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La Ribera Health Department (A)

by Regina E. Herzlinger Emer Moloney Daniela Beyersdorfer

The La Ribera case studies depict an innovative low cost/high quality privately financed hospital model struggling to achieve alignment with the Six Factors. It is reimbursed by the public sector in a Spanish environment whose Consumers, Structure, and Public Policy favor public health care. But the Accountability factor shows it to be the highest quality hospital in the region with 25% lower costs and Spain's Financing is weak. The A case (9-315-006) asks: What Business Model elements enabled La Ribera to achieve this level of value? How can it improve on its 1% profit margin and better align itself with the Six Factors? The hospital hired a consulting firm that presented four new options that could potentially increase returns. Which, if any, best fit with the ten elements of its Business Model? The B case (9-318-134) contains the d nouement for La Ribera.

La Roche-Posay: Growing L'Or al's Active Cosmetics Brand

by Jill Avery Mette Fuglsang Hjortshoej Vincent Dessain

As 2018 neared its end, Laetitia Toupet, international general manager of L'Or al's La Roche-Posay brand reflected on the brand's achievements over the past year. At 1 billion in revenue, La Roche-Posay had recently become the number one dermocosmetics brand in the world. While Toupet was pleased with this feat, she believed that the brand was at a critical juncture. It was time to make some significant marketing decisions related to brand positioning to try to accelerate La Roche-Posay's future growth trajectory as dermocosmetics moved from serving a niche market to the mainstream.

La Roches Einführung in den praktischen Journalismus

by Gabriele Hooffacker Klaus Meier

Wie wird man heute Journalist? Wo und in welchen Funktionen arbeiten Journalisten? Wie verändern die neuen Medien den Journalistenberuf? Wo kann man Journalismus lernen? Wie findet man Kontakt zu einer Redaktion? Wie recherchiert man eine Story? Kann der Journalist objektiv informieren? Wie schreibt man eine Nachricht? Was sind die Besonderheiten von Bericht, Reportage, Interview, analysierendem Beitrag und Feature sowie von Kommentar, Glosse und Rezension? Auf diese Fragen gibt die neu bearbeitete 20. Auflage erprobte und bewährte Antworten, aber auch Auskünfte über den neuesten Stand journalistischer Arbeitstechniken und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten. Vor dem Hintergrund des digitalen Journalismus wurde das Kapitel zum Thema Recht völlig neu gefasst. Aufwändig recherchiert und überarbeitet wurden die Wege in den Journalismus, insbesondere die immer wichtiger werdenden Studiengänge an Hochschulen.

La Singularité Économique: L'intelligence artificielle et le capitalisme de luxe entièrement automatisé

by Calum Chace

La Singularité Économique La singularité économique désigne le moment où la majorité de la population se retrouvera au chômage, car les machines pourront accomplir toutes les tâches humaines plus rapidement, plus efficacement et à moindre coût. Si certains affirment qu’elle est impossible, beaucoup de spécialistes en IA l’envisagent, même s'ils divergent sur l’échéance à laquelle elle surviendra. L'Intelligence Artificielle (IA) est déjà plus performante que l'humain dans sa capacité d'assimilation et de traitement de l'information. Les robots deviennent de plus en plus habiles, flexibles et sécurisés (à l'exception des robots militaires). L'IA est la plus puissante de nos technologies, il est devenu vital de la comprendre. Cette troisième édition du best-seller de Calum Chace bénéficie d'une mise à jour et d'une extension substantielles. Il affirme que la singularité économique constitue le plus grand défi de l'humanité de la première moitié du XXIe siècle, mais aussi l'opportunité la plus prometteuse. Les voitures autonomes et les smartphones avec lesquels il est possible de dialoguer sont sans doute « les canaris dans la mine de charbon », qui tireront la sonnette d'alarme pour tous ceux qui n'y prêtent pas encore attention. Tous les métiers seront concernés, des McJobs de la restauration rapide, aux avocats et aux journalistes. La tendance à croire que le Revenu de Base Universel soit la solution idéale n'est que partiellement correcte. Nous aurons vraisemblablement besoin d'un tout nouveau système économique. Nous devons commencer dès maintenant à nous préparer à la Singularité Économique. Selon Chace, elle pourrait avoir une issue très positive. Nous pourrions vivre dans un monde où les machines se chargent de toutes les tâches ennuyeuses et où les humains font ce qui leur plaît. Mais il met en garde contre les risques majeurs, que nous ne pourrons éviter qu

