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Showing 61,901 through 61,925 of 100,000 results

Kaplan Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) – License Exam Manual

by Kaplan Financial Education

Partner with the industry leader in securities licensing exam preparation. Kaplan provides the critical knowledge needed to help you succeed on the Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) exam. Our content development is based around the SIE Exam Content Outline provided by FINRA.

Karen Bruck: Growing Managers at MercadoLibre

by Fernanda Miguel Joshua D. Margolis Mariana Cal

Karen Bruck, Corporate Sales Director at MercadoLibre, Latin America's largest e-commerce platform, needs to make a decision about one of her managers, who, while analytically savvy, has an approach that does not fit in with the company's culture.

Karen Leary (A)

by Linda A. Hill Jaan Elias

Describes the evolution of the working relationship of Karen Leary, a new manager of a Merrill Lynch retail branch, and Ted Chung, a new financial consultant in the branch. Leary has some concerns about her working relationship with Chung and with his performance. Chung makes what Leary perceives to be an unreasonable request for a private office. Leary must respond to this request, taking into account the implications of her decision for her ambitions for the branch office and her career.

Karen Leary (B)

by Linda A. Hill Jaan Elias

Supplements the (A) case.

Karen Leary (C)

by Linda A. Hill Jaan Elias

Supplements the (A) case.

Karin Vinik at South Lake Hospital (A)

by Joseph L. Badaracco Jr. Kim B. Clark

A newly appointed hospital CEO must decide how aggressively she should pursue a sexual harassment accusation against a long-time senior hospital executive, who was also a rival for the CEO position.

Karl Brunner and Monetarism

by Thomas Moser and Marcel Savioz

Economists consider the legacy of Karl Brunner&’s monetarism and its influence on current debates over monetary policy. Monetarism emerged in the 1950s and 1960s as a school of economic thought that questioned certain tenets of Keynesianism. Emphasizing the monetary nature of inflation and the responsibility of central banks for price stability, monetarism held sway in the inflation-plagued 1970s, but saw its influence begin to decline in the 1980s. Although Milton Friedman is the economist most closely associated with the development of monetarism, it was Karl Brunner (1916–1989) who introduced the term into the current vocabulary of economics and shaped its meaning. In this volume, leading economists—many of them Brunner&’s friends and former colleagues—consider the influence of Brunner&’s monetarism on current debates over monetary policy. Some contributors were participants in debates between Keynesians and monetarists; others analyze specific aspects of monetarism as theorized by Brunner and his close collaborator Allan Meltzer, or address its influence on US and European monetary policy. Others take the opportunity to examine Brunner-Meltzer monetarism through the lens of contemporary macroeconomics and monetary models. The book grows out of a symposium that marked the 100th anniversary of Brunner&’s birth. ContributorsErnst Baltensperger, Michael D. Bordo, Pierrick Clerc, Alex Cukierman, Michel De Vroey, James Forder, Benjamin M. Friedman, Kevin D. Hoover, Thomas J. Jordan, David Laidler, Allan H. Meltzer, Thomas Moser, Edward Nelson, Juan Pablo Nicolini, Charles I. Plosser, Kenneth Rogoff, Marcel Savioz, Jürgen von Hagen, Stephen Williamson

Karl Marx: Aspekte seines Wirkens

by Udo Kern Doris Neuberger

Um die heutige Welt zu begreifen, sollten wir uns nach Präsident Macron mit dem Werk „Das Kapital“ von Marx beschäftigen. Tatsächlich stellt sich nach der Finanzkrise 2007/2008 und nach Karl Marx' 200. Geburtstag im Jahr 2018 die Frage, wie aktuell sein Werk auch oder vielleicht gerade heute noch ist. In diesem Fachbuch werden deshalb verschiedene Aspekte aus dem Leben und Werk von Karl Marx beleuchtet. Dabei verfolgen die Autoren, Forscher der Universität Rostock, einen interdisziplinären Ansatz und behandeln sowohl Marx' Religionskritik als auch die Frage nach seinem politischen Denken. Thematisiert werden Marx' Interpretationen von Kapital und Geld sowie sein Kommunismusverständnis und sein Kapitalverstehen. War Karl Marx ein politischer Denker? Kann Karl Marx die Finanzkrise 2007/08 erklären und wenn ja, vielleicht sogar besser als der ökonomische Mainstream? Welchen Stellenwert kann seiner Philosophie und seiner Geld- und Kredittheorie beigemessen werden? Stimmen Kernaussagen seiner Kapitalismuskritik? In sechs Kapiteln, die auch unabhängig voneinander gelesen werden können, gehen die Autoren eingehend auf diese Fragen und Themen ein.

