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Showing 63,351 through 63,375 of 100,000 results

Landscape Grading: A Study Guide for the LARE

by Valerie E. Aymer

For every element that we design in the landscape, there is a corresponding grading concept, and how these concepts are drawn together is what creates a site grading plan. This study guide explores these concepts in detail to help you learn how to grade with confidence in preparation for the Grading, Drainage and Construction Documentation section of the Landscape Architecture Registration Examination (LARE). This updated second edition is designed as a textbook for the landscape architecture student, a study guide for the professional studying for the LARE, and a refresher for licensed landscape architects. New to this edition: • Additional illustrations and explanations for grading plane surfaces and warped planes, swales, berms, retention ponds, and drain inlets; • Additional illustrations and explanations for grading paths, ramp landings, ramp/stair combinations and retaining walls; • A section on landscape and built element combinations, highlighting grading techniques for parking lots, culverts and sloping berms; • A section on landscape grading standards, recognizing soil cut and fill, determining pipe cover, finding FFE, and horizontal and vertical curves; • Updated information about the computer-based LARE test; • All sections updated to comply with current ADA guidelines; • An appendix highlighting metric standards and guidelines for accessibility design in Canada and the UK. With 223 original illustrations to aid the reader in understanding the grading concepts, including 32 end-of-chapter exercises and solutions to practice the concepts introduced in each chapter, and 10 grading vignettes that combine different concepts into more robust exercises, mimicking the difficulty level of questions on the LARE, this book is your comprehensive guide to landscape grading.

Landscape History and Rural Society in Southern England: An Economic and Environmental Perspective (Palgrave Studies in Economic History)

by Eric L. Jones

This book applies an economic and environmental perspective to the history of landscape and the rural economy, highlighting their inter-connections through specific case studies. After explaining how the author made his discoveries and when they started, it analyses relations between documentary and landscape evidence. It is based on exceptional first-hand observation of a dozen sites and close consideration of topics in the ecological and economic history of southern England. They range from reclaiming chalk down-land, occupying low-lying heaths and reconstructing parkland, to wool-stapling and the manufacture of gunstocks for the African slave trade. Additional themes include the tension between ecology and institutions in decisions about the location of economic activity; the decay of communal farming ahead of enclosure; and other interesting puzzles in rural economic history. This book offers an original approach to questions in economic history through its synthesis of different types of evidence. It will be of interest to a diverse range of readers because it addresses how economic change was registered in the landscape, and how that change was influenced by landscape. It is a book with highly original features, contributing simultaneously to economic, agricultural, environmental, and landscape history.

The Landscape of Global Health Inequity (Integrated Science #22)

by Barbara W. K. Son

This book presents a unique overview of significant disparities in health, which exist within complex and multifaceted contexts across different regions. In the twenty-first century, global health inequity presents substantial health challenges, encompassing diverse and interconnected ramifications across socioeconomic, cultural, and political dimensions. Additionally, it thoroughly explores the interconnected and multifaceted underlying factors that are widespread in developing nations. The book puts forth essential and comprehensive recommendations that call for collaborative efforts at multiple levels, including global, national, and local, to identify and address issues effectively.

Landscape Planning and Rural Development

by Carlo Rega

This book aims to contribute to the current debate on how to integrate rural development policies and landscape planning in rural areas. It highlights the key issues at stake and the possibilities for synergies between landscape planning and policies in light of European development policies, particularly the EU's Rural Development Policy and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Case studies from different rural contexts and landscapes are provided, illustrating tools and options to make the advocated integration operational. Recommendations and guidance to policy making are proposed. The case studies presented cover 1) the use of visual assessment techniques to support landscape planning in rural areas; 2) participative applications of landscape assessment techniques in peri-urban areas; 3) multi-scale approaches to landscape management in Alpine areas and 4) the application of landscape economic evaluation to foster rural development strategies.

Landscapes and Narratives of PhD by Publication: Demystifying students’ and supervisors’ perspectives