La somme des satisfactions

by Duncan Mcdowall

Voulant à tout prix éliminer la dévastation de la Grande dépression, gagner la guerre et construire un monde meilleur après-guerre, les académiciens et leaders canadiens appliquèrent les idées de Keynes et de Kuznets à la situation canadienne : une nation très régionalisée désirant bâtir une société recrutant les secteurs privé et public afin d'atteindre la stabilité économique et d'accroître les richesses du pays. Aujourd'hui, les Canadiens savent qu'ils peuvent se fier aux chiffres qui leur sont présentés par leurs comptables nationaux. Ces chiffres appuient la culture de travail de notre citoyenneté économique.

La stratégie des milliards de dollars de gratuités

by Sesan Oguntade

Vous voulez découvrir les secrets de l'utilisation des cadeaux par des entreprises et organisations milliardaires ? Voulez-vous savoir comment vous pouvez commencer à utiliser ces secrets dans votre propre entreprise pour augmenter vos profits et votre clientèle ? La stratégie des milliards de dollars de gratuités... Ce livre sur les principes fondamentaux du marketing des petites entreprises, uniques et efficaces, pour développer votre entreprise décrit comment des individus et des entreprises à succès ont fait de la gratuité pour augmenter leurs profits et développer leur entreprise et leur organisation. Ce livre analyse les opérations de ces individus et entreprises milliardaires afin de découvrir leurs intentions secrètes en termes de gratuités. Ce livre pose cette question : Pourquoi une entreprise dépenserait-elle autant de temps, d'argent et d'efforts pour développer des produits et services de grande valeur et mettre en place une plateforme pour les distribuer gratuitement au public ? Ce livre, La stratégie des milliards de dollars de gratuités… Petites entreprises uniques et efficaces, jettent les bases du marketing pour développer votre entreprise tout en révélant les réponses à la pertinente question ci-dessus. Ce livre va plus loin. Il organise les informations et les présente sous forme d'idées d'opportunités pour tous ceux qui veulent les utiliser pour augmenter leurs profits et développer leurs entreprises. Vous y trouverez de nombreuses informations sur : 1. Le marketing pour les petites entreprises 2. Un guide pour la création de petites entreprises 3. Les fondamentaux de la commercialisation des petites entreprises 4. Les stratégies de marketing pratiques pour transformer votre entreprise en une méga entreprise à but lucratif. Il s'agit d'un petit livre, offrant de bonnes informations que vous pouvez y puiser et commencer à utiliser im

La vostra vacanza a Disney World: Un manuale guida di riferimento rapido

by NIkita Miller

Manuale guida per un viaggio a Disney World - Questo libro non si ritiene una guida integrale su Disney World. Sono disponibili molte guide altamente dettagliate e massicce che soddisfano questo scopo, ma nell’utilizzarle trovai che sono talmente dettagliate che devo leggere molto per trovare quello che stavo semplicemente cercando. Ho scritto questo libro per le persone che necessitano una panoramica utile e veloce sui quattro principali parchi a tema (Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Animal Kingdom, e Disney Studios), dove si può mangiare, dove si può stare, in modo da formare una conoscenza operativa senza spendere delle ore nella lettura. Le grandi guide sono più utili a riempire dei spazi vuoti.

Lab Rats: How Silicon Valley Made Work Miserable for the Rest of Us

by Dan Lyons

New York Times bestselling author Dan Lyons exposes how the "new oligarchs" of Silicon Valley have turned technology into a tool for oppressing workers in this "passionate" (Kirkus) and "darkly funny" (Publishers Weekly) examination of workplace culture.At a time of soaring corporate profits and plenty of HR lip service about "wellness," millions of workers--in virtually every industry--are deeply unhappy. Why did work become so miserable? Who is responsible? And does any company have a model for doing it right?For two years, Lyons ventured in search of answers. From the innovation-crazed headquarters of the Ford Motor Company in Detroit, to a cult-like "Holocracy" workshop in San Francisco, and to corporate trainers who specialize in ... Legos, Lyons immersed himself in the often half-baked and frequently lucrative world of what passes for management science today. He shows how new tools, workplace practices, and business models championed by tech's empathy-impaired power brokers have shattered the social contract that once existed between companies and their employees. These dystopian beliefs--often masked by pithy slogans like "We're a Team, Not a Family"--have dire consequences: millions of workers who are subject to constant change, dehumanizing technologies--even health risks. A few companies, however, get it right. With Lab Rats, Lyons makes a passionate plea for business leaders to understand this dangerous transformation, showing how profit and happy employees can indeed coexist.

