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LEAN Production – Easy and Comprehensive: A practical guide to lean processes explained with pictures

by Roman Hänggi André Fimpel Roland Siegenthaler

No production is perfect. Waste always creeps into the processes, makes them slow, sluggish and expensive. Parts and material pile up in the warehouse, production takes place in unnecessarily large batches, transport is taking time, employees wait unproductively for their next task or products ship too late. The result is high production costs and disappointed customers.The Lean movement has set itself the goal of uncovering waste, question it and eliminate it.This book will explain in a simple and comprehensive way the Lean principles as well as the practical tools to make production processes as lean and value-added as possible. Because we all love stories, each method is entertainingly wrapped in an illustrated story. In this book, a barista who has to run marathon distances every day, the cup Tim struggles with overproduction and the LeanClean Inc. counts on your support to trim the vacuum cleaner production to maximum value creation with value stream mapping, spaghetti diagram, 5S or Kanban. For each topic, you will find our practical tips. They are the lessons learned from our Lean projects over the past 20 years in many countries. They will help you to implement your Lean initiatives even more effectively and successfully.

LEAN Production – einfach und umfassend: Ein praxisorientierter Leitfaden zu schlanken Prozessen mit Bildern erklärt

by Roman Hänggi André Fimpel Roland Siegenthaler

Keine Produktion ist perfekt. Im Prozess schleicht sich stets Verschwendung ein, macht ihn langsam, träge und teuer. Ware liegt im Lager herum, die Fertigung findet in unnötig großen Losen statt, Transporte sind erforderlich oder Mitarbeiter warten unproduktiv, um ein nächstes Teil einzuspannen. Das Ergebnis sind hohe Produktionskosten und enttäuschte Kunden.Die Lean-Bewegung hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt Verschwendung aufzudecken, sie zu hinterfragen und zu beseitigen. Dieses Buch vermittelt dir die theoretischen Grundlagen, aber auch die praktischen Werkzeuge, um Produktionsprozesse so schlank und wertschöpfend wie möglich zu gestalten. Weil wir alle Geschichten lieben ist jede Methode unterhaltsam in eine Story verpackt. In diesem Buch lebt ein Barista der täglich Marathondistanzen laufen muss, der Tassen-Tim kämpft mit Überproduktion und die LeanClean AG zählt auf deine Unterstützung, um mit Wertstromanalyse, Spaghetti-Diagramm, 5S oder Kanban die Staubsaugerproduktion auf maximale Wertschöpfung zu trimmen. Zu jedem Thema gibt's unsere Praxis-Tipps. Sie sind die Erkenntnis aus unseren Lean-Projekten der vergangenen 20 Jahre. Sie werden dir helfen, deine Lean-Initiativen noch effektiver und erfolgreicher umzusetzen.

Lean Production for Competitive Advantage: A Comprehensive Guide to Lean Methodologies and Management Practices, Second Edition

by John Nicholas

The second edition will include four new topics that fully address the scope of Lean: Hoshin Kanri (HK), Managing for Daily Improvement (MDI), Production Preparation Process (3P), and Lean in project management (especially for projects in product development). HK is a management planning process that evolved in Japan concurrent with Lean and early adopters employed it. MDI addresses the 5th S (sustain) in the 5S process. Together, HK and MDI answer questions such as: How is Lean tied to strategic planning? What is the role of management in Lean? How are daily improvements tied to organizational goals? and How are improvements sustained? The two topics address Lean as a "culture."

Lean Production for the Small Company

by Mike Elbert

A hands-on guide to adapting Lean principles and the Toyota Production System to high-mix/low-volume environments, Lean Production for the Small Company uses charts, pictures, and easy-to-understand language to describe the methods needed to improve processes and eliminate waste. It walks readers through the correct order of implementation and desc

Lean Production für die variantenreiche Einzelfertigung

by Reinhard Koether Klaus-Jürgen Meier

Lean Production wurde für die Großserienfertigung entwickelt und ist zum weltweiten Standard geworden. Die Stückzahlen eines Produktes werden jedoch kleiner und die Vielfalt größer. Die Kunden erwarten maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zu Preisen wie aus der Massenfertigung. Dieses Buch zeigt anschaulich, welche Methoden aus der Lean Production genutzt bzw. modifiziert und welche nicht in die Kleinserienfertigung übernommen werden können. Dazu werden das Quick Response Management (QRM) und die aktuellen Entwicklungen von Industrie 4.0 mit der Lean Production verglichen und zu einem gemeinsamen Ansatz zusammengeführt. Konkrete Praxisbeispiele bieten Lösungsvorschläge.

