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Laboratory of Socialist Development: Cold War Politics and Decolonization in Soviet Tajikistan

by Artemy M. Kalinovsky

Artemy Kalinovsky’s Laboratory of Socialist Development investigates the Soviet effort to make promises of decolonization a reality by looking at the politics and practices of economic development in central Asia between World War II and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Focusing on the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic, Kalinovsky places the Soviet development of central Asia in a global context.Connecting high politics and intellectual debates with the life histories and experiences of peasants, workers, scholars, and engineers, Laboratory of Socialist Development shows how these men and women negotiated Soviet economic and cultural projects in the decades following Stalin’s death. Kalinovsky’s book investigates how people experienced new cities, the transformation of rural life, and the building of the world’s tallest dam. Kalinovsky connects these local and individual moments to the broader context of the Cold War, shedding new light on how paradigms of development change over time. Throughout the book, he offers comparisons with experiences in countries such as India, Iran, and Afghanistan, and considers the role of intermediaries who went to those countries as part of the Soviet effort to spread its vision of modernity to the postcolonial world.Laboratory of Socialist Development offers a new way to think about the post-war Soviet Union, the relationship between Moscow and its internal periphery, and the interaction between Cold War politics and domestic development. Kalinovsky’s innovative research pushes readers to consider the similarities between socialist development and its more familiar capitalist version.

Laborcontrolling (essentials)

by Stefan Georg

Unternehmen wollen und müssen Geld verdienen. Zur Erreichung dieses Ziels muss jede Fachabteilung beitragen – auch das Labor. Gerade in Laboren arbeiten viele Fachkräfte ohne kaufmännische Erfahrung. An diese richtet sich das Buch.Lernen Sie die wichtigen Grundlagen des Rechnungswesens kennen, auf Basis derer Gewinne und Rentabilitäten bestimmt werden. Auch typische kostenrechnerische Werkzeuge wie der Betriebsabrechnungsbogen oder die Deckungsbeitragsrechnung werden thematisiert. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Kennzahlen zur Unternehmenssteuerung richtig einsetzen können, was Sie dabei beachten müssen und welche laborspezifischen Kennzahlen es gibt. Und machen Sie sich ein Bild davon, wie Sie mit einer Balanced Scorecard das Labor (und das gesamte Unternehmen) zielgerichtet steuern können.Alle dargestellten betriebswirtschaftlichen Methoden sind grundlegend beschrieben und auf die Besonderheiten des Labors übertragen.

Laborers and Enslaved Workers: Experiences in Common in the Making of Rio de Janeiro's Working Class, 1850-1920

by Marcelo Badaró Mattos

From the middle of the nineteenth century until the 1888 abolition of slavery in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro was home to the largest urban population of enslaved workers anywhere in the Americas. It was also the site of an incipient working-class consciousness that expressed itself across seemingly distinct social categories. In this volume, Marcelo Badaró Mattos demonstrates that these two historical phenomena cannot be understood in isolation. Drawing on a wide range of historical sources, Badaró Mattos reveals the diverse labor arrangements and associative life of Rio's working class, from which emerged the many strategies that workers both free and unfree pursued in their struggles against oppression.

Laboring for Freedom: New Look at the History of Labor in America

by Daniel Jacoby

This text examines the concept of freedom in the context of American labour history. Nine essays develop themes in this history which show that liberty of contract and inalienable rights form two contradictory traditions concerning freedom.

Laboring for Justice: The Fight Against Wage Theft in an American City

by Rebecca Berke Galemba

Laboring for Justice highlights the experiences of day laborers and advocates in the struggle against wage theft in Denver, Colorado. Drawing on more than seven years of research that earned special recognition for its community engagement, this book analyzes the widespread problem of wage theft and its disproportionate impact on low-wage immigrant workers. Rebecca Galemba focuses on the plight of day laborers in Denver, Colorado—a quintessential purple state that has swung between some of the harshest and more welcoming policies around immigrant and labor rights. With collaborators and community partners, Galemba reveals how labor abuses like wage theft persist, and how advocates, attorneys, and workers struggle to redress and prevent those abuses using proactive policy, legal challenges, and direct action tactics. As more and more industries move away from secure, permanent employment and towards casualized labor practices, this book shines a light on wage theft as symptomatic of larger, systemic issues throughout the U.S. economy, and illustrates how workers can deploy effective strategies to endure and improve their position in the world amidst precarity through everyday forms of convivencia and resistance. Applying a public anthropology approach that integrates the experiences of community partners, students, policy makers, and activists in the production of research, this book uses the pressing issue of wage theft to offer a methodologically rigorous, community-engaged, and pedagogically innovative approach to the study of immigration, labor, inequality, and social justice.

