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Kennedys' Simulations for Negotiation Training
by Florence KennedyImproving negotiation skills has become an important part of the development of any manager or supervisor. But writing negotiating simulations that are effective can be a hit or miss exercise for any busy trainer. This manual provides you with a set of 24 detailed and proven simulations (and six negotiation 'cases') involving scenarios for purchasing, selling, industrial relations, disputed invoices, change management, problem solving and contract negotiation. The simulations are graded 'basic', 'intermediate' or 'advanced' and provide scenarios suitable for managers wishing to improve negotiation skills, whatever their level. Each of the simulations follows Gavin Kennedy's renowned 4-phase 'wants' method of negotiating and includes detailed trainer's notes and full participant's briefs. In the first half of the manual, Professor Kennedy provides guidance on how to prepare for simulations, controlling the exercises, evaluating the outcome and using observers. There is also comprehensive guidance on the 4-phase 'wants' method of negotiating. For this third edition, six completely new simulations are provided to match the changing circumstances of business negotiation, related to the widening readership among trainers in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa. All the simulations have been field-tested by practising negotiation trainers and all are based on real-world experiences and business incidents. There is also a new section ('Negotiation Cases') containing negotiation training materials for small sub-group discussions by participants, who apply the negotiation concepts introduced in the training sessions. This wide-ranging and proven collection of exercises should be extremely useful to anyone responsible for developing negotiation skills as well as to those training in sales, purchasing, people management and problem solving.
Kenneth Boulding
by Robert ScottThis book summarizes the life and work of economist Kenneth E. Boulding. Boulding was a prolific writer, teacher and Quaker. Starting his career as an orthodox Keynesian economist, he eventually adopted a transdisciplinary approach to economic topics including peace, conflict and defense, environmental problems, human betterment and evolution.
Kenneth & Helen Spencer of Kansas: Champions of Culture & Commerce in the Sunflower State
by Kenneth F. CrockettBorn on opposite sides of the Kansas/Missouri border in 1902, Kenneth Aldred Spencer and his wife, Helen Foresman Spencer, were transformative figures in the Midwest during the twentieth century. Kenneth grew up in the small town of Pittsburg, Kansas, but by the 1950s, his innovation in the chemical and coal industries had earned him mention in "Forbes" magazine for his role as one of the nation's great industrialists. But it is the couple's remarkable philanthropic work that stands as their true legacy, preserved in places like the Kenneth Spencer Research Library and the Helen Foresman Spencer Museum of Art..
Kennzahlen zur Erreichung der weltweiten Klimaziele: Band II: Amerika, Nahost und Südasien, Ostasien und Ozeanien
by Valentin CrastanAnalysiert werden die aktuellen Kennzahlen aus der Energiewirtschaft für die geographischen Einheiten Amerika – unterteilt in Nordamerika (Kanada + USA) sowie Mittel- und Südamerika –, Nahost und Südasien sowie Ostasien und Ozeanien. Die wichtigsten energiewirtschaftlichen Indikatoren der einzelnen Regionen und Länder und deren Entwicklung werden in zahlreichen Grafiken und Energieflussdiagrammen veranschaulicht. Darauf basierend empfiehlt der Autor eine Verteilung der zur Begrenzung des Klimawandels notwendigen Emissionsreduktion (für Klimaziel 2 °C und 1,5 °C, mit Perspektive bis 2050).Die in diesem Band behandelten Erdteile verursachen zusammen 77 % der Emissionen. Europa + Eurasien sowie Afrika werden in einem weiteren Band behandelt.
Kennzahlenbasierte Analyse des Recruiting-Prozesses am Beispiel eines Praxisunternehmens (BestMasters)
by Laura WedelTrotz der vielfältigen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Kennzahlen zeigen diverse Studienergebnisse, dass die Verknüpfung des Recruitings mit Controlling-Elementen in vielen Unternehmen noch immer vernachlässigt wird. Dabei kommt Recruiting-Kennzahlen speziell in herausfordernden, dynamischen Zeiten eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Diese Problematik ist der Ansatzpunkt des vorliegenden Buches, das sich mit dem Performance Measurement entlang des Personalbeschaffungsprozesses beschäftigt. Im Zuge der Forschungsarbeit werden 60 Kennzahlen für eine verbesserte Operationalisierbarkeit der Personalbeschaffung eruiert sowie mittels leitfadengestützter Experteninterviews auf ihre Praxistauglichkeit hin untersucht.