Lean Production für die variantenreiche Einzelfertigung: Flexibilität wird zum neuen Standard

by Reinhard Koether Klaus-Jürgen Meier

Lean Production wurde für die Großserienfertigung entwickelt und ist zum weltweiten Standard geworden. Die Stückzahlen vieler Produkte werden jedoch kleiner und die Vielfalt größer. Die Kunden erwarten maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zu Preisen wie aus der Massenfertigung. Dieses Buch zeigt anschaulich, welche Methoden aus der Lean Production genutzt bzw. modifiziert in die Kleinserienfertigung übernommen werden können. Dazu werden das Quick Response Management (QRM) und die aktuellen Entwicklungen von Industrie 4.0 mit der Lean Production verglichen und zu einem gemeinsamen Ansatz zusammengeführt. Autoren aus Wissenschaft und industrieller Praxis bieten Lösungsvorschläge und zeigen konkrete Anwendungsbeispiele.Für die 2. Auflage wurden Inhalte aktualisiert und Fehler bereinigt.

Lean Production Simplified: A Plain-Language Guide To The World's Most Powerful Production System

by Pascal Dennis

Lean Production Simplified, Third Edition is a plain language guide to the Lean production system written for the practitioner by a practitioner. It delivers a comprehensive insider's view of Lean manufacturing. Organized around the image of the house of Lean production, the book helps the reader grasp both the system as a whole and the factors that animate it.

Lean Production Simplified: A Plain-Language Guide to the World's Most Powerful Production System

by Pascal Dennis

Following in the tradition of its Shingo Prize-winning predecessors, Lean Production Simplified, Third Edition gives a clear overview of the structure and tools of the Lean production system. Written for the practitioner by a practitioner, it delivers a comprehensive insider's view of Lean management. The author helps readers grasp the system as a

LEAN Production Training für Praxis und Studium – 35 Übungen mit Lösungen: Basierend auf dem Buch „LEAN Production – einfach und umfassend“

by Roman Hänggi Patrick Balve Lukas Budde

Keine Produktion ist perfekt. In jedem Prozess schleicht sich Verschwendung ein. Sie macht ihn langsam und teuer. Ware liegt im Lager herum, die Fertigung findet in unnötig großen Losen statt oder Mitarbeiter warten unproduktiv, um ein nächstes Teil zu produzieren. Das Ergebnis sind hohe Produktionskosten und enttäuschte Kunden.Lean Production geht nun diese Verschwendungen in allen Prozessen an. Aber wie setzt man nun die verschiedensten Lean Prinzipien und Methoden konkret um? Der Erfolg von Lean Production liegt jedoch im Tun und gerade da setzt das Buch an. Die 35 Übungen aus der Praxis zeigen detailliert auf, wie die Lean Ansätze angewendet und erfolgreich umgesetzt werden. Die Lösungen werden mit Praxis-Tipps zur Umsetzung aus der umfassenden Erfahrung der Autoren ergänzt. Die Übungen werden in der LeanClean AG anschaulich mit vielen Bildern und Diagrammen umgesetzt – konkret, einfach undumfassend erklärt.

Lean Project Management: This Book Includes: Lean Guide + Agile Project Management. Practical Guide For Managing Projects, Productivity, Profits Of Enterprises Or Startups With Lean, Scrum, Agile

by Claus Hüsselmann

Many organisations face the challenge of making their project management more agile. However, the circumstances are often not suitable for this: The desired agility either does not fit the existing projects, or there is a lack of sufficient systematics. Lean Project Management shows how the advantages of different Lean Project Management methods – adaptive, targeted and flexible – can be combined. In addition to the established methods of classic and agile project management, proven methods and tools from Lean Management are used and further developed with a view to the requirements of project management (such as Gemba, 5S and more). The book shows how an organisation can systematically professionalise its project management, and make it more flexible in a targeted manner, in order to achieve more value with less effort. Aimed at students on postgraduate courses in business and project management as well as professional project managers working in organisations both large and small, Lean Project Management is a clear and comprehensive guide to combining the best methods to achieve optimal results.