by Sin Wang Chong Neil H. Johnson

This book includes theoretical, conceptual, empirical, and reflective discussions on issues and experiences pertaining to PhD by Publication for both the prospective and retrospective route. It features formal work alongside reflections on stakeholders’ experiences and addresses formal primary research and research syntheses which survey the landscapes of PhD by Publication regarding its policies, thesis and student experience. The book provides personal, context-specific and in-depth insider’s perspectives towards PhD by Publication and offers a holistic understanding of micro- and macro-level issues by offering research and personal insights.'Despite being in existence for over 20 years, the route to PhD is still often poorly understood by individuals and institutions. This lively, personal, informative, and affirming text will change that. Recognising the value and expansion of the route to a PhD by publication, and the current lack of published advice, Chong and Johnson have drawn together accounts by supervisors, student and graduates of their experiences of PhDs by publication, and what they learnt that will make the journey easier for others. Containing advice about how to apply, how to select publications, and how to prepare for the viva, it will be a valuable handbook for students and supervisors alike. Full of insights that will resonate with many research students and supervisors, and not only those involved in the ‘by publication’ route, it will help with tackling perennial barriers such as finding time to write, managing ‘imposter syndrome;’, and addressing the loneliness that many PhD student experience. An immensely useful, direct, profound and inspiring collection.'Professor Shân Wareing, Deputy Vice Chancellor, University of Northampton

Landscapes of Accumulation: Real Estate and the Neoliberal Imagination in Contemporary India (South Asia Across the Disciplines)

by Llerena Guiu Searle

Over the past few decades, India has experienced a sudden and spectacular urban transformation. Gleaming business complexes encroach on fields and villages. Giant condominium communities offer gated security, indoor gyms, and pristine pools. Spacious, air-conditioned malls have sprung up alongside open-air markets. In Landscapes of Accumulation, Llerena Guiu Searle examines India's booming developments and offers a nuanced ethnographic treatment of late capitalism. India's land, she shows, is rapidly transforming from a site of agricultural and industrial production to an international financial resource. Drawing on intensive fieldwork with investors, developers, real estate agents, and others, Searle documents the new private sector partnerships and practices that are transforming India's built environment, as well as widely shared stories of growth and development that themselves create self-fulfilling prophecies of success. As a result, India's cities are becoming ever more inaccessible to the country's poor. Landscapes of Accumulation will be a welcome contribution to the international study of neoliberalism, finance, and urban development and will be of particular interest to those studying rapid--and perhaps unsustainable--development across the Global South.

Landside Accessibility of Airports: Analysis, Modelling, Planning, And Design

by Milan Janić

This book covers the analysis, modelling, planning, and design of airport landside access modes and their systems. It elaborates on the issues and related problems of airport landside accessibility in an innovative, comprehensive and systematic way. In addition to the general concept of accessibility, the book addresses the analysis and modelling of infrastructure-related, technological, operational, economic, social and environmental performance of road- and rail-based transport systems, as well as the core principles of their planning and design. The book provides guidelines on the modelling, planning, and design of airport landside access modes and their systems, which will contribute to the overall sustainable development of airports. Its main features are: presents a multidimensional examination of performance for specific airport landside access modes and their systems; pursues a qualitative and quantitative approach to developing performance indicators for estimating the sustainability of airport landside access modes and their systems; includes illustrative cases of airport landside accessibility, and numerical examples as exercises for assessing performance using the systems’ indicators. As such, the book offers a valuable source of information for all practitioners involved in analysing, planning and designing more environmentally friendly airport access modes and systems, and who want to learn how to overcome the issues and problems surrounding landside accessibility. It will also benefit students studying the analysis and modelling of transportation systems, and researchers seeking to promote improved sustainability at airports.

Landslides in Sensitive Clays

by Jean-Sébastien L'Heureux Ariane Locat Serge Leroueil Denis Demers Jacques Locat

Landslides in sensitive clays represent a major hazard in the northern countries of the world such as Canada, Finland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and in the US state of Alaska. Past and recent examples of catastrophic landslides at e. g. Saint-Jean-Vianney in 1971, Rissa in 1979, Finneidfjord in 1996 and Kattmarka in 2009 have illustrated the great mobility of the remolded sensitive clays and their hazardous retrogressive potential. These events call for a better understanding of landslide in sensitive clay terrain to assist authorities with state-of-the-art hazard assessment methods, risk management schemes, mitigation measures and planning. During the last decades the elevated awareness regarding slope movement in sensitive clays has led to major advances in mapping techniques and development of highly sophisticated geotechnical and geophysical investigation tools. Great advances in numerical techniques dealing with progressive failure and landslide kinematic have also lead to increase understanding and predictability of landslides in sensitive clays and their consequences. This volume consists of the latest scientific research by international experts dealing with geological, geotechnical and geophysical aspects of slope failure in sensitive clays and focuses on understanding the full spectrum of challenges presented by landslides in such brittle materials.

