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Larry Miller

by Alicia Dadlani Frances X. Frei Francesca Gino Hise Gibson

Under the leadership of Larry Miller, chairman and former president of Nike's Air Jordan brand, annual revenues for the Jordan brand soared from $150 million to over $4 billion. But for over 40 years, Miller guarded a secret. When he was 16 years old and part of a West Philadelphia gang, he shot and killed an innocent teenager and spent 4 years in juvenile detention. Upon release, he fell back into a life of crime and spent nearly five years in prison for armed robberies. This time, he vowed to change, focused on his education, and graduated with honors from college. After disclosing his crime to a potential employer led to the withdrawal of a job offer, he never told anyone again until 40 years later, when he wrote a memoir with his daughter in 2022. Miller wondered if sharing his story could affect positive change, serving as a source of inspiration for troubled youth and encouraging leaders to promote fair chance hiring of formerly incarcerated people.

Larry Steffen: Valuing Stock Options in a Compensation Package

by Craig Stephenson William E. Fruhan

New MBA graduate Larry Steffen has accepted an attractive job offer from Athena Global Technology but must now choose one of two alternative compensation plans. The first compensation plan option includes a base salary plus a $25,000 cash bonus, and the second includes the same base salary plus employee stock options. In order to evaluate and decide on one of these plans, Larry must estimate the value of the offered stock options and consider several complicating factors, including whether he will remain at Athena for the five-year vesting period necessary to receive the options. This case introduces students to option valuation and facilitates a discussion about the effectiveness and potential benefits and problems associated with the use of stock options in compensation packages.

L’art de la conversation: Comment parler à tout le monde et construire rapidement des liens en 30 étapes faciles

by The Blokehead

Merci pour votre intérêt pour ce livre, « L’art de la conversation : Comment parler à tout le monde et construire rapidement des liens en 30 étapes faciles » Ce livre contient des informations sur la façon dont vous pouvez développer vos aptitudes à la conversation pour créer des liens et parler à des personnes de tous les horizons. En outre, il contient également 30 conseils sur la façon de créer des liens avec à peu près n'importe qui. Prenez ce livre maintenant!

L'Art de la richesse

by Baron Alexander Deschauer Rita Bakop

Devenir riche, et mieux encore, opulent, demande un certain état d'esprit. Devenir opulent est plutôt simple, en théorie. En pratique, il existe des obstacles que la plupart d'entre nous ne voient même pas. Ce sont des barrières d'entrée qui permettent à beaucoup de personnes dans la société de prétendre que des opportunités existent pour tout le monde – mais en réalité, elles sont fermées pour la plupart d'entre nous. La première chose à faire pour surmonter ces barrières c'est d'être capable d'apprendre à les voir. Une fois que vous apprenez à les voir, vous serez capable de les surmonter. Ce livre, à travers de petits récits, expose le secret du développement de l'état d'esprit à cultiver pour devenir riche. Il vous servira des vérités testées derrières l'accumulation de la richesse et de l'opulence.

L'arte della ricchezza. Gli ostacoli per raggiungerla.

by Baron Alexander Deschauer

Questo libro espone, attraverso brevi racconti e riflessioni, i segreti per sviluppare l'approccio mentale giusto per raggiungere la ricchezza. Segna l'incontro tra l' "Arte della guerra" di Sun Tzu e "Padre ricco, padre povero" di Kiyosaki. Diventare ricchi è alla portata di tutti. Teoricamente. In pratica ci sono ostacoli che la maggior parte di noi neppure vede. Sono le barriere di ingresso che permettono a molti di affermare che l'opportunità esiste per tutti ma che in realtà è preclusa alla maggior parte di noi. La prima cosa per superare queste barriere è essere in grado di imparare a vederle. Una volta che imparerete a vederle, sarete in grado di superarle. Questo libro con brevi racconti e narrazioni vi permetterà di sviluppare il gisuto approccio mentale per ottenere l'agiatezza. Vi fornirà le verità provate e testate che stanno dietro alla'ccumulazione delle ricchezze e del benessere.