Lean Project Management – Wie man den Lean-Gedanken im Projektmanagement einsetzen kann

by Rainer Erne

Dieses Buch zeigt, wie die Prinzipien des Lean Managements auf das Projektmanagement übertragen werden und wie einige typische Probleme des Projektmanagements damit gelöst werden können. Der Autor beschreibt zunächst theoretisch fundiert, worum es sich beim Projektmanagement handelt und erläutert dessen Aufgaben und Methoden sowie dessen Grenzen. Er beschreibt weiterhin, wie der Lean-Gedanke entstanden ist und leitet daraus fünf Grundsätze ab, die auch auf das Projektmanagement übertragbar sind. Entlang dieser Prinzipien beleuchtet der Autor anschließend typische aktuelle Herausforderungen des Projektmanagements und zeigt auf, wie diese Herausforderungen durch Grundsätze des Lean Project Managements bewältigbar sind. Dabei bleibt er nicht auf der Ebene von Grundsätzen stehen, sondern beschreibt konkrete Aufgaben und Werkzeuge, die vor allem für erfahrene Praktiker des Projektmanagements eine Hilfestellung sein sollen.

Lean Project Management - How to Apply Lean Thinking to Project Management

by Rainer Erne

This book shows how the principles of Lean Management can be applied to project management and how some typical problems of project management can be solved by this. The author first provides a theoretical description of what project management is about and explains its tasks and methods as well as its limitations. He also describes how the Lean idea came about and derives five principles from it that can also be applied to project management. Along these principles, the author then elaborates typical current challenges of project management and shows how these challenges can be tackled through Lean Project Management. In doing so, he does not stop at the level of principles, but describes specific tasks and tools that are useful especially for experienced practitioners of project management. This book is a translation of the original German 1st edition Lean Project Management – Wie man den Lean-Gedanken im Projektmanagement einsetzen kann by Rainer Erne, published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2019. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.

Lean RFS (Repetitive Flexible Supply): Putting the Pieces Together

by Ian Fraser Glenday Rick Sather

Is it possible to be repetitive and flexible at the same time? Using proven examples and quantifiable evidence, Lean RFS (Repetitive Flexible Supply): Putting the Pieces Together demonstrates that repetitive flexible supply (RfS) is not only possible, but that its implementation can help you reach a new level of improved performance in manufacturin

Lean Safety: Transforming your Safety Culture with Lean Management

by Robert Hafey

While worker safety is often touted as a company�s first priority, more often than not, safety activity is driven by compliance to legislation rather than any safety improvement initiative. Lean takes a proactive approach � it is not contingent on legislation. A serious Lean effort will tear apart an old inefficient entitlement-riddled culture and

Lean Six Sigma: A DMAIC Roadmap and Tools for Successful Improvements Implementation

by Mohammad H. Al-Rifai

This book is a comprehensive guide that equips organizations and individuals with the necessary tools and knowledge to streamline operations, optimize resources, and deliver superior customer value through implementing lean Six Sigma methodologies. It provides a practical roadmap for achieving process, product, and service improvement. The book introduces readers to the powerful framework of lean Six Sigma, combining lean and Six Sigma methodologies. It takes readers through the DMAIC model – Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control – providing a structured approach to identifying inefficiencies, reducing defects, and enhancing overall business performance. It covers essential topics such as lean Six Sigma leadership, change management, project management, and a detailed explanation of each phase of the DMAIC process. This book is designed to cater to a diverse audience, including executives, managers, quality professionals, improvement professionals, engineers, operations professionals, customer service professionals, and students. The book offers practical knowledge, tools, and case studies to drive transformative change and build a sustainable competitive advantage.

Lean Six Sigma: Methoden zur Produktionsoptimierung

by Jörg Niemann Benedikt Reich Carsten Stöhr

Die Lean Six Sigma Werkstatt beschreibt wichtige praxisrelevante Methoden und Werkzeuge in der Optimierung von industriellen Produktionsstrukturen. Neben den theoretischen Grundlagen wird für jede Methode umfangreiches „Hands-on“ Übungsmaterial mit Lösungen bereitgestellt, um eine anwendungsnahe Wissensvermittlung zu gewährleisten. Das Buch unterstützt damit insbesondere Lehrende und Lernende bei der Vorbereitung und Durchführung ganzer Unterrichtseinheiten, die dann als Gruppenarbeiten in 13 Workshops vertiefend eingeübt und praxisnah durchgespielt werden können. Die spielerische Anwendung der Theorie über mehrere Spielrunden befähigt die Lernenden, die Methoden in der Praxis zu nutzen und den Erkenntnisgewinn im industriellen Umfeld anzuwenden.