Kenosha's Jeffery & Rambler Automobiles (Images of America)
by Patrick Foster Chris Allen-Kenosha CenterThe Thomas B. Jeffery Company existed as an automobile maker from 1902 to 1916 and in that short span created a corporate foundation that would lead to successor firms Nash Motors, Nash-Kelvinator, American Motors, and Jeep. Thomas Jeffery named his automobile the Rambler, after the popular bicycles he manufactured prior to his car venture. The Rambler was a car of outstanding quality and reliability. From its first showing in Chicago in 1902, the Rambler stood out as an unusual value for the money. That reputation carried over when Tom Jeffery's son and successor Charles decided to change the car's name to Jeffery in honor of his late father. In 1916, Charles Nash, then president of General Motors, resigned his position and purchased the Thomas B. Jeffery firm, renaming it the Nash Motors Company. Before long, an all-new Nash car was introduced, and the Jeffery brand faded away. Nash went on to become one of the largest of the American independent automakers.
Kent Chemical: Organizing for International Growth
by Christopher A. Bartlett Laura WinigIn July 2008, Luis Morales, president of Kent Chemical International, is proposing a third reorganization effort after two failed attempts to better align his business with its U.S.-based parent company. With a global expansion strategy placing increasing demands on his organization, a divide forming between Kent's core business and its growth markets, and a global recession looming, Morales knows this time his plan has no room for error.
Kent Chemical: Organizing for International Growth
by Christopher A. Bartlett Laura WinigIn July 2008, Luis Morales, president of Kent Chemical International, is proposing a third reorganization effort after two failed attempts to better align his business with its U.S.-based parent company. With a global expansion strategy placing increasing demands on his organization, a divide forming between Kent's core business and its growth markets, and a global recession looming, Morales knows this time his plan has no room for error.
Kent Thiry: "Mayor" of DaVita
by Natalie Kindred William W. GeorgeKent Thiry, CEO of dialysis provider DaVita, is considering how to integrate employees from recently acquired Gambro Healthcare without damaging DaVita's robust, unconventional internal culture. When Thiry joined DaVita in 1999, breaking an important promise to his family in order to do so, he was determined to create a differentiated company with a community-like culture. Over six years, he had engineered an impressive financial turnaround and successfully developed the strong culture he had envisioned. In late 2004, DaVita acquired arch-rival Gambro Healthcare, whose 12,000 employees would nearly double DaVita in size once the integration is completed in fall 2005. Confident that the deal makes business sense but worried about potential adverse impacts of the integration-especially in light of rumors that Gambro employees are suspicious of Thiry's authenticity and critical of DaVita's arguably eccentric culture-Thiry is considering whether to impose DaVita's culture on the new arrivals, or just allow Gambro to operate independently for a period of time.
Kentucky Fried Chicken (Japan) Ltd.
by Christopher A. Bartlett U. Srinivasa RanganDescribes the internationalization of the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) fast food chain, focusing on KFC's entry into Japan. An entrepreneurial country general manager, Lou Weston, battles numerous problems to establish the business and is eventually highly successful. In doing so, Weston ignores or circumvents policies and control from KFC's headquarters and becomes very upset when more sophisticated planning, coordination, and control systems begin to constrain his freedom. The case presents both the headquarters and subsidiary perspectives and allows discussion of the conflicts between strategic planning and control and entrepreneurial independence in a multinational company.
Kenya: 2003 Article IV Consultation--Staff Report; Staff Supplement; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Kenya
by International Monetary FundA report from the International Monetary Fund.
Kenya: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
by International Monetary FundA report from the International Monetary Fund.