L’ascension de l’empire

by Ulrich Richard Hambuch

Le peuple des poètes et des penseurs, qui a été deux fois victime de terribles guerres mondiales dans l’histoire récente, est à nouveau en crise profonde ces jours-ci et se trouve à un carrefour. Au cours des sept dernières années, d’innombrables œuvres brillantes sur le plan analytique, mais sobres, longues et pour la majorité incompréhensibles et donc finalement éphémères ont été produites dans ce contexte, dans lesquelles les auteurs se sont sentis appelés à dévoiler et dénoncer les choses qui nous ont consciemment ou inconsciemment opprimés au cours des dernières décennies. En fin de compte, cependant, tous les auteurs que je connaissais ont échoué à esquisser une alternative holistique et durable à l’état actuel. Il fallait y remédier. Aujourd’hui, je considère cela comme une coïncidence du destin, qui depuis quelques années ne m’a pas permis de poursuivre mon activité habituelle de manière permanente et complète et le destin m’a conduit à partir de maintenant à me consacrer en retraite et en impartialité au sujet de la recherche de la vérité. En tant que personne capable d’agir après un moment d’apprentissage, de réflexion, de ressenti et de pause, je n’ai pu trouver ma place dans aucun parti, entreprise ou lieu en République fédérale d’Allemagne. J’ai donc décidé sans plus attendre de créer pour moi-même cet idéal politique, laïc et spirituel.

L'ascesa dell'Impero: Volume 1: La Germania si riprenderà attraverso lo spirito tedesco

by Ulrich Richard Hambuch

Il popolo dei poeti e dei pensatori, che sono stati per due volte vittime di terribili guerre mondiali nella storia recente, è di nuovo in una profonda crisi in questi giorni e si trova a un bivio. Negli ultimi sette anni, in questo contesto sono state prodotte innumerevoli, analiticamente brillanti, ma sobrie, lunghe e per la maggior parte incomprensibili e quindi in ultima analisi solo opere fugaci, in cui gli autori si sono sentiti chiamati a scoprire e denunciare le cose che ci hanno consapevolmente o inconsciamente oppresso negli ultimi decenni. In definitiva, però, tutti gli autori che conoscevo non sono riusciti a delineare un'alternativa olistica e sostenibile allo stato attuale. A questo bisognava porre rimedio. Oggi la considero una coincidenza del destino, che per alcuni anni non mi ha permesso da più parti di portare avanti la mia attività abituale in modo permanente e che mi ha portato, da ora in poi, a dedicarmi in solitudine e imparzialità al tema della ricerca della verità. Come persona che, dopo un po' di tempo di apprendimento, di pensiero, di sentimento e di pausa, è in grado di agire, non ho potuto trovare casa in nessun partito, in nessuna azienda o luogo della Repubblica Federale Tedesca. Così ho deciso senza ulteriori indugi di creare questa casa ideale politica, laica e spirituale per me stesso.

Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing of Metal Parts: Modeling, Optimization, and Control of Mechanical Properties (Advanced and Additive Manufacturing Series)

by Linkan Bian Nima Shamsaei John Usher

Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing (LBAM) technologies, hailed by some as the "third industrial revolution," can increase product performance, while reducing time-to-market and manufacturing costs. This book is a comprehensive look at new technologies in LBAM of metal parts, covering topics such as mechanical properties, microstructural features, thermal behavior and solidification, process parameters, optimization and control, uncertainty quantification, and more. The book is aimed at addressing the needs of a diverse cross-section of engineers and professionals.

Lassen Sie sich Ihre Reisen bezahlen: Wie Sie die Timeshare-Branche knacken können (Hacks, Geheimnisse, Tipps, Anleitungen, Budget)