Landslides in Sensitive Clays

by Vikas Thakur Jean-Sébastien L’heureux Ariane Locat

This book gathers the most recent scientific research on the geological, geotechnical and geophysical aspects of slope failure in sensitive clays. Gathering contributions by international experts, it focuses on understanding the complete and practical spectrum of challenges presented by landslides in such complex materials. Based on sound and validated research results, the book also presents several recommendations that could be implemented in the guidelines or code-of-practice. These recommendations cover topics including the characterization and behavior of sensitive clays; the pre-failure, failure and post-failure stages of sensitive clays; mapping and identification methods; climate change; hazard assessment; and risk management. Sensitive clays are known for their potential for causing large landslides, which pose a serious risk to human lives, infrastructure, and surrounding ecosystems within their reach. This has been demonstrated by the recent catastrophic landslides in e. g. S#65533;rum (2016), Skjeggestad (2015), Statland (2014), Byneset (2012), St-Jude (2010), Lyngen (2010) and Kattmarka (2009). The 2015 collapse of the Skjeggestad Bridge in Norway - which was due to a landslide in sensitive clay - alone costs millions of dollars in repairs. Recently, efforts are being made to increase society's ability to cope with such landslide hazards. Geoscientists are now expected to provide input to the agencies responsible for landslide-risk preparedness. In other words, geoscientists' role is not only to act as technologists to establish new theories, but also to go the extra mile to implement them in practice, so as to find meaningful solutions to geotechnical problems.

Landslides in the Himalayan Region: Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategy for Sustainable Management (Disaster Risk Reduction)

by Uday Chatterjee K. C. Lalmalsawmzauva Brototi Biswas Subodh Chandra Pal

This book explores a platform for insightful discussions and scientific discourse on various aspects of landslides and their risk management, with insights focused on the Himalayan states at a sub-regional level. A fundamental reference is thus provided for further research not only in landslides but also in associated natural hazards. The book is divided into four major parts, starting from conceptual models in approaching landslide risk, followed by evaluation of risk, management of landslide risk, end-to-end solutions for landslide risk assessment, and a synopsis. Included are topics such as the nature of landslide hazard impact, scale dependency in landslide hazard and risk analysis, and systematic procedures of landslide hazard mapping for risk assessment using spatial prediction models. The book also covers such important aspects as the response of the insurance industry to landslide risk and the role of administrative bodies in landslide risk assessment and sustainable management. Readers gain ample knowledge through case studies regarding the types of landslides in the Himalayan region, which will help them in their future research hypotheses.

The Langer Lab: Commercializing Science

by Ayr Muir-Harmony H. Kent Bowen Bryce C. Lapierre Alex Kazaks

Professor Robert Langer's laboratory at MIT is the source of an unusually large number of published papers, patents, and technology licenses to start-up and established companies in the biomedical industry. Explores Langer's leadership and other factors that create a successful research enterprise.

Langfristiges Planen

by Georg Kamp

Das Projekt entwickelt einheitliche methodologische Grundlagen für eine langfristige Planung, deren Umsetzung die Nachhaltigkeit des individuellen wie des gesellschaftlichen Handelns möglichst verlässlich sichert. Die Arbeitsplanung folgt dem bewährten Projektgruppenprinzip der ,,Europäischen Akademie". Dabei erarbeitet eine interdisziplinär zusammengesetzte Projektgruppe gemeinsam Lösungen zu einem definierten Themenbereich. Eine inhaltliche Präzisierung des Programms erfolgt zunächst durch die sogenannte Kerngruppe. In dieser sind Experten aus den wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen Nachhaltigkeitsökonomik, experimentelle Ökonomik, Ethik/praktische Philosophie, Politikwissenschaft beziehungsweise Institutionentheorie vertreten. Zur intensiven Bearbeitung des präzisierten Programms wird die Projektgruppe um Vertreterinnen und Vertreter aus weiteren einschlägigen Disziplinen erweitert. Diese Disziplinen können sein: Soziologie, Rechtswissenschaft, Wissenschaftstheorie und Governanceforschung. In insgesamt elf Gruppensitzungen und zwei Evaluierungskonferenzen sowie einzelthemenbezogenen Fachgesprächen und Workshops entwickeln die Projektgruppenmitglieder ausgehend von disziplinär erstellten Textvorlagen eine von allen mitgetragene Studie. Mit dieser Herangehensweise werden zugleich eine Erweiterung des methodischen Instrumentariums der Nachhal-tigkeitsökonomik sowie insgesamt eine Verbesserung des Planens, Entscheidens und Handelns in nachhaltigkeits - ökonomischen Zusammenhängen angestrebt.

