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Labor Justice across the Americas
by Leon Fink Juan PalacioOpinions of specialized labor courts differ, but labor justice undoubtedly represented a decisive moment in worker 's history. When and how did these courts take shape? Why did their originators consider them necessary? Leon Fink and Juan Manuel Palacio present essays that address these essential questions. Ranging from Canada and the United States to Chile and Argentina, the authors search for common factors in the appearance of labor courts while recognizing the specific character of the creative process in each nation. Their transnational and comparative approach advances a global perspective on the various mechanisms for regulating industrial relations and resolving labor conflicts. The result is the first country-by-country study of its kind, one that addresses a defining shift in law in the first half of the twentieth century. Contributors: Rossana Barragán Romano, Angela de Castro Gomes, David Díaz-Arias, Leon Fink, Frank Luce, Diego Ortúzar, Germán Palacio, Juan Manuel Palacio, William Suarez-Potts, Fernando Teixeira da Silva, Victor Uribe-Urán, Angela Vergara, and Ronny J. Viales-Hurtado.
Labor Law: Cases and Materials (16th Edition) (University Casebook Series)
by Robert A. Gorman Matthew W. Finkin Timothy P. Glynn<p>The Sixteenth Edition makes a number of significant changes to its predecessor, reflecting the evolution of the law relating to employers, employees, and unions in a dynamic economy. This edition includes new decisions of the National Labor Relations Board appointed by President Obama, which has departed in important ways from the approach of the Board under the prior administration. <p>Moreover, the Board is now actively confronting the role of labor law in the contemporary workplace, addressing emergent issues such as protections for employee electronic communications and social media interactions, accountability for employers in "fissured" enterprises, and potential limitations on other employer restrictions on collective activity. The book also contains judicial decisions addressing these developments as well as reactions in Congress and elsewhere, evincing the growing polarization over the role of labor unions in society.</p>
Labor Law: A Basic Guide to the National Labor Relations Act
by David E. StreckerWhether you are a supervisor, a business owner, or an HR professional, it is essential that you understand the laws and rules governing how one treats employees and interacts with unions. In a comprehensive and accessible format, Labor Law: A Basic Guide to the National Labor Relations Act provides a practice-oriented foundation on labor law. The b
Labor Law for the Rank & Filer: Building Solidarity While Staying Clear of the Law (Pm Press Ser.)
by Staughton Lynd Daniel GrossBlending cutting-edge legal strategies for winning justice at work with a theory of dramatic, bottom-up social change, this practical guide to workers' rights aims to make work better while reinvigorating the labor movement. A powerful organization model called "solidarity unionism" is explained, showing how the labor force can avoid the pitfalls of the legal system and utilize direct action to win fair rights. The new edition includes new cases governing fundamental labor rights and can be used not only by union workers, but can serve as a guerrilla legal handbook for any employee in this unstable economy.
Labor Law in China
by Zengyi XieThe primary aim of this book is to help readers understand the development of the theory and practice of labor law in China, and to familiarize them with major advances and remaining challenges in this field. The author also puts forward suggestions on how to improve labor law in China on the basis of an analysis of key problems and comparative study. The book can also serve as a useful guide, allowing HR experts at companies with Chinese employees or doing business in China to better understand Chinese labor law and regulations. It covers a broad range of labor law issues, including the meaning of labor relations, definition of the employee and employer, the duties of employers and employees, anti-discrimination, labor dispatch, minimum wage, termination of labor contracts, work injury insurance, labor inspections and labor dispute resolution.
Labor Law in the Contemporary Workplace (American Casebook)
by Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt Martin H. Malin Roberto L. Corrada Christopher David Ruiz Cameron Catherine L. FiskLabor Law in the Contemporary Workplace prepares students for the practice of labor law by introducing them to the principles of American labor law and many of the issues that labor attorneys face. The book is organized around contemporary problems as a means of teaching the core principles of labor law. Although the primary focus of the book is the National Labor Relations Act, considerable attention is given to the Railway Labor Act and public-sector labor laws because of their growing importance in contemporary practice. The third edition takes account of changes in the law since the first edition and second editions were published and in particular new interpretations of the National Labor Relations Act by the National Labor Relations Board and recent state restrictions on public sector collective bargaining.
Labor Law, Industrial Relations, and Employee Choice
by Richard N. Block John Beck Daniel H. KrugerDiscusses workplace conditions of the 1990s.
Labor Legislation: The Struggle To Gain Rights For America's Workforce (Primary Sources Of The Progressive Movement Series)
by Katherine LawrenceThis book provides a look at the hardships of American labor and how immigrants working for low pay and in hazardous conditions reaped few benefits. The labor movement found a champion in President Roosevelt, who paved the way for significant government regulation of American industry. Through manageable text enhanced by period illustrations, Labor Legislation documents the moments that led to labor laws and the implementation of major reforms for workers.