L'ABC della Spiritualità negli Affari

by Dr Rosie Kuhn

Come si introduce la spiritualità negli affari? E' elementare - inizia con l'ABC. Questo piccolo libro fornisce una base potente ma elegante su cui costruire una forte presenza spirituale sul posto di lavoro. Costruito su saggezza, gentilezza e compassione, esplora 26 idee fondamentali relative alla spiritualità. Nessun dogma o retorica religiosa; solo una chiara articolazione delle verità essenziali che si trovano in ogni tradizione religiosa e spirituale. La spiritualità sul posto di lavoro è stata riconosciuta come una megatrend nel 2010. Nel 2015, siamo appollaiati sull'orlo di un cambiamento di paradigma, e l'ABC di Spirituality in Business ci dà la piattaforma da cui lanciare la realizzazione dello spirito umano.

LabCDMX: Experiment 50

by Maria Fernanda Miguel Mitchell Weiss

There were probably 30,000 public buses, minibuses, and vans in Mexico City. Though, in 2015, no one knew for certain since no comprehensive schedule existed. This was why el Laboratorio para la Ciudad (or LabCDMX) had spawned an effort to generate a map of the labyrinth system that provided an estimated 14 million rides a day. Gabriella G mez-Mont, the Lab's founder and director, had led her team in a project to crowd-source the routes from volunteer riders in what came to be known as Mapat n CDMX. After four pilots and a two-week "mapping marathon" later, she wondered exactly what to make of the lab's fiftieth experiment? Was Mapat n successful?

LabCDMX: Experiment 50

by Maria Fernanda Miguel Mitchell B. Weiss

There were probably 30,000 public buses, minibuses, and vans in Mexico City. Though, in 2015, no one knew for certain since no comprehensive schedule existed. This was why el Laboratorio para la Ciudad (or LabCDMX) had spawned an effort to generate a map of the labyrinth system that provided an estimated 14 million rides a day. Gabriella G mez-Mont, the Lab's founder and director, had led her team in a project to crowd-source the routes from volunteer riders in what came to be known as Mapat n CDMX. After four pilots and a two-week "mapping marathon" later, she wondered exactly what to make of the lab's fiftieth experiment? Was Mapat n successful?

LabCDMX: Experiment 50

by Maria Fernanda Miguel Mitchell B. Weiss

There were probably 30,000 public buses, minibuses, and vans in Mexico City. Though, in 2015, no one knew for certain since no comprehensive schedule existed. This was why el Laboratorio para la Ciudad (or LabCDMX) had spawned an effort to generate a map of the labyrinth system that provided an estimated 14 million rides a day. Gabriella G mez-Mont, the Lab's founder and director, had led her team in a project to crowd-source the routes from volunteer riders in what came to be known as Mapat n CDMX. After four pilots and a two-week "mapping marathon" later, she wondered exactly what to make of the lab's fiftieth experiment? Was Mapat n successful?

LabCDMX: Experiment 50

by Maria Fernanda Miguel Mitchell B. Weiss

There were probably 30,000 public buses, minibuses, and vans in Mexico City. Though, in 2015, no one knew for certain since no comprehensive schedule existed. This was why el Laboratorio para la Ciudad (or LabCDMX) had spawned an effort to generate a map of the labyrinth system that provided an estimated 14 million rides a day. Gabriella G mez-Mont, the Lab's founder and director, had led her team in a project to crowd-source the routes from volunteer riders in what came to be known as Mapat n CDMX. After four pilots and a two-week "mapping marathon" later, she wondered exactly what to make of the lab's fiftieth experiment? Was Mapat n successful?