Laboring in the Shadow of Empire: Race, Gender, and Care Work in Portugal (Inequality at Work: Perspectives on Race, Gender, Class, and Labor)

by Celeste Vaughan Curington

Laboring in the Shadow of Empire: Race, Gender, and Care Work in Portugal examines the everyday lives of an African-descendant care service workforce that labors in an ostensibly “anti-racial” Europe and against the backdrop of the Portuguese colonial empire. While much of the literature on global care work has focused on Asian and Latine migrant care workers, there is comparatively less research that explicitly examines African care workers and their migration histories to Europe. Sociologist Celeste Vaughan Curington focuses on Portugal—a European setting with comparatively liberal policies around family settlement and naturalization for migrants. In this setting, rapid urbanization in the late twentieth century, along with a national push to reconcile work and family, has shaped the growth of paid home care and cleaning service industries. Many researchers focus on informal work settings, where immigrant rights are restricted and many workers are undocumented or without permanent residence status. Curington instead examines workers who have accessed citizenship or permanent residence status and also explores African women’s experiences laboring in care and service industries in the formal market, revealing how deeply colonial and intersectional logics of a racialized and international division of reproductive labor in Portugal render these women “hyper-invisible” and “hyper-visible” as “appropriate” workers in Lisbon.

Labormanagement: Handbuch für Laborleiter und Berufseinsteiger

by Klaus Liphard

Während im Rahmen der Hochschulausbildung in chemisch-technischen Studiengängen das Aneignen von Fachkenntnissen im Vordergrund steht, werden von einem Berufseinsteiger im analytisch-chemischen Labor weitere Fähigkeiten erwartet. Dieses Buch geht umfassend auf die wichtigten Punkte ein, die (nicht nur) dem Anfänger in Leitungsfunktion eines Labors oft Probleme bereiten: gesetzliche Regelungen zu Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz, Qualitätsmanagement und betriebswirtschaftliche Grundlagen, Führung und typische Workflows werden in diesem Buch diskutiert. Durch zahlreiche Beispiele und Berichte aus dem Alltag eines Laborleiters und Verweise auf weiterführende Literatur auch für den schon erfahrenden Laborleiter ein hilfreicher Leitfaden!

Labors Appropriate to Their Sex: Gender, Labor, and Politics in Urban Chile, 1900-1930

by Elizabeth Quay Hutchison

In Labors Appropriate to Their Sex Elizabeth Quay Hutchison addresses the plight of working women in early twentieth-century Chile, when the growth of urban manufacturing was transforming the contours of women's wage work and stimulating significant public debate, new legislation, educational reform, and social movements directed at women workers. Challenging earlier interpretations of women's economic role in Chile's industrial growth, which took at face value census figures showing a dramatic decline in women's industrial work after 1907, Hutchison shows how the spread of industrial sweatshops and changing definitions of employment in the census combined to make female labor disappear from census records at the same time that it was in fact burgeoning in urban areas. In addition to population and industrial censuses, Hutchison culls published and archival sources to illuminate such misconceptions and to reveal how women's paid labor became a locus of anxiety for a society confronting social problems--both real and imagined--that were linked to industrialization and modernization. The limited options of working women were viewed by politicians, elite women, industrialists, and labor organizers as indicative of a society in crisis, she claims, yet their struggles were also viewed as the potential springboard for reform. Labors Appropriate to Their Sex thus demonstrates how changing norms concerning gender and work were central factors in conditioning the behavior of both male and female workers, relations between capital and labor, and political change and reform in Chile. This study will be rewarding for those whose interests lie in labor, gender, or Latin American studies; as well as for those concerned with the histories of early feminism, working-class women, and sexual discrimination in Latin America.