The Labor-Managed Firm: Theoretical Foundations
by Gregory K. DowIn previous work, Gregory K. Dow created a broad and accessible overview of worker-controlled firms. In his new book, The Labor-Managed Firm: Theoretical Foundations, Dow provides the formal models that underpinned his earlier work, while developing promising new directions for economic research. <P><P>Emphasizing that capital is alienable while labor is inalienable, Dow shows how this distinction, together with market imperfections, explains the rarity of labor-managed firms. This book uses modern microeconomics, exploits up-to-date empirical research, and constructs a unified theory that accounts for many facts about the behavior, performance, and design of labor-managed firms. With a large number of entirely new chapters, comprehensive updating of earlier material, a critique of the literature, and policy recommendations, here Dow presents the capstone work of his career, encompassing more than three decades of theoretical research.<P> Represents a substantial advance over previous theoretical work in the field so that readers may appreciate the use of game theory, the economics of information, and other contemporary tools.<P> Grounds its theory in a large body of reliable empirical knowledge.<P> Bases its policy ideas on reliable empirical knowledge and sophisticated economic theory.
The Labor Market as COVID Recedes: A Great Resignation or a Great Realization?
by Joseph B. Fuller Ria Mazumdar William R. KerrIndustry and Background Note
The Labor Market Impact of Forced Displacement: Jobs in Host Communities in Colombia, Ethiopia, Jordan, and Uganda
by Jan von der Goltz Kirsten Schuettler Julie Bousquet KebedeCommunities that host refugees are often concerned about how their labor markets will change. Although high-income countries attract most policy attention, low- and middle-income countries host three of every four refugees worldwide. The Labor Market Impact of Forced Displacement: Jobs in Host Communities in Colombia, Ethiopia, Jordan,and Uganda seeks to address some of the key questions that arise in these host countries: How does forced displacement affect job outcomes for hosts? What effect do work permit schemes have? How does labor market competition influence attitudes? And what policies can support better job outcomes for hosts and refugees? To address these questions, the book relies on new primary data designed to study host community labor markets and on a careful comparative analysis of existing data. Its four focus countries represent low-income and middle-income economies as well as diverse policy contexts.In its key finding, The Labor Market Impact of Forced Displacement shows that across the focus countries, hosting refugees has modest or even positive overall labor market effects. In important instances, however, groups of host workers face adversity from greater labor market competition, while others benefit. The book explains how labor market restrictions rarely prevent refugees entirely from working but shape the type and quality of work they do, their contribution to the economy, and the effects of their participation on hosts. It shows that refugees matter not only as competitors but also as consumers, and it explains the importance of access to capital for hosts and refugees alike in economies where self-employment is key. It also discusses how hosts’ concerns over labor market competition influence their attitudes toward refugees.The book seeks to provide a basis for more confident jobs policy making in host communities. It offers lessons on how to analyze local labor market characteristics that shape outcomes for refugees and hosts alike and on how to think about the likely effects of policies. It encourages policy makers to support workers who face negative impacts—and to proactively seize the opportunities likely to arise.
Labor Market Institutions in China
by Xinxin MaThis book examines labor market policy and institutional reforms and their impact on outcomes in the Chinese labor market, utilizing both institutional and empirical study perspectives. It furnishes readers with academic evidence essential for comprehending the transformation of labor policies and institutions within the Chinese context—an emerging market economy housing one of the largest workforces globally. The main content of this book is divided into two parts: (i) Social institutions and labor market policies, encompassing topics such as trade unions and union wage premiums, minimum wage regulations and wage distributions, labor contracts, employment security and the high education expansion policy. (ii) Wage and employment institutions in the workplace, including areas such as seniority wages, mandatory retirement systems, the wage-experience profile, the dual labor market phenomenon, discrimination against women and minority ethnic workers, work hours, work-family conflict, job satisfaction, and the influences of Communist Party of China membership on managerial promotions. This book presents academic evidence on these issues, grounded in institutional transition background, economic theories, and empirical studies. It draws upon various Chinese nationwide representative survey datasets. This book is highly recommended for readers interested in institutional transitions, seeking up-to-date and in-depth empirical studies on the associations between labor policies/institutions and labor market outcomes. It particularly appeals to those with an interest in the Chinese economy, labor policymakers, scholars with a background in econometric analysis, and managers in companies.
Labor Market Institutions in Europe: A Socioeconomic Evaluation of Performance
by Gunther SchmidThe outcome of three years of research on the role of institutions in labor markets at the research unit Labor Market Policy and Employment of the Social Science Research Center Berlin, these seven contributions were originally presented at a conference in December 1992 before a group of experts i
Labor Market Performance in Transition: The Experience of Central and Eastern European Countries
by International Monetary FundMore than a decade after the start of the transition process, unemployment rates remain in the double digits in a number of Central and Eastern European countries. That unemployment rates have failed to decline, even in countries experiencing good growth, is puzzling. In this paper the authors examine three interrelated questions: How has the transition from central planning to market economies affected labor market performance? How have labor market institutions and policies influenced developments? Why have regional differences in unemployment persisted? The authors take an eclectic methodological approach: construction of a new data set and a simple analytical model; econometric estimation; and case studies.
