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Le minimalisme numérique: Simplifiez et désencombrez votre vie grâce à la technologie
by Dan GainesVous souhaitez vous simplifier la vie ? Vous voulez réduire ou supprimer le désordre ? Vous désirez faire des économies ? Si vous avez répondu oui à l'une de ces questions, alors ce guide est fait pour vous ! Découvrez les grandes étapes du minimalisme numérique pour vous simplifier la vie. En plus, vous apprendrez à : - Économiser de l'argent en supprimant les dépenses superflues - Gagner du temps en organisant votre vie - Eviter les tracas en éliminant le désordre - Être plus épanoui(e) et avoir l'esprit clair Découvrez tout cela et bien plus encore en cliquant sur le bouton "Acheter maintenant", afin d'utiliser le minimalisme numérique et améliorer votre vie ! Avertissement : L'auteur et tout autre ayant droit ne sauraient prétendre, promettre ou garantir l'exactitude, l'exhaustivité ou la pertinence du contenu de ce livre. Ils déclinent expressément toute responsabilité en cas d'erreurs ou d'omissions dans le contenu de ce livre. Ce produit est destiné à servir de référence uniquement.
Le Nuove To-Do List - Una Guida Semplice Per Fare Realmente Le Cose Importanti
by Eugenia Franzoni S. J. ScottIMPARA:: Perché la maggior parte delle persone FALLISCE nel portare a termine i propri compiti Crei liste di cose da fare che non vengono mai fatte? È facile iniziare ogni giornata lavorativa con una lunga serie di cose da fare, poi succede qualcosa di inaspettato e subito dopo il giorno è quasi finito. Lavori duramente e a ritmi serrati, ma alla fine ti ritrovi frustrato perché non c'è abbastanza tempo per fare tutto. Scriviamo tutti delle liste con la speranza che ci trasformino in macchine produttive. Sfortunatamente, le liste di cose da fare spesso hanno l'effetto opposto, e il tipo sbagliato di lista può demotivare, e quindi portarti ad impigrirti e procrastinare. SCOPRI:: Come creare to-do list fattibili La verità è che chiunque può scrivere una lista, ma la parte difficile è farlo in modo che sia fattibile e che si integri con la tua vita già piena. Quasi sempre, le liste di cose da fare sono un ammasso disordinato di compiti, necessità, desideri e idee casuali, e poi ci si chiede perché non si riesce a fare niente nella vita. Quale è la soluzione? Ripensare il modo in cui gestisci la tua vita di tutti i giorni. In particolare, si dovrebbero usare più liste che gestiscano diversi tipi di compiti. Questo è il concetto di base di questo libro, Le nuove to-do list: una guida semplice per fare realmente le cose importanti. SCARICA:: Le nuove to-do list: una guida semplice per fare realmente le cose importanti "Le nuove to-do list" è un manuale passo-passo per scrivere liste efficaci e fattibili. Imparerai: 7 errori comuni (e come risolverli) Lo strumento #1 per catturare le idee Come usare una lista di progetto per identificare i compiti critici Quando lavorare sulle attività di routine giornaliere Perché la revisione settimanale ti aiuta a fare le cose LA app per gestire le to-do list Come completare TRE compiti importanti ogni giorno 8 passi per avere il top dei risultati Co
Le Petit Chef
by Alan MacCormack Sandra J. Sucher Suraj RangashayiBrigitte Gagne, Le Petit Chef's director of microwave R&D, is deciding on the product development agenda for next year. She has to decide which of the available projects to fund, and evaluate the overall portfolio of projects currently under development. The recent poor performance of the firm prompts Gagne to think about reassessing the way projects are generated, evaluated, and selected at Le Petit Chef. However, Gagne has a pressing deadline to meet--the executive team is due to review the next year's agenda at a meeting in Paris tomorrow.
Le Petit Chef
by Sandra J. Sucher Alan Maccormack Suraj RangashayiBrigitte Gagne, Le Petit Chef's director of microwave R&D, is deciding on the product development agenda for next year. She has to decide which of the available projects to fund, and evaluate the overall portfolio of projects currently under development. The recent poor performance of the firm prompts Gagne to think about reassessing the way projects are generated, evaluated, and selected at Le Petit Chef. However, Gagne has a pressing deadline to meet--the executive team is due to review the next year's agenda at a meeting in Paris tomorrow.
Le plan des revenus passifs: Comment faire de l'argent dans votre sommeil
by Adidas WilsonLes revenus passifs sont en train de devenir de plus en plus populaires. Cependant, beaucoup de gens ne comprennent pas encore à quel point ils sont bénéfiques. Croyez le ou pas, faire de l'argent dans votre sommeil n'est pas le plus grand bénéfice ici. Ce livre souligne les raisons les plus importantes pour lesquelles vous devriez chercher une source de revenus passifs ou être en train d'en créer une. J'offre aussi des stratégies semi-passives. Planifier sa retraite ne devrait pas causer une grosse migraine, à moins que vous ne pensiez que vous ne pouvez vous préparer pour votre retraite que par le biais d'économies. Si un changement soudain dans votre vie ou l'économie venait à prendre place, vos économies ne seront probablement pas près utiles durant votre retraite. Ce n'est pas un secret que les économies ne sont justes pas suffisantes. Vous aurez des dépenses inattendues dans votre vieil âge et vous sous-estimerez probablement la quantité d'argent que vous devriez économiser. Les gens vivent plus longtemps de nos jours mais cela ne veut pas dire qu'ils veulent travailler plus longtemps. Une source de revenus passifs veut dire que vous aurez constamment des rentrées d'argent. Vous obtiendrez régulièrement une quantité d'argent contrairement aux économies. Cela sera comme obtenir un chèque de paie sans travailler activement.
Le retour à la bière...et au hockey: L'histoire d'Eric Molson
by Helen Antoniou<p>Pour la majorité des Canadiens, le nom de la famille Molson fait partie de l'essence même du Canada. Depuis 1786, année où John Molson fonda sa première brasserie à Montréal, il rime avec bière, hockey et philanthropie. Rares sont cependant ceux qui savent à quel point la famille est passée proche, ces dernières années, de perdre le contrôle de cette entreprise. Le retour à la bière...et au hockey dévoile des détails personnels de la vie et de l'œuvre d'Eric Molson, qui, non seulement, a sauvé l'entreprise familiale, mais lui a permis de connaître la prospérité comme brasserie de classe mondiale au vingt et unième siècle. <p>Bénéficiant d'un accès sans précédent à la famille Molson, Helen Antoniou retrace l'évolution d’Eric Molson depuis sa position de jeune maître brasseur passionné par les aspects chimiques de l'industrie brassicole jusqu'au poste de président du conseil d'administration de Molson. De nature pacifique, il a été aux prises avec de gros ego, a dû composer avec des situations de salles de conseil complexes et a même dû affronter un cousin déstabilisant qui s'efforçait de le tasser sur le côté. Se fondant sur une recherche poussée, Helen Antoniou relate dans le détail comment Eric, un homme introverti, a vaincu son aversion pour les conflits et a transformé un conglomérat en déroute pour le ramener à son activité principale, soit la fabrication de la bière, et finir par en faire un des plus grands brasseurs au monde. S'il a aujourd'hui passé le flambeau à ses fils, membres de la septième génération, sa vision résolue prévaut encore. <p>Récit passionnant du combat d'un homme à la barre d'un géant de l'univers brassicole, Le retour à la bière...et au hockey explique en quoi les principes directeurs d'Eric Molson ont influencé l'avenir de Molson, aussi bien l'entreprise que la famille.</p>
Le secret des conférences TED: Maîtrisez le storytelling et la communication visuelle
by Jacob Andrews Marie GiangVous voulez savoir comment animer une conférence comme celles de TED et retenir l'attention du public ? Vous trouverez toutes vos réponses dans ce livre ! Grâce à une technique de prise de parole à la fois courte et percutante, les conférences TED sont devenues l'une des formes d'art oratoire les plus populaires de nos jours. Au fil de votre lecture, vous apprendrez comment rendre votre intervention aussi enrichissante que vos conférences TED préférées, et comment transmettre des idées qui valent la peine d'être diffusées. Avec ce livre, vous pouvez être sûr que votre message sera entendu par le public. Vous allez enfin connaître les bonnes méthodes pour animer, dans un temps restreint, des conférences qui vous tiennent à cœur. Mais surtout : vous saurez marquer les esprits. De plus, vous aurez tous les éléments-clés pour garantir le succès de votre conférence, du brainstorming dans des domaines dont vous êtes spécialiste, à l'utilisation d'outils de présentation pour accompagner votre discours.
Le système éducatif congolais
by the editors at The World BankCette analyse sectorielle est le produit de la collaboration entre une équipe nationale interministérielle (ministères en charge de l'éducation et ministères partenaires) et une équipe d'appui de la Banque mondiale et du Pôle de Dakar en analyse sectorielle (UNESCO-BREDA). Le rapport présente les principales caractéristiques du système éducatif congolais et vise à évaluer les progrès réalisés dans la période récente, à identifier les contraintes qui pèsent sur son développement ainsi que les marges de manuvres qui pourraient aider le pays à durablement améliorer son système éducatif. Ce rapport offre donc aux décideurs nationaux et à leurs partenaires au développement une base analytique solide pour instruire le dialogue politique et le processus de prise de décision. Le Gouvernement Congolais s'est appuyés sur les résultats de ce rapport pour la préparation d'un plan sectoriel d'éducation visant à être endossé par les partenaires techniques et donc à recevoir l'appui financier des partenaires de l'IMOA-EPT.
Le temps, c'est de l'argent
by Adidas WilsonLorsque vous posez la question à la plupart des gens, ils vous diront qu'ils ne s'attendaient pas à ce que le mouvement FIRE devienne aussi populaire. Renoncer aux plaisirs de la vie et économiser plus de 50% de son revenu pour prendre sa retraite à 30 ou 40 ans n'est pas chose facile. En 2020, le mouvement FIRE est à son apogée. Malheureusement, cela signifie qu’il n’y a plus d’augmentation - la seule voie à suivre est de descendre. Chaque jour, vous voyez l'histoire d'une personne qui a pris sa retraite prématurément et comment elle y est parvenue. C'est ainsi que vous savez que le FEU est à son apogée. Tout investisseur sait que lorsque vous voyez les nouvelles imprimées, vous ne pouvez pas investir car il est trop tard. Mais c'est généralement le moment idéal pour vendre. Les investisseurs essaient de prévoir l'avenir. Construire une vraie richesse ne consiste pas seulement à gagner de l'argent. À un moment donné, vous avez vu des pauvres heureux et des riches misérables. Selon les recherches, la relation entre le bonheur et l'argent est faible. Les dix principes suivants vous aideront à atteindre la vraie richesse, personnellement et financièrement. Devenez profondément motivé - L'argent ne peut pas être considéré comme une motivation profonde. La richesse financière a des avantages externes. Avec de l'argent, vous pouvez avoir de gros comptes bancaires, des maisons de luxe, etc. mais vous ne pouvez pas acheter le bonheur. Étant donné que les objectifs externes ont des limites inhérentes, ils limiteront votre motivation.
Le Tour de France: The Greatest Race in Cycling History
by Ray HamiltonThe Tour de France is one of the most prestigious and physically challenging sporting events in the world and is the jewel in professional cycling's crown. This pocket-sized miscellany is packed with the Tour's most memorable moments, with curious facts, amazing anecdotes and intriguing statistics from over a century of unforgettable racing.
Le Tour de France: The Greatest Race in Cycling History
by Ray HamiltonThe Tour de France is one of the most prestigious and physically challenging sporting events in the world and is the jewel in professional cycling's crown. This pocket-sized miscellany is packed with the Tour's most memorable moments, with curious facts, amazing anecdotes and intriguing statistics from over a century of unforgettable racing.
Le travail des constellations familiales et l'argent
by Marc Baco« Pourquoi moi ? Pourquoi est-ce que j’ai toujours des problèmes d’argent, et pas mon frère ou ma sœur ? » Peut-être vous êtes-vous déjà posé cette question, sans parvenir à une réponse satisfaisante. Dans ce livre, Marc Baco vous invite à le rejoindre pour un intéressant et révélateur voyage dans les profondeurs des enjeux de notre âme, selon la perspective des constellations familiales, sur la question de la dette et du manque d'argent. Le système familial désigne généralement un membre de la famille pour attirer l’attention sur un déséquilibre. Cette personne apportera une « compensation absolue » à ce dernier, bien qu’elle ne soit pas particulièrement bien placée pour résoudre un problème spécifique — il s’agit en fait d’un choix complètement arbitraire et aléatoire. En procédant de cette manière, la famille crée un équilibre stable — au détriment d’un individu. L'auteur espère que vous trouverez, dans cette présentation d'exemples vécus et concrets, des pistes pour répondre à vos questions et dénouer vos problématiques, pour une maîtrise en conscience des blocages financiers et des dettes.
by Gary BurnisonLead is a different kind of book. Rather than being the "last word" on leading others, it is meant to be the "first word"--an invitation to the reader to reflect on what the leadership journey means to each and every individual. At its core, Lead will benefit anyone who seeks to inspire, influence, or lead others, whether they are coaches, teachers, pastors, community organizers, politicians--or are in the C-suite. Lead offers an exploration of the essential elements of leadership, which author Gary Burnison defines as: purpose, strategy, people, measure, empower, reward, anticipate, navigate, communicate, listen, and learn--all of which culminate in leading. Instead of taking the left-brain approach of "paradigm shifts" and "leadership models," the author focuses on right-brain constants such as emotional connection, compassion, focusing on others, humility, and managing oneself. Lead readers will find inspiring stories, easy to digest analogies, reflective exercises and evocative images meant to give them pause, draw them in, and encourage introspection.
LEAD: Leadership Effectiveness in Africa and the African Diaspora
by Terri R. Lituchy Bella L. Galperin Betty Jane PunnettThis book considers the new business environment of modern-day Africa, addressing how management styles must adapt to societal changes across the continent. As investment in the continent grows and African businesses begin to look beyond their own borders, there comes a real need to understand leadership from an Afro-centric perspective. This book explores the similarities and differences across African countries, compares them with other regions, and identifies particular cultural realities that managers must consider in order to be successful in the new business environment of modern Africa. Building on their Leadership Effectiveness in Africa and the African Diaspora (LEAD) research project, the authors provide an empirical understanding of African leadership styles and how businesses can harness these more effectively. Drawing on the African Diaspora's values, beliefs, and preferences, as well as anecdotal material from African academics and managers, this book grants a realistic view of leadership in various African countries including Egypt, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, and South Africa. It will be invaluable to academics, students, and anyone interested in African and global business leadership from a non-Western perspective.
Lead: How Women in Charge Claim Their Authority
by Ellen M. Snee EdDDuring Ellen Snee&’s eighteen years as a Catholic nun, she gained a number of essential—and, happily, transferable—skills: how to discern a call or deep desire, how to work collaboratively with other women, and how to be a savvy operator within male hierarchies. In Lead, she draws on that knowledge—as well as lessons learned and insights gained from her Harvard dissertation on psychological dimensions of authority for women, two decades of work with executive women as CEO of Fine Line Consulting, and five years as VP of Organizational & Leadership Development at VMware, a global technology leader—to address the exercise of authority by women. Lead guides readers through specific challenges of leadership Snee has identified as most vital to success through her own corporate experience and consulting work: developing resilience, presenting with authority, gaining financial literacy, managing in every direction, and more. Throughout, Snee urges women to find and speak with their unique voice and claim their personal power. Full of illuminating personal and client anecdotes and surprising research insights, Lead is an accessible, instructive, and empowering road map to finding external success—by drawing on the strengths you&’ve carried inside you all along.
LEAD: 50 Models For Success In Work And Life
by John Greenway Andy Blacknell Andy CoombeLEAD will develop you as a leader in a dynamic way that goes to the heart of your purpose and dreams. It takes you well beyond traditional, fixed planning processes, which are out of date as soon as the ink dries, or the temporary ‘high’ of a leadership development day or two. It helps you recognise the complexity of the challenges you face and equips you to navigate these effectively and flexibly. . . because life is not a straight line. LEAD equips you with enduring principles, inspiring stories and practical tools to: ● Map the journeys that you want to make in work and life ● Navigate through life’s twists and turns to success ● Grow yourself and others as leaders Its style is like that of the best coach whose sole aim is to enable you to find your purpose and to thrive. The authors bring their own fresh perspectives and the very best leadership thinking and practice. LEAD should be your constant companion, always within reach to coach, challenge and cheer you on. LEAD will help you to be clearer and more confident - to fulfil your potential and succeed in work and life.
Lead and Disrupt: How to Solve the Innovator's Dilemma, Second Edition
by Charles A. O’Reilly III Michael L. TushmanFully revised, this second edition offers a proven strategy for using ambidexterity to build discontinuous growth for mature organizations, and the flexibility to adapt in fast-changing environments. Why do successful firms find it so difficult to adapt in the face of change – to innovate? In the past ten years, the importance of this question has increased as more industries and firms confront disruptive change. The pandemic has accelerated this crisis, collapsing the structures of industries from airlines and medicine to online retail and commercial real estate. Today, leaders in business have an obligation not only to investors but to their employees and communities. At the core of this challenge is helping their organizations to survive in the face of change. The original edition summarized the lessons that the authors as researchers and consultants had learned over the previous two decades. Since then, they have continued to work with leaders of organizations around the world confronting disruptive change. With updates to every chapter, including new examples and analysis, this fully revised edition incorporates the lessons and insights that the authors have gained in the past five years. Two new chapters critically examine the role of organizational culture in promoting or hindering ambidexterity and its underlying fundamental disciplines. Using examples from firms such as Microsoft, General Motors, and Amazon, O'Reilly and Tushman illustrate how leaders can align their organization's cultures to fit the needed strategy, and how ideation, incubation, and scaling approaches, when used altogether, can successfully develop new growth businesses.
Lead And Succeed: How to Inspire and Influence with Confidence in an Ever-Changing Business World
by Sara J. Moulton Reger“You will read this book more than once.” ~ Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager and Lead Like Jesus Why would you--a busy professional and business leader--even think about reading a book more than once? Only when that book makes your busy life easier. Lead and Succeed does exactly that by being a ready reference full of proven strategies and timeless wisdom for successful leadership. For every question you have--from communicating a clear vision to making good business decisions and beyond--you can turn to Lead and Succeed for answers. This book is organized by the responsibilities that successful leaders must perform well. In it, you’ll find just what you need to... Establish authorities and responsibilities Develop teams and build commitment Communicate your expectations Correct others Address strife and resistance Succeed as a leader in today’s world Whether you’re heading a fast-growing department, starting your own business, or guiding collective efforts for a global company, Lead and Succeed gives you the confidence to know you are positively impacting business results as well as the lives of others, all the while operating from a solid, trustworthy foundation.
Lead Bigger: The Transformative Power of Inclusion
by Anne ChowDrawing from over three decades of experience, former CEO of AT&T Business Anne Chow shares how to lead bigger by leveraging inclusion beyond DEI, to elevate your work, workforce, and workplace.For generations, when we&’ve needed to innovate and grow, we&’ve been told to &“think bigger&”—it&’s now time to Lead Bigger. In a world that&’s become more interconnected yet polarized, inclusion has been overly politicized and narrowly defined to issues of gender and race. As a result, we need a new approach to inclusive leadership that goes beyond DEI, harnessing its power for innovation and growth. In Lead Bigger, Anne Chow reframes inclusion as the required leadership competency of expanding our perspectives for greater performance in our work, workforce, and workplace. As former CEO of AT&T Business, she was the first woman of color to hold the position of CEO in the company&’s over one hundred and forty year history. Chow draws from her expertise in transforming organizations to teach you how to create a dynamic environment that engages everyone you and your company interact with—as well as those you wish to be connected to—while adapting to the ever-changing world. This book equips you with the necessary tools to expand your inclusive leadership skills, including prompts, tactics, and enriching insights from leadership visionaries General Stanley McChrystal, Arianna Huffington, and Adam Grant. Chow illuminates a seismic shift in the business world, in which a more humanistic approach is required as technology upends work as we know it. If you&’re committed to advancing work that matters, engaging a dynamic workforce, and fostering an agile workplace, you&’re ready to Lead Bigger.
LEAD! Book 1: Finding Your Leadership Identity
by Gregory H. GarrisonFind the leader only you can beLEAD! Book 1: Finding Your Leadership Identity is a foundational guide and blueprint to discovering your unique leadership character and personal approach to leading people. In a sea of resources claiming to be the &“definitive&” guide, LEAD! takes a different approach to making leadership practical and accessible: It provides an anthology of the greatest leadership and management thinking of the last fifty years, surveying the most important leadership models plus an array of authoritative psychological and psychometric tools, and synthesizes them into 20 Pillars of Leadership Character that helps readers build their own unique, intrinsic leadership model.LEAD! Book 1 helps the aspiring or new leader refine their management ethos, values, culture, mission, and purpose. Written by Gregory H. Garrison, an international media and technology leader with over 35 years&’ experience in internal and consulting executive roles for technology companies. LEAD! distills the most important preeminent leadership teachings into an accessible, usable resource that readers can use to find and establish their unique place in the workplace today. As a concise overlay to a management MBAs and executive education and corporate training, LEAD! will provide ascendant middle managers, functional and general managers, management consultants, students, trainers, and mentors a solid foundation to build their unique leadership brand on.
LEAD! Book 2: Developing Your Leadership Style
by Gregory H. GarrisonPut your unique leadership style into practiceLEAD! Book 2: Developing Your Leadership Style is a transformative guide to developing a unique, personal leadership style. Gregory H. Garrison&’s LEAD! Book 1 helped readers find their personal, intrinsic foundation for leadership; LEAD! Book 2 completes the curriculum with techniques, methodologies, and case studies to unlock their potential and evolve that leadership identity into an effective management practice. LEAD! Book 2 leverages Garrison&’s wealth of experience, providing global wisdom and personalized insights through practical lessons and case studies. It transcends theory, exploring proven approaches to creativity and innovation, team building, organizational design, and managing outsourced and remote teams. It gives readers the methods, processes, and tools to shape a leadership practice that works in the real world. LEAD! Book 2 complements management MBA programs, executive education, and corporate training, and guides ascendant middle managers, management consultants, students, trainers, and mentors to navigate daily leadership challenges in an authentic and fulfilling way. It empowers readers with practical tools and strategies to transform their leadership skills from ordinary to extraordinary.
Lead Community Fundraising: Erfolgreich digital Menschen verbinden. Mit über 45 Praxis-Beispielen.
by Linda Mareen Neugebauer Irene ZankoDie Welt, wie wir sie kennen, verändert sich rasend schnell - auch die Fundraising-Welt. In Zukunft wird es für Organisationen noch wichtiger werden, online Interessenten, Unterstützer und neue Spender zu finden, weil die Digitalisierung einen Flaschenhals im Fundraising darstellt. Dieses Buch hilft Ihnen, diesen Flaschenhals zu überwinden. Praxisorientiert und Schritt für Schritt erklärt, entdecken Sie, welche universellen und neuen Chancen es im digitalen Fundraising gibt. Erfahren Sie, was Lead Community Fundraising ist und wieso es gerade in digitalen Zeiten wichtig ist, beim Menschen, d.h. bei der Community anzusetzen. Anhand von 45 internationalen Praxisbeispielen lernen Sie, wie Lead Community Fundraising funktioniert und wie Sie es selbst erfolgreich einsetzen.
Lead Community Fundraising: Successfully Connecting People Digitally (Management for Professionals)
by Linda Mareen Neugebauer Irene ZankoThe world is changing, and so are our donors. In the future, it will become even more important for organizations to find leads, supporters and new donors online - because digitization is a bottleneck in fundraising.This book highlights universal fundraising opportunities. It explains the fundamentals of lead community fundraising and why, especially in digital times, it is important to start with the people - the community. The main topic of the book is the current state of digital fundraising, which is becoming more and more important. More than 45 examples from international fundraising practices provide a valuable foundation for all practitioners in this field.
Lead for the Planet: Five Practices for Confronting Climate Change
by Rae AndreWith melting ice caps in the Arctic causing catastrophic environmental issues, it’s hard to believe that we’ve had to spend so much time convincing each other that climate change is real. Lead for the Planet shifts the focus to how we, the members of Team Humanity, are going to organize to solve the twin issues of climate change and energy evolution. The book channels a broad range of social science perspectives, from anthropology to psychology to economics, to help decision-makers explore how Team Humanity can get this thing done. Lead for the Planet outlines five practices that successful climate leaders will need to adopt, from getting the truth about the state of the planet, to assessing the risks and identifying the interests of key stakeholders, to implementing change within and between organizations and sectors on a global scale. Building on her experience as an organizational psychologist, Rae André shows how these practices comprise an effective model for climate leadership. Lead for the Planet is a guide for the kind of leadership that is necessary to help us all avoid the worst of global warming and to create a clean energy future for the generations to come.
Lead From The Heart: Transformational Leadership For The 21st Century
by Mark C. CrowleyLeadership and engagement expert Mark C. Crowley shows how trading in the old business playbook for heart-led leadership strategies will create purpose-driven, dedicated employees and higher levels of performance. Revised and updated to address the needs of those managing Gen Z and millennial employees in addition to the latest global research on employee engagement.In this thoroughly revised and updated edition of his now classic book, visionary Mark C. Crowley provides the roadmap workplace leaders the world over are seeking: How to most successfully and sustainably inspire and manage other human beings in the post-pandemic era.· Nearly 50 million workers quit their jobs in the U.S. alone in 2021—a record number likely to be exceeded in 2022.· While we might imagine that an opportunity to earn greater pay is the key driver of this &“Great Resignation,&” research shows two-thirds of the reasons people leave jobs boil down to issues related to their engagement and overall well-being.· More specifically, people quit when they feel they aren&’t valued, respected, appreciated, coached—or cared about personally—by their manager and organization.· Thanks in large part to the COVID pandemic and a global reset of what matters most to people in their lives, human beings have profoundly evolved in what they need and want in exchange for their work.· Consequently, a radical change in employee expectations demands that organizations and managers rapidly pivot by embracing leadership practices that match the moment.· The remedy to the Great Resignation is to adopt more humane ways of managing people knowing they inherently lead to infinitely greater engagement not to mention optimal employee performance.· In this new and updated version of his seminal and visionary book, Mark C. Crowley draws upon emerging medical and other scientific discoveries which prove it's the heart, not the mind, that drives human motivation and achievement.· While we&’ve long been led to believe that human beings are essentially rational beings, new research shows that feelings and emotions far more often motivate human behavior and what people care about most and commit themselves to in their lives.· In light of this breakthrough understanding, it&’s become incumbent upon workplace managers to pay great attention to their employees' emotional experience at work—far greater attention than any of us ever believed necessary.· Ironically, most of us were told the heart has no place in workplace management. In fact, most of us were taught that the heart acts like Kryptonite in leadership: it inherently undermines a manager's effectiveness - and lowers performance.· What makes this book so remarkable is that it brilliantly contradicts all those traditional beliefs and proves why people naturally and instinctively respond to managers who care about them personally and support their deep human needs.· To be absolutely clear, there's nothing soft or weak about the Lead From The Heart philosophy. Instead, it represents the future of workplace management and a roadmap to driving uncommon engagement, productivity and profitability when organizations around the world are wanting it most.· Rich with inspiring stories and illuminating research, this book proves that when you lead people with a greater balance of mind and heart, people naturally follow. And they also excel.