Labor's End: How the Promise of Automation Degraded Work (Working Class in American History)

by Jason Resnikoff

Labor's End traces the discourse around automation from its origins in the factory to its wide-ranging implications in political and social life. As Jason Resnikoff shows, the term automation expressed the conviction that industrial progress meant the inevitable abolition of manual labor from industry. But the real substance of the term reflected industry's desire to hide an intensification of human work--and labor's loss of power and protection--behind magnificent machinery and a starry-eyed faith in technological revolution. The rhetorical power of the automation ideology revealed and perpetuated a belief that the idea of freedom was incompatible with the activity of work. From there, political actors ruled out the workplace as a site of politics while some of labor's staunchest allies dismissed sped-up tasks, expanded workloads, and incipient deindustrialization in the name of technological progress. A forceful intellectual history, Labor's End challenges entrenched assumptions about automation's transformation of the American workplace.

Labors Lost: Women's Work and the Early Modern English Stage

by Natasha Korda

Labors Lost offers a fascinating and wide-ranging account of working women's behind-the-scenes and hitherto unacknowledged contributions to theatrical production in Shakespeare's time. Natasha Korda reveals that the purportedly all-male professional stage relied on the labor, wares, ingenuity, and capital of women of all stripes, including ordinary crafts- and tradeswomen who supplied costumes, props, and comestibles; wealthy heiresses and widows who provided much-needed capital and credit; wives, daughters, and widows of theater people who worked actively alongside their male kin; and immigrant women who fueled the fashion-driven stage with a range of newfangled skills and commodities. Combining archival research on these and other women who worked in and around the playhouses with revisionist readings of canonical and lesser-known plays, Labors Lost retrieves this lost history by detailing the diverse ways women participated in the work of playing, and the ways male players and playwrights in turn helped to shape the cultural meanings of women's work. Far from a marginal phenomenon, the gendered division of theatrical labor was crucial to the rise of the commercial theaters in London and had an influence on the material culture of the stage and the dramatic works of Shakespeare and his contemporaries.

Labor's Mind: A History of Working-Class Intellectual Life (Working Class in American History #295)

by Tobias Higbie

Business leaders, conservative ideologues, and even some radicals of the early twentieth century dismissed working people's intellect as stunted, twisted, or altogether missing. They compared workers toiling in America's sprawling factories to animals, children, and robots. Working people regularly defied these expectations, cultivating the knowledge of experience and embracing a vibrant subculture of self-education and reading. Labor's Mind uses diaries and personal correspondence, labor college records, and a range of print and visual media to recover this social history of the working-class mind. As Higbie shows, networks of working-class learners and their middle-class allies formed nothing less than a shadow labor movement. Dispersed across the industrial landscape, this movement helped bridge conflicts within radical and progressive politics even as it trained workers for the transformative new unionism of the 1930s. Revelatory and sympathetic, Labor's Mind reclaims a forgotten chapter in working-class intellectual life while mapping present-day possibilities for labor, higher education, and digitally enabled self-study.

Labor's Outcasts: Migrant Farmworkers and Unions in North America, 1934-1966 (Working Class in American History)

by Andrew J. Hazelton

In the mid-twentieth century, corporations consolidated control over agriculture on the backs of Mexican migrant laborers through a guestworker system called the Bracero Program. The National Agricultural Workers Union (NAWU) attempted to organize these workers but met with utter indifference from the AFL-CIO. Andrew J. Hazelton examines the NAWU's opposition to the Bracero Program against the backdrop of Mexican migration and the transformation of North American agriculture. His analysis details growers’ abuse of the program to undercut organizing efforts, the NAWU's subsequent mobilization of reformers concerned by those abuses, and grower opposition to any restrictions on worker control. Though the union's organizing efforts failed, it nonetheless created effective strategies for pressuring growers and defending workers’ rights. These strategies contributed to the abandonment of the Bracero Program in 1964 and set the stage for victories by the United Farm Workers and other movements in the years to come.