by Ursula Mirwald Travel Hackerz

Ein leicht verständlich geschriebenes Buch voller Informationen, wie Sie den Spieß umdrehen und von der Timeshare-Branche profitieren können. Die Timeshare-Industrie hat Menschen seit Jahrzehnten notorisch ausgenutzt. Es ist an der Zeit, dass Sie den Spieß umdrehen und endlich verstehen, wie Sie von dieser Branche profitieren können. Dieser informative Führer macht Sie mit den Geheimnissen und Machenschaften dieser Unternehmen vertraut, wie diese Interessenten ihr hart verdientes Geld aus der Tasche ziehen und es in die von gierigen Managern fließt. Vor allem lernen Sie, wie Sie den Spieß umdrehen und die finanziellen Vorteile dieser Angebote für sich persönlich nutzen können. In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie Sie... •es anstellen müssten, um an kostenlose Urlaube in luxuriösen 5-Sterne-Resorts zu kommen •sich Ihre Ferien mit über 100 € pro Stunde vergüten lassen können •es vermeiden, tausende von Euro für lächerliche Timeshares auszugeben •romantische Bootsfahrten bei Sonnenuntergang gratis zu genießen •an eine 3-tägige Kreuzfahrt gelangen, bei der alle Unkosten bereits bezahlt sind •alle paar Monate ein neues Urlaubsangebot per Post erhalten, ohne dafür einen Finger krumm machen zu müssen Dieser kleine Ratgeber spart Ihnen tausende von Euro, Reisekosten, die nicht nötig sind. Er enthält praktisch nutzbare und leicht umsetzbare Tipps für jedermann, der schon immer gerne einmal in einem der weltweiten 5-Sterne-Ferienanlagen die Füße in den warmen Sand stecken wollte. Tun Sie sich und Ihrer Familie einen Gefallen und lesen Sie dieses Buch. Entdecken Sie Ihre Möglichkeiten, wie ein Star reisen zu können.

The Last Best Place? Gender, Family, and Migration in the New West

by Leah Schmalzbauer

Southwest Montana is beautiful country, evoking mythologies of freedom and escape long associated with the West. Partly because of its burgeoning presence in popular culture, film, and literature, including William Kittredge's anthology The Last Best Place, the scarcely populated region has witnessed an influx of wealthy, white migrants over the last few decades. But another, largely invisible and unstudied type of migration is also present. Though Mexican migrants have worked on Montana's ranches and farms since the 1920s, increasing numbers of migrant families—both documented and undocumented—are moving to the area to support its growing construction and service sectors. The Last Best Place? asks us to consider the multiple racial and class-related barriers that Mexican migrants must negotiate in the unique context of Montana's rural gentrification. These daily life struggles and inter-group power dynamics are deftly examined through extensive interviews and ethnography, as are the ways gender structures inequalities within migrant families and communities. But Leah Schmalzbauer's research extends even farther to highlight the power of place and demonstrate how Montana's geography and rurality intersect with race, class, gender, family, illegality, and transnationalism to affect migrants' well-being and aspirations. Though the New West is just one among many new destinations, it forces us to recognize that the geographic subjectivities and intricacies of these destinations must be taken into account to understand the full complexity of migrant life.

Last Canadian Beer: The Moosehead Story

by Harvey Sawler

A look at the history of a family beer business and how they’ve managed to maintain strength in an increasingly competitive industry.Featuring important insights from the company’s current executives and employees, Last Canadian Beer: The Moosehead Story is not only a fascinating company history, but also a candid look at how a small New Brunswick business remains competitive in a difficult global marketplace. While other Canadian beer brands long ago sold out to American and European interests, Moosehead has remained fiercely independent.Last Canadian Beer is the remarkable story of a time-honored business, a complex family, and a beloved beer.

The Last Chance Millionaire: It's Not Too Late to Become Wealthy

by Douglas R. Andrew

According to Doug Andrew, the bestselling author ofMissed Fortune 101, too many Americans are being led down the wrong financial path. Even worse, many Baby Boomers find themselves panicking --fearful that they've already fallen too far behind to ever catch up. In this indispensable and eye-opening guide, Andrew provides fresh new pathways to reaching financial security -- pathways that all Americans need to consider now. Centering on his Three Miracles of Wealth Accumulation: the Miracle of Compound Interest, the Miracle of Tax-Favored Accumulation, and the Miracle of Positive, Safe Leverage, Andrew explodes many of the commonly-held myths about 401ks, pensions, paying down one's mortgage, and other forms of retirement planning. Along the way, Andrew offers unique strategies that will not only increase your wealth, but also help readers enjoy their best years while securing their future.