Language and Development in Africa

by H. Ekkehard Wolff

Development is based on communication through language. With more than two thousand languages being used in Africa, language becomes a highly relevant factor in all sectors of political, social, cultural and economic life. This important sociolinguistic dimension hitherto remains underrated and under-researched in 'Western' mainstream development studies. The book discusses the resourcefulness of languages, both local and global, in view of the ongoing transformation of African societies as much as for economic development. From a novel 'applied African sociolinguistics' perspective it analyses the continuing effects of linguistic imperialism on postcolonial African societies, in particular regarding the educational sector, through imposed hegemonic languages such as Arabic and the ex-colonial languages of European provenance. It offers a broad interdisciplinary scientific approach to the linguistic dimensions of sociocultural modernisation and economic development in Africa, written for both the non-linguistically trained reader as much as for the linguistically trained researcher and language practitioner.

Language and Globalization: "Englishnization" at Rakuten (A)

by Tsedal Neeley

Hiroshi Mikitani, the CEO of Rakuten, (Japan's largest online retailer), is at the helm of an organization that is rapidly expanding into global markets. In a critical stride toward becoming the world's No. 1 Internet services company, Mikitani announces Englishnization - a highly publicized aggressive two-year English proficiency mandate for all 7,100 of Rakuten's Japanese employees. Mikitani's goal is not only to ensure the success of the organization, but also to break down linguistic and cultural boundaries in Japanese society. At the time, only an estimated 10% of the Japanese staff could function in English. The stakes are high: those who do not reach their target score by the deadline risk being demoted. As Englishnization progresses, loss of productivity, lack of time to study, and conflicted views among managers impede staff success. Some employees even question the relevance of Englishnization, particularly for staff working exclusively in Japan. Fifteen months since the announcement, the vast majority had not yet reached their target English proficiency scores. With the deadline rapidly approaching, Mikitani must decide how to proceed to ensure the success of Englishnization, the continued global rise of his organization, and even the future of Japan.

Language and Sustainable Development in Bangladesh: Policies, Practices, and Perceptions (Routledge Research in Language Education)

by M. Obaidul Hamid Shaila Sultana Mohammod Moninoor Roshid

This book examines relationships between language and sustainable development in the context of Bangladesh. Following inclusive and multidisciplinary perspectives, these relationships are explored in mainstream education, teacher education, religious education and indigenous, ethnic minority and refugee settings. The contexts of development are also diverse which include the public sector, international non-government organisations, domestic work, tourism, and the environment.The book records voices of people from various linguistic, social, cultural, and demographic backgrounds, in urban, rural, and peripheral settings. It makes the language question visible in the manifold contexts of development where it has generally remained invisible. Giving visibility to language by referring to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the chapters embrace language and development in pluralistic ways and underscore their complex but undeniable relationships. The authors come from diverse backgrounds and bring plurality of genres, methods, insights, and implications.The volume is intended for students, academics, researchers, policy personnel, language practitioners, and other readers whose works and interests straddle language, development, and SDGs. It will benefit them by explicating language-sustainable development relationships in theoretical as well as practical ways, suggesting directives for policies and practices for linguistic and social justice, and equity and inclusion.

Language and the Market Society: Critical Reflections on Discourse and Dominance (Routledge Critical Studies In Discourse Ser. #2)

by Gerlinde Mautner

In education, politics and religion, there are strong indications that discourse is becoming marketized. Around the world, government ministries have re-defined themselves as "service providers," universities draw up "market-driven" curricula, job seekers are asked to "package themselves" more effectively, and there are advertising agencies specializing in "the Christian marketplace." And it is not only word choice that is effected; higher-level linguistic patterns, such as genres and discursive practices (such as the text and talk connected with performance measurement and public relations), are also drawn into the orbit of market forces. Through an intricate dialectic, such patterns of linguistic choices, in turn, reinforce the social structures that shape them, further consolidating the marketization process. In a related development, language within the business domain itself is increasingly shaped by strategic planning and control, for example in branding, message design, and the promulgation of management buzzwords. Marketization thus emerges as a globally unfolding process in which language holds a key position as both cause and effect, and as both subject and object. The book examines these phenomena from a linguistic and critical perspective, drawing on critical discourse analysis, sociological treatises of market society, and critical management studies.

The Language of Branding: Theory, Strategies, and Tactics

by Dawn Lerman Robert J. Morais David Luna

The Language of Branding: Theory, Strategies and Tactics shows marketers how to use language successfully to improve brand value and influence consumer behavior. Luna and Lerman are among only a few researchers who take a multidisciplinary perspective on the ways language influences how consumers act. Together with Morais, an anthropologist engaged in market research, they show how understanding the power of language can impact the essence – and sales – of a brand. The book covers the fundamentals of brand language and applications for an array of marketing initiatives. Readers will learn why brand language matters, how language is used in marketing, and how to build a brand strategy that capitalizes on the richness and complexity of language. This book includes real-world case histories that demonstrate vividly how brand language is created and exercises that enable both students of marketing and marketing professionals to apply the book’s concepts and stimulate class discussion. The Language of Branding: Theory, Strategies and Tactics can be used in a number of courses, including consumer behavior, branding, advertising, linguistics, and communications.