Kenya - Culture Smart!
by Jane BarsbyCulture Smart! provides essential information on attitudes, beliefs and behavior in different countries, ensuring that you arrive at your destination aware of basic manners, common courtesies, and sensitive issues. These concise guides tell you what to expect, how to behave, and how to establish a rapport with your hosts. This inside knowledge will enable you to steer clear of embarrassing gaffes and mistakes, feel confident in unfamiliar situations, and develop trust, friendships, and successful business relationships.Culture Smart! offers illuminating insights into the culture and society of a particular country. It will help you to turn your visit-whether on business or for pleasure-into a memorable and enriching experience. Contents include:* customs, values, and traditions* historical, religious, and political background* life at home* leisure, social, and cultural life* eating and drinking* do's, don'ts, and taboos* business practices* communication, spoken and unspoken"Culture Smart has come to the rescue of hapless travellers." Sunday Times Travel"... the perfect introduction to the weird, wonderful and downright odd quirks and customs of various countries." Global Travel"...full of fascinating-as well as common-sense-tips to help you avoid embarrassing faux pas." Observer"...as useful as they are entertaining." Easyjet Magazine"...offer glimpses into the psyche of a faraway world." New York Times
Kenzo Tange and the Metabolist Movement: Urban Utopias of Modern Japan
by Zhongjie LinAmid Japan’s political turbulence in 1960, seven architects and designers founded Metabolism to propagate radical ideas of urbanism. Kenzō Tange’s Plan for Tokyo 1960 further celebrated urban expansion as organic processes and pushed city design to an unprecedented scale. Metabolists’ visionary schemes of the city gave birth to revolutionary design paradigms, which reinvented the discourse of modern Japanese architecture and propelled it through the years of Economic Miracle to a global prominence. Their utopian concepts, which often envisaged the sea and the sky as human habitats of the future, reflected fundamental issues of cultural transformation and addressed environmental crises of the postindustrial society. This new edition expands Zhongjie Lin’s pathbreaking account on Tange and Metabolism centered at the intersection of urbanism and utopianism. The thorough historical survey, from Metabolism’s inauguration at the 1960 World Design Conference to the apex of the movement at Expo ’70 and further to the recent demolition of Nakagin Capsule Tower, leads to a definition of three Metabolist urban paradigms – megastructure, group form, and ruins – which continue to inspire experiments in architecture, city design, and conservation. Kenzō Tange and the Metabolist Movement is a key book for architectural and urban historians, architects, and all those interested in avant-garde design, Japanese architecture, and contemporary urbanism.
Kerala: The Paradoxes of Public Action and Development
by Joseph TharamangalamRevised and edited papers presented during a two-day workshop in Trivandrum in 1999.
Kerala’s Economic Development: Emerging Issues and Challenges
by B. A. Prakash Jerry AlwinFocusing on current economic problems, Kerala′s Economic Development: Emerging Issues and Challenges provides an in-depth analysis of the major development issues and challenges faced by the state. Kerala’s development experience has attracted worldwide attention due to its paradoxical development: attaining higher quality of life of people on the one hand and continuation of the backward productive sectors on the other. The state’s economy remained backward in many respects and relied heavily on the remittance of Keralite emigrants. The implementation of liberalisation and globalisation policies since 1991 radically altered the growth process and Kerala achieved higher rates of investment and growth and greater technological change. These policies, however, have not only provided enormous opportunities, but also new challenges. This book examines the state’s economic growth as well as the issues that have accompanied the policy changes.
Kermit PPI
by Kyle R. Myers Matt Grennan Sarah MehtaLaunched in 2011, Kermit PPI helped hospitals save money on expensive orthopedic implants and devices by enabling them to renegotiate their contracts with device manufacturers and better monitor compliance. In 2021, as they look to grow, they are entertaining two options: recruiting new customers and expanding their service offerings.
Kernanalysen der Financial Due Diligence (essentials)
by Thomas PompDie Financial Due Diligence untersucht die aktuelle finanzielle Situation sowie die historische und geplante finanzielle Entwicklung eines Unternehmens und ist damit ein wesentlicher Prozessschritt bei M&A-Transaktionen. Das Buch fokussiert sich auf die Kernanalysen der Financial Due Diligence und erläutert diese mit zahlreichen Praxisbeispielen.