Karl Marx: The Story Of His Life (Routledge Library Editions)

by Franz Mehring

Containing footnotes and an extensive bibliography, this edition of Franz Mehring's classic biography is designed to assist the English-speaking reader towards a better understanding of Marx, his work and a history of Marxism. The book is divided into parts as follows: Early Years; A Pupil of Hegel; Exile in Paris; Friedrich Engels; Exile in Brussels; Revolution and Counter-Revolution; Exile in London; Marx and Engels; The Crimean War and the Crisis; Dynastic Changes; The Early Years of the International; 'Das Kapital'; The Zenith and Decline of the International; The Last Decade.

Karl Marx: His Life and Work (Routledge Revivals)

by Otto Rühle

First published in English in 1929, this is a reissue of Otto Rühle's comprehensive biography of Karl Marx. Written by a leading Marxist and key figure within the German Labour movement, this is an exceptionally detailed and well-researched study which sets Marx's life and work firmly within its social and historical context before examining in depth the major events of his life and the writings for which he has become such an influential figure in modern political philosophy. The final chapter offers an appraisal of both the man and his work, as Rühle summarises why he believes Marx was a genius.

Karl Marx and the Classics: An Essay on Value, Crises and the Capitalist Mode of Production (Routledge Revivals)

by John Milios Dimitri Dimoulis

This title was first published in 2002: By exploring Marxian value theory and its relevance to present issues of economic analysis, such as the circuit of social capital, the quantity theory of money, instability and economic crises, and economic exploitation and its ideological disguise, this volume investigates the conceptual links between Marxian and Classical Political Economy. The book poses and discusses questions that have yet to be tackled thoroughly in the English-language Marxian literature, such as Marx's theoretical inconsistencies and the role of Engels as editor and "interpreter" of Marx's writings. In doing so, this excellent text provides a much-needed contemporary re-evaluation of the work of one of the world's most enduring writers.

Karl Marx's Grundrisse: Foundations of the critique of political economy 150 years later (Routledge Frontiers Of Political Economy Ser.)

by Marcello Musto

Written between 1857 and 1858, the Grundrisse is the first draft of Marx‘s critique of political economy and, thus, also the initial preparatory work on Capital. Despite its editorial vicissitudes and late publication, Grundrisse contains numerous reflections on matters that Marx did not develop elsewhere in his oeuvre and is therefore extremely im

Karl Marx’s Life, Ideas, and Influences: A Critical Examination on the Bicentenary (Marx, Engels, and Marxisms)

by Marcello Musto Shaibal Gupta Babak Amini

Since the latest crisis of capitalism broke out in 2008, Marx has been back in fashion, and sometimes it seems that his ideas have never been as topical, or as commanding of respect and interest, as they are today. This edited collection arises from one of the largest international conferences dedicated to the bicentenary of Marx’s birth. The volume contains 16 chapters authored by globally renowned scholars and is divided into two parts: I) On the Critique of Politics; II) On the Critique of Political Economy. These contributions, from multiple academic disciplines, offer diverse perspectives on why Marx is still so relevant for our times and make this book a source of great appeal for both expert scholars of Marx as well as students and general readers who are approaching his theories for the first time.

Karl Marx's Theory of History: A Defence (Expanded Edition)

by G. A. Cohen

First published in 1978, this book rapidly established itself as a classic of modern Marxism. Cohen's masterful application of advanced philosophical techniques in an uncompromising defense of historical materialism commanded widespread admiration. In the ensuing twenty years, the book has served as a flagship of a powerful intellectual movement--analytical Marxism. In this expanded edition, Cohen offers his own account of the history, and the further promise, of analytical Marxism. He also expresses reservations about traditional historical materialism, in the light of which he reconstructs the theory, and he studies the implications for historical materialism of the demise of the Soviet Union.

