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Land Issues for Urban Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa (Local and Urban Governance)
by Robert HomeSub-Saharan Africa faces many development challenges, such as its size and diversity, rapid urban population growth, history of colonial exploitation, fragile states and conflicts over land and natural resources. This collection, contributed from different academic disciplines and professions, seeks to support the UN Habitat New Urban Agenda passed at Habitat III in Quito, Ecuador, in 2016. It will attract readers from urban specialisms in law, geography and other social sciences, and from professionals and policy-makers concerned with land use planning, surveying and governance.Among the topics addressed by the book are challenges to governance institutions: how international development is delivered, building land management capacity, funding for urban infrastructure, land-based finance, ineffective planning regulation, and the role of alternatives to courts in resolving boundary and other land disputes. Issues of rights and land titling are explored from perspectives of human rights law (the right to development, and women's rights of access to land), and land tenure regularization. Particular challenges of housing, planning and informality are addressed through contributions on international real estate investment, community participation in urban settlement upgrading, housing delivery as a partly failing project to remedy apartheid's legacy, and complex interactions between political power, money and land. Infrastructure challenges are approached in studies of food security and food systems, urban resilience against natural and man-made disasters, and informal public transport.
Land Matters: Can Better Governance and Management of Scarcity Prevent a Looming Crisis in the Middle East and North Africa?
by Anna Corsi Harris SelodAcross the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), land is scarce and valuable. Demand for land is projected to dramatically increase to meet the needs of a fast-growing urban population. At the same time, the supply of land is restricted by weak governance and climate factors, causing the quasi-exhaustion of cultivable land reserves. As a result, a crisis is looming. Yet, land continues to be used inefficiently, inequitably, and unsustainably. Land Matters identifies and analyzes the economic, environmental, and social challenges associated with land in the MENA region, shedding light on policy options and proposing paths to reform. It concludes that MENA countries need to act promptly, think more holistically about land, reassess the strategic trade-offs, and minimize land distortions. This report promotes a culture of open data, transparency, and inclusive dialogue on land, while filling major data gaps. These important steps will contribute to renewing the social contract, transforming the region economically and digitally, improving women’s land rights, and facilitating recovery and reconstruction in a context of dramatic social, political, and climatic transformation.
Land of Bright Promise: Advertising the Texas Panhandle and South Plains, 1870-1917
by Jan Blodgett"It shall be the chosen land, perpetual sunshine shall kiss its trees and vines, and, being storied in luscious fruits and compressed into ruddy wine, will be sent to the four points of the compass to gladden the hearts of all mankind . . . They will breathe the pure and bracing air, bask in the healing sunshine, drink the invigorating wine, and eat the lifeprolonging fruit. "-from a brochure advertising the Staked Plains fromthe Missouri Pacific Railway Company, 1889Land of Bright Promise is a fascinating exploration of the multitude of land promotions and types of advertising that attracted more than 175,000 settlers to the Panhandle-South Plains area of Texas from the late years of the nineteenth century to the early years of the twentieth. Shunned by settlers for decades because of its popular but forbidding image as a desert filled with desperados, savage Indians, and solitary ranchers, the region was seen as an agricultural and cultural wasteland. The territ0ry, consequently, was among the last to be settled in the United States. But from 1890 to 1917, land companies and agents competed to attract new settlers to the plains. To this end, the combined efforts of local residents, ranchers and landowners, railroads, and professional real estate agents were utilized. Through brochures, lectures, articles, letters, fairs, and excursion trips, midwestern farmers were encouraged to find new homes on what was once feared as the "Great American Desert. " And successful indeed were these efforts: from 13,787 in 1890, the population grew to 193,371 in 1920, with a corresponding increase in the amount of farms and farm acreage. The book looks at the imagination, enthusiasm, and determination of land promoters as they approached their task, including their special advertisements and displays to show the potential of the area. Treating the important roles of the cattlemen, the railroads, the professional land companies, and local boosters, Land of Bright Promise also focuses on the intentions and expectations of the settlers themselves. Of special interest are the fifteen historical photographs and reproductions of promotional pieces from the era used to spur the land boom. What emerges is an engaging look at a critical period in the development of the Texas Panhandle and an overview of the shift from cattle to agriculture as the primary industry in the area.