Labor Market Segmentation and its Implications: Inequality, Deprivation, and Entitlement (Routledge Library Editions: Women and Business #3)
by Dahlia MooreOccupational sex segregation is one of the most universal and salient characteristics of labor markets. It indicates the different probabilities of members of both genders to take up particular occupations, and traditionally places women at a great disadvantage. This book, first published in 1992, focuses on a comparative analysis of sex-segregated occupational categories and attempts to systematically examine their implications. Since very little is known about Israeli working women, and given the cultural differences between Israel and other, more studied industrialised nations, this book focuses on the Israeli labor market. Through the utilization of several theoretical approaches, combining economic, sociological, and social-psychological perspectives, the book analyses empirical findings concerning labor market perceptions, attitudes and behaviors.
Labor Markets and Business Cycles (CREI Lectures in Macroeconomics)
by Robert ShimerLabor Markets and Business Cycles integrates search and matching theory with the neoclassical growth model to better understand labor market outcomes. Robert Shimer shows analytically and quantitatively that rigid wages are important for explaining the volatile behavior of the unemployment rate in business cycles. The book focuses on the labor wedge that arises when the marginal rate of substitution between consumption and leisure does not equal the marginal product of labor. According to competitive models of the labor market, the labor wedge should be constant and equal to the labor income tax rate. But in U.S. data, the wedge is strongly countercyclical, making it seem as if recessions are periods when workers are dissuaded from working and firms are dissuaded from hiring because of an increase in the labor income tax rate. When job searches are time consuming and wages are flexible, search frictions--the cost of a job search--act like labor adjustment costs, further exacerbating inconsistencies between the competitive model and data. The book shows that wage rigidities can reconcile the search model with the data, providing a quantitatively more accurate depiction of labor markets, consumption, and investment dynamics. Developing detailed search and matching models, Labor Markets and Business Cycles will be the main reference for those interested in the intersection of labor market dynamics and business cycle research.
Labor Markets and Economic Development (Routledge Studies in Development Economics)
by Ravi Kanbur Jan SvejnarAs developing and transition economies enter the next phase of reforms, labor market issues increasingly come to the fore. With the increased competition from globalization, the discussion is shifting to the need for greater labor market flexibility and the creation of "good" jobs. Moreover, the greater actual and perceived insecurity in labor markets has generated a new agenda on how to structure safety nets and labor market regulation. The older questions of the links between the formal and informal labor market, reappear with new dimensions and significance. More generally, it is clear that an accurate understanding of how labor market structures function is essential if we are to analyze alternative policy proposals in the wake of these concerns. Oddly enough, in spite of this great importance, there are no recent monographs that bring together rigorous studies produced by academic researchers on these various issues. This book fills that gap. Under the steely editorship of Ravi Kanbur and Jan Svejnar, the contributors flourish in their attempts to enliven these debates.
Labor Markets and Multinational Enterprises in Puerto Rico
by Ahmad H. Juma'H Doris Morales-Rodriguez Antonio Lloréns-RiveraThis book expresses the reasons to embark on a production management system and begin a journey to a better social and economic life in Puerto Rico. Among the population of Puerto Rico there is a simultaneous presence of a high rate of unemployment and a well-educated workforce. How has this happened? How could the country overcome this economic situation and return to a path of sustainable economic growth in the short and long term? The study here presented introduces an objective and scientific input on these economic issues that are impacting the Puerto Rican society. Achieve greater economic and social welfare in a geographic area is based on increasing individual productivity that workers and employees can unfold in different workplaces, business and industries. The increase in productivity of the economy of Puerto Rico requires both individual effort and enterprise work.
Labor Markets in a Global Economy: A Macroeconomic Perspective
by Ingrid H. RimaThis introductory text on labour economics covers topics such as: the shift in America from a manufacturing-based economy to a service economy; the changes in the economic conditions in the US; the implications of NAFTA and GATT; and the labour markets.
Labor Markets, Migration, and Mobility: Essays in Honor of Jacques Poot (New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives #45)
by William Cochrane Michael P. Cameron Omoniyi AlimiThis volume is devoted to three key themes central to studies in regional science: the sub-national labor market, migration, and mobility, and their analysis. The book brings together essays that cover a wide range of topics including the development of uncertainty in national and subnational population projections; the impacts of widening and deepening human capital; the relationship between migration, neighborhood change, and area-based urban policy; the facilitating role played by outmigration and remittances in economic transition; and the contrasting importance of quality of life and quality of business for domestic and international migrants. All of the contributions here are by leading figures in their fields and employ state-of-the art methodologies. Given the variety of topics and themes covered this book, it will appeal to a broad range of readers interested in both regional science and related disciplines such as demography, population economics, and public policy.