Labor's Share of Income

by Minghai Zhou

This book analyzes the decrease in labor share in China, which is a ratio of national income distribution to capital at three different levels (macro, meso, and micro) and from three different perspectives (growth, transition and opening up). The worsening income distribution has been a key issue for both Chinese and global economies in recent decades. The book shows that the decrease in labor share is closely related to economic growth, increasing extent of globalization, and firms with heterogeneous characteristics. Moreover, the book explains income inequality in detail, focusing on China's increasingly important and emerging economy.

Labor's Untold Story

by Richard Boyer Herbert Morais

A happy collaboration between Richard O. Boyer, author of The Dark Ship, a study of the Maritime Union, and Dr. Herbert M. Morais, formerly of the history department of the College of the City of New York and a specialist in American history, pro­duced this long-needed book. Mr. Boyer, as a member of the staff of The New Yorker, was one of the most successful practitioners of the Profile of that magazine, a technique which he employed to good advantage in Labor’s Untold Story. He wrote John Brown: Profile of a Legend. Dr. Morais was the author of The Struggle for American Freedom, Deism in Eighteenth Century America and The History of the Negro in Medicine.


by P. Sargant Florence

Labour focuses on the issues and problems concerning the efficient full employment of labour in a free market economy. The discussion is largely about the conditions (including comparative wages) underlying industrial efficiency and maximum production from various labour resources at least cost. By estimating man-power, analysing the human factor and measuring labour efficiency, the book summarizes recent evidence on employment conditions for or against efficiency and the effect upon the incidence of unemployment.


by Jean Vercherand Keith Hodson

Labour: A Heterodox Approach provides a theoretical reconstruction of the labour and job market by examining it in a rich historical context. It explores the fundamental implications of the theories of consumption and growth and aims at solving the difficulties raised by the dominant economic theories (neoclassical, Keynesian, supply side) by taking into account the dimension of the historical conflict of the labour market and the public intervention that results from it, such as the construction of a specific legal framework that is to say, labour law. The work focuses on providing a description of conflict and intervention, the market's leading characteristics, and demonstrates that they can be interpreted by introducing two major remedial hypotheses in economic fundamentals. It also contributes to solving several theoretical controversies and highlights the two main perspectives on the economic regulation of the labour market. "

Labour and Business in Modern Britain (Routledge Library Editions: Industrial Relations)

by Charles Harvey John Turner

Labour and Business in Modern Britain (1989) examines the history of labour relations in British business using important empirical research. The study of ‘labour process’ and the dynamics of the labour market are key, and each chapter stands alone as an investigation of an important episode, an important industry, or an important theoretical question refracted through an historical problem.

Labour and Capital Use in Indian Manufacturing: Structural Aspects (Sustainable Industrial Development)

by Anjali Tandon

This book strengthens our understanding of Indian manufacturing. It argues that structural transformation should be guided by the given factor endowments. The book undertakes detailed empirical scrutiny to provide inputs for guiding the future industrial policy in India. The book recognises the differential structure of organised and unorganised manufacturing with their distinguished response to the use of labour and capital. The analytical framework consists of an economy-wide approach and structural relationships at the industry level. The underlying sectoral interdependence highlights the job creation potential of domestic manufacturing, which spreads into the non-manufacturing sectors through the essential accounting of the embodied effects. The impact of import utilisations underscores the leakages in the domestic economy in terms of the employment forgone and capital use, thereby highlighting the need to strengthen domestic production. The book clearly identifies the labour- and capital-intensive categories of manufacturing for empirical investigations. A comprehensive read on labour and capital use in Indian manufacturing, this book in the series Sustainable Industrial Development will appeal to scholars and researchers of economics, applied industrial economics, Indian economy, and business studies. It will also be of interest to professionals and practitioners in policy circles and research think tanks.

Labour and Locality: Uneven Development and the Rural Labour Process (Critical Perspectives on Rural Change #4)

by Terry Marsden Philip Lowe Sarah Whatmore

Originally published in 1992, the volume shows through the lens of labour processes how global forces are played out at the local level. A range of important issues is addressed, including the commoditization and transformation of rural labour, and the role played by state policy in restructuring rural labour markets.