The Land of Enterprise: A Business History of the United States
by Benjamin C. WaterhouseA new, gripping history of America—told through the executives, bankers, farmers, and politicians who paved the way from colonial times to the present—reveals that this country was founded as much on the search for wealth and prosperity as the desire for freedom.The Land of Enterprise charts the development of American business from the colonial period to the present. It explores the nation’s evolving economic, social, and political landscape by examining how different types of enterprising activities rose and fell, how new labor and production technologies supplanted old ones—and at what costs—and how Americans of all stripes responded to the tumultuous world of business. In particular, historian Benjamin Waterhouse highlights the changes in business practices, the development of different industries and sectors, and the complex relationship between business and national politics. From executives and bankers to farmers and sailors, from union leaders to politicians to slaves, business history is American history, and Waterhouse pays tribute to the unnamed millions who traded their labor (sometimes by choice, often not) or decided what products to consume (sometimes informed, often not). Their story includes those who fought against what they saw as an oppressive system of exploitation as well as those who defended free markets from any outside intervention. The Land of Enterprise is not only a comprehensive look into our past achievements, but offers clues as to how to confront the challenges of today’s world: globalization, income inequality, and technological change.
A Land of Milk and Butter: How Elites Created the Modern Danish Dairy Industry (Markets and Governments in Economic History)
by Markus Lampe Paul SharpHow and why does Denmark have one of the richest, most equal, and happiest societies in the world today? Historians have often pointed to developments from the late nineteenth century, when small peasant farmers worked together through agricultural cooperatives, whose exports of butter and bacon rapidly gained a strong foothold on the British market. This book presents a radical retelling of this story, placing (largely German-speaking) landed elites—rather than the Danish peasantry—at center stage. After acquiring estates in Denmark, these elites imported and adapted new practices from outside the kingdom, thus embarking on an ambitious program of agricultural reform and sparking a chain of events that eventually led to the emergence of Denmark’s famous peasant cooperatives in 1882. A Land of Milk and Butter presents a new interpretation of the origin of these cooperatives with striking implications for developing countries today.
Land of Promise: An Economic History of the United States
by Michael Lind"[An] ambitious economic history of the united States...rich with details." ?—David Leonhardt, New York Times Book ReviewHow did a weak collection of former British colonies become an industrial, financial, and military colossus? From the eighteenth to the twenty-first centuries, the American economy has been transformed by wave after wave of emerging technology: the steam engine, electricity, the internal combustion engine, computer technology. Yet technology-driven change leads to growing misalignment between an innovative economy and anachronistic legal and political structures until the gap is closed by the modernization of America's institutions—often amid upheavals such as the Civil War and Reconstruction and the Great Depression and World War II.When the U.S. economy has flourished, government and business, labor and universities, have worked together in a never-ending project of economic nation building. As the United States struggles to emerge from the Great Recession, Michael Lind clearly demonstrates that Americans, since the earliest days of the republic, have reinvented the American economy - and have the power to do so again.
Land of Tears: The Exploration and Exploitation of Equatorial Africa
by Robert HarmsA prizewinning historian's epic account of the scramble to control equatorial Africa In just three decades at the end of the nineteenth century, the heart of Africa was utterly transformed. Virtually closed to outsiders for centuries, by the early 1900s the rainforest of the Congo River basin was one of the most brutally exploited places on earth. In Land of Tears, historian Robert Harms reconstructs the chaotic process by which this happened. Beginning in the 1870s, traders, explorers, and empire builders from Arabia, Europe, and America moved rapidly into the region, where they pioneered a deadly trade in ivory and rubber for Western markets and in enslaved labor for the Indian Ocean rim. Imperial conquest followed close behind. Ranging from remote African villages to European diplomatic meetings to Connecticut piano-key factories, Land of Tears reveals how equatorial Africa became fully, fatefully, and tragically enmeshed within our global world.