Karl Popper and Situational Analysis: Theory and Method for Contemporary Economics and Sociology (Routledge INEM Advances in Economic Methodology)

by Alfonso Palacio-Vera

‘Situational Analysis’ represents Karl Popper’s methodological proposal for the social sciences. Although it has been widely studied and interpreted, this book argues that Situational Analysis remains underestimated and undeveloped and, if properly reformulated, could yet become a broad methodological framework that encompasses both the ‘historical’ social sciences and a large section of the ‘theoretical’ social sciences.The first part of this book develops this idea by returning to Popper’s texts. This book calls for both a reformulation of Situational Analysis and a clarification of the status and role of Popper’s ‘Rationality Principle’. This book also develops Situational Analysis by addressing two aspects of the Problem-Situation facing individual actors that are only sketched out in Popper’s work: institutions and expectations. The second part of this book utilizes the reformulated version of Situational Analysis to shed light on the core methodological differences across some of the most widespread approaches in contemporary economics and sociology. In particular, by showing that many of these approaches are variants of the reformulated version of Situational Analysis presented in the first part of this book, this book argues that apparent methodological differences across these approaches may be reinterpreted as differences in the way social scientists reconstruct the Problem-Situation facing individual actors.This book will be vital reading for academic economists, sociologists, philosophers of science, and other social scientists interested in methodology.

The Karma of Success: Spiritual Strategies to Free Your Inner Genius

by Liz Tran

Realize your innermost dreams and ambitions by turning up the volume on your intuition and re-connecting with your Inner Genius We are all born with an inner spark of intuition—Buddhism calls it seeing Dhamma. Taoism calls it finding the way. But most of us in the Western world are socialized to prioritize external markers of success. Money, status, high powered careers—the pressure to perform superficially drowns out the inner voice. As a result, we barely know who we are and what we&’re truly capable of. The Karma of Success is the professional and personal success you will find once your internal world, your actions, and your values are in alignment. You&’ll feel more confident, capable, and enjoy more success as you learn how to access your own inner voice, stop following the paths of others, and redefine achievement on your own terms. Business coach, tech executive, Reiki healer, and spiritual leader Liz Tran will teach you the Four Pillars of Spiritual Strategy—inquiring inward, manifesting mindfully, enriching your energy, and becoming brilliant. You will also be guided by stories of business leaders, tech visionaries, and regular people who have learned how to access their intuition in order to unlock their full potential. Drawing from ancient sources of wisdom including Zen Buddhism, the Tao, Reiki healing, astrology, and Vipassana meditation, The Karma of Success shows you how to slow down and look inward to find the meaning and success you are meant to have.

Karma Sutras: Leadership and Wisdom in Uncertain Times (SAGE IIM-Kozhikode Series for New Managers)

by Debashis Chatterjee

Karma Sutras decodes the secrets of effective leadership in these uncertain times. It is a blueprint for success in the organizational and personal sphere. The book contains management mantras from one of India’s foremost thought leaders. It will help you navigate the technology-driven culture of 21st century business. Karma Sutras throws light on the leadership practices needed for the 4.0 VUCA world. It vividly encapsulates the scientific and spiritual truths about organization, work, self-mastery and the purpose of leadership in the VUCA world. Laced with small narratives from current issues to motivating stories and relatable quotes, the book caters to aspiring leaders and first-time managers alike. It provides deep anchors in spirituality for managers struggling in a disruptive world. Finally, Karma Sutras will teach you the art of effective followership. As the author rightly says, ‘….in each follower there is an emerging leader’.

Karmic Management: What Goes Around Comes Around in Your Business and Your Life

by Geshe Michael Roach Lama Christie Mcnally Michael Gordon

In this little book with a revolutionary message, traditional Eastern wisdom and real-life business experience come together. The book offers a step-by-step plan that will help readers adopt a more successful way of working and living.