Lean Six Sigma: Methods for Production Optimization

by Jörg Niemann Benedikt Reich Carsten Stöhr

The Lean Six Sigma Workshop describes important and practically relevant methods and tools for optimizing industrial production structures. In addition to theoretical foundations, the book provides extensive hands-on exercise materials with solutions for each method, ensuring application-oriented knowledge transfer. The book particularly assists educators and learners in preparing and conducting entire teaching units, which can be deepened and practically applied through 13 workshops as group activities.The playful application of theory over multiple game rounds enables learners to use the methods in practice and apply gained insights in an industrial setting.

Lean Six Sigma: International Standards and Global Guidelines

by Terra Vanzant Stern, PhD

A hybrid methodology, Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is designed to accommodate global challenges and constraints by capitalizing on Six Sigma and Lean Thinking. LSS incorporates best practices from programs such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Capability Maturity Model, and Total Quality Management. International LSS practitioners must understand the dynamics of LSS, along with its cultural aspects and regulations. Lean Six Sigma: International Standards and Global Guidelines provides this understanding. This book assumes that the overall goal of operational excellence is to ensure that organizational tasks and activities are being performed to the best of their process capabilities. It defines continuous improvement as activities that support and empower environments to make flexible decisions that lead to ongoing improvement and effectiveness. Coverage includes: New global LSS standards International implementation of process improvement programs New international LSS applications International LSS areas of competency This book defines many of the terms popularized by process improvement programs, such as center of excellence and business transformation. It documents these practices and explains how to perform future activities in accordance with the recorded practices. Exploring international approaches to LSS, it details the new ISO Standard for Six Sigma and also addresses the role of project management in LSS. Illustrating the synergies between Lean and Six Sigma and how they partner with other process improvement programs and initiatives, this book is an ideal study guide for those preparing to take the LSS Black Belt certification exam. This third edition covers important updates, such as: How innovation is being integrated The way in which Lean leadership is now being accomplished globally Newer case studies with specific attention to how Lean and Six Sigma are being monitored in healthcare and government Highlighting updated successes and the consideration of diversity and equity issues as they relate to LSS

Lean Six Sigma: International Standards and Global Guidelines, Second Edition

by Terra Vanzant Stern PhD

A hybrid methodology, Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is designed to accommodate global challenges and constraints by capitalizing on Six Sigma and Lean Thinking. LSS incorporates best practices from programs such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Capability Maturity Model, and Total Quality Management.International Lean Six Sigma p

Lean Six Sigma 4.0 for Operational Excellence Under the Industry 4.0 Transformation (Sustainable Manufacturing Technologies)

by Rajeev Rathi Arturo Garza-Reyes, Jose Mahender Singh Kaswan Mahipal Singh

This book presents innovative breakthroughs in operational excellence that can solve the operational issues of smart factories. It illustrates various tools and techniques of Lean Six Sigma 4.0 and details their suitability for manufacturing and service systems. Lean Six Sigma 4.0 for Operational Excellence Under the Industry 4.0 Transformation provides technological advancement in operational excellence and offers a framework to integrate Lean Six Sigma and Industry 4.0. The book is a guide to dealing with new operational challenges and explains how to use Industrial IoT, Sensors, and AI to collect real-time data on the shop floor. While focusing on developing a toolset for Lean Six Sigma 4.0, this book also presents the enabling factors to adopt Lean Six Sigma 4.0 in the manufacturing and service sectors. The book will help industrial managers, practitioners, and researchers on the path of process improvement in modern-day industries.