The Land of Too Much
by Monica PrasadThe Land of Too Much presents a simple but powerful hypothesis that addresses three questions: Why does the United States have more poverty than any other developed country? Why did it experience an attack on state intervention starting in the 1980s, known today as the neoliberal revolution? And why did it recently suffer the greatest economic meltdown in seventy-five years? Although the United States is often considered a liberal, laissez-faire state, Monica Prasad marshals convincing evidence to the contrary. Indeed, she argues that a strong tradition of government intervention undermined the development of a European-style welfare state. The demand-side theory of comparative political economy she develops here explains how and why this happened. Her argument begins in the late nineteenth century, when America’s explosive economic growth overwhelmed world markets, causing price declines everywhere. While European countries adopted protectionist policies in response, in the United States lower prices spurred an agrarian movement that rearranged the political landscape. The federal government instituted progressive taxation and a series of strict financial regulations that ironically resulted in more freely available credit. As European countries developed growth models focused on investment and exports, the United States developed a growth model based on consumption. These large-scale interventions led to economic growth that met citizen needs through private credit rather than through social welfare policies. Among the outcomes have been higher poverty, a backlash against taxation and regulation, and a housing bubble fueled by “mortgage Keynesianism. ” This book will launch a thousand debates.
Land or Death: The Peasant Struggle in Peru
by Hugo Blanco"LAND OR DEATH," says Peter Camejo in his introduction, "constitutes one of the most significant contributions to the theory and practice of Latin American revolution since the Cuban Revolution." It not only describes the conditions of peasant life, but tells the fascinating story of thousands of Quechua Indians who began to take back the lands stolen from them. Drawing on his experience as a leading figure in this mass peasant movement, Blanco takes issue with those who believe the revolution in Latin America can come through either elections or small groups of dedicated, but isolated, guerrillas. Hugo Blanco, a principal organizer of the peasant movement in Peru, was sentenced to a twenty-five year prison term for his activities. Written from inside the famous El Fronton Island prison, Land or Death illustrates Blanco's refusal to be silenced by the government. Blanco was freed in 1970 under the pressure of an international campaign.
Land Ownership Inequality and Rural Factor Markets in Turkey: A Study for Critically Evaluating Market Friendly Reforms (The Economics of the Middle East)
by Fatma Gül ÜnalÜnal uses Turkey as a case study to investigate the effectiveness and efficiency of land and labor markets in spreading economic opportunities within agriculture and its ability to reduce rural poverty.
Land Policies for Resilient and Equitable Growth in Africa
by Klaus Deininger Aparajita Goyal"African countries’ ability to create productive jobs and to effectively confront the challenges of climate change will depend on land policies that promote investment, market participation, and taxation of private land to be able to provide essential public goods and services. However, high cost of land registration together with unrealistic land use regulations and opaque public land management impede land and financial market functioning in much of Sub-Saharan Africa, undermining trust in the state, capacity for own source revenue generation, and agricultural intensification. This report discusses how African countries can take advantage of digital interoperability, remote sensing, and connectivity to reduce urban informality and improve the functioning of land and mortgage markets. This will strengthen the social contract, and provide growth-enhancing public services; recognize, demarcate, and register (digital) use rights to customary land to improve the functioning of rural factor markets; and sustainably manage public land in a way that is competitive and ensures continued provision of public goods to future generations."
Land Policies in India: Promises, Practices and Challenges (India Studies in Business and Economics)
by Sony Pellissery Benjamin Davy Harvey M. JacobsThis book examines how property rights are linked to socio-economic progress and development. It also provides a theoretical analysis, an economic/social analysis of planning, case studies of the implementation of planning and regulation instruments, practices related to law and planning, analysis of case laws in a particular segment. The interconnection between property, law and planning is a running theme throughout the book. The land question has been central to South Asian development on two counts: First, although the majority of the population relies on agriculture and allied activities their livelihood, landholding is highly skewed; second, urban planning is facing unprecedented challenges due to bourgeoning property values as well as gush of migrants to cities seeking livelihood. The response to these challenges in the form of laws and policies has been very large compared to the academic attention that is received. However, the measures emerging from planning and policies have had limited impact on the extent of the problems. This paradox calls for serious introspection and academic engagement that this book undertakes. The book further deals with the emerging discipline of planning law, which determines property value and use, and argues that regulatory issues of public policy determine the property valuation and property pricing.