Last Chance Tourism: Adapting Tourism Opportunities in a Changing World (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility)

by Raynald Harvey Lemelin Emma J. Stewart Jackie Dawson

Concerns over vanishing destinations such as the Great Barrier Reef, Antarctica, and the ice cap on Mt. Kilimanjaro have prompted some travel operators and tour agencies to recommend these destinations to consumers before they disappear. This travel trend has been reported as: ‘disappearing tourism,’ ‘doom tourism,’ and most commonly ‘last chance tourism’ where tourists explicitly seek vanishing landscapes or seascapes, and/or disappearing natural and/or social heritage. However, despite this increasing form of travel there has been little examination in the academic literature of last chance tourism phenomenon. This is the first book to empirically examine and evaluate this contemporary tourism development providing a new angle on the effects of global change and pressures of visitation on tourism destinations. It aims to develop the conceptual definition of last chance tourism, examine the ethics surrounding this type of travel, and provide case studies highlighting this form of tourism in different regions, and in different contexts. In particular it critically reviews the advantages of publicizing vulnerable destinations to raise awareness and promote conservation efforts. Conversely, the book draws attention to the issue of attracting more tourists seeking to undergo such experiences before they are gone forever, accelerating the negative impacts. It further examines current trends, discusses escalating challenges, provides management strategies, and highlights future research opportunities. Last Chance Tourism is a timely and multi-disciplinary volume featuring contributions from leading scholars in the fields of leisure, tourism, anthropology, geography, and sociology. It draws on a range of international case studies and will be of interest to students, researchers and academics interested in Tourism, Environmental Studies and Development Studies.

The Last Day of Oppression, and the First Day of the Same: The Politics and Economics of the New Latin American Left

by Jeffery R. Webber

Throughout the 2000s Latin America transformed itself into the leading edge of anti-neoliberal resistance in the world. What is left of the Pink Tide today? What is their relationship to the explosive social movements that propelled them to power? As China's demand slackens for Latin American commodities, will governments continue to rely on natural resource extraction? In an accessible and penetrating volume, Jeffery Webber examines the most important questions facing the Latin American left today.

The Last Days of Empire and the Worlds of Business and Diplomacy: An Inside Account

by Charles Cullimore

A personal story, a colorful travelogue and an inside experience of politics and international relations, which includes a poignant 'imperial' sidelight with the discovery of his grandmother's grave in India.Charles Cullimore's was a varied life from the end of the British Empire to high-level business and finally with major roles in post-imperial British policy. He rounded off a career appropriately by lecturing at the School of Oriental and African Studies in the University of London, underpinning academic study with his hands-on experience in international diplomacy. The account is modest, graphic, full of incident, personality and anecdote, and face-to-face encounters with leading actors. After the 'Devonshire course' for entrants to the Colonial Service came appointment to Tanganyika and here is an intimate personal and 'official' account of district administration and the rise of TANU - Tanganyika African National Union - and decolonisation. The moving letter from Julius Nyerere reproduced in the text sums up a close relationship at the end of empire between the administration and the rising politicians assuming power at decolonisation when Tanganyika became Tanzania shortly after. A spell at ICI in 'personnel' followed in Scotland, Malaysia and Singapore. And then back to government service in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office focussed on Overseas Development, followed by a posting to Bonn at the height of the Cold War. The author came back to British Commonwealth service as Head of Chancery in India, Deputy High Commissioner in Australia, Head of the Central African Department in the FCO covering relations with the 'front-line States' and their conflict with South Africa. Finally, he was High Commissioner in Uganda at the time of state-recovery under Museveni - an intimate account full of fascinating personal contact. A personal story, a colorful travelogue and an inside experience of politics and international relations, which includes a poignant 'imperial' sidelight with the discovery of his grandmother's grave in India.

The Last Days of Empire and the Worlds of Business and Diplomacy: An Inside Account