Lean Six Sigma And Minitab: The Complete Toolbox Guide For Business Improvement

by Quentin Brook

Lean Six Sigma and Minitab: The Complete Toolbox Guide for Business Improvement

Lean Six Sigma Business Transformation For Dummies

by Roger Burghall Vince Grant John Morgan

Use Lean Six Sigma to transform your business. Lean Six Sigma is a powerful method for improving both the efficiency and quality of projects and operations. In this new book, the team that bought you Lean Six Sigma For Dummies shows you how to take Lean Six Sigma to the next level and manage continual change in your organization. You'll learn to design a roadmap for transformation that's tailored to your business objectives; develop and implement processes that eliminate waste and variation across the company; synchronize your supply chain; and successfully deploy Lean Six Sigma over time. Lean Six Sigma Business Transformation For Dummies shows you how to: Define your transformation objectives and create a bespoke 'Transformation Charter' for your organization. Assess your company's readiness for transformation. Establish a 'Transformation Governance System' to help you manage the transformation programme effectively. Bring your people with you! Plan and achieve the cultural change needed to make the transformation process successful. Join up the dots between planning and effective execution with Strategy Deployment. Deploy a 'Continuous Improvement' toolkit to achieve everyday operational excellence. Sustain the transformation programme and widen the scope across the organization (including deploying to the supply chain). Adopt a 'Capability Maturity Approach' to drive business improvement – recognizing that change is a continuous transformational journey, just as pioneers like Toyota have done. Use a range of Lean Six Sigma Tools – using the right tools, at the right time (and in the right order!) enables continuous improvement by eliminating waste and process variation.

Lean Six Sigma Case Studies in the Healthcare Enterprise

by Sandra L. Furterer

This book provides a detailed description of how to apply Lean Six Sigma in the health care industry, with a special emphasis on process improvement and operations management in hospitals. The book begins with a description of the Enterprise Performance Excellence (EPE) improvement methodology developed by the author that links several methodologies including systems thinking, theory of constraints, Lean and Six Sigma to provide an enterprise-wide prioritization and value-chain view of health care. The EPE methodology helps to improve flow at the macro or value-chain level, and then identifies Lean Six Sigma detailed improvements that can further improve processes within the value-chain. The book also provides real-world health care applications of the EPE and Lean Six Sigma methodologies that showed significant results on throughput, capacity, operational and financial performance. The Enterprise Performance Excellence methodology is described, and also the Six Sigma DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control) problem solving approach which is used to solve problems for health care processes as they are applied to real world cases. The case studies include a wide variety of processes and problems including: emergency department throughput improvement; operating room turnaround; operating room organization; CT imaging diagnostic test reduction in an emergency department; linen process improvement; implementing sepsis protocols in an emergency department; critical success factors of an enterprise performance excellence program.

Lean Six Sigma For Dummies

by Martin Brenig-Jones Jo Dowdall

Become a process improvement star with Lean Six Sigma! Thinking Lean? Not in terms of weight loss, but operational efficiency? Then you can get into the Lean mindset with Lean Six Sigma For Dummies. A popular process improvement strategy used in many corporations, Lean Six Sigma exemplifies eliminating waste and optimizing flow at an operational level. With the strategies outlined in this book, you’ll have your projects, team, and maybe even your organization running at peak efficiency. Written by two experts that have been teaching Lean Six Sigma for over 20 years, Lean Six Sigma For Dummies explains the jargon surrounding this organizational practice, outlines the key principles of both Lean thinking and the Six Sigma process, and breaks it all down into easy-to-follow steps. Use Lean Six Sigma to develop a culture of continuous improvement Complete repetitive tasks through robotic process automation Assess how well your company and employees adapt to Lean Six Sigma Discover tips on how to implement Lean Six Sigma every day Find best practices to sustain ongoing improvements With handy checklists and helpful advice, Lean Six Sigma For Dummies shows you how to implement Lean Six Sigma in any industry, within any size organization. Pick up your copy to successfully lean into the Lean Six Sigma mindset yourself.

Lean Six Sigma For Dummies

by John Morgan Martin Brenig-Jones

Maximise the quality and efficiency of your organisation with Lean Six Sigma Are you looking to make your organisation more effective and productive? If you answered "yes," you need to change the way it thinks. Combining the leading improvement methods of Six Sigma and Lean, this winning technique drives performance to the next level—and this friendly and accessible guide shows you how. The third edition of Lean Six Sigma For Dummies outlines the key concepts of this strategy and explains how you can use it to get the very best out of your team and your business. The jargon-crowded language and theory of Lean Six Sigma can be intimidating for both beginners and experienced users. Written in plain English and packed with lots of helpful examples, this easy-to-follow guide arms you with tools and techniques for implementing Lean Six Sigma and offers guidance on everything from policy deployment to managing change in your organisation—and everything in between. Gives you plain-English explanations of complicated jargon Serves as a useful tool for businesspeople looking to make their organisation more effective Helps you achieve goals with ease and confidence Provides useful hands-on checklists Whether you want to manage a project more tightly or fine-tune existing systems and processes, the third edition of Lean Six Sigma For Dummies makes it easier to achieve your business goals.

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