Land, Poverty and Livelihoods in an Era of Globalization: Perspectives from Developing and Transition Countries (Routledge ISS Studies in Rural Livelihoods)
by Cristóbal Kay Saturnino M. Borras Jr. A. Haroon Akram-LodhiA host of internationally eminent scholars are brought together here to explore the structural causes of rural poverty and income inequality, as well as the processes of social exclusion and political subordination encountered by the peasantry and rural workers across a wide range of countries. This volume examines the intersection of politics and economics and provides a critical analysis and framework for the study of neo-liberal land policies in the current phase of globalization. Utilizing new empirical evidence from ten countries, it provides an in-depth analysis of key country studies, a comparative analysis of agrarian reforms and their impact on rural poverty in Africa, Asia, Latin America and transition countries. Presenting an agrarian reform policy embedded in an appropriate development strategy, which is able to significantly reduce and hopefully eliminate rural poverty, this work is a key resource for postgraduate students studying in the areas of development economics, development studies and international political economy.
Land Quality and Sustainable Urban Forms: Changing Landscapes and Socioeconomic Structures of European Cities (Springer Geography)
by Ilaria Tombolini Jesús Rodrigo-Comino Luca SalvatiIn the panorama of studies related to the ability of lands to support both natural processes and agricultural production activities, this research introduces a still unexplored or under-studied theme which is that of the relationship between urban sprawl in its various forms and land quality.The first part of the book is dedicated to the motivations and the theoretical premises from which the research originates, connected to the concept of land and those of sustainable urban form. The second part concerns the complex path towards a sustainable use of land, both in terms of institutional and regulatory measures, and in terms of knowledge and understanding of soil degradation processes. This research focuses on the Mediterranean area which is discussed in more detail in the third part. In this part of Europe we try to establish relationships between settlement dynamics and land quality: here fragile ecosystems are diffused both from a biological point of view. physical as well as socio-economic, here we find landscapes that are particularly sensitive to land degradation processes (subject to land degradation, considered the antipodes of land quality) and which in recent decades have been particularly affected by anthropic pressure.In the fourth part, an analysis is presented concerning 76 metropolitan areas representative of southern Europe. The methodology used in this analysis is based on the relationship that exists between soil sealing (or soil waterproofing) and land degradation (or land degradation) aimed at an interpretation, at the metropolitan scale, of how in southern Europe the pattern of Urbanization (compact, dispersive, intermediate) affects the land's ability to support both natural processes and agricultural production activities in a diversified way. In particular, the data on land quality and data on land use were considered together in order to analyze the processes of urban growth and the occupation of productive land for a very large area that includes Greece, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and some parts of the Adriatic coast.There is still a long way to go, in terms of sharing, integration and definition of strategies aimed at achieving certain targets. A necessary and innovative look towards land quality could help to consider the protection of the soil as a whole, even at the planning level.
The Land Question in Neoliberal India: Socio-Legal and Judicial Interpretations
by Varsha Bhagat-GangulyThis book examines the land question in neoliberal India based on a cohesive framework focusing on socio-legal and judicial interactions in a point of departure from the political-economy approach to land issues. It sheds light on several complex aspects of land matters in India and evolves a critical and multi-dimensional discourse by mapping out exchanges between social and political actors, the State, elites, citizenry, and the legal battle or judicial interpretations on land as right to property. Based on the themes of socio-legal policy and perspective on ‘land’ on the one hand and jurisprudence on the land question on the other, the volume discusses topics such as conclusive land titling; urban land governance; governance of forest land; land-leasing practices, policies, and interventions from the perspective of women; land acquisition policies and laws; how land matters interface with environmental issues; and judicial debates on ‘compensation’ against land acquisitions. It covers a wide range of case studies from all over India by bringing together specialists from across backgrounds. Comprehensive and topical, this book will be useful to scholars and researchers of development studies, political studies, law, sociology, political economy, and public policy, as well as to professionals in NGOs, civil society organisations, think tanks, planning and public administration, lawyers, civil services and training institutes, and judicial and forest academies. Those working on rural and urban land issues in India, land management, land governance, environmental laws and governance, property rights, resource conflicts, social work, and rural development will find this book to be of special interest.