by Charles Cullimore

A personal story, a colorful travelogue and an inside experience of politics and international relations, which includes a poignant 'imperial' sidelight with the discovery of his grandmother's grave in India.Charles Cullimore's was a varied life from the end of the British Empire to high-level business and finally with major roles in post-imperial British policy. He rounded off a career appropriately by lecturing at the School of Oriental and African Studies in the University of London, underpinning academic study with his hands-on experience in international diplomacy. The account is modest, graphic, full of incident, personality and anecdote, and face-to-face encounters with leading actors. After the 'Devonshire course' for entrants to the Colonial Service came appointment to Tanganyika and here is an intimate personal and 'official' account of district administration and the rise of TANU - Tanganyika African National Union - and decolonisation. The moving letter from Julius Nyerere reproduced in the text sums up a close relationship at the end of empire between the administration and the rising politicians assuming power at decolonisation when Tanganyika became Tanzania shortly after. A spell at ICI in 'personnel' followed in Scotland, Malaysia and Singapore. And then back to government service in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office focussed on Overseas Development, followed by a posting to Bonn at the height of the Cold War. The author came back to British Commonwealth service as Head of Chancery in India, Deputy High Commissioner in Australia, Head of the Central African Department in the FCO covering relations with the 'front-line States' and their conflict with South Africa. Finally, he was High Commissioner in Uganda at the time of state-recovery under Museveni - an intimate account full of fascinating personal contact. A personal story, a colorful travelogue and an inside experience of politics and international relations, which includes a poignant 'imperial' sidelight with the discovery of his grandmother's grave in India.

The Last DVD Format War?

by Andrei Hagiu


The Last Empires

by William Allan

This book is a forthright and novel examination of efforts to improve global governance over the last forty years. It looks at the effects of governance changes on people that have been marginalized by industrial progress and international conflict and the inability of national governments to meet the needs of global society. Economics has long laid claims to providing the basis for global prosperity, but this promise has all to frequently been broken. Michel Foucault looked closely at economics and neoliberalism as a possible means for guiding modern governments to allow individuals to govern themselves and others. He focused on the evolution of social development as a consequence of many disciplines and biopolitical forces, but he never looked at his data from the perspective of economics alone. This book offers a Foucauldian interpretation of contemporary governance issues, such as global security, social cohesion, economic crisis and financialization, to the formidable problems that the world faces at the beginning of the 21st century.

The Last Empty Places: A Past and Present Journey through the Blank Spots on the American Map

by Peter Stark

For readers of both travel and history, Stark explores the blank spots on the U. S. map, weaving together riveting American history, a wonderful contemporary travelogue, and a deeply engaging examination of the history of wilderness.

The Last Energy War: The Battle Over Utility Deregulation (Open Media Series)

by Harvey Wasserman

A fast-paced, shoot-from-the-hip "people's history," The Last Energy War is an accessible, entertaining, and infuriating narration of how the electric power business started, how it almost bankrupted the nation, and how it is now soaking the public to pay for its trillion-dollar atomic mistake.From the electric chair to Chernobyl, from Thomas Edison to Cleveland's "boy mayor" Dennis Kucinich, this fascinating little book shows how the mega-utilities squashed solar power, how a military-utility alliance helped force atomic reactors down the public throat without a vote, and how a score of bought state legislatures have already handed corrupt utilities $200 billion in pure pork through a bogus deregulatory process.Merciless in its Robber Baron critique, The Last Energy War also builds on American heroes such as Franklin Roosevelt and George Norris to offer a blueprint for how we can take back out power supply.Relentlessly optimistic, it is the one book you must read to understand what's really happening to you when you turn on your lights--and then get the bill.

The Last Human Job: The Work of Connecting in a Disconnected World

by Allison J. Pugh

A timely and urgent argument for preserving the work that connects us in the age of automationWith the rapid development of artificial intelligence and labor-saving technologies like self-checkouts and automated factories, the future of work has never been more uncertain, and even jobs requiring high levels of human interaction are no longer safe. The Last Human Job explores the human connections that underlie our work, arguing that what people do for each other in these settings is valuable and worth preserving.Drawing on in-depth interviews and observations with people in a broad range of professions—from physicians, teachers, and coaches to chaplains, therapists, caregivers, and hairdressers—Allison Pugh develops the concept of &“connective labor,&” a kind of work that relies on empathy, the spontaneity of human contact, and a mutual recognition of each other&’s humanity. The threats to connective labor are not only those posed by advances in AI or apps; Pugh demonstrates how profit-driven campaigns imposing industrial logic shrink the time for workers to connect, enforce new priorities of data and metrics, and introduce standardized practices that hinder our ability to truly see each other. She concludes with profiles of organizations where connective labor thrives, offering practical steps for building a social architecture that works.Vividly illustrating how connective labor enriches the lives of individuals and binds our communities together, The Last Human Job is a compelling argument for us to recognize, value, and protect humane work in an increasingly automated and disconnected world.