Labor Migration, EU Enlargement, and the Great Recession
by Martin Kahanec Klaus F. ZimmermannThis volume extends and deepens our knowledge about cross-border mobility and its role in an enlarged EU. More specifically, its main purpose is to enlighten the growing and yet rather uninformed debate about the role of post-enlargement migration for economic adjustment in the crisis-stricken labor markets of the Eurozone and the EU as a whole. The book addresses the political economy aspects of post-enlargement migration, including its broader political contexts, redistributive impacts, but also nationalization of the enlargement agenda. It also covers the experience of receiving and sending countries with post-enlargement migration and its role during the current crisis. Renowned experts in the field study, whether and how post-enlargement mobility has enabled the EU to absorb asymmetric economic shocks, how it has affected the European welfare systems, and whether it has contributed to the sustainability of the Eurozone. The authors also evaluate brain circulation as a sought-after vehicle of improved allocative efficiency of EU labor markets and propose a policy agenda for mobility in an enlarged EU.
The Labor of Hope: Meritocracy and Precarity in Egypt
by Harry PettitTechnological advancements, expanding education, and unfettered capitalism have encouraged many around the world to aspire to better lives, even as declines in employment and widening inequality are pushing more and more people into insecurity and hardship. In Egypt, a generation of young men desire fulfilling employment, meaningful relationships, and secure family life, yet find few paths to achieve this. The Labor of Hope follows these educated but underemployed men as they struggle to establish careers and build satisfying lives. In so doing, this book reveals the lived contradiction at the heart of capitalist systems—the expansive dreams they encourage and the precarious lives they produce. Harry Pettit follows young men as they engage a booming training, recruitment, and entrepreneurship industry that sells the cruel meritocratic promise that a good life is realizable for all. He considers the various ways individuals cultivate distraction and hope for future mobility: education, migration, consumption, and prayer. These hope-filled practices are a form of emotional labor for young men, placing responsibility on the individual rather than structural issues in Egypt's economy. Illuminating this emotional labor, Pettit shows how the capitalist economy continues to capture the attention of the very people harmed by it.
Labor of Love, Labor of Sorrow: Black Women, Work, and the Family, from Slavery to the Present
by Jacqueline JonesThe forces that shaped the institution of slavery in the American South endured, albeit in altered form, long after slavery was abolished. Toiling in sweltering Virginia tobacco factories or in the kitchens of white families in Chicago, black women felt a stultifying combination of racial discrimination and sexual prejudice. And yet, in their efforts to sustain family ties, they shared a common purpose with wives and mothers of all classes. InLabor of Love, Labor of Sorrow, historian Jacqueline Jones offers a powerful account of the changing role of black women, lending a voice to an unsung struggle from the depths of slavery to the ongoing fight for civil rights.
The Labor of Luck: Casino Capitalism in the United States and South Africa
by Jeffrey J. SallazIn this gripping ethnography, Jeffrey J. Sallaz goes behind the scenes of the global casino industry to investigate the radically different worlds of work and leisure he found in identically designed casinos in the United States and South Africa.
The Labor of Reinvention: Entrepreneurship in the New Chinese Digital Economy
by Lin ZhangFrom start-up founders in the Chinese equivalent of Silicon Valley to rural villages experiencing an e-commerce boom to middle-class women reselling luxury goods, the rise of internet-based entrepreneurship has affected every part of China. For many, reinventing oneself as an entrepreneur has appeared to be an appealing way to adapt to a changing economy and society. Yet in practice, digital entrepreneurship has also reinforced traditional Chinese ideas about state power, labor, gender, and identity.Lin Zhang explores how the everyday labor of entrepreneurial reinvention is remaking China amid changing geopolitical currents. She tells the stories of people from diverse class, gender, and age backgrounds across rural, urban, and transnational settings in rich detail, providing a multifaceted and ground-level view of the twenty-first-century Chinese economy. Zhang explores the surge in digital entrepreneurialism against the backdrop of global financial crises, the U.S.-China trade war, and the COVID-19 pandemic. She argues that the rise of internet-based industries and practices has simultaneously empowered and exploited digital entrepreneurs and laborers. Despite embracing high-tech innovation, state-led entrepreneurialization does not represent a radical break with the past. It has provided a means for implementing developmental goals while retaining the importance of the traditional family and generating new inequalities.Shedding new light on global capitalism and the digital economy by centering a non-Western perspective, The Labor of Reinvention vividly conveys how the contradictions of entrepreneurialism have played out in China.