Land Reform in Developing Countries: Property Rights and Property Wrongs (Priorities for Development Economics)
by Michael LiptonLand reforms are laws that are intended, and likely, to cut poverty by raising the poor’s share of land rights. That raises questions about property rights as old as moral philosophy, and issues of efficiency and fairness that dominate policy from Bolivia to Nepal. Classic reforms directly transfer land from rich to poor. However, much else has been marketed as land reform: the restriction of tenancy, but also its de-restriction; collectivisation, but also de-collectivisation; land consolidation, but also land division. In 1955-2000, genuine land reform affected over a billion people, and almost as many hectares. Is land reform still alive, for example in Bolivia, South Africa and Nepal? Or is it dead and, if so, is this because it has succeeded, or because it has failed? There has been massive research on land reform and this book builds on some surprising findings. Small farms’ share in land is rising in most of Asia and Africa. This is not driven (as widely claimed) by growth in rural population or farm productivity, but by the relative efficiency of small farms, and in some cases by land reform. Whether land reform helps the poor depends not only on land transfers, but at least as much on its effects through employment, non-farm activity, GDP growth and distribution, as well as the village status and power of the poor. Avoidance, evasion and even distortion of land reform laws sometimes advance their main aims. Liberalisation and its accompaniments (such as supermarkets) can be powerful friends or fatal foes of small farms and land reform. This book will be of great interest to students, researchers and consultants working on agriculture, farm organisation, rural development and poverty reduction, with special emphasis on developing countries.
Land Reform Policy: The Challenge of Human Rights Law (Routledge Revivals)
by Ben ChigaraOriginally published in 2004. The book examines the possibility of resolving past and continuing social injustices that are rooted in colonial or some such other similar experience of states from a variety of perspectives. First the issue is examined from an international law perspective, which evaluates the validity of counter claims to title to land in affected SADC states. Secondly the issue is examined from a human rights perspective, which privileges promotion for the respect of the inherent dignity of all persons. Thirdly, the issue is examined from victimology and psychology schools of thought in order to understand both the effect and impact on stakeholders of the operative dynamics in conflicts that arise from long standing social injustices that are connected to colonial or some such other similar historical experience of States. The book proposes humwefficiency as a model for resolution of this type of conflict. This model targets preservation of the inherent dignity of all stakeholders by combining international human rights morality with local intuition about land ownership and use. In this sense, the book takes human rights theory beyond politics and utopia, and applies it to foster new social engineering technologies for the resolution of social injustices and promotion of social justice. This is justified by the fact that the human rights culture has evolved in a considerably short period of time to become the dominant culture of the world.
Land Reforms in India: Computerisation of Land Records (Land Reforms in India series)
by Wajahat Habibullah and Manoj AhujaThis is the tenth volume in a major series which studies the status of land reforms throughout the country. It examines the progress achieved and the difficulties encountered in the computerisation of land records in various states. In 1988, the central government sponsored the Computerisation of Land Records (CoLR) scheme to tackle the recurring problems thrown up by inadequate land records system. Providing a critical appraisal of CoLR, the 20 articles in the volume are divided into three sections: Computerisation of Land Records; Digitisation of Cadastral Maps; and Land Information System. Based on empirical data and field studies, this volume is an important contribution towards understanding the socio-economic realities and social dynamics of contemporary India in the framework of land reforms.