Labelled with Love: A History of the World in Your Record Collection

by Andy Bollen

‘… an instant classic and a required part of the library of anyone fascinated with the record business.’ – Danny Goldberg, bestselling author of Serving the Servant: Remembering Kurt CobainChess Records tested their acquisitions out on people waiting at a nearby bus stop: if the crowd were bopping, they had a hit.Sub Pop rejection letters start with the harsh, yet funny, ‘Dear Loser’.Atlantic Records signed Led Zeppelin on Dusty Springfield’s recommendation.Labelled with Love is an odyssey through your record collection and the world beyond it, from the Jazz Age to punk, the civil rights movement to Thatcherism, the Beatles to Britpop, and Ella Fitzgerald to The Ramones. Long-time music obsessive Andy Bollen tracks popular music through the influential labels that have shaped the last eighty years, chronicling each company with the passion of a fan but the eye of a satirist. This is an informative and revealing look at the leading labels, bands and music that rocked our worlds and shaped our lives.

Laberinto de sociedades, el off shore en España

by Bruno Varela García de Paredes

¿Qué son las sociedades off-shore? Una guía imprescindible para entender los paraísos fiscales de la mano de quien ha sido y es un experto en el tema.

Labor Activists and the New Working Class in China

by Parry P. Leung

Labor Activists and the New Working Class in China is an ethnographic work examining an export jewelry industrial district in Pearl River Delta of China. While well known that China is undergoing an unprecedented capitalist transformation, few have noted the new working class of China are also actively striving to alter their fate through labor struggles. Parry Leung lived for twelve months in the migrant worker dwelling sites, and kept close contact with the strike activists. Leung illuminates how strikes emerge and transform in an authoritarian state, by enhancing our understanding on the informal agency power of strike organizers in labor activism.

Labor and Democracy in the Transition to a Market System

by Bertram Silverman Robert Vogt Murray Yanovich

Nowhere is the tension attending simultaneous political democratization and economic liberalization more sharply felt than in the realm of labour relations. What is happening in Soviet trade unions today? How will the emerging independent unions respond to anticipated rises in unemployment? What kind of social regulation of the labour market will be appropriate in the future? These papers from a pathbreaking US-Soviet conference on labour issues reveal a considerable diversity of views on questions whose resolution will be essential to social peace in this period of transition. Among the noted contributors are Joseph Berliner, Sam Bowles, Richard Freeman, Leonid Gordon, V.L.Kosmarskii, Alla Nazimova, Michael Piore, Boris Rakitskii, Iurii Volkov, Ben Ward and Tatiana Zaslavskaia.

Labor and Employment Issues for the Safety Professional (Occupational Safety & Health Guide Series)

by Thomas D. Schneid

An examination of the safety laws and regulations, particularly in the areas of labor and employment, this book provides a working knowledge of the impacts, requirements, and implications of safety professionals' actions and inactions as related to state and federal laws. It presents information on an issue-by-issue basis and delineates the basics of the issue; identifies the applicable law or regulation; and presents possible solutions to achieve and maintain compliance while achieving the safety objective. The book covers conflicts between laws and regulations and includes case law and reference points.

Labor and Employment Relations in a Globalized World

by Toker Dereli Y. Pinar Soykut-Sarica Asli Şen-Taşbaşi

This book explores the new challenges for work and employment relations in the wake of globalization. It describes contemporary developments and ways in which labor relations systems are evolving around the world and in Turkey. Authors combine the latest information with in-depth insights on a variety of issues. The implications of international trade for employment, the dichotomy between competitiveness and meeting international labor standards, the multinationals' effects on labor relations, social policy implications of American higher education, the search for the right regulatory balance between labor flexibility and job security, challenges faced in establishing temporary work agencies, the role of skills training and providing women with micro credits to overcome informal employment problems are just some of the issues analyzed in this book. Thus, the contributions from Turkish and international institutions offer a valuable overview of the ongoing discussions in the field of labor economics and employment relations.

