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Showing 62,051 through 62,075 of 100,000 results

Keurig: Hostile Takeover (B)

by David J. Donahue John H. Lynch Paul W. Marshall Philip B. Rich

Supplement to case 918401.


by Paul W. Marshall Jeremy B. Dann

Nick Lazaris becomes Keurig's third CEO in three years, after one founder was fired and the other decided to leave the company. He inherits a company that has made several abortive attempts to launch its new coffee brewing system. Now, problems with crucial suppliers threaten the next proposed launch plan.

Keurig and Green Mountain Coffee Roasters

by Shikhar Ghosh Thomas R. Eisenmann Lauren Barley Paul W. Marshall

Provides background information for a negotiations exercise in which students will represent either Keurig, a startup that has developed an innovative "portion pack" coffee brewing solution, or Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR), a fast-growing premium coffee roaster interested in licensing Keurig's technology. The negotiation will determine the royalty to be paid to Keurig by GMCR, who will bear capital expenditures, and whether GMCR secures exclusive distribution rights to Keurig's system.

Kevin D. Johnson: To Be a Venture Capitalist or an Operator?

by Jo Tango Alys Ferragamo

In May of 2021, Kevin D. Johnson had just graduated from a rigorous Executive MBA program, and he quickly needed to decide on his next career move. Johnson was the founder and CEO of a successful media company, Johnson Media Inc., but his career goals had shifted while at business school. He wanted to use his talents to help other BIPOC entrepreneurs access capital and provide opportunities to create intergenerational wealth. Johnson evaluated his four options: work full-time at an online platform dedicated to connecting Black founders with funding; join a BIPOC-focused venture capital ("VC") firm; pursue a job at an established VC firm; or continue scaling his media company. Which option would Johnson choose?

Kevin McCarthy and Westlake Chemical Corp (A)

by Edward J. Riedl

Examines forecasting earnings/performance for a commodity chemical firm during a period of high uncertainty, highlighting the combined effects of input process (natural gas), industry capacity/utilization, and cyclicality. Assuming the role of Kevin McCarthy (the top chemical industry analyst in 2004), students must analyze macro, industry, and firm-level data to determine the future performance of this firm.

Kevin Sharer at Amgen: Sustaining the High-Growth Company (A)

by Andrew N. Mclean William W. George

In 2005, Kevin Sharer reflects on the challenges of sustaining the growth and success that have brought Amgen to the position of third-largest U.S. pharmaceuticals company by market capitalization and the challenge of maintaining the higher P/E ratio it traditionally held. Profiles the leadership and development of Sharer, tracing his career from the U.S. Navy through McKinsey and Co., GE, and MCI to his entrance at Amgen as president and COO. Provides information on the history and business of Amgen and its science-based discovery model. Provides information about the protagonist's career, management style, learning style, aspirations, and motivations. Raises questions about leadership in sustaining discovery-driven growth and leadership succession.

Kevin Simpson

by Linda A. Hill Melinda B. Conrad

Follows Kevin Simpson, a second-year Harvard Business School 1990 student, through his job search to his final decision between two very attractive but different job offers: a job as an international marketing manager at Eli Lilly and Co., a leading multinational health product corporation; and a position as the assistant to the president of Haemonetics, an entrepreneurial company in the biomedical equipment field. Addresses the factors Simpson should consider when making job choices as well as the issues he faces as an African-American professional.

The Key

by Joe Vitale

The paperback edition of Joe Vitale's inspiring guide to attracting wealth, health, happiness, and moreNow available in paperback, inspirational author Joe Vitale's The Key finally reveals the secret to attracting anything you want from life-money, happiness, professional success, love, or anything else. This book goes beyond Vitale's bestselling book The Attractor Factor and the mega-hit movie The Secret to reveal a powerful and effective way to get more out of every aspect of your life.If you know you can achieve more, but can't seem to make it happen, The Key reveals the psychological and unconscious limitations that are holding you back. You'll learn ten proven ways to stop sabotaging yourself and align your conscious and subconscious minds. This book gives you all the personal insight you need to unlock secret doors within yourself and open new opportunities and possibilities in your life.From Joe Vitale, bestselling author of The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits, and Life's Missing Instruction ManualGives you the guidance and advice you need to unlock your full potential in lifeOffers practical help for dealing with problems with your job, finances, and any other aspect of your lifeIf you want to be the best you can be, no matter what you do, this book is The Key to unlocking a better, more successful you.