Kerncompetenties kraamverzorgenden in ontwikkeling
by Pieternel Dijkstra Desirée Groen-DeusingsAls kraamverzorgende moet je tegenwoordig sterk in je schoenen staan. Dit komt enerzijds doordat de gezinssamenstellingen ingewikkelder worden. Anderzijds doordat er meer van je wordt verwacht dan alleen maar instructies geven en schoonmaken. Het is dus belangrijk dat je de juiste psychologische en sociale eigenschappen hebt. Hoe kun je die eigenschappen ontwikkelen? In kerncompetenties kraamverzorgenden in ontwikkeling komt dat uitgebreid aan de orde. In elk deel wordt er een thema behandeld. In het eerste deel houd je je bezig met de vraag wie ben ik als mens? Je kijkt naar je sterke en zwakke punten en de manier waarop je met emoties omgaat. Hoe kun je jezelf het beste ontwikkelen? In het tweede deel analyseer je jouw manier van samenwerken aan de hand van de vraag wie ben ik als professional?. Je leert hoe je kunt groeien in je werk. In het derde deel bekijk je hoe je het beste uit je werk en uit jezelf kunt halen. Hoe ga je om met stress?Sluit je werk nog steeds aan bij je interesses? In elk deel staan testen en opdrachten. Door deze te maken krijg je inzicht in je eigen functioneren. Je krijgt informatie en adviezen die je nodig hebt om ervoor te zorgen dat de baby en het kraamgezin een goede start maken.
Kernel Density Estimation Based on Grouped Data: The Case of Poverty Assessment
by Camelia Minoiu Sanjay G. ReddyA report from the International Monetary Fund.
Keroche (A): Fighting for Share in the Kenyan Alcoholic Drinks Market
by Pippa Tubman Armerding Ramon Casadesus-MasanellThis case discusses the challenges faced by Kenyan alcoholic drinks producer Keroche Industries Limited in 2003, when the Kenyan government accused the company of manufacturing and selling substandard alcoholic drinks, revoked its liquor licenses, and shut down its manufacturing facility. At the same time, the multinational East Africa Breweries Limited (EABL) was planning to enter the same low-income market as Keroche. The husband and wife duo Tabitha and Joseph Karanja had founded Keroche in 1997 with the aim of providing Kenya's low-income consumers with a cheap and safe alcoholic drink alternative, since these consumers frequently turned to unregulated, informally brewed alcohol that could blind or even kill those who drank it. However, the government was now claiming that Keroche, too, produced substandard drinks. Tabitha Karanja was convinced that EABL was behind these government attacks. The case describes the history of Keroche and EABL, and asks what Tabitha Karanja might do now to combat the allegations of the government and respond to the factory closing.
Keroche (B): Considering Entry into the Kenyan Beer Market
by Pippa Tubman Armerding Ramon Casadesus-MasanellThis case discusses the situation of the Kenyan alcoholic drinks producer Keroche in July 2004, when co-founder Tabitha Karanja was debating whether to enter the Kenyan beer market. Doing so would mean direct competition with the multinational EABL in an industry and market where Keroche had no experience. It would also require significant investments in manufacturing capacity, technology, and marketing. The case asks whether Tabitha Karanja should enter the Kenyan beer market, and if so, whether she should continue to target the low- to middle-income consumers with whom she had built the Keroche business, or shift the company's focus toward the upper middle- and high-income consumers who had been customers of EABL. The case also describes how the company successfully rebounded from the plant closures, litigation, and media attacks of the previous year, including through court battles and an extensive public relations campaign.
Keroche (C): The Excise Tax Increase
by Pippa Tubman Armerding Ramon Casadesus-MasanellThis case discusses the Kenyan government's decision to increase excise taxes on wines in 2007. The tax increase would cause an average increase in price of 367% on Keroche's fortified wines. Meanwhile, Keroche's competitor EABL had effectively lobbied the government for its Senator beer to receive a zero-tax rating. Since Keroche's wines targeted low-income consumers, Tabitha Karanja knew they would no longer be able to buy its products after the price hike. To make matters worse, Keroche was in the middle of building a brewery, with plans to enter the beer business in 2008. Now Tabitha Karanja had to decide how to react to this tax increase. One option was to lobby the government for a repeal of the tax increase (a long and costly process). Another was to abandon the wine business altogether, either in favor of the vodka Keroche already produced or another alcoholic drink.
Keroche (D): Transforming the Core Business
by Pippa Tubman Armerding Ramon Casadesus-MasanellThis case describes Keroche co-founder Tabitha Karanja's decision to exit the wine business following the Kenyan government's 2007 increase in excise taxes on wine. In August 2007, Keroche introduced the vodka drink Viena Ice as a replacement for its fortified wines, and in August 2008, it entered the beer market with the launch of its Summit Lager premium beer. The case describes the success of Keroche's products in the Kenyan beer market, despite an initial intense advertising campaign by Keroche competitor EABL for its own Tusker beer.