Labor And Legality: An Ethnography Of A Mexican Immigrant Network (Case Studies In Contemporary Anthropology Series)

by Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz

<P>Labor and Legality: An Ethnography of a Mexican Immigrant Network is an ethnography of undocumented immigrants who work as busboys at a Chicago-area restaurant. <P>Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz introduces readers to the Lions, ten friends from Mexico committed to improving their fortunes and the lives of their families. <P>Set in and around "Il Vino," a restaurant that could stand in for many places that employ undocumented workers, Labor and Legality reveals the faces behind the war being waged over "illegal aliens" in America. <P>Gomberg-Muñoz focuses on how undocumented workers develop a wide range of social strategies to cultivate financial security, nurture emotional well-being, and promote their dignity and self-esteem. <P>She also reviews the political and historical circumstances of undocumented migration, with an emphasis on post-1970 socioeconomic and political conditions in the United States and Mexico.

Labor and Love in Guatemala: The Eve of Independence

by Catherine Komisaruk

Labor and Love in Guatemalare-envisions the histories of labor and ethnic formation in Spanish America. Taking cues from gender studies and the "new" cultural history, the book transforms perspectives on the major social trends that emerged across Spain's American colonies: populations from three continents mingled; native people and Africans became increasingly hispanized; slavery and other forms of labor coercion receded. Komisaruk's analysis shows how these developments were rooted in gendered structures of work, migration, family, and reproduction. The engrossing narrative reconstructs Afro-Guatemalan family histories through slavery and freedom, and tells stories of native working women and men based on their own words. The book takes us into the heart of sweeping historical processes as it depicts the migrations that linked countryside to city, the sweat and filth of domestic labor, the rise of female-headed households, and love as it was actually practiced—amidst remarkable permissiveness by both individuals and the state.

Labor And Monopoly Capital: The Degradation Of Work In The Twentieth Century

by Harry Braverman

This widely acclaimed book, first published in 1974, was a classic from its first day in print. Written in a direct, inviting way by Harry Braverman, whose years as an industrial worker gave him rich personal insight into work, Labor and Monopoly Capital overturned the reigning ideologies of academic sociology. This new edition features an introduction by John Bellamy Foster that sets the work in historical and theoretical context, as well as two rare articles by Braverman, "The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century" (1975) and "Two Comments" (1976), that add much to our understanding of the book.

Labor and Power in the Late Ottoman Empire: Tobacco Workers, Managers, and the State, 1872–1912

by Can Nacar

By the early twentieth century, consumers around the world had developed a taste for Ottoman-grown tobacco. Employing tens of thousands of workers, the Ottoman tobacco industry flourished in the decades between the 1870s to the First Balkan War—and it became the locus of many of the most active labor struggles across the empire. Can Nacar delves into the lives of these workers and their fight for better working conditions. Full of insight into the changing relations of power between capital and labor in the Ottoman Empire and the role played by state actors in these relations, this book also draws on a rich array of primary sources to foreground the voices of tobacco workers themselves.

Labor and Punishment: Work in and out of Prison

by Erin Hatton

The insightful chapters in this volume reveal the multiple and multifaceted intersections between mass incarceration and neoliberal precarity. Both mass incarceration and the criminal justice system are profoundly implicated in the production and reproduction of the low-wage "exploitable" precariat, both within and beyond prison walls. The carceral state is a regime of labor discipline—and a growing one—that extends far beyond its own inmate labor. This regime not only molds inmates into compliant workers willing and expected to accept any "bad" job upon release but also compels many Americans to work in such jobs under threat of incarceration, all the while bolstering their "exploitability" and socioeconomic marginality. Contributors include Anne Bonds, Philip Goodman, Amanda Bell Hughett, Caroline M. Parker, Gretchen Purser, Jacqueline Stevens, and Noah D. Zatz.

Labor and the Chinese Revolution: Class Strategies and Contradictions of Chinese Communism, 1928–1948 (Michigan Monographs In Chinese Studies #49)

by S. Bernard Thomas

In the two-decade period from 1928 to 1948, the proletarian themes and issues underlying the Chinese Communist Party’s ideological utterances were shrouded in rhetoric designed, perhaps, as much to disguise as to chart actual class strategies. Rhetoric notwithstanding, a careful analysis of such pronouncements is vitally important in following and evaluating the party’s changing lines during this key revolutionary period. The function of the “proletariat” in the complex of policy issues and leadership struggles which developed under the precarious circumstances of those years had an importance out of all proportion to labor’s relatively minor role in the post-1927 Communist led revolution. [1, 2]

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