Key Account Controlling in der pharmazeutischen Industrie

by Sabine Rinauer

Das deutsche Gesundheitssystem ist ein komplexes Regulierungsgefüge. Damit die Marktteilnehmer die Konsequenzen ihres Handelns einschätzen können, werden die Kenntnis von Interdependenzen und die frühzeitige Information über Veränderungen der Rahmenbedingungen immer wichtiger. Durch die Konsolidierung der Nachfragestrukturen gewinnt die Fokussierung auf die zentralen Schlüsselkunden für die Arzneimittelhersteller an strategischer Bedeutung. Die damit verbundene Veränderung im absatzwirtschaftlichen Geschäftsmodell verändert den Informations- und Koordinationsbedarf maßgeblich und stellt somit neue Anforderungen an das Controlling. Neue praxistaugliche Instrumente zur Entscheidungsunterstützung und Verhaltenssteuerung im pharmazeutischen Key Account Management werden benötigt.

Key Account Management

by Peter Cheverton

An organization's key accounts are its lifeblood. Key account management focuses on the long-term investment of resources in customers that can offer an exceptional return on resources. But which are the key accounts? Are they the ones growing the fastest? The ones that are most financially secure? Or are they the ones that shout the loudest? Key Account Management puts forward a straightforward and effective planning methodology. This fully updated sixth edition of Key Account Management takes a long-term, team-selling strategic view of the whole process, from defining the customer, to managing the relationship and achieving key supplier status. With coverage of latest best practice including IT's role in account management, plus new case studies, online supporting resources and a new section comparing how different industries/markets approach key account management, it stands alone as the premier book on managing key customers.

Key Account Management

by Diana Woodburn Malcolm Mcdonald

"This book is crammed with distilled, practical wisdom for key account managers and their directors. Organizations claiming to practise key account management should equip everyone involved with a copy, so they really understand what they are supposed to be doing. Anything less is just old-fashioned selling."Developing successful business-to-business relationships with more customers in highly competitive markets requires processes and skills that go beyond traditional selling activity. The very best state-of-the-art strategies are set out clearly in this book by intentionally known authors who have worked at the highest levels with more key and strategic account managers worldwide than probably any other leading advisors. Based on the hugely influential KEY CUSTOMERS it looks at:Why has account management become so critical to commercial success?What are the key challenges and how do successful companies respond?What part does key account management play in strategic planning?How do companies build profitable relationships with their customers?How does key account management actually work?What does a successful key account manager look like and what skills does he/she need?How should key account managers be evaluated and rewarded?How do companies achieve key account management? By addressing these key questions Woodburn and McDonald provide tools and processes for success honed by tough consultancy projects with the boards of some of the world's leading companies. The book stresses the elements that really matter - from developing a customer categorization system that really works and analyzing the needs of key accounts; to understanding the new skills required by key account managers and ensuring that key account plans are implemented. The 'real world' approach is backed by tested principles and the latest research from the renowned Cranfield School of Management.Key Account Management comes from authors who have taught leading companies how to approach their most powerful and demanding customers and still make money. It is essential reading for all senior management with strategic responsibility, for key or strategic account directors, and for marketing and sales executives. The clear and authoritative approach also makes it an outstanding text for the serious MBA and executive student as well as business-to-business company directors and key account managers.

Key Account Management and Planning: The Comprehensive Handbook for Managing Your Company's Most Important Strategic Asset

by Noel Capon

The vastly increased level of competitive intensity faced by corporations and the increased costs of selling have radically changed the nature of the traditional selling process. Key or "strategic" accounts have now become a company's most important asset, in some cases supplying in excess of 80 percent of a firm's revenues. Here, in one powerful volume, key account management expert Noel Capon provides the most comprehensive treatment of key account management and planning yet published. For the first time, Capon introduces his breakthrough four-part "congruence model" of key account management -- a new, thoroughly researched approach to optimally managing your key account portfolio. First, the author shows how to select and conceptualize the key account portfolio; second, how to organize and manage key accounts; third, how to recruit, select, train, retain, and reward key account managers; and fourth, how to formulate and execute strategy and issues of coordination and control. This congruence model serves as a backdrop as Capon takes the reader step-by-step through the vital functions of key account management including identifying key account criteria, considering the threats and opportunities for the key account, and understanding the roles and responsibilities of critical players. Capon backs up his points with extensive research, real-life stories of successes and failures at a variety of companies, and clarifying figures. Special chapters are devoted to partnering with key accounts and in-depth information on global key account management, an increasingly important weapon for staying ahead of the competition. Timely, important, and essential, Key Account Management and Planning is the only reference handbook those with key account responsibilities will ever need.