Labour and Management Co-operation: Workplace Partnership in UK Financial Services

by Stewart Johnstone

Over the last decade, the notion of labour-management cooperation and partnership has been central to debates around the future of employee representation. In this insightful analysis of the partnership process in the dynamic UK financial services sector, Stewart Johnstone focuses on the meaning of partnership, the processes involved, the different contexts in which events are played out, and on how we should assess the outcomes. Using detailed case studies, conducted in three diverse banking organisations, to understand more about the process, and employing the analytical 'efficiency, equity, voice' framework from the US that has never before been employed in a study of UK employment relations, Dr Johnstone presents a new way of evaluating the outcomes of a variety of partnership approaches. Labour and Management Co-operation provides a level of understanding that transcends the stalemate of recent times in which the advocates and critics of different approaches seem to have been locked. It will appeal to those with an interest in the current debate about 'voice and representation' and 'mutual gains' taking place amongst those involved with HRM and employee relations in Europe, the United States, and elsewhere.

Labour and Politics in Nigeria (Routledge Revivals)

by Robin Cohen

Originally published in 1974 and with a new introduction for the 1981 edition, this book is a clear and vivid history of the role of organized labour in the politics of Nigeria. It covers the period from the first General Strike of 1945 to the civil war and reintegration of the country. As well as providing an analysis of the characteristics and attitudes of Nigeria’s wage earners, this study is concerned with their place in the wider political and social life of the country. The attempts of the trade unions to create a representative central labour organisation are considered, as is the internal structure of the unions themselves. The book also examines the relationship of the Unions with the political parties of the first Republic and later with the Military Government. The influence of the trade unions in the determination of wage rates is analysed. The book concludes with an overview of trade unions in other parts of Africa with which the performance and characteristics of organized labour in Nigeria are compared

Labour and Privilege | Future Commons: New Writings on Contemporary Art Practices

by Melissa Karmen Lee Daniel Szehin Ho

This book project was part of an annual series of Summer seminars held at Hong Kong's Tai Kwun Centre for Heritage and Arts, which brought the intellectual community together to debate the social issues of the day. The artists, writers, and scholars included in these texts represent unconventional thinkers completing rigorous scholarship that we think is important to be published today, as Hong Kong seeks for social and political alternatives. This book will be of interest to public intellectuals, political/cultural theorists and thinkers, as well as the international art community.

Labour and Social Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe: Europeanization and beyond (Routledge Studies in the European Economy)

by Violaine Delteil and Vassil Kirov

Over a quarter of a century after the fall of the Berlin Wall and 10 years after their accession to the European Union (EU), Central and Eastern Europe Countries (CEECs) still show marked differences with the rest of Europe in the fields of labour, work and industrial relations. This book presents a detailed and original analysis of labour and social transformations in the CEECs. By examining a wide range of countries in Central Europe, Labour and Social Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe offers a comprehensive and contrasting view of labour developments in Central and Eastern Europe. Chapters explore three related issues. The first deals with the understanding of the complex process of Europeanization applied in the sphere of labour, employment and industrial relations. The second issue refers to the attempt to link the Europeanization approach with an analysis mobilizing the theoretical concept of "dependent capitalism(s)". The third issue refers to the cumulative trends of labour weakening and labour awakening that has emerged, in particular in the aftermath of the crisis beginning in 2007-2008. This book will be of interest to academics, policy makers and stakeholders at European and national level in the EU member states.

Labour and the Decolonization Struggle in Trinidad and Tobago

by Jerome Teelucksingh

This book provides evidence that Labour in Trinidad and Tobago played a vital role in undermining British colonialism and advocating for federation and self-government. Furthermore, there is emphasis on the pioneering efforts of the Labour movement in party politics, social justice, and working class solidarity.

Labour and the Politics of Disloyalty in Belfast, 1921-39: The Moral Economy of Loyalty

by Christopher J. V. Loughlin

This book provides the first ‘history from below’ of the inter-war Belfast labour movement. It is a social history of the politics of Belfast labour and applies methodology from history, sociology and political science. Christopher J. V. Loughlin questions previous narratives that asserted the centrality of religion and sectarian conflict in the establishment of Northern Ireland. Labour and the Politics of Disloyalty in Belfast, 1921-39 suggests that political division and violence were key to the foundation and maintenance of the democratic ancien régime in Northern Ireland. It examines the relationship between Belfast Labour, sectarianism, electoral politics, security and industrial relations policy, and women’s politics in the city.

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