven RandazzoFocused on injury prediction and prevention in elite sport, the Melbourne, Australia-based KangaTech prepared to launch a new model of their core product, an integrated exercise frame and software system that used strength exercises to identify and mitigate the risk of soft-tissue and ligament injuries (see Exhibit 2 for overview of product). The team was excited about the new product and was confident that it improved upon many of the features of the previous model. However, Saunders and his co-founders couldn't help but think about the long-term strategy of the company. Spun off in 2015 out of an internal R&D initiative at the North Melbourne Football Club, KangaTech spent the past four years squarely focused on product development and gaining early traction in the elite sports markets in the U.S., the U.K., and Australia (see Exhibit 3 for company timeline). As of 2019, KangaTech had users across 15 different sites, including professional teams in the National Basketball Association, the English Premier League, and the Australian Football League. The company also underwent a successful round of financing recently, and the proceeds of which were used to fund the new version of the KangaTech product. Off the back of this recent success, the co-founders were focused on how they might be able to navigate the future ahead of them. Dilena explained, "We are going through a pretty robust strategy discussion at the moment. It is one of those decision points for us as to how we best proceed.' Dilena continued, "We've been largely product-based and product-development-based until now. How do we scale up? How do we take that next quantum leap as an organization? So part of that has been looking at where do we see the market opportunities?"
Kann Ihr Vertrieb einen Airbus landen?: Mit neuen Verhaltensweisen, Standards und Teamwork systematisch zu größeren Vertriebserfolgen
by Marco Wunderlich Martin Hinsch Jens OlthoffDieses Buch zeigt, wie Sie Konzepte aus der Luftfahrt auf Ihr Vertriebsmanagement übertragen.Die wenigsten kämen auf die Idee, Lösungen für den Vertrieb in der Luftfahrtbranche zu suchen. Schließlich gibt es deutliche Unterschiede zwischen beiden Bereichen. Dass sich dieser Blick dennoch lohnt, beweist Ihnen das vorliegende Buch. Hier erfahren Sie, wie sich Konzepte der Luftfahrt auf das Vertriebsmanagement eines Unternehmens übertragen lassen. Der Vertrieb ist mittlerweile mit einer wachsenden Aufgabenkomplexität und einem sich ständig wandelnden Umfeld konfrontiert. Damit Sie dennoch Ihre Kunden überzeugen und Ihre Ziele erreichen, liefert Ihnen dieses Buch neue Ansätze für Ihr Vertriebsmanagement – inspiriert aus der Luftfahrt. So verleihen Sie Ihrem Vertrieb und Verkauf Systematik und Struktur.Mehr Fokus auf der zwischenmenschlichen Ebene.Erfahren Sie in diesem Buch über effizientes Vertriebsmanagement, wie Sie notwendige Veränderungen im Vertrieb trotz großer Widerstände erfolgreich umsetzen können. Die von den Autoren vorgestellten, fundierten Methoden aus der Luftfahrt gliedern sich in folgende Bereiche:• Klare Kommunikation• Teamarbeit • Fehlerkultur• StandardisierungZudem legen Fluggesellschaften großen Wert auf prozessorientierte und interpersonelle Kompetenzen – zwei Kernelemente, die sich auch auf den Vertrieb übertragen lassen. Denn wegen der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung gehört es insbesondere in der Luftfahrt zu den großen Change-Management-Aufgaben, die Mitarbeiter in den Prozess aktiv einzubinden. Wie Sie mit der Luftfahrt als Vorbild Ihr eigenes Vertriebsmanagement meistern, erfahren Sie in diesem Buch. Die einzelnen Kapitel beschäftigen sich unter anderem mit folgenden Kernpunkten:• Menschliche Grenzen kennen und beherrschen• Standardprozesse: Kapazitäten für die wichtigen Aufgaben schaffen• Qualifikation und Training• Personalauswahl und Potenzialanalyse• Fehlerkultur: Das Geheimnis, um konsistent besser zu werden• Excellence im Vertrieb• Sales Resource ManagementDer digitale Vertrieb der Zukunft.Ein weiterer Fokus des Buches liegt auf der wachsenden Vertriebsautomatisierung, die aus Sicht der Autoren zukünftig ausgebaut werden muss. Das gilt besonders für Customer-Relationship-Management-Tools (CRM), die nötig sind, um den digitalen Vertrieb im Sinne der Customer-Experience weiter zu verbessern. Dieses Rundum-Paket macht das Buch zu einer lesenswerten Empfehlung für Verkäufer und Vertriebsmanager – egal ob Profi oder Einsteiger.
Kansai Digital Phone: Zutto, Gaining Japanese Loyalty
by James R. Dillon F. Asis Martinez-JerezTed Katagi, marketing strategy manager of Kansai Digital Phone (KDP), utilizes customer lifetime value as a key metric to prioritize initiatives in an emergency plan to turn around the company. KDP is a regional phone company in Japan with less than stellar performance. Katagi is sent from the U.S. partner, Airtouch (later Vodafone), to assemble a team to design and implement a plan that improves company to performance. Katagi must quickly prioritize actions and then assess the expected economic impact.
Kansas Beer: A Heady History (American Palate)
by Bob CrutchfieldProhibition came early to Kansas in 1881, driving more than 125 breweries out of business or underground. Refusing to even vote on the 1933 national repeal, the state remained dry until 1948, with liquor by the drink finally being approved in 1987. Lawrence's Chuck Magerl worked with the legislature to pen new laws allowing something (little known at the time) called a "microbrewery." Chuck started the state's first brewery in over a century, appropriately named Free State Brewing Company. John Dean of Topeka's Blind Tiger Brewery counts more awards than any other brewer in the state, including Champion Brewer at the World Beer Cup in 2014. Props & Hops Brewing, in tiny Sylvan Grove, is owned and operated by an enterprising pilot who also owns and operates a crop-dusting business on the weekdays. Author Bob Crutchfield explores the state's breweries and recounts the Sunflower State's hoppy history.