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Liberalization of the Capital Account

by Donald J. Mathieson Liliana Rojas-Suárez

This study explores the industrial and developing countries' use of capital controls since World War II, including their rationales for using them, and describes their experiences with relaxing controls as part of broader liberalization and structural reform efforts. the papers also outlines the potential medium-term costs and benefits of an open capital account and the policy measures that would help sustain capital account convertibility.

Liberalization of Trade in Banking Services

by Bart De Meester

The financial crisis struck with full force in the autumn of 2008. Very soon after the start of the crisis, culprits were sought. An important recurring argument was that liberalization of trade in banking services, as pursued at the European (within the EU) and international level (in the WTO), had seriously reduced the possibilities for governments to regulate and supervise the banking sector. This book examines the validity of this claim and considers how EU law and WTO law deal with the trade-off any policy-maker must make between stability and efficiency in the market for banking services. The book considers specifically the interaction between EU and WTO law because the EU is itself a Member of the WTO, next to its Member States. This implies that the EU must respect the obligations it undertook in the framework of the WTO when the EU determines its policy towards third-country banks.

Liberalization's Children: Gender, Youth, and Consumer Citizenship in Globalizing India

by Ritty A. Lukose

Liberalization's Children explores how youth and gender have become crucial sites for a contested cultural politics of globalization in India. Popular discourses draw a contrast between "midnight's children," who were rooted in post-independence Nehruvian developmentalism, and "liberalization's children," who are global in outlook and unapologetically consumerist. Moral panics about beauty pageants and the celebration of St. Valentine's Day reflect ambivalence about the impact of an expanding commodity culture, especially on young women. By simply highlighting the triumph of consumerism, such discourses obscure more than they reveal. Through a careful analysis of "consumer citizenship," Ritty A. Lukose argues that the breakdown of the Nehruvian vision connects with ongoing struggles over the meanings of public life and the cultural politics of belonging. Those struggles play out in the ascendancy of Hindu nationalism; reconfigurations of youthful, middle-class femininity; attempts by the middle class to alter understandings of citizenship; and assertions of new forms of masculinity by members of lower castes. Moving beyond elite figurations of globalizing Indian youth, Lukose draws on ethnographic research to examine how non-elite college students in the southern state of Kerala mediate region, nation, and globe. Kerala sits at the crossroads of development and globalization. Held up as a model of left-inspired development, it has also been transformed through an extensive and largely non-elite transnational circulation of labor, money, and commodities to the Persian Gulf and elsewhere. Focusing on fashion, romance, student politics, and education, Lukose carefully tracks how gender, caste, and class, as well as colonial and postcolonial legacies of culture and power, affect how students navigate their roles as citizens and consumers. She explores how mass-mediation and an expanding commodity culture have differentially incorporated young people into the structures and aspirational logics of globalization.

Liberalizations in Network Industries

by Antonio Nicita Filippo Belloc

This book explores the wave of liberalization reforms experienced by OECD network industries. Focusing on the telecommunications sector, the authors analyze the latest data available on liberalization and privatization, and following a political economics approach, they integrate standard economic analysis with the most recent studies of the political determinants of market-oriented policies. The book presents new econometric evidence on several policy issues, including institutional complementarities dynamics, the problem of policy sequencing and the role of government political ideology. The detailed and comprehensive discussion offers insights into how so many countries adopting similar reforms actually differ in their policy bundling, intensity and implementation of liberalization and privatization. "

Liberalizing Capital Movements

by Barry Eichengreen Michael Mussa Giovanni Dell'Ariccia Enrica Detragiache Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti Andrew Tweedie

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Liberalizing International Trade after Doha

by David A. Gantz

After ten years the Doha Development Round is effectively dead. A broadly comprehensive round of trade negotiations reminiscent of the Doha agenda or the Uruguay Round will not likely be attempted again in the foreseeable future. Although some have suggested that Doha's demise threatens the continued existence of the GATT/WTO system, even with some risks of increasing protectionism, the United States, the European Union, Japan, Brazil, China, and India, among others, have far too much to lose to make abandoning the WTO a rational option. If there is reason for cautious optimism post-Doha it is because there are alternatives to a comprehensive package of new or amended multilateral agreements. In addition to likely consensus on a few noncontroversial multilateral elements of Doha, the alternatives include existing and future "plurilateral" trade agreements, new or revised regional trade agreements covering both goods and services, and liberalized national trade laws and regulations in the WTO member nations. This book discusses the alternatives, which although less than ideal, may provide an impetus for continuing trade liberalization both among willing members and in some instances worldwide.