The Language of Business Meetings

by Michael Handford

This innovative volume presents an in-depth study of the language used by participants in business meetings. The cutting-edge research draws on the Cambridge and Nottingham Business English Corpus (CANBEC), a unique resource which brings together meetings of different types both within and between companies, involving speakers whose roles and responsibilities vary, and who represent a range of nationalities and first languages. Keywords, concordance lines and discourse analysis provide thorough insights into aspects such as the structural stages of meetings, participants' discursive practices, interpersonal language and creativity, and power and constraint. The author concludes by making practical suggestions for using these findings to inform the teaching of business English.

The Language of Cash Flow: Understanding the Different Types

by Joe Knight Karen Berman

To see the full picture of your business, you need a cash flow statement. Although the statement seems easy to read, nonfinancial managers often need help understanding the fundamentals. This chapter provides an overview of the language used in cash flow statements. This chapter is excerpted from "Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs: What You Really Need to Know About the Numbers."

The Language of Cash Flow

by Joe Knight Karen Berman John Case

Although a cash flow statement seems easy to read, nonfinancial managers often need help understanding the fundamentals. This chapter provides an overview of a cash flow statement.

The Language of Corporate Communication: Functional, Pragmatic and Cultural Dimensions

by Elena N. Malyuga

This book explores diverse cultural and linguistic landscapes, unraveling the fusion of language, culture, and corporatism. It breaks new ground by examining lesser-known linguistic-cultural aspects of corporate communication. It provides deeper insights into conversational practices, cultural variations, and gender-specific speech aggression within the corporate realm. The book delves into functional aspects, such as corporate terminology and stylistic techniques, as well as the pragmatic dimension with humor and emotive language. Offering a unique perspective on corporate language, it deepens understanding of semantic dynamics and emphasizes language's power to meet diverse communication needs. The book is a must-read for corporate professionals, linguists, scholars, business leaders, communication consultants, and educators teaching the language of business and corporate communication. It is also an invaluable asset for anyone seeking to navigate the intricacies of corporate communication in today's globalized business landscape.

The Language of Cosmetics Advertising

by Helen Ringrow

This book offers a cross-cultural comparison of French and British cosmetics advertisements and explores how the discourse of beauty advertising represents ideas about femininity in French and English language contexts. As the global beauty industry expands and consumers become more critical of the claims made, the topic of cosmetics advertising discourse is examined using Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis. One common theme underlying most cosmetics advertising discourse is that the female body always requires 'work' to fix its 'problems': flat skin, dry hair, and so on. The author uses themes of language and gender, media and identity, and advertising across cultures to expose exactly what is going on in the language of cosmetics advertising and to offer a first step towards challenging these ideas and thinking about alternatives.

The Language of Economics

by Robert E. Mitchell

This Palgrave Pivot demonstrates that the inherited vocabularies of economics and other social sciences contain socially constructed words and theories that bias our very understanding of history and markets, bridging the empirical and moral dimensions of economics in general and inequality in particular. Wealth, GDP, hierarchies, and inequality are socially constructed words infused with moral overtones that academic philosophers and policy analysts have used to raise questions about "fairness" and "justice. " This short intellectual and epistemological history explores and elaborates a limited number of key inequality-related terms, concepts, and mental images invented by centuries of economists and others. The author challenges us to question the assumptions made concerning presumably value-free concepts such as inequality, wealth, hierarchies, and the policy goals a nation can be pursuing.

The Language of Employability: A Corpus-Based Analysis of UK University Websites

by Maria Fotiadou

This book employs a corpus-based Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) methodology to analyse the language used by university careers services in the UK. Drawing on a corpus which includes the public-facing websites of careers services from 24 Russell Group and 34 Post-92 universities, the author highlights some of the potentially problematic 'common-sense' views and ideas that are currently promoted to students using these services. She argues that the language used by university websites promotes neoliberal ideology and encourages the denaturalisation of such language. This book will be of interest to linguists, sociologists, education scholars, and scholars who are otherwise interested in the notion of employability.

The Language of Female Leadership

by Judith Baxter

Could language be a reason why women are under-represented at senior level in the business world? Using data from senior management meetings, this book explores how female leaders use language to achieve their business and relational goals by arguing that senior women have to develop linguistic expertise in order to be effective leaders.

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