Land Registration and Title Security in the Digital Age: New Horizons for Torrens
by David Grinlinton Rod ThomasThis book examines the current state of, and emerging issues in relation to, the Torrens and other systems of land registration, and the process of automation of land registration systems in jurisdictions where this is occurring worldwide. It analyses the impacts of advances in digital technology in this area and includes contributions from of a number of experts and leaders in this subject from a number of jurisdictions. While it has an Australasian bias, there are important chapters outlining current challenges and developments in Scotland, England and Wales, Ireland, and the Netherlands. The book will be relevant to those engaged in land registration and conveyancing processes, including, but not limited to, property law practitioners and conveyancers, academics in this field, government and public policy experts, law and property students, and IT and IP experts, especially those working on developing automated land registration systems.
Land Rights, Ethno-nationality and Sovereignty in History (Routledge Explorations in Economic History)
by Stanley L. Engerman Jacob MetzerThe complex relationships between ethno-nationality, rights to land, and territorial sovereignty have long fed disputes over territorial control and landed rights between different nations, ethnicities, and religions. These disputes raise a number of interesting issues related to the nature of land regimes and to their economic and political implications. The studies drawn together in this key volume explore these and related issues for a broad variety of countries and times. They illuminate the diverse causes of ethno-national land disputes, and the different forms of adjustment and accommodation to the power differences between the contesting groups. This is done within a framework outlined by the editors in their analytical overview, which offers contours for comparative examinations of such disputes, past and present. Providing conceptual and factual analyses of comparative nature and wealth of empirical material (both historical and contemporary), this book will appeal to economic historians, economists, political scientists, sociologists, anthropologists and all scholars interested in issues concerning ethno-nationality and land rights in historical perspective.
Land Rights, Ethno-nationality and Sovereignty in History (Routledge Explorations in Economic History)
by Stanley L. Engerman Jacob MetzerThe complex relationships between ethno-nationality, rights to land, and territorial sovereignty have long fed disputes over territorial control and landed rights between different nations, ethnicities, and religions. These disputes raise a number of interesting issues related to the nature of land regimes and to their economic and political implications.The studies drawn together in this key volume explore these and related issues for a broad variety of countries and times. They illuminate the diverse causes of ethno-national land disputes, and the different forms of adjustment and accommodation to the power differences between the contesting groups. This is done within a framework outlined by the editors in their analytical overview, which offers contours for comparative examinations of such disputes, past and present.Providing conceptual and factual analyses of comparative nature and wealth of empirical material (both historical and contemporary), this book will appeal to economic historians, economists, political scientists, sociologists, anthropologists and all scholars interested in issues concerning ethno-nationality and land rights in historical perspective.
Land Rights in India: Policies, movements and challenges
by Varsha Bhagat-GangulyThis volume engages with the topical issue of land rights in neoliberal India. It examines government policies, laws, land governance and land reforms from the perspective of social justice and people’s response to dispossession of land. Looking beyond the dominant discourse of land acquisition and the conception of land as a commodity for economic growth, the book explores critical themes including issues of social identity, culture, livelihood and food security through a study of land reform; reviews existing land policies and legal dimensions; and discusses issues and challenges of land governance and land dependents as well as perspectives from people’s movements. Lucidly written, based on empirical research, and comprehensive in its treatment of a contentious concern, this volume will be useful to scholars and researchers of economics and public policy, development studies, political science, and political economy. It will also interest scholars of South Asian studies and sociology.
Land Rover North America, Inc.
by Susan FournierCharles Hughes, president and CEO of Land Rover North America, Inc., is debating product positioning options for the new Land Rover Discovery. The positioning decision must consider the role of the Discovery vis-`a-vis other vehicles in the LRNA line, the brand's strengths and weaknesses versus competition, and the positioning of the Land Rover umbrella brand in the U.K. An allocation of marketing funds across brands and mix elements must also be determined and decisions on the company's innovative retailing strategy and experience marketing initiatives made. The case contains rich consumer behavior data. Includes color exhibits.
Land Securities Group (A): Choosing Cost or Fair Value on Adoption of IFRS
by Edward J. RiedlA U.K. real estate firm, required to adopt international accounting standards (IAS) by 2005, must change the reporting of its primary asset (investment property) from the revaluation model under U.K. GAAP to either the cost or fair-value model under IAS. This would have a number of effects on European investment property firms, including Land Securities.