Key Account Management - Das Praxishandbuch B2B

by Stefan Reintgen

Ihre B2B-Topkunden bewegen die Märkte, treiben die Leistungsgestaltung voran, fordern dafür ihre Lieferanten heraus, werden stets professioneller und tougher im Einkauf, nutzen sehr effektiv die weltweit verfügbare Anbieterbasis, sind hochgradig wechselbereit und für Ihr Unternehmen unverzichtbar. Falls diese Beschreibung Ihre Realität abbildet, brauchen Sie für diese Kunden ein top-funktionierendes Key Account Management. Viele Unternehmen haben es eingeführt, einige sind zu strategischen Partnern ihrer Schlüsselkunden geworden. Häufig wird diese Qualität jedoch nicht erreicht. Die Gründe dafür sind vielfältig. Die gute Nachricht: Sie sind überwindbar. Dieses Buch vermittelt geeignete Ansätze, aktuelle Werkzeuge und State-of-the-Art-Praktiken, die im professionellen KAM angewendet werden. Mit diesem Praxishandbuch können Sie Ihre Fragestellungen anhand des integrierten KAM-Performance-Konzeptes fokussiert oder schrittweise angehen. Dafür stellt es Ihnen Best Practices zur Verfügung, einige auch als Download. Sie erhalten zahlreiche Tipps, viele davon aus Projekten mit Kunden. Ihre Key Accounts sind Ihre werthaltigsten Kunden. Der Wert liegt in den kurzfristigen Erfolgsgrößen und in der langfristigen Unternehmensentwicklung. Dafür lohnt es sich, gutes und richtiges KAM zu praktizieren.

Key Account Management erfolgreich planen und umsetzen

by Hartmut H. Biesel

Erwirtschaften auch Sie 80 Prozent Ihres Umsatzes mit 20 Prozent Ihrer Kunden? Dann kommen Sie am Thema Key Account Management nicht mehr vorbei. Für die Betreuung von Top-Kunden gibt es jedoch kein Patentrezept. Nur individuelle, auf das jeweilige Unternehmen zugeschnittene Konzepte bringen langfristig mehr Erfolg. Hartmut H. Biesel zeigt anschaulich, wie dazu Unternehmenskultur, Vertriebsstrategie und Umsetzungstools miteinander verzahnt werden müssen. Sie erfahren, wie Sie Key Account Management in Ihrer Organisation einführen und Gewinn bringend umsetzen, mit Hilfe welcher Kriterien Sie die wertigen Kunden bestimmen, wie Sie einen entscheidenden Mehrwert für Ihre Schlüsselkunden schaffen und wie Ihr Key Account Management die Aufgaben des Alltagsgeschäfts erfolgreich bewältigt. Ein systematischer und zugleich anregender Leitfaden mit wichtigen Analysetools zur Markt- und Kundenbewertung, Checklisten, Praxisbeispielen und Umsetzungshilfen. Unverzichtbar für alle, die Key Account Management einführen oder optimieren wollen! Neu: In die 3. Auflage sind die Empfehlungen der European Foundation for Key Account Management (EFKAM), einem Gremium aus Wissenschaftlern, Beratungsspezialisten und Praktikern aus der Wirtschaft, eingeflossen.

Key Account Management Excellence in Pharma & Medtech

by Mike Moorman

Key Account Management Excellence in Pharma & Medtech is designed to help life sciences practitioners develop and execute innovative and effective key account management (KAM) strategies and capabilities. Pharmaceutical and medtech companies are increasingly pursuing KAM in response to the rapid rise of large, sophisticated and complex healthcare provider and payer systems and groups. Those that invest the time to get KAM right will protect their business and grow with these rising customers. This book is groundbreaking in both its scope and its tailoring of leading KAM practices specifically for life sciences. The central theme is that "key account management is an organization-wide business strategy, not just a role or a sales-specific initiative." KAM is a strategy focused on providing unique offerings and value through an orchestrated, cross-functional, go-to-market model designed specifically to address the needs and engagement preferences of a unique segment of customers. The insights and practices shared in this book are designed to be a valuable reference at every stage of the KAM journey. The book has been designed to facilitate a common language and deep understanding of KAM issues and leading practices organization-wide—particularly for life sciences leaders, account managers and cross-functional team members responsible for building, transforming and supporting their organization’s KAM strategies and capabilities.