Karriere im Tourismus und in der Eventwirtschaft: Wege zum Traumberuf

by Vanessa Wirtz Bernd Schabbing Birgit Crusius

Dieses Buch gibt Ihnen einen praxisnahen Einblick in Karrieren der Tourismus- und Eventwirtschaft Spannend, vielfältig und erlebnisreich – die Tourismus- und Eventwirtschaft ist eine besonders dynamische Branche. Das macht sich auch durch ihr jährliches Wachstum bemerkbar. Da ist es keine Überraschung, dass viele Menschen in diesem Berufszweig ihr persönliches Glück finden wollen. Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen einen umfassenden Einblick in verschiedene Karrieren in der Tourismus- und Eventwirtschaft. Im Fokus stehen 19 individuelle Erfahrungsberichte von Absolventen der International School of Management (ISM), mit denen Sie erfolgreiche Karrierewege nachverfolgen können. So bekommen Sie einen Branchenüberblick zum Tourismus- und Eventmarkt. Außerdem geben Ihnen Karriereberater der ISM Expertentipps für einen erfolgreichen Karriereeinstieg in der Tourismus- und Eventwirtschaft.Theoretisches Wissen und BrancheneinblickeZunächst erfahren Sie in diesem Buch mehr über die theoretischen Grundlagen von Karrieren in der Tourismus- und Eventwirtschaft. Die Herausgeber liefern Ihnen einen Branchenüberblick mit Daten und Fakten und erläutern die zunehmende Bedeutung von Events. Anschließend bekommen Sie in Interviewform Einblick in verschiedene Berufszweige und die Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche Berufslaufbahn:Karrieren im LuftverkehrsmanagementKarrieren in der HotellerieKarrieren im EventmanagementKarrieren bei Reiseveranstaltern und ReisemittlernKarrieren im ReiseverkehrNeue MedienDie wichtigsten Learnings und der richtige KarrierewegNützliche Entscheidungshilfen bei der Berufswahl Zwei Fachbeiträge erläutern, welche Persönlichkeitsmerkmale eine erfolgreiche Karriere in der Tourismusbranche positiv beeinflussen. Zudem können Sie sich in diesem Buch über die aktuelle Anforderungen und Erwartungen an Studierende informieren und leichter den für Sie besten Karriereweg einschlagen. Abgerundet wird dieser Karriere-Ratgeber durch die Vorstellung des Studiengangs „Tourism & Event Management“. Mit dieser umfassenden Darstellung von aktuellen Themen und zukünftigen Trends zu Ausbildung und Studium in der Tourismusbranche richtet sich dieser Sammelband in erster Linie an Auszubildende, Studieninteressierte und Studierende, aber auch an Praktiker in der Tourismus- und Eventbranche.

Karriereberatung. Coachingmethoden für eine kompetenzorientierte Laufbahnberatung

by Thomas Lang-von Wins Claas Triebel

Der Wandel von der stabilen Erwerbsbiografie zur instabilen Patchworklaufbahn verlangt von Karriere- und Berufsberatern eine besondere Herangehensweise. Die Autoren stellen Coaching-Methoden vor, die Personen in beruflichen Umbruchsituationen bei der aktiven Gestaltung des Berufswegs helfen und vorhandene Ressourcen aktivieren. Praxisnah und direkt einsetzbar beschrieben, können die wissenschaftlich fundierten Verfahren auf zahlreichen Feldern eingesetzt werden: von der Beratung Jugendlicher bis zum Coaching von Fach- und Führungskräften.

Karrierebezogene Risiken von Expatriierungen: Eine explorative Analyse

by Christian Nowak

Internationale Mobilität ist inzwischen ein geläufiger Bestandteil beruflicher Karrieren. In diesem Kontext werden Expatriierungen u. a. als wichtiges Instrument angesehen, das Arbeitnehmern ermöglicht, sich neuen Herausforderungen zu stellen sowie ihre Karriereentwicklung zu fördern. Trotz vielfältiger Chancen, die mit internationaler Mobilität verbunden sind, sind Erkenntnisse zum Einfluss von Expatriierungserfahrungen auf z. B. den Karrierefortschritt weiterhin begrenzt sowie von Inkonsistenzen geprägt. Für das methodische Vorgehen wurde ein qualitativer Ansatz gewählt, mit dessen Hilfe eine umfassende Bandbreite an karrierebezogenen Risiken im Expatriierungskontext erforscht wird. So werden in den Ergebnissen verschiedene Arten von Risiken herausgearbeitet, Ursachen für Risikoentstehung beschrieben und schließlich in ein Prozessmodell überführt, das die Entstehung der Risiken abbildet. Damit wird ein Beitrag geleistet, um die anfangs benannten Widersprüche und die Risikoentstehung besser nachvollziehen zu können. Auch werden einige Risiken herausgearbeitet, die bis dato kaum eine Rolle in der Forschung spielen, Impulse für die Karriere- und Expatriierungsforschung darstellen und wertvolle Anregungen für die Praxis liefern können.

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