The Last Kings of Shanghai: The Rival Jewish Dynasties That Helped Create Modern China

by Jonathan Kaufman

An epic, multigenerational story of two rival dynasties who flourished in Shanghai and Hong Kong as twentieth-century China surged into the modern era, from the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalistShanghai, 1936. The Cathay Hotel, located on the city's famous waterfront, is one of the most glamorous in the world. Built by Victor Sassoon--billionaire playboy and scion of the Sassoon dynasty--the hotel hosts a who's who of global celebrities: Noel Coward has written a draft of Private Lives in his suite and Charlie Chaplin has entertained his wife-to-be. And a few miles away, Mao and the nascent Communist Party have been plotting revolution. By the 1930s, the Sassoons had been doing business in China for a century, rivaled in wealth and influence by only one other dynasty--the Kadoories. These two Jewish families, both originally from Baghdad, stood astride Chinese business and politics for more than 175 years, profiting from the Opium Wars; surviving Japanese occupation; courting Chiang Kai-shek; and losing nearly everything as the Communists swept into power. In The Last Kings of Shanghai, Jonathan Kaufman tells the remarkable history of how these families participated in an economic boom that opened China to the world, but remained blind to the country's deep inequality and to the political turmoil at their doorsteps. In a story stretching from Baghdad to Hong Kong to Shanghai to London, Kaufman enters the lives and minds of these ambitious men and women to forge a tale of opium smuggling, family rivalry, political intrigue, and survival. The book lays bare the moral compromises of the Kadoories and the Sassoons--and their exceptional foresight, success, and generosity. At the height of World War II, they joined together to rescue and protect eighteen thousand Jewish refugees fleeing Nazism. Though their stay in China started out as a business opportunity, the country became a home they were reluctant to leave, even on the eve of revolution. The lavish buildings they built and the booming businesses they nurtured continue to define Shanghai and Hong Kong to this day. As the United States confronts China's rise, and China grapples with the pressures of breakneck modernization and global power, the long-hidden odysseys of the Sassoons and the Kadoories hold a key to understanding the present moment.

The Last Lobster: Boom or Bust for Maine's Greatest Fishery?

by Christopher White

From the author of Skipjack & The Melting World comes a mystery: the curious boom in America’s beloved lobster industry and its probable crashMaine lobstermen have happened upon a bonanza along their rugged, picturesque coast. For the past five years, the lobster population along the coast of Maine has boomed, resulting in a lobster harvest six times the size of the record catch from the 1980s—an event unheard of in fisheries. In a detective story, scientists and fishermen explore various theories for the glut. Leading contenders are a sudden lack of predators and a recent wedge of warming waters, which may disrupt the reproductive cycle, a consequence of climate change.Christopher White's The Last Lobster follows three lobster captains—Frank, Jason, and Julie (one the few female skippers in Maine)—as they haul and set thousands of traps. Unexpectedly, boom may turn to bust, as the captains must fight a warming ocean, volatile prices, and rough weather to keep their livelihood afloat. The three captains work longer hours, trying to make up in volume what they lack in price. As a result, there are 3 million lobster traps on the bottom of the Gulf of Maine, while Frank, Jason, and others call for a reduction of traps. This may in boost prices. The Maine lobstering towns are among the first American communities to confront global warming, and the survival of the Maine Coast depends upon their efforts.It may be an uphill battle to create a sustainable catch as high temperatures are already displacing lobsters northward toward Canadian waters—out of reach of American fishermen. The last lobster may be just ahead.

The Last Lone Inventor: A Tale of Genius, Deceit, and the Birth of Television

by Evan I. Schwartz

“…Fascinating… A riveting American classic of independent brilliance versus corporate arrogance. I found it more fun than fiction.” — James Bradley, author of Flags of Our Fathers“… The fascinating inside story of how this eccentric loner invented television and fought corporate America.” — Walter Isaacson, chariman, CNN“…Compelling…Strong, dramatic prose…” — Kirkus Reviews“…A lively and engaging account.” — Library Journal“[A] gripping and eminently readable saga of the birth of television and the death of the Edisonian myth.” — Darwin magazine

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