Key Account Management, kompakt: Effiziente Entwicklung von Großkunden, Kundenzufriedenheit und Kundenwert aktiv managen

by Roberto Capone

Das Buch zeigt, wie Kundenzufriedenheit zu Kundenbindung und zu einer Optimierung des Kundenwertes führt. Bestandskunden, insbesondere Groß- und Schlüsselkunden zu halten, zu begeistern und die Bedürfnisse im Buying Center zu befriedigen, ist eine wichtige Aufgabe für MitarbeiterInnen im Vertrieb und Key Account Management. Zufriedenheitsmessung ist ein zentrales Werkzeug für die nachhaltige Kundenentwicklung.

Key Account Plans

by Malcolm McDonald Lynette Ryals

To manage key accounts profitably you need strategic planning that works. This book is the definitive guide to achieving this based on the unmatched practical and research experience of Ryals and McDonald. Key Account Management is proven to deliver substantial benefits to the bottom line. Best practice companies know that real results from managing powerful customers are not achieved through short-term cost cutting. Instead, as the best companies understand, it depends on fostering carefully developed and profitably managed relationships with an equally carefully selected group of key accounts. This is a genuinely strategic activity that goes well beyond sales management and the simplistic use of budgets to generate targets. It is about the behaviours and practices that make predictable, profitable and sustainable Key Account Management possible. To achieve this the book is constructed to deliver-* Clear descriptions of the various techniques and the reason for their importance* A hugely powerful step by step approach to using the key techniques to build strategic skills * Templates for building real plans* Cases, examples and vignettes to show best real world practice Based on wide application in the business world, and the world class research at Cranfield Management School this book will be an essential introduction to the principles and reality of Strategic Key Account Planning. For senior managers, key account managers at all levels as well as those on executive and MBA courses it will be an essential guide and text.

Key Actors in Public Policy-making for Quality of Life: Facilitators and Obstacles (Human Well-Being Research and Policy Making)

by Graciela Tonon

This book analyzes how quality of life research results can be transferred to policy making, and considers the role of actors in this process---researchers, policy makers, and citizens---as well as their interrelationships. This book points to the need to include actors other than the state in public policy-making related to quality of life and well-being issues, in defining problems and formulating alternatives. It identifies obstacles and facilitators in the process and offers a review of different types of aid that affect well-being and quality of life. Finally, it shows possible pathways for various stakeholders in policy-making to interact with one another in the building of good societies.

Key Aspects of German Employment and Labour Law

by Jens Kirchner Pascal R. Kremp Michael Magotsch

This publication gives an overview of all key aspects of German labour and employment law as well as adjoining fields. Legal professionals with expert knowledge and many years of experience explain the legal basis of these aspects of German law, point out typical practical problems and suggest solutions to those problems. In addition, examples are given on how to best manage legal pitfalls to minimize risks. This book translates employment and labour law for foreign in-house counsels and human resources managers at international companies and provides a clear understanding of the complex legal regulations in Germany. All three editors of the book, Dr. Jens Kirchner, Pascal R. Kremp and Michael Magotsch, are key legal professionals working at the Frankfurt office of DLA Piper, one of the largest legal services providers in the world (, with national and multinational clients. Their experience includes the management of cross-border restructurings, outsourcing and transfer of undertaking measures, as well as the management of national and multi-jurisdictional merger and acquisitions projects, including post-merger integration processes.

Key Aspects of German Employment and Labour Law

by Jens Kirchner Pascal R. Kremp Michael Magotsch

This publication gives an overview of all key aspects of German labour and employment law as well as adjoining fields. Legal professionals with expert knowledge and many years of experience explain the legal basis of these aspects of German law, point out typical practical problems and suggest solutions to those problems. In addition, examples are given on how to best manage legal pitfalls to minimize risks. This book translates employment and labour law for foreign in-house counsels and human resources managers at international companies and provides a clear understanding of the complex legal regulations in Germany. All three editors of the book, Dr. Jens Kirchner, Pascal R. Kremp and Michael Magotsch, are key legal professionals working at the Frankfurt office of DLA Piper, one of the largest legal services providers in the world (www. dlapiper. com), with national and multinational clients. Their experience includes the management of cross-border restructurings, outsourcing and transfer of undertaking measures, as well as the management of national and multi-jurisdictional merger and acquisitions projects, including post-merger integration processes.

Key Case Law Rules for Government Contract Formation

by Patrick Butler Lt. Col

Go Beyond the FAR!The guidance contained in the almost 2000 pages of the Federal Acquisition Regulation and the various agency supplements are just a part of the resources government acquisition professionals need to do their jobs effectively. Accessing and understanding case law is equally important to a thorough understanding of government contracting. Legal decisions explain the Government Accountability Office's and the courts' views on how procurement statutes and regulations apply in a wide range of situations. Case law also gives potential bid protesters and agencies a way to gauge the likely outcome of a protest.Until now, it has been difficult to find and understand the legal decisions that could be relevant to a particular situation. Key Case Law Rules for Government Contract Formation changes that by organizing and explaining the most important protest grounds in a readily accessible and comprehensible way. With an emphasis on more recent cases, the book is organized around the key protest grounds, such as pricing issues, allegations that the government wrongfully prevented competition, or improper sealed-bidding procedures.Bridging the gap of understanding between the legal and the contracting communities, this book is a much-needed addition to the essential resources for acquisition professionals.

Key Challenges and Policy Reforms in the MENA Region: An Economic Perspective (Perspectives on Development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region)

by Mohamed Sami Ben Ali

This volume addresses economic challenges and policy reforms in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Despite important resources and strategic advantages, the region suffers from a number of economic, social, and political problems that impedes normal economic take-off. The volume contains theoretical and empirical studies covering individual countries and panel studies addressing these economic challenges. Chapters address issues such as economic growth; poverty and inequality; subsidies and public finances policies; external trade and financial liberalization; remittances, corruption, transparency, and institutions; renewable energy, digitalization, terrorism, regional integration, capital flight, money laundering, financial development and brain drain. Providing a comprehensive understanding of the most important and urgent economic challenges in the region, this volume will be a useful reference for researchers and policymakers interested in the MENA region.

The Key Code and Advanced Handbook for the Governance and Supervision of Banks in Australia

by Francesco de Zwart

This Key Code and Handbook examines the corporate governance and accountability of Major Banks, their directors and executives which were the central focus of bank, Supervisor, Regulator and governmental activity and public scrutiny in 2018 and 2019. This book explores this responsibility focus by providing evidence from the Global Financial Crisis and beyond with both APRA and ASIC investigating illegal conduct, misconduct and conduct which was below the level of community expectations. This book discusses how the Royal Commission into misconduct in the banking and financial services industry has already given rise to a detailed Final Report whose recommendations are still being put into effect. Further, this book uses evidence provided by the large number of Prudential Standards issued by APRA and investigations into the conduct of Major Banks by Regulators. This book explores governance variables – over 1,700 in number and grouped into 159 ‘key groupings’ or separate categories – which are all indexed to 28 governmental, regulatory and supervisory reports and documents to create a governance code and commentary specifically tailored to Australian banks. Each governance variable is modelled on the Stage 1 Relational Approach contained in Enhancing Firm Sustainability Through Governance. Given the huge interest in the governance of banks, Parts 1 and 2 – explaining the Relational Approach - of Stage 1 were recently published in November 2018 and June 2019 in the Australian Journal of Corporate Law. This book is the largest reference book and handbook in publication worldwide containing the structures, mechanisms, processes and protocols – the checks and balances we call ‘governance variables’ – that deeply addresses and explains banking accountability and regulation in Australia.

Key Concepts and Issues in Nursing Ethics

by P. Anne Scott Shane M. Scott

This second edition offers updates, new topics, and new short case studies, based on real stories from the health care arena, ensuring that each chapter of this book is rooted in descriptions of nursing practise that are grounded, salient narratives of nursing care. The reader is assisted to explore the ethical dimension of nursing practice: what it is and how it can be portrayed, discussed, and analysed within a variety of practice and theoretical contexts. One of the unique contributions of this book is to consider nursing not only in the context of the individual nurse – patient relationship but also as a social good that is of necessity limited, due to the ultimate limits on the nursing and health care resource. This book will help the reader consider what good nursing looks like, both within the context of limitations on resources, during crises situations, and under conditions of scarcity. Indeed, any discussion of ethical issues in nursing should be well grounded in aconceptualisation of nursing that nursing students and practising nursing can recognise, accept and engage with. Nursing, like medicine, social work and teaching has a clear moral aim – to do good. In the case of nursing to do good for the patient. However it is vital that in the pressurised, constrained, post-COVID-19 pandemic health service of the 21st century, we help nurses explore what this might mean for nursing practice and what can reasonably be expected of the individual nurse, and the nursing profession, in terms of good nursing care.

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