Liberalizing Service Trade: Strategies for Success

by Phedon Nicolaides

A major success of the early post-war period was the negotiated reduction of barriers to international trade in commodities and manufactured goods, under the auspices of the GATT. The current challenge is to achieve a similar liberalization for trade in services - the sector which has overtaken manufacturing as the largest provider of jobs and growth in the advanced economies. The difficulties are legion. Data are scarce and definitions are contentious. There is no clear equivalent in services of the zero-tariff objective that can be defined in the trade of goods. Domestic service markets are often imperfect and each country has its own regulatory structure to protect consumers. Many developing countries are sceptical about the effects of freer service trade on their economies. This paper develops an analytical framework to clarify negotiating objectives. It assesses the European Community's approach to liberalization and warns of the dangers of seeking 'equivalent reciprocity'. It suggests that a different approach and set of objectives are appropriate to the GATT, which lacks well-defined procedures for policy review and settlement of disputes, and whose members are more diverse. Finally, it evaluates the prospects for multilateral service liberalization in the Uruguay Round and in the EC by 1992, and suggests that such efforts can be complemented by unilateral and bilateral liberalization in certain service sectors.

Liberarsi del Superfluo: Come individuare dipendenti ostili e Intrattabili

by Dy Wakefield Rossella Romeo

Regina in maniera imparziale e il tuo regno crescerà florido, sbarazzati di ciò che nuoce la tua attività e scegli le persone adatte a formare il tuo governo, solo così il tuo impero potrà prosperare.


by Evelina Cabrera

Evelina Cabrera, autora de Alta Negra, busca animar a quienes quieren cambiar su vida, para salir y superar la represión que muchas veces es propia, pero está cómodamente instalada dentro de nosotras, después de que el sistema hace ese trabajo fino de sembrarla al decirnos qué tenemos que hacer, cómo debemos pensar, de qué forma tenemos que amar. En este nuevo libro Evelina Cabrera anima y empodera a las mujeres para abrazar sus sueños, romper barreras, recuperarse de los malos momentos y liderar con habilidad y autenticidad. A ella se suman los testimonios de otras mujeres en roles de liderazgo en diferentes ámbitos, cuyas historias personales revelan la vulnerabilidad, la fortaleza y la resiliencia de todas nosotras. Liderate/Liberate te ayudará a liderar tu propia vida, conseguir el trabajo de tus sueños, asegurarte de que tu voz sea escuchada, encontrar y ofrecer apoyo, lograr un mejor equilibrio y aprender el estilo de liderazgo que se adapte a tus puntos fuertes. Liderate/Liberate no tiene recetas mágicas, pero sí busca alumbrar los modos de salir adelante. Comparto mi historia, mi mirada y la de mis amigas. Siempre nos salva la amistad de otras mujeres y la fuerza interior, más allá de todas las tempestades. Nadie dice que es fácil. Pero que nadie diga que es imposible. Que nadie nos diga que no podemos hacerlo.

The Liberated CEO

by Scott A. Leonard

Achieve a better work/life balance with the innovative approach outlined hereAuthor Scott Leonard is a successful business professional who adapted his business to allow him to achieve his goals and live his dreams now--while still working in the business he loves. His experience is an inspiring example of extreme work-life empowerment that can help you whether you're the owner of a business or just want more freedom and flexibility in your career. Now, in The Liberated CEO, Leonard shares his story and strategies with you.In The Liberated CEO, he turns the conventional portrait of the 24/7 entrepreneur as multi-tasking control freak on its head by using strategies that unshackle individuals from the "daily grind," inspiring you to perform your responsibilities on your own terms and schedules. In addition to giving the individual more freedom, the benefits of The Liberated CEO principles will increase the success, profitability, operational efficiency, and, ultimately, the enterprise value of any business.Contains advice, analysis, and personal stories that shows how to grow a healthier and more sustainable company that doesn't demand your absolute attentionExplains how to implement an innovative business model that empowers business owners and key executives to perform at the highest levelThe principles highlighted here are in sync with today's technology that allows people to have a better work-life balanceEngaging and accessible, The Liberated CEO is about developing a business model that empowers business owners and key executives to perform--and live--at the highest level.

Liberating Economics

by Drucilla K. Barker Susan F. Feiner

Liberating Economicsdraws on central concepts from women's studies scholarship to construct a feminist understanding of the economic roles of families, caring labor, motherhood, paid and unpaid labor, poverty, the feminization of labor, and the consequences of globalization. Barker and Feiner consistently recognize the importance of social location -- gender, race, class, sexual identity, and nationality -- in economic processes shaping the home, paid employment, market relations, and the global economy. Throughout they connect women's economic status in the industrialized nations to the economic circumstances surrounding women in the global South. Rooted in the two disciplines, this book draws on the rich tradition of interdisciplinary work in feminist social science scholarship to construct a parallel between the notions that the "personal is political" and "the personal is economic. "Drucilla K. Barker is Professor of Economics and Women's Studies, Hollins University. Susan F. Feiner is Associate Professor of Economics and Women's Studies, University of Southern Maine.

Liberating Economics, Second Edition: Feminist Perspectives on Families, Work, and Globalization

by Drucilla Barker Suzanne Bergeron Susan F. Feiner

In this brand-new critical analysis of economics, Barker, Bergeron, and Feiner provide a feminist understanding of the economic processes that shape households, labor markets, globalization, and human well-being to reveal the crucial role that gender plays in the economy today. With all new and updated chapters, the second edition of Liberating Economics examines recent trends in inequality, global indebtedness, crises of care, labor precarity, and climate change. Taking an interdisciplinary and intersectional feminist approach, the new edition places even more emphasis on the ways that gender, race, class, sexuality, and nationality shape the economy. It also highlights the centrality of social reproduction in economic systems and makes connections between the economic circumstances of women in global North and global South. Throughout, the authors reject the idea that there is no alternative to our current neoliberal market economy and offer alternative ways of thinking about and organizing economic systems in order to achieve gender-equitable outcomes. Written in an accessible and engaging style, this book will be of interest to students and scholars across a range of fields, policymakers, and any reader interested in creating just futures.

Liberating Energy from Carbon: Introduction to Decarbonization

by Nazim Muradov

Liberating Energy from Carbon analyzes energy options in a carbon-constrained world. Major strategies and pathways to decarbonizing the carbon-intensive economy are laid out with a special emphasis on the prospects of achieving low-risk atmospheric CO2 levels. The opportunities and challenges in developing and bringing to market novel low and zero-carbon technologies are highlighted from technical, economic and environmental viewpoints. This book takes a unique approach by treating carbon in a holistic manner--tracking its complete transformation chain from fossil fuel sources to the unique properties of the CO2 molecule, to carbon capture and storage and finally, to CO2 industrial utilization and its conversion to value-added products and fuels. This concise but comprehensive sourcebook guides readers through recent scientific and technological developments as well as commercial projects that aim for the decarbonization of the fossil fuel-based economy and CO2 utilization that will play an increasingly important role in the near- and mid-term future. This book is intended for researchers, engineers, and students working and studying in practically all areas of energy technology and alternative energy sources and fuels.

Liberating Hollywood: Women Directors and the Feminist Reform of 1970s American Cinema

by Maya Smukler

Liberating Hollywood examines the professional experiences and creative output of women filmmakers during a unique moment in history when the social justice movements that defined the 1960s and 1970s challenged the enduring culture of sexism and racism in the U.S. film industry. Throughout the 1970s feminist reform efforts resulted in a noticeable rise in the number of women directors, yet at the same time the institutionalized sexism of Hollywood continued to create obstacles to closing the gender gap. Maya Montañez Smukler reveals that during this era there were an estimated sixteen women making independent and studio films: Penny Allen, Karen Arthur, Anne Bancroft, Joan Darling, Lee Grant, Barbara Loden, Elaine May, Barbara Peeters, Joan Rivers, Stephanie Rothman, Beverly Sebastian, Joan Micklin Silver, Joan Tewkesbury, Jane Wagner, Nancy Walker, and Claudia Weill. Drawing on interviews conducted by the author, Liberating Hollywood is the first study of women directors within the intersection of second wave feminism, civil rights legislation, and Hollywood to investigate the remarkable careers of these filmmakers during one of the most mythologized periods in American film history.

Liberating Temporariness?

by Robert Latham Valerie Preston Leah F Vosko

Liberating Temporariness? explores the complex ways in which temporariness is being institutionalized as a condition of life for a growing number of people worldwide. The collection emphasizes contemporary developments, but also provides historical context on nation-state membership as the fundamental means for accessing rights in an era of expanding temporariness - in recognition of why pathways to permanence remain so compelling. Through empirical and theoretical analysis, contributors explore various dimensions of temporariness, especially as it relates to the legal status of migrants and refugees, to the spread of precarious employment, and to limitations on social rights. While the focus is on Canada, a number of chapters investigate and contrast developments in Canada with those in Europe as well as Australia and the United States. Together, these essays reveal changing and enduring temporariness at local, regional, national, transnational, and global levels, and in different domains, such as health care, language programs, and security. The question at the heart of this collection is whether temporariness can be liberated from current constraints. While not denying the desirability of permanence for migrants and labourers, Liberating Temporariness? presents alternative possibilities of security and liberation.

Liberating Temporariness?: Migration, Work, and Citizenship in an Age of Insecurity

by Leah F. Vosko Valerie Preston Robert Latham

Liberating Temporariness? explores the complex ways in which temporariness is being institutionalized as a condition of life for a growing number of people worldwide. The collection emphasizes contemporary developments, but also provides historical context on nation-state membership as the fundamental means for accessing rights in an era of expanding temporariness - in recognition of why pathways to permanence remain so compelling. Through empirical and theoretical analysis, contributors explore various dimensions of temporariness, especially as it relates to the legal status of migrants and refugees, to the spread of precarious employment, and to limitations on social rights. While the focus is on Canada, a number of chapters investigate and contrast developments in Canada with those in Europe as well as Australia and the United States. Together, these essays reveal changing and enduring temporariness at local, regional, national, transnational, and global levels, and in different domains, such as health care, language programs, and security. The question at the heart of this collection is whether temporariness can be liberated from current constraints. While not denying the desirability of permanence for migrants and labourers, Liberating Temporariness? presents alternative possibilities of security and liberation.

Liberating the Corporate Soul: Building A Visionary Organization

by Richard Barrett

The two most critical issues for business today, according to CEO's Barrett has worked with, are: "How to tap the deepest levels of creativity and the highest levels of productivity of our employees." In a world where competition has become global, successful companies are learning to build competitive advantage through their human capital. In the 21st Century, even that will not be enough. Success will also hinge on whether, in the eyes of the employees and society-at-large, the organization is a trusted member of the community and a good global citizen. Developing a values-driven approach to business is quickly becoming essential for financial success. Who you are and what you stand for are becoming just as important as what you sell. "More than simply a majestic vision, Richard Barrett's book brilliantly describes the ways and means for business leaders to create the compassionate and viable future we urgently need on our beautiful planet."-Godric E.S. Bader, F.R.S.A., Life President, Scott Bader Commonwealth Ltd."If every corporate executive bought this book and assigned it for in-house management development courses, the world would become a better place."-Hazel Henderson, author, Building a Win-Win World and Creating Alternative Futures"As we approach the new Millennium the world seeks clear thinkers with visionary concepts to help unravel the challenges before us. Richard Barrett's inspiring new book Liberating the Corporate Soul weaves a rich tapestry balancing heart and soul with a practical down-to-earth corporate vision for the future." -Craig and Patricia Neal, Co-Founders, Heartland Institute "Liberating the Corporate Soul presents a convincing rationale for making ethical and socially responsible behavior the best foundation for building and maintaining a high performance, globally successful business."-Robert W. MacGregor, President, Minnesota Center for Corporate Responsibility"Liberating the Corporate Soul gives a powerful set of tools for organizational transformation. I highly recommend it."-Ann Svendsen, Consultant and author of The Stakeholder Strategy: Profiting from Collaborative Business Relationships"Practical advice to tap the source of creativity and innovation which every business seeks."-Ron Nahser, President and CEO of The Nahser Agency/Advertising, Chicago"The bold, practical blueprint we need for moving business to the next evolutionary level. Sweeping, brilliant a sense of the grandeur of the new paradigm of business."-Martin Rutte, President Livelihood, co-author Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work "Liberating the Corporate Soul is a must read for leaders who want to shape a government built on values, innovation, and greater efficiency."-Jody Zall Kusek, Director of Strategic Planning and Performance Management, U.S. Department of the Interior "Liberating the Corporate Soul achieves the impossible: it integrates the intangibles of ethics, vision, and consciousness into a tangible measurement system."-Marcello Palazzi, Bsc, Msc, MBA, Co-Founder and Chair, Progressio Foundation, The Netherlands"Liberating the Corporate Soul provides a paradigm shifting look at how business leaders can harness the creative potential of their staff and their organizations. The author concisely develops and explains several tools that will enable managers to create an organizational foundation that will foster alignment, accountability and strategic focus."-Tad McKeon, MBA, CPA, CQM, 1997 Senior Examiner, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, co-author, Transforming Home Care: Quality, Cost and Data Management"This book has captured the true

The Liberation of Capital (Routledge Revivals)

by Folkert Wilken

First published in 1982, The Liberation of Capital develops a challenging and critical confrontation of orthodox and Marxist theories of capital with the unifying concept of ‘free capital’ – human creativity and intellectually-derived productivity. He argues that progress must include the recognition of the essentially organic nature of the economy and that it will proceed through the level of understanding of all engaged in the development of participation. He advocates a variety of practical proposals, including the contractual sharing of added value. This is a book which everyone interested in industrial participation and capital theory should read, whether in the academic world, in management, in government or on the shop floor.

The Liberation of the Serfs

by Jürgen Backhaus

In Europe, the liberation of the serfs was a project initiated in 1806 with a scheduled completion date of 1810. It was obvious to those who planned the project that the liberation of the serfs involved a complete overhaul of agriculture as it was then known as Europe moved from feudalism to capitalism. For this reason, Prussia was careful in implementing the reform, and did not rush, after seeing the Kingdom of Westphalia perishing under its crushing debt accumulated in part from Napoleon's failed Russian campaign. The basic hypothesis of this book is that slave labor can never be efficient and will therefore disappear by itself. However, this process of disappearance can take many years. For instance, two generations after the importation of slaves to North America had ended, the states still fought over the issue, and this despite the fact that Ely Whitney had invented the Cotton Gin in 1793 and already then made slavery in cotton production literally superfluous. While there have been several books on the economics of American slavery, few studies have examined this issue in an international context. The contributions in this book address the economics of unfree labor in places like Prussia, Westphalia, Austria, Argentina and the British Empire. The issue of slavery is still a hotly debated and widely studied issue, making this book of interest to academics in history, economics and African Studies alike.

The Liberation of Work: The Elimination of Strikes and Strife in Industry through associative Organization of Enterprise (Routledge Revivals)

by Folkert Wilken

First published in 1969, The Liberation of Work considers how to ‘liberate’ work, so that It flows freely, happily, creatively, with a minimum of hindrance and frustration. Professor Wilken does not consider the problem of work primarily as a problem of economics: he regards it as an intensely philosophical problem, and discusses it in terms of ultimate human values. He gives practical examples of the problem of work by the use of case studies, and demonstrates how actual firms have tried to develop new modes of cooperation and associative partnership in business. This book will be of interest to students of economics and sociology.

Liberation Through Hearing

by Richard Russell

'If sound is the fifth element, then Richard has nurtured and enhanced some of the most important soundwaves of our time' M.I.A'Taking us from the rap 80s to the rave 90s into the grimy 21st century, Richard Russell is a Firestarter in his own right and his story is a riveting adventure' Simon Reynolds'This memoir is required reading for anyone who cares about the recent history of British music' Gilles Peterson'Russell reveals his forensic love of music and its strategies. A fascinating read' Damon AlbarnWhen I stopped wanting things for the wrong reasons, they became possible.For almost 30 years as label boss, producer, and talent conductor at XL Recordings, Richard Russell has discovered, shaped and nurtured the artists who have rewritten the musical dictionary of the 21st century, artists like The Prodigy, The White Stripes, Adele, M.I.A., Dizzee Rascal and Giggs. Growing up in north London in thrall to the raw energy of '80s US hip hop, Russell emerged as one part of rave outfit Kicks Like a Mule in 1991 at a moment when new technology enabled a truly punk aesthetic on the fledgling free party scene. For most of the 90s identified with breakbeat and hardcore, Russell's stewardship at the label was always uncompromising and open to radical influences rather than conventional business decisions.Liberation through Hearing tells the remarkable story of XL Recordings and their three decades on the frontline of innovation in music; the eclectic chorus of artists who came to define the label's unique aesthetic, and Russell's own story; his highs and lows steering the fortunes of an independent label in a rapidly changing industry, his celebrated work with Bobby Womack and Gil Scot Heron on their late-career masterpieces, and his own development as a musician in Everything is Recorded.Always searching for new sounds and new truths, Liberation through Hearing is a portrait of a man who believes in the spiritual power of music to change reality. It is also the story of a label that refused to be categorised by genre and in the process cut an idiosyncratic groove which was often underground in feel but mainstream in impact.

Liberation Through Hearing

by Richard Russell

'If sound is the fifth element, then Richard has nurtured and enhanced some of the most important soundwaves of our time' M.I.A'Taking us from the rap 80s to the rave 90s into the grimy 21st century, Richard Russell is a Firestarter in his own right and his story is a riveting adventure' Simon Reynolds'This memoir is required reading for anyone who cares about the recent history of British music' Gilles Peterson'Russell reveals his forensic love of music and its strategies. A fascinating read' Damon AlbarnWhen I stopped wanting things for the wrong reasons, they became possible.For almost 30 years as label boss, producer, and talent conductor at XL Recordings, Richard Russell has discovered, shaped and nurtured the artists who have rewritten the musical dictionary of the 21st century, artists like The Prodigy, The White Stripes, Adele, M.I.A., Dizzee Rascal and Giggs. Growing up in north London in thrall to the raw energy of '80s US hip hop, Russell emerged as one part of rave outfit Kicks Like a Mule in 1991 at a moment when new technology enabled a truly punk aesthetic on the fledgling free party scene. For most of the 90s identified with breakbeat and hardcore, Russell's stewardship at the label was always uncompromising and open to radical influences rather than conventional business decisions.Liberation through Hearing tells the remarkable story of XL Recordings and their three decades on the frontline of innovation in music; the eclectic chorus of artists who came to define the label's unique aesthetic, and Russell's own story; his highs and lows steering the fortunes of an independent label in a rapidly changing industry, his celebrated work with Bobby Womack and Gil Scot Heron on their late-career masterpieces, and his own development as a musician in Everything is Recorded.Always searching for new sounds and new truths, Liberation through Hearing is a portrait of a man who believes in the spiritual power of music to change reality. It is also the story of a label that refused to be categorised by genre and in the process cut an idiosyncratic groove which was often underground in feel but mainstream in impact.

Liberdade Financeira em Dois Passos

by Agustin Grau Rosane Bujes

O livro trata de um método simples, porém comprovado para gerar renda passiva e alcancar a liberdade financeira. É o método que eu pratico há 20 anos, período em que sou financeiramente livre. O livro tem 3 partes: - Conceitos gerais e minha narrativa pessoal; - Passo 1 - Como ganhar renda passiva, mesmo sem ter nenhum dinheiro para investir; - Passo - Como investir o dinheiro que você ganhou antes; As pessoas que leram o livro, em sua avaliacao, dizem ser um livro muito fácil de ler e colocar em prática. Desta forma, você poderá se certificar se eu pratico o que escrevo e digo.


by Jasmina Beganovic Eric Werker

From 1989 to 2003 civil war raged in Liberia, causing GDP per capita to drop an unprecedented 90% from peak to trough. The roots of Liberia's conflict and economic decline are complex and intertwined, resting on over a century of discriminatory elite rule and twisted by ethnic politics during a military dictatorship. By late 2011, eight years of post-conflict government have restored basic order, re-opened the country to foreign investors, and jump-started the small economy. But the country's business model may unsettle its political stability. As Africa's first democratically elected female head of state (and a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize) Ellen Johnson Sirleaf goes into her reelection campaign for Liberia's presidency, she must decide how to keep the country on its fragile but quick recovery, sowing the seeds for peace and prosperity rather